24 Aug 2014
osu!idol sign-ups now open!
by ztrot

osu!idol sign-ups now open!

by ztrot

Do you find yourself singing along to all the latest and greatest ranked maps? Want to spread your talent to somewhere beyond the confines of your shower or car? Join us in osu!Idol and spread your voice to the outer reaches of the internet! Sing your favorite songs and become osu!'s new superstar!

What is osu!idol?

osu!Idol is a contest where contestants as a solo or a duet sing their way to the top of the osu! charts. There will be a panel of judges to ensure only the best rise to the top, so prepare your voice for a fantastic competition!

What can I win?

  • 1st: 3 months supporter tag
  • 2nd: 2 months supporter tag
  • 3rd: 1 month supporter tag

Where do I sign up?

Unfortunately, we hit the limit for registered users already. Thanks to everyone who signed up to this competition!

See this thread for contest rules and details.



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Damn, when's the next osu!Idol competition?! :3

how to song big black D:

Sharlo,your a voice I would click too

Marisa Spark bois lets do dis

linkin park S2

inb4 Darude Sandstorm

Love Live ! osu! academy idol !
lol why ztort start add love live school idol :D

I wanna join and sing Vocaloid songs but register close already TT.TT

why must it be full fml



peppy cruising love

Lol wat?


idk wat to sing.....

I wanted to join as a duet but now is too late ;n;

omg ;~~; i wanna join

So uh, whos gonna be the lucky gentleman to sing image material

Hata-tan Dinoswarleafs

i wanna sing happy synthesizer >.<

Sharlo taking the first place~

The Gambler Akasha-


Awww... limit for registrered users already? I want to sing D:

:( i wish this was like a mini world cup for bad people rank 100,000 and higher

Someone should make a beatmap out of the winner's version of the song they sang.

i want to sing the gokukoku no brynhildr 2nd OP :v "Virtue and Vice"

Sing Wotamin-Gigantuc O.T.N

i want to sing freedom dive 8)

Sign ups are now finished and posted go check it out see if you made it!

Hmmm.... sounds interesting. I think i will do a solo of Freedom Dive Kappa

SOMEONE SING DUBSTEP. https://osu.ppy.sh/s/128328

TheNekoNextDoor Sharkfang

Bonus points for making the dubstep noises.

someone sing samipale - emotion XD

Who wants to sing airman?

This is a good new Mode for the game \m/

big black

oh god no, WHO GOVE THEM THIS IDEA????

i think i want to sing one of niconico douga song :3

gimme a no shoushitsu cover :3

U.N. Owen Was Her plsssssssss

i will sing nyanyanyanyanyanya

Kyousuke- LordRaika

lol nyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyan~

Takuneru LordRaika

go ! '^'

Plz some1 sing AiAe, the lyrics are so awesome.

yogatama26 IamBaum

just aaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeee

I want sing U.N.Owen was Her? :p

Can I use Vocaloid :P......just kidding

Why in a situation like this I don't know whAT TO SING

Ladies and gentlemen... Prepare your anuses.
