I think it would be very beneficial to the map for you to go through this and actually map this as handstream that follows the changes in the song, by making your streams actually flow in the direction of the song.
00:26:414 (26414|3,26487|2,26560|3,26634|1,26707|2,26780|1) - all of this is completely off time, I suggest you map, and re-snap each note to the 1/6th line so it looks something a little like this:
(sorry for imgur I am lazy and puu.sh is dead)
move 03:54:731 (234731|2,235024|2) - over to column 4 as they are a different pitch from 03:54:439 (234439|2) -
on top of moving those 2 notes, after that you should move 03:55:170 (235170|1) - over to column 3
more pr mods below.
move 03:55:609 (235609|0) - to column 2
move 03:55:902 (235902|2) - to column 1
move 03:56:195 (236195|3) - to column 2
move 03:56:780 (236780|1) - to column 3
move 03:57:073 (237073|0,237512|0) - to column 4
move 03:57:951 (237951|1) - to column 3
move 03:58:243 (238243|3) - to column 1
move 03:58:536 (238536|0) - to column 2
is there a reason that there is a note here 06:07:024 (367024|2) - ? I understand the hi-hat is more pronounced here than it is here at 06:05:853 (365853|1) -
instead of having to hold down 1 and press 2 3 4, I think it would be better to hold 1 2 4 while better representing the song as well so plz delete.
I'd suggest lowering the density of the jacks here a little bit, so they can still have impact, but not be a large jump in difficulty out of nowhere.
There is so much intensity and energy lost through lazy copy and pasting, so I'd strongly advise remapping this whole section to follow the piano the full way through, rather than just a single time at 06:26:926, as currently the map is being hurt a lot by this.
06:52:317 (412317|3,412353|2,412390|3) 06:53:012 (413012|3,413048|2,413085|3) - Insanely uncomfortable one handed trills, that shouldn't exist in the first place, as this plays like 410 bpm streams.
06:52:463 (412463|0,412463|2,412536|3,412536|0,412609|2,412609|1) - On top of already concerning fast and uncomfortable streams, I don't think including speedjack gameplay too is acceptable here. I feel like these should be lowered to be easier jumps, without minijacks.
06:52:317 (412317|3,412390|3) 06:52:463 (412463|0,412536|0) 06:53:012 (413012|3,413085|3)and 06:55:426 (415426|1,415499|1) - All notable minijacks that are far too fast and technical to be reasonable within these streams
06:53:048 (413048|2,413085|3,413121|1,413158|2,413195|0,413231|1) - I would strongly advise using technical stream patterns like this at such high speeds. It is unreasonably difficult and technical, and not even in the same ballpark of difficulty as the rest of this
Generally all of the bursts here should be clean or simple rolls, to keep the intensity of the song here, and not be far far far beyond the difficulty of anything else in the map.
The repeated high low high
piano that appears in the song (example: 01:16:390 (76390|2,76390|0,76682|1,76682|2,76975|3,76975|1)) is consistently mapped different throughout all of the sections, and with different pitch relevance, which needs fixing, as these are all quite impactful parts of the song that don't feel as emotional as the piano does.
The other notes around are sometimes in the wrong place too, which breaks the illusion of it properly being playing to the piano, as it feels like you're just trying to imitate it by just playing notes to the rhythm
00:49:902 (49902|1,50048|2)
00:50:487 (50487|0,50634|3)
00:51:073 (51073|1,51219|2)
00:52:243 (52243|2)
00:26:341 Snare mapped as a triple, when throughout the section it's been mapped as a double alongside long notes (00:22:243 and 00:22:829)
00:23:707 and 00:24:146 - Completely just ghost notes.
00:24:731 00:25:317 00:25:463 and more - Doubles that line up with nothing