
xi - ANiMA

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, August 17, 2017 at 2:28:44 PM

Artist: xi
Title: ANiMA
Source: Deemo
Tags: yusuke ishiwata piano rayark inc. soul alice masked lady deemo's collection vol. 2 World Fragments
BPM: 183.5
Filesize: 4454kb
Play Time: 01:53
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.64 stars, 127 notes)
  2. Extra (5.27 stars, 583 notes)
  3. Hard (3.33 stars, 299 notes)
  4. Insane (4.68 stars, 424 notes)
  5. Light Insane (3.91 stars, 339 notes)
  6. Normal (2.28 stars, 187 notes)
  7. Soul (6.02 stars, 735 notes)
Download: xi - ANiMA
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

awesome people
Yukiyo for always being there and helping me
Kin for mentoring me and helping me push this set
Mir for taking his time and giving me honest feedback
Mun for taking his time and giving me honest feedback
Rohit6 for taking his time and giving me honest feedback
Halfslashed for taking all my motivation
Kurai for the bubble
Lasse for the heart

Timing and Metadata taken from Kalindraz' set.
mp3 from Kuo Kyoka.
Your spread is missing a normal and an advanced - both are required for this spread due to how 1/4 heavy this song is, and thus how 1/4 heavy the hard needs to be.
The light insane is absolutely pointless as a difficulty, since the Hard difficulty introduces basically has the same rhythm density as the hard with slightly higher spacing. To fill the spread between Hard and Insane, you'll need a difficulty that uses 1/4 streams more often, probably with lengths of 5-9 circles in a row, as well as more overall spacing emphasis. Not really going to mod that diff though.

Overall impression I got from this was that it was simplified for the sake of being simple rather than trying to make something that both fits the song and introduces players to game mechanics. Most of my mod is oriented around trying to fit the song better while keeping it within acceptable standards for an easy difficulty, but this is the sort of song that doesn't really support a true easy difficulty.

00:11:785 (1) - 00:17:016 (1) - Given that Easy level players follow the entire slider, these are some really harsh shapes to be using - the first one being one with a sharp turn that lands on nothing and the second requiring a degree of precision to follow the sharp curve that is difficult for players at this level. I suggest using less harsh shapes for parts intended to be calm - stuff like 00:14:401 (2) - or less curved.
00:18:651 (2) - Since you were only following the really strong sounds, I suggest just starting a 1/1 slider on 00:18:978. I get that intensity increased here by a bit, but in the context of this section (and difficulty) it makes more sense to have a 2/1 gap or larger between objects.
00:24:537 (2) - 00:25:518 - is pretty strong, so I suggest shortening this repeat and placing a circle here, since it fits the melody better.
00:27:153 (2,1,2) - This rhythm is fairly weird, since you're skipping one of the noticeably strong beats of what you're following. I suggest something like this to show off that strong red tick instead of the metronome.
00:35:327 (1) - A 3/2 slider here fits the intensity and the stronger piano better than a 1/1 reverse does.
00:38:270 (1,2) - Try making this a 1/1 slider to break up this circle chain, since right now you're creating a big contrast for something that isn't intense.
00:39:251 (1) - On the other hand though, this doesn't provide any contrast since you use 1/1 reverses as part of your base rhythm, so 3 1/1 circles would probably work better here, especially with that 2/1 gap after.
00:42:847 - Not really understanding your intent in skipping this given how strong the piano is. I suggest using a circle here.
00:48:406 (1) - I think a 3/2 reverse fits the offbeat piano here - mapping the 1/1 kicks is pretty lame here when you were following the piano with your previous 1/1 reverses.
01:02:793 (1) - This spinner is fairly unfitting - due to easy guidelines, you're basically required to skip the entire first measure of the build up, and there isn't a continuous increasing sound here at all. Try a rhythm like this to show off the piano here.
01:09:332 (1) - Piano is begging for a chain of 1/1 circles here. As is, it is very underwhelming for the climax to be a straightforward 3/1 slider into a circle, more so when you have a break right after.
01:33:202 (2) - I think you should make this a 1/1 reverse for consistency with 01:35:817 (2) -
01:36:798 (1) - Again, due to recovery guidelines, having a spinner here really doesn't work well since you have to skip the first measure of the next verse. I think you're better off ending this spinner at 01:38:106 - and mapping 01:39:414 - instead.
01:45:954 (1) - Try a circle + 1/1 slider instead of a reverse, I think that will fit the piano and intensity better than what you have.
01:49:223 (5) - Having this as a slider takes away from what this build up is achieving, so I recommend changing this to circles instead.
01:50:204 (1) - Try starting this on 01:51:185 - instead since you're skipping over a really strong piano sound on 01:50:531 - (a circle there would be nice).

00:21:921 (5) - This probably works better as a stack of two 1/2 circles instead, which also puts more emphasis on 00:22:248 (1). I'm suggesting this because musically, it sounds like the last 4 1/2 sounds are grouped in pairs, so it makes sense for your pattern to represent that.
00:22:575 (2) - This is better off as a circle as well as being part of a seperate pattern from the next two sliders for similar reasons to the above (also the red tick isn't as strong here).
00:33:365 (1,2,1) - There are prominent blue ticks you're skipping by having 1/2 gaps between these sliders. Sorry to break your pretty pattern but 1/4 double repeats fit the song better here.
00:40:232 (1,2,3,4) - I suggest stacking these and putting a circle on 00:40:477 - instead, since what you have requires more finger control and is a bit hard for this difficulty level at this bpm.
00:41:539 (1) - I suggest starting this on 00:41:376 - and making it a triple repeat instead, since the piano abruptly starts here.
00:43:338 (2) - A triple repeat would also be nice here for similar reasons as the above, especially given the strength of the piano.
01:05:082 (1) - Cute, but not really appropriate for this difficulty level - try shortening this to end on the red tick instead and it might be acceptable.
01:18:488 (1) - Sounds like the increasing held sound starts on 01:19:796 - instead, so I suggest shortening the spinner accordingly.

[Yaspo's Insane]
Really undermapped, honestly. A theoretical light insane would already do the job of having the 1/3 repeats to introduce the player to the idea of those in a spread and probably have longer chains of 1/4 than you ended up using. I pointed out some stuff but I really just find it as more of a general issue.

I demand a lowercase y.
00:11:785 - This SV is ridiculously high for such a calm part, especially considering your really high base SV, so I suggest using 0.5-0.6 in this section instead.
00:11:785 (1,2) - These reverses are mapped to barely audible sounds and really just disturb the feeling of this section. I think 4/1 sliders are a much better fit.
00:18:324 (3,4) - I suggest combining these into one repeat to make the transition from 00:17:016 (1) - less jarring.
00:27:643 (2,3) - Two things: The spacing to 3 makes it over emphasized and 3 doesn't really belong to the same musical pattern as the following sliders. I suggest breaking 3 apart from the other two repeats into a different pattern.
00:33:365 (3) - This is really underwhelming as the climax of the kiai to be a repeat slider that gets held for half a measure. This is an Insane diff, so I think providing a nice stream would fit pretty well.
00:34:264 (2,3,4,5) - Fairly boring to have these all DS'd in a straightforward curve, since your spacing doesn't provide any emphasis on the white ticks. I suggest increasing the 1/4 spacing, maybe even stacking the circles before these on the slider heads for some more emphasis on the piano.
00:36:308 (6,1,2,3) - I think you're better off mapping 00:36:390 - and making this a continuous stream, it feels really off that you skip this when you intend to prioritize the piano, and is also harder to hit than a 5 note burst would be.
00:44:809 (2,3,4) - Having all of this 1/3 being mapped with repeats is very underwhelming, but I get the need for uniformity here. At least make the next section use a more intense tapping rhythm though.
00:51:185 (2,3,4) - This is 1/6 and you skipped this over at 00:46:117 (2) -. I don't think circles would fit this difficulty so try a 1/6 repeat before this instead. Try to make these parts consistent as well.
01:09:332 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Extremely underwhelming considering your build up. This really needs to incorporate more spacing changes, longer streams, or something. At least make 01:09:986 (5) - all circles, please.
01:13:256 (1) - Nice HW break, but I think a circle makes more sense here than the 1/1 slider. The 1/1 slider has things drag on a bit too long.
01:23:719 (1) - Makes more sense to be a circle with a 1/1 gap after it for consistency with what you did at 01:21:104 (1).
01:33:529 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern fails to account for the intensity difference between 01:33:529 (1,2) - and 01:33:692 (2,3) - since they have equal spacing. I think you're better off using a pattern like you had at 01:05:409 (1,2) - instead.

I think i'll stop here. Already gave you some general comments on the top diff and Mir's map is just the same all of his others.

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Halfslashed wrote:

Your spread is missing a normal and an advanced - both are required for this spread due to how 1/4 heavy this song is, and thus how 1/4 heavy the hard needs to be.
The light insane is absolutely pointless as a difficulty, since the Hard difficulty introduces basically has the same rhythm density as the hard with slightly higher spacing. To fill the spread between Hard and Insane, you'll need a difficulty that uses 1/4 streams more often, probably with lengths of 5-9 circles in a row, as well as more overall spacing emphasis. Not really going to mod that diff though.

Overall impression I got from this was that it was simplified for the sake of being simple rather than trying to make something that both fits the song and introduces players to game mechanics. Most of my mod is oriented around trying to fit the song better while keeping it within acceptable standards for an easy difficulty, but this is the sort of song that doesn't really support a true easy difficulty.

