
Community Mentoring with the BAT & other experienced mappers

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Community Mentoring with the BAT & other experienced mappers

Are you looking to develop as a mapper, but are finding it difficult to establish your own style amongst the growing guidelines? Are you an upstart player looking to jump right in to the community and start contributing, but have no idea where to start ?

Why not try some hands-on assistance with a Community Mentor ?

Being mentored by one of the experienced folk in the BAT or by one of the most talented mappers among the community is a great way to jump-start your skills as a modder and a mapper. Get hands on experience with some of the community's greatest minds!
The people participating in this program are listed below :

Having a mentor does not mean you will have your own personal modding slave - anything but! Your mentor will help you as an individual with the focus on YOU and nobody else - catering to your style and how you like to map, using their experience to guide and assist you. Because of the nature of this program, please only apply if you are serious about developing your talent and will be able to speak and work with your selected mentor on a regular basis.

Due to the time-consuming nature of this program, please only apply for a mentor if you have been playing the game for at least three months!

If you would like to apply for a mentor, please send a PM to the desired mentor with the format in the below spoilerbox. Name the PM "Mentoring application".

[b]Your username ?[/b]

[b]How long have you been active in the community ?[/b]

[b]Do you have any ranked or pending maps ? If so, please list your best two. (If you only have two, just list them all.)[/b]

[b]What genre(s) of music are you interested in mapping ?[/b]

[b]How would you describe your mapping style ?[/b]

[b]What game modes are you interested to map ?[/b]

[b]How often do you mod/map a day ? (be honest!)[/b]

[b]What is your timezone and country of residence ? (in GMT)[/b]

[b]Is there anything else you would like to say to your prospective mentor ?[/b]

If you have any questions, feel free send a PM to Kurai (or ask in-game). Check out the posts in this thread for bios on the prospective mentors.

Mapping Experience : 12 own ranked sets, 15 guest diffs in ranked sets, 3 years of solid mapping experience
Favorite Music Genre : In mapping: mostly instrumental songs of all kind, but good dubstep/dnb preferably
Mapping Style : Concentrated on good flow along with hitsounds polished in 100% (placing, perfectly fitting custom sounds), symmetry and pattern mapping
Modding Frequency : Rare, but I will always have time for my student. Mentoring is a different thing.
Game modes I can map/mod : standard, osu!mania 4k sometimes
Idol of mapping : With years of experience I learned not to look at the mappers, but the maps. Thought when I was getting into mapping I used to follow DaRRi MIx. I also like mapping style of grumd, val and Charles, though they're mostly liked by everyone.

Timezone : GMT+1 (Poland)
Languages Spoken : Polish, English

Other Comments : If you choose me as your mentor, I will answer all of your questions about mapping/modding in general, point out the flaws in your mapping style and help to get onto a good way in mapping. If you think you'll be getting 'free mods' from me, you're wrong here. I'm going to teach you how to make good maps, getting them ranked is another thing. If you're looking for someone with a great experience (3 years or so) and also someone that can play this game well (as they say :P) don't be afraid of taking me up.

I have already mentored plenty of people, with quite good results in the end. I will always give you a hand when needed!

Mapping Experience : 5 Ranked mapsets and 2 ranked osu! guest difficulty, Along with the 40+ Taiko guest difficulties I have aswell.
Favorite Music Genre : Jazz, Drum&Bass. (Oldy have not mapped any of these genres though. I really love all kinds of music.)
Mapping Style : I really focus on structure along with consistent flow and making sure everything is clearly readable. I always aim for a clear relation to the music by taking advantage of everything in the composition. Example: Putting the vocals and beat together to make a more unique rhythm to play with.
Modding Frequency : I try to do it a few times a week.
Game modes I can map/mod : osu!, Taiko, and some osu!mania.
Idol of mapping : La Cataline, Natteke, Nakagawa-kanon, yeahyeahyeahhh, MoonFragrance. These are all mappers I looked up to and played almost ALL their maps back in my early days of learning to map and forming my own style.

