
Whispered - Upon My Honor

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on poniedziałek, 30 kwietnia 2018 at 21:08:54

Artist: Whispered
Title: Upon My Honor
Tags: melodical death power metal japanese Samurai Bushido Finland Shogunate Macabre
BPM: 190
Filesize: 15586kb
Play Time: 09:52
Difficulties Available:
  1. For Glory (6,11 stars, 2939 notes)
Download: Whispered - Upon My Honor
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
If you liked the map please also check out my other maps <3

Upon My Honor


MrKosiej: Hey, can i get a bubble?

Hobbes2: No...

MrKosiej: omg life is so sad, i can never get a bubble :sob:

MrKosiej commits suicide

(Hobbes2 visits MrKosiej's grave)

Hobbes2: ...problem.

this is SO sad :cry:

Fav the map if you cried :cry:

E1- Thanks for 100 favs <3
19:31 deadpon3: 00:03:080 (2) - szczerze ten sliderek psuje tutaj spacing, blisko jak chuj jest i pattern też lekko pogarsza, stack i blanket nie mają znaczenia tutaj bo najważniejszy jest gimmick tych prostych sliderków 00:01:816 (1,2,3,1) - dookoła 00:00:238 (1) - 
19:31 deadpon3: lepiej przekopiuj 00:02:448 (3) - i puść w to miejsce
19:31 deadpon3: i lekko przesuń o parę px jak możesz
19:32 deadpon3: 00:04:974 (4,2) - i to samo tu
19:32 deadpon3: dobry bajer
19:35 deadpon3: 00:07:816 (1,2) - taka sugestia ode mnie, jak robisz symetrycznie te same slidery to one mogą mieć trochę kiepski flow i ja sobie zawsze potem obracam o 15 albo 30 degreesów
19:35 deadpon3: anticlockwise, selection zone w tym przypadku
19:36 MrKosiej: (jak coś to nie będę odpisywać tylko czytać)
19:37 deadpon3: spoko xd
19:38 deadpon3: ej a czemu 00:06:396 (2,2,3,4,1,2) - tu nie zrobisz takiego samego jak w 00:09:238 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - ?
19:38 deadpon3: dla consistency patternów
19:38 deadpon3: no i w tym pierwszym trochę tak sztywno ten spacingh
19:38 deadpon3: spacing*
19:38 deadpon3: bo wszystko zestackowane
19:38 deadpon3: mało movementu
19:39 deadpon3: i w 00:10:343 (1,2) - też by był fajny bajer tak jak na początku mówiłem
19:39 deadpon3: że kopiujesz 00:10:027 (4) - w miejsce 00:10:659 (2) -
19:41 deadpon3: 00:12:869 (1,2) - za blisko to jest i co ważniejsze średnio mi się widzi to przejście ze slidera na kółko 00:13:501 (1) -
19:42 deadpon3: 00:14:448 (2,3,4,1,1) - tu też przez te stacki mało movementu
19:43 deadpon3: jak sobie porównasz 00:14:448 (2,3,4,1,1) - z 00:09:238 (1,2,3,4) - to praktycznie ten sam part muzycznie a taka różnica w spacingu
19:44 deadpon3: zwyczajnie takie stackowanie jak 00:14:448 (2,3,4,1) - jest zbyt mało wymagające względem aimowania
19:44 MrKosiej: ale ty się czepiasz tego że mały ds jak to same intro jest xd
19:44 deadpon3: 00:35:289 (3,4) - czemu to tak overlapnąłeś? :/
19:45 deadpon3: no jest intro
19:45 deadpon3: tylko pacz
19:45 deadpon3: w jednym momencie robisz jumpy a w drugim ultra stack
19:45 deadpon3: to się gryzie
19:47 MrKosiej: nie zmienie stacków xd. Zbyt mi się podobają
19:48 MrKosiej: zmieniłem za to ten średni overlaps
19:48 MrKosiej: 00:35:605 (3) -
19:48 deadpon3: 01:52:721 (1,2) - weź tu jump zrób
19:48 deadpon3: duży
19:49 MrKosiej: k
19:52 deadpon3: 03:38:937 (2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - imo to się będzie średnio grało
19:52 deadpon3: te sliderki
19:53 deadpon3: 03:38:937 (2,3,1) - bo one wyglądają jakby miałby taki sam dystans na timeline
19:53 deadpon3: 03:39:261 (3,1) - a tu od razu po nim leci stream
19:54 deadpon3: 03:39:261 (3,1) - no i tu przez to że trzeba się cofnąć kursorem lekko żeby do "1" się dostać też będzie problemem jeśli chodzi o reading
19:54 deadpon3: zwyczajnie pozmieniaj spacingi
19:54 MrKosiej: ale między 03:38:937 (2,3) - jest róznica 1/2 a 03:39:261 (3,1) - 1/4. W pierwszym jest dwa razy większy odstąp
19:55 deadpon3: no i liniowy flow
19:55 MrKosiej: chociaż może i powinienem zmienic
19:55 deadpon3: pacz co ja bym zrobił np
19:55 deadpon3:
19:55 deadpon3: wtedy gracz wie na 100% że to różne dystanse
19:55 deadpon3: bo flow mu tak podpowiada
19:56 MrKosiej: ayy, dobre
19:58 deadpon3: 05:30:991 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - zrób tu taką idealną piramidkę
19:58 deadpon3: bo jest nierówny spacing np pomiędzy 05:31:316 (4,5,7) -
19:59 deadpon3: wiesz no, zrób triangle i skopiuj 2 razy xd
19:59 deadpon3: 05:36:180 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - tu też
20:00 deadpon3: 05:54:505 (4,1) - imo ładniejszy by był zwykły triangle
20:00 deadpon3: tfu
20:00 deadpon3: triple
20:00 deadpon3: *
20:04 MrKosiej: done
20:05 deadpon3: 09:13:153 (1) - te bursty 2 przed tym kółkiem lecą tak że powinno ono wylądować bardziej na lewo
20:05 deadpon3: będzie lepszy flow i bardziej estetyczne
20:05 deadpon3:
20:06 deadpon3: 09:14:450 (1,2,3,1) - a jakbyś tutaj zrobił tego tripla przed sliderem tak żeby szedł prosto z jego shape?
20:07 MrKosiej: nah, chciałem dobrze podkreślić tą trójeczke gitary
20:07 deadpon3: imo ładnie ale jak wolisz
20:08 MrKosiej: no właśnie mogłem tak zrobić, i jak bym chciał żeby to tak wyglądało, to bym tak zrobił
20:08 MrKosiej: xd
20:09 MrKosiej: 09:24:829 (1,2,3,1) - sane
20:09 MrKosiej: same*
20:09 deadpon3: dobra w sumie chyba tyle, zbyt to mazzerinowe dla mnie na modding
20:09 deadpon3: :^)
20:09 MrKosiej: heh, mazzrin mój senpai
Topic Starter
Sorry, i'm not good at modding, but i have some things to say
For Glory
  1. First, as i said, You should work at nc colors(1/3 - 2 colors, 1/4 - other)
  2. 00:29:131 (1,2,3,4) - in all those parts(00:34:184 (1,2,3,4) - 00:39:237 (1,2,3,4) - etc) you made circular flow, so made here too
  3. 03:39:261 (3) - umm, why you started 1/3 stream with 1/4 slider and note?It's confuzing, so I would made a 1/4 reverse slider.
  4. 05:26:451 (6) - replace to [296;181]
  5. 05:26:613 (7) - replace to [362;210]
  6. 05:42:180 (7) - replace to [270;49]
  7. 05:44:180 (4) - replace to [400;191]
  8. 08:28:234 (1) - nc?
  9. 09:13:964 (2,4) - ctrl+g
Anything to say more, good work!Gl at rank. (no kds, if useless)
Topic Starter

-Mikan wrote:

Sorry, i'm not good at modding, but i have some things to say
For Glory
  1. First, as i said, You should work at nc colors(1/3 - 2 colors, 1/4 - other) idk what to do with it really, so ill leave it for now
  2. 00:29:131 (1,2,3,4) - in all those parts(00:34:184 (1,2,3,4) - 00:39:237 (1,2,3,4) - etc) you made circular flow, so made here too 00:39:552 (2,3,4) - changed to non circular
  3. 03:39:261 (3) - umm, why you started 1/3 stream with 1/4 slider and note?It's confuzing, so I would made a 1/4 reverse slider. changed first 3 1/3 circlez to 1/3 reverse slider
  4. 05:26:451 (6) - replace to [296;181] fixed
  5. 05:26:613 (7) - replace to [362;210] ^
  6. 05:42:180 (7) - replace to [270;49] ^
  7. 05:44:180 (4) - replace to [400;191] ^
  8. 08:28:234 (1) - nc? ^
  9. 09:13:964 (2,4) - ctrl+g no
Anything to say more, good work!Gl at rank. (no kds, if useless)
Thanks for mod. Was actually helpful
00:27:395 (1) - You should try to make use of the 1/3 drums in the background in this section.
00:30:237 (2,3,4,1,2) - You should consider using difference SVs for these according to the pitch of the instrumentals, would be better than having them all the same when the song sounds different.
00:35:921 (4,5,6,7) - I hear 1/3 here not 1/4 like you've mapped.
01:21:586 (1) - Some of the kick sliders in this section play awkwardly. Remember, kick sliders are played like regular jumps so low angle patterns like 01:23:694 (3,4,5) - feel awkward to play. If you re-positioned some to make them more angular they would play better. 02:21:261 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - These kick sliders play well because they are positioned more like jumps.
01:45:910 (1,2,1) - This part especially feels super awkward to play and threw me off on a few runs.
02:26:775 (2,2) - Not really crucial but these look pretty ugly so close to the sliders 02:26:775 (2,2) - Keep them overlapped with the slider ends just not as much.
02:47:748 (6,1,6,1) - Spacing inconsistency.
02:53:694 (1,2,3,4) - I'd replace these with a 1/4 repeat slider because the player might still think the sliders are 1/3 since the rest of the section before was. Having this as a repeat slider would also let the player know the next section is 1/4 and there are some regular 1/4 streams coming up.
03:03:261 (3,4) - Sounds like 1/6 to me not 1/4.
03:06:667 (1) - This would fit better curved, the instrumentals just kinda ask for it imo. Like this 03:17:045 (1) -
03:29:694 (1,2) - Looks pretty ugly but that's subjective.
03:38:937 (2) - Sliders shouldn't end on a large white tick unless there's no sound there, but here there's quite a strong drum and vocal start so I wouldn't end a slider on it.
03:40:397 (8,1) - I can hear un-mapped drums between these, though they are very quiet.
04:24:505 (5) - You should map this sound.
05:12:829 (2) - You should let the player know this is a 1/3 stream more easily by using a 1/3 slider or repeat slider instead of these 05:12:829 (2,3,4) - kind of like you've done here 05:22:883 (2) -
06:05:694 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I'd map a stream here to go with the progressive guitar in the background. You could make an accelerating stream which would be pretty cool.
06:10:153 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ same as above but it should be decelerating. (Accelerating / decelerating spacing wise.)
08:13:369 (6,1,6,1) - Spacing inconsistency.
08:18:883 (3,1) - These should be connected; right now there's no need to have a jump stream.
09:06:666 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Why is 09:06:991 (1,2,3,4) - more closely spaced than 09:06:666 (1,2,3,4) - ? Am I missing something?
09:43:038 (1) - I have a feeling this would be so much cooler as a wacky curvy long slow slider rather than a spinner xd

Sorry for the short mod, there wasn't really as much to point out as I thought there would be. Overall, the map is nice, some slightly incorrect blankets near the start that don't really matter so I didn't point them out. Also I noticed your use of linear streams and slider spam in some sections which looks pretty ugly. But if you like it, keep it. Also, in some places you have mapped 1/4 where the song is 1/3 or 1/6 so watch out for that, and remember 1/4 kick sliders play like regular circles so having them in linear patterns / low angled patterns can play awkwardly (especially if you suck like me).
Topic Starter

Slips wrote:

