
OT Presidential Election 2022 - First Phase

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OT Presidential Election 2022

- Phase One -
It's that time of the year again folks, the yearly OT Election is here!
Denizens all around the globe shall pick a new OT President fit to represent the motherland that is OT.
At the end, one denizen shall stand tall above the others as they shall be deemed the new OT President.
I, Last year's runners-up, General Cleveland, has been entrusted in hosting this year's election.

I wish all the best of luck for this year's candidates on their respective campaign!

With that said, let us commence forth on this year's OT Presidential Election!
You know the jizz; Three weeks, Three phases, One winner.

The Jizz

Phase one:

Is the current phase, after the announcement any potential Presidential candidate will register here.

  1. During this phase, any OT denizen not under any criminal charges or convictions may register as a presidential candidate.
  2. Whomever wishes to apply as a presidential candidate should fill a registration form that will be provided later in this thread.
  3. Besides the required information, the future candidate may provide additional information about themselves or their future campaign, excluding attacks, bribery or any kind of manipulation against other fellow candidates.
  4. The registration form shall serve as your presidential campaign speech so additional information about your campaign is highly welcome.
This phase shall last for 7 days. No registrations will be accepted after the aforementioned period.

Phase two:

  1. After all the candidates have registered themselves, they shall be summoned to "OT Presidential Elections 2022 Second Phase" thread to answer questions given to them by either OT Parliament or denizens whom choose to contact me and submit their questions to the candidates.
  2. If a candidate refuses or can't answer a given question, they shall be disqualified from running a presidential campaign.
  3. Do note that denizen submitted questions shall be sent to my ingame PMs (website chat) or legacy website inbox. Some questions may not be considered for being irrelevant or other undisclosed reasons.
  4. A denizen may submit the question to the candidates anonymously if they choose so.

Phase three:

  1. This phase shall begin after the second phase has completed, voting will be open for all OT denizens.
    Each denizen (incl. candidates) can only vote for one candidate (or themselves if they run a presidential campaign).
  2. Denizens who had voted must confirm that they have voted in "OT Presidential Elections 2022 - Third Phase" thread.
  3. Each voter will be provided a unique token after they have voted. Once the results have been announced, a voter may find whom they voted for by their token listed in the voting results.
  4. The voting period will last 7 days and the most voted candidate wins the election.
  5. Candidates are allowed to create further campaign speeches during the voting either in this thread or as a separate thread. (Example: "Cleveland for President", "Cleveland Best Aniki Presidential Campaign 2022", etc.)

Registration Form and Campaign Rules

Registration Form:

Please ensure all of these are ticked on your registration to be considered valid.
  1. Introduction. (Username, position in OT, which OT generation are you from, etc.)
  2. Registration reason.
  3. Past OT experiences: (Honestly, anything notable you had done at OT.)
  4. Your vision of OT as a President.
- greetings everyone, it is i, ClevelandsMyBro, denizen gen 7. i mean im just your normal denizen what do you expect.

- im registering because why not. i mean everyone is doing it. THEN BECOME A REAL FUCKING SOCIAL CLIMBER

- triple snow halation mashup. also i do alot of shitpost. and maybe pissed of a mod (or 2)(or 3). and maybe made people lose a couple of braincells.

- actually start making quality thread. release nobody from eternal exile. do non corrupt things and more helpful things to the government of OT. idk thats just about it ig.

Election rules:

  1. Buying votes, bribery or any action that undermine fairness of the election are prohibited. Anyone found in violation of this shall be immediately disqualified.
  2. A denizen may only vote once, even themselves if they run their own campaign. However, anyone found commiting vote manipulation using clones or any other means of population inflation to increase their votes shall be disqualified.
  3. Anyone who uses clones or any other means of population inflation to increase candidate's votes shall be arrested by OT Police and disqualified if found to be an OT Presidential Candidate.
  4. Candidates are prohibited from cooperation between themselves.
  5. Treat everyone properly and keep it civil. You obviously have a right for free speech and expression of yourself, but you shall not use those rights to attack a candidate with slander or any other way to undermine someone's presidential campaign. Constructive criticism is welcome, however.
Candidates found to be in violation of those rules shall be disqualified. This may take one of several infractions, depending on their severity.

List of Registered Candidates:

  1. ShinRun
  2. NotRaffi
  3. ghoulybits
  4. Asian Warlord
Asian Warlord
Sign me up bitch.
@abraker, head of OT police: Who are currently convicted or arrested?
Topic Starter

z0z wrote:

i meant it as a "to be filled"
i am a potential Presidential candidate

The Indian Guy wrote:

i am a potential Presidential candidate
i will say you need to prove that you're worth my vote(and everyone else too)

i don't remember you being recognized as a ot denizen however
see, the requirement to become a denizen is too high
8months is a long time, the requirement should be 6 months or less
the current president pengiun is choosen by denizens and he is unactive even tho he is a president
There are only few 'active' denizens right now because the requirement to become denizens is soo high

The Indian Guy wrote:

the current president pengiun is choosen by denizens and he is unactive even tho he is a president
There are only few 'active' denizens right now because the requirement to become denizens is soo high
I suggest asking the representative of the OT police (abraker) first.
Im here from july last year how many months was that
7 months dang
Raffi already should have become a denizen by now but Penguin probably have no clue who he is lol

But yeah I’ll run for president
btw cleveland, i know u straight up copied the whole thing from the old posts. just remember to change the 2021s to 2022