Timezone : -5 GMT
Languages Spoken : English

Other Comments : I'm not really sure what to put here. All you need to know is I will tell you what you want to know. I can guide you through proper beat placement, combos, timing, how to judge readability and how to make almost any pattern such, and ways you can explain your ideas while modding. I also know anything there is to know about Taiko, rather it be modding, mapping or even playing. I have never taken anyone under my wing and mentor them, but I'm sure I can turn anyone into a hell of a good modder and mapper as long as they are interested.

Mapping Experience : I have been mapping seriously for two and a half years. I have 16 map sets and 11 guest diffs/collabs that are ranked.
Favorite Music Genre : DnB, music with good melody and complex rhythm, orchestral.
Mapping Style : Flow-symmetry hybrid.
Modding Frequency : Couple times a week, depends on how much work I have outside of osu!
Game modes I can map/mod : I can mod standard and mania.
Idol of mapping : La Cataline

Timezone : Central Time Zone (Texas)
Languages Spoken : English

Other Comments : I won't hide the truth - if something is a problem I will tell you what it is and how I would fix it.

Mapping Experience : Almost 3 years mapping experience and 35 Ranked mapsets with a ton of guest diffs (including Taiko and standard.)
Favorite Music Genre : J-pop
Mapping Style : I don't know, I think you will know it if I am your mentor.
Modding Frequency : 3~4 mods per week.
Game modes I can map/mod : osu!, Taiko, and some osu!mania.
Idol of mapping : Shinxyn
Timezone : GMT+8
Languages Spoken : English, chinese, cantonese
Other Comments : Mapping is an art. No matter taiko or osu!standard mapping, you need to do your best on it. Remember, don't ruin the song and your map.

Mapping Experience : 24 ranked beatmaps, 15 ranked guest difficulties/collaborations
Favorite Music Genre : I really don't have a preferred genre, but I do listen to pop (including J-pop) and instrumentals more often than other genres.
Mapping Style : I've changed my mapping style multiple times, but as of now, it's a combination of flow, patterns and symmetry. I tend to incorporate them the greatest in that order as well. (flow > patterns > symmetry) I also like mapping with few overlaps as possible unless it forms a good looking pattern, and avoid copy-pasting entire sections.
Modding Frequency : A bit erratic due to university, but I do average at least six per month.
Game modes I can map/mod : Standard. I'm currently trying to learn how to mod and map Taiko properly.
Idol of mapping : Larto, La Cataline, MoonFragrance

Timezone : GMT+8
Languages Spoken : English, Filipino

Other Comments : I've been a MAT for nearly three years now, so I've seen how mapping and modding changed over time.
why not have people other than bat/mat as their mentors too? :< most of the osu's greatest mappers are not a part of any of those teams
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Natteke wrote:

why not have people other than bat/mat as their mentors too? :< most of the osu's greatest mappers are not a part of any of those teams
That's exactly what I wanted to do in the first place and I totally agree with you. Nonetheless some people decided it will not happen because if someone can mentor, they should be in the MAT(which imo is not possible for obvious reasons).

Kurai wrote:

Natteke wrote:

why not have people other than bat/mat as their mentors too? :< most of the osu's greatest mappers are not a part of any of those teams
That's exactly what I wanted to do in the first place and I totally agree with you. Nonetheless some people decided it will not happen because if someone can mentor, they should be in the MAT(which imo is not possible for obvious reasons).
Some people that do not have the requirements to be a MAT (such as attitude exclusively towards staff, which is common between some famous/good mappers) but are still excellent mappers and could teach a lot should be able to teach too. That decision should be reconsidered, seeming as it was only made by "some people".

