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nope axl
i edited it. is it still wrong?
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Still nope. Also, for guesses, please just use another post if you are wrong. Makes it so it is a lot easier for me to follow things and reduces the chances of me skipping over actual winners.
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Corne, that is the same map that axl linked. why would it be wrong for them but right for you?
I forgot that submitted maps can be posted on the forums.

this? community/forums/topics/199627?start=2987265
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Gratz on the find. You are correct
ooo someone got it

rumors had it was impossible!
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Yes, truly amazing that they can find that but not my other question abraker. But I have a task for you guys. I want ranked meme maps. Ranked meme maps that is specifically centered around Peppy. 1 point for each one you guys find. Have fun hunting :)
Zelzatter Zero

edit: shit I got ninja'd with the same mapset lol
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Nice going _ralsei. Since I actually do not know how many mapsets are like that, this question will keep on going. It'll still be one point per ranked mapset found though.
Zelzatter Zero
beatmapsets/1#osu/75 should this count too? It's the first mapset ever submitted in the game tho.
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Zel, I do not find that to be a meme map. If you can give me a reason why it is a meme then sure, I'll give you a point.

Jonarwhal, that might be considered a meme map, but I want meme maps specifically dealing with Peppy that are ranked. As far as I know that has no association with Peppy other than being part of his game.
I'd put honesty but it's loved...
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Meh, I'll allow loved. I am just trying to avoid gy maps, pending, WIPs and qualified. I consider loved to be part of the official game.
One of the diffs has peppy as its bg
you people got all the answers before me xd
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Another point for you _ralsei. For some odd reason the catch diff on the set you linked is in WIP though it says it is loved and the rest is loved eblf. It might be a site issue, but that map sits weird with me due to that, so no points until I can figure out why it is doing that. If/when I can you will get a point though if it is just some site issue.
Zelzatter Zero
wait I thought loved maps don't count?
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I decided to allow them after it was asked. I was going after maps that is considered part of the game and I forgot loved, that is my bad x.x

I am just more curious about how many meme Peppy maps have leaderboards at this point tbh.
Isshiki Kaname
nice 100 replies
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Who is the first Pokemon? 1 point for each correct answer.
Bulbasaur in the Kanto pokédex
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one point for you eblf. who can figure out the others?
Chikorita, Johto.
Treecko, Hoenn.
Turtwig, Sinnoh.
Victini, Unova. (The only that starts without a plant initial)
Chespin, Kalos.
Rowlet, Alola.
Grookey, Galar.
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nope, all those are wrong eblf.
So it's not "the first pokémon in each region's pokédex"

Let me try with the god Arceus, if we talk about the first pokémon that created it all.

Or if we talk about the games, the first are pokémon Red and Green in Japan. Red and Blue internationally.
not answering yet,

but it's a pretty weird concept to have a literal fucking deity that is catchable by a little kid. kinda absurd.
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well eblf, you got Arceus right.

axl, what is so bad about having a deity bow down to you?

Also, still more out there to get. Keep on guessing :)
Let me see if this works:

Tornadus is the first pure Flying type pokémon.

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

axl, what is so bad about having a deity bow down to you?
now that I think about it, it does sound pretty cool.
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eblf, that might be correct but not what the question is getting at.

axl, what would you do with that power?

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

axl, what would you do with that power?
probably become the god of pokemon masters. no one smart enough dares to challenge someone who has captured a literal god.
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I would with a magikarp :P
succeeding with magikarp is honestly more impressive than catching Arceus.
Well, there's a pokémon game in which you do succeed with a magikarp.
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i want to either play this gen or replay it eblf
i think ▶ A is the first glitch pokemon that comes after the normal gen 1 pokedex
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That is not what the question is going after zOz, sorry
Astrid Park
What's the question btw?
rhydon was the first pokemon to be designed, not sure if that's the answer you were looking for tho.
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Astrid, current active questions are in the first post.

