Hello there and welcome to the 2nd Season of the "4 Digit Player Tournament".
So many players may ask, what does 4 Digit Player Tournament mean? Well, basically it's just what it sounds like, this tournament is for players who are 4 digits! That means from rank #9999 to rank #1000.
The point of this tournament is for new players having fun and collect some tournament experience as we may get competition from the whole world but the real question is who'll be the Winner?
General rules
- The score used in this will be ScoreV2
- This is a Solo Tournament which will start with a Group Stage(1 Group = 4Player)
- The 2 Top player from each group will advance
- This tournament has space for a maximum of 64 players. If there are more players then 64 then a PP Cut-Off will happen
- If a player changes his Osu!tag after the Registration , please contact one of the tournament hosts GinIkari or MasterForcer , if the player wont tell the tournament hosts he is not allowed to play his next game
Mod rules
- In the first Mappool there will be 3 NoMod, 2 Hidden, 2 HardRock, 2 Doubletime, 2 Free Modand 1 Tiebreaker map
- The Tiebreaker will be played with NoMod , can be played with Hidden. ANY OTHER MOD IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN
- When picking either DoubleTime or HardRock maps, you are allowed to play it with Hidden
- When playing a Free Mod map you are allowed to pick Hidden, HardRock; Hidden+HardRock
- At Free Mod maps, Player are not allowed to use the following mods: Easy, Flashlight, Sudden Death,other difficulty reducing or unranked mods
In-game rules
- You cannot nullify a beatmap under any circumstance
- Only in the first 10 seconds of a map can the map be retried if anything hindering happens such as a disconnect. This is only allowed once per match per team
- -Player are allowed to join 15 minutes later as Scheduled, if they are not joining the Lobby after 10 minutes its an WbD for the Opponent
- If a Player quits the Lobby mid match he has 5 minutes to come back , otherwise it will be submitted as a Forfeit
- As for rolls, the team that won the roll will ban second and pick second, meaning that the team that lost the roll will both ban and pick first. Banning order is via alternation: Roll-loser > Roll-winner > Roll-loser > Roll-winner
Date when the registration will be closed: 05/05/2019 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Group Stage live drawings: 11/05/2019
Mappool Showcase (after GS drawings ): 11/05/2019
Group Stage Week 1: 18/05/2019
Group Stage Week 2: 25/05/2019
Round of 32: 01/06/2019
Round of 16: 08/06/2019
Quarter Finals: 15/06/2019
Semi Finals: 22/06/2019
Finals: 29/06/2019
Grand Finals: 06/07/2019
Registration Formular
1st Place = 6 Months of Osu!Supporter
2nd Place = 3 Months of Osu!Supporter
3rd Place = 1 Month of Osu!Supporter
Tournament Host:
Mappool Selectors
Big Thanks to Wesley who helped me big time with this forum