
[osu!Catch] AxS fourth edition [Finished]

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The fourth edition of AxS has arrived! As the biggest community ran osu!Catch tournament in the world, AxS always offers a great tournament experience for players at any level. With relentless competition coming from all corners of the world, this tournament will really separate the strong from the weak. Who will be this year’s glorious champions?

The full name of AxS is “Accuracy x Score”. The matches are three versus three and the teams will have a maximum of six competitors.
The tournament is not nationality based, so anybody can join your team as long as they agree to it. While we allow people from every country in your team, try to get people around the same time zone to avoid scheduling issues.

This tournament is different from your mainstream tournament. Here, accuracy has a huge impact on the final score. Your team will be divided in two groups playing different roles.
Two of the three playing members will serve as the "score" and the other player will serve as the "accuracy". Further information can be found under the heading "Calculation explained".

General rules
  1. The score used in this tournament will be ScoreV2
  2. Teams will be matched up through seeding in the group stage. The group stage will consist of team pools of 4
  3. If the team is 10 minutes late for their match, they will be disqualified for that match and lose by default
  4. If your team does not contain enough players to play the match (3 players), the opposing team will win the match
  5. Please refrain from using offensive words in your team name as this can lead to a disqualification. The names will be checked by our various staff members, so using a lesser known language won’t work.
  6. Commentators aren't allowed to bad-mouth players in any given scenario, if they do, then please report this
  7. If a player in your team decides to name-change after signing up to the tournament or mid tournament, notify Wesley about this change or that player will not be able to partake in the next match

In-game rules
  1. The accuracy player of the teams have to sit in the First or Fourth slot of the multiplayer room depending on what team they are. This spot will be for the accuracy player, when the map has started the accuracy player is locked in and cannot be changed even if the map is retried for any reason
  2. You are allowed to switch players in between maps
  3. If the accuracy player disconnects from the game, their accuracy will be changed to a static value of 85%
  4. If a score player disconnects from the game, their score will NOT be accounted for in the final calculation
  5. You cannot nullify a beatmap under any circumstance
  6. Only in the first 20 seconds of a map can the map be retried if anything hindering happens such as a disconnect. This is only allowed once per match per team
  7. If the whole team dies in a match, the opposing team will win by default
  8. You are allowed to ban 2 maps per match per team, meaning a total of 4 bans per match
  9. As for rolls, the team that won the roll will ban second and pick second, meaning that the team that lost the roll will both ban and pick first. Banning order is via alternation: Roll-loser > Roll-winner > Roll-loser > Roll-winner
  10. Always remember that this is just a game (I.e behave yourself)
  11. If neither team has enough players to conduct the match a roll will be done to determine the match’s winner

Mod rules
  1. There are 6 NoMod, 4 Hidden, 4 HardRock, 4 DoubleTime, 4 Free Mod and 1 Tiebreaker map
  2. The Tiebreaker will be played with either NoMod or Hidden. Any other mods are NOT allowed
  3. When picking either DoubleTime or HardRock maps, you are allowed to pick Hidden alongside
  4. When picking a Free Mod map, you are allowed to pick Hidden, HardRock, Hidden + HardRock. At least 2 players have to use a mod, the last person does not HAVE to use a mod but can still use it if they want
  5. With free Mod maps players are not allowed to use the following mods: Easy, Flashlight, Sudden Death, other difficulty reducing or unranked mods
  6. You are not allowed to pick a map from the same mod pool twice in a row

Date when the registration will be closed: 22/12/2018 (dd/mm/yyyy).
After this date we will send in all the users that signed up to get screened. This will take up a couple of days (staff said approximately 2 days), after this period you’ll have until 30/12/2018 to replace the potential users that are not allowed to play with other users.
The final date to replace team members will be 30/12/2018 (dd/mm/yyyy).

This is part of a new rule, if we do not comply with this the tournament will not receive a badge sadly.
See Tournament screening for more information.

In order to register you have to send a PM to Wesley (Click me).

Signing up through the forum post will be ignored.

If you have read this good job on you, add this to the forum pm.

Your team will consist of at least 3 players, the last 3 players are optional although highly recommended.

A total of 32 teams is allowed to participate, anyone can register but once we go over 32 teams only the teams with the highest average pp will be able to partake in the tournament.

You are allowed to change team members until the registration closing date.

