[profile:7ad66]22:57 Nyquill: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
22:57 jonathanlfj: ?
22:57 Nyquill: I'm board
22:57 jonathanlfj: go mod my popped bubble then xD
22:57 Nyquill: okay
22:58 jonathanlfj: lol
22:58 jonathanlfj: im catching up on mods too
22:58 jonathanlfj: still have like 4 requests left
23:02 Nyquill: damn that sword
23:02 Nyquill: slider
23:02 Nyquill: thing
23:02 jonathanlfj: yeah
23:02 jonathanlfj: but looks retarded now without the boarder thing
23:04 jonathanlfj: the slider body used to have texture
23:04 Nyquill: YO
23:04 jonathanlfj: lol
23:04 jonathanlfj: then go sleep?
23:04 jonathanlfj: oh ok
23:05 Nyquill: damn son
23:05 jonathanlfj: loaded and ready to go
23:05 Nyquill: thats a mighty fine sword dun u think
23:05 jonathanlfj: lol it used to look more like a sword until jericho told me to change it
23:07 Nyquill: so
23:07 Nyquill: remind me
23:08 Nyquill: why this shit was not ranked
23:08 jonathanlfj:
https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/p/204202823:08 jonathanlfj: lol
23:08 jonathanlfj: he has valid points though i did overmap dream diff
23:09 jonathanlfj: atleast it used to look like overmap
23:09 Nyquill: I'm tempted to just check if the recent osu file version updates broke anything and just rebubble it
23:10 jonathanlfj: can i updated the map with the newest version?
23:10 Nyquill: uh
23:10 Nyquill: what
23:10 jonathanlfj: like if i ctrl+s
23:10 Nyquill: yeah
23:10 jonathanlfj: would it save to v12?
23:11 jonathanlfj: u should do a quick mod then cause 2kd xD
23:12 Nyquill: 00:32:754 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - sounds like would be cool if you subtly lowered the slider velocities here
23:12 Nyquill: subtly I mean
23:12 Nyquill: by .5s
23:12 Nyquill: just a random thought
23:12 Nyquill: lol
23:12 jonathanlfj: that actually would work
23:12 Nyquill: yeah
23:12 Nyquill: and then bring it back up after the spinner
23:12 jonathanlfj: but i dont want to break 3 svs unless its necessary
23:12 jonathanlfj: like the guideline where no more than 3 svs should be used
23:13 Nyquill: theres nothing wrong with breaking 3svs if it makes the map better
23:13 jonathanlfj: let me see what i can do
23:13 Nyquill: 3svs is there because a bunch of retards put it there in 208
23:13 Nyquill: 2008*
23:13 jonathanlfj: lol i see
23:13 jonathanlfj: well 1.0 0.9 0.8 how bout that
23:14 Nyquill: yeah thats good
23:14 Nyquill: btw whats this song from, your chinese rpgs?
23:15 jonathanlfj: yeah
23:15 jonathanlfj: all dem chinese rpgs
23:16 Nyquill: since when did china have all this time to make rpgs
23:16 jonathanlfj: since the 80s lol
23:16 Nyquill: 01:35:754 (3) - erg theres gotta be a better way to do this
23:18 Nyquill: mainly 01:35:504 (2) gives my OCD alarms hell
23:18 jonathanlfj: oh no it hurts my eyes
23:18 jonathanlfj: my ancient way of doing blankets
23:18 Nyquill: yeah like
23:18 jonathanlfj: let me seek an alternative
23:18 Nyquill: my aesthetic OCD is going off
23:18 Nyquill: remember folks
23:18 Nyquill: slow songs ratings are determined by aesthetics
23:19 Nyquill: so you better have that shit right
23:21 Nyquill: btw
23:21 Nyquill: your leadins
23:21 Nyquill: are inconsistent wtf
23:21 jonathanlfj: oh wut
23:21 Nyquill: dafuq is wrong with your lead ins put them all to 2k
23:21 jonathanlfj: kk
23:21 jonathanlfj: probably didnt manual adjust
23:21 jonathanlfj: the bar in the editor is always off
23:21 Nyquill: yeah
23:21 Nyquill: lol
23:21 Nyquill: old maps orz
