
Mappers' Guild Information & Applications

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hey guys welcome to my minecraft lets play

What is the Mappers' Guild?

In short, it's a group of mappers responsible for creating map packs for osu!'s featured artists! Here's some examples of our work to give you an idea of what we do:
  1. MOtOLOiD featured artist announcement map pack
  2. Mappers' Guild general map pack 1
  3. Cranky featured artist announcement map pack
  4. High Tea Music featured artist/label announcement map pack

Most people probably haven't even heard of this group. Up until now, the Mappers' Guild has functioned privately. Its maps have been created and its members have been selected behind the scenes. For the most part, it will continue to function privately until plans are further fleshed out, but given our current progress, it's reasonable to publicly explain what the Mappers' Guild currently does and how you can potentially join!

The guild's goal is to provide osu! with a library of ranked maps using licensed music and to integrating osu!'s featured artists into the community. Mapping contests are often held to serve this purpose as well, however the competitive aspect of that is removed with the Mappers' Guild, allowing us the freedom to produce maps for a variety of songs.

As medals and news posts should make clear, the Mappers' Guild receives support from the osu! staff. As of the latest map pack's release, we've been given the chance to work even more closely with the staff, allowing us to expand the scope of our plans. As a first step, the most active members of the guild have earned distinct profile badges for their efforts! (visible below)

These badges and any potential future rewards are earned based on a points system. The more a member contributes through mapping and modding, the more points they can earn, and passing certain point thresholds will allow a user to receive rewards. This is why some members have a badge currently and others do not.

Details behind these point earnings:
  1. Points for mapping scale slightly between difficulties. Creating an Easy rewards a user with 7 points, a Normal rewards 8, Hard rewards 9, and Insane+ rewards 10.
  2. Collaborative difficulties split these values according to what percentage each user has mapped.
  3. Hosting a mapset earns a user 5 points.
  4. Modding a mapset earns a user 5 points.

The following badges can be earned after reaching their respective point values. Each indicates a progressive level of contribution:
100 points:

250 points:

500 points:

Who's in the Mappers' Guild?

The following is the current list of mappers involved (updated nov 2018):

  • active:
    Sinnoh (sb)
    Noffy (sb)
    Enkrypton (sb)


Each member's job is simply to map designated featured artist songs and to provide modding feedback within certain deadlines.

Additionally, the guild is run by myself and Nyquill at the moment. My main focus is on organizing members to keep each map pack's schedule on track, while Nyquill focuses on providing back-end support (with help from deetz(thanks deetz)), and together we make decisions about the guild's organization.

Starting next round, members will be split up between part-time and full-time members. New entrants will be in part-time status until they show commitment to the role by passing a points threshold and moving up to full-time. Part-time members will be unable to host mapsets, however they can mod and provide guest difficulties.

How can you join the Mappers' Guild?

For the first map pack, each member of the guild was hand-picked. For the second map pack, the guild's members each nominated a new potential member, and if they surpassed a certain threshold of votes from other members, they were invited to the guild. Because we're moving towards a more public presence following the upcoming third round, the guild will be taking applications!

By filling out this short form before February 14th, you can apply to join the group!

To narrow down the list of applicants, there are a few criteria we will be considering:
  1. You've ranked at least 10 mapsets
  2. Some of your ranked maps were produced in the last few months (or at least 2017. you should be a currently active mapper)
  3. You've earned over 200 kudosu
  4. Some of your kudosu was earned in the last few months (active modder)
  5. You work well with others. Collaboration is an important part of guild membership!
  6. You've shown an interest in mapping featured artist songs. This point is especially worth considering if you want to apply next round!
You can still apply if you don't meet every point of the application criteria, though your chances of joining will be lower.

Please be aware that not every applicant will be joining the guild at this time. Many applicants may be capable mappers, however the guild cannot function with an excessive number of users currently, so limiting new members based on the criteria above and further subjective criteria if necessary is our most viable course of action. Apologies to those who don't make it! Keep in mind that the guild will constantly be expanding with future rounds though!

When applicants are chosen, they'll be announced in this thread.

