13:14 Kibbleru: poke
13:15 Neil Watts: poke?
13:15 Kibbleru: lets talk about hitsounds here
13:15 *Kibbleru is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/445436 Kan R. Gao, feat. Laura Shigihara - Once Upon a Memory [Hard]]
13:16 Kibbleru: well im not sure but claps should have a consistent pattern
13:16 Kibbleru: in MOST songs
13:16 Kibbleru: that actually have a drum beat
13:16 Neil Watts: Oh yeah ^^ Thanks to mod my map :3
13:16 Kibbleru: in MOST songs that actually have a drum beat
13:16 Kibbleru: the claps would be put on the 2nd and 4th white tick
13:16 Kibbleru: counting from the big white tick which is called the downbeat
13:16 Kibbleru: (just some base vocabulary

13:17 Neil Watts: I know, I have to review my hitsound mapping, but what I should do?
13:17 Kibbleru: well
13:17 Kibbleru: okay
13:17 Kibbleru: so
13:17 Kibbleru: whistles
13:17 Kibbleru: are put on the prominant melody lines
13:17 Neil Watts: yeah
13:17 Kibbleru: well thats option A, you can also spam them if u want and put them on all the melody lines
13:18 Kibbleru: and the melody here is the piano (i assume u know)
13:18 Kibbleru: so whistles would fit basically on
13:18 Kibbleru: whatever sound you feel
13:18 Kibbleru: more emphasized
13:18 Kibbleru: hm
13:18 Neil Watts: and the clap?
13:18 Kibbleru: as for your claps
13:18 Kibbleru: tbh you actually found a pretty good custom clap for this kind of song
13:19 Kibbleru: i cant really give you any tips for this one as there really isnt a drum beat in your song
13:19 Kibbleru: however,
13:19 Kibbleru: i can tell you that you should make a clap pattern
13:19 Kibbleru: and keep it consistent
13:20 Kibbleru: so i guess
13:20 Kibbleru: try to figure out a clap rhythm that would work
13:20 Kibbleru: and consistently repeat it
13:20 Kibbleru: every downbeat that is.
13:20 Kibbleru: or actually doesn't even have to be that
13:21 Neil Watts: Ok, and I use the whistles to complete the sound mapping?
13:21 Kibbleru: hm?
13:21 Kibbleru: no you use whistle on any emphasized melody line
13:21 Kibbleru: that seems to fit
13:22 Kibbleru: LOL tbh u chose a pretty hard song to hitsound x_x
13:23 Neil Watts: Hm... And what about the rhythm ? Particularly for the two last notes
13:23 Kibbleru: whats wrong with it?
13:24 Neil Watts: listen them
13:24 Neil Watts: with 25% speed
13:24 Kibbleru: ahh
13:24 Kibbleru: ic
13:24 Kibbleru: well
13:24 Kibbleru: there A.
13:24 Kibbleru: may be a timing change
13:24 Kibbleru: B. the artist fucked up or something

13:24 Neil Watts: as the intro?
13:25 Kibbleru: by the way
13:25 Kibbleru: i would use 70 bpm instead
13:25 Kibbleru: as
13:25 Kibbleru: usually,
13:25 Neil Watts: these 2 last circles are in rhythm with 1/16
13:25 Kibbleru: songs don't go into the really precice decimals
13:25 Neil Watts: I used 70bpm before
13:25 Kibbleru: and that MAY or may not solve ur problem
13:25 Kibbleru: 70 didnt work?
13:25 Neil Watts: but at the end, the music wasn't in rhythm
13:26 Neil Watts: nope
13:26 Kibbleru: ah k
13:26 Kibbleru: well
13:26 Kibbleru: most likely
13:26 Kibbleru: 02:22:337 -
13:26 Kibbleru: there is a timing change
13:26 Kibbleru: probably here 02:21:586 -
13:27 Neil Watts: with 1/16 i can place these 2 notes easily
13:27 Neil Watts: 1/16 beats
13:28 Kibbleru: okay
13:28 Kibbleru: nono
13:28 Kibbleru: dont do that
13:28 Kibbleru: cuz thats wrong
13:28 Neil Watts: at least, I could with 70bpm
13:28 Kibbleru: and they're not on the beat anyway
13:28 Kibbleru: okay
13:28 Kibbleru: 02:21:586 -
13:28 Kibbleru: add another uninherited timing point here
13:28 Kibbleru: and set it to 76 bpm
13:28 Kibbleru: and you should be able to map out the beats now on the white ticks
13:29 Kibbleru: make sure u do that with easy diff too
13:29 Kibbleru: oh btw u need a normal fyi if u didnt know that