Mapping Experience: I've started mapping around early 2010. Honestly, I've gain a hand full of experience by creating guest difficulties for mappers. I have about 14 ranked maps and 28 guest difficulties that I've made.
Favorite Music Genre : I like any kind of music but what I love the most is listening to songs from video games that I've played.
Mapping Style: Going with the flow of the song. Nothing else.
Modding Frequency: Having to go to college and working at my job isn't easy. I don't have much flexibility but if I have time, I mod a couple of maps a week.
Game modes I can map/mod : osu! standard and Taiko. I can hold off on my own when its comes to Taiko. It's practically the same as mapping/modding an osu! standard difficulty. As for Catch the Beat and osu!mania, I'll earn how to properly mod/map them as time goes on.
Idol of mapping: MoonFragrance, Gladi and Kecco.

Timezone: Eastern Time Zone (GMT -5)
Languages: English and Spanish but I talk and understand Spanish only a little.

Other Comments: Everyone has their own style of mapping and I respect that but what's important is to make it fun and enjoying to play for everyone. It's not possible but you gotta try.

Blue Dragon wrote:

Some people that do not have the requirements to be a MAT (such as attitude exclusively towards staff, which is common between some famous/good mappers) but are still excellent mappers and could teach a lot should be able to teach too. That decision should be reconsidered, seeming as it was only made by "some people".
Or they just don't want to be on the MAT for perhaps time issues and such etc. I'm not saying I'm the best mapper ever, or modder, but I would definitely say that I have enough experience to pass on to those eager to learn. I'm not on the MAT nor do I even try/apply to be one anymore because I know I would be that kid that doesn't mod anything but is on the team.

But something as mentoring which I find less burdening then being on the MAT would be something I wouldn't mind doing as long as I don't get like 23978409187 students...
It has been discussed already like Kurai said and this is how it will be for now. Maybe sometime in the future non-staff members will get a chance but we are not currently discussing it within the staff. So if you all could be so kind, keep your post related to seeking a mentor.

Mapping Experience : 3 years and 48 ranked maps. Didn't count guest diffs/graveyarded/unsubmitted.
Favorite Music Genre : Vocaloid.
Mapping Style : Based on my ideas of the music. (You can call it Rin style too.)
Modding Frequency : Average 2-3 a week. Differs a lot depends on i'm busy or not.
Game modes I can map/mod : Osu/Taiko
Idol of mapping : 100pa-/Shinxyn

Timezone : +8
Languages Spoken : Chinese/English

Other Comments : If I want to be someone's mentor, the reason must be that i found the possibility from him/her: develop a new style, some new techniques, creative ideas, etc. And i hope you can show me about that.

Mapping Experience : Almost 4 years, 24 ranked maps and some gd now
Favorite Music Genre : Pop
Mapping Style : Follow music, both rhythm and hitsound
Modding Frequency : I can do mod several times in a week, depends on I'm busy or not
Game modes I can map/mod : Osu standard
Idol of mapping : v2b/alvisto

Timezone : GMT+8
Languages Spoken : Chinese/English/A little Japanese

Other Comments : I like making relax map which fit the music itself much, so if you want to make a map that super hard or something like that, maybe you should ask someone else for mentoring

Mapping Experience : 3.3 years. 19 ranked mapsets, dozens of ranked GDs, a lot of graveyarded mapsets and hundreds of mapsets that never been uploaded
Favorite Music Genre : Too much. I like all music has beautiful melody and rhythm. plus unique music elements can attract me more.
Mapping Style : More, more custom hitsound. Extreme aesthetics, all patterns should be looked flawless. Systematical mapping logic. etc.
Modding Frequency : 3~4 per week
Game modes I can map/mod : All modes beside mania
Idol of mapping : I recorded all adorable mappers on my userpage.

Timezone : +8
Languages Spoken : Chinese&English

Other Comments : I like mentoring, as long as the mapper&modder has potential. A mapper who aims for being outstanding should has not only ambition and confidence, but also patience, free time, optimistic mind, outgoing attitude and a lot of other traits.

