19 Sep 2024
Kyoku 2024 Results
by 0x84f

Kyoku 2024 Results

by 0x84f

While the seasons drifted over our heads, mappers and musicians were busy competing to create the greatest beatmaps of their own creation.

If you don't recall, Kyoku was a contest where teams of mappers and music producers needed to work together and collaborate on creating both a brand-new original song, and a beatmap to go along with it. Inspired by BMS OF FIGHTERS, the contest kicked off starting with registrations in April and teams have spent the last 3 months crafting their own works of art, all for a chance for become the top team and win the cash prize, a prestigious badge and highly sought-after contest points, which give progression towards elite user titles.

With 33 total entries, the competition was fierce, and the judges had a lot of work ahead of them. After much deliberation, the dust has settled, and it's time to present the results.


3rd place - Team RGB

Drum and bass enjoyers can rejoice as Team RGB harnessed the full power of neurofunk. Featuring music by Artackni and craftsmanship of Amon- and ballsmaster69, Encaged is a slider-heavy tech map that is bound to get the adrenaline pumping and keep your attention throughout its course.

Congratulations to Team RGB as they scored themselves 3rd place with a final score of 84.50!

2nd place - Zero Blunders

Team Zero Blunders has put their best foot forward in this contest with a genre mash-up song featuring many osu! references. who's afraid? by fur:trash (a.k.a. Nihkee on osu!) offers many chances for Mysty, Le Mirai, hakashii, Omekyu and [-Evil-] to express their mapping ideas via music genres such as dariacore, dubstep and hyperpop, creating a balanced map that is both fun to look at and play.

Congratulations to Zero Blunders for managing to lock in a total score of 86.00, securing 2nd place and 1 contest point for all team members.

1st place - cosmo/LOGIΛ

Team cosmo/LOGIΛ have managed to concoct what can best be described as a Grand Finals tiebreaker map on steroids. Stellar Evolution from airlemoneX has hints of Camellia as the inspiration behind the track, with expert mappers Lulu-, Slifer and Halgoh fully playing into it with a focus on visuals that complement gameplay.

With a final score of 88.25, cosmo/LOGIΛ have managed to achieve first place, earning badges, $100 to distribute and 2 contest points per person. Congratulations!


Every entry deserves your attention for the monumental amount of effort and late nights put into each and every song and map. You can either check out the full VOD from the results reveal below, or download the individual submissions and give them a rating yourself.

# Score Team name Song Beatmap
1 88.25 cosmo/LOGIΛ SoundCloud air reXistance (airlemoneX) - Stellar Evolution
2 86.00 Zero Blunders SoundCloud YouTube fur:trash - who's afraid?
3 84.50 Team RGB Artackni - Encaged
4 82.00 Keyoku WujuBlade, Astralink, Lamura - Chronomancy
5 78.25 moonleaf++++++++++ Tufani - Encounter!
6 77.25 takeshi's traphouse SoundCloud YouTube $k_Hwa$ vs. nominomu - .hereafter
7 77.00 dragonlady Axya - Jindan ~ Golden Core
8 76.75 Oort Cloud SoundCloud Silyn vs HYKARVS - JP fait la course
9 75.75 2006 honda civic SoundCloud Spotify Bandcamp velamy & Turq - Sudden Death
10 74.75 GOFROG SoundCloud YouTube Spotify Bandcamp alien3 - alien friend request
11 72.50 BOF:NT Moth Eaters Spotify Bandcamp cygnus - Bloody Mary
12 71.00 Last Minute SoundCloud Last Minute - Convalescence
13 68.50 totally not rescup internal Xyris, roer - Frostbit Thorns (Instrumental Ver.)
14 64.50 ඞඞඞඞඞඞ legless - Status Migrainosus
15 60.75 Collective Dreamers Unchained SoundCloud YouTube Spotify Bandcamp Krimek feat. eili & Rafterz - Michi no Zankyou
15 60.75 TOPAZ++ SoundCloud MetaHumanBoi - MAXIMUM FLUFF
17 56.50 Eudaimonia SoundCloud Eudaimonia - RETUNSUS
18 54.75 GNoKKi124 SoundCloud ptar124 - A Waltz for Two, Under the Gaze of [REDACTED] (feat. flower & SEKAI)
19 50.75 Skizoids SoundCloud RRolanDD - A.D.H.D.
20 50.00 Heavenstance SoundCloud jemmy! - STARSHOWER!!!
21 49.75 Rho Ophiuchi Bandcamp Rho Ophiuchi - Depths of Darkness (Kyoku 2024 Version)
22 43.75 pr0fffremont SoundCloud coldgiha - Camel Crusher
23 43.50 mo.n.o SoundCloud etomi - blossom
24 40.50 12 YO Cityyy - Misunderstood
25 40.25 Beyond 10+ SoundCloud CaliberKat, SeiiYuumi, kongehund - Lightspeed Confetti Cannons
26 38.75 Camel audio Camel Audio - Seasons
27 34.25 llama go bottom text Ziondiac - Unfettered (VIP)
28 23.75 Over Heaven SoundCloud YouTube Spotify Bandcamp Over Heaven - CUBE
29 17.75 Team boss baby SoundCloud inno & tekea - evo
30 13.75 nou JMicc - Vicious Onslaught
31 10.50 Endlessly Small Bombs treegas500 - Prelude To An Agitated Spring
32 4.00 Spojený Sekoitus SoundCloud TotalNormalFry & HappyAdam - Stalled Superiority
33 3.25 :sob: V3ARI - Light In The Dark
DNS Team Blue but Red SoundCloud YouTube Spotify Redside - Ultraviolet