That's it for now. If you have any questions, post them here. You'll be seeing more of the Mappers' Guild in the future!

regarding other game modes
There are currently no plans to expand the Mappers' Guild into other game modes. If you’re a mapper of another mode and wish to create something along these lines for that mode, express interest in the thread. If there's enough demand for a mode, we'll search for suitable candidates to get it running. Alternatively, feel free to gather some mappers of your game mode and begin your own Mappers' Guild project!
i brought it up in the internal discord but i am in ter es ted in organizing/helping out with osu fruit

i meet the criteria:

  1. 10 ranked maps
  2. 200+ kd
  3. ranked maps this year
  4. anime
  5. i mapped stuff from FA
poke me on discord if im needed, otherwise i dont have a problem organizing my own group for it
Could we get some clarity on the points system?

Is it possible to receive enough points for a badge simply from modding? Or is mapping also a requirement? Also, if mapping is a requirement, does it also require you to be a host, or can you also get the badge just from participating in GD's?

And of course, what is the threshold for each badge, seeing as there are three?

Also, can whoever designed the logo remove the white dot?

I keep thinking I have a dead pixel :(.

Monstrata wrote:

Could we get some clarity on the points system?

Is it possible to receive enough points for a badge simply from modding? Or is mapping also a requirement? Also, if mapping is a requirement, does it also require you to be a host, or can you also get the badge just from participating in GD's?

And of course, what is the threshold for each badge, seeing as there are three?

Also, can whoever designed the logo remove the white dot?

I keep thinking I have a dead pixel :(.

yes it is possible to gain reward through guest difficulties and modding alone, albeit slowly

thresholds are pretty high, seeing as how 2 rounds have already passed and only 4 members have attained the lowest reward.
Topic Starter
details on points:
- points for mapping scale slightly between difficulties. an Easy is worth 7 points, a Normal is 8, Hard is 9, Insane+ is 10.
- collab diffs split these values according to how much a user maps
- hosting a mapset is an extra 5 points
- modding a mapset is 5 points

plans for auctioning difficulties as a host and deadline control will be tested out in the upcoming round(s), which will cause these point values to vary slightly. not worth explaining exact numbers for this without having tried it

handsome explained the rest
Would it be possible to have hybrids or other modes in the same map packs? (Full spread, not just hd/mx or rain)

I don't think it would be a bad idea to have maps that introduce the other modes to new players, as they often start off with converts which are pretty bad regarding playability. Having specific diffs would give the game much more variety for new players, as they may not fully understand what the four modes are, so hybrid maps would be a good introduction.

I'd also be up to run ctb if there's enough interest. Seems catch would be easiest to start if other modes were added since there's a large overlap between std and ctb.

edit, seems we got catch sorted out on our end :D
4 down ,6 more to go lol
This is dope, and it's really cool to see the featured artists being given more attention. I hope this goes far.
Hype! Hope to see other modes too, because osu! is four mode game :3
Mappers' Grind for Badges
I'm interested in taking part of the mania section of mapping guild
Even though I don't meet all the criteria..
Really cool initiative guys ! I Wonder if someone can be in the guild without mapping but just helping pushing maps forward.
Down to fruitmap FA stuff if there are enough other interested people
Same with drummap ^
I'd also like to help out with catch if possible. Nice initiative (:
You've ranked at least 10 mapsets
:joy: :gun: gotta rank some dope R3 music box sets then

DTM9 Nowa wrote:

You've ranked at least 10 mapsets
:joy: :gun: gotta rank some dope R3 music box sets then
tfw you have 7 ranked sets FeelsBadMan
Caput Mortuum
You've ranked at least 10 mapsets
Guess I'll join in 10 years
Edit: Doesn't this seem a little too restrictive for the end goal you want though? Wouldn't this points/reward system be better implemented as a community-wide thing, giving mappers of any skill level a goal to strive for, with a proper incentive that would probably give life to tons of featured artist sets? Why keep it as an invite-only thing for only the best of the best?

It honestly feels like a wasted opportunity as there is still NO incentive for anyone outside the guild to be involved with featured artists in any way whatsoever.

Also, what incentive is there to get people from other game-modes involved if there's no guarantee they'll ever be rewarded in a similar way by staff, especially since getting those started on their own would be way more difficult due to the lack of numbers overall compared to standard?
I'll join in never :FeelsBadMan:
Natteke desu

Weber wrote:

Edit: Doesn't this seem a little too restrictive for the end goal you want though? Wouldn't this points/reward system be better implemented as a community-wide thing, giving mappers of any skill level a goal to strive for, with a proper incentive that would probably give life to tons of featured artist sets? Why keep it as an invite-only thing for only the best of the best?