00:11:785 (1) - 00:17:016 (1) - Given that Easy level players follow the entire slider, these are some really harsh shapes to be using - the first one being one with a sharp turn that lands on nothing and the second requiring a degree of precision to follow the sharp curve that is difficult for players at this level. I suggest using less harsh shapes for parts intended to be calm - stuff like 00:14:401 (2) - or less curved.
00:18:651 (2) - Since you were only following the really strong sounds, I suggest just starting a 1/1 slider on 00:18:978. I get that intensity increased here by a bit, but in the context of this section (and difficulty) it makes more sense to have a 2/1 gap or larger between objects.
00:24:537 (2) - 00:25:518 - is pretty strong, so I suggest shortening this repeat and placing a circle here, since it fits the melody better.
00:27:153 (2,1,2) - This rhythm is fairly weird, since you're skipping one of the noticeably strong beats of what you're following. I suggest something like this to show off that strong red tick instead of the metronome.
00:35:327 (1) - A 3/2 slider here fits the intensity and the stronger piano better than a 1/1 reverse does.
00:38:270 (1,2) - Try making this a 1/1 slider to break up this circle chain, since right now you're creating a big contrast for something that isn't intense.
00:39:251 (1) - On the other hand though, this doesn't provide any contrast since you use 1/1 reverses as part of your base rhythm, so 3 1/1 circles would probably work better here, especially with that 2/1 gap after.
00:42:847 - Not really understanding your intent in skipping this given how strong the piano is. I suggest using a circle here.
00:48:406 (1) - I think a 3/2 reverse fits the offbeat piano here - mapping the 1/1 kicks is pretty lame here when you were following the piano with your previous 1/1 reverses.
01:02:793 (1) - This spinner is fairly unfitting - due to easy guidelines, you're basically required to skip the entire first measure of the build up, and there isn't a continuous increasing sound here at all. Try a rhythm like this to show off the piano here.
01:09:332 (1) - Piano is begging for a chain of 1/1 circles here. As is, it is very underwhelming for the climax to be a straightforward 3/1 slider into a circle, more so when you have a break right after.
01:33:202 (2) - I think you should make this a 1/1 reverse for consistency with 01:35:817 (2) -
01:36:798 (1) - Again, due to recovery guidelines, having a spinner here really doesn't work well since you have to skip the first measure of the next verse. I think you're better off ending this spinner at 01:38:106 - and mapping 01:39:414 - instead.
01:45:954 (1) - Try a circle + 1/1 slider instead of a reverse, I think that will fit the piano and intensity better than what you have.
01:49:223 (5) - Having this as a slider takes away from what this build up is achieving, so I recommend changing this to circles instead.
01:50:204 (1) - Try starting this on 01:51:185 - instead since you're skipping over a really strong piano sound on 01:50:531 - (a circle there would be nice).

00:21:921 (5) - This probably works better as a stack of two 1/2 circles instead, which also puts more emphasis on 00:22:248 (1). I'm suggesting this because musically, it sounds like the last 4 1/2 sounds are grouped in pairs, so it makes sense for your pattern to represent that.
00:22:575 (2) - This is better off as a circle as well as being part of a seperate pattern from the next two sliders for similar reasons to the above (also the red tick isn't as strong here).
00:33:365 (1,2,1) - There are prominent blue ticks you're skipping by having 1/2 gaps between these sliders. Sorry to break your pretty pattern but 1/4 double repeats fit the song better here.
00:40:232 (1,2,3,4) - I suggest stacking these and putting a circle on 00:40:477 - instead, since what you have requires more finger control and is a bit hard for this difficulty level at this bpm.
00:41:539 (1) - I suggest starting this on 00:41:376 - and making it a triple repeat instead, since the piano abruptly starts here.
00:43:338 (2) - A triple repeat would also be nice here for similar reasons as the above, especially given the strength of the piano.
01:05:082 (1) - Cute, but not really appropriate for this difficulty level - try shortening this to end on the red tick instead and it might be acceptable.
01:18:488 (1) - Sounds like the increasing held sound starts on 01:19:796 - instead, so I suggest shortening the spinner accordingly.

I think i'll stop here. Already gave you some general comments on the top diff and Mir's map is just the same all of his others.

Good luck!
everything applied! now this can go to grave^^
Right, I should probably reply to Halfslashed mod
Not going to change anything, since Sdafsf wants to have this graved as soon as possible
and I am too lazy to go fix things for a graved set
So, this will be more like "would fix if not graved" kind of reply

Halfslashed wrote:

[Yaspo's Insane]
Really undermapped, honestly. A theoretical light insane would already do the job of having the 1/3 repeats to introduce the player to the idea of those in a spread and probably have longer chains of 1/4 than you ended up using. I pointed out some stuff but I really just find it as more of a general issue.

I know it's undermapped qq . Honestly, my original draft had denser rhythms, but I was asked for my difficulty to fit in the spread.
Which either meant
- To close the gap between the Light Insane (basically a hard, like you said) and Mir's Extra, which was mapped in a whopping 2 hours (I saw it on stream, wtf), so it ignores any idea of spread to begin with
- Or to map something between 4.6-4.7 stars to at least have a spread in star rating
For the sake of not trying to force an attempt at introducing the right amount of difficulty elements in a spread that doesn't care much for that to begin with, I decided to join the "fuck spread" train and did my own thing.

Of course, I could have made a 4.6-4.7 star map with intenser rhythms, but I apparently have no idea of how to manage star rating and consistency at the same time. So, thanks for giving me a few examples of places where I could have used streams without being inconsistent.
Ah well, excuses excuses, I will do better next time!

I demand a lowercase y. It's so weird being the only lowercase name on a set :(
00:11:785 - This SV is ridiculously high for such a calm part, especially considering your really high base SV, so I suggest using 0.5-0.6 in this section instead.
Right, should probably have done something like that
00:11:785 (1,2) - These reverses are mapped to barely audible sounds and really just disturb the feeling of this section. I think 4/1 sliders are a much better fit.
4/1 at the current SV would have been ridiculous, though would fix in combination with lowering SV
00:18:324 (3,4) - I suggest combining these into one repeat to make the transition from 00:17:016 (1) - less jarring.
Both 3 and 4 start on a very distinct piano sound, so I'd prefer having them both clickable. The best I could do here is to split 00:17:016 (1) - up in 2 reverses instead, though I'm not very fond of that either. So, would keep this as is.
00:27:643 (2,3) - Two things: The spacing to 3 makes it over emphasized and 3 doesn't really belong to the same musical pattern as the following sliders. I suggest breaking 3 apart from the other two repeats into a different pattern.
I do feel that these fit in the same musical pattern, but there is a significant difference between the first slider and the following ones.
I should look for a way to reflect that.

00:33:365 (3) - This is really underwhelming as the climax of the kiai to be a repeat slider that gets held for half a measure. This is an Insane diff, so I think providing a nice stream would fit pretty well.
I think I initially mapped this to serve as a sort of bridge between the two sections, adding anticipation for a new section by having a long repeat. Though now I look at it again, I'm not sure if this was necessary, and I could probably fit in some kind of nice stream indeed.
00:34:264 (2,3,4,5) - Fairly boring to have these all DS'd in a straightforward curve, since your spacing doesn't provide any emphasis on the white ticks. I suggest increasing the 1/4 spacing, maybe even stacking the circles before these on the slider heads for some more emphasis on the piano.
Agree, I should work on patterns like these.
00:36:308 (6,1,2,3) - I think you're better off mapping 00:36:390 - and making this a continuous stream, it feels really off that you skip this when you intend to prioritize the piano, and is also harder to hit than a 5 note burst would be.
Welcome to me mapping for star rating. I'm honestly not sure if a 5 note burst would fit with how few there are in the map to begin with.
Then again, I did originally map these with continuous rhythm, so I'd definitely want to look into it if I were to fix the map.

00:44:809 (2,3,4) - Having all of this 1/3 being mapped with repeats is very underwhelming, but I get the need for uniformity here. At least make the next section use a more intense tapping rhythm though.
Right, I should probably reflect the higher intensity of the music a bit better in the second 1/3 section.
00:51:185 (2,3,4) - This is 1/6 and you skipped this over at 00:46:117 (2) -. I don't think circles would fit this difficulty so try a 1/6 repeat before this instead. Try to make these parts consistent as well.
I very consciouly skipped over the first one 00:46:117 (2) - as the start of the 1/6th is honestly very quiet there. When I just listen to the song, it might as well just be a single click on the end, especially during play. The second one 00:51:185 (2,3,4) - however is much more intense and clear, so mapping it here would give a nice contrast. As for it being 1/6th, I also am aware. There are a few other places where I map 1/6th rhythm as 1/4th, and I do feel like it fits here as well. Reasons being that it reflects the intensity better than a 1/6th slider, but also doesn't go completely crazy with a 275bpm burst. In the case you get triggered over me using the wrong snap divisor on purpose, sorry x.x
01:09:332 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Extremely underwhelming considering your build up. This really needs to incorporate more spacing changes, longer streams, or something. At least make 01:09:986 (5) - all circles, please.
I vaguely remember having a lot of trouble managing the star rating here, as the section before it basically pushes it to its limits. For example, these 01:08:351 (3,4) - are stacked because otherwise the star rating would skyrocket. Though, that doesn't mean I shouldn't try, I would definitely look into this part again as it bothers me a bit as well.
01:13:256 (1) - Nice HW break, but I think a circle makes more sense here than the 1/1 slider. The 1/1 slider has things drag on a bit too long.
Thanks, and no thanks. The reason I like this myself is because it draws a lot of attention to the entire vocal. Making it circles would diminish that effect in my opinion, so I'd keep this.
01:23:719 (1) - Makes more sense to be a circle with a 1/1 gap after it for consistency with what you did at 01:21:104 (1).
That doesn't make much sense at all to me. 01:23:719 (1) - I've been mapping the vocal on this sound with sliders pretty much throughout the entire map, even during the "HW break". I honestly don't want to break a consistency in the map as a whole to fix this one short term thing.
01:33:529 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern fails to account for the intensity difference between 01:33:529 (1,2) - and 01:33:692 (2,3) - since they have equal spacing. I think you're better off using a pattern like you had at 01:05:409 (1,2) - instead.
While I'm not sure that I would go with the pattern you suggested, there is definitely room for improvement on this pattern, would fix.