23:23 jonathanlfj: oh wow now that im used to the 3-point algorithm
23:23 jonathanlfj: 4-point is such pain to adjust
23:24 Nyquill: just 3 point it
23:29 jonathanlfj: ok so now it looks like...sec let me screen it
23:29 jonathanlfj:
http://puu.sh/2E3FK.jpg23:29 jonathanlfj: the invisible one is (4)
23:31 jonathanlfj:
http://puu.sh/2E3GR.jpg23:31 jonathanlfj: and this is what follows
23:31 Nyquill: YE
23:31 Nyquill: gud
23:31 jonathanlfj: and wait wut my leadins are like 1000 exact
23:32 Nyquill: wtf
23:32 jonathanlfj:
http://puu.sh/2E3Lp.png23:32 jonathanlfj: and yeah its v12 now
23:33 Nyquill: o
23:33 Nyquill: dafu
23:34 Nyquill: the amount of broken AIBAT
23:34 jonathanlfj: im still wondering how to use aibat
23:34 jonathanlfj: my java seems to be glitched
23:40 Nyquill: okay
23:40 Nyquill: so like
23:40 Nyquill: try 2771
23:40 Nyquill: wait
23:40 Nyquill: wait
23:40 Nyquill: let me
23:40 Nyquill: just
23:40 Nyquill: do some testing
23:41 Nyquill: because I'm trying a new way to grab offset
23:41 jonathanlfj: 2771?
23:41 Nyquill: yeah
23:41 Nyquill: I'm like
23:41 Nyquill: doing some
23:41 Nyquill: crazy shit
23:41 Nyquill: to test offsets
23:41 jonathanlfj: i see
23:41 jonathanlfj: cause 2771 sounds really off to me xD
23:42 Nyquill:
http://puu.sh/2E42P.jpg23:42 Nyquill: CRAZY SHIT TO TEST OFFSETS
23:42 jonathanlfj: lolol
23:42 jonathanlfj: let me look in adobe audition too
23:42 jonathanlfj: for the fun of it
23:44 Nyquill: hmm
23:44 Nyquill: its 20 ms off
23:44 Nyquill: for some reason
23:44 Nyquill: LOL
23:44 Nyquill: audacity being hyper inaccuratre
23:45 jonathanlfj: yeah i see what u mean
23:45 jonathanlfj: audition gives me 2770 for the high of the wave
23:45 Nyquill: yeah thats weird
23:45 jonathanlfj: i do feel that the finish sound is not necessarily the hight of the wave
23:46 jonathanlfj: since left and right challen seems to oscilate at different times
23:46 Nyquill: we're not looking at waveform though
23:46 Nyquill: we're looking at spectrum
23:46 Nyquill: purple = bass
23:46 jonathanlfj: oh ok
23:46 jonathanlfj: im looking at waves to judge the peak
23:47 jonathanlfj: like right b4 kiai
23:47 Nyquill: idk I'll perfect audacity offsets some other day
23:47 Nyquill: okay so like
23:47 Nyquill: how chinese is this chinese paladin
23:48 jonathanlfj:
https://www.google.ca/search?q=%E4%BB%9 ... qwGRi4DYAg23:48 jonathanlfj:
https://www.google.ca/search?q=%E4%BB%9 ... qwGRi4DYAg23:48 jonathanlfj:
https://www.google.ca/search?q=%E4%BB%9 ... qwGRi4DYAg23:48 jonathanlfj: oh wtf
23:48 jonathanlfj: just search 仙剑奇侠传4 in google
23:48 Nyquill: o look hot grills
23:49 jonathanlfj: lolol
23:49 jonathanlfj: let me see if i can get u gameplay videos
23:49 jonathanlfj:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvNipA7k-pI23:50 jonathanlfj: that bgm is epic too
23:51 Nyquill: the amount of chinese
23:52 jonathanlfj: well yeah its a chinese rpg
23:52 Nyquill: wheres all the moonrunes
23:53 jonathanlfj: wut
23:53 Nyquill: like wheres all the japanese moonrunes
23:53 jonathanlfj: well i dunno
23:53 jonathanlfj: its completely chinese
23:53 Nyquill: the lack of japanese in an rpg is really disturbing
23:53 jonathanlfj: well not all rpgs are jap u know
23:54 Nyquill: yes
23:54 Nyquill: what do you mean
23:54 jonathanlfj: but yeah cant wait to play aoi kiseki
23:54 jonathanlfj: ao no kiseki*
23:54 Nyquill: why is there no jap in an rpg wtf
23:54 Nyquill: this is perposterous
23:55 Nyquill: have you kidnapped all the moonrunes
23:55 Nyquill: what have you done to all the moonrunes?
