
CTB Modding Academy

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Krah wrote:

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Persona - Area184

Some of you probably modded it, and some of you cannot even mod it (Hi alienflybot), but there's gonna be a new map next Monday anyway :p

Ps : No, this post isn't exactly a copy of the Dief's post one week ago /o/

Grats to AFB~
alien pro

Riari wrote:

Krah wrote:

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Persona - Area184

Grats to AFB~
I started to mod recently so add me o3ó
Topic Starter
So the sound of the bananas can be changed for real, or is it still an urban legend? :D

I will investigate this matter. Although I think this is just a legend.
Welcome double post. Anyway, its good to inform everyone.

It is working. Its possible to add custom sounds for spinner in CtB. "metronomehigh.wav" is for main beat and "metronomelow.wav" is for the rest. Its possible to use just one of them but gives a weird feedback so both of them needs to be the same sound and requires for ranking.
Good to know :)
BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Kitamura Eri - Birth (TV Size)

Nobody modded it, and some of you cannot even mod it (Hi Slow), but there's gonna be a new map next Monday anyway :p

Wow I'm such a copycat

Sey wrote:

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Kitamura Eri - Birth (TV Size)

Nobody modded it, and some of you cannot even mod it (Hi Slow), but there's gonna be a new map next Monday anyway :p

Wow I'm such a copycat
So funny

Congrats Slow~

Sey wrote:

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Kitamura Eri - Birth (TV Size)
slow moe pro mapper

bye bye area184 noob map oh i mean hi

Sey wrote:

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Kitamura Eri - Birth (TV Size)

Nobody modded it, and some of you cannot even mod it (Hi Slow), but there's gonna be a new map next Monday anyway :p

Wow I'm such a copycat
pro mapper slow

lets get that ranked :D

Sey wrote:

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Kitamura Eri - Birth (TV Size)

lol.... :)

alienflybot wrote:

Sey wrote:

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Kitamura Eri - Birth (TV Size)
slow moe pro mapper

bye bye area184 noob map oh i mean hi
BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: yanaginagi - Zoetrope (TV Size)

hi Kyuare

ursa wrote:

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: yanaginagi - Zoetrope (TV Size)

alienflybot wrote:

ursa wrote:

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: yanaginagi - Zoetrope (TV Size)
Topic Starter
BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Lin-G - I want you

Hi rew0825.

Modder of the Month will be announced on Sunday/next Monday. This is your last opportunity to show off your abilities :D

Deif wrote:

This is your last opportunity to show off your abilities :D
Yep, everyone needs to mod mod my map before that.The ones who miss it won't have a chance. /me runs far away

Deif wrote:

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Lin-G - I want you

Hi rew0825.

Modder of the Month will be announced on Sunday/next Monday. This is your last opportunity to show off your abilities :D

Does the ability have to be modding? :(

Deifchan wrote:

when? DDDD:::::

Deif wrote:

Genocide for 69% sure

Deif wrote:

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Lin-G - I want you

Hi rew0825.

Modder of the Month will be announced on Sunday/next Monday. This is your last opportunity to show off your abilities :D
gg :D :D
oh my... i just noticed this thread is back to live
since im active again from now, please count me in as modder c:
Mod my new mapset then. /me runs

ursa wrote:

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: yanaginagi - Zoetrope (TV Size)

hi Kyuare
OMG Kyuare just told me this
I'll have to get to mods on my platter and salad soon ;w;
My diffs are still so bad right now...
Hopefully I'll get free time on the week to do this :3
Topic Starter
Hi AFB, you got a 1-month supporter :3

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Agnete Kjolsrud - Get Jinxed

LoL hype. Gogogo /o/

Also congrats, afb! Well-deserved.
lol xD afb got 1 month supporter
congrazt then

Sey wrote:

Also congrats, afb! Well-deserved.
This one is well-made diffspread, so I'm sure it can be ranked in a while :3

