11 Feb 2014
Storyboard Showcase: Lia - Toki wo Kizamu Uta
by MillhioreF

Storyboard Showcase: Lia - Toki wo Kizamu Uta

by MillhioreF

This time, we'll take a look at a storyboard attached to a fairly popular song from a very popular series!

Lia - Toki wo Kizamu Uta
Map by kanpakyin, difficulty and storyboard by JoJo

What's there to be said about this one that isn't shown in the video itself? The smooth transitions are complimented by some very lovely special effects, in addition to having lyrics subtly displayed near the bottom right. Combine that with some very nice flow in the hit objects themselves, and I wouldn't hesitate to call this beatmap a masterpiece.

Remember, you can always feel free to toss me a map suggestion for a storyboard you like a lot! The only limitation is that the storyboard must not have excessive flashing, since that gives some people a headache (especially at YouTube's lowered fps) and almost always looks bad.



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