It honestly feels like a wasted opportunity as there is still NO incentive for anyone outside the guild to be involved with featured artists in any way whatsoever.

Also, what incentive is there to get people from other game-modes involved if there's no guarantee they'll ever be rewarded in a similar way by staff, especially since getting those started on their own would be way more difficult due to the lack of numbers overall compared to standard?
Mapping with rewards could give a idea why it wasnt public tho, also, since future of this highly depends on community, which doesnt showed big iterest about featured artists yet sadly. Not to mention that smaller group is easier to organize, what helps when things are in development.

Jounzan wrote:

Mapping with rewards could give a idea why it wasnt public tho, also, since future of this highly depends on community, which doesnt showed big iterest about featured artists yet sadly. Not to mention that smaller group is easier to organize, what helps when things are in development.
Mapping With Rewards seemed like more of a contest than anything like this, as well as only having 3 out of the many Featured Artist songs chosen, and as a result most people ended up not being interested.

IMO Any "guild" like this should act as a way of getting more people interested in mapping and contributing in general towards featured artist songs. For example, you could have it so that if you "ranked 1 Featured Artist set" you were in the guild. And from there, you could contribute either through mapping or modding in this points system until you rose through the ranks.

Having an attainable "first step" goal is how you get people interested and involved, which leads to more and more content being pumped out by the community. While I'm not going to call this current system "elitist", having a completely closed-off group with 0 transparency that only accepts people who've been around for years feels more frustrating than exciting. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Nao Tomori
well... that's why they just opened it up. it has an attainable first step (admittedly a fairly tall one) and they are trying to make it transparent...
I feel the vibes from Loctav's Not Ephemeral's Super Featured Artist Modding/Feedback Queue. I guess it's a good thing that instead of popularizing, helping and rewarding to all levels of mapping community you people decided to make a hush-hush circle.
It's gotta be something concrete though, something you can work towards. Not just "hey, new and upcoming mapper! If you contribute enough (TL Note: enough means a fucking lot of dedicated time), maybe we'll let you join?"

Sorry if I'm being too harsh, I just really feel like this points/rewards system is such a brilliant idea for getting people to FINALLY want to map FA songs, but it just seems like wasted potential behind this huge entry barrier.
Weber makes some really good points. Mapping with rewards is completely different from the goal that Mappers' Guild is trying to achieve. Mapping with Rewards was ultimately a contest where only one person got a prize. On the other hand, with Mappers' Guild, everyone wins because the goal is to meet a quota of points, rather than impress three random judges.

I agree with Sieg too. There are quite a few mappers who have made Featured Artist maps of their own volition even before the start of Mappers' Guild. They didn't do it for rewards of course, but now it seems like they've been excluded from this inner circle.

Really, the benefits of Mappers' Guild is a way to fasttrack the ranking process when you complete a featured artist mapset. Rewards don't have to be exclusive of people within the group no?

I realize that one of the original objectives was to have people be able to "claim" or "bid" on certain songs and have exclusive access to mapping that particular song (with no one else in the guild being able to make another set for it). I don't know if that's still on the table though.
Also, a criticism about the points system. This is just speaking from experience with mapping commissions, but the point value for lower difficulties is far too high in comparison to higher diffs for the amount of effort needed. Most mappers should be able to make a tv-size Easy difficulty in like what, 15 minutes? But it takes considerably longer to create a tv-size difficulty that's Extra or Insane. Mappers who are mapping Featured-Artist mapsets with the objective of getting badges will find that it would be in their best interest to only map E/N spreads.
do we get bonus good boy points for nominating maps on top of modding xD

Monstrata wrote:

Also, a criticism about the points system. This is just speaking from experience with mapping commissions, but the point value for lower difficulties is far too high in comparison to higher diffs for the amount of effort needed. Most mappers should be able to make a tv-size Easy difficulty in like what, 15 minutes? But it takes considerably longer to create a tv-size difficulty that's Extra or Insane. Mappers who are mapping Featured-Artist mapsets with the objective of getting badges will find that it would be in their best interest to only map E/N spreads.
on paper it sounds easy, but total mapsets are pretty much restricted to one per person so you can’t spam sets. and realistically speaking, E/N sets are also a pretty clear abuse of the system and with the guild being a closed system such behaviour can be moderated pretty easily.

handsome wrote:

Monstrata wrote:

