Hp Drain seems inconsistent with cup having 3, salad 2.5 and platter 4 etc.
I would do 2 for cup 3 for salad and maybe 4 for platter and 5 for rain or atleast a somewhat linear curve/increase in difficulty.
I dobt really see a reason for this to stay as is so please let me know what you think.
Continuous volume of 80% throughout the map makes some sections way too noisy. Here are my volume recommendations:
00:00:831 - 00:07:623 50%
00:07:623 - 00:13:849 65%
00:13:849 - 00:26:019 40%
00:26:019 - 00:39:603 50%
00:39:603 - 00:46:396 30%
00:46:396 - 00:53:188 55%
00:53:188 - 01:16:962 70%
01:16:962 - 01:20:358 50%
01:20:358 - 01:47:528 40%
01:47:528 - 01:54:320 30%
01:54:320 - 02:01:113 55%
02:01:113 - 02:14:698 70%
02:14:698 - 02:24:887 50%
02:24:887 - 02:28:283 30%
02:28:283 - 02:31:679 60%
For timing points, there are for Taiko diff as stated in this mod post #4655459 and request of Taiko mapper
For Tags, I will update later once GD is uploaded. because there still missing one GDers in CTB Diff
For Unused files, I will decide it after the SB is finished
You did an excellent job with hitsounds but I don't understand why you chose to leave the volume percentage different for each diff practically, fix this please
I think it should be fixed now
I just convert it from Mania tho. So it maybe have a lot issue, and I don't familiar with STD Hitsound. I'm glad if it's good
Taiko diffs (and maybe mania idk):
There is currently no barline at 02:24:887 - because both red lines at 02:24:886 and 02:24:887 have the "omit barline setting checked."
You can remove the 5/4 red line at 02:24:886 (144886,283.018867924528,5,2,0,100,1,8
) and uncheck the omit barline setting for 02:24:887 to fix this. Mania idk, but this works across all taiko diffs.
02:24:886 - the red line here should have omit barline, and 02:24:887 - shouldn't
00:24:320 - the red line here should have omit barline, and 00:24:321 - shouldn't
those 1ms difference red lines are there because of osu's rounding errors when using red lines, and to avoid double barlines when compensating
Timing related stuff:
00:24:320 & 00:24:321 any reason why there are 2 212bpm Inherited Lines?
there are just 1ms apart so deleting one (most likely 00:24:321) wouldn't make much of a difference, it doesn't affect the Gameplay at all imo.
Also on Scorf's diff the Measures are 5/4 and on Easy, Normal etc. they are 6/4
I already discuss this with the Taiko Mapper. He said it's for remove double barlines in Taiko and Mania and for Faithful Nightcore Beats. If I only this in Taiko diff only, I think it will break the Ranking Criteria.
Some storyboard files that haven't been used:
SB\CyanogenArcLight - LR.png
SB\Light Burst.png
SB\More Star1 without core.png
SB\More Star1.png
SB\More Star4.png
SB\Radial Rotating Mask Blur.png
SB\Shard Cartoon.png
SB\Shard Piece.png
SB\Triangle Shard.png
Don't forget to turn on Epilepsy Warning on every diff!
For the Flashes and all the other stuff
General Check:
Music file:
Although it doesn't match the annotation, I think there should be no problem?
BG: 1919*1080 √
HS: Remember to add a hitnormal later x
Timing: Seems no problem √
OD/HP: No modification required √
Source from BOF:NT:
Artist - Romanised Artist: Emissär Wûl Elverhøjj - Emissar Wul Elverhojj
The W and E should uppercase (copied from source link)
Source: Like other ranked map (https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/2057075), source should be "THE BMS OF FIGHTERS : NT -Twinkle Dream Traveler-" and bof:nt should write in tags.
Genre: though it has folk elements, but I think the genre should be video game, because it's a bms song and actually, this is an electronic music piece.
bofnt bof:nt (source event)
Nyxtoria Research Facility Fahr Raphiiel Sylphix (the artist team name and their name)
SIOROIN ECHTRAE (genre on BMS source)
instrumental celtic folk electronic (genre)
BMS video game rice (category and pattern used)
bofnt bof:nt Nyxtoria Research Facility Fahr Raphiiel Sylphix SIOROIN ECHTRAE instrumental celtic folk electronic BMS video game rice
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TQqxbQerHw BGA
after converting BMS chart onto audio file, the patterning ended up being slightly different than the one used in the mapset (not only quality, but the mastering & instruments used is different)
hitsounds (sorry for delay qwq) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hmh4Oco8nqWAoism3wWywkUY8-Vxn5qJ/view
You absolutely need to add an epilepsy warning to every difficulty in this set.
You can find the toggle here:
Song Setup > Design > Misc. Toggles - Display epilepsy warning
Too many quick pulses warrants this change.