Good luck!
Thanks again for modding! This really helps :D
from mod q
00:20:286 (4) - movement is down-up-down again. idk the flow is a little weird
00:28:133 (4) - maybe NC this so the player knows there's a 3/4 gap
00:33:365 (1) - ctrl g? helps flow
01:17:834 (9,10) - 10 is clicked but there isn't any sound to for it. why not just keep it like 01:16:526 (9) ?
00:32:875 (2,3,4) - space between 2,3 (1/4 gap) is larger than 3,4 (1/2) gap so it doesn't really make sense
00:33:365 (4,5) - you could NC or alter the shape of the slider to indicate that it bounce twice because right now they look the same as 00:33:038 (3)
00:36:880 (2) - now it repeats 3 times with same shape and it threw me off lol
00:44:809 (2,3,4) - y not curve these like 00:50:041 (2,3,4) ? it helps reading a lot
so at this point i noticed the same slider inconsistency (which may not seem like much but it actually throws ppl off). you could make it so that: 1 repeat - curved, 2 repeat - straight, 3 repeat - angled (red anchor). just some suggestions :D
Light Insane
only problem here is that it seems like the entire map has the same intensity. the kiais don't feel as "strong" as they could be because the spacing and sv are the same. not sure if u should mess with sv in light insane, but i think if spacing was a bigger during kiais it would help make them more intense feeling. u could also make the rhythm denser i guess
yeah idk about ur first kiai. it just doesn't feel that strong to me.
Topic Starter

cococolaco wrote:

from mod q
00:20:286 (4) - movement is down-up-down again. idk the flow is a little weird plays perfetly fine
00:28:133 (4) - maybe NC this so the player knows there's a 3/4 gap plays like a 1/1 gap
00:33:365 (1) - ctrl g? helps flow ctrl g kills emphesis on 1 and flows badly with the stream
01:17:834 (9,10) - 10 is clicked but there isn't any sound to for it. why not just keep it like 01:16:526 (9) ?listen closely

00:32:875 (2,3,4) - space between 2,3 (1/4 gap) is larger than 3,4 (1/2) gap so it doesn't really make sense it called emphesis
00:33:365 (4,5) - you could NC or alter the shape of the slider to indicate that it bounce twice because right now they look the same as 00:33:038 (3) sure
00:36:880 (2) - now it repeats 3 times with same shape and it threw me off lol just read approach circles lol. its perfectly readable since all 1/4 gaps overlap
00:44:809 (2,3,4) - y not curve these like 00:50:041 (2,3,4) ? it helps reading a lot
so at this point i noticed the same slider inconsistency (which may not seem like much but it actually throws ppl off). you could make it so that: 1 repeat - curved, 2 repeat - straight, 3 repeat - angled (red anchor). just some suggestions :D nice concept but not the point of this map. i like to go for some variety instead

Light Insane
only problem here is that it seems like the entire map has the same intensity. the kiais don't feel as "strong" as they could be because the spacing and sv are the same. not sure if u should mess with sv in light insane, but i think if spacing was a bigger during kiais it would help make them more intense feeling. u could also make the rhythm denser i guess the intensity might feel the same to you because you are comfortable with all the patterns but for the target audience the kiais are way harder because of more complex rhythmical patterns
yeah idk about ur first kiai. it just doesn't feel that strong to me.
thanks for modding!
From the queue:

  1. Star diff is over 1.5. consider lowering it.
  2. 01:31:567 (1) I don't agree with the rhythm choice of this kiai, the emphasis is on every other white tick (piano) but hey it's your map.
  3. 01:44:646 (1,4) overlaps should be avoided at all cost.
  1. 00:11:785 (1) make shapes better.
  2. Nothing else in particular rly.
  1. 00:33:038 (2,3,4) these kinda spacing represent a lot of 1/4 gaps and mixing 1 beat gaps among them isn't intuitive. perhaps make 1 beat gaps stacks instead.
  2. 01:23:392 (4,5) spacing emphasis isn't use anywhere else, avoid suddenly using it.
Light Insane
Uh looks good to me.
Topic Starter

josh1024 wrote:

From the queue:

  1. Star diff is over 1.5. consider lowering it.
  2. 01:31:567 (1) I don't agree with the rhythm choice of this kiai, the emphasis is on every other white tick (piano) but hey it's your map.
  3. 01:44:646 (1,4) overlaps should be avoided at all sure this is clear but ill consider making changes
  1. 00:11:785 (1) make shapes better. the way i made this shape literally follows the guide
  2. Nothing else in particular rly.
  1. 00:33:038 (2,3,4) these kinda spacing represent a lot of 1/4 gaps and mixing 1 beat gaps among them isn't intuitive. perhaps make 1 beat gaps stacks instead. moved closer and added nc
  2. 01:23:392 (4,5) spacing emphasis isn't use anywhere else, avoid suddenly using it.i actually use it in quite a few places but this one was only due to stacking. fixed
Light Insane
Uh looks good to me.
thanks for modding
I was supposed to wait 6 minutes not 5
10:37 My Angel Kanan: Hi :3c
10:37 sdafsf: owo
10:37 sdafsf: hi :3
10:38 My Angel Kanan: time for irc rn?
10:38 sdafsf: just give me 5 mins
10:38 My Angel Kanan: okay
10:44 sdafsf: ok
10:44 sdafsf: send map
10:45 My Angel Kanan: lo
10:45 My Angel Kanan: I wanted to mod your ez
10:45 *My Angel Kanan is listening to [ xi - ANiMA]
10:45 sdafsf: ooooo
10:45 sdafsf: i thought you wanted mod lol
10:45 sdafsf: yea sure
10:46 My Angel Kanan: ready?ß11ß1ß1ß1
10:46 sdafsf: yea lets goo
10:46 My Angel Kanan: 00:11:785 (1) -
10:46 My Angel Kanan: kinda subjective
10:46 sdafsf: how?
10:46 My Angel Kanan: but this is kinda ugly imo
10:46 sdafsf: bad shape?
10:47 My Angel Kanan: ye
10:47 sdafsf: hmm ill try to fix circle
10:47 My Angel Kanan: If you like the slider it's okay if you keep it
10:48 My Angel Kanan: kinda subjective as i said
10:48 sdafsf: yea i made some minor changes its still not that great but i think itll do
10:49 My Angel Kanan: 00:24:537 (2,3) -
10:50 My Angel Kanan: oh
10:50 My Angel Kanan: wrong timestap
10:50 sdafsf: :eye:
10:50 My Angel Kanan: 00:25:845 (4) -
10:50 My Angel Kanan: move it somewhere else
10:50 My Angel Kanan: like
10:50 My Angel Kanan: the more obvious linear flow
10:51 My Angel Kanan: is easier and more playable for noobs
10:51 sdafsf: lol kk
10:51 My Angel Kanan: 00:26:172 (1,2,3) -
10:52 My Angel Kanan: the 2 shapes are kinda aesthetically bad
10:52 sdafsf: same thing?
10:52 My Angel Kanan: having 1 straight and 1 curved is kinda meh
10:52 sdafsf: o
10:53 sdafsf: well they are both very different sounds
10:53 sdafsf: they arent supposed to be part of 1 pattern
10:53 sdafsf: i would nc them but i was told to hold back on the ncs in this diff
10:54 My Angel Kanan: a
10:54 My Angel Kanan: okay
10:55 sdafsf: 00:32:384 (2,3,4) - i changed this though to be the same shapes
10:55 sdafsf: because here they are part of 1 pattern
10:55 My Angel Kanan: 00:32:384 (2) -
10:55 sdafsf: eventhough musically thats also kind of questionable
10:56 My Angel Kanan: make this into 2 circles
10:56 sdafsf: o
10:56 sdafsf: sure
10:57 My Angel Kanan: the cymbal (idk) is clickable but it ignores the piano
10:57 sdafsf: ye changd
10:58 My Angel Kanan: 00:38:270 (3,4) -
10:58 My Angel Kanan: make 3 into a 2/1
10:59 My Angel Kanan: because 4 circles in a row is really
10:59 My Angel Kanan: really
10:59 My Angel Kanan: hard for a easy
10:59 sdafsf: lol
10:59 sdafsf: you wont like whats coming
10:59 sdafsf: but ill change
11:00 My Angel Kanan: 00:42:847 (2,3) - O V E R L A P
11:00 sdafsf: fixed
11:02 My Angel Kanan: 01:09:332 (3,4,5,6,1) -
11:03 My Angel Kanan: wait
11:03 sdafsf: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
11:03 *My Angel Kanan is editing [ xi - ANiMA [Easy]]
11:03 My Angel Kanan: other mapset
11:04 My Angel Kanan: do it like the mapset I linked
11:04 sdafsf: sure
11:06 My Angel Kanan: 01:48:569 (3,4,5,6,1) -
11:06 My Angel Kanan: You can do a 2/1 reverse instead :d
11:07 sdafsf: but that part is supposed to be the most intense part
11:07 My Angel Kanan: I see that but
11:07 My Angel Kanan: this is
11:08 My Angel Kanan: to hard too =w=
11:08 sdafsf: 01:48:896 (4,5,6) - i will make this a 1/1 repeat
11:08 My Angel Kanan: I mean 2/1
11:09 My Angel Kanan: because of the sounds on the red tick
11:09 My Angel Kanan: leaving them un-clicked or even ignored
11:09 sdafsf: wait
11:09 sdafsf: yea i know
11:09 sdafsf: but 2/1 seams kida weak
11:09 My Angel Kanan: is kinda
11:09 My Angel Kanan: idk
11:09 My Angel Kanan: un-fitting?...
11:10 sdafsf: i did the same thing as for the other 5 circles now
11:10 My Angel Kanan: okay
11:10 My Angel Kanan: owo
11:11 sdafsf: :3
11:11 My Angel Kanan: so ye
11:11 sdafsf: thanks for modding uwu
11:11 My Angel Kanan: I can be nazi about slidershapes
11:11 My Angel Kanan: but
11:11 My Angel Kanan: than I would sit here a long time :d
11:11 sdafsf: im more nazi about slider shapes in my higher diffs. in the low diffs i dont care as much
i'll see how it goes
mod w
2017-06-09 23:38 Yukiyo: 00:23:541 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - -> 00:26:157 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ->00:28:772 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) -
2017-06-09 23:38 Yukiyo: Supposed to be almost the same position wiseß
2017-06-09 23:38 Yukiyo: ?
2017-06-09 23:39 sdafsf: kinda just happened
2017-06-09 23:39 sdafsf: holy shit
2017-06-09 23:39 sdafsf: its the same
2017-06-09 23:39 Yukiyo: 00:31:715 (5,6) -
2017-06-09 23:39 Yukiyo: xd
2017-06-09 23:39 Yukiyo: why?
2017-06-09 23:39 sdafsf: good question
2017-06-09 23:39 Yukiyo: WHY IS XR OFF
2017-06-09 23:39 Yukiyo: I AM DEAD IN LIKE 20 MINS
2017-06-09 23:39 Yukiyo: ASSHOLE
2017-06-09 23:39 sdafsf: :thinking:
2017-06-09 23:40 Yukiyo: :thoNNNNNNgk:
2017-06-09 23:41 Yukiyo: 00:18:309 (1,2,3) -
2017-06-09 23:41 Yukiyo: WHY LOL?
2017-06-09 23:41 sdafsf: piano
2017-06-09 23:42 sdafsf: is it bad
2017-06-09 23:42 Yukiyo: hmm
2017-06-09 23:43 Yukiyo: not that bad
2017-06-09 23:43 Yukiyo: just seems incosistence
2017-06-09 23:43 sdafsf: inconsistant with what
2017-06-09 23:43 sdafsf: theres nothing like it
2017-06-09 23:43 sdafsf: musically
2017-06-09 23:44 Yukiyo: your current emphasis like00:19:617 (1) - 00:20:271 (1) - 00:20:925 (1) - 00:21:252 (4) -
2017-06-09 23:44 Yukiyo: seems like you are only trying to emp the bass
2017-06-09 23:44 sdafsf: hm
2017-06-09 23:44 Yukiyo: 00:15:693 - if you are really going for piano then this is all highhat anyways this is were the piano shines 00:19:617 -
2017-06-09 23:44 Yukiyo: *shrug*
2017-06-09 23:45 Yukiyo: dunno
2017-06-09 23:45 Yukiyo: <bad mapper
2017-06-09 23:45 sdafsf: shut up
2017-06-09 23:45 sdafsf: i want your opinion
2017-06-09 23:45 Yukiyo: -3-
2017-06-09 23:46 sdafsf: how do you think i should emphesise the piano there
2017-06-09 23:46 Yukiyo: dunn
2017-06-09 23:46 Yukiyo: oo
2017-06-09 23:46 Yukiyo: there's a reason why I don't map certain songs
2017-06-09 23:46 Yukiyo: for now
2017-06-09 23:46 sdafsf: :eyes:
2017-06-09 23:46 sdafsf: same
2017-06-09 23:46 sdafsf: but
2017-06-09 23:46 sdafsf: theres also reasons
2017-06-09 23:46 sdafsf: why i shouldnt map
2017-06-09 23:47 Yukiyo: lol no
2017-06-09 23:47 Yukiyo: if you are argumenting that way
2017-06-09 23:47 Yukiyo: I shouldn't be mapping
2017-06-09 23:47 Yukiyo: nobody other than monstrata should be mapping
2017-06-09 23:47 sdafsf: :eyes:
2017-06-09 23:47 sdafsf: at least you can map supercell
2017-06-09 23:47 sdafsf: i cant map
2017-06-09 23:49 Yukiyo: lol please
2017-06-09 23:52 sdafsf: :eyes:
2017-06-10 00:00 sdafsf: are 1/6 streams ok
2017-06-10 00:00 sdafsf: :thinking:
2017-06-10 13:17 sdafsf: :eyes:
2017-06-10 13:17 Yukiyo: uwu
2017-06-10 13:19 sdafsf: i dont know how to go on :c
2017-06-10 13:19 Yukiyo: PLACE THE CIRCLES
2017-06-10 13:19 Yukiyo: TO THE BEAT
2017-06-10 13:19 sdafsf: :thinking:
2017-06-10 13:19 sdafsf: thanks!
2017-06-10 13:20 Yukiyo: Your Welcome!
2017-06-10 15:04 sdafsf:
2017-06-10 15:09 Yukiyo: 00:35:639 (1,2,3,4) - hard read
2017-06-10 15:09 Yukiyo: 00:34:903 - space
2017-06-10 15:09 Yukiyo: 00:41:443 - place note
2017-06-10 15:11 Yukiyo: MACH DIE OD HÖHER
2017-06-10 15:11 Yukiyo: NOTE BLOCK ANXIETY
2017-06-10 16:20 Yukiyo:
2017-06-10 16:22 sdafsf: bist du da?
2017-06-10 16:22 Yukiyo: nein
2017-06-10 16:22 Yukiyo: LUL
2017-06-10 16:23 sdafsf: :eyes:
2017-06-10 16:23 sdafsf: ACTION is playing [ M2U - PandorA [Yukiyo's Extra]] -NoFail
2017-06-10 16:25 sdafsf: 01:36:009 (1) -
2017-06-10 16:26 Yukiyo: 00:30:196 (2,3) -
2017-06-10 16:28 sdafsf:
2017-06-10 16:28 sdafsf: :weary:
2017-06-10 16:29 sdafsf:
2017-06-10 16:30 Yukiyo: 01:10:625 (1,2,3,4) - 1 zu 1 copy von der ranked
2017-06-10 16:31 Yukiyo: 01:13:256 (1,2,3,4) -
2017-06-10 17:44 Yukiyo: tfw
2017-06-10 17:44 Yukiyo: you have to mod
2017-06-10 17:44 Yukiyo: for mod
2017-06-10 17:44 Yukiyo: xd
2017-06-10 17:44 sdafsf: ist das nicht normal=?
2017-06-10 17:44 Yukiyo: naja es gibt auch NM qs
2017-06-10 17:44 Yukiyo: xd
2017-06-10 17:45 sdafsf: lol
2017-06-10 17:45 sdafsf: im not used to free stuff
2017-06-10 17:45 Yukiyo: lol
2017-06-10 18:03 sdafsf: its finished
2017-06-10 18:03 Yukiyo: owo
2017-06-10 18:03 sdafsf: the ending
2017-06-10 18:03 sdafsf: is
2017-06-10 18:03 sdafsf: ...
2017-06-10 18:04 sdafsf:
2017-06-10 18:16 Yukiyo: ACTION is playing [ xi - ANIMA []]
2017-06-10 18:16 sdafsf: wtf is this bug
2017-06-10 18:17 sdafsf: one sec
2017-06-10 18:19 sdafsf: kin modding
2017-06-10 18:19 sdafsf: one sec
2017-06-10 18:19 sdafsf: ;_;
2017-06-10 18:20 Yukiyo: 01:50:189 (1,2,1) -
2017-06-10 18:20 Yukiyo: 1/4
2017-06-10 18:20 Yukiyo: 1 DUCKING
2017-06-10 18:20 Yukiyo: 5
2017-06-10 18:20 Yukiyo: 4*
2017-06-10 18:20 sdafsf: oops
2017-06-10 18:21 Yukiyo: 01:22:396 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - would use patter throughout whole measure tbh
2017-06-10 18:21 sdafsf: nooo
2017-06-10 18:21 Yukiyo: 01:36:783 (1,1) - blanket
2017-06-10 18:22 Yukiyo: 01:42:424 (1,2,3) - 1/3 LOLOLOLOLOL
2017-06-10 18:22 Yukiyo: STARTING 01:42:342 -
2017-06-10 18:22 Yukiyo: PLS
2017-06-10 18:22 sdafsf: that
2017-06-10 18:22 sdafsf: used to be 1/3
2017-06-10 18:22 sdafsf: dunno what happened
2017-06-10 18:22 Yukiyo: how
2017-06-10 18:22 Yukiyo: is
2017-06-10 18:22 Yukiyo: this
2017-06-10 18:22 Yukiyo: 5.6
2017-06-10 18:23 sdafsf: its not
2017-06-10 18:23 sdafsf: its 6.1 o6.13
2017-06-10 18:23 sdafsf: oops
2017-06-10 18:23 sdafsf: 6.13
2017-06-10 18:23 Yukiyo:
2017-06-10 18:24 sdafsf: yea i know this bug
2017-06-10 18:29 sdafsf: fuck
2017-06-10 18:29 sdafsf: i have to remove the first circular stream
2017-06-10 18:29 Yukiyo: lo
2017-06-10 18:29 Yukiyo: why
2017-06-10 18:29 sdafsf: it doesnt fit
2017-06-10 18:29 Yukiyo: why
2017-06-10 18:29 Yukiyo: lol
2017-06-10 18:30 sdafsf: piano kinda stops here 01:40:053 -
2017-06-10 18:30 sdafsf: and goes 1/2 here 01:40:217 -
2017-06-10 18:31 Yukiyo: not really
2017-06-10 18:32 Yukiyo: it's a 1/4 piano
2017-06-10 18:32 sdafsf: but the 1/2 are way stronger
2017-06-10 18:32 Yukiyo: play up down pitch on a rotating basis
2017-06-10 18:32 Yukiyo: still justified
2017-06-10 18:32 Yukiyo: not like anyones gonna hear that
2017-06-10 18:33 Yukiyo: unless they play 25% no hs
2017-06-10 18:33 Yukiyo: LOL
2017-06-10 18:33 sdafsf: i dont think so
2017-06-10 18:33 sdafsf: the piano really sounds 1/2.y
2017-06-10 18:33 Yukiyo: ok then
2017-06-10 18:33 sdafsf: i used kicksldiers now
2017-06-10 18:34 sdafsf: testplay?
  1. all fine
[easy]ar4 may be a tad too high?
  1. 00:14:401 (2) - the big downbeat is so strong, it kinda sucks to have it mapped under the tail of a repeat (i understand the conept but i don't think it's fitting for the lowest difficulty in the mapset)
  2. 00:44:809 (2,4) - not a fan of how '2' covers over that 1/6 piano and '4' is mapped to the 1/4 piano, which kinda lowers the contrast between them by a lot imho (if you applied this suggestion then do it for the other one cause consistency reasons ykno)
  3. 00:48:406 (3) - i don't hear anything too strong that warrants a reverse slider dd
  4. 00:54:945 (1) - that bend rofl
  5. 01:01:485 (2,3,1) - contrast on these is pretty weak since '1' isn't in the same grouping as the other ones rhythm-wise, i think you should replace the slider with two circles while swapping the already present circles for a slider too to increase the uniqueness of the slider in this part since that better fits the rising piano chords here (hopefully i worded that right)
  6. 01:21:430 (2) - this is gr8
  7. 01:26:989 (2,4) - no clear contrast between these notes that i can see besides hitsounds, maybe ctrl+g 01:27:643 (3,4) - these so 01:26:335 (1,2,3,4) - these all look like they belong in some grouping?
    notice how the c o o l and g o o d sounds (vocal chanting thing) are on '2' and '4', both pretty parallel with each other
  8. 01:29:605 - i feel like this sound in particular here should be clickable, maybe remove repeat and instead place a note (01:35:817 (4) - here as well)

