OT Presidential election 2021
Greetings all OT denizens.
Since if Katou's salaries were to be cut even more, he'd practically be paying to go to work, I'll be taking over for the third phase of the 2021 OT Presidential Election.
This is the third, and final phase of the 2021 OT presidential election.
Although voting is not mandatory, I would respectfully request all denizens to vote. Since this election will decide on a new President who will lead OT for the year 2021, you are actively deciding on the future of OT. Every denizen should have the responsibility of voting.
This thread will also serve as a place for candidates to have further campaign speeches. Any denizens that have questions for the candidates may also ask them here, regardless of the question being related to the campaign or not. Candidates are not expected to answer all questions though, and they may choose to answer certain questions or not.
Voting polls will be open for 7 days.
Glory to OT!
Since if Katou's salaries were to be cut even more, he'd practically be paying to go to work, I'll be taking over for the third phase of the 2021 OT Presidential Election.
This is the third, and final phase of the 2021 OT presidential election.
Although voting is not mandatory, I would respectfully request all denizens to vote. Since this election will decide on a new President who will lead OT for the year 2021, you are actively deciding on the future of OT. Every denizen should have the responsibility of voting.
This thread will also serve as a place for candidates to have further campaign speeches. Any denizens that have questions for the candidates may also ask them here, regardless of the question being related to the campaign or not. Candidates are not expected to answer all questions though, and they may choose to answer certain questions or not.
Voting polls will be open for 7 days.
How to vote:
Please send me a private message of who you'd like to vote for. You can either use the forum's messaging functions or through Discord DMs.
Each denizen can only cast one vote.
After you've voted, please confirm your vote on the 'OT Presidential Election 2021 - Third Phase' thread. You can do so by simply posting a comment to this thread like "I voted".
After your vote have been confirmed, you will be given a random and unique voting token.
When the voting statistics is released, you will be able to see your token along with your vote.
You can vote for one of the following candidates:
- Penguin
- Winnyace
- Corne2Plum3
- abraker
- ClevelandsMyBro