If you ever get a GD from me thats my Tags: Le Mirai SirMirai Cacturne 🫠 And if you ever get a Haka no Mirai GD from me its: Le Mirai SirMirai Cacturne Hakashii
Hey I'm Mirai Songs Ill maybe map one day, ask me for a GD! I will only be passively active on osu for now, but you can try your luck asking me for a gd, as I need to focus on preparing for my exams until the end of 2025. I will log in from time to time to rank my current maps.
Hey, yes, you! Thanks for the best time I've had in osu! Now adulthood is starting and I have to continue my education, and I have less time for osu! But I try my best to come online from time to time to talk, map and have a good time!
I especially want to thank Hakashii, Mafumafu, Basensorex, Astrolis, Lugu, 13187 Berlin, Grrxie, Maiev, Shime, tadahitotsu, Aranel, KPMY, _FlameL, VenerableNyanta, [-Evil-], 0ppInOsu, A r M i N, Stixy, Rosiee, Blitzifyyy, Gero, Kuki1537, Lulu, kundi, Nemuidesu, OnlyBiscuit, Ryaldin, Velamy, Sirenx, wonjae, Woood13, all my mentee's and if you feel like it then you too, for giving me the best time ever! I've never had so much fun being in such a community as when I played this game with these cool people!
At current stage I wanna rank my older set's so there wont be new maps till that is done! But you can always ask me for a anything.