01:50 Fort: yo
01:50 *Fort is playing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/746090 Within Temptation - Iron [Steel]]
01:50 Fort: lel
01:54 Fort: why AR9.9?
01:55 baraatje123: I set it high because of high speeds and for better readability, but I wanted to not set it to 10 :P
01:57 Fort: yeah but the weakness on this map is on slow part which makes High AR hard to read
01:58 Fort: i think i can read this pattern with AR9.3 or maybe i can read it with AR9 too
01:58 baraatje123: [https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/47941 If only this was implemented]
02:04 Fort: lol i didnt expected some spaced triplets there
02:05 Fort: i think ending part so very forced
02:06 Fort: especially with that triplets and Unrankable sliders
02:06 Fort: it's the real burai sliders which i cant probably read that patter
02:06 Fort: n
02:07 Fort: but still as i said, you need to lowe your ar because it's probably 198bpm song
02:07 baraatje123: Well, It's al 1/3, so triangles are best
02:08 Fort: no
02:08 Fort: eh nvm
02:08 Fort: i objectively mentioned this as unrankable sliders
02:08 Fort: 04:08:807 (4) -
02:08 baraatje123: lol
02:08 Fort: 04:09:716 (7) -
02:08 Fort: 04:12:444 (4) -
02:08 Fort: 04:13:353 (7) -
02:08 Fort: 04:14:262 (3) -
02:08 baraatje123: I know, I thought those were fun, but you're right
02:09 baraatje123: that many O.o. I thought only the last one was
02:09 Fort: 04:20:171 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - and the difficulty speed reduction on here really awkward
02:10 Fort: compared with density on here 04:15:171 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) -
02:11 Fort: and probably overmapped that part very forced
02:12 Fort: i bet
02:12 Fort: if you delete all triplets pattern on there and change it to only 1/3 circles
02:13 Fort: your star rating are not changing
02:13 Fort: just a bit i guess
02:14 baraatje123: Good idea
02:15 Fort: 05:14:262 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - im not sure other players can get rid on this
02:15 baraatje123: Should be fine considering the end has huge speed
02:16 Fort: yeah
02:16 Fort: but you need to consider this one probably
02:16 Fort: 04:20:171 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) -
02:16 Fort: speed reduction on there reduce emphasize on song (especially on kiai time)
02:17 Fort: and anti jump there feels rigid to hit
02:18 Fort: 04:26:687 (2,3) - better swap this placement
02:18 Fort: 04:27:141 (2,3) - same
02:19 baraatje123: Ok
02:21 Fort: 05:07:368 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - im not sure this overmapping good
02:21 Fort: jumpstreams makes it hard to expect
02:22 Fort: 05:07:368 (3) - just delete this and see the difference
02:22 baraatje123: Jumps feel btter there now you mention it
02:22 baraatje123: At 1/3 then (no 1/6 jumps ofc xD)
02:23 Fort: 05:07:898 (9,10,11,12,13,14) - Spaced streams
02:23 Fort: Overmapping spaced stream, now you get it xD
02:25 baraatje123: Yea, changed them into 1/3 jumps
02:25 baraatje123: Also changed the first 4 Burai sliders (A little Burai, but with visible path now)
02:26 Fort: 04:17:444 - im still thinking with this part
02:26 Fort: i think this guitar vibration
02:26 Fort: yeah
02:26 Fort: how to said it but i think you can put some streams here
02:26 Fort: 1/6 streams
02:29 Fort: just like a long streams like 04:44:716 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - (27 combos) or (13 combos)
02:29 baraatje123: ok
02:30 Fort: 02:12:292 (1) - new combo on here quite confusing
02:31 Fort: but yeah
02:31 Fort: it will be more confident if you put new combo at downbeat
02:32 baraatje123: Downbeat got `taken` by end of the big slider
02:32 Fort: yeah just a suggestion
02:32 Fort: you can considering it if you want
02:33 Fort: 03:33:807 (1) - this SV change is annoying compare with high distance jumps on previous part
02:33 Fort: make it 1/1 slider
02:34 Fort: and add circle on 03:34:716
02:34 Fort: 03:34:716 -
02:34 Fort: to reduce some chance on sliderbreaking
02:34 baraatje123: Ok
02:36 Fort: 04:09:565 (6,7) - you already fix this burai sliders, but make sure flow movement on here is good too
02:37 baraatje123: Made it something different (as that is all 1/6)
02:37 baraatje123: Made it a "weird-at-first-glance-but-very-playable" stream
02:37 Fort: yayaya
02:37 Fort: lol
02:37 baraatje123: Also, I changed Offset with -20
02:38 Fort: okay
02:38 Fort: wait what??