Correct on that one Wither. you earned a point :)
mew is the first legendary introduced and the first event-only pokemon
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zOz, you are correct but incorrect as to the reason of the first. You still get a point though x.x
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zOz, you are correct but incorrect as to the reason of the first. You still get a point though x.x
looks like your message got duped
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Yeah, internet wanted to derp out as soon as I hit post I assume so it posted twice x.x
hmm cool thread

beatmapsets/1#osu/75 (understandable)
beatmapsets/19928#osu/70050 (idk if this ones counts, but the original tutorial was made by peppy(which is beyond meme status at this point)

peppy is cool

what are the chances you cicking on the link to my first ot post
Astrid Park

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

Astrid, current active questions are in the first post.

Correct on that one Wither. you earned a point :)
Then what's the current question?

Astrid Park wrote:

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

Astrid, current active questions are in the first post.

Correct on that one Wither. you earned a point :)
Then what's the current question?
both of the questions in the OP.

the one about the Pokemon is continuous i think.
Astrid Park

axl2468 wrote:

Astrid Park wrote:

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

Astrid, current active questions are in the first post.

Correct on that one Wither. you earned a point :)
Then what's the current question?
both of the questions in the OP.

the one about the Pokemon is continuous i think.
Ohhhhhh, okay I saw the questions. I don't the answers so nvm. :)
Gengar and Nidoran (male) are the first pokémon to appear in red/blue intro scene.
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Astrid, keep on checking in on this thread. I will ask questions randomly. If you are the one to answer it correctly, you get the reward. I just put them all in the OP so it is easier for people to find all that are being asked because there are some that can have multiple answers and others are just hard to do. I do not want to make you guys go through hundreds of posts just to figure out if any question is still being asked. I feel like that would take away some of the fun that this game can hold for you guys.

therealnitroz, the first three have already been linked for the peppy question. The last one is new in this thread and has been memed to hell, so congrats on finding it.
Zelzatter Zero
beatmapsets/1095376#osu/2289268 Maybe this counts? One of the lyrics said "We are the victims of peppy" and the whole song basically centered around osu too.

beatmapsets/77753#mania/225861 and since old tutorial was accepted, may include this one too
pikachu is the first pokemon to have a friendship system(in pokemon yellow)

i'm just looking at the wiki to find this kind of stuff since i wouldn't know otherwise
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elfb and zOz, try looking at the pokemon that I have said yes to. Maybe that will help you guys with your guesses.

Zel, for the tutorial I did give you. The other map I do need to listen to before I either say yes or no.

I know you guys are aching for another question, so here it is :
Who is known for taking what you perceive, outright denying what you perceive only to then put forth what they perceive? 3 points
i think that's yourself
...and by that i mean "you" (and also me)
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nope zOz
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say Rene Descartes.
is it a person in denial?
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Nope to both of you guys.
Zelzatter Zero
lemme guess, a teacher?
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They did teach us things, yes but I am looking for a name Zel.
Adam Savage from MythBusters? idk what character said it in The Dungeonmaster, and its apparently also a quote by someone in a really old Dr. Who episode, but I haven't seen/read either of those.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
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Nice Wither. You even got the quote right. 3 points for you
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I am curious. Why are speedruns generally done in a language that is not English? 2 points
because text is often faster in other languages. so it saves time.

edit: sometimes the non-localized version also has more bugs, which can also be used to save time

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

I am curious. Why are speedruns generally done in a language that is not English? 2 points
Games there the dialogue in another language is much shorter in order to reduce time loss. Example, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, typically has its fastest runs in German since the dialogue goes much faster.

I knew someone would snipe me
darn it, this is one of the only ones that I could answer from memory.

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

I am curious. Why are speedruns generally done in a language that is not English? 2 points
Dialogs are faster/shorter in other languages than English (japanese for exemple)
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axl, you gotta be paying attention. You never know when I will be doing a question for you guys.

_ralsei got it right though, so they get the points. I do hope you guys are enjoying this as much as I am

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

I am curious. Why are speedruns generally done in a language that is not English? 2 points
AFAIK, the nintendo iQue has faster loading times than the nintendo 64, so playing the chinese version is more efficient.

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

I do hope you guys are enjoying this as much as I am
im not. i just want a fucking suptag dude wtf.