  1. 00:11:785 (1,1) - stack? xd
  2. 00:28:133 (4) - head is secondary compared to the tail imo since this falls on both a piano key and a cymbal crash, maybe rework this rhytm a bit
  3. 00:43:174 (4,5) - i would've rathered you keep doing the red tick rhythm 00:43:011 - here since the stop to click the other circles feels too odd to play (should've done something like what you did 00:52:330 (1,2,3,4,5) - here)
  4. 00:44:809 (2,3,4) - these notes should really have some constrast compared to 00:43:828 (6,7,1) - these
  5. 01:00:177 (4) - new combo for consistency :'s (i'd say 01:02:793 (3) - here too but i'm not sure)
  6. 01:30:913 (6) - i think this should be different since it doesn't follow the same vocal pattern as 01:26:826 (2,3,5,6,2,3) - these pairs here
  7. 01:33:038 (5,6,5,6) - why didn't you unstack these :'o
  8. 01:41:703 (6) - why not repeat like how you did 01:40:232 (3) - here? feels unnaturally empty imo

  1. 00:16:362 (2,1) - i'm afraid distance between these is a bit too small compared to 00:14:401 (1,2) - this, super minor thing though probably since the ar is high enough to be able to predict this but just something to kinda keep in mind
  2. 00:51:349 (2,1) - the fact that you didn't stack these hurts me physically
  3. 01:38:760 (2,1) - a tad hard to predict when to click the next note since you lower the volume on each repeat, i'd do away with this idea since doing things like this doesn't fit the scope for a difficulty of this level in my opinion.
im not that sizeable at modding hard diffs sry =w=
i hope the mod was of use somehow, really nice map!
Topic Starter

Renumi wrote:

  1. all fine
[easy]ar4 may be a tad too high? sure ar3
  1. 00:14:401 (2) - the big downbeat is so strong, it kinda sucks to have it mapped under the tail of a repeat (i understand the conept but i don't think it's fitting for the lowest difficulty in the mapset)
    mapping equal sounds on slider heads and tails seems appropriate in easy diffs
  2. 00:44:809 (2,4) - not a fan of how '2' covers over that 1/6 piano and '4' is mapped to the 1/4 piano, which kinda lowers the contrast between them by a lot imho (if you applied this suggestion then do it for the other one cause consistency reasons ykno)
    both are mapped to drums
  3. 00:48:406 (3) - i don't hear anything too strong that warrants a reverse slider dd
    its mapped to the shift in the 1/4
  4. 00:54:945 (1) - that bend rofl
  5. 01:01:485 (2,3,1) - contrast on these is pretty weak since '1' isn't in the same grouping as the other ones rhythm-wise, i think you should replace the slider with two circles while swapping the already present circles for a slider too to increase the uniqueness of the slider in this part since that better fits the rising piano chords here (hopefully i worded that right)
    changed rhythm
  6. 01:21:430 (2) - this is gr8 thank
  7. 01:26:989 (2,4) - no clear contrast between these notes that i can see besides hitsounds, maybe ctrl+g 01:27:643 (3,4) - these so 01:26:335 (1,2,3,4) - these all look like they belong in some grouping?
    notice how the c o o l and g o o d sounds (vocal chanting thing) are on '2' and '4', both pretty parallel with each other
    changed rhythm
  8. 01:29:605 - i feel like this sound in particular here should be clickable, maybe remove repeat and instead place a note (01:35:817 (4) - here as well)i think this works fine

  1. 00:11:785 (1,1) - stack? xd sure
  2. 00:28:133 (4) - head is secondary compared to the tail imo since this falls on both a piano key and a cymbal crash, maybe rework this rhytm a bit works fine i would say. this rhythm is really intuitive
  3. 00:43:174 (4,5) - i would've rathered you keep doing the red tick rhythm 00:43:011 - here since the stop to click the other circles feels too odd to play (should've done something like what you did 00:52:330 (1,2,3,4,5) - here)im following the piano
  4. 00:44:809 (2,3,4) - these notes should really have some constrast compared to 00:43:828 (6,7,1) - these works fine id say
  5. 01:00:177 (4) - new combo for consistency :'s (i'd say 01:02:793 (3) - here too but i'm not sure) every second downbeat nc
  6. 01:30:913 (6) - i think this should be different since it doesn't follow the same vocal pattern as 01:26:826 (2,3,5,6,2,3) - these pairs here
  7. 01:33:038 (5,6,5,6) - why didn't you unstack these :'o fixed
  8. 01:41:703 (6) - why not repeat like how you did 01:40:232 (3) - here? feels unnaturally empty imo theres no piano

  1. 00:16:362 (2,1) - i'm afraid distance between these is a bit too small compared to 00:14:401 (1,2) - this, super minor thing though probably since the ar is high enough to be able to predict this but just something to kinda keep in mind keeping in mind
  2. 00:51:349 (2,1) - the fact that you didn't stack these hurts me physically changed
  3. 01:38:760 (2,1) - a tad hard to predict when to click the next note since you lower the volume on each repeat, i'd do away with this idea since doing things like this doesn't fit the scope for a difficulty of this level in my opinion.i think the distance snap makes up for it
im not that sizeable at modding hard diffs sry =w=
i hope the mod was of use somehow, really nice map!
thanks for modding!
NM from my queue.
01:26:989 (2,4) - they have 1,2x DS then rest of map has 1,1x - adjust properly
You can delete unused green lines from unmapped places like begin section and break time and some place after spinner.

Normal seems good but just delete green line in same way as Easy.

To be continued unused green lines...
00:54:292 (3,4) - weird way of stacking caused me to instant miss there
01:26:826 (3) - put a reverse on it, i didn't expect that note and instantly missed
01:28:134 (3) - this is literally copy/pasted so apply same
01:40:722 (1,2) - this one should have switched places because i intuitively clicked 01:40:886 (2) as first
[Light Insane and Insane]
Suggestion for both difficulties
01:50:204 (1,1) - if you put two 1/4 sliders instead of one with 3 reverses to show increasing difficulty from hard one?

So, this is it. Good luck

  1. 00:15:381 (1) - Remove NC, quite unreasonable for me
  2. 00:27:807 (3) - I think making the kickslider like this will have better feedback, as it gives a better halt than the current one imo
  3. 00:30:259 (2) - Only this slider in this part are straight edged slider rather than a curved one, why?
  4. 01:47:589 (1) - why NC spam
    Not too much important things that i could found out

  1. 00:18:651 (4,5,6) - flip upside down and place above 00:18:324 (1,2,3) - for better flow
  2. 00:27:153 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - imo it's better to have the distance same as 00:26:662 (1,2,3,4,5) - ,it's too similar to 00:28:787 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - , which have shifted their piano note, making 00:27:153 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - distance might give less differentiation on those two parts
  3. 00:35:000 (6,7,8,9) - since 00:34:264 (2,3,4,5) - and 00:35:327 (1,2) - have 1/4 jumps, it's quite inconsistent and really easy to mistaken 00:34:673 (5,6) - as 1/4 jump too, it's better to have their distance larger so it won't cause any readability problems
  4. 00:35:654 (2,3,4,5) - Quite nazi, but since you have shifted 1/4 stream distance a lot, it's quite hard to figure out and mistaken as 1/4 (player might thought that the distance is going to decrease since the distance is greatly plummeted from 00:33:692 (1,2,3,4,1) - to 00:35:000 (6,7,8,9) -
  5. 00:45:790 (1,2) - not a large problem, but at least make the distance different from 00:44:809 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - (1/3) instead of stacking both, so player can differentiate 1/3 and 1/4 better from the previous pattern
  6. 01:27:316 (9) - ctrl+g

That should be it

Good luck~
Topic Starter

ReFaller wrote:

NM from my queue.
01:26:989 (2,4) - they have 1,2x DS then rest of map has 1,1x - adjust properly fixed
You can delete unused green lines from unmapped places like begin section and break time and some place after spinner.

Normal seems good but just delete green line in same way as Easy.

To be continued unused green lines...
00:54:292 (3,4) - weird way of stacking caused me to instant miss there nothing special. jsut stacked 1/1
01:26:826 (3) - put a reverse on it, i didn't expect that note and instantly missed i think the strength of those beats makes that pattern appropriate
01:28:134 (3) - this is literally copy/pasted so apply same
01:40:722 (1,2) - this one should have switched places because i intuitively clicked 01:40:886 (2) as first its emphesis
[Light Insane and Insane]
Suggestion for both difficulties
01:50:204 (1,1) - if you put two 1/4 sliders instead of one with 3 reverses to show increasing difficulty from hard one? these dont need to have much difficulty imo. i interpret them as rather weak and like an outro

So, this is it. Good luck
Topic Starter

Firis Mistlud wrote:


  1. 00:15:381 (1) - Remove NC, quite unreasonable for me fixed
  2. 00:27:807 (3) - I think making the kickslider like this will have better feedback, as it gives a better halt than the current one imo i disagree
  3. 00:30:259 (2) - Only this slider in this part are straight edged slider rather than a curved one, why? changed because i dont really care about the shape
  4. 01:47:589 (1) - why NC spam fixed
    Not too much important things that i could found out

  1. 00:18:651 (4,5,6) - flip upside down and place above 00:18:324 (1,2,3) - for better flow this doesnt flow bad, it flows differently. and it flows how i want it to flow
  2. 00:27:153 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - imo it's better to have the distance same as 00:26:662 (1,2,3,4,5) - ,it's too similar to 00:28:787 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - , which have shifted their piano note, making 00:27:153 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - distance might give less differentiation on those two parts the first part is less intense as the second part while the stream at the end of the first part is most intense. thats how i mapped it.
  3. 00:35:000 (6,7,8,9) - since 00:34:264 (2,3,4,5) - and 00:35:327 (1,2) - have 1/4 jumps, it's quite inconsistent and really easy to mistaken 00:34:673 (5,6) - as 1/4 jump too, it's better to have their distance larger so it won't cause any readability problems increased distance
  4. 00:35:654 (2,3,4,5) - Quite nazi, but since you have shifted 1/4 stream distance a lot, it's quite hard to figure out and mistaken as 1/4 (player might thought that the distance is going to decrease since the distance is greatly plummeted from 00:33:692 (1,2,3,4,1) - to 00:35:000 (6,7,8,9) - players at this level can read
  5. 00:45:790 (1,2) - not a large problem, but at least make the distance different from 00:44:809 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - (1/3) instead of stacking both, so player can differentiate 1/3 and 1/4 better from the previous pattern sure
  6. 01:27:316 (9) - ctrl+g flipped both