02:38 Fort: -20ms??
02:38 Fort: it's too early
02:38 baraatje123: To 6515
02:39 baraatje123: It was soo incredibly late
02:39 Fort: ah okay then
02:39 baraatje123: At 25%, All 1/6 and most 1/3 felt incredibly off, not anymore =D
02:40 Fort: kay
02:40 Fort: maybe just it for now
02:40 Fort: #1
02:40 Fort: need to sleep lol
02:40 baraatje123: Lol
02:41 baraatje123: SR hightened by 0.03 after applying it all xD
02:43 Fort: yeah im trying to do some suggestion without reducing/increasing SR
02:48 baraatje123: Changed Guitar kiai for more 1/6
02:55 baraatje123: And updated (6,72 (+0,12 in total))
02:55 Fort: owo
02:55 Fort: i smell overmapping there
02:55 Fort: lol
02:55 baraatje123: Wait, ehy on earth do I jave OD 6.6 O.o
02:55 baraatje123: Those typos O.o
02:55 Fort: oh yeah
02:55 baraatje123: Lol
02:55 Fort: you should change it
02:56 baraatje123: What do you think is best? 8? 9?
02:56 Fort: but still i didnt recommend high AR on here
02:56 baraatje123: Od is always the one factor I don't know what to put it on
02:56 Fort: just put 9.6 then
02:56 Fort: AR9.6 OD 8.8
02:57 baraatje123: Well, AR is completely Subjective, as it's really jumpy and such, I think AR9,9 should be fine (but I'll ask around)
02:57 baraatje123: Okay
02:57 Fort: but it almost AR10
02:57 Fort: D:
02:58 baraatje123: LOL http://puu.sh/jf5Hx/b46e6a0033.png
02:58 baraatje123: http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/3450292 Since when does this appear O.o
02:58 Fort: 2015
02:59 Fort: since decimal diff setting appeared
02:59 baraatje123: So people know when to hit better?
02:59 baraatje123: So every ,1 at AR means 15ms O.o (Looking at screenshot)
03:00 baraatje123: Quite handy
03:00 Fort: yeah
03:01 baraatje123: Oh also why did you change the Xiao Mei diff name?
03:01 Fort: because
03:01 Fort: Xiao means 5 years old
03:01 Fort: Mei means 6
03:01 Fort: 2015 means 2015 combo
03:02 Fort: you will get what i mean :)
03:02 baraatje123: O.o
03:03 Fort: tbh hinsvar is fucking lazy
03:04 baraatje123: LOL
03:04 Fort: i need to find other BN if he being lazy as fuk
03:04 baraatje123: Quite a lot of BN are xD
03:04 baraatje123: *raises hand
03:04 Fort: lmao
03:04 baraatje123: Oh, forgot about /me
03:04 *baraatje123 raises hand
03:04 Fort: but he already placehold my map
03:04 Fort: so i will wait
03:05 baraatje123: ;-;
03:05 Fort: too late lol
03:05 baraatje123: I can remember on Magma Dan Toujou that it also took Habi a long time to qualify
03:05 baraatje123: I know, fukin cap, but still
03:05 Fort: yeah hahaha
03:05 Fort: lazy working
03:05 Fort: *runs
03:06 baraatje123: Gezo even made an awesome tool for it (okay, just a few hours ago)
03:06 baraatje123: http://chiyozel.com/bng
03:06 Fort: bng?
03:06 Fort: wait
03:06 baraatje123: Well, when we want to rank something, we need to wait until a certain cap is over
03:06 Fort: is that
03:06 Fort: Qualify slow time?
03:07 baraatje123: But we don't know when its over xD
03:07 Fort: slot*
03:07 baraatje123: ??
03:07 baraatje123: Ohw, yea
03:07 Fort: lol
03:07 Fort: cool
03:07 baraatje123: Perhaps you can pass it to Hinsvar to easy qualify your map :P
03:07 Fort: but he need to check my map first
03:09 Fort: but whatever
03:11 baraatje123: Oh, you can post the log in thread for kd :P
03:15 Fort: okay sure