17 Aug 2014
Official osu! Fanart Contest 3 Begins!
by LuigiHann

Official osu! Fanart Contest 3 Begins!

by LuigiHann

Hello again! Welcome to the third Official osu! Fanart Contest! We've moved away from the monthly schedule to allow each contest a bit more room to breathe, but the idea is largely the same. Each contest will have a unique theme to keep things fresh. This one's theme?

Stickers! So Many Stickers!

We're using the word "stickers" to give a sense of shape and size, but we're talking digital stickers here, like the ones used on Facebook or Line or other interesting chat programs as large emoticons. Although, if we get enough usable (high resolution or vector, low color count) artwork, we could actually print physical sticker books. Which would be awesome. But the main goal is to have emoticon-like stickers for use in chat and forums, so design for that primarily. Strong, fun emotions, with simple colors, and transparent backgrounds. Once again a full one year supporter tag is up for grabs, and we're offering the added incentive of the osu! tablet, which should come in handy for drawing as well as playing. In addition to the grand prize winners, any sticker that gets used in any official format will win the artist a one-month supporter tag.

Some Rules:

  • Artwork must fit theme. In this case, it must be an emoticon-like sticker.
  • Everything in your image must be your own work! Don't steal anyone's art, and please don't "trace" anything either. Make your own pose.
  • Don't include any copyrighted characters from outside of osu! Including your own original characters alongside osu! characters is fine. Also, I know I only used Pippi examples in the banner, but I hope to see Yuzu and perhaps Pippidon represented this time around.
  • Images must be G-rated and safe-for-work.
  • Images must meet the size requirements and have a transparent background.
  • Deadline for entries is August 30th, 2014.

How to enter

You must post a web-friendly (370px wide by 320px maximum) image in the official contest thread, and link to a much larger print-friendly image (at least 1200x1200, preferably higher, or vector, if possible) for possible merch use. You can upload the images on https://up.ppy.sh/ or https://puush.me/ You may enter more than one image, but you can only win one grand prize, and you MUST include all of your entries in one forum post.

By entering, you agree to let us use your art on the osu! website, social media accounts, and merchandise. We'll hopefully be using many of these entries in various web formats, and if we use your art in an official capacity you'll get a one-month supporter tag.

Only entries that follow all rules will be considered. There will be two grand prize winners for each contest theme: one chosen by public poll, and one chosen by osu! staff. Each winner will get a one-year osu! supporter tag and an osu! tablet.

Let me know if anything needs clarifying, otherwise, post away!

*Special thanks to awp, Cataku, beat_freak, sanilecious, and Vikktor, whose artwork I used in creating this contest banner.



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how to submit the art in osu! ?

Allan akirakai18

Post it in this thread https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/... :)

Love sticky... I Participate for SURE!

umm how many people can win the grand prize ~ pm me pls

LuigiHann PikaCienna

I sent you a PM via osu!'s forum PM system, hope that helps

please send me some notes here Osu MODERATORS !! http://pikacienna.deviantar...

I dont really get it so we should make a DOODLE full of Stickers?


LuigiHann A n G x L


Like these https://creator.line.me/en/...

O 3 O . .

does it have to be a lot of stickers or just one?

LuigiHann nazurin98

One or many. One sticker is one entry. Multiple entries allowed. Sorry for late response.

جاري الترجمة go at google and transliterate it

Let's give it a try ! o/

Not really good in designing stickers...:'(

AHASVER Rirakusu




Do people who have won on previous contest still can join another theme contest? And if they are allowed and won again, would they get another one year tag supporter/osu!tablet? (Just asking)

Previous winners can win again. Eventually we'll have more different prize options, but for now they can choose to add their prize to what they already have, or give it as a gift to someone else.

hh i like this theme, ill enter; just need some clarification,, we make 1 sticker or a whole set?

LuigiHann kakifly

You only need to make one. One sticker = one entry. You can make a handful if you want but they'll be voted/judged separately from each other.

