by pishifat
At long last, osu!'s Featured Artist library is finally home to sugosugiii!
Since starting to produce music in 2015, sugosugiii has made a name for themselves through BMS OF FIGHTERS events, winning 2nd place in HoYoLAB's "Season of Creativity" competition, and events like our own community's 4K Korean Mania Tournament 2. Now, sugosugiii's legacy is part of osu!'s official music library too.
What can you do with this info? sugosugiii's Featured Artist listing has 8 songs pre-timed and ready for mapping. So you should do that.
Anyone who played today's daily challenge should know sugosugiii by now:
Try out the map in today's daily challenge hosted by Aeril!
If osu!taiko is your thing, try this map hosted by Slyme instead!
Here's one more map hosted by -Ming- with an original song created specifically for 4K Korean Mania Tournament 2!
Let's face it: sugosugiii's Featured Artist listing is right in front of you, yet you're reading this news article. You should be mapping instead.
(And of course, the rest of sugosugiii's tracks are on their listing too.)
That hint about a J-Rock artist at the end of a previous Featured Artist announcement is finally coming to next week (for real this time).
Stay tuned.
i agreed with mid!