Also congratz to afb, nice work!
Hi :)
Can i join this Academy? I'm sure that i've mod more than 2 CtB mapset/difficulty (~'w')~
Thanks :oops:
Topic Starter
Hey! Somebody could've updated it already D:

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Lapix - Paradoxy

Be gentle with this beatmap :3
I want to join too >< already mod 3-4 maps ><

(still learn how to mod Rain tough :D)
I just recognized how low these restrictions are. 2-3 CTB mods and that's it? I'd prefer to see more experienced CTB modders with a certain amount of KDS here to be sure the modder is having value and a bit of experience to this all but nothing about that is mentioned in the OP... *sigh*
In theory everyone can mod 2 CTB maps in a single day but that doesn't necessarily mean the modder provides any quality. Also I wouldn't be against if BATs/QATs decide internally about member recruitments before any applicant simply gets added here. This will assist the whole fact of modders being 100% certain about their interest in joining the Academy and trying to work harder for it with better mods than they ever had before.

P.S. This also supports the whole challenge aspect between participants. I don't see the point in having as many members as possible instead of qualified members.

Not saying I would want these requirements unreachable but a bit of more challenge to join this can't hurt to motivate new participants improving their modding quality and willingness about this all.

Sey wrote:

I just recognized how low these restrictions are. 2-3 CTB mods and that's it? I'd prefer to see more experienced CTB modders with a certain amount of KDS here to be sure the modder is having value and a bit of experience to this all but nothing about that is mentioned in the OP... *sigh*
In theory everyone can mod 2 CTB maps in a single day but that doesn't necessarily mean the modder provides any quality. Also I wouldn't be against if BATs/QATs decide internally about member recruitments before any applicant simply gets added here. This will assist the whole fact of modders being 100% certain about their interest in joining the Academy and trying to work harder for it with better mods than they ever had before.

P.S. This also supports the whole challenge aspect between participants. I don't see the point in having as many members as possible instead of qualified members.

Not saying I would want these requirements unreachable but a bit of more challenge to join this can't hurt to motivate new participants improving their modding quality and willingness about this all.
Sometimes I prefeel mapping than modding >< how dummy I'm xD
I wasn't really refering to you. This is more a general thing I'd like to see in future.
I find this whole thing isn't really a challenge anymore compared to the time when I was still a participant of this.

Sey wrote:

I just recognized how low these restrictions are. 2-3 CTB mods and that's it? I'd prefer to see more experienced CTB modders with a certain amount of KDS here to be sure the modder is having value and a bit of experience to this all but nothing about that is mentioned in the OP... *sigh*
In theory everyone can mod 2 CTB maps in a single day but that doesn't necessarily mean the modder provides any quality. Also I wouldn't be against if BATs/QATs decide internally about member recruitments before any applicant simply gets added here. This will assist the whole fact of modders being 100% certain about their interest in joining the Academy and trying to work harder for it with better mods than they ever had before.

P.S. This also supports the whole challenge aspect between participants. I don't see the point in having as many members as possible instead of qualified members.

Not saying I would want these requirements unreachable but a bit of more challenge to join this can't hurt to motivate new participants improving their modding quality and willingness about this all.
This is an Academy, there is a low requirement to get in as i'm sure its meant to motivate and help people to 'learn' to mod, but I see a lack of material for that. I see nothing wrong with a 2-3 mod requirement, having experienced people only doesn't motivate people to join and map/mod, it just pushes them away and creates an elitist cult.

A limit increase would also decrease the very little activity we have right now and I really don't want to see that happen.

Just my two pence.
As you already stated participants should learn how to mod. Then they will need feedback what was good/bad about their mods to do it better in future (which isn't the case right now).

Also not planning to create any elitism here. Low requirements will be okay if the learning process will be supported by the staff. Just announcing a MotM won't help others in future. Maybe some PMs including observations in their mods might be helpful. This will especially motivate and increase the competition between all members.