Cerno wrote:

btw cleveland, i know u straight up copied the whole thing from the old posts. just remember to change the 2021s to 2022
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god fucking dammit, it was literally two line :<

anyways fill the form if any of yus are interested in running.
Topic Starter

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

anyways fill the form if any of yus are interested in running.
i added my form from last year. feel free to use that and all the others from the past years as i n s p i r a t i o n for your form.
Go I fill the form on this thread or do I make a separate thread
Uhm .. i uhh.. i ...uhhh. uhmm... want ... i ...noo. errmmm....uhhh...i.....hmmmm...perhaps .... uhhh
don't vote for any US candidate, we need to break the streak and free ourselves from the dictatorship

ShinRun wrote:

Go I fill the form on this thread or do I make a separate thread
Hoshimegu Mio

ShinRun wrote:

Raffi already should have become a denizen by now but Penguin probably have no clue who he is lol

But yeah I’ll run for president
I thought abraker controlled the new denizenships though.

YyottaCat wrote:

ShinRun wrote:

Raffi already should have become a denizen by now but Penguin probably have no clue who he is lol

But yeah I’ll run for president
I thought abraker controlled the new denizenships though.
Wait abraker is a dictator now?
what's a denizenship?


Scyla wrote:

what's a denizenship?
A sad title

ShinRun wrote:

Scyla wrote:

what's a denizenship?
A sad title
I don't have that title so I think I have nothing to do with this election

*flies back to forum games*

Scyla wrote:

ShinRun wrote:

Scyla wrote:

what's a denizenship?
A sad title
I don't have that title so I think I have nothing to do with this election

*flies back to forum games*
you can still ask questions to the candidates

igorsprite wrote:

Scyla wrote:

ShinRun wrote:

Scyla wrote:

what's a denizenship?
A sad title
I don't have that title so I think I have nothing to do with this election

*flies back to forum games*
you can still ask questions to the candidates
why tho
Doesn’t seem like anyone is running for president

Well I’m going to post my speech soon

ShinRun wrote:

Doesn’t seem like anyone is running for president

Well I’m going to post my speech soon
i mean do any of us want pres?

ShinRun wrote:

Doesn’t seem like anyone is running for president

Well I’m going to post my speech soon
watch it be some gay shit

ShinRun wrote:

Doesn’t seem like anyone is running for president

Well I’m going to post my speech soon
There's still 6 days left.

DCT wrote:

@abraker, head of OT police: Who are currently convicted or arrested?
The following denizens are not eligible due to being exiled or silenced in recent times:
- Meah
- igorsprite

Shin's presidential speech

Good morning, afternoon and evening everyone. As you might have noticed, I will be running for president in the 2022 presidential election. In case you have no idea who I am, I am a gen 8 denizen and have stayed on OT for almost a year now. I am mostly known for OT!GN, creation of NEOS and some other small events. I am running for president cause why not and also it would be quite fun.

Some of you might doubt me as I am still one of the youngest denizen and people tend to elect older members however I believe I will do a great job. I won't promise much since I probably won't fulfill it but I will say one thing, I will make OT a better place.
Topic Starter
Fellow denizen ShinRun's form has been accepted
Oh yeah I forgot to mention but I’m probably going to change the requirement for denizen if I become president

ShinRun wrote:

Oh yeah I forgot to mention but I’m probably going to change the requirement for denizen if I become president
“Women arent allowed to become denizen, only men cuz my gayass prefers them”

Cerno wrote:

ShinRun wrote:

Oh yeah I forgot to mention but I’m probably going to change the requirement for denizen if I become president
“Women arent allowed to become denizen, only men cuz my gayass prefers them”
Tbf isn’t the OT!parliament solely ran by men

ShinRun wrote:

Oh yeah I forgot to mention but I’m probably going to change the requirement for denizen if I become president
My vote

YyottaCat wrote:

ShinRun wrote:

Raffi already should have become a denizen by now but Penguin probably have no clue who he is lol

But yeah I’ll run for president
I thought abraker controlled the new denizenships though.
penguin changed it to having to go through parliament vote
so far shinrun is doing good
alright, I'm making a registration since I'm a denizen now

NotRaffi's Super Cool Presidential Campaign

Good day everyone, I'm NotRaffi, A relatively new denizen from gen 8, I have been in OT for at least 8 month-ish, And I'm electing in this 2022 election because I think It's cool if i got elected, Some of you may know me from an FG forum post that abraker accidentally created is dedicated for me not post last, that post is basically a free chatting platform in FG,

anyways, Here are some reason of why you should elect me instead of the other candidate:
  1. I Like Cake
  2. I'm cool
  3. I make cooking threads where you can ask me to cook something
  4. The chatting thread
here is my vision that I'm gonna fulfill one way or another:
  1. To Invite new interesting people to OT
  2. To make OT become known [idk how] by the entire osu community
  3. Make OT be filled with good posts
Now, even though I said those, please don't take my words because I'll probably forgot about it or just didn't manage to find a way to make any of it happen, but I'll try my hardest to make my wish happen

with my greatest regards
Shinruin would be a better president and his introduction is convincing too

but My vote is to notraffi because he like cake

abraker wrote:

DCT wrote:

@abraker, head of OT police: Who are currently convicted or arrested?
The following denizens are not eligible due to being exiled or silenced in recent times:
- Meah
- igorsprite
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Fellow denizen NotRaffi's form has been accepted
Do you think I can be a great president guys?
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Corne2Plum3 wrote:

Do you think I can be a great president guys?
hey! no one would know if you dont try.
can't apply if you can't get denizenship in the first place :)
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