I make Pippi in chibi version. She is happy and she said '' OSU!''

I hope I win.

I want the tablet. I had a tablet but is broken now by my little brother and I was really sad. I can't use the tablet
now and I wish I win the tablet.


Of course, everyone hopes they win.
(Including myself - I think I might actually have a chance, as mine didn't turn out as bad as I thought it'd be!)
Good luck to you, and everyone else participating.

bibilicu TheNekoNextDoor


Will you also try to implement the best into Facebook or such?

LuigiHann Bara-


Did somebody say STICKERS?!?!?

...I'm in.


Any chance of releasing osu! sticker bundles sometime in LINE, Facebook or others?

LuigiHann RichJoker

That's the idea!

RichJoker LuigiHann

Cool, a LINE sticker pack will be great.
Won't be entering this contest, but I'll be waiting the results. :)

Sadly i cant draw D:

"Stickers, Stickers everywhere."

would be nice of the first place winner would get a cut of the profits from the merch its used in.

If you can, please use the original PNG or JPEG images (for the full-sizes) in contest voting and results this time. There was a lot of quality lost (due to compression artifacts) last contest since everything was resaved as JPEG, even if was already in that format.

LuigiHann electrolytes

I'll see if we can switch to png for this

i am already nervous in my first fan art competiton

this might makes me interested in forums more than usual lol

Who's Yuzu?

LuigiHann Flower

New Catch the Beat catcher dude https://osu.ppy.sh/news/894...

Flower LuigiHann

That's good. I like otokonoko.

Ryu is best

Someone needs to do Yaranaika.

Anyone still confused by the theme, check out https://creator.line.me/en/... for some non-osu! examples and guidelines

last time i just translate that page to our Chinese player and i forgot to continue to promote it. but they are failed because of spam-voted. they just got 3 HONORABLE MENTIONS. i feel really sad. China have many players, but we will not act so dirty.

LuigiHann arigatou

To be honest, the honorable mentions are hand-picked like the staff picks, so spam-voting would have little or no impact on the honorable mentions. If an entry gets an honorable mention it's because I or others on the staff really liked it, so you don't need to feel too guilty about those. That said, I appreciate your honesty, and I hope you do encourage the community to vote more fairly next time.

arigatou LuigiHann

thank you and i will

i'll join...but i dont expect much i think :I

Does it have to be about Pippi or can we make stickers for the other osu! mascots?

LuigiHann -kyoki-

Other mascots would be great, as long as they're original or osu!-owned characters. Yuzu and Pippidon would be fine for instance, but no Link or Ryuuta or anything this time

nothing to lose

I hope I see some moe fanarts


I'm going to enter this time.
*EDIT* Finished and uploaded :D

I have a question. One sticker counts as one submission or if I make like a collection of stickers with many "emotions" can count as one submission too? thx

LuigiHann I cant stream_old

You can submit multiple entries together but the way voting works each sticker will be listed as a separate entry.

ok ty :D

OSU fan art???

godeaterburst2 godeaterburst2

well i not new i just a month play this game/..

69653863 godeaterburst2

hi im new to OSU! how 2 chase circles?? ;w;w;w;


LuigiHann godeaterburst2
Shyguy godeaterburst2

yeah, there's character mascots

Oh great, my vacation ends tomorrow. But I'll submit something or die in the attempt.

ahhh,,,maybe i'll give it another shot...

proudly presenting the (another) new gameplay concept

LuigiHann 69653863
AncuL 69653863


osu! needs more Pippi! :D

LuigiHann Nathanael

And more Yuzu! And more Pippi-don! And more [taiko and mania mascots to be officially named later]!

I've updated the deadline to August 30th, 2014, since it's not fair to limit the contest to time travelers

Hinsvar LuigiHann

This is golden.


[Moge-ko] BeatofIke


Xiaolin BeatofIke




hype hypee


Shut up and take my votes xD
This may change my view on stickers forever

deadbeat peppy

hype detected


hype detected