What I want to avoid is simply people getting into this for being in this, like: "Just modded 2 maps, now let me in". This is counterproductive for the meaning of this academy.

Sey wrote:

As you already stated participants should learn how to mod. Then they will need feedback what was good/bad about their mods to do it better in future (which isn't the case right now).

Also not planning to create any elitism here. Low requirements will be okay if the learning process will be supported by the staff. Just announcing a MotM won't help others in future. Maybe some PMs including observations in their mods might be helpful. I'd even help in preparing those as a BAT. EVERYONE should receive a personal message. This will especially motivate and increase the competition between all members.

What I want to avoid is simply people getting into this for being in this, like: "Just modded 2 maps, now let me in". This is counterproductive for the meaning of this academy.
That does make sense, two maps and in isn't a great setup, feedback and helping out with stuff would be lovely and really helpful but it all comes down to no activity. There is NOTHING here that motivates ME as a modder to carry on, I get my name on a fancy thread and that's about it. If there was more to push me on I'm sure I'd mod a lot more and I'm sure it feels the same for quite a few people. A system like this may help and revive this for a while and give a solution to two maps and in, but it doesn't fill the void of no motivation for others.

I'd gladly support anything to help this thread be more active (The hypocrite I am) but it doesn't seem to be lifting off like I hoped it would have when this slight revamp came in.
Actually my idea was 5 map but it ended up lowered by dear QATs due unkeonw reason. That is still not enough but better than 2. But going after kudo is a perfect idea though we should look at the time gap between them as well. So in the end we should check before adding someone.
Topic Starter
It's getting a routine to add a map on tuesdays

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Tamaz-P - Hirari Hirari

A quite calm map this time. Happy modding!
Hello modders, I love you :)
:o ok

Drafura wrote:

Hello modders, I love you :)
I'd love you if you mapped more.
love hirari hirari
lemme join.. im newbie :3 (afbeeh sempai will teach me x3, dakara daijoubu)
i dun have a lot time to modding but i'll try ma best `3` b
yoroshiku modder..
MotW soon(tm)?
Well... Half of the week is over already, so it'd be unfair to announce it now and keep it less days than the others before.
Nothing had been posted, so I advice skipping with no MotM this week and continue next Sunday...

Edit: As you wish, Deif. Gonna post maps next time by myself if you don't do it.
Topic Starter
Gosh, just add one map. It's not so difficult:

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: yuikonnu - Souzou Forest

Sup. I promise the next one will be on Monday!
omg my map <3

Deif wrote:

Gosh, just add one map. It's not so difficult:

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: yuikonnu - Souzou Forest

Sup. I promise the next one will be on Monday!
Quoting for insurance.

Real MotW soon(tm)
Now we'll having 2 Motw /o/

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Nekomata Master - Avalon no oka

Description : 4 CTB diffspread (Salad - Platter - Rain - Overdose) & it's Intensity's first Pending maps & also we can see an unique Overdose & Badis's GD here .
also don't forget , it's Nekomata Master /o/

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Mutsumi Nomiyama - Hanashirube

Description : (Hi Samui) 5 CTB diffspread ( A small of Cup - Cup - Salad - Platter - Rain) , also , you can see it's a low ar rain.
Add me on the academy ;3
Deif, you should add "metronomelow.wav" and "metronomehigh.wav" to the description as they are altering the sound of the spinner. Although both must be included for proper sound.
I thought it was metronomelon.wav lol

Kurokami wrote:

Deif, you should add "metronomelow.wav" and "metronomehigh.wav" to the description as they are altering the sound of the spinner. Although both must be included for proper sound.
I tried this before, but only works on skins and doesn't work on beatmaps ;w;

Serena- wrote:

Kurokami wrote:

Deif, you should add "metronomelow.wav" and "metronomehigh.wav" to the description as they are altering the sound of the spinner. Although both must be included for proper sound.
I tried this before, but only works on skins and doesn't work on beatmaps ;w;
Confirmed for me. Kurokami, if you made this work as a part of a beatmap skin please tell us how, otherwise it's a bug and should be sent to tech support.
actually i posted it at the tech forum, nobody seemed to care x.x

It wasn't that hard. I picked up custom hitsound file, renamed to those two and puted into my custom skin's folder. Whoala, magic happened, the spinner's sound changed. Although there is a possibility that it worked because I used custom skin, and maybe osu! is not recognize those two file in the beatmap's folder.