00:27:395 (1) - You should try to make use of the 1/3 drums in the background in this section.
00:30:237 (2,3,4,1,2) - You should consider using difference SVs for these according to the pitch of the instrumentals, would be better than having them all the same when the song sounds different.
00:35:921 (4,5,6,7) - I hear 1/3 here not 1/4 like you've mapped.
01:21:586 (1) - Some of the kick sliders in this section play awkwardly. Remember, kick sliders are played like regular jumps so low angle patterns like 01:23:694 (3,4,5) - feel awkward to play. If you re-positioned some to make them more angular they would play better. 02:21:261 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - These kick sliders play well because they are positioned more like jumps.
01:45:910 (1,2,1) - This part especially feels super awkward to play and threw me off on a few runs.
02:26:775 (2,2) - Not really crucial but these look pretty ugly so close to the sliders 02:26:775 (2,2) - Keep them overlapped with the slider ends just not as much.
02:47:748 (6,1,6,1) - Spacing inconsistency.
02:53:694 (1,2,3,4) - I'd replace these with a 1/4 repeat slider because the player might still think the sliders are 1/3 since the rest of the section before was. Having this as a repeat slider would also let the player know the next section is 1/4 and there are some regular 1/4 streams coming up.
03:03:261 (3,4) - Sounds like 1/6 to me not 1/4.
03:06:667 (1) - This would fit better curved, the instrumentals just kinda ask for it imo. Like this 03:17:045 (1) -
03:29:694 (1,2) - Looks pretty ugly but that's subjective.
03:38:937 (2) - Sliders shouldn't end on a large white tick unless there's no sound there, but here there's quite a strong drum and vocal start so I wouldn't end a slider on it.
03:40:397 (8,1) - I can hear un-mapped drums between these, though they are very quiet.
04:24:505 (5) - You should map this sound.
05:12:829 (2) - You should let the player know this is a 1/3 stream more easily by using a 1/3 slider or repeat slider instead of these 05:12:829 (2,3,4) - kind of like you've done here 05:22:883 (2) -
06:05:694 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I'd map a stream here to go with the progressive guitar in the background. You could make an accelerating stream which would be pretty cool.
06:10:153 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ same as above but it should be decelerating. (Accelerating / decelerating spacing wise.)
08:13:369 (6,1,6,1) - Spacing inconsistency.
08:18:883 (3,1) - These should be connected; right now there's no need to have a jump stream.
09:06:666 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Why is 09:06:991 (1,2,3,4) - more closely spaced than 09:06:666 (1,2,3,4) - ? Am I missing something?
09:43:038 (1) - I have a feeling this would be so much cooler as a wacky curvy long slow slider rather than a spinner xd

Sorry for the short mod, there wasn't really as much to point out as I thought there would be. Overall, the map is nice, some slightly incorrect blankets near the start that don't really matter so I didn't point them out. Also I noticed your use of linear streams and slider spam in some sections which looks pretty ugly. But if you like it, keep it. Also, in some places you have mapped 1/4 where the song is 1/3 or 1/6 so watch out for that, and remember 1/4 kick sliders play like regular circles so having them in linear patterns / low angled patterns can play awkwardly (especially if you suck like me).
Thanks for mod, fixed the wrong 1/4, some slider shapes and spacing issues.
Since you asked.

  • [For Glory]
  1. 00:35:921 (4) - try this? The blue tick is actually quite strong so I think you should highlight it.
  2. 01:01:816 (1,2) - ctrl+g for correct sliderhead emphasis
  3. 01:26:370 (1) - if you want to highlight the guitar bending, this should really be on the red tick instead of blue, this sounds off at 100% and at 50% lol
  4. 01:53:045 (4) - there really should be emphasis on beats like this. Change this to a 1/4 kickslider should work . The tiny spacing change doesn't make the snare stand out enough. Same for other places.
  5. 01:57:099 (1,2,3,4) - I thought you wanted to go for the guitar here since it's the most prominent thing, but you mapped to emphasise the drums rhythm =_= . It's really underwhelming this way. try this.
  6. 02:02:288 (1,2,3) - this rhythm is very weak compared to the rhythm in other places in this section and it's a transition (which is meant to be strong and needs to be highlighted) . 1/2 jump spam is actually legit here. try something like this.
  7. 03:39:261 (1,2) - it's 1/3 here, so the rhythm should be like this .
  8. 03:41:694 (9) - this note doesn't exist in the song.
  9. 04:24:505 - this note does exist in the song
  10. 04:29:694 (1) - should really be a 1/2 stack to emphasise the guitar palm mutes. Same for other places
  11. 04:33:910 (3) - cancel NC here because the guitar emphasis is on 04:34:072 (1) - this beat instead.
  12. 05:43:964 (2,3,4) - really misleading because of how you spaced the 1/2s earlier. A 1/3 repeat here actually works better.
  13. 05:51:586 (1) - NC here if you follow the concept of NCing pitch patterns.
  14. 05:57:586 (3) - ^
  15. 05:58:234 (3) - ^
  16. 06:02:613 (2) - ^
  17. 06:14:937 (2) - I get that you want to cover the blue tick on the drums, but map just a circle here makes more sense since a circle is interpreted as a guitar and the kicksliders as drums.
  18. 06:20:937 (1,2) - should just be a reverse so this pattern 06:21:261 (1,2,1,2) - stands out more.
  19. 07:04:101 - pretty sure the oriental instrument stresses this sounds, not the next sliderhead. Also get someone to check the timing here, pretty sure it's not correct since they're not timed to the stronger ticks.
Topic Starter

LMT wrote:

Since you asked.

  • [For Glory]
  1. 00:35:921 (4) - try this? The blue tick is actually quite strong so I think you should highlight it.
  2. 01:01:816 (1,2) - ctrl+g for correct sliderhead emphasis
  3. 01:26:370 (1) - if you want to highlight the guitar bending, this should really be on the red tick instead of blue, this sounds off at 100% and at 50% lol
  4. 01:53:045 (4) - there really should be emphasis on beats like this. Change this to a 1/4 kickslider should work . The tiny spacing change doesn't make the snare stand out enough. Same for other places.
  5. 01:57:099 (1,2,3,4) - I thought you wanted to go for the guitar here since it's the most prominent thing, but you mapped to emphasise the drums rhythm =_= . It's really underwhelming this way. try this.
  6. 02:02:288 (1,2,3) - this rhythm is very weak compared to the rhythm in other places in this section and it's a transition (which is meant to be strong and needs to be highlighted) . 1/2 jump spam is actually legit here. try something like this.
  7. 03:39:261 (1,2) - it's 1/3 here, so the rhythm should be like this .
  8. 03:41:694 (9) - this note doesn't exist in the song.
  9. 04:24:505 - this note does exist in the song
  10. 04:29:694 (1) - should really be a 1/2 stack to emphasise the guitar palm mutes. Same for other places
  11. 04:33:910 (3) - cancel NC here because the guitar emphasis is on 04:34:072 (1) - this beat instead.
  12. 05:43:964 (2,3,4) - really misleading because of how you spaced the 1/2s earlier. A 1/3 repeat here actually works better.
  13. 05:51:586 (1) - NC here if you follow the concept of NCing pitch patterns.
  14. 05:57:586 (3) - ^
  15. 05:58:234 (3) - ^
  16. 06:02:613 (2) - ^
  17. 06:14:937 (2) - I get that you want to cover the blue tick on the drums, but map just a circle here makes more sense since a circle is interpreted as a guitar and the kicksliders as drums.
  18. 06:20:937 (1,2) - should just be a reverse so this pattern 06:21:261 (1,2,1,2) - stands out more.
  19. 07:04:101 - pretty sure the oriental instrument stresses this sounds, not the next sliderhead. Also get someone to check the timing here, pretty sure it's not correct since they're not timed to the stronger ticks.
Yo, thanks for the mod. Really nice one, fixed most of those things. And i'll ask somebody to check the timing on this last thing xd. Cheers
From queue ~

  • Top
  1. 00:35:921 (4,5,6) - may just be minor but the spacing and this spacing 00:46:973 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - is near identical but one is 1/3 while and other 1/4
    I really suggest giving the 1/3 more spacing to make it more obvious

Would you even call this a mod...(No kd if you don't consider it 1) I can't mod maps I can't play properly sorry (I will soon make this known in my queue)

Anyways I gave a star since I think the map looks pretty nice

Topic Starter

Hailie wrote:

From queue ~

  • Top
  1. 00:35:921 (4,5,6) - may just be minor but the spacing and this spacing 00:46:973 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - is near identical but one is 1/3 while and other 1/4
    I really suggest giving the 1/3 more spacing to make it more obvious

Would you even call this a mod...(No kd if you don't consider it 1) I can't mod maps I can't play properly sorry (I will soon make this known in my queue)