Mapping Experience : I was trying the editor since the end of 2011, got through couple of styles and have pretty stoned out opinions about mapping.
Favorite Music Genre : I love different music, from country to breakcore. But the most fun thing to map for me is any song that is difficult to map.
Mapping Style : My rule is: cursor movement must be similar to movement of the painter's brush. Smooth flowing curves most of the time.
Modding Frequency : Every time when I have a chance to. Once a day or two or three.
Game modes I can map/mod : I have good skills only in mapping standard, but I still can mod taiko and catch the beat.
Idol of mapping : I have none, unfortunately, I was kinda finding my style on my own.

Timezone : GMT+2, Ukraine (East Europe)
Languages Spoken : Russian, English.

Other Comments : I'm always honest about everything. I might be too strict or too picky sometimes, but that is the main requirement to improve anything.

Mapping Experience : I've been mapping since the summer or earlier of '11. I'm a lazy person, being honest, so I have no more than four sets ranked. (Also, yes; I can map Taiko and Standard).
Favorite Music Genre : I love English Music the most; as long as it's not too much on the verge of rock, screamo, or totally out-there. I also like J-POP, some K-POP (t-ara is my favorite), and I absolutely adore video game music, mostly 8-bit or music box sounding.
Mapping Style : Make it flow, and make it flow good. Aesthetics are nice, but the flow has to be of a more natural feel; nothing too crowded up in a same mapping area. Plus, Hitsounds make everything better. I love doing fanciful hitsounds.
Modding Frequency : I'm sorry, but being honest here and truthful, I am quite the bit of a slacker. That aside, it is no excuse for my current modding frequency: but the reason for this is that my computer had stopped working for good, and until I can afford a decent replacement, I can't mod anytime soon. It does not mean that I do not want to, though! I adore modding and I'll be glad to help with this, too, if you need some assistance.
Game modes I can map/mod : Standard and Taiko
Idol of mapping : Holoaz, Takos, Snowy Dream

Timezone : -5 GMT (Eastern Standard Time)
Languages Spoken : English, some French, and only a really small bit of Slovak.

Other Comments : No matter who you are, remember; you have potential to be great and to succeed! I am honest with my opinions and sometimes they can be relayed in a harsher manor, but remember: this is all to help you succeed and improve in the future! I will come to agreements and I am absolutely honored and glad to help if you need any. Honesty is the best policy! Also, I'm pretty decent at consistencies if you need help with hitsounds mapping-wise //random. OH AND I"M NICE AND I DON"T BITE I SWEAR. Don't be intimidated please. It huts my feels. ;m;

Mapping Experience : Mapping for about 1.5 years, 7 Ranked maps & 11 Ranked GD.
Favorite Music Genre : Instrumental, Touhou, Relaxing,
Mapping Style : Base on flow, Visualize the sense of music
Modding Frequency : approx 4 mods per week including recheck
Game modes I can map/mod : Standard and some of Taiko
Idol of mapping : La Cataline, NatsumeRin, happy30, tsuka

Timezone : UTC+12 (Auckland)
Languages Spoken : English & Chinese

Other Comments : Mapping needs skills, but skill is not all you need because mapping is art. To express the emotion of both music and mapper is the soul.

Mapping Experience : I have been mapping for a quite long time,almost three years ago (it was around May 2010), some months later I started modding too. I currently have 3 ranked maps and 24 guest diffs
Favorite Music Genre : I don't really have a favourite genre,as I like generally all kind of songs (even though I usually like Instrumental songs more than the rest sometimes :P)
Mapping Style : Well,that's kinda difficult to say. I would say I try to make my maps flow the most smooth possible,trying various square/triangle combinations to make my maps as fluid as I can
Modding Frequency : It totally depends from my mood. Sometimes I could go to 1 mod to day to 1 in a week. It totally depends on how much I am busy and how I'm in a good mod to mod (I really don't want to be forced in modding,as I want to concentrate on my best when I do it)
Game modes I can map/mod : Osu standard,and I can also mod Taiko (not that well,though)
Idol of mapping : I don't have exactly an Idol of mapping,though I have different mappers I really enjoy, starting from Niva to La Cataline, tsuka, Natteke and going.