Also, a criticism about the points system. This is just speaking from experience with mapping commissions, but the point value for lower difficulties is far too high in comparison to higher diffs for the amount of effort needed. Most mappers should be able to make a tv-size Easy difficulty in like what, 15 minutes? But it takes considerably longer to create a tv-size difficulty that's Extra or Insane. Mappers who are mapping Featured-Artist mapsets with the objective of getting badges will find that it would be in their best interest to only map E/N spreads.
on paper it sounds easy, but total mapsets are pretty much restricted to one per person so you can’t spam sets. and realistically speaking, E/N sets are also a pretty clear abuse of the system and with the guild being a closed system such behaviour can be moderated pretty easily.
Tell that to Joe Castle or anyone who strictly makes E/N sets because they genuinely enjoy it xd
Hang on, let me get this straight.

Pishifat wrote:

Part-time members will be unable to host mapsets, however they can mod and provide guest difficulties.
yet to become a part-time member

Pishifat wrote:

You've ranked at least 10 mapsets
So you're looking for extremely elite mappers (sidebar: I know plenty of good mappers with less than 10 ranked sets. If you're telling me somehow lit120 as a mapper with 13 ranked sets compares to someone who ranks massively higher quality sets like Kaifin who only has 3 I don't know what to tell you) because it is not easy to rank 10 sets, but these elite mappers are still not really allowed to do anything?

I'd love to join and mod (because I'm a shit mapper) and as I progress as a mapper create GDs and eventually sets. I think this has a lot of potential but would be much better if you could earn points without being an elite mapper if you decided to spend time trying to help out as best you can. Weber is totally right. Just my two cents

Kroytz wrote:

Tell that to Joe Castle or anyone who strictly makes E/N sets because they genuinely enjoy it xd
even ignoring the possible 'abuse', E/N sets don't appeal to a wide playerbase which is the goal in mind here when trying to promote FA.

My Angel Digi wrote:

Hang on, let me get this straight.

Pishifat wrote:

Part-time members will be unable to host mapsets, however they can mod and provide guest difficulties.
yet to become a part-time member

Pishifat wrote:

You've ranked at least 10 mapsets
So you're looking for extremely elite mappers (sidebar: I know plenty of good mappers with less than 10 ranked sets. If you're telling me somehow lit120 as a mapper with 13 ranked sets compares to someone who ranks massively higher quality sets like Kaifin who only has 3 I don't know what to tell you) because it is not easy to rank 10 sets, but these elite mappers are still not really allowed to do anything?

I'd love to join and mod (because I'm a shit mapper) and as I progress as a mapper create GDs and eventually sets. I think this has a lot of potential but would be much better if you could earn points without being an elite mapper if you decided to spend time trying to help out as best you can. Weber is totally right. Just my two cents
not everything is black and white, nowhere does it state that having more ranked maps would mean one is more capable of producing higher quality sets. the amount of ranked sets is an indicator of how much one has contributed to the ranked section and how familiar they are with the ranking maps in itself, not one's capability as a mapper. as skillful as someone might be, a lack of ranked maps would mean a lack of familiarity with the ranking and modding process, which is a pretty significant part of the guild's responsibilities.
the other badges were cooler imo, it gave a more clear sense of progression and felt more colorful!

handsome wrote:

Kroytz wrote:

Tell that to Joe Castle or anyone who strictly makes E/N sets because they genuinely enjoy it xd
even ignoring the possible 'abuse', E/N sets don't appeal to a wide playerbase which is the goal in mind here when trying to promote FA
Despite it appealing to lesser players, it’s moreso the fact that some mappers who have a genuine liking towards making lower diff sets will have a clear advantage in points over those who make full spreads or any spread involving Extras (which as we all know take a longer time and marginally more effort) e.e
ಠ_ಠ yeah, still don't get it. why does mapper's guild get to be special above anyone else that would choose to map FA out of the goodness of their hearts? The point system sounds like such a good incentive to get the general public to map FA songs, but it's being restricted to a really small selective group of people?
And out of this selective group of people, you don't even have permission to map your own set for it unless you're really active in the group?
I'd understand part/full time meaning a difference in rewards, but basically recruiting people for more gds/mods and not letting them do their own thing sounds shady to me. Like, I could imagine it being used to prevent people from joining just to piggyback on other's help without that, but with such a tall wall for entry that sounds significantly less likely...
this is a horrible idea that heavily encourages sucking eachother's [censored]s rather than making good or interesting maps, and the way you have points set up even further hammers in the fact that nobody gives a [censored] about lower difficulties and apparently neither should any "respectable mappers" - why even bother pretending at this point?

i'd write some more but that'd involve putting more thought into this post than went into the original guild idea and i don't like spending more time thinking than the thing i'm trying to discredit. tho this does seem like a bunch of self-congratulatory bull[censored].