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Then start answering the questions as I ask them then :P
this song talks about the sinking of the bulk carrier SS Edmund Fitzgerald on Lake Superior (Gitche Gumee)
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Did you get that question off of the OP or somewhere in this thread?

Either or way, gratz. You get your points.
Astrid Park

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

Astrid, keep on checking in on this thread. I will ask questions randomly. If you are the one to answer it correctly, you get the reward. I just put them all in the OP so it is easier for people to find all that are being asked because there are some that can have multiple answers and others are just hard to do. I do not want to make you guys go through hundreds of posts just to figure out if any question is still being asked. I feel like that would take away some of the fun that this game can hold for you guys.
Well okay then, I'll try my best to answer the questions. :)
thread posts go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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abraker, that was absolutely cringe. No wonder you managed to get to be head of the forums here :P

Since we are talking about cringe, which show is generally accepted as introducing America into cartoons drawn in Japan? 2 points
Let me guess: Astroboy?
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yes, lol
if not astroboy it would have been sailor moon several decades later
Man that first question is actually impossible, wayback machine seems to have only visited this site around nov. 2017 - though I wasnt too thorough on that, almost every map that seems like you would've shot a star on based on your mod has a credits where they list modders, stars, and bat / bn's that you aren't on.

ill try anyway though... community/forums/topics/181410?start=3417962 you didn't mod this map, maybe they forgot to add you to the credits, and you did shoot a star?

also, togepi was the first pokemon egg to appear in the games.
really long link
Wither, I think you are bit late

abraker wrote:

Wither, I think you are bit late
ehh, only been 3 days /s
the question was still up, figured i'd try, been going through their old mod posts for a bit.
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abraker, as long as a question is active people are free to guess at it. I don't mind if it is 6 months old, if people want to guess, I will let them guess. All I want is to make sure I know what you are asking for.

That being said, that is not a map I did shoot a kudos at. I do need to talk to that mapper again though :(
oh I thought it was answered here community/forums/posts/7696365

abraker wrote:

oh I thought it was answered here community/forums/posts/7696365
you got it confused, that was an entirely different question (what was the first map he submitted?), which just involved me going to the beatmap graveyard filter of his posts and finding his oldest thread.

the very first is super hard that I don't even want to bother finding it.
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Oh, I see the confusion. I said that was correct to my first beatmap, not the beatmap I shot a kudos at, hence why that is still a question. I should actually start saying what it is a correct answer to x.x

  1. What is the reasoning behind my username? 3 points
  2. What was the original Jack - O - Lanturns? 2 points
  3. How did I find osu? 6 points
  4. What country am I from? 1 point
  5. Though it was taken down, what was the reason that I mapped Jade - 1000 Words in the first place? 6 points
  6. What is the origin of Halloween? 3 points

Also, the togepi thing is getting closer to what I am looking for for my first pokemon question, but that is not what it is looking for.
uh the first pokemon thing is deceptive

Rhydon - first designed
Bulbasaur - first in the pokedex
Mew - ancestor to all pokemon
Arceus - created the pokemon universe and all pokemon
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Jonarwhal, all 4 of those are in the OP under the "answers" section, sorry my dude :(

If you have others you want to say, feel free but those already have points on them.
oh lol didnt realize sorry xd

the origen of halloween is the Celtic holiday od samhain
and your name, a fairy tail reference maybe?
What is the origin of Halloween?
all hallows eve, the night before nov. 1 which marks the beginning of the christian holy days all hallows (all saints, hallowmas) on the first and all souls on the second.
nvm, this was after od samhain i think.
Your name comes from fairy tail. 96 for 1996 as your year of birth.
jack 'o lantern used to mean jack (a person) with a lanterns (so a nighttime watchman). the tradition of decorating them originates from Ireland and they orignally used potatoes and turnips

the country you're from is the US, but assuming you're talking about ancestry, my guess is Ireland based on the way you speak and the types of questions you're asking. but ethnicities are socially constructed anyway soooo
And you are from the US
other first pokemen may be:

charmander and squirtle (+bulbasaur) - starters from the first pokemon games
pikachu - first pokemon card ever made
abra - first pokemon alphabetically
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