Timezone : GMT+1, Rome
Languages Spoken : Italian,I also know a bit of french (not that much though)

Other Comments : I have never tried mentoring before,though I'll do my best,I'll try to be as clear as possible! I'm looking forward people eager to map and mod,which could help the whole community as the time goes!

Mapping Experience : Over 4 years, 36 ranked, around 40 guestdiffs.
Favorite Music Genre : Anything that has potential to be a good map.
Mapping Style : Heavy slider usage, always with flow in mind.
Modding Frequency : Not really active.
Game modes I can map/mod : osu!,Taiko
Idol of mapping : James, Dangaard

Timezone : GMT+1
Languages Spoken : Dutch, English

Other Comments :
My goal will be that you will create a solid map and get it ranked (and maybe even charted). I will do my best to help you with this process.
If you are a new mapper, even if you have no experience at all, but seriously want to put off a good map, then call me.
Together we will create a new map from scratch.

Mapping Experience : I've been mapping since November/December 2011, well I had some of bad maps before but I mapped them when I didn't know anything about the editor. I focus especially in my own maps instead of doing Guest diffs, anyways I map some of them. Actually I have 14 Ranked maps + 3 Standard Ranked Guest diffs, I can also map Taiko Diffs.. I have 5 Taiko Guest diffs ranked at the moment.
Favorite Music Genre : My favourite Genre is English Rock and Pop. Well, in general I map them
Mapping Style : Recently I changed a bit my Style, previously was based on finding the best symetry.. Nowadays I'm trying to remove some of the symetry in my style and increasing the flow. I like to do 'attractive patterns' too
Modding Frequency : These last days I tried increasing my frequency, modding at least a map per day. But I'm really irregular, sometimes I can mod more than a map per day, but on another week I just mod a map in a week.
Game modes I can map/mod : As I said before, I can map and mod Standard and Taiko maps.
Idol of mapping : Well, I don't know if they are exactly 'idols'.. But I looked at their style in some way, and I really like it.. Well, my 'favourite' (I'd add this word) mappers are Krisom, Gonzvlo and narakucrimson

Timezone : GMT -3 (GMT-2 when we are in Summer)
Languages Spoken : Spanish, English and some of Portuguese

Other Comments : I'm always to help this community, I'll do the best if you want to be mentored by me.
Btw, My name is really long (I know), so feel free to call me mancuso, mancu or Juan

Mapping Experience : 16 Ranked mapsets, some guest difficulties around. I've been mapping for 2 years now, I think.
Favorite Music Genre : Rock in general!
Mapping Style : I really like to feel the flow of what I'm mapping, so I focus on creating patterns that fit with the music but also don't force the player to do uncomfortable stuff. And I like keeping some challenge while doing that as well!
I also like symmetry, but do not abuse it nowdays!
Modding Frequency : I used to mod a lot, but nowdays I'm not doing it so much due to how busy I am :/
Game modes I can map/mod : osu!, and I'd dare to say Taiko.
Idol of mapping : I don't really remember so well, but Krisom, yeahyeahyeahhh, Natteke, La Cataline... Yeah, those should do!

Timezone : -2 GMT
Languages Spoken : English, Spanish, Italian

Other Comments : I have no idea what to put here!

Mapping Experience : 4 years? About 3 years from my first ranked. Not many ranked maps but ~100 taiko ranked guest diffs.
Favorite Music Genre : instrumental, classics, melodic based song
Mapping Style : emphasize how the map enforces the messages delivered by the music itself
Modding Frequency : Took a break before, but ~10 per week on regular time
Game modes I can map/mod : taiko at best, I can mod solo maps and CTB maps too.
Idol of mapping : Al-azif

Timezone : GMT+8 (HK), +12 (NZ), depends on where I am. Usually online from afternoon to midnight.
Languages Spoken : Chinese (and cantonese), English.

Other Comments : You might find me more interesting if you have more common interest with me (other than osu!) (you can find them in my userpage) and I like to chat with others as well. If I am to be someone's mentor, I hope that he/she should be ready to evaluate (and to be evaluated) a map/song from different angles. Maps and music are all the same. They are both artistic and scientific. There are solid rules that violating them yields poor outcomes, but a good piece of song can be good in different ways.