Logic Agent
yeah the bar is way too high. i don't think it takes 10 ranked sets to understand how the ranking criteria works. it's not rocket science, and after a few sets and a few gds, most people will understand how it works.
agree with Monster ata that e/n seems overweighted considering the effort needed to make them vs. higher diffs.

The concept is cool in theory but it's lame that there is literally no incentive for non guild mappers to map FA songs. But then again not a lot do anyway, which is the point of the guild anyway lol

Btw why is the requirement 10? I know more than enough competent mappers with 3 or so ranked sets. How hard is it to figure out the ranking process that it takes 10 sets to fully grasp? That's ridiculous, it's not rocket science.
who cares. it seems like all current maps are only for osu!std, and from the criteria and the post this just seems like the most elite way to circlejerk your maps.
I don't care about a high bar, and I'd look self-interested if that was my complaint. This is just a ridiculous idea. Usually, I dismiss complaints of circlejerk and defend people paying more attention to certain people's maps, but this makes that really hard to do. Basically, you're guaranteeing that any member of the guild that can make even mediocre, borderline rankable maps can get any mapset ranked as long as they are mapping specific songs. I only expect rushed maps coming out of this.

At the very least, I can see this leading to is more justified claims of circlejerk, especially considering the private functioning of the group. It's like taking a group of friends to map and circlejerk specific songs into ranked, then treating this group as if it is an elite squadron of only the best mappers. As far as I can see, this group has no positive impact on the community or the game, and the disproportionate amount of effort put into such a poorly thought out idea is concerning.

pishifat wrote:

For the most part, it will continue to function privately until plans are further fleshed out...

Can I press the importance that we are literally just out the gates with this project and the biggest reason we can't support an extended community at the moment is the lack of systems in place to manage it. As of now, pishifat is responsible for the management of around 9 (soon to be nearly double that amount) or so mappers and making sure they're on track.

More interest in featured artists is the goal, and there's no way that having more people on board isn't good for the ecosystem.
Well... it is not about be agree or not on how high parameter have this group to someone join in, there are not a lot of active people with more of 10 ranked maps, but it is fine to be an elitist group, you know. I think it is fine.

Some people will be interested in map some FA, but to me, there are some reasons why FA are not popular into mapping community right now:
1) Songs are not suitable to be pp maps: most of songs are just not fast enough (lol, I know it is a bit stupid reason, but some mappers just do not map slow songs).
2) Songs are difficult to map: Not only because bpm, but with repetitive or not dynamic melody or so... anime songs are just to generic and many mappers only know how to map in the meta way.
3) It is different when you as mapper do something that you like too much, that when you do something just to do.

Anyway, this announce will increase the amount of FA maps, thing that I glad :D

Edit: just to point, that last songs in FA sections are not very slow now, so yeah xD

I am not worry of points in low difficulties, monstrata argument is that you can do low diffs fast, but for the actual people in the guild, at least half of they do very interesting low diffs, not only "Ididagenericdiffjusttogetmyextraranked".
I am one that love to do Normal and Easy diffs, so I sincerely want that people in this group to put enough effort in low diffs in order to do a great work, in the same amount of elitism that this group have, not only to fatten the ranking section with FA maps.

anna apple
Hey I'm looking forward to the results of this! Good luck to all the applicants!
Topic Starter
hi good morning

Weber wrote:

Edit: Doesn't this seem a little too restrictive for the end goal you want though? Wouldn't this points/reward system be better implemented as a community-wide thing, giving mappers of any skill level a goal to strive for, with a proper incentive that would probably give life to tons of featured artist sets? Why keep it as an invite-only thing for only the best of the best?

Noffy wrote:

The point system sounds like such a good incentive to get the general public to map FA songs, but it's being restricted to a really small selective group of people?

it's headed in the direction weber described. if we wanted it to be fully locked off forever, we wouldn't be doing applications for the upcoming round. it's currently limited because of what nyquill described above -- most management is done manually. the criteria will be less restrictive going forward as limitations are taken care of

Weber wrote:

It honestly feels like a wasted opportunity as there is still NO incentive for anyone outside the guild to be involved with featured artists in any way whatsoever.