Thank you to all the organisers, helpers, and participants for taking part of this one-of-a-kind event and creating a huge amount of original, high-quality content for the community to enjoy.



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If there was a medal saying: "Miss all sliderends in a map" I think these maps are a great way to get it.
Good maps too btw

this was so fucking fun and great job to everyone :)

Glad to participate in this GJ to everyone who did better than me and my friend


velamy faust71


now just rank the maps pls

i don't like electronic hype machines


Respect for the team who named themselves ඞඞඞඞඞඞ

well done lads

OSU got a BMS style contest before we got GTA6


It's super cool to see so many cool songs come out of this contest! Great work to everyone involved to make this happen.

Noldalag Noffy


ok this is something silly but whoever wrote this post accidentially put an s at the end of Omekyu's profile link LMAO
Oh yeah, congrats to the winners, some banger maps and songs

0x84f Kingo

oops ill fix that

tons of incredibly hard songs and banging maps emerged from this contest, ggs to everyone and thanks to the orgs for hosting!


In what world is using a goofy cursor like that for the videos a good idea 😭 ain nobody playing with that so it just looks weird to watch the gameplay

tatatat Shannon

just osu!std things

zesteas Shannon

Bro does not watch pishifat 😭😭

mayoneeze Shannon

idk you're the only one who brought it up

Shannon mayoneeze

because it's unimportant compared to the contest, custom songs and ooga booga slider mapping, but it looks ass nonetheless

now make everyone on this list a featured artist (who arnt) and everyone would be happy

Bloodred Dragon Worthlessnut9

currently working on that ;)

Rho Ophiuchi

Worthlessnut9 Bloodred Dragon


The contest's results must be determined by valuing scores from all judges equally. Using standard deviation to determine final scores is required.[1]

The final score must be calculated as follows: judge X'sfinal score = (judge X's rawscore - judge X's average raw score) / judge X’s standard deviation


huh, doesn't seem to change the results by much at all

hawk tuah respect button ------->

i have nothing against the winners nor the judges but how on earth did Camel Audio only manage to finish *that* low (26th)? that placement feels like a really big outlier tbh...

either way ggs to everyone involved i guess, nice to see that osu! bms is real

100% agree, map was very well constructed despite its simplicity, seeing it go that low kinda shocked me as well

road to elite mapper without mapping 💯🔥

FA when

contests are really just about adapting to impress judges, it's crazy

22th btw 😎

niat0004 Cofffelo

25th place here. I was expecting a better result.

Cofffelo niat0004

it's fine man, you would not believe how we've been surprised when we got 22th ueu)b

Y Are all these top entries avalon slider slop

cannedfruit IOException

Next time our map will feature long (above average) girthy voluptuous sliders 😳, and we win

Artackni IOException

I made Encaged (the song, not the map), which is probably the worst one out of the entire top 3 in terms of sliderspam. Honestly, I too am not a big fan of how the only realistic way to win a mapping contest is doing something like this. Nothing wrong with long freaky sliders, but it shouldn't be the only way. I'm happy with getting the third place either way.

Randomness64 IOException

because the trend is big curvy sliders not actually intresting and good maps

Girls Love IOException

Welcome back Mapping To Pander

Lulu- IOException

cuz the judges are into that

chidodou IOException

we tried


RRolanDD Phreel

mennyire éhes

“Zero Blunders” mf you blundered the first place win ☹️

Nihkee Utiba


results vod watch seems popcorn worthy

