mapped by shychu
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the LN on column 4 at 05:23:641 (323641|3) - seems way too long comparatively to 05:22:783 (322783|3,322955|3,323126|3,323298|3,323469|3) - where they are all snapped to the 1/4th line, in the same column. I suggest you change it to look something like this:


To summarize my problem (included with some of the feedback i got from other top player)

  1. The LN pattern try to represent too much, and it becomes really hard to know what's being played at times. The problem with doing this is that it's very easy to make it "messy" and all over the place to play as the results.

In vacuum if the overarching pattern is simpler to read, you can afford to have more complex gracey pattern to try amped up the map more, however in this case, you trying to do way too much.

The solution that i discussed with them is for you to reducing some of the graces in the part where the sound is way too soft and too low to actually being do more graces. In short, you need to know the part where its needed to mix the graces but at the same time also know when to just go with simpler pattern. Not only they will accentuate the less emphasis part, but also this will help with making the reading more organized and not all over the place.

for example: 01:02:708 (62708|2,62708|0,62729|3,62751|4,62772|5,62794|1,62879|6,62879|0,62901|5,62922|4,62944|3,62965|2) - this part indeed suitable for graces but you try make it way too much and it causes you to overcomplexifying everything. to look at comparison with CS map , he makes it more simpler to differentiate the part that doesn't really need you to do much to begin with

01:04:079 (64079|3,64165|2,64251|1,64251|0,64251|6,64279|5,64308|4,64337|3,64365|2) - This is also too soft, even in other version of ludicin they only use 1/8 rices for this part, while you suddenly bamboozled this with 1/12 LN immediately. Another cases of doing too much.

The issue occured anywhere in this part. But tl;dr, you need to try control which part you can go crazy with intensity and try reduce some of the graces LN intensity and lower part.

  1. Some of the pattern structure looks really random at times and this is the concern that other players also agreed with.

To give some example, 05:44:983 - 05:47:469 - This entire shield pattern is really disorganized to read, and as the results it's really hard to comprehend what the pattern tried to do in terms of flow and reading, and it's much harder to try guess how this should play. 05:51:069 - this also applied as well as i notice you seem to dominantly placed the jack on 4k type of column. Which i notice from here and also here 05:59:469 (359469|5,359469|3,359512|1,359512|2,359555|5,359555|4,359641|3,359641|1,359726|2,359726|1,359769|5,359812|2,359812|3,359812|4,359898|4,359898|5,359983|2,359983|1,360026|5,360026|4,360069|1,360112|5,360155|3,360155|2,360155|4,360241|4,360241|2) - but it makes the jack way too focused on certain column only and you need to at least able to conceptualized and structured the jack in a way that it doesn't anchoring too much on just certain column. Tl;dr, the jack part and shield (which is also technically a jack), you need to reconcept some of them to play better and have better structure.

3a. Playability part (Delay section), 06:02:041 - this is the biggest problem. I notice the player does drop a lot on this part and you can see just from here , not only you trill the burst way too much on the middle line, but also they are much more concentrated in terms of pattern and packing the density on the place in trilly way where it makes the difficulty way too forced over there.

This happens in a lot of other parts ranging from much bigger part into smaller one such as 06:03:326 (363326|4,363369|5,363455|5,363498|4,363605|5,363626|4,363712|5,363798|4,363841|5,363926|4,363948|5,364055|4,364098|5,364183|4) - , 06:04:526 (364526|2,364569|3,364612|4,364655|3,364698|2,365212|4,365255|3,365298|2,365341|3,365383|4,365426|2,365469|3) - etc etc. You can even see from way previous part of such as 05:29:955 (329955|3,330098|3,330269|3,330391|3,330498|3,330641|3,330755|3,330898|3,331012|3,331141|3,331269|3,331398|3,331526|3) - that your anchor concentration part on here is extremely high and you seem have the tendency of really anchoring pattern on certain part, which makes them really unpleasant to play especially in delay section like this.

Personally i think 05:29:983 - 05:32:726 - , also 06:01:869 - 06:06:669 - need a complete remap on this parts. If you want to have good example of properly done delay, you can try refer something like what you did from 05:36:841 - until 05:38:212 - is better to play.

  1. 1/8 LN usage
    Some players already told me that too much of 1/8 LN usage here makes it really too much to play especially getting free 200. the 1/8 LN usage at least should be reduced or be placed in the place that's not too difficult to have.

