"Currently trying to reach 50000 SS and 500 billion ranked scores. Getting closer to achieving it."
About Me Hello, I'm just your average osu! player who mainly play osu!catch or Catch the Beat. I'm might be a slow learner when it comes to improving so I may not be skilled or a consistent but most of the time I play the game casually. I spend most of my time on osu! farming ranked scores and SS and have been doing it since 2018. My birthday is on 20th September and my hobbies are playing video games, designing and watching anime. I can be pretty shy and socially awkward even on internet.
So how do I get into osu! actually? Well, let take a way back in 2013 where I first discovered osu! by searching for anime songs. When I first look at the game, I wasn't that interested as I was not into rhythm game at the time. Before playing osu! I have listened to many anime, Vocaloid and Touhou songs where sometimes an osu! video pop out of nowhere and seen some comment mentioning about the game. Things change when I started playing rhythm games in a local arcade (mostly Taiko no Tatsujin) and this where I started to become interested in rhythm games. Later in 2017, I created an osu! account because I wanted to play rhythm games for free. However, I barely play due to exams and I was focusing on other games (mostly Call of Duty and Trails of Cold Steel) but I did play osu! on rare occasion which I mostly play offline as I didn't know about the online score submission. After I got a tablet, I began to play osu! quite often. As times goes on, I began play osu!catch more as I found it to be the most interesting and enjoyable out of the four gamemode.
I've started farming ranked scores and SS around July 2018. Since then, I have been playing quite a lot of newly ranked maps. When searching for beatmaps, I usually play shorter/TV sized maps for SS and longer/full version maps for ranked scores. After reaching 300 billion ranked scores in 2022, I took a break from competitive SS and score farming as I've been farming non stop for nearly four years which is quite exhausting. A year later, I decided to farm scores and SS again and maybe try to reach 500 billion ranked scores and 50000 SS. So, how do I get into score and SS farming? From my memories, when farming pp, I retry so many times that my enjoyment of playing the game started to dwindle so I play lots of converts as I enjoyed playing it. I play lot of converts that sometimes I farm scores without realising it so I was thinking of farming ranked scores and SS and see how far I can go.
2000 SS | 27/9/2018 3000 SS | 13/11/2018 4000 SS | 13/1/2019 5000 SS | 2/3/2019 6000 SS | 20/4/2019 7000 SS | 23/6/2019 8000 SS | 19/8/2019 9000 SS | 16/10/2019 10000 SS | 5/12/2019 11000 SS | 8/2/2020 12000 SS | 26/3/2020 13000 SS | 4/5/2020 14000 SS | 18/6/2020 15000 SS | 16/7/2020 16000 SS | 19/8/2020 17000 SS | 22/9/2020 18000 SS | 30/10/2020 19000 SS | 3/12/2020 20000 SS | 6/1/2021 21000 SS | 4/2/2021 22000 SS | 7/3/2021 23000 SS | 4/4/2021 24000 SS | 29/4/2021 25000 SS | 20/5/2021 26000 SS | 11/6/2021 27000 SS | 6/7/2021 28000 SS | 1/8/2021 29000 SS | 29/8/2021 30000 SS | 5/10/2021 31000 SS | 7/12/2021 32000 SS | 27/1/2022 33000 SS | 13/3/2022 34000 SS | 28/9/2022 35000 SS | 23/3/2023 36000 SS | 30/4/2023 37000 SS | 27/5/2023 38000 SS | 16/6/2023 39000 SS | 28/8/2023 40000 SS | 22/11/2023 41000 SS | 3/2/2024 42000 SS | 5/4/2024 43000 SS | 26/5/2024 44000 SS | 27/6/2024 45000 SS | 16/8/2024 46000 SS | 25/9/2024 47000 SS | 10/11/2024 48000 SS | 23/12/2024 49000 SS | 8/2/2024 50000 SS
I have quite fond memories of GaiaOnline where I often used to play zOMG (my first MMO).
2020 have been quite a year for me in osu! I've set three top plays, participate in 4 tournaments, farmed over 9000 SS, farmed over 70 billion ranked scores, over 1000+ replays watched and reached top 20 in score ranking.
[22/4/2021]: Thanks anonymous for 1 month of supporter. [3/6/2022]: Thanks Yiihao for 1 month of supporter. [27/3/2024]: Thanks Masaru for 1 month of supporter. [23/4/2024]: Thanks [Eun] for 1 month of supporter. [7/5/2024]: Thanks Ekseff for 1 month of supporter.