Anyways I gave a star since I think the map looks pretty nice

kudo cuz you made me change that one thing xd
IRC mod
18:04 Itasha_S13: ok so
18:04 Itasha_S13: want me to play it
18:04 Itasha_S13: and do irc mod?
18:04 Itasha_S13: imo irc would be better because I played your map like 3 times already and I just have a few things I want to say
18:05 Itasha_S13: but I would play it again
18:05 Itasha_S13: I think thatd be better
18:05 MrKosiej: oik
18:06 MrKosiej: go ahead
18:07 *Itasha_S13 is listening to [ Whispered - Upon My Honor]
18:07 Itasha_S13: this one right?
18:08 MrKosiej: ye. I feel like i just need more posts on my thread really. (posts looking like mods)
18:08 MrKosiej: cuz if the bn looks at it, it cant be empty lol
18:08 Itasha_S13: yeah
18:08 Itasha_S13: did you changed the mp3?
18:09 MrKosiej: yes
18:09 MrKosiej: a while ago actually
18:09 Itasha_S13: hmm
18:09 Itasha_S13: I have to re dl
18:09 MrKosiej: i think you need to redownload xd
18:09 MrKosiej: ye
18:10 MrKosiej: lol, is your net working like it should or you didnt re dl
18:10 Itasha_S13: 30kbps
18:10 Itasha_S13: its gonna take a whikle
18:10 MrKosiej: xd
18:10 Itasha_S13: but thats better than 10kbps
18:10 MrKosiej: sure
18:13 MrKosiej: do you know that tsuki is 573pp for ss xd? (if status==ranked)
18:13 Itasha_S13: damn
18:13 Itasha_S13: I havent play osu in 4 days
18:13 Itasha_S13: Im so washed uo
18:13 Itasha_S13: up
18:15 MrKosiej: and i feel like i got addicted to chocolate now. I wanted to take one piece, but ate half a bar, and when i don't eat more i feel empty ;..;
18:15 MrKosiej: damn chocolate
18:15 Itasha_S13: ^^^
18:15 Itasha_S13: Well I havent eat chocolate more than ... idk 5 times this year
18:15 Itasha_S13: because its so expensive
18:15 Itasha_S13: but when you eat a bit
18:15 Itasha_S13: you want MORE
18:18 MrKosiej: its my first time this year lool. I got back home an hour ago and saw it lying on my piano. I tried to resist but it was stronger than me rip
18:18 MrKosiej: aaand i ate it all
18:18 Itasha_S13: LLL
18:19 MrKosiej: what do i do with myself now. I subconciously reach for the next piece, but it's not there x( The chocolate is gone cuz i ate it
18:29 Itasha_S13: tbh I feel like I can FC that map
18:30 MrKosiej: that's what my 2k rank friends are telling me
18:30 MrKosiej: xd
18:30 Itasha_S13: so
18:31 MrKosiej: irc inc
18:31 Itasha_S13: the main issue I find in your map is that the difficult spread on the whole map is.. unbalanced? idk how to call it
18:31 Itasha_S13: Its like
18:31 Itasha_S13: let me explain
18:32 Itasha_S13: 06:29:045 -
18:32 Itasha_S13: to
18:32 Itasha_S13: 07:18:342 -
18:32 Itasha_S13: I feel like that part has too much spacing and some streams that you can barely hear in the song
18:32 Itasha_S13: like
18:33 Itasha_S13: thisis one
18:33 Itasha_S13: 07:02:775 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3) -
18:33 Itasha_S13: I feel like it's spacing is TOO much because if you compare it to other 1/3 section
18:33 Itasha_S13: the spacing its like the same
18:33 Itasha_S13: but this part of here feels so quiet
18:33 Itasha_S13: 08:12:829 -
18:34 Itasha_S13: here the spacing of some 1/3 streams is even lower
18:34 Itasha_S13: wioth jumpstream for emphasize, but talking about the map as a whole
18:34 Itasha_S13: that section has too much spacing
18:34 Itasha_S13: other example
18:34 Itasha_S13: 06:32:288 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) -
18:34 Itasha_S13: compare these 1/4 jumps with 07:39:423 (2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2) -
18:35 Itasha_S13: which jumps you think that should have more spacing, in order to reflect the song and its intensity
18:35 Itasha_S13: ok so lets move out
18:36 Itasha_S13: 00:01:816 (1,2,3,1,2) -
18:36 Itasha_S13: 00:06:553 (1,2,3,4) -
18:36 Itasha_S13: why some are stacked and other are not? because It kinda doesn't make sense that you dont stack the end of some and stack the end of some
18:36 Itasha_S13: kinda random
18:37 MrKosiej: its actually now, but dont want to interupt xd go on
18:37 MrKosiej: not*
18:37 Itasha_S13: okk
18:37 Itasha_S13: here for example
18:37 Itasha_S13: 00:34:973 (1,2,3) -
18:37 Itasha_S13: they don't stand out from other sliders becuase sometimes you stack and sometimes not, so im like
18:37 Itasha_S13: I see cool stacked sliders
18:37 Itasha_S13: but when the same sound appear again, it's like
18:38 Itasha_S13: where are the cool stacked sliders'
18:38 Itasha_S13: ?¿
18:38 Itasha_S13: that from one side
18:38 Itasha_S13: 00:44:604 (2,1,2) -
18:39 Itasha_S13: 00:49:816 (3,1,2) -
18:39 Itasha_S13: fix that minor thing xd
18:39 Itasha_S13: 00:57:079 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
18:39 Itasha_S13: this is an .. arpa sound? idk how to call it but, that stream feels out of place
18:39 Itasha_S13: it is not different from any other stream in the map
18:39 Itasha_S13: si it doesnt stand out
18:39 Itasha_S13: and is not even 1/4
18:40 Itasha_S13: I think thats 1/6 or 1/8 at least
18:40 Itasha_S13: try addking 1/8 kicksliders to that stream
18:40 Itasha_S13: that would emphasize that sound better
18:40 Itasha_S13: and its like a way to make it unique
18:40 Itasha_S13: because you hear the same sound again in the map
18:40 Itasha_S13: later in the song*
18:41 Itasha_S13: I dont hear any sound on 01:20:370 - so maybe delete it and move the first circle (another minor thing)
18:42 Itasha_S13: Other big thing is
18:42 Itasha_S13: 02:04:640 (2,2) -
18:42 Itasha_S13: these
18:42 Itasha_S13: 1/4 .. jumps.. or
18:42 Itasha_S13: anti jumps i think theyr called like that
18:43 Itasha_S13: I feel like the spacing is TOO much, the overall difficult of the map isnt that hard
18:43 Itasha_S13: and these jumps ARE hard
18:43 Itasha_S13: like really hard
18:43 Itasha_S13: you dont see them often not even in 7* maps or more
18:43 Itasha_S13: and.. the problem is that
18:43 Itasha_S13: even if the spacing is too much or not
18:44 Itasha_S13: I can't hear any sound that needs to be emphasized like that to make that jump you know what Im saying, its like they're there emphasizing.. nothing
18:44 Itasha_S13: the vocals doesnt go that loud
18:44 Itasha_S13: the song keeps like the same intensity/powerful
18:44 Itasha_S13: so I feel like spacing is still too much yeah
18:44 Itasha_S13: even tho, if you dont want to change them
18:44 Itasha_S13: keep them
18:45 Itasha_S13: now this. 02:43:964 (1,2,3) -
18:45 Itasha_S13: when I was playing it you could have seen that I missed these sliders, because the spacing on them makes me read them as normal 1/2 sliders
18:46 Itasha_S13: If you maybe make.. overlaps or something, to make them stand out more to NOTICE the difference in the rhythm
18:46 Itasha_S13: that would be better
18:46 Itasha_S13: I recommend overlaps because while playing, you associate changes of rhythm to 1/6 or 1/3 when you see overlaps
18:47 Itasha_S13: like this or smth else, your decision tho
18:48 Itasha_S13: 02:53:694 (1,2,3,4) - may do something with them too, because while playing I didn't know if they were 1/3 or 1/4 (1/2) because in the beginning of the map
18:48 Itasha_S13: I remember those other 1/2 stacked sliders
18:48 Itasha_S13: but, having a 1/3 section before
18:48 Itasha_S13: it makes it kinda hard to read
18:49 Itasha_S13: I recommend changing it to 2 reverse sliders to introduce the new rhythm better
18:50 Itasha_S13: moing on, 03:05:370 (1,2,1,2) - this pattern feels out of place and it looks like it doesn't follow the same idea of stacking sliderends like before
18:50 Itasha_S13: you always use them, the stacked sliderends
18:50 Itasha_S13: but this pattern its completly different from that
18:50 Itasha_S13: fix it, and if you find the same issue again, explain why they're not stacked
18:50 Itasha_S13: or stack them
18:51 Itasha_S13: example. 02:54:991 (1,2,1,2) - they're al stacked because its that accousting ..string sound idk what instrument does it but its a string k
18:51 Itasha_S13: here
18:51 Itasha_S13: 03:00:180 (1,2) -
18:52 Itasha_S13: that "string" sound is NOT there, so why would you stack their ends, when I see this section, I can see that your idea is to connect the sliders by stacking their ends, on that string sound
18:53 Itasha_S13: so having these sliderends stacked without the appearance of that sound makes it lost its emphasize
18:53 Itasha_S13: you get what i mean right
18:53 Itasha_S13: I think I just have one more thing to say about your map
18:54 Itasha_S13: in a section where I saw some 1/4 and 1/3 streams lemme find it
18:56 Itasha_S13: ah nvm, its was this
18:56 Itasha_S13: 08:18:018 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
18:56 Itasha_S13: but I already pointed it out in the other section like this
18:56 Itasha_S13: you could see that I missed 08:19:964 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
18:56 Itasha_S13: because I thought it was 1/3
18:57 MrKosiej: yea i already fixed it
18:57 Itasha_S13: I feel like it was because it's spacing being the same to the previous 1/3 streams so
18:57 Itasha_S13: ah nice
18:57 MrKosiej: (made 2 reverse sliders)
18:57 MrKosiej: should be working alright
18:57 Itasha_S13: so yeah thats it I think, I think that one important thing is the stuff like this 08:20:612 (1,2,1,2) -
18:58 Itasha_S13: because look at this new kiai section
18:58 Itasha_S13: the first pattern with that string sound I mentioned doesn't have stacked sliderends
18:58 Itasha_S13: and stacked sliderends when that sound is not appearing 08:24:180 (1,2) -
18:58 Itasha_S13: thats it
18:59 Itasha_S13: ah one more thing, I almost forgat
18:59 Itasha_S13: 08:29:531 (1,2,3) -
18:59 Itasha_S13: I will complain about this 08:28:234 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) -
18:59 Itasha_S13: becauise I feel like 08:28:234 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - are connected, having the same flow to the same direction and mirrored sliders
18:59 Itasha_S13: but now this
18:59 Itasha_S13: 08:29:531 (1,2,3) -
19:00 MrKosiej: its still mirrored tho
19:00 Itasha_S13: first issue. the spacing is even more than the previous 2, but in this one 08:29:531 (1,2,3) - the pith is even lower
19:00 Itasha_S13: so the spacing doesnt reflect that lowered pitch
19:00 Itasha_S13: it should have less spacing
19:00 Itasha_S13: and yeah, its mirrored
19:00 Itasha_S13: but the spacing makes it looks like its disconnected from the other 2
19:00 Itasha_S13: for that spacing difference
19:00 Itasha_S13: AND THEN
19:01 Itasha_S13: 08:30:180 (1,2,3) -
19:01 Itasha_S13: all the .. triplets
19:01 Itasha_S13: goes upside down, from top of the screen to bottom
19:01 Itasha_S13: but this one goes up
19:01 Itasha_S13: so it makes loss its connection to these other 3 sliders
19:01 Itasha_S13: because of different flow
19:01 Itasha_S13: but its like
19:01 Itasha_S13: the same sound
19:02 Itasha_S13: my sugggestion
19:02 Itasha_S13: is to rearrange them like this
19:03 Itasha_S13: so you play them the same way, and you know theyre connected
19:03 Itasha_S13: they form part of the same thing
19:03 Itasha_S13: Im done, I hope this helps you
19:07 MrKosiej: i found undermapped notes here 08:30:018 - so i reowrked it anyway
19:07 MrKosiej: reworked*
19:08 Itasha_S13: tell me when you update it so I play it again :p
19:09 MrKosiej: k
19:09 MrKosiej: tell me when you post the irc so i can kudo
[Whispered - Upon My Honor]

00:19:501 (2,3,4,1,2) - For what particular reason are these sliders not rounded, if they were before and the intensity and tone didn't change?
01:00:789 - This could be mapped, there is a note here
01:40:072 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Nc'ing here is questionable since rythm is still 1/4th, and if you decide to stick with this concept, then you should NC here too : 01:41:045 (3) .
01:46:559 (3,3) - Stack maybe? 01:48:667 (2) this one too if you decide to do so.
01:54:504 (6,3,6) - I feel like you should NC these sliders (and the following). They have very dominant sounds.
02:47:207 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - All these 1/3rd parts here and following, I think you should think about a different way to emphasize them. Its a bit tricky to distinguish them from 1/4ths.
03:41:694 - A spinner would fit here pretty well.
04:05:045 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Would increase the spacing here a bit to emphasize the intensity and the tone change.
04:19:207 (3) - I'd recommend to map this break, I find the rythm and the instruments used here really interesting.
05:15:424 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Hmm I'd say you should rework this part. Feels a bit unfitting compared to the rest. Same here 05:20:613 (2,3,4,5,6,7) .
05:44:180 (4,1) - Hmm I am sure you can emphasize this too without making this jump here xD ?
06:16:072 (1) - I like this stream starting from here a lot fits really well.

Really cool map tho, I like it, plays really natural and feels not to forced. Well done!
Topic Starter

Kyu96 wrote:

[Whispered - Upon My Honor]

00:19:501 (2,3,4,1,2) - For what particular reason are these sliders not rounded, if they were before and the intensity and tone didn't change?
01:00:789 - This could be mapped, there is a note here
01:40:072 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Nc'ing here is questionable since rythm is still 1/4th, and if you decide to stick with this concept, then you should NC here too : 01:41:045 (3) . no cuz the nc is followed by guitar's notes
01:46:559 (3,3) - Stack maybe? 01:48:667 (2) this one too if you decide to do so. ye fixed, it shifted dunno when xd
01:54:504 (6,3,6) - I feel like you should NC these sliders (and the following). They have very dominant sounds.
02:47:207 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - All these 1/3rd parts here and following, I think you should think about a different way to emphasize them. Its a bit tricky to distinguish them from 1/4ths.
03:41:694 - A spinner would fit here pretty well.
04:05:045 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Would increase the spacing here a bit to emphasize the intensity and the tone change.
04:19:207 (3) - I'd recommend to map this break, I find the rythm and the instruments used here really interesting. what brak :o
05:15:424 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Hmm I'd say you should rework this part. Feels a bit unfitting compared to the rest. Same here 05:20:613 (2,3,4,5,6,7) .
05:44:180 (4,1) - Hmm I am sure you can emphasize this too without making this jump here xD ?
06:16:072 (1) - I like this stream starting from here a lot fits really well.

