23 Dec 2024
Midnight Moment Art Contest: Voting Open
by Hivie & Walavouchey

Midnight Moment Art Contest: Voting Open

by Hivie & Walavouchey

This is your moment to decide which new winter artworks shall welcome the latter half of the decade.

A total of 129 entrants gathered to depict the osu! cast in wintery scenarios, and your next task is to decide their fate during the next week. However, you only get 15 votes to do so.

In order provide the most cozy experience while you peruse the voting page, we present to you a sequence of all the entries set to the tune of kanemiko - Twilight of the Abyss from the TEST Open tournament:

Click here to start voting in the Midnight Moment Art Contest!

For a refresher, here's the roster of the rewards for this contest:

  • A selection of the top-voted finalists will be featured on the main menu.
  • Top-voted entries will receive 3 months of osu!supporter.
  • The top 3 will receive bespoke profile badges made from their own creations.
  • The top 3 will also be featured as limited-time default profile banners, with the ones from last round rotating out.

Eternal thanks to all participants who've put valuable time and effort into creating and submitting an entry — without you, there would be no contest!

That's all for now, time to lock in your votes!

—Hivie & Walavouchey


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Can't wait for the results to come out! Honestly this was my first time entering one of osu!'s fanart contests.

si hay alguien que me pueda dar un contexto de lo que esta pasando en osu se los agradecería muchísimo

Taikonator finally coming out for the holidays.

I must say Osu! has one of the most artistically talented community there is. This year you all have outdone yourselves. Combined with the introductory music at the start of osu! you gave me back the holiday atmosphere :))))

Wasn't able to participate and this time too. Looking back, I see that fanart contest used to be the main force to make me draw for 3 years. Huge portions of my works since 2022 were made specifically for this contest, it's something I need to think about.
For me, it is very sad, that even after all these years, I haven't gotten a place from 1 to 15 even tho sometimes I put an unbelievable amount of effort just in a single piece.

Should I continue to participate? I need to think about it

I know it's a contest and all but don't equivalate your artistic journey and progress with an OSU fanart contest. At the end of the day OSU fanart contests will mean nothing to you in the long run. If OSU fanart contests is a way to make you draw and practice then I'd say you should definitely continue! But if you think it's mentally affecting you I think it would be best to focus on things that you'd enjoy more! Because at the end of the day that massive OSU circle in the middle of your piece isn't going to help you with learning composition, and the OSU community voting for ppipi's booba is gonna skew what is placed higher or not. I just hope you don't get discouraged and continue your art journey regardless of if it's with OSU or not!

I kinda agree with the replies

samm- HKC-

personally this was my first time participating and im pretty sure i wont get top 15 or anything, i just found it fun making something for osu, so if youre only doing it for placements why bother? only do it if its something you find fun doing and something you want to contribute with <3 dont let the placement you get demotivate you and its always up to you whether you should participate or not <3

Sebal3r0 samm-

Absolutely, I think that just being a part of it is incredible by itself, and also if all of these contest where a force or a motivation for drawing in the first place, why quit now? Obviously you cannot control how the voting section will end, so I honestly I think that if you just do it for the fun of it you will go so much further that if you just try to do it for the placement, and I assure you that if one day you make it in, I think everything will be worth it, because you keep trying
Drawing is so fun, and these contest are one more source of motivation to create more, so don't give up

It's like searching hidden object images to spot WhiteCat or Among Us and exclude them.
All amazing and awesome artworks. Thanks for your hard work.

oh geez 15 votes isn't enough there's just too many awesome artworks


fire subbmitions as always

alot of good work as always!!! and just realize I forgot to put mari glasses in it!!!!

I almost forgot the glasses of mani in my draw as well!!

Awesome work everyone! I really wish we got more votes because they're all really cool!!! Good luck to everyone who took part! (and good luck to everyone voting as well haha :D)

good luck guyss!!!!!!

Good luck to everyone!!

Dude 15 votes isn't enough, there's so many good ones D:


Hivie Unblack_Blink

yes. judgement Awaits them.

First time submitting my artwork for any fan art contest!!

I didnt draw something incredible, it´s rather bad, but I wish everyone good luck c:

Well baked entries. Gj eople

pick me :3

good luck to everyone's submissions! ^^

My first entry since 2021, hoping to maybe get in this time. Good luck everyone!!! Amazing selection again this time around!


Chat, there are a total of TWO Taikonators in the artworks this time around.
Either way, that's two star's from me, make sure to star the taikonator for more taikonator exposure!

Awesome art as always, absolutely loving this contest once again.
I think overall, there are a few less insane entries this time around, I had a much easier time choosing than the past few contests, still, a really cool lineup of awesome artworks, I saw some entirely new styles this time, so a few new faces hopped on to submit something this time, thanks to everyone who submitted something, you're all awesome!

And remember, it's not about winning, it's about being part of something awesome ♥

roobi Lunexia


NyuPenyu Lunexia

i think theres more than 2 bro

Lunexia NyuPenyu


also love all the art! nightlife art is always so pretty

Lunexia nominomu

You said it nomi!

Taking this seriously than any tests since there's so many good ones this year too

i need like 25 votes man

Uncle0698 -Kori


so many different styles, and so many beautiful art pieces, 15 votes is too little! >:c, count your days mods (for legal reasons, this is a joke)

surely i can get in this time right

15 Votes are not enough! Hopefully peppy pick™ gift's us 15 more winners 🎁

codename_AmenW [REDACTED]

there's 15 finalists? sorry im kinda new to this osu fanart contest thing

[REDACTED] codename_AmenW

Yeah, there's 15 finalists for this one (Based on the number of votes given per person). Although the amount of additional picks from Peppy varies (Hopefully he's feeling jolly and gifts more this time 🎅🎄🎁🎁)

lookin pretty heckin' GAY 'round here 👏

good luck to everyone!

Gl everyone!

Voting time B)!!!! SUERTE A TODOS :)

i hope i win ( not happening) - some amazing pieces this year though

yay i can see my entry

also gl everyone!

Good luck everynyan

so many good artworks

yet another masterful work of art from redcxca. continuing to raise the bar and defy all expectations. amazing

AzuraRK fowwo

redcxca just showed his best entry in history. more respect B)

Roro-san fowwo

I dont feel like its her best one

Lunexia Roro-san

When comparing diamonds with diamonds, it's hard to say one is more or less so a diamond than another. :D

