After 31 days of inactivities from July 2024, I decided to quit osu! for IDK how long but it is going to be a very, very long time. I do not enjoy this game anymore. I do not expect myself to force to play this game anymore. I do not know when or how long it will be to make me go back to osu!, but one thing for sure is that, I hope someday I can remember and look back all the good old times... wishing one day I will revisit all these fond memories again.
Thank you everyone who motivates and supporting me from the very beginning when I first started osu! until now. Anyway, goodbye. I will see you soon. o7
If anyone says they are "me" / impersonator(s), then most likely they are not actually me.
I will never ask for money or promoting scams. Please do yourself a favor, check the links at here and verify beforehand! Thank you.
[18-06-2024] I reached 3 Digits. Peak: #977 (Updated: 06-07-2024)
Some Thoughts of Mine
- Taking an indefinite break from this game whenever deemed necessary!
- Well... I think I am good for now, it is time for me to step back and focus on my main priorities. <3
- People are too good at this game right now. Mechanically wise, perhaps I am too old for this game and not speedy as I used to. I drain so easily and not being consistent enough to keep up. I am better off just playing chess and puzzle games.
Hello everyone. I am Daniel3131. You can call me Daniel or D3, both is fine. Anyway, welcome to my osu! profile! Yay! \^_^/
You may think why I choose my IGN "Daniel3131"? Well, obviously my real name is also Daniel, and '3131' or '31' are my favorite numbers. There was no reason why, just found it oddly fitted and liked them. It was back in 2013~2014?, I was a kid, young and dumb, and I was terrible at thinking creative username. So that was the origin of my username. I do however actually have other IGNs or aliases that I often and preferrably use but I like to preserve my old name creation.
Back to the main topic, I started my osu! journey way back in 2020 and have been playing a lot of osu! specifically osu!catch even though my account was created in 2018. At that time, I did not actually play the game at that time until I stumbled across some osu! videos from YouTube that sparked my interest to decide to play osu!. In certain times of my life, I had some hiatus back and forth because of IRL stuffs, accumulated stress and burnout which I needed to deal with. Other than that, whenever I come back here, I just want to play and most importantly having fun while doing so. That is all you have to know about me for my brief introduction.
Current Goal/Status
My current goal is to grind scores and farm as much as I possibly can. Trying to maximize my potential pop-offs and improve my skillsets and also setting new top plays. Hopefully I am able to reach my new peak before I decide to quit this game. Of course, fun is in the process too otherwise I am not seeing myself playing osu! .
List of Goals: Reached #1000 in osu!catch (18-06-2024) Participate 4DCWC in 2024? Again?? Possibly??? ..... (Update: I am not joining, it is time to let the next gen/upcoming new bloods/players to takeover!) 5000 Gold SS in osu!catch
This is my 4 years old setup. I do however have a plan to build a new PC myself in the near future. For now, it is adaquate for me to do everything basically. (You don't really need a powerful/super computer to play.)
Fun Facts of Me
I am a huge chess fan and player who plays chess everyday. Started playing during the COVID pandemic back in 2021. From a total noob to reaching a 2100 rated/rating (peak rating) in and lichess.
Sort of speed typist when it comes to typing. Achieved 2nd Highest Speed Typing WPM (Words Per Minutes) In Malaysia (308.036 WPM) & the only two Malaysian records. Recorded & verified by TypeRacer moderator team at October 31, 2020.
There are more cool facts about me but I hope these amazed and inspired you all enough <3