Really cool map tho, I like it, plays really natural and feels not to forced. Well done!
Thanks a lot for the mod. I fixed most of these things.
01:21:586 (1) - IMO będzie bardziej estetycznie jak lekko przesuniesz slider w dół
01:29:370 (1) - tutaj już mogłeś dać 1/2 slider i dwa kółka po nim
01:32:937 (3) - może coś w stylu X:0 Y:284?
01:34:072 (1) - CTRL + strzałka w dół raz czy dwa w
01:39:261 (1,2,3) - no nie wygląda mi to na perfekcyjny trójkąt
01:46:234 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - patrząc na intensywność w tym momencie bym zwiększył te żumpy, w porównaniu z tym to 01:57:586 (1,2) - tak nie bardzo
01:51:261 (2) - w sumie to wystarczyło dać kółko IMO
01:53:532 (1,2,3) - ajjj ta linia z dwóch kółek i początku slidera nie jest równa
01:54:829 (1,2,3) - tu tak samo
w sumie w podobnych częściach też
02:12:829 (1,2,1,2) - tutaj możesz wyrównać odstępy między górnymi sliderami i między dolnymi
02:21:261 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - ja bym zbuffował
02:43:964 (1,2,3) - unexpected 1/3, idk jak to poprawić ąle no, pierwszy raz w utworze 1/3 i tak z niczego
02:54:343 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - taki sam spacing jak poprzednie 1/3
04:11:532 (4) - blankecik popraw ; )
04:37:478 (1) - możesz bardziej wsunąć w 04:37:153 (3) -
04:39:424 (1,2,3,4) - nie wiem zrób jakiś spacing żeby sie tak lekko nie dotykały tylko najlepiej w ogóle -_
04:40:072 (1) - mam wrażenie że to nie jest równolegle do kółek tych wcześniejszych
05:25:802 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - jak ty chyba z monstraty gościu
06:05:694 (1) - może jednak oddal tu, w sumie te kiai jest lekko overspaced w porównaniu do reszty mapy i jej intensywności XD

w sumie to tyle i dalej mi sie nie chce za bardzo XD
Topic Starter

XVoIR wrote:

01:21:586 (1) - IMO będzie bardziej estetycznie jak lekko przesuniesz slider w dół
01:29:370 (1) - tutaj już mogłeś dać 1/2 slider i dwa kółka po nim
01:32:937 (3) - może coś w stylu X:0 Y:284?
01:34:072 (1) - CTRL + strzałka w dół raz czy dwa w
01:39:261 (1,2,3) - no nie wygląda mi to na perfekcyjny trójkąt
01:46:234 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - patrząc na intensywność w tym momencie bym zwiększył te żumpy, w porównaniu z tym to 01:57:586 (1,2) - tak nie bardzo
01:51:261 (2) - w sumie to wystarczyło dać kółko IMO
01:53:532 (1,2,3) - ajjj ta linia z dwóch kółek i początku slidera nie jest równa
01:54:829 (1,2,3) - tu tak samo
w sumie w podobnych częściach też
02:12:829 (1,2,1,2) - tutaj możesz wyrównać odstępy między górnymi sliderami i między dolnymi
02:21:261 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - ja bym zbuffował
02:43:964 (1,2,3) - unexpected 1/3, idk jak to poprawić ąle no, pierwszy raz w utworze 1/3 i tak z niczego
02:54:343 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - taki sam spacing jak poprzednie 1/3
04:11:532 (4) - blankecik popraw ; )
04:37:478 (1) - możesz bardziej wsunąć w 04:37:153 (3) -
04:39:424 (1,2,3,4) - nie wiem zrób jakiś spacing żeby sie tak lekko nie dotykały tylko najlepiej w ogóle -_
04:40:072 (1) - mam wrażenie że to nie jest równolegle do kółek tych wcześniejszych
05:25:802 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - jak ty chyba z monstraty gościu
06:05:694 (1) - może jednak oddal tu, w sumie te kiai jest lekko overspaced w porównaniu do reszty mapy i jej intensywności XD

w sumie to tyle i dalej mi sie nie chce za bardzo XD
Yo, wielkie dzięki za moda. Przydał się
heyo o/

  1. Intro and 00:27:395 (1) - this section really needs more hitsounds, basicly no feedback atm while playing, could do something like custom whisles for those twinkle stuff at 00:19:501 (2,3,4) - and some drums for these loud ones 00:09:395 (2) - 00:47:605 (1) -
  2. 00:19:501 (2,3,4,1) - redo tail stacking, got some noticable errors here
  3. 00:24:635 (3) - NC would be nice
  4. 00:21:711 (1,2) - delete red timing pionts, try this rhythm. No timing shift here just a bit longer static before the full beat. You'll see 00:27:395 (1) - fits better too
  5. 01:03:079 (2,3,4) - pretty unique andl loud 1/3s here, shouldnt be ignored imo
  6. 01:10:421 (1) - timing point serves no purpose here, better deleted to avoid milims shifts
  7. 01:26:126 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - really weird to play here since you have the single return into first blue clickable object which isnt on a guitar either. Honesly I'd try something like this rhythm since it seems you want toemphasize the guitar, same for similar stuff like same for similar stuff like 01:36:586 (2,1,2,3,4) -
  8. 01:46:234 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - kinda weird hitsounding, music is 3-5 paired and snare all snare based so those whisles into all claps or something similar would sound more fitting
  9. 02:02:288 (1,2,3,1,2) - 3-2 pairing when its 2-2 in the music starting at 02:02:451 (2) - feels a bit odd here, this 02:01:802 (1,2,3,4,1) - should still be structured together by the sounds in the music, did it right for these 02:12:829 (1,2,1,2) -
  10. 02:16:072 (1) - kinda missed opportuntiy to go for 2-2 when this guitar really sticks out like you did before at 01:30:505 (1) - , could consider 1-3-3 pattern here to emphasize that
  11. 02:07:640 (1) - aaah loud cymbals no finish rip
  12. 02:23:207 (1) - would fit better as 2 circles to keep the intensity up and to have the reduced intensity start at 02:23:856 (1) - for the new musical section
  13. 02:43:964 (1,2,3) - if you're gonna map the 1/3 flute I'd atleast follow it for these short part and dont ignore the one in the slider at 3, 3 1/3 sldiers would fit alot better here
  14. 03:39:099 (4,1) - would consider making this a 2/3 slider instead, really odd transistion into the 1/3 rhythm here
  15. 03:45:586 (1,2,3) - 03:50:775 (1,2,3,4) - uninteresting drums but interesting guitar shred :/
  16. 04:08:937 (1) - finishes on the cymbals
  17. 04:17:532 (1,2) - a bit of an angle from 04:17:370 (1,2) - so its not just 4 straight circles would fit the concept of the prev combos better
  18. 04:24:505 (1) - honestly this just screams slider art until 04:24:505 (1) - everything bulding up to that guitar shred makes just a circle really underwhelming
  19. 04:29:207 (2,4) - clap on 4 too?
  20. 04:30:343 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2) - etc in this section, some extreme loud and strong toms hitsounds for the guitar without a drum at 04:30:505 (2) - 04:31:802 (2) - really doesnt fit, use less strong hitsounds for these, missing snares at 04:38:937 (2,1) - etc
  21. 04:38:775 (1,2,1,2) - could make this jump pattern more gimmicky, guitar pitches are the same at 04:38:937 (2,1) - so could utitlze stacking or less spacing bewteen and higher spacing for the previous and next note for example
  22. 05:45:910 (4,5) - NC on 4 for consistency with all the next ones
  23. 05:46:721 (4,1) - NC start on 4 or 3 is a lot better with the music since this is grouped as 4 05:46:559 (3,4,1,2) -
  24. 07:18:342 (1) - put hte volume back on
  25. 07:35:856 - strong change here, would recommened adding a slider here and shortening hte current one
  26. 07:39:423 (2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2) - hitsound those snares would be good
  27. 08:14:126 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - aah flow like this is the reason I'm not a fan of this map but told you in irc :p
  28. 08:29:694 (3) - prob best to silence the end, loud hitnormals might throw people off here
  29. 09:14:450 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - if you changed intro ones
Bit questionional hitsound choices at some sections of the map that imo misrepresent the song (extremely loud tom hs for soft guitar parts, ignoring snares or replacing them with your standard tom you use for that downbeat drum,...) that I'd definitly go over again to find some better feedback or adding another custom hs for those parts
Gl mate! :D
Topic Starter

Wishkey wrote:

heyo o/

  1. Intro and 00:27:395 (1) - this section really needs more hitsounds, basicly no feedback atm while playing, could do something like custom whisles for those twinkle stuff at 00:19:501 (2,3,4) - and some drums for these loud ones 00:09:395 (2) - 00:47:605 (1) -
  2. 00:19:501 (2,3,4,1) - redo tail stacking, got some noticable errors here
  3. 00:24:635 (3) - NC would be nice
  4. 00:21:711 (1,2) - delete red timing pionts, try this rhythm. No timing shift here just a bit longer static before the full beat. You'll see 00:27:395 (1) - fits better too
  5. 01:03:079 (2,3,4) - pretty unique andl loud 1/3s here, shouldnt be ignored imo
  6. 01:10:421 (1) - timing point serves no purpose here, better deleted to avoid milims shifts
  7. 01:26:126 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - really weird to play here since you have the single return into first blue clickable object which isnt on a guitar either. Honesly I'd try something like this rhythm since it seems you want toemphasize the guitar, same for similar stuff like same for similar stuff like 01:36:586 (2,1,2,3,4) -
  8. 01:46:234 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - kinda weird hitsounding, music is 3-5 paired and snare all snare based so those whisles into all claps or something similar would sound more fitting
  9. 02:02:288 (1,2,3,1,2) - 3-2 pairing when its 2-2 in the music starting at 02:02:451 (2) - feels a bit odd here, this 02:01:802 (1,2,3,4,1) - should still be structured together by the sounds in the music, did it right for these 02:12:829 (1,2,1,2) -
  10. 02:16:072 (1) - kinda missed opportuntiy to go for 2-2 when this guitar really sticks out like you did before at 01:30:505 (1) - , could consider 1-3-3 pattern here to emphasize that
  11. 02:07:640 (1) - aaah loud cymbals no finish rip
  12. 02:23:207 (1) - would fit better as 2 circles to keep the intensity up and to have the reduced intensity start at 02:23:856 (1) - for the new musical section
  13. 02:43:964 (1,2,3) - if you're gonna map the 1/3 flute I'd atleast follow it for these short part and dont ignore the one in the slider at 3, 3 1/3 sldiers would fit alot better here
  14. 03:39:099 (4,1) - would consider making this a 2/3 slider instead, really odd transistion into the 1/3 rhythm here
  15. 03:45:586 (1,2,3) - 03:50:775 (1,2,3,4) - uninteresting drums but interesting guitar shred :/
  16. 04:08:937 (1) - finishes on the cymbals
  17. 04:17:532 (1,2) - a bit of an angle from 04:17:370 (1,2) - so its not just 4 straight circles would fit the concept of the prev combos better
  18. 04:24:505 (1) - honestly this just screams slider art until 04:24:505 (1) - everything bulding up to that guitar shred makes just a circle really underwhelming
  19. 04:29:207 (2,4) - clap on 4 too?
  20. 04:30:343 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2) - etc in this section, some extreme loud and strong toms hitsounds for the guitar without a drum at 04:30:505 (2) - 04:31:802 (2) - really doesnt fit, use less strong hitsounds for these, missing snares at 04:38:937 (2,1) - etc
  21. 04:38:775 (1,2,1,2) - could make this jump pattern more gimmicky, guitar pitches are the same at 04:38:937 (2,1) - so could utitlze stacking or less spacing bewteen and higher spacing for the previous and next note for example
  22. 05:45:910 (4,5) - NC on 4 for consistency with all the next ones
  23. 05:46:721 (4,1) - NC start on 4 or 3 is a lot better with the music since this is grouped as 4 05:46:559 (3,4,1,2) -
  24. 07:18:342 (1) - put hte volume back on
  25. 07:35:856 - strong change here, would recommened adding a slider here and shortening hte current one
  26. 07:39:423 (2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2) - hitsound those snares would be good
  27. 08:14:126 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - aah flow like this is the reason I'm not a fan of this map but told you in irc :p
  28. 08:29:694 (3) - prob best to silence the end, loud hitnormals might throw people off here
  29. 09:14:450 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - if you changed intro ones
Bit questionional hitsound choices at some sections of the map that imo misrepresent the song (extremely loud tom hs for soft guitar parts, ignoring snares or replacing them with your standard tom you use for that downbeat drum,...) that I'd definitly go over again to find some better feedback or adding another custom hs for those parts
Gl mate! :D
Yo, much thanks for the mod! I applied most of those things. I didnt change some ncs tho and i left hitsounding in the intro as it is rn cuz idk how to make it XD i felt like i should leave it barely hitsounded cuz its, you know. Into. Is more, better? I dont know.
DeRandom Otaku
Suggested some stuff
18:18 MrKosiej: hi x) have a few minutes to spare?
18:19 DeRandom Otaku: ye whats u
18:19 DeRandom Otaku: p
18:20 MrKosiej: I'm currently trying to get my map somewhere, so i thought.. maybe you could help me with a quick check :3?
18:20 DeRandom Otaku: sure
18:20 MrKosiej: many thanks
18:20 *MrKosiej is listening to [ Whispered - Upon My Honor]
18:21 DeRandom Otaku: wont be much cuz i dont like metal
18:22 MrKosiej: ah rip
18:23 DeRandom Otaku: patterns like 00:02:448 (3,1,2) -
18:23 DeRandom Otaku: would be cooler to continue the same movement as 00:01:816 (1,2,3) -
18:23 DeRandom Otaku: since theres no contrast in music or anythin
18:23 DeRandom Otaku: g
18:24 MrKosiej: umm, pitch goes up instead of down?
18:24 MrKosiej: i thoguht it could be mentioned in the map
18:24 MrKosiej: thought*
18:24 DeRandom Otaku: 00:02:132 - pitch goes up here as well
18:24 DeRandom Otaku: 00:02:448 - and here too so yea
18:25 MrKosiej: how so, the melody goes down, what
18:25 DeRandom Otaku: you can keep tho since its minor
18:25 DeRandom Otaku: and was just a suggestion lol
18:25 MrKosiej: ik
18:26 MrKosiej: i'm just actively trying to figure out every suggestion
18:26 DeRandom Otaku: 00:44:921 (4,1) - the sound on 1 is pretty strong i get it. but still the spacing is way too much considering that its just the into of the map
18:27 DeRandom Otaku: 00:54:237 (3,1) - also kinda weird how the spacing is so small ,the sound on 00:54:395 - is pretty strong.
18:27 DeRandom Otaku: 00:59:289 (3,1) - same thing
18:28 DeRandom Otaku: 01:06:237 (5,1) - another op spacing
18:30 MrKosiej: hmm, might be hard to fix tho
18:32 DeRandom Otaku: mapping as a whole is time consuming
18:32 DeRandom Otaku: so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
18:34 MrKosiej: it's tru, you have no idea how long it took me to get this 10 min map done xd
18:34 DeRandom Otaku: 03:55:316 (1,2) - nerf that spacing
18:34 DeRandom Otaku: almost as much as 1/2 visually
18:35 DeRandom Otaku: 03:59:856 (1,2) - 04:00:505 (1,2) -
18:35 DeRandom Otaku: oh my
18:35 MrKosiej: it plays really well actually
18:35 MrKosiej: not even the hard part of the map
18:36 MrKosiej: i haven't seen anybody break there
18:36 DeRandom Otaku: well
18:36 DeRandom Otaku: atleast 04:00:505 (1,2) - nerf that
18:36 DeRandom Otaku: thats too much
18:36 MrKosiej: aight
18:37 MrKosiej: nerfed
18:38 DeRandom Otaku: 04:38:937 (2,1) - whats this low spacing for
18:38 DeRandom Otaku: shouldnt the snare get higher spacing?
18:38 MrKosiej: its cuz of the same pitch
18:38 MrKosiej: 04:38:937 (2,1) - this is the same sound
18:39 MrKosiej: 04:38:775 (1,2) - this is also the same sound
18:39 DeRandom Otaku: in that case you should give 04:39:099 (1) - equal spacing to what u gave to 04:38:937 (2) -
18:40 DeRandom Otaku: but still i would emphasiz 04:39:099 (1) - this more because the addition of snare makes the beat more drastic than the previou s one
18:40 DeRandom Otaku: 04:39:099 (1,2,1) - that flow is really awkward tho lol
18:40 MrKosiej: what about i ctrl g 04:39:099 (1,2) - as it was originally
18:40 DeRandom Otaku: that would be great
18:41 MrKosiej: ok
18:41 DeRandom Otaku: 05:06:829 (1) - the stronger sound is on 05:06:991 - tho
18:42 DeRandom Otaku: 05:06:667 (4,1) - ctrl g on this rhythm would work
18:42 DeRandom Otaku: 05:17:045 (4,5) - same thing
18:43 MrKosiej: but thats the concept. I didnt ephasize the first strong sound, but the sound after
18:44 MrKosiej: you'll see it everywhere in this part
18:44 DeRandom Otaku: you mean you tried to emphasize 05:06:991 - this sound?
18:44 MrKosiej: 05:06:829 - this one
18:44 MrKosiej: 05:09:424 - same
18:45 DeRandom Otaku: the sound on 05:06:991 - is a lot stronger tho
18:45 MrKosiej: i know, but i didnt feel it would be a proper rhytm
18:45 DeRandom Otaku: 05:09:586 - in this case the sound i am talking about doesn't exist
18:45 DeRandom Otaku: it is proper tho owo
18:46 DeRandom Otaku: oh well w/e
18:46 DeRandom Otaku: 06:26:451 (1,1) - stack off by many pixels
18:46 DeRandom Otaku: mistake i guess
18:49 MrKosiej: (to that emphsize before) the feeling of what you suggest wouldn't give what song gives. Cuz the rhytm is very different, So despite of that strong sound, i decided to make the long note after, more visible
18:49 MrKosiej: and yes, that 2nd thing is mistake indeed
18:49 DeRandom Otaku: oh well
18:49 DeRandom Otaku: gonna stop now
18:49 DeRandom Otaku: this song is not friendly to my ears lol
Hollow Delta
nm req (totally not late)

- For the most part I'll be going over some playability aspects that I feel could be improved upon. The map tends to use a lot of antijumps and antiflow patterns at odd places, like 00:29:131 (1,2,3) - where the direction of the flow switches here, while at 00:34:500 (2) - the flow stays in the same direction. Another example is 00:48:710 (1,2,3) - here the flow switches direction unexpectedly, compared to 00:53:763 (1,2,3) - where the direction remains consistent.
- 00:55:184 (1,2) - I think the angle that these notes play is rough. 00:54:711 (2,3,4) - has circular motion, but 1 goes the opposite direction. I think if switching the direction of the flow like this is interesting as you compliment each bar of the song, so I think if you want to implement that you could rearrange these notes to smth like
- 01:01:658 (2,1,2,3) - I think the antijump on 1 makes this more rough to play. Try this arrangement?
- 02:12:829 (1,2,1,2) - I think this is a cool pattern xp. ctrl+g on the white sliders (ctrl+g again on the sliders individually to fix the heads) so the pattern is more flowwy.
- 03:08:937 (1,2,3) - so cleeeeean
- 03:14:126 (6,1,2) - I think this would play better with the positions of 1-2 switched. 1 on the tail, and ctrl+g on the slider afterwards. The pattern isn't as linear now that you incorporated a sharp angle.
- 09:14:126 (3,4) - The antijump to 4 contradicts the direction the player goes in by 1-3. I moved 3 & 4 so it flows nicer.

nice. gl with the map.
Topic Starter

Bubblun wrote:

nm req (totally not late)

- For the most part I'll be going over some playability aspects that I feel could be improved upon. The map tends to use a lot of antijumps and antiflow patterns at odd places, like 00:29:131 (1,2,3) - where the direction of the flow switches here, while at 00:34:500 (2) - the flow stays in the same direction. Another example is 00:48:710 (1,2,3) - here the flow switches direction unexpectedly, compared to 00:53:763 (1,2,3) - where the direction remains consistent.
- 00:55:184 (1,2) - I think the angle that these notes play is rough. 00:54:711 (2,3,4) - has circular motion, but 1 goes the opposite direction. I think if switching the direction of the flow like this is interesting as you compliment each bar of the song, so I think if you want to implement that you could rearrange these notes to smth like ye i did sth different, but consider it fixed
- 01:01:658 (2,1,2,3) - I think the antijump on 1 makes this more rough to play. Try this arrangement? i that's even harder, or at least more confusing. And i'm not using such overlaping sliders nowhere in the map
- 02:12:829 (1,2,1,2) - I think this is a cool pattern xp. ctrl+g on the white sliders (ctrl+g again on the sliders individually to fix the heads) so the pattern is more flowwy. umm, i don't see any white sliders XD maybe i somehow don't see the combo colors as you do. Anyway, i think the flow that's there rn is very appropriate so no change
- 03:08:937 (1,2,3) - so cleeeeean yes
- 03:14:126 (6,1,2) - I think this would play better with the positions of 1-2 switched. 1 on the tail, and ctrl+g on the slider afterwards. The pattern isn't as linear now that you incorporated a sharp angle. well, maybe it is better. Ill change
- 09:14:126 (3,4) - The antijump to 4 contradicts the direction the player goes in by 1-3. I moved 3 & 4 so it flows nicer. Yeah i'll leave it as it is, cuz i adore the aestheitcs on it. And the flows really suits the moment imo.

nice. gl with the map.
Thanks For the mod, really appreciated!
from my q

some stylistic suggestions and stuff:

I would highly suggets you use more combocolours since this is such a long song and colourhaxing with those would make playing this map through its various moods a much more enjoyable experience. (Atm your colours dont really fit together either so...)
02:30:343 (1,2) - You can represent the different moods of the song of this section by having pointy and straight sliders on the metal/rock parts like 02:29:045 - and curvy slider in the calmer parts like 02:31:640 - . So just make these to sliders something but curvy sliders. Same for 02:35:532 (1,2) - 02:40:721 (1) -
02:54:991 (1,2,1,2) - You can align the the slider ends better.. atm 02:55:640 (1) - is off by ~4 units cause you pushed it to the limits of the grid
02:56:288 (1,2) - ctrl+g these and overlap the new heads and then reverse them with ctrl+g. Makes their overlap look a bit better
03:26:126 (1,2) - clean them up
03:30:018 (2) - same
05:19:640 (4,5) - samewhy dont you just put the 2 circles somwhere up top so it doesnt look so confusing
05:21:586 (1,2,3) -
08:32:612 (2) - ctrl+g this
08:41:045 (5,1) - oi
08:56:937 (1,2) - looks cool

04:11:316 (2,3) - your rhythm is off here. THe guitar play a note on both are kinds off so i would suggest mapping a slider on 04:11:207 (1) -. (either way indicating a wierd rhythm with combocolours can be a pretty cool thing to do)
06:32:288 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - very wierd to map such low-key sounds in such a intense manner. This is the calmest part in the song which serves as a contrast to what is about to come so you should try to create contrast aswell so you map doesnt feel off when playing
07:36:504 (4) - have the end of the of the slider go into the shape a bit just like 07:26:126 (4) - since they are both on relatively calmer notes
07:40:721 (1) - to emphasise this one better you should lower the strain on 07:40:558 (2) - , Example
Topic Starter

Smokeman wrote:

from my q

some stylistic suggestions and stuff:

I would highly suggets you use more combocolours since this is such a long song and colourhaxing with those would make playing this map through its various moods a much more enjoyable experience. (Atm your colours dont really fit together either so...)
02:30:343 (1,2) - You can represent the different moods of the song of this section by having pointy and straight sliders on the metal/rock parts like 02:29:045 - and curvy slider in the calmer parts like 02:31:640 - . So just make these to sliders something but curvy sliders. Same for 02:35:532 (1,2) - 02:40:721 (1) -
02:54:991 (1,2,1,2) - You can align the the slider ends better.. atm 02:55:640 (1) - is off by ~4 units cause you pushed it to the limits of the grid
02:56:288 (1,2) - ctrl+g these and overlap the new heads and then reverse them with ctrl+g. Makes their overlap look a bit better
03:26:126 (1,2) - clean them up
03:30:018 (2) - same
05:19:640 (4,5) - samewhy dont you just put the 2 circles somwhere up top so it doesnt look so confusing
05:21:586 (1,2,3) -
08:32:612 (2) - ctrl+g this
08:41:045 (5,1) - oi
08:56:937 (1,2) - looks cool