That should be it

Good luck~

will fix greenlines when the time comes
  1. Both soft-sliderslide2.wav and soft-slidertick2.wav are silenced, making your S:C2 hitsound sampleset unrankable.
  2. Why has the Normal a higher HP drain rate than Hard?
  3. I believe Extra and Soul should have at least the HP drain rate set to 6.
  1. Why don't you have whistles on 00:30:749 - and 00:31:076 - when you have them on 00:25:518 - and 00:25:845 - ?
  1. 00:21:757 (2) - The end of this slider is offscreen which is unrankable, move it a couple of grids up!
  2. 01:25:027 (1) - Offscreen too:
  3. 01:44:319 (3,4) - Isn't this jump a bit too obnoxiously huge? Is there anything you are trying to emphasize because I can't really find anything that could justify this spacing; I mean, the song is not really different from before (like there for example: 01:44:319 (3,4) - ).
  1. 00:17:016 (1) - Offscreen
  2. 00:39:578 (2) - Offscreen
[Light Insane]
  1. 01:41:213 (5) - Offscreen
  1. 01:38:760 (2) - I think you should end it 1/4 earlier on the red tick. The transition to 01:39:414 (1) - feels rather unnatural and not so obvious to anticipate. And actually, that's what has been done in the Light Insane so... xp
  1. 01:26:826 (2,3) - Slightly offscreen
  1. 00:24:537 (2) - Slightly offscreen
  2. 00:46:117 (4) - ^
  3. 00:51:349 (4,1) - ^
Topic Starter

Kurai wrote:

i belive album artist and all the information linked are inculded in the tags

  1. Both soft-sliderslide2.wav and soft-slidertick2.wav are silenced, making your S:C2 hitsound sampleset unrankable. replaced soft-slidertick2.wav with a more audible track
  2. Why has the Normal a higher HP drain rate than Hard? swapped
  3. I believe Extra and Soul should have at least the HP drain rate set to 6.done
  1. Why don't you have whistles on 00:30:749 - and 00:31:076 - when you have them on 00:25:518 - and 00:25:845 - ? added whistles
  1. 00:21:757 (2) - The end of this slider is offscreen which is unrankable, move it a couple of grids up! done
  2. 01:25:027 (1) - Offscreen too: fixed
  3. 01:44:319 (3,4) - Isn't this jump a bit too obnoxiously huge? Is there anything you are trying to emphasize because I can't really find anything that could justify this spacing; I mean, the song is not really different from before (like there for example: 01:44:319 (3,4) - ). changed pattern for more accurate emphesis
  1. 00:17:016 (1) - Offscreen actually dont think this one is offscreen but moved regardless. it doesnt hurt the pattern
  2. 00:39:578 (2) - Offscreen fixed
[Light Insane]
  1. 01:41:213 (5) - Offscreen fixed
  1. 01:38:760 (2) - I think you should end it 1/4 earlier on the red tick. The transition to 01:39:414 (1) - feels rather unnatural and not so obvious to anticipate. And actually, that's what has been done in the Light Insane so... xp changed
  1. 01:26:826 (2,3) - Slightly offscreen moved
  1. 00:24:537 (2) - Slightly offscreen moved
  2. 00:46:117 (4) - ^ moved
  3. 00:51:349 (4,1) - ^ and moved!
everything applid thanks!
Don't forget add Hans to tags because Hans is Deemo :3

  1. 01:07:371 (7) - This slider is not properly snapped.
  2. 01:45:954 (1) - The track of this slider is offscreen.
  1. 01:07:371 (4) - The track of this slider is offscreen.
  1. 00:52:330 (1) - I know I'm annoying, but this is still a little bit offscreen xp.
Topic Starter

Kurai wrote:


  1. 01:07:371 (7) - This slider is not properly snapped.
  2. 01:45:954 (1) - The track of this slider is offscreen.
  1. 01:07:371 (4) - The track of this slider is offscreen.
  1. 00:52:330 (1) - I know I'm annoying, but this is still a little bit offscreen xp.
All fixed!
reminder that Kin owes me a bottle of high quality whisky
Topic Starter

Kurai wrote:

reminder that Kin owes me a bottle of high quality whisky
kin pls

thanks!!! hype!

Kurai wrote:

reminder that Kin owes me a bottle of high quality whisky
I'll drink it with you next time I drop in Lyon kek
my special whisky owo
hi, isn't it still heavily frowned upon to have different difficulties mapped by the same mapper start at different times?

00:10:477 (1) - why is this the default finish when the main noise you're accenting is a deep thump? I feel like even normal-hitnormal would do better here.
then you have the cascade streams which are sprinkled with consistent but hilariously unfitting soft whistles, and ignoring actual cymbal crashes like 00:28:460 (4) -
00:35:654 (2,3,4,5) - For being the first 1/6 quad in the map, there's next to no introduction to it whatsoever. Even making 00:32:875 (4) - a 1/6 slider would be help.
00:51:240 (2,3,4) - Should probably lead from the previous slider rather than be rawly stacked, as otherwise it looks like a regular triple rather than a 1/6 triple. Provides contrast with bits such as 00:56:090 (3,4,1) - as well.
00:56:253 (1,2,3,4,5) - Shouldn't this have circles on the blue ticks in the same vein as 00:45:790 (1,2,3) - , and especially 00:34:019 (1,2,3,4,5) - ?
00:58:869 (3,4) - ^

basically consistency issues and those soft whistles are an abomination

00:28:787 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - if you want to split these combos in twain, you need to do it evenly and not just "on the big white tick". These objects are part of a cascading set of 3s, in other words, one slider and one note per "beat" of the pattern. As it stands, you have a new combo on a circle, which, while being "on a big white tick", isn't actually anywhere significant in the musical pattern. If you want to properly bisect the pattern, you should put the new combo at 00:29:768 - . Keep an eye out for this kind of issue, I won't mention it again
in general the contrast of intensity is way better in this diff and i like it a lot

this map is very close to being rankworthy, it just needs a good mod or two capable of pointing out issues like the above. Stalking rando-fuck queues won't do anything since they won't notice these issues and might make the map actively worse by suggesting stupid shit. Try to find someone you know is a good mapper or modder and just requesting their help, regardless of whether they're a BN or QAT or whatever. At this point, you should go for quality over quantity.
I was planning on modding it today anyway, but I'm even more motivated since I can't bear to see the map bubbled in this state

00:11:785 - to 00:15:708 - if you are going to follow completely arbitrary rhythms that all but ignore the song, at least do so consistently.
00:18:978 (1,2,3,4) - You mapped this as 00:18:651 (4,5,6) - before, in the same pattern two times, and it does not change here. Why change the pattern in the map? It's a meaningless inconsistency.
00:19:305 (1,2,3,4) - All I get from this and 00:20:777 (7,1) - is that you find the piano in this song to be meaningless. Some of the lowest spacing and intensity in this whole part comes from the parts with both the piano and the constant 1/4 drum track, so why does the spacing state the inverse of that?
00:20:940 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - The first of these two patterns has much lower spacing and much more comfortable movement, yet falls on much more intense beats (compare 00:20:940 (1) - to 00:21:267 (4) - ) - again, backwards emphasis.
00:24:864 (5,1,2,3,4,5) - This whole part is a vastly different musical pattern from what comes before it, but if I had music muted, I wouldn't be able to tell at all. They're mapped in exactly the same way.
00:33:365 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1) - The climax of a very tense section is mapped with the lowest spacing in the whole section.
00:34:019 (1,3,5) - top 10 fidget spinner tricks
00:35:654 (2,3,4,5) - Considering you've been progressively lowering spacing for the past few streams, as a player I'd likely assume this was just a regular 1/4 burst, drop acc, and sliderbreak. Differentiate it in some way.
00:42:520 (6,7) - These 2 kicksliders are mapped to entirely different sounds.
00:43:827 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - The added drum and changing vocals in the background make these parts of this stream much more intense than 00:43:501 (3,4,5,6) - which is mapped at the same distance snap.
00:50:041 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - All that changes between this and 00:44:809 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - is the pitch. Why is there such an incredibly drastic difference in how they play, how they look, how difficult they are, and their rhythm?
00:46:035 (2,3) - Considering you have mapped 1/6 in this map, why ignore it here? In fact, you do it very shortly later at 00:51:022 (1,2,3,4) -
01:03:937 (1,2) - These first 2 notes are less intense than the rest of this stream, there's no reason for them to play the same. Try stacking them on 01:04:100 (3) -
01:05:409 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - A couple problems here. 1) Why do the streams constantly increase in spacing while the music varies its pitch and intensity in a different pattern? 2) Design a stream and stick to it, the switch from straight to curved streams (and then back to straight, at the very end) feels very arbitrary
01:11:948 (1,2,3) - The lower end of the piano here calls for a more dense clickable section after 01:10:640 (1,2,3,4) - but they're mapped in a way that plays exactly the same, just in a different shape and place.
01:14:564 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:35:817 (1,2,3,4,1) - Even if this is somewhat stronger than the 2 previous iterations of this in the section, this is a massive change that seems all but entirely unrelated to the earlier ones.

00:56:499 - 00:56:826 - 00:57:153 - There are beats you're ignoring here.
01:00:504 (2,3,4,5) - This is 1/3, not 1/4.
01:48:569 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^
01:49:550 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^
00:20:777 (7) - This is 1/6.

00:51:240 (2,3,4) - People will very likely mistake this for a 1/4 triple stack, similar to 00:48:896 (1,2,3) -
01:09:496 (3,4) - 1/8 kicksliders facing away from the notes after them are a dick move
01:37:125 (1) - Random spinner? This isn't how you spinner. They belong on strong, intensifying sounds, usually when there is nothing else to map. You're basically making the player flail around as fast as they can for scoreboard.bmp, with no consideration for how the rest of this section plays.