Monstrata wrote:

I agree with Sieg too. There are quite a few mappers who have made Featured Artist maps of their own volition even before the start of Mappers' Guild. They didn't do it for rewards of course, but now it seems like they've been excluded from this inner circle.

quoted from the application criteria in the op: "You've shown an interest in mapping featured artist songs. This point is especially worth considering if you want to apply next round!"
as it moves towards more public accessibility, showing interest by mapping featured artist songs will increase likelihood of joining the guild (especially for the following rounds (hint: it'll be a baseline requirement))
when it's publicly accessible eventually, incentives won't be a concern

Weber wrote:

Also, what incentive is there to get people from other game-modes involved if there's no guarantee they'll ever be rewarded in a similar way by staff, especially since getting those started on their own would be way more difficult due to the lack of numbers overall compared to standard?

there was no guarantee we'd be getting rewarded either. the current guild started around august of last year and received rewards 2 days ago. producing something for your game-mode would be more productive than giving up immediately

Monstrata wrote:

This is just speaking from experience with mapping commissions, but the point value for lower difficulties is far too high in comparison to higher diffs for the amount of effort needed.

Kroytz/Hobbes2 wrote:


may be worth changing scaling diff values. gonna gather opinions

Monstrata wrote:

I realize that one of the original objectives was to have people be able to "claim" or "bid" on certain songs and have exclusive access to mapping that particular song (with no one else in the guild being able to make another set for it). I don't know if that's still on the table though.

as you probably know, that's more on nyquill's end with the bot stuff. it's not happening right now but it may some time down the line

Logic Agent wrote:

yeah the bar is way too high. i don't think it takes 10 ranked sets to understand how the ranking criteria works.

Hobbes2 wrote:

Btw why is the requirement 10?

minimum criteria will loosen as we accept more users. we're taking people with a relatively high amount of experience with ranking their maps before expanding for reasons explained earlier

My Angel Digi wrote:

So you're looking for extremely elite mappers, but these elite mappers are still only part-time?

Noffy wrote:

And out of this selective group of people, you don't even have permission to map your own set for it unless you're really active in the group?

to use some examples (no offense to them), one mapper last round hadn't finished a guest difficulty he signed up for by the deadline. after a week or so he hadn't made progress, so the difficulty was turned into a collab. if a new member signs up and can't uphold their guest difficulty responsibilities, it's not a huge problem because they can be easily finished by other means.

the same isn't true about hosting a mapset though. one new member last round was assigned a mapset and by the deadline for mapset completion, he hadn't completed any difficulties on his set. 2 weeks after the deadline when maps were being prepared for rank, he still wasn't done, and filling the set with guest difficulties could only go so far.

so basically if someone can show commitment to their tasks in their entry round, they'll move up to full-time. if they can't, they'll stay at part-time where not following through with responsibilities doesn't have the same impact


for those interested in numbers, there's been 30 applicants so far!!
I still think this is very dumb, and featured maps shouldn't be given any special privileges in the ranking process. All maps should be treated fairly and on equal grounds.
Nakano Itsuki
I am here to complain about the lack of Minecraft Let's Plays

Honestly I feels like this is a really good incentive, though I don't really understand the KD requirement :thinking:

I mean, isn't mapping well being enough of a requirement anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Other than that really looking forward to more FA songs being mapped
Please don't lambaste this project before it even gets off the ground, as has already been said by a few people in the thread so far.

You're welcome to suggest improvements or raise concerns with solutions as you see them, but please aim to remain productive and understand that efforts like the Guild are born out of a desire to improve osu!, not make it worse.

I'm optimistic for the future of this project and was quite happy with the Motoloid release in its entirety. I'd encourage people on the fence to give it a chance to mature before passing more lasting judgment.
Topic Starter

StarrStyx wrote:

I don't really understand the KD requirement :thinking:

a couple weeks of each cycle are dedicated to modding. with how moddingv2 works, anyone active in the last few months should meet the requirement pretty easily
I have a question regarding this project.

Let's consider that I'm making a set on a FA song, and I wanna push this forward to rank it. If I'm not from the mapper's guild, will I still be able to have help to push this or not?

If the question wasn't clear enough, do people from the mapper's guild will be encouraged to help mappers that don't belong to this guild, or the mapper's guild members will only help each other inside the guild?

This subject is quite blurry to me, so that's why I'm asking.
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