Mapping Experience : Probably I've started mapping when I just joined osu! which had around three years. 12 own ranked mapsets and around 46 ranked guest diffs.
Favorite Music Genre : Electronic (both with vocal/instrumental)
Mapping Style : Everything which song gives - I don't really have regularize style.
Modding Frequency : Avoiding to be lazy, around 3 maps per week.
Game modes I can map/mod : Basically I could only play and mod osu! standard.
Idol of mapping : happy30, Natteke and La Cataline

Timezone : GMT+8 (Hong Kong SAR)
Languages Spoken : Cantonese, Chinese, English. And poor Japanese.

Other Comments : I love helping out people which are in trouble!
_(:3 」∠)_ But don't blame me when I'm lazy..

Mapping Experience : I have started to enjoy mapping on January 2, 2012. Since that time, I have five personal ranked maps and 9 ranked guest difficulties.
Favorite Music Genre : Anything that doesn't contain Rap, Rock, Metal;
Mapping Style : Thing that follow the vocals and/or the instruments; Flows and Blankets every time;
Modding Frequency : Trying to mod as much as possible. More available on the weekends.;
Game modes I can map/mod : I am mostly a standard mapper, modder and player. I've also tried to map some Taiko difficulties.;
Idol of mapping : La Cataline, Niva, inverness;

Timezone : GMT-5;
Languages Spoken : French, English;

Other Comments : I will try my best to help you on anything you're having problems with. I'm a nice person and I do not bite, so don't be scared of me! :3

Mapping Experience : My first map came out about one and half year ago. Apr 25, 2012 I have my first ranked map.
Favorite Music Genre : Anime or Vocaloid related. I'm interested in nearly all kind of music style actually;
Mapping Style : Flow first, and map for the sake of players;
Modding Frequency : Not very often since I will spend a lot of time on one map I focus on;
Game modes I can map/mod : Map, mod and play standard. Trying to play and map mania recently;
Idol of mapping : Nymph;

Timezone : GMT+8;
Languages Spoken : Chinese, English;

Other Comments : Nothing..I'm friendly so feel free to talk to me when I'm not busy.

Mapping Experience : I have two ranked maps and two ranked guest difficulties that are relatively old and inaccurate to my current mapping style, but I have much more mapping experience than what my ranked maps show. Trust me.
Favorite Music Genre : I'm open to pretty much any genre of music, but I would have to say english pop music or BMS music.
Mapping Style : Map what you feel. Make the map very fun to play while keeping relatively neat patterns, sliders, and consistency.
Modding Frequency : I mod often, about once or twice a day.
Game modes I can map/mod : I can map and mod standard, and I can mod taiko for unrankable issues and other things that sound weird. (I could also try to mod CtB for unrankable issues if really needed.)
Idol of mapping : AngelHoney, La Cataline, D33d, tsuka, Pokie, LKs

Timezone : -5 GMT (Eastern Standard Time)
Languages Spoken : English.

Other Comments : Beware that if I am your mentor, I will be giving you constructive, and maybe harsh criticism about your mods/maps/etc. However, I'm usually very nice and kawaii.

Mapping Experience : 5 ranked beatmaps, 10 ranked guest difficulties/collaborations as of the date of this post.
Favorite Music Genre : I love low bpm pop music (J-pop, K-pop, etc) or any other other low bpm music. In general though I like pop, rock, instrumental, or just about anything really.
Mapping Style : I mainly map for playability and flow, while following the music and a nice structure that fits it.
Modding Frequency : At the moment it's about 5 times a week.
Game modes I can map/mod : Standard and Taiko
Idol of mapping (Standard) : Nyquill, Charles445, grumd, La Cataline
Idol of mapping (Taiko) : MMzz, Haruka, Backfire, climbb65588