04:11:316 (2,3) - your rhythm is off here. THe guitar play a note on both are kinds off so i would suggest mapping a slider on 04:11:207 (1) -. (either way indicating a wierd rhythm with combocolours can be a pretty cool thing to do)
06:32:288 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - very wierd to map such low-key sounds in such a intense manner. This is the calmest part in the song which serves as a contrast to what is about to come so you should try to create contrast aswell so you map doesnt feel off when playing
07:36:504 (4) - have the end of the of the slider go into the shape a bit just like 07:26:126 (4) - since they are both on relatively calmer notes
07:40:721 (1) - to emphasise this one better you should lower the strain on 07:40:558 (2) - , Example
Yo, thanks you very much for the mod. Fixed most of the things. And what i marked red means in the most case that idk what do you mean really xd
Hello mod from my queue
For Glory
  1. 00:06:553 (1,2,3,4,1) - stacks off
  2. 00:21:711 - for these timing points for these longer sounds I'd personally prefer if you used BPMs that line up for the next one, makes timing more structured and less random
  3. 00:41:289 (1) - seems to be off from the rest of the stacks (atleast how they moved when testing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
  4. 01:10:421 - time slow downs like this, definitely (even if you are just using spinners here) Timing actually feels kinda early already at 01:10:342 - so maybe it's off for longer time even, but for the actual slow down could be smth like 187 at 01:10:342 - (not accurate if you tune the timing before due the slight thing I mentioned earlier) then 162 at 01:11:625 - and finally smth at 01:13:106 - that lines up to the next in case you wanna implement that (not like you've done so far though). Also worth mentioning that these are only relevant for the bell sound thingys you captured with your spinners and not for the other chimeys in case you decide to map them as well
  5. 01:21:586 (1,2,1,2,3) - I think it'd be better to just have one combo in cases like these, not like having this short of combos is really necessary (or really desirable) most of the time (well, stuff like 01:20:937 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - is obviously legit though). For even more drastic example, NCs like 01:26:126 (1,2) - (which then is different from 01:31:153 (4,5) - which is totally fine)
  6. 01:36:505 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - considering the rhythms (guitar) and how you've been following them, I think best option would be to 4 circles + 2 kicksliders (so that the sliders are for those 2 guitar sounds, the first guitar sound being in the blue tick) Then you can either have only one combo for them or 2 combos one beat each
  7. 01:52:721 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - preferably to one combo as well. That way the NCings would actually fall on more logical places and it'd be something like phrase/combo, creating fairly solid structure NC-wise
  8. 02:43:964 (1,2,3) - I'd use some other idea for the first around for this, considering this looks fairly much like what you did with 1/4 in earlier section (see for example 01:34:072 (1,2,3) - ) That being said I see what idea this is following, similarly to some after this, so dunno
  9. 02:54:991 (1,2,1,2) - stack. Same with 03:08:288 (2,3) - ; seems like there are fairly many stacks off, keep your eyes open for them (I'll prob skip mentioning every single one I notice). Considering how much you use patterns that utilize stack (especially with sliders) it'd be really recommendable to have clean stacks overall
  10. 04:15:099 (1,2,1,2) - these sounds don't really differ in any meaningful way from the sounds before this, patterned in groups of four. Why not just here as well
  11. 05:19:640 (4,5) - okay no need to even test, pretty clear fucked up stack right here
  12. 06:05:694 - why ignoring so much guitar 1/4 early on this section? It's fairly tight on actual 1/4 as well, would make for fairly good solo stuff
  13. 06:32:288 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - definitely more sliders for this, player/listener/whatnot (atleast me) was going completely according to that 1/1 instrument, going with this backgrounding chime with more interesting rhythms is fine but it's hard to catch on. You can use more circles after the first time when it's more familiar
  14. That being said this "solo section" in the music though PogChamp
  15. 07:05:694 (1,2,3) - these should actually be 1/4
  16. 08:15:748 (4) - now just realized, it was probably the same with earlier similar sections, why are the strong snare sounds with the kicksliders
  17. 09:04:937 (1,2,3,4,5) - NCing kinda bothers me but with how the transition from 1/3 to 1/4 would go I guess this logic is fine here. That being said I think 1/3 could use little spacing for some emphasis and to differentiate it more from the 1/4 (it's not bad though)
Good luck!
Topic Starter

TheKingHenry wrote:

Hello mod from my queue
For Glory
  1. 00:06:553 (1,2,3,4,1) - stacks off
  2. 00:21:711 - for these timing points for these longer sounds I'd personally prefer if you used BPMs that line up for the next one, makes timing more structured and less random
  3. 00:41:289 (1) - seems to be off from the rest of the stacks (atleast how they moved when testing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
  4. 01:10:421 - time slow downs like this, definitely (even if you are just using spinners here) Timing actually feels kinda early already at 01:10:342 - so maybe it's off for longer time even, but for the actual slow down could be smth like 187 at 01:10:342 - (not accurate if you tune the timing before due the slight thing I mentioned earlier) then 162 at 01:11:625 - and finally smth at 01:13:106 - that lines up to the next in case you wanna implement that (not like you've done so far though). Also worth mentioning that these are only relevant for the bell sound thingys you captured with your spinners and not for the other chimeys in case you decide to map them as well
  5. 01:21:586 (1,2,1,2,3) - I think it'd be better to just have one combo in cases like these, not like having this short of combos is really necessary (or really desirable) most of the time (well, stuff like 01:20:937 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - is obviously legit though). For even more drastic example, NCs like 01:26:126 (1,2) - (which then is different from 01:31:153 (4,5) - which is totally fine)
  6. 01:36:505 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - considering the rhythms (guitar) and how you've been following them, I think best option would be to 4 circles + 2 kicksliders (so that the sliders are for those 2 guitar sounds, the first guitar sound being in the blue tick) Then you can either have only one combo for them or 2 combos one beat each
  7. 01:52:721 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - preferably to one combo as well. That way the NCings would actually fall on more logical places and it'd be something like phrase/combo, creating fairly solid structure NC-wise
  8. 02:43:964 (1,2,3) - I'd use some other idea for the first around for this, considering this looks fairly much like what you did with 1/4 in earlier section (see for example 01:34:072 (1,2,3) - ) That being said I see what idea this is following, similarly to some after this, so dunno
  9. 02:54:991 (1,2,1,2) - stack. Same with 03:08:288 (2,3) - ; seems like there are fairly many stacks off, keep your eyes open for them (I'll prob skip mentioning every single one I notice). Considering how much you use patterns that utilize stack (especially with sliders) it'd be really recommendable to have clean stacks overall
  10. 04:15:099 (1,2,1,2) - these sounds don't really differ in any meaningful way from the sounds before this, patterned in groups of four. Why not just here as well
  11. 05:19:640 (4,5) - okay no need to even test, pretty clear fucked up stack right here
  12. 06:05:694 - why ignoring so much guitar 1/4 early on this section? It's fairly tight on actual 1/4 as well, would make for fairly good solo stuff
  13. 06:32:288 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - definitely more sliders for this, player/listener/whatnot (atleast me) was going completely according to that 1/1 instrument, going with this backgrounding chime with more interesting rhythms is fine but it's hard to catch on. You can use more circles after the first time when it's more familiar
  14. That being said this "solo section" in the music though PogChamp
  15. 07:05:694 (1,2,3) - these should actually be 1/4
  16. 08:15:748 (4) - now just realized, it was probably the same with earlier similar sections, why are the strong snare sounds with the kicksliders
  17. 09:04:937 (1,2,3,4,5) - NCing kinda bothers me but with how the transition from 1/3 to 1/4 would go I guess this logic is fine here. That being said I think 1/3 could use little spacing for some emphasis and to differentiate it more from the 1/4 (it's not bad though)
Good luck!
Yo, thanks for the mod. Useful stuff. Sorry i didnt replay earlier but my comp crashed while i was finishing the reply and i got mad lmao. Then i forgot. So here it is now.

My first main concern is that it feels underhitsounded in this opening part. Right in the beginning starting at 00:37:500 (1) - this section. Ignoring that this should probably be a finish, a lot of the pronounced sounds don't really get any accentuation. 00:39:237 (1) - for example should probably have some kind of whistle on it. You do it well in the following parts at least.

00:46:658 (2,1) - could probably use more spacing, the movement there feels pretty stop and go as it is
00:59:447 (1) - underwhelming spacing
01:29:370 (1) - hm, the clap on the red tick makes this feel kinda lame, you could do a 1/2 slider into two 1/4 circles. 09:17:694 (1) - also
01:57:099 (1) - I think this NC should be 01:57:261 (2) - here?
02:02:126 (4) - on that note, this should probably be two circles to match what you did for ^
03:03:018 - forgot to silence the tail
03:38:451 (1) - seems to me like this would fit this part better as a 3/4 slider + circle, matches what the player is doing for the previous few objects
03:47:207 (4) - considering the guitar a more interesting rhythm would probably be to have 03:47:370 - be clickable as a circle. this probably should apply to the previous section too wherever relevant
03:55:964 (1) - did you forget to silence the tails?
04:03:099 (1) - lack of movement here and 04:03:424 (1) - here both feel odd
04:20:937 (2) - this isnt snapped right, the guitar does this but thats kinda weird to map so try coming up with an alternative

I really like 05:43:964 (2,3,4,1), and its kinda odd because a lot of the other 1/3 patterning feels really lame (they just end up being slower streams) in the one solo earlier, you mapped the 1/3 with spaced triangles and that was also cool. I really think you have more room to do interesting patterning or movements with 1/3 stuff because since its just slower in general you have the freedom to put in bigger spacing or stream jumps or whatever.

06:09:261 (1) - would likely move this NC to 06:09:586 (3) - and remove the NC on 06:10:153 (1) -
06:15:018 - very mappable
07:24:829 (1,2,3) - any reason all these end on purple ticks and not blue ticks?
07:39:342 - silence
07:46:883 (1) - 1/4 slider here matches both 07:47:369 (7) - and 07:47:856 (5) -
09:08:612 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - nice

Really cool song! I like a lot of the ideas you used in the map but I think it could definitely use a few more mods. Consider what I said about the 1/3 feeling underwhelming in general, and I think you could call me back after a bit more work and we'll see from there. No promises, but this map certainly isn't bad or anything.
Topic Starter

Hobbes2 wrote:


My first main concern is that it feels underhitsounded in this opening part. Right in the beginning starting at 00:37:500 (1) - this section. Ignoring that this should probably be a finish, a lot of the pronounced sounds don't really get any accentuation. 00:39:237 (1) - for example should probably have some kind of whistle on it. You do it well in the following parts at least.
Yes, you're very right. I added a lot more hitsounding to it now.

00:46:658 (2,1) - could probably use more spacing, the movement there feels pretty stop and go as it is. Well, i wanted it to be that way actually. 00:45:395 (2,3,4) - this part is basicly no movement, So is 00:46:658 (2,1) - this then. And the stream is nicely building up to the louder and more intense part. But maybe i'll consider changing it later.
00:59:447 (1) - underwhelming spacing Yes actually, the intensity goes up but spacing goes down. I'll fix it.
01:29:370 (1) - hm, the clap on the red tick makes this feel kinda lame, you could do a 1/2 slider into two 1/4 circles. 09:17:694 (1) - also done
01:57:099 (1) - I think this NC should be 01:57:261 (2) - here? Yes ofc, idk how i missed that
02:02:126 (4) - on that note, this should probably be two circles to match what you did for ^ Fixed
03:03:018 - forgot to silence the tail Fixed
03:38:451 (1) - seems to me like this would fit this part better as a 3/4 slider + circle, matches what the player is doing for the previous few objects I totally aggree
03:47:207 (4) - considering the guitar a more interesting rhythm would probably be to have 03:47:370 - be clickable as a circle. this probably should apply to the previous section too wherever relevant I'll have to deny that change because i don't hear any interesting guitar. I swapped circles for sliders where i heard guitar shred tho
03:55:964 (1) - did you forget to silence the tails? It was actually my idea to leave them unsilenced cuz i heard some drums on blue ticks.
But it's actually a slight sound on red, either as a tripple or just a single note, so i'll ignore it and silence every tail for the sake of playability and consistency.

04:03:099 (1) - lack of movement here and 04:03:424 (1) - here both feel odd I tried to avoid this problem cuz i didnt have a better solution but i'll have to do this i guess xd
04:20:937 (2) - this isnt snapped right, the guitar does this but thats kinda weird to map so try coming up with an alternative best i can do is lol

I really like 05:43:964 (2,3,4,1), and its kinda odd because a lot of the other 1/3 patterning feels really lame (they just end up being slower streams) in the one solo earlier, you mapped the 1/3 with spaced triangles and that was also cool. I really think you have more room to do interesting patterning or movements with 1/3 stuff because since its just slower in general you have the freedom to put in bigger spacing or stream jumps or whatever. Yes,
that's a good idea. I actually wanted to make more interesting 1/3 patterns but i didn't want to make the overwhelming, or too hard to hit. I'll make more tho.