Format for the pm:
Subject: AxS Tournament Registration

Team name

1. (Team Captain name) (Timezone in UTC)
2. (Player 2 Name) (Timezone in UTC)
3. (Player 3 Name) (Timezone in UTC)
4. (Player 4 name) (Timezone in UTC)
5. (Player 5 name) (Timezone in UTC)
6. (Player 6 name) (Timezone in UTC)

Note: You need to fill in at least 3 players in order to register a team. You can freely change your team members until the registrations have been closed.
If you want to change anything, make sure to send a new message to Wesley on either Discord or on the website.

After you registered your team, feel free to join our Discord server. Any information regarding the tournament will be posted there.

All dates are in (dd/mm/yyyy) format.

Closing date for the registration phase: 22/12/2018
Final date to replace members because of the screening: 30/12/2018
Live Drawings and group stage Mappool showcase: 06/01/2019
Group stage: 12/01/2019 & 13/01/2019

Your team consists of 2 roles, these can be changed per map. These roles are “Accuracy player” and “Score player”. Each team will have ONE Accuracy player and TWO Score players.
The accuracy player primarily has to focus on their accuracy, to ensure that the score from the score players won’t drop. This obviously means that the score players primarily will have to focus on their score.

This is what the calculation looks like

This is the same formula as in AxS third edition

Formula final score of player 1:
(Score of player 1 * 0.2)

Formula score of player 2:
(Score of player 2 * (((100 - ((100 - Accuracy of player 2) / 5)) / 100) ^ modifier))

Formula score of player 3:
(Score of player 3 * (((100 - ((100 - Accuracy of player 3) / 5)) / 100) ^ modifier))

Formula final score:
((Final score of player 1) + (Final score of player 2) + (Final score of player 3)) * ((Accuracy of player 1 / 100) ^ modifier)


Modifier: 10

Player 1 (Accuracy player):
Score: 950000
Accuracy: 99

Player 2 (Score player):
Score: 900000
Accuracy: 99.5

Player 3 (Score player):
Score: 1000000
Accuracy: 100

((950000 * 0.2) + (900000 * (((100 - ((100 - 99.5) / 5)) / 100) ^ 10)) + (1000000 * (((100 - ((100 - 100) / 5)) / 100) ^ 10))) * ((99 / 100) ^ 10) = 1882055.62806

Unlike previous years, we now have a fully open source AxS calculator! Last year the calculations were done on Discord in a channel that could only be seen by the referee that was hosting the current match. This time around, anyone can download the AxS calculator and fill in the appropriate multiplayer link and see the scoring for themself.

The latest version of the calculator can be found here.
The compiled version can be downloaded from here (28/10/2018).

  1. A badge for the team that gets first place - the design will be announced later
  2. The team that gets second place gets 2 months of supporter per player
  3. The team that gets third place gets 1 month of supporter per player

If anyone is willing to help out funding supporter, feel free to hit up either Sartan or Wesley.

We are still looking for staff reinforcements (especially referees, commentators and streamers). If you are interested send a pm to Sartan on osu! (click me) or on Discord: Sartan#3815

Art: Wesley, Sartan
Tournament host: Wesley, Sartan
Mapselector: Sartan, -Ken, Benita
Referee: Wesley, Chatie, Hanik, Kondi
Commentator: Sartan, Dohland, JBHyperion, Nokashi, Kasumii-sama, Elux, Chatie
Streamer: Wesley, Sartan
let's go dudes
Lets gooo
looking for a team btw
Looking for team
Looking for team , pm me or add me on discord
Looking for team i guess
me team looking for pm on discord Camme#1543
Kokoro <3
AxS Fortnite Edition
Looking for a team.
Looking for team but i'm nub, so yeah:(

Looking for team (if u guys want) hehe
i know i shouldn't participate any tournaments but looking for a team :P
Looking for a team :D
Cool :D
looking for team.
- N a g i -
i guess i can join looking for team meep
A Moon Gust
Go 4 digit squad!
looking for team
Looking for a team
[zK] ZuletA
mm it looks interesting
Looking for a team to adopt me :( [though I don't think anyone will be interested]
Green Ghost
Looking for a team.
hey there
i'm here to say the usual 'looking for a team' :)
Looking for a team :D ;)
Looking for a team as well (:
Looking for a team ><
Im looking for a team as well
Looking for a team
Looking for team poggers
Looking for team
Looking for team
xd i think nobody will pick me tho nomod player
I'm a decent dt and hd player. DM my disc if u want me.
Looking for a team as well :D
starts in 2019? hahahaha, im looking for a team, hit me up in-game xD
Looking for team
I'm a dead player and haven't played in 2 years but looking for a team..?
HD(sometimes but i can play it) and no mod player i can do good moral support :D Looking for team
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