Highly inconsistent. It feels like you rushed to complete this map, and overlooked a lot of the song and ignored a lot of your own map in the process.

00:13:093 (1,2,3) - top 10 best fidget spinner tricks
00:14:074 (4,5,2,3) - These are 2 totally different sounds next to each other mapped in a way in which they cannot be differentiated from each other.
00:15:381 (5,6,7,8,1) - Wait, so you map the part with very little intelligible sound in the music that would suggest a stream with a stream, but then leave the quite obvious 00:16:035 (2,3,4) - 1/4 track with building intensity using a singletap stack? Why?
00:32:875 (1,2) - Despite being some of the strongest sounds in this part of the song, there is nothing here to make these stand out, and some beats are ignored between them.
00:55:272 (2,3,4) - Given how much simplification you've done before this, this level of spike in 1/3 difficulty is entirely unwarranted. Yes, make it harder, but don't make it the same level as your top diff.
00:57:888 (2,3,4,5) - ^

01:00:504 (2,3,4,5,6) - This is the same as 00:57:888 (2,3,4,5) - and prior. No reason to map it to a different snap.
01:47:589 (2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - This is all snapped wrong. You are trying to represent the most intense part of the song by disregarding the priority of different parts of the song itself.

01:37:125 (1) - spinner noooooooo
01:51:267 (1) - spinner noOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Not much of anything else. You've oversimplified this to such a degree that there's nothing here to bring up, except maybe the sudden 1/3 I brought up in consistency.

is this an Insane diff scaled up a bit? It feels like you've put in the rhythm density of an Extra diff, but it's simplified to such a degree that it starts to lose the song. Your lack of kicksliders concerns me, your fidget spinner overload also concerns me, and the screwed up snapping concerns me as well.

01:40:068 (7,8) - These are entirely different sounds.

00:12:602 - You’re skipping this beat every time this rhythm plays, why? It’s not like it’s killing your rhythm density. The people playing this are gonna be 30-60k, not 100-200k.
01:00:504 (2,3,4,5) - stop mapping this 1/4
01:01:158 (7) - I’d venture to say the end of this slider is more important than the beginning of it, due to the piano melody.
01:02:956 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - You ignore so much 1/4 in this map and then go on to throw it in in one of the very few places that it doesn’t exist, for some reason.

00:35:654 (2) - I’d really rather you not change the rhythm of this, because if you do you’re fucking it up, but with the fairly low SV of this diff, the difference between this repeat slider and the 1/4 repeat sliders is very small, and liable to misreading. Find some way to differentiate it visually so that the player knows it’s different - a simple way to do that would be to just rotate it 90 degrees clockwise, for example.
01:18:488 (1) - hello i am the spinner evangelist and i am here to tell you to STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP
01:27:153 (6,7,8) - This is basically exactly how you mapped 1/3 earlier in the map. Find some way to differentiate it from that.
01:36:880 (1) - aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA

I mean it’s basically a mapper who’s really tired of mapping the same song over and over’s attempt to disrespect the song as much as possible, but it does so fairly consistently so there aren’t that many problems

[Light Insane]
01:50:204 (1,2) - You’ve mapped 5 note bursts to much less important sounds. What’s keeping you from doing so at the very climax of the song?

00:12:439 (2) - “Low difficulty” doesn’t mean “map exclusively when there’s no instrument in the background to justify what’s being put on the timeline”
00:41:703 (5) - When all the signs the song is giving you are telling you “map a stream!” you should probably just map a stream. It’s Light Insane, not Normal, the people playing this need to learn to play streams somehow.
01:00:667 (3,4,5) - IT’S NOT 1/4
01:01:158 (6) - This sliderend falls on a beat more important than the sliderhead.
01:40:886 (2,3,4) - “Low difficulty” doesn’t mean “map exclusively when there’s no instrument in the background to justify what’s being put on the timeline”
01:48:569 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - I can’t even tell what this is following.

01:18:488 (1) - REEEEEEEEEEEE
01:31:567 (1,5,1) - Are you entirely sure you want to map the strongest notes to play in the least emphasized way possible?
01:37:125 (1) - agdsfpj[ikasdgkl

The spinner isn’t the “I have no idea what to put here” object, stop

00:24:864 (1,2) - This plays exactly like what comes before it, despite being a totally different musical pattern. Don’t be afraid to visually change it up a bit, make the movement different, or totally separate the pattern.
00:44:809 (2,3,4) - top 10 fidget spinner tricks

00:45:790 (1,2) - While sometimes, 3/4 is too dense, sliders like 00:45:790 (1) - really deserve to be made rhythmically different from the rest of the pattern they are in.
00:59:523 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - These are players, not monkeys. They can handle 1/3 repeats even when new to the game. In fact, it’s good for them to find out it exists on this level.

00:21:594 (3,4,5,6,1) - Extremely sudden stop and go singletapping movement for 5 notes at 183.5 bpm may be just a bit way too far beyond what a hard diff player can manage.
00:34:019 (1,2) - 2 3/4 sliders with a 1/4 gap right after 2 kicksliders, each with a 1/4 gap between them, is far too dense for this difficulty level at this tempo. It may be alright if you do it at the highly intense parts as you do later, but it doesn’t work here.
00:59:523 (3,4,5,6,1) - Again, may be a little bit way too much for a hard diff player to handle.
01:18:488 (1) - end me immediately
01:26:335 (1,2) - The same spacing is used for 4/4 gaps, now it’s being used for 1/4. That’s going to get really confusing really quickly. You should probably just stack this.
01:27:643 (1,2,1,2) - o you did it more times too don’t forget these

I can’t tell if you think hard diff players are way better or way worse than they actually are

You know, I really suck at modding diffs lower than hard, so I think I’ll stop there
Mod is 5 pages on google docs gg
Good luck, this map is closer to rankability than my mod makes it look like

Shiirn wrote:

hi, isn't it still heavily frowned upon to have different difficulties mapped by the same mapper start at different times?
Guidelines state difficulties should all end at the same spot to avoid half-mapped lower difficulties as it was common in the past but does not mention anything about difficulties having to start at the same spot (or maybe I'm missing something). I believe it is fine if you can make sense out of it. Here it's just a little extra added to the highest difficulty, I guess it's ok.

@sdafsf: Make the last spinner in the Easy end at 01:53:801 - just like in the other difficulties. Have a look at the mods above as well and call me back whenever you want a rebubble!
Topic Starter

Shiirn wrote:

hi, isn't it still heavily frowned upon to have different difficulties mapped by the same mapper start at different times?

00:10:477 (1) - why is this the default finish when the main noise you're accenting is a deep thump? I feel like even normal-hitnormal would do better here.
then you have the cascade streams which are sprinkled with consistent but hilariously unfitting soft whistles, and ignoring actual cymbal crashes like 00:28:460 (4) - added hitsound for thump
00:35:654 (2,3,4,5) - For being the first 1/6 quad in the map, there's next to no introduction to it whatsoever. Even making 00:32:875 (4) - a 1/6 slider would be help. made slider 1/6
00:51:240 (2,3,4) - Should probably lead from the previous slider rather than be rawly stacked, as otherwise it looks like a regular triple rather than a 1/6 triple. Provides contrast with bits such as 00:56:090 (3,4,1) - as well. done
00:56:253 (1,2,3,4,5) - Shouldn't this have circles on the blue ticks in the same vein as 00:45:790 (1,2,3) - , and especially 00:34:019 (1,2,3,4,5) - ?
00:58:869 (3,4) - ^ the patterns youre comparing those two with are very different id say. you can clearly hear the doubles where i mapped them while they are barely audible where you said i should add them even when the music is slowed down. i think the two patterns are fine as they are added them afterall

basically consistency issues and those soft whistles are an abomination ill be redoing hitsounds completely

00:28:787 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - if you want to split these combos in twain, you need to do it evenly and not just "on the big white tick". These objects are part of a cascading set of 3s, in other words, one slider and one note per "beat" of the pattern. As it stands, you have a new combo on a circle, which, while being "on a big white tick", isn't actually anywhere significant in the musical pattern. If you want to properly bisect the pattern, you should put the new combo at 00:29:768 - . Keep an eye out for this kind of issue, I won't mention it again ncs used to be spammed on this whole set. i mightve cut down too much or on the wrong places. i will look out. applied your suggestion
in general the contrast of intensity is way better in this diff and i like it a lot thanks

this map is very close to being rankworthy, it just needs a good mod or two capable of pointing out issues like the above. Stalking rando-fuck queues won't do anything since they won't notice these issues and might make the map actively worse by suggesting stupid shit. Try to find someone you know is a good mapper or modder and just requesting their help, regardless of whether they're a BN or QAT or whatever. At this point, you should go for quality over quantity. thanks ill try. though its really hard to find people who are willing to concern themselves with this
Topic Starter

Mun wrote:

I was planning on modding it today anyway, but I'm even more motivated since I can't bear to see the map bubbled in this state

00:11:785 - to 00:15:708 - if you are going to follow completely arbitrary rhythms that all but ignore the song, at least do so consistently.
00:18:978 (1,2,3,4) - You mapped this as 00:18:651 (4,5,6) - before, in the same pattern two times, and it does not change here. Why change the pattern in the map? It's a meaningless inconsistency.
00:19:305 (1,2,3,4) - All I get from this and 00:20:777 (7,1) - is that you find the piano in this song to be meaningless. Some of the lowest spacing and intensity in this whole part comes from the parts with both the piano and the constant 1/4 drum track, so why does the spacing state the inverse of that?
00:20:940 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - The first of these two patterns has much lower spacing and much more comfortable movement, yet falls on much more intense beats (compare 00:20:940 (1) - to 00:21:267 (4) - ) - again, backwards emphasis.
00:24:864 (5,1,2,3,4,5) - This whole part is a vastly different musical pattern from what comes before it, but if I had music muted, I wouldn't be able to tell at all. They're mapped in exactly the same way.
00:33:365 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1) - The climax of a very tense section is mapped with the lowest spacing in the whole section.
00:34:019 (1,3,5) - top 10 fidget spinner tricks
00:35:654 (2,3,4,5) - Considering you've been progressively lowering spacing for the past few streams, as a player I'd likely assume this was just a regular 1/4 burst, drop acc, and sliderbreak. Differentiate it in some way.
00:42:520 (6,7) - These 2 kicksliders are mapped to entirely different sounds.
00:43:827 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - The added drum and changing vocals in the background make these parts of this stream much more intense than 00:43:501 (3,4,5,6) - which is mapped at the same distance snap.
00:50:041 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - All that changes between this and 00:44:809 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - is the pitch. Why is there such an incredibly drastic difference in how they play, how they look, how difficult they are, and their rhythm?
00:46:035 (2,3) - Considering you have mapped 1/6 in this map, why ignore it here? In fact, you do it very shortly later at 00:51:022 (1,2,3,4) -
01:03:937 (1,2) - These first 2 notes are less intense than the rest of this stream, there's no reason for them to play the same. Try stacking them on 01:04:100 (3) -
01:05:409 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - A couple problems here. 1) Why do the streams constantly increase in spacing while the music varies its pitch and intensity in a different pattern? 2) Design a stream and stick to it, the switch from straight to curved streams (and then back to straight, at the very end) feels very arbitrary
01:11:948 (1,2,3) - The lower end of the piano here calls for a more dense clickable section after 01:10:640 (1,2,3,4) - but they're mapped in a way that plays exactly the same, just in a different shape and place.
01:14:564 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:35:817 (1,2,3,4,1) - Even if this is somewhat stronger than the 2 previous iterations of this in the section, this is a massive change that seems all but entirely unrelated to the earlier ones.

