Heythere! I am 18 years old and I live in Terengganu, Malaysia. MybirthdayisMay13th. I usually spend my time playing games (usually osu!), drawing, exercising, studying, watching animes but to mention a few. Anyways, nicetomeetyou! (HavingahardtimeinhighschoollifeXD)
I found out osu! when I was 7 years old by watching my elder sister playing Mania! (edit: mymemoryisblurandIcan'tremembervividly,butthegamelookslikeosu!maniaforwhatIcansay). I was curious what's the name of the game at first but I don't use computer that time. Many years later, I suddenly watched something thats on youtuberecommendation and its related to osu!
I thought it looks fun and it can kill me some time happily (because I'm bored of mobile games so yeah). When I first step into osu! I enjoy game as I don't know what is pp yet. I don't even care about my rank. Unfortunately,IquitformanymonthsbecausemyoldlaptopgotinfectedbyamalwareandgotspoiledsoIhavetowaituntilNovember2019togethand-me-downlaptop.
By then, Ifoundoutthemeaningofpp and I started farming. Still, I do enjoy game and I also play rhythm games more often.
I have made many onlinefriends inside. ItfeelsdelightfulasIhavedonothaveanonlinefriendbefore.SpecialthankstowhoaremyfriendseventhoughIdon'tknowyouguysinreallife.XD
I just hope I achievemymindset and enjoymyprecioustimeinside until the day I finally quit.