Kurokami wrote:

It wasn't that hard. I picked up custom hitsound file, renamed to those two and puted into my custom skin's folder. Whoala, magic happened, the spinner's sound changed. Although there is a possibility that it worked because I used custom skin, and maybe osu! is not recognize those two file in the beatmap's folder.
You didn't read. We know how to make it work for an osu!skin, but not as a beatmap skin. The question were if you knew a way to make it work in the beatmap folder.

@Serena- : I didn't saw the topic, let's try to get it confirmed...
Actually no, its not working if it placed directly in the map's folder, for some weird reason. It should work thou. Sorry, I never tested this way. q.q I though if its working in skins it will work in map's as well.

Deif wrote:

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Lin-G - I want you

Hi rew0825.

Modder of the Month will be announced on Sunday/next Monday. This is your last opportunity to show off your abilities :D
ohh Thanks :) and I can join :D
add ya boy to the academy 8-)
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I totally forgot it was a new month already! Congrats, your mods look quite cool. Go on with your good job :3

Updated the list with the new additions and removed some inactive modders.
Congrats Vhy :D

have an Oprah

Congratz Vhy :')
congratz \:D/
Wow!!! :) :) :) Congratz
lol congrats dude ~
hueeee, thank you guys owo
Congratulations Vhy san!

and dat map of the week hello hello ursa san o/
MotW soon(tm)?
BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Chata - Dango Daikazoku

Sorry. Have fun catching some dangos.
Can someone edit the OP, please?
8^0 i though it's mine
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Hey! I was punctual this time :p
Wow, TV Size double kill
Yeah, I got a request here quite a long time ago. Thanks for reminding me.
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TV Size TRIPLE KILL!!! Interesting mapset btw. Happy modding!

Deif wrote:


Deif wrote:

TV Size TRIPLE KILL!!! Interesting mapset btw. Happy modding!

interesting thing : hyperwalk :)

Deif wrote:

TV Size TRIPLE KILL!!! Interesting mapset btw. Happy modding!
yay neptune
Sorry for the delay. I had to find a map that has the potential to be added as MotW, so here we go:

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: u's - Snow halation

It only got 1 CTB mod so far, so let's keep moving this mapset forward!
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You're 4$ richer now. /me runs

Deif wrote:

Yay ♥ :)
congratz zirox!
zirox pro

I will catch up soon
Someone should remove Nazalion and sauci from the active modders. Nazalion last modded 2 month ago and sauci is a month ago. Well, sauci can be whipped to come back.

Kurokami wrote:

Someone should remove Nazalion and sauci from the active modders. Nazalion last modded 2 month ago and sauci is a month ago. Well, sauci can be whipped to come back.
oh crap
I haven't mod 11 days lol
Topic Starter
I guess it's the special occasion to post a map in need of quick mods, since the objective is to get it ranked + bundled to the client asap. Have a nice time with the winner entry of the MBC#7:

BEATMAP OF THE WEEK: Soleily - Renatus
Wow, Multiple Creator...
If the MBC maps can't be under my name then I won't participate.

Also, Deif, you cheated the MBC. You voted for your maps. :P /me runs
Gratz for MBC, deif. :o
Obligatory Christmas song that wasn't modded by all participants of the academy yet. And we depend on all your help to get it ranked before Christmas!
^ hype please ;_;
Why the inactive modders are still registered? There is a rule and it should be followed. I already said a few name to be removed a page earlier though it looks like nobody cared about it. o.o
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