I'm at the bottom of the globe checking out some hot springs. That was the steam room. But I'm about to do a cold plunge. And I've tried this 10 or 20 times in my life. "Never made it past 30 seconds. For some reason I feel like today's the day. So let's try it out. This is like 6.5 degrees Celsius. Someone do the math in the comments. See u guys on the other side. Oh man, "gasps for air" it's cold as fck. I'm all good bro, this is easy. It's all mental. Slower breaths. It's too cold man. Calm down, just stay calm. "Breath Breath". Oh no, I'm out. No I'm out, I'm in, I'm out, I'm out. Oh man, oh my god, oh my god full body tinglies oh. Ok, I'm relaxed. I'm calm, I'm calm. This is where I'm supposed to say something uh, inspirational or some sh!t. What the fck.