13:29 Kibbleru: OH this song is from to the moon
13:30 Kibbleru: no wonder it sounded so familiar
13:30 Neil Watts: yeh ^^
13:30 Neil Watts: you played it?
13:30 Kibbleru: no lel

ive watched a vid LOL
13:30 Neil Watts: ok xD
13:30 Neil Watts: 76bpm works perfectly! thanks!
13:31 Kibbleru: 00:53:883 (3) - this note is a bit overmapped
13:31 Kibbleru: i don't think you want to overmap such a calming song :X
13:32 Kibbleru: try to go through your diff and remove any objects that doesn't actually support the music
13:32 Kibbleru: this type of song should not be overmapped
13:32 Kibbleru: doesn't really fit the song

13:32 Kibbleru: ok
13:32 Kibbleru: so for ur easy diff
13:32 Neil Watts: i know, that's probably the excitation
13:32 *Kibbleru is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/445435 Kan R. Gao, feat. Laura Shigihara - Once Upon a Memory [Easy]]
13:33 Kibbleru: 00:17:213 - i really recommend you adding something here
13:33 Neil Watts: effectively
13:33 Kibbleru: actually try this rhythm 00:16:785 -
http://puu.sh/9GO2q/b6549dbaa5.png13:33 Kibbleru: a 1/2 slider with reverse should work well
13:34 Kibbleru: 00:23:647 - same here in this case
13:34 Kibbleru: making easy diff shouldn't bee 2 hard for this song
13:34 Kibbleru: but make sure that you map out the dominant beats
13:35 Neil Watts: yep
13:35 Kibbleru: also people absolutely despise it when you reverse stuff more than once 01:06:105 (6) -
13:35 Kibbleru: since it's hard to expect
13:36 Kibbleru: however, thins like this 01:15:969 (4) - you can remove since it's not on a really prominent sound
13:36 Kibbleru: and like 01:19:400 (6) -
13:36 Kibbleru: 01:24:975 (1,2,3) - i highly recommend you NOT to go into the 1/4 snap in easy diff
13:37 Kibbleru: well
13:37 Kibbleru: not that
13:37 Kibbleru: leme reword
13:37 Kibbleru: don't have 1/4 spacings
13:37 Kibbleru: fark
13:37 Kibbleru: i mean
13:37 Kibbleru: the 1/4 gap between objects is too short
13:37 Kibbleru: for newbies to react to
13:37 Kibbleru: THERE ^
13:37 Neil Watts: i understand
13:37 Kibbleru: 01:38:699 - similar situation here
13:38 Kibbleru: the reverse sliders fit better 01:42:130 (5) -
13:38 Neil Watts: (hard to follow Oo, that's the first time that somebody's modding my map)
13:38 Neil Watts: i keep the logs
13:38 Kibbleru: yeah dont do this lel 01:51:136 (1,2,3) -
13:38 Kibbleru: ill post logs on ur thread
13:38 Kibbleru: to show that u got mods

13:38 Kibbleru: and np ppl say i mod too fast lol x_x
13:38 Neil Watts: oh, good idea!
13:39 Kibbleru: anyway thats about it for now
13:39 Kibbleru: ill post on thread