06:09:261 (1) - would likely move this NC to 06:09:586 (3) - and remove the NC on 06:10:153 (1) - Done
06:15:018 - very mappable k den
07:24:829 (1,2,3) - any reason all these end on purple ticks and not blue ticks? 07:23:531 (1) - end on purple (there's sound). So, i kept the consistency and 1/3 snap. Maybe it could be on blue, but it's fine on purple and it'd be a lot of work to correct everything. I'd have to move green lines aswell.
07:39:342 - silence indeed
07:46:883 (1) - 1/4 slider here matches both 07:47:369 (7) - and 07:47:856 (5) - Basicly i made the first stream too long xd
09:08:612 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - nice x)

Really cool song! I like a lot of the ideas you used in the map but I think it could definitely use a few more mods. Consider what I said about the 1/3 feeling underwhelming in general, and I think you could call me back after a bit more work and we'll see from there. No promises, but this map certainly isn't bad or anything.
That's a beast mod. Actually everything was helpful. Even if i marked it red, cuz it made me notice other things. Thanks you very very very much. Love ya. And i will call you back after i improve this map :P
M4M from your queue, you didn't specify who mods first so I took my time

00:35:921 (4,5,6,1) - could make this stream same angle as 00:35:605 (3) -
01:07:184 (1,2,1,2) - ctrl G for each 1-2 seems better, or make the pattern decrease in spacing like you did on 01:09:710 (1,2,1,2,1) -
01:26:289 (1,2) - would look better if 2 was just a ctrl+G of 1 instead of ctrl+J
01:31:397 (2) - is overmapped, you could split the stream into a triple and a 7 note stream
01:47:532 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - big fan of this
02:44:613 (1,2,3,4) - these look a bit boring, I would prefer if they wiggled slightly to make them more interesting. Not enough to effect gameplay ofc
02:52:397 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - also a fan
03:39:748 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - could replace 7,8,9 with a slider with that would overlap or something with 03:39:099 (5) -
03:44:937 (1,2,3) - these feel much better to me with smaller spacing and more compact patterns honestly, same problem with 03:50:127 (1,2,3) - , 03:55:316 (1,2,3) - and few others
04:19:964 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - some SV changes to make it more dynamic?
04:21:910 (1,2,1,2) - pls 1/3 jumpstreams with not too big spacing or this
07:03:519 (9) - shouldn't the big spacing start here?
07:04:206 (2,3) - these are actually 1/6 triples + 1/6 single. could be made into a playable pattern with some effort, sound a bit weird as it is
07:54:991 (2,3) - make 2 into 1/2 slider and put a circle before 3
09:30:829 (3,4,1) - could put a spacing change here

good song and map, gl with it my map
Topic Starter

hohol454 wrote:

M4M from your queue, you didn't specify who mods first so I took my time
I actually wanted to mod your map a while ago but forgot xd. Your mod reminded me so i'll do it this week no probs.

00:35:921 (4,5,6,1) - could make this stream same angle as 00:35:605 (3) - Yes, good idea
01:07:184 (1,2,1,2) - ctrl G for each 1-2 seems better, or make the pattern decrease in spacing like you did on 01:09:710 (1,2,1,2,1) - I won't do ctrl g cuz consistency and decreasing spacing qould cause a lot of problems. I think its enough that i deacreased spacing in 01:07:500 (1,2) - and 01:07:342 (2,1) - is a good ephasize on the second downbeat. Its the more intense part of those two so i think its fine.
01:26:289 (1,2) - would look better if 2 was just a ctrl+G of 1 instead of ctrl+J Well, preference i guess but i did sth similar here 01:36:667 (1,2) - which looks totally fine to me. And with ctrl j the map doesnt seem too "boxed" Like, it has less harp angles. And i like it that way. I kept boxed style in some cases, but just as a compliment, so its not too much
01:31:397 (2) - is overmapped, you could split the stream into a triple and a 7 note stream It actually is overmapped, ill change it. Fixed in the second part aswell
01:47:532 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - big fan of this x)
02:44:613 (1,2,3,4) - these look a bit boring, I would prefer if they wiggled slightly to make them more interesting. Not enough to effect gameplay ofc Yes, that's part of 1/3 section i'm gonna build again.
02:52:397 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - also a fan x)
03:39:748 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - could replace 7,8,9 with a slider with that would overlap or something with 03:39:099 (5) - Fixed
03:44:937 (1,2,3) - these feel much better to me with smaller spacing and more compact patterns honestly, same problem with 03:50:127 (1,2,3) - , 03:55:316 (1,2,3) - and few others Yeah maybe, but maybe not. I'm not changing this now tho.
04:19:964 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - some SV changes to make it more dynamic? sure
04:21:910 (1,2,1,2) - pls 1/3 jumpstreams with not too big spacing or this Yeah i remade it with sth interesting. Not a stream tho cuz confusing
07:03:519 (9) - shouldn't the big spacing start here? no, cuz the pitch is still going up. And starts falling on the downbeat.
07:04:206 (2,3) - these are actually 1/6 triples + 1/6 single. could be made into a playable pattern with some effort, sound a bit weird as it is It's the best i came up with. You hgave no idea how much time and tries it took me to figure out a decent idea to make it playable XD. So,
if i'll make sth better, fine, but for now, i'm leaving it as it is cuz its the best of my ideas.

07:54:991 (2,3) - make 2 into 1/2 slider and put a circle before 3 Well, i guess. To keep the consistency with next similar parts. But it wasn't that visible here. So it's a change, but not a change i wanted to make really.
09:30:829 (3,4,1) - could put a spacing change here no cuz no pitch change on guitar

good song and map, gl with it thank my map

  1. Unused hitsounds: normal-hitfinish2.wav probably should double check this and delete if this one unused.
For Glory:
  1. 00:00:238 (1) - sliderticks here can be silenced for better music representation, either on the whole set or just on really long sliders+quiet music spots
  2. 00:00:238 (1) - aesthetically, imo you can try to disconnect inner part a bit
  3. 00:03:080 (2) - great idea, to disconnect this from pattern due to music but consider to make contrast greater here to increase this "disconnection", increasing spacing can be as one of possible solutions
  4. 00:05:606 (2) - ^ this applies also for similar things in this part // 00:07:816 (1,2) - 00:18:238 (2) -
  5. 00:06:396 (2,1) - DS here gives kind of negative emphasizing on strong 00:06:553 (1) , while it should definitely be more than 00:05:922 (1,2,1,2) - inside this pattern
  6. 00:09:238 (1,2) - ^ same applies here
  7. 00:11:448 (2) - got idea about increasing ds according to increasing music power, tho according to music this better be gradually from 00:10:974 (1)
  8. 00:21:711 (1,1) - see 00:00:238 (1)
  9. 00:28:184 (5,1) - since this is stronger transfer than in parts like 00:30:552 (3,4) - I think you should consider to differ them to make contrast better, for example increasing DS here can help
  10. 00:29:131 (1,2) - ^same for this transfer //00:33:237 (5,1)
  11. 01:26:289 (1,2,1,2) - aesthetics, well from time to time you tend to make overlapped or cramped stuff like this, but I'll leave my bias anyway. Since it will be just bias feel free to ignore if you think your lines\style fits better on spots -
  12. 01:30:343 (3,1) - transfer here should be more contrasted to 01:29:856 (4,1,2,3) - according to music, consider to increase DS or stack them - both variants will achieve this tho DS is preferred
  13. 01:30:505 (1) - consider to make this one some-kind of 2-red dots slider to make more wiggle kind of movement, will be great support for background riff
  14. 01:41:532 (2,1,2,1,2) - they are quite unstructured. tho I don't see any purpose for that here, maybe some kind of 2-2-1 smooth movement or something less chaotic and more interactive 01:41:532 (2,2) - 01:42:018 (1,2) - will help
  15. 01:54:504 (6,1) - should be similar to 01:53:207 (6,1) - 01:55:802 (6,1) - since pmuch the same patterns\music
  16. 01:59:693 (6,1) - ^
  17. 01:57:424 (2,3) - consider to back-forth here instead and swap 3-4 it's more natural play movement for thing like 01:57:261 (1,2,3) - and keeps more contrast for 01:57:748 (4,1) - since angle change is bigger there
  18. 02:02:613 (2) - should this one be similar to 01:57:424 (2) -
  19. 02:05:694 (1,2) - consider to make smooth flow 1-2 here instead, because there is no any significant change in music between worth of such flow breaking
  20. 02:10:883 (1,2) - ^ similar, since guitar goes straight for 1-2-3-4 length I don't see a reason to break flow here
  21. 02:23:856 (1) - aesthetics, fee like this one is off from any pattering here, while 02:16:072 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - this stuff is great with symmetry and interaction, this single one not really interacting much with anything. you can try something more 02:24:505 (5) - oriented e.g.
  22. 03:38:451 (1) - consider to rearrange 03:36:505 (1,1,1) - to make fit in 03:38:451 (1) - because it makes more sense according to pattering\music here
  23. 03:54:667 (1,2,3,1,2) - already mentioned something similar about how this kind of patterns are disconnected and cramped I believe that something more interacting or simply not as cramped can improve overall perception here e.g.
  24. 04:20:613 (1) - making 04:20:856 as playable object will reflect music here better because of strong emphasis on mentioned beat
  25. 04:47:532 (1,2,1,2) - consider to make ds here a bit bigger for better riff representation
  26. 04:54:019 (1,2,1,2) - ^ also // 04:59:208 (1,2,1,2) -
  27. 05:16:234 (7,1) - consider to increase spacing here, at least to the amount you use in similar spots 05:18:829 (6,1) - 05:21:424 (7,1) - for better transer to strong beat representation
  28. 07:00:180 (1) - aesthetics, since this is symmetric based slider it would be better for overall perception to put it not "almost on y" but on y to emphasize symmetry
  29. 07:00:180 (1,2) - about hitsounding in this part, sliderslide can be toned down, it's kind of noisy atm
  30. 07:23:531 (1) - end on 1\4?
nice map, gl
Topic Starter

Sieg wrote:


  1. Unused hitsounds: normal-hitfinish2.wav probably should double check this and delete if this one unused.
yeah i don't think its used so deleted

