
What implementation would you like in Osu

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type anything tbh, like i'd like to see the craziest things people could think of as long as its actually something that would be well managed

1. Maybe for Osu!Lazer (dont know how to spell lol)we could have a daily beat-map set we would maybe be able to complete in an amount of time that is set by anyone that has the power to.

2. Having a Battle Royal mode in Multiplayer so people would have an auto kick when the last person loses they leave the game. and with that one also when that person gets kicked instead of everyone going to the main lobby people just have a vote on the next map in the results or still in game for the next map and it'll start in 10 seconds right after the vote.

3. sending messages and thumbs up rewards for other players to look on their page to see how well they are.
(for example)
Yukoi- 33% rate of great player
44% rate of helpful player
and on and on for whatever the other people rate you for.

Hopefully you people actually recognise this because this is my first forum post.
Thanks ,Yukoi <3
A counter that goes up everytime a person makes a new centipede/big black map
Being able to set a game rule in a multiplayer lobby. This way you can craete many more way to play the game without having to worry about player breaking your rule.
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A counter that goes up everytime a person makes a new centipede/big black map

i love it
bet your pp for who will win #1. If you loose all your pp you will have to play big black until FC, and that's the only map you will be allowed to play.
if someone gets 60 300s in std without getting 100s or 50s or miss,then the other players in multi will lose 100000 points
but if they havent reached that milestone,then 1 zero will be removed from 100000 and if they havent reached that point then 2 zeros and so on
this will only work with a mod since this will be a unrankable mod
I would love it if ppy would hurry up and fully release osu!lazer in 2019.

johnmedina999 wrote:

I would love it if ppy would hurry up and fully release osu!lazer in 2019.

It didn't happen.
Built in mode sorting, so i dont randomly start a map meant for taiko while im playing standard
Caput Mortuum

NebuLositY wrote:

Built in mode sorting, so i dont randomly start a map meant for taiko while im playing standard

A story mode
In-game search bar is complete garbage.
it's not terrible how the heck have you been using it?

abraker wrote:

it's not terrible how the heck have you been using it?

There are no artist, mapper, source or title filter.
There is neither an "exact filter", which makes it hard to find artists with lots of spaces in between or with short names.

For example, I want to look for the artist "yui" in my maps but the search engine searches for LITERALLY EVERYTHING THAT HAS "YUI", even in the middle of words, like "Yuikonnu" or "Yuiko" for example.

Looking for mappers like P A N is literally impossible.

The filter not taking spaces sound like an issue that belongs here

have you tried typing in
creator=P A N
or just typing in "PAN" and grouping by creator?

The fact P A N not putting "PAN" in tags didn't help.

To be honest, I took this example to point out this flaw, I had similar problems but I put this as an extreme example.
I don't think this as a bug, but as a lacking characteristic.
I want osu to put exact search keywords, so when I put
creator= "P A N"

it only starts looking for maps made by that mapper and not individual P, A or Ns.
battle royale
story mode like cyTus 2 with animes characters and cutscenes lol
seperate pp leaderboards for different osu mania keycounts
ranks showing on global ranking so i can flex on the 5 digits
Nate Bait
Variable speed during sliders (not like gradual acceleration or deceleration, but maybe like one section is this speed and another part of the slider is this speed), maybe it could be indicated with the usage of slider ticks or something similar? would be really cool to implement into tech maps
The removal of note lock
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