Tl;dr, i think the biggest problem of the map lies in the delay and jack part actually. i did explain the problem beforehand but you had the tendency to anchoring /overtrilling/overdense them at certain column only and for such map like this, that's really shouldn't be done as it impacts playability a lot. You should try conceptualize the structure better and also try to have better spread balance between notes composition for both of those parts in order to make them play better.

Although in terms of musical emphasis, This part also indirectly can affect playability because if you trying to do too much, it becomes much harder to read + the player said they don't know what they are playing. So having the solution of trying to simplifying some patterns, or reduce some density a bit as shown by previous example can works well for you.

Treat it as general concern, It's what i also tried asked several people to confirm, so i hope there can be a lot of major fix being done here to fix the map's playability.


To add more on the feedback i got:

The current difficulty stability of the map (from Motesolo)

01:00:651 - ~ 01:19:165 - azimuth
01:27:737 - 01:48:308 - regular azimuth +
02:00:651 - ~ 02:22:594 - gamma
02:33:916 - 03:10:266 - gamma +
03:10:932 - 03:32:055 - azimuth
05:28:955 - ~ 05:39:583 - regular zenith
05:50:898 - ~06:06:669 - regular zenith
06:06:669 - ~ 06:12:498 - azimuth -> zenith

  • 01:27:737 - until 01:47:965 - This part quite close to zenith (azimuth +) according to motesolo, so you want to nerf the chording density here, maybe some of big chord you can -1 them at some places and it should tone down this part.

The ending part with some of the pattern adjustment and some layering nerfing from previous suggestion might be able to help tone it down later.

  1. Controlled some of the similar 1/12 LN into 1/8.
    05:44:983 - 05:47:469 - redid for consistency.
    05:51:069 - This type of pattern is quite common in my style of mapping as its due to mapping playability and having fun, I do not think it needs a change due to it still looking good and the playability being good.
    05:59:469 - did rearrange.
    06:02:041 - remapped for constancy same density but a lot easier and more playable due to being more open and in a more readable pattern.
    06:04:269 - rearranged into more open hand.
    05:28:955 - remapped for more consistency and now in a general pattern. ~ same density.
    1/8 LN usage - I map my tech patterns in a consistent manor that I do not think it is a general problem. If any problems have occur, mods or myself resolves it. 03:10:932 - is meant to be more of a musical emphasis, however due to ln gaps being fair I do not think that this is a biggest concern.

01:27:737 - 01:49:679 I don't feel like there is much of a difficulty spike and that this is pretty easy, more of just if you are good at chord jacks or not 130 is around gamma+ - azimuth which is fine.
The ending is supposed to be the most intense, I think it does not need a nerf due to its in a similar chord stream hold pattern which is often a lot easier at high densities.

Marked as resolved by shychu

After testing by some 22000+ tops , there still has diff unbalancd part .They are the first tech part and the last rice part . I will post more for nerf them after ilham check done





Marked as resolved by shychu

06:01:869 - this part HAVE TO nerf after players test the burst here is too scary
and as for the quad I think the music is not strong as itself so
06:02:212 - (4)+ 06:02:383 - (3) should be at least 3+2 . even 2+2

同样。 05:28:955 - 也需要这样做。



Marked as resolved by shychu

03:11:599 - to 03:50:905 - this is the best part of this map


04:55:698 - this part may need be BUFFED
after test its Too easy here and
我认为uL的4K版本的思路就挺不错的,完全可以借鉴。即04:55:869 - 每一拍后半主旋律出现的时候用一些轻微的shield


don't want mini jacks in this section instead I can do 2 3 2 pattern

Marked as resolved by shychu

change the red and green timing points to these offsets respectively
the rest are accurate

the trick to resnapping everything is:
first go to the very first note at 00:05:451 - and ctrl + a to select all, ctrl + x to cut, and then finally (making sure you're on the correct snap) ctrl + v to paste

after that you need to move to 04:00:841 - and shift the 3rd column LN down a bit more so you don't select it. click drag and select all columns, press space and then press V (to skip to end). ctrl x, ctrl v.

ah also, select all from 03:10:275 - to 03:56:162 - and do the same. resnap the 3rd column LN start and end to proper position (the one mentioned just before)



Marked as resolved by shychu