For Glory:
  1. 00:00:238 (1) - sliderticks here can be silenced for better music representation, either on the whole set or just on really long sliders+quiet music spots whoa, didn't think of that. Gonna do it.
  2. 00:00:238 (1) - aesthetically, imo you can try to disconnect inner part a bit well i guess
  3. 00:03:080 (2) - great idea, to disconnect this from pattern due to music but consider to make contrast greater here to increase this "disconnection", increasing spacing can be as one of possible solutions i moved it but in other direction
  4. 00:05:606 (2) - ^ this applies also for similar things in this part // 00:07:816 (1,2) - 00:18:238 (2) - same
  5. 00:06:396 (2,1) - DS here gives kind of negative emphasizing on strong 00:06:553 (1) , while it should definitely be more than 00:05:922 (1,2,1,2) - inside this pattern yeah i'll look into the intro later and try to fix spacing issues.
  6. 00:09:238 (1,2) - ^ same applies here same
  7. 00:11:448 (2) - got idea about increasing ds according to increasing music power, tho according to music this better be gradually from 00:10:974 (1) i know what you mean, but idk if i can make this without remapping whole section. I'll think about it.
  8. 00:21:711 (1,1) - see 00:00:238 (1) already fixed if its about sliderticks. If spacing, then no change
  9. 00:28:184 (5,1) - since this is stronger transfer than in parts like 00:30:552 (3,4) - I think you should consider to differ them to make contrast better, for example increasing DS here can help I might change it
  10. 00:29:131 (1,2) - ^same for this transfer //00:33:237 (5,1) tho i need to think about it
  11. 01:26:289 (1,2,1,2) - aesthetics, well from time to time you tend to make overlapped or cramped stuff like this, but I'll leave my bias anyway. Since it will be just bias feel free to ignore if you think your lines\style fits better on spots - Yeah, i really like what i did aetheticly. So no change here.
  12. 01:30:343 (3,1) - transfer here should be more contrasted to 01:29:856 (4,1,2,3) - according to music, consider to increase DS or stack them - both variants will achieve this tho DS is preferred fix in other way i think
  13. 01:30:505 (1) - consider to make this one some-kind of 2-red dots slider to make more wiggle kind of movement, will be great support for background riff changed to 2 red dots
  14. 01:41:532 (2,1,2,1,2) - they are quite unstructured. tho I don't see any purpose for that here, maybe some kind of 2-2-1 smooth movement or something less chaotic and more interactive 01:41:532 (2,2) - 01:42:018 (1,2) - will help changed
  15. 01:54:504 (6,1) - should be similar to 01:53:207 (6,1) - 01:55:802 (6,1) - since pmuch the same patterns\music yes
  16. 01:59:693 (6,1) - ^ yes
  17. 01:57:424 (2,3) - consider to back-forth here instead and swap 3-4 it's more natural play movement for thing like 01:57:261 (1,2,3) - and keeps more contrast for 01:57:748 (4,1) - since angle change is bigger there 01:57:586 (3,4) - ctrl g
  18. 02:02:613 (2) - should this one be similar to 01:57:424 (2) - No, cuz in the second one there's sound on blue tick. In the first, there's not. But i did ctrl g and slight spacing changes
  19. 02:05:694 (1,2) - consider to make smooth flow 1-2 here instead, because there is no any significant change in music between worth of such flow breaking i remade those like 5 times already, everytime it looks like trash lol. I'll make a normal slider with a cut i guess
  20. 02:10:883 (1,2) - ^ similar, since guitar goes straight for 1-2-3-4 length I don't see a reason to break flow here same
  21. 02:23:856 (1) - aesthetics, fee like this one is off from any pattering here, while 02:16:072 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - this stuff is great with symmetry and interaction, this single one not really interacting much with anything. you can try something more 02:24:505 (5) - oriented e.g. i think it looks nice. The lower part of the slider is parallel to 02:23:207 (3,4) - + pointing at 02:23:694 (6) - and the higher part is parallel to 02:24:505 (5) - which make a nice follow up with the next slider. And i dont want to make it like you suggested cuz a straight slider would look meh.
  22. 03:38:451 (1) - consider to rearrange 03:36:505 (1,1,1) - to make fit in 03:38:451 (1) - because it makes more sense according to pattering\music here yes
  23. 03:54:667 (1,2,3,1,2) - already mentioned something similar about how this kind of patterns are disconnected and cramped I believe that something more interacting or simply not as cramped can improve overall perception here e.g. i corrected it
  24. 04:20:613 (1) - making 04:20:856 as playable object will reflect music here better because of strong emphasis on mentioned beat fixed
  25. 04:47:532 (1,2,1,2) - consider to make ds here a bit bigger for better riff representation I considered it but i'm leaving it as it is. There's already a visible change in the stream and making the ds bigger would cause problems. It's not that fast music part. So i'll leave it since still want to represent the riff but also make everything consistent and playable.
  26. 04:54:019 (1,2,1,2) - ^ also // 04:59:208 (1,2,1,2) - same
  27. 05:16:234 (7,1) - consider to increase spacing here, at least to the amount you use in similar spots 05:18:829 (6,1) - 05:21:424 (7,1) - for better transer to strong beat representation fixed i guess
  28. 07:00:180 (1) - aesthetics, since this is symmetric based slider it would be better for overall perception to put it not "almost on y" but on y to emphasize symmetry I think you want me to tilt those two sliders so the connected part is straight up, but imo it's better this way. I like it tilted in this 45 degrees angle
  29. 07:00:180 (1,2) - about hitsounding in this part, sliderslide can be toned down, it's kind of noisy atm already fixed with your slidertick advice before
  30. 07:23:531 (1) - end on 1\4? No. I mean, i clerealy hear 1/3 on this section and sound being right on 07:24:072 - But if somebody else points this, i might change it.
nice map, gl
Much thanks
Things i mention apply to several places but should be easy to figure out

Green/White combo colors are rly unfitting with your background

00:07:816 (1,2) –objects that are too close or barely touching usually don’t look good, you should probably increase it a little bit more. Kepping a similar visual spacing between objects close in the timeline helps your map breathe a bit and avoids clutter. Happens all over the diff : 00:10:659 (2,2) - compared to 00:10:659 (2,1) -,
01:26:289 (1,2) - stack doesn't really look good in this case as the sliderend barely touches the sliderhead of the next object (also angles are kind of awkward relative to each other). here an example on how to avoid that
03:07:964 (1,2,3) - relative to 03:05:370 (1,2) -
etc etc.

00:13:501 (1,2,1,2) - looks better if you keep some kind of symmetry between the 2 sides of the pattern :

01:26:126 (1,2) - small ncs like this one are kind of useless. In this example they do not stand out enough to be justified, be it in gameplay or the music. It could easily be grouped with the green combo.
Other random example : 04:15:099 (1,2,1,2) -

02:05:694 (1) - if you wanna emphasize the high pitched guitar sounds it could be a good idea to extend this slider and fuse it with this circle 02:05:856 (2) - . Resulting rythm would be :

02:16:072 (1,2,1,2) - would look better than the current weird offset you have

03:30:343 (3) - stack

04:20:613 (1,2,3) - Very confusing rythm here. I'd probably map the second 1/3 note passive with somethign like this :

07:05:694 (1,2,3) - whatever this follows, it isn't audible enough to justify the 1/4 repeats

07:49:315 (2,1) - really awkward how some of your strong beats are represented with such little spacing sometimes. this is way stronger than anyhting in your buildup and should therefore be mapped accordingly. 07:59:693 (2,1) - fits much more
Topic Starter

BOUYAAA wrote:

Things i mention apply to several places but should be easy to figure out perhaps

Green/White combo colors are rly unfitting with your background Fixed a bit i guess. Darkened the green and white. Still leaving them cuz there are some colors in the bg like that.

00:07:816 (1,2) –objects that are too close or barely touching usually don’t look good, you should probably increase it a little bit more. Kepping a similar visual spacing between objects close in the timeline helps your map breathe a bit and avoids clutter. Happens all over the diff : 00:10:659 (2,2) - compared to 00:10:659 (2,1) -,
01:26:289 (1,2) - stack doesn't really look good in this case as the sliderend barely touches the sliderhead you're linking and talking about 2 different things. Fixed the minor shift in the 01:26:613 (1,2) - but leaving the sliders unchanged cuz i fukin love them of the next object (also angles are kind of awkward relative to each other). <- I actually really dislike that solution here an example on how to avoid that
03:07:964 (1,2,3) - relative to 03:05:370 (1,2) -
etc etc.
This is basicly, aesthetical preference. I did a lot of things in this map how i like them. And everytime i see another propositions on how to solve this "problem" my map looks much worse. That's why i'm denying almost all of those appearance/ aesthetical things. It's just looking better to me the way i did it. Btw, yes, there is some "clutter" in this map. But it's intentional.

00:13:501 (1,2,1,2) - looks better if you keep some kind of symmetry between the 2 sides of the pattern : Yeah.

01:26:126 (1,2) - small ncs like this one are kind of useless. In this example they do not stand out enough to be justified, be it in gameplay or the music. It could easily be grouped with the green combo.
Other random example : 04:15:099 (1,2,1,2) - Yes i guess

02:05:694 (1) - if you wanna emphasize the high pitched guitar sounds it could be a good idea to extend this slider and fuse it with this circle 02:05:856 (2) - . Resulting rythm would be : nice idea, i'll try to make it real

02:16:072 (1,2,1,2) - would look better than the current weird offset you have i can agree with that

03:30:343 (3) - stack : ok_hand :

04:20:613 (1,2,3) - Very confusing rythm here. I'd probably map the second 1/3 note passive with somethign like this : i actually was like this before sieg mod. I guess i can come back to what it was.

07:05:694 (1,2,3) - whatever this follows, it isn't audible enough to justify the 1/4 repeats It is, anything else i'd put there wouldn't make much sense. I can decrease volume tho.

07:49:315 (2,1) - really awkward how some of your strong beats are represented with such little spacing sometimes. this is way stronger than anyhting in your buildup and should therefore be mapped accordingly. 07:59:693 (2,1) - fits much more Yeah
Thanks a lot for the mod.
Okay, gave it a quick recheck, here are some thoughts -

stuff like 00:29:131 (1,2) - is pretty weak cause the SV doesn't match the distance spacing. So after moving through the slider you're kinda just staying in the same spot, doesn't really make much sense from a gameplay perspective. Similar sorta deal happens 00:34:184 (1,2) (less of an issue, but it still makes the movement kinda weird),00:39:237 (1,2) - etc. Compare these with 00:44:289 (1,2) - which plays much better
^I won't point out of all of these but you should go through and make sure you're satisfied with that kinda thing, not sure why I didn't point it out last time.

01:45:343 (6,1) - should be more spaced right? like 01:44:045 (6,1) -
03:38:451 (1,2) - this seems kinda extreme lol
04:10:559 (2,3,4) - should be careful with slider leniency, this is actually pretty frustrating to land because it abuses slider leniency so hard
06:23:694 - think you forgot to map this

I think you're getting there, focus on those weird SV vs. DS decisions and the patterns that abuse slider leniency rly hard (it kinda happens throughout in a few spots)
Topic Starter

Hobbes2 wrote:

Okay, gave it a quick recheck, here are some thoughts -

stuff like 00:29:131 (1,2) - is pretty weak cause the SV doesn't match the distance spacing. So after moving through the slider you're kinda just staying in the same spot, doesn't really make much sense from a gameplay perspective. Similar sorta deal happens 00:34:184 (1,2) (less of an issue, but it still makes the movement kinda weird),00:39:237 (1,2) - etc. Compare these with 00:44:289 (1,2) - which plays much better
^I won't point out of all of these but you should go through and make sure you're satisfied with that kinda thing, not sure why I didn't point it out last time.

Ok, my comment about "weird" sv changes. 00:29:131 - vs 00:44:289 (1,2) - notice how the song is variable in those two places. In the first one, we have a calm stop right after the sv, pitch goes down as well as the intensity. Change which is represented by a smaller ds, in the second example there is a cressendo of some sort, a rising intensity which i represented accordingly, by a bigger spacing. Biggest at 00:45:079 - ofc. About 00:34:184 (1,2) - it is a less of an issue for you because it is right in the middle of previous examples. Not a complete stop, but not a climax. So yeah, a good point but you didn't keep in mind every possibilty of why i did what i did. So yeah, i'm satisfied with it. More than i would be if i changes it to what you have in mind. (I'm still gonna take a closer look and maybe fix sth)

01:45:343 (6,1) - should be more spaced right? like 01:44:045 (6,1) - It should've been. Idk why it's not. Prolly misplaced when selected. Fixed now.
03:38:451 (1,2) - this seems kinda extreme lol You're right, it doesn't fit to the pattern. I'll remake it.
04:10:559 (2,3,4) - should be careful with slider leniency, this is actually pretty frustrating to land because it abuses slider leniency so hard Yeah maybe, i reworked the pattern so the distance is smaller.
06:23:694 - think you forgot to map this I indeed forgot. I was remapping this part late at night lol, kinda missed it. Added third slider.

I think you're getting there, focus on those weird SV vs. DS decisions and the patterns that abuse slider leniency rly hard (it kinda happens throughout in a few spots)
I got a star. Whoa. That's the furthest i ever got. I'm gonna run through this map in search for more overly slider leniecy abusive patterns and change them. Maybe fix some minor stuff i find along the way.
"spinnerbonus.mp3" should be a wav file since it's a hitsound. Call me back after that whenever you are a ready.
Let's give it a shot.
uhm, missed this one?

00:57:079 (1,2,3,4) - Isn't this is technically 1\6 with switch to 1\4 on 00:57:395 (5,6,7,8)
Topic Starter

Sieg wrote:

uhm, missed this one?

00:57:079 (1,2,3,4) - Isn't this is technically 1\6 with switch to 1\4 on 00:57:395 (5,6,7,8)
MrKosiej: ok, so 00:57:079 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this whole thing is a glissando, i did consider making a 1/6, 1/8 even but it would destroy the playability cuz nothing is the song uses that fast beatsnap divisor (i actually did that in other map and its trash, ill remake it with what i did here). I went for 1/4 cuz its consistent, playable and i kept is as a stream since well, its glissando going down hence the ds is decreasing.
I don't think what you have is too bad. It would probably be better to be accurate and snap it as 1/6 with like a repeat slider, but I didn't point this out because I figured the 1/4 was fine as a simplification.
pmuch the same I told him on irc, can work as gameplay simplification
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