1 Oct 2024
Mappers' Guild - Autumn 2024 Priority Quests
by pishifat

Mappers' Guild - Autumn 2024 Priority Quests

by pishifat

osu! is more than just a circle clicking game. If you were a mapper, you'd know why.

A new batch of Mappers' Guild quests are on the table, with opportunities for mappers on either end of the experience spectrum!

In case you're out of the loop, the Mappers' Guild is an MMO-inspired mapping system surrounding osu!'s Featured Artists. Mappers can earn rewards for completing mapping-related tasks, like ranking maps, participating in contests, and collaborating on quests (which is what this article is about!).

The Mappers' Guild is open to mappers of any skill level, including those without Ranked maps! See the system's website or the osu! Discord server's #mappers-guild channel for details!

What are priority quests?

Last year, the Mappers' Guild introduced a new way to get involved: priority quests. These are an alternative to ordinary Mappers' Guild quests with a few key differences:

  • Anyone can participate in priority quests. Unlike normal quests, you don't need to claim priority quests in advance.
  • Quests are tiered by difficulty:
    • Tier 1 bronze icon (easiest, lowest reward)
    • Tier 2 silver icon
    • Tier 3 gold icon
    • Tier 4 platinum icon (hardest, highest reward)
  • Multiple users can complete the same quest. Most of the time, anyone who accomplishes the quest's objective before the deadline is eligible.

By completing priority quests, you can earn some special rewards too:

Priority quest badge

New priority quests

That's enough info dumping. This is what you're here for.

6 new quests have just been added to the priority quest listing, all of which will be open to mappers until January 12, 2025!

Below is an overview of each quest. If any are confusing, feel free to ask questions in the comments!

A year of osu! originals bronze icon

Every year, osu! coordinates a bunch of new songs for its annual world cups. Many of 2024's tracks haven't made it to the Ranked section yet, so it's time to change that.

Your goal: create and rank a map of any song from 2024's osu! original world cup tracklist (excluding songs that already have Ranked maps as of this quest's start date).

Use this page to see which songs were created for 2024's world cups!

Coincidence bronze icon

There's a chance you were ahead of the crowd. You might have been an early adopter — so early that you didn't even know what you were early to.

Think of a case like this:

  1. You upload your map
  2. Some time later, the song in your map is licensed to osu!

If this happened to you, and your map is still in the graveyard, pull it out already. Your goal for this quest is to rank any map whose song was licensed after you uploaded it.

Storyboard showcase silver icon

osu! mapping has strayed from its Nintendo DS game origins. Return to an age of visual creativity by creating a map with a storyboard!

There's no strict requirements for what counts as "high enough effort" for this — trust your own judgment. Keep in mind that you don't need to be a cinematic mastermind to pull off something like this!

Some of these storyboarded maps may or may not find their way into osu!(lazer)'s daily challenge at some point...

Spread coordinators gold icon

The Mappers' Guild began as a way for mappers to collaborate, and we're still sticking to that all these years later.

Work with one other mapper to create a difficulty spread meeting these requirements:

  • At least Easy, Normal, Hard, and Insane difficulties are included
  • All difficulties are collaborations between the two mappers
  • Total length of each difficulty is at least 3:30

Given usual spread requirements, you won't often find Easy or Normal difficulties for longer songs, so you and a friend will be filling that niche!

Classified v3 platinum icon

This quest goes back to the roots of the Mappers' Guild: making maps for upcoming Featured Artists.

Your goal is to create and rank a map for it to be showcased in the artist's upcoming announcement! To participate in this quest, the first step is to select a song from the quest page.

This quest requires some confidentiality, so it's only available to those who have a history of contributions to the Mappers' Guild. More specifically, this includes anyone who's rank 1 or higher in the guild.

(If you participated in the first or second iterations of this quest, you might be happy to know that this iteration reduces the cost of re-rolling your song!)

The Hurdle v3 platinum icon

By popular demand, this quest is back for its third iteration!

This one's pretty simple: create and rank your first beatmap!

If you made it this far, you're obligated to scroll through the new priority quests.

Starting a new map with 0 experience is obviously overwhelming. The best advice we can give is to just open the editor and make something, even if it's not good. You'll learn a lot more with just that experience than you might from watching tutorials alone.

And if you need help with any of your Mappers' Guild–related maps, feel free to reach out in the #mappers-guild channel in the osu! Discord server!



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"storyboard a map to see it on lazer!"
lazer storyboarding: ....

My Rameses B mapset finally has some hope to be ranked then

i have ranked a map and then the artist being FA

is that Coincidence?

Ciyus Miapah Ciyus Miapah

nah i think not

i have exactly 1 map that meets the 1st quest requirements, and it's a very bad map i did in like 2019


Plugin Minion24

time to make it into a banger boss

so the play here is to wait until they license the songs we already mapped within the timeframe and speedrank it

Raise your hand if you also want The Hurdle v3 quest 🙋‍♂️


mom, my Usagi Flap map got mentioned

I thought about mapping a song before it become FA, but didn't upload the map until after. Does it still count?

How to join there?

I love keychains

for the spread coordinators quest, do both mappers get the priority quest rewards?

pishifat TsumugiP


I'm lucky enough for the Coincidence one.

can i use a map from a year ago for the hurdle v3

pishifat -Kori


More rank first beatmap quest, welp time to hopefully complete it this time around

osu! is more than just a circle clicking game. If you were a multi-mode player, you'd know why

user3412 user3412

Guys, Is This Take Good

anaxii user3412

Common user3412 W


spread coordinators amazing quest 🔥


spread coordinators amazing quest 🔥