23:56 jonathanlfj: so whats a moonrune anyways
23:56 Nyquill: wtf
23:56 Nyquill: a moonrune is a moonrune
23:56 Nyquill: cus jap is obv a language that came from the moon
23:56 jonathanlfj: well i just checked urban dictionary
23:56 Nyquill: LOL
23:58 Nyquill: open normal
23:58 Nyquill: 00:00:754 (1) -
23:58 Nyquill: I need to sue you for doing this
23:58 Nyquill: actually since this is the first slider in the entire map its not so bad nvm
23:58 jonathanlfj: actually that one is easy but w/e
23:58 jonathanlfj: lol
23:59 Nyquill: yeah its fine
23:59 Nyquill: because its the first slider on the entire map
23:59 jonathanlfj: i believe there is another one
23:59 Nyquill: k now i need to sue you for making me mod this map
23:59 jonathanlfj: actually nvm
23:59 jonathanlfj: that was the only one
23:59 jonathanlfj: lol
00:00 Nyquill: lol
00:00 jonathanlfj: its quite old u see
00:00 jonathanlfj: i made this last year april
00:00 jonathanlfj: or may
00:00 Nyquill: back when you were sitll in school
00:00 jonathanlfj: back when i was still in highschool
00:01 Nyquill: open easy
00:01 Nyquill: 00:29:504 (1) -
00:01 jonathanlfj: what am i supposed to do i didnt make that
00:01 Nyquill: seriously though why are all the slider ends covered
00:02 jonathanlfj: but yeah the creator is at south pole right now
00:02 jonathanlfj: i can fix it if u insist on changing it
00:04 jonathanlfj: 00:28:754 (3,1) - how bout long slider then note
00:04 jonathanlfj: like 01:38:754 (3,4) -
00:04 Nyquill: that would be great
00:04 Nyquill: but if you don't want to change that shit let it be because south pole is cool
00:07 Nyquill: my mom is watching conan the forever grade 1 kid behind me
00:07 jonathanlfj: conan the shinigami please
00:07 jonathanlfj:
http://puu.sh/2E4Nc.jpg00:08 jonathanlfj: better?
00:08 Nyquill: conan is a motherfucking shinigami
00:08 Nyquill: and yes its better
00:08 jonathanlfj: kk
00:08 Nyquill: damn I want to watch conan
00:08 Nyquill: they better end that show soon
00:09 jonathanlfj: when we all have kids going to grade 1, conan is still in grade 1
00:09 jonathanlfj: wait no he is grade 2 now
00:09 Nyquill: wait he is?
00:09 Nyquill: OH SNAP
00:09 Nyquill: TIME PASSED
00:09 jonathanlfj: gg after 20 years
00:09 Nyquill: so if conan lives out the lifespan of an average adult
00:09 Nyquill: conan will end in 80x20 years
00:09 Nyquill: 160 years
00:10 jonathanlfj: the real show of death
00:10 Nyquill: by then they'll move out of japan
00:10 jonathanlfj: is when the audience dies watching/reading it
00:10 Nyquill: and start killing people
00:10 Nyquill: LOL
00:10 Nyquill: HAHAHAHAHAHAH
00:10 Nyquill: I think
00:10 Nyquill: 160 years later
00:10 Nyquill: japan would have died
00:10 Nyquill: everyone murdered
00:10 jonathanlfj: flooded or earthquick
00:10 jonathanlfj: who knows
00:11 Nyquill: no everyone was murderec
00:11 Nyquill: and conan solved all the crimes
00:11 jonathanlfj: he is the only one lefyt
00:11 Nyquill: theres eventually going to be conan episodes about conan in jail
00:11 Nyquill: and the prisoners killing each other
00:11 Nyquill: omg I can see the sequel.
00:12 jonathanlfj: prison break: wrath of shinigami
00:12 jonathanlfj: soulds like next level shiz[/profile:7ad66]