Timezone : UTC-6 (US Central Time)
Languages Spoken : English

Other Comments : I'm willing to help with both Standard and Taiko mappers~

Mapping Experience : Too lazy to count
Favorite Music Genre : No favorite color, no favorite genre, no favorite anything! Whatever fits the mood.
Mapping Style : A have a few styles that I use for different songs. Can't say anything in particular about this.
Modding Frequency : Sometimes, when the weather is nice.
Game modes I can map/mod : Standard but sometimes I map for taiko.
Idol of mapping : t/26029

Timezone : UTC-0
Languages Spoken : English

Other Comments : nope

Mapping Experience : 22 ranked maps and like 30 guest diffs ranked
Favorite Music Genre : Songs no one else would map.
Mapping Style : No idea. I focus on hitsounding and highlighting pitch differences in the song through spacing changes.
Modding Frequency : When I'm asked to.
Game modes I can map/mod : Standard, taiko, CtB.
Idol of mapping : No one.

Timezone : UTC+1
Languages Spoken : French, English, Spanish

Other Comments : nope

Mapping Experience: 13 ranked maps and 2 guest difficulties at the time of this post. I've been mapping since 2010.
Favorite Music Genre: Generally lower BPM and English Hip-Hop/RnB in terms of mapping. I'm a jack of all trades (minus American Country) when it comes to music.
Mapping Style: Symmiflow all the way. Appreciate the grid while appeasing the player.
Modding Frequency: I tend to be available for advice anytime. As for normal mods, that varies on what I'm doing.
Game modes I can map/mod: Standard only, please.
Idol of mapping (Standard): ztrot & GladiOol

Timezone: UTC -8 (US Pacific) - I'm generally nocturnal! Please keep this in mind.
Languages Spoken: English and Tagalog

Other Comments: Don't be afraid, please. I don't bite! But keep in mind that you'll be receiving blunt criticism if you do happen to choose me. Also, I love sleep. Please don't blame me if I disappear for an abnormal amount of hours at times.
D33d or just Deed

Mapping experience: 6 ranked maps, 2 completed pending maps, over 2.5 years of constant development and lots of wasted guest diffs/collabs. Four published osu!stream mapsets, several pending/WIP osu!stream mapsets and lots of experience with improving maps for both games. This is all backed up with a strong knowledge of how music works and how it flows--I have over a decade of serious musical experience.
Favourite Music Genre: Funk and soul, but believe me when I say that I'm open to most music. However, I'm less fond of things like over-the-top dubstep and similar music. Also, I don't really like squeaky anime stuff, but I'll still work with it.
Mapping Style: A general focus on overall structure, with a tendency towards complicated rhythms and striking patterns. My concept of "flow" is to simply vary it depending on the section/song that's being mapped. There is no "good" or "bad" flow if it fits.
Modding frequency: Not too often, but I'm always happy to respond to direct requests if I know that the mapper will be patient and will find some use in my advice. I also dedicate a lot of time to single people if they need/want it.
Game modes I can map/mod: Standard and, to an extent, taiko. I don't know much about "authentic" Taiko, but I know that makes sense to my ears.
Idols of mapping (Standard): Jarby, RandomJibberish, m980, mm201, DiamondCrash, Larto, Mashley.

Timezone: UTC -0 (GMT) (I tend to stay up late and wake up late, then there's uni. However, I tend to be online for most of my free time)
Languages spoken: English.

Other comments: While I can be seen yelling at people, it's usually because I'm reacting in turn to something that they've said without any thought. When I'm trying to help somebody, I can be extremely patient and I always do my best to listen to their opinions. I often go into a lot of detail with advice and sometimes say too much, but it's with the best intentions. I'm not afraid to point out what I think is bad, but it's delivered in as kind a way as possible.

My approach to mapping is very different to others', but it can often be applied to lots of different styles. The approach comes from logic and musicality, so it's always as objective as possible. I'm also considerate to the mapper's personal style, even if I dislike it. Just treat me as you'd expect to be treated and we'll get along just fine.
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