00:56:499 - 00:56:826 - 00:57:153 - There are beats you're ignoring here.
01:00:504 (2,3,4,5) - This is 1/3, not 1/4.
01:48:569 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^
01:49:550 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^
00:20:777 (7) - This is 1/6.

00:51:240 (2,3,4) - People will very likely mistake this for a 1/4 triple stack, similar to 00:48:896 (1,2,3) -
01:09:496 (3,4) - 1/8 kicksliders facing away from the notes after them are a dick move
01:37:125 (1) - Random spinner? This isn't how you spinner. They belong on strong, intensifying sounds, usually when there is nothing else to map. You're basically making the player flail around as fast as they can for scoreboard.bmp, with no consideration for how the rest of this section plays.

Highly inconsistent. It feels like you rushed to complete this map, and overlooked a lot of the song and ignored a lot of your own map in the process.

00:13:093 (1,2,3) - top 10 best fidget spinner tricks
00:14:074 (4,5,2,3) - These are 2 totally different sounds next to each other mapped in a way in which they cannot be differentiated from each other.
00:15:381 (5,6,7,8,1) - Wait, so you map the part with very little intelligible sound in the music that would suggest a stream with a stream, but then leave the quite obvious 00:16:035 (2,3,4) - 1/4 track with building intensity using a singletap stack? Why?
00:32:875 (1,2) - Despite being some of the strongest sounds in this part of the song, there is nothing here to make these stand out, and some beats are ignored between them.
00:55:272 (2,3,4) - Given how much simplification you've done before this, this level of spike in 1/3 difficulty is entirely unwarranted. Yes, make it harder, but don't make it the same level as your top diff. its definetrly not the same as the top diff beacause it doesnt jump to the slider and play much more linearly. decreased spacing slightly anyway
00:57:888 (2,3,4,5) - ^

01:00:504 (2,3,4,5,6) - This is the same as 00:57:888 (2,3,4,5) - and prior. No reason to map it to a different snap.
01:47:589 (2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - This is all snapped wrong. You are trying to represent the most intense part of the song by disregarding the priority of different parts of the song itself.

01:37:125 (1) - spinner noooooooo
01:51:267 (1) - spinner noOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ending spinners seem pretty normal to me
Not much of anything else. You've oversimplified this to such a degree that there's nothing here to bring up, except maybe the sudden 1/3 I brought up in consistency.

is this an Insane diff scaled up a bit? It feels like you've put in the rhythm density of an Extra diff, but it's simplified to such a degree that it starts to lose the song. Your lack of kicksliders concerns me, your fidget spinner overload also concerns me, and the screwed up snapping concerns me as well.

01:40:068 (7,8) - These are entirely different sounds. changed rhythm

00:12:602 - You’re skipping this beat every time this rhythm plays, why? It’s not like it’s killing your rhythm density. The people playing this are gonna be 30-60k, not 100-200k. im just following the strong piano here. this is not undermapped for the sake of difficulty. its undermapped because i chose to follow a less dense rhythm for a lower difficulty.
01:00:504 (2,3,4,5) - stop mapping this 1/4
01:01:158 (7) - I’d venture to say the end of this slider is more important than the beginning of it, due to the piano melody. questionable but changed rhythm
01:02:956 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - You ignore so much 1/4 in this map and then go on to throw it in in one of the very few places that it doesn’t exist, for some reason. changed rhyth,

00:35:654 (2) - I’d really rather you not change the rhythm of this, because if you do you’re fucking it up, but with the fairly low SV of this diff, the difference between this repeat slider and the 1/4 repeat sliders is very small, and liable to misreading. Find some way to differentiate it visually so that the player knows it’s different - a simple way to do that would be to just rotate it 90 degrees clockwise, for example. sure
01:18:488 (1) - hello i am the spinner evangelist and i am here to tell you to STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP removed
01:27:153 (6,7,8) - This is basically exactly how you mapped 1/3 earlier in the map. Find some way to differentiate it from that. changed
01:36:880 (1) - aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA hmmmmmmmmm

I mean it’s basically a mapper who’s really tired of mapping the same song over and over’s attempt to disrespect the song as much as possible, but it does so fairly consistently so there aren’t that many problems

[Light Insane]
01:50:204 (1,2) - You’ve mapped 5 note bursts to much less important sounds. What’s keeping you from doing so at the very climax of the song? i disagree that this is the very climax

00:12:439 (2) - “Low difficulty” doesn’t mean “map exclusively when there’s no instrument in the background to justify what’s being put on the timeline” removed circle i guess
00:41:703 (5) - When all the signs the song is giving you are telling you “map a stream!” you should probably just map a stream. It’s Light Insane, not Normal, the people playing this need to learn to play streams somehow. added circle. not a stream though
01:00:667 (3,4,5) - IT’S NOT 1/4 im not sure what it is but its faster than 1/3
01:01:158 (6) - This sliderend falls on a beat more important than the sliderhead. changed
01:40:886 (2,3,4) - “Low difficulty” doesn’t mean “map exclusively when there’s no instrument in the background to justify what’s being put on the timeline”
01:48:569 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - I can’t even tell what this is following. it follows the drums and emphesises the 1/1 piano. its the poor hitsounding that makes it sound weird.

01:18:488 (1) - REEEEEEEEEEEE sure removed
01:31:567 (1,5,1) - Are you entirely sure you want to map the strongest notes to play in the least emphasized way possible? putting equal sounds on slider heads and ends is following the ranking criteria and seems like an appropriate thing to do in lower diffs. so yea im pretty sure
01:37:125 (1) - agdsfpj[ikasdgkl

The spinner isn’t the “I have no idea what to put here” object, stop

00:24:864 (1,2) - This plays exactly like what comes before it, despite being a totally different musical pattern. Don’t be afraid to visually change it up a bit, make the movement different, or totally separate the pattern. i didnt use linear movement on the few before. i know its not a lot of contrast but seems enough for this diff
00:44:809 (2,3,4) - top 10 fidget spinner tricks i feel like youre making fun of them but they seem appropriate for groups of 3 similar sounds

00:45:790 (1,2) - While sometimes, 3/4 is too dense, sliders like 00:45:790 (1) - really deserve to be made rhythmically different from the rest of the pattern they are in. added circle instead
00:59:523 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - These are players, not monkeys. They can handle 1/3 repeats even when new to the game. In fact, it’s good for them to find out it exists on this level. you probably copied too much and are talking about that 1/4 repeat again. but im 100% certain its faster than 1/3

00:21:594 (3,4,5,6,1) - Extremely sudden stop and go singletapping movement for 5 notes at 183.5 bpm may be just a bit way too far beyond what a hard diff player can manage. pretty sure its borderline but fine
00:34:019 (1,2) - 2 3/4 sliders with a 1/4 gap right after 2 kicksliders, each with a 1/4 gap between them, is far too dense for this difficulty level at this tempo. It may be alright if you do it at the highly intense parts as you do later, but it doesn’t work here. the spacing is low the sliders are long.
i dont see the problem tbh

00:59:523 (3,4,5,6,1) - Again, may be a little bit way too much for a hard diff player to handle.
01:18:488 (1) - end me immediately
01:26:335 (1,2) - The same spacing is used for 4/4 gaps, now it’s being used for 1/4. That’s going to get really confusing really quickly. You should probably just stack this. moved closer
01:27:643 (1,2,1,2) - o you did it more times too don’t forget these

I can’t tell if you think hard diff players are way better or way worse than they actually are

You know, I really suck at modding diffs lower than hard, so I think I’ll stop there
Mod is 5 pages on google docs gg
Good luck, this map is closer to rankability than my mod makes it look like, but wtf was kurai thinking lol
everything that is not adressed in this post was discussed with mun in voice chat

Kurai wrote:

@sdafsf: Make the last spinner in the Easy end at 01:53:801 - just like in the other difficulties. Have a look at the mods above as well and call me back whenever you want a rebubble! fixed
hitsounds tbd
i saw you talk about this map so i decided to take a look myself.
Sorry if suggestions overlap cause Mun's post is too long and i didnt read it :<

Here are some nazi and not so nazi things on Soul:

00:33:365 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1) - The spacing/emphasis on this could be a bit more expressive/intense. 00:33:692 (1,2,3,4,1) - should be higher spaced like the rest of the kiai because like this there is nearly no stress put on 00:34:019 (1) - . The contrast between the yellow and red combo is miniscule it doesnt cut it imo.
00:44:918 (3,5) - could move 5 a bit more to the righ to keep the visual spacing consistent. For some reason i noticed this the first time playing it but its a very minor concern :s
00:51:240 (1,1,1) - Straight vertical movement :nauseous:. Give it a slight turn so there is a visual momentum to leads into 00:51:676 (2) - (kinda like this 00:46:008 (1,1,1) - )
00:56:499 (2,3) - custom stacking these to look more symmetrical (tbh look around the map a bit and you'll find more of these if you feel like changing those lol)
01:01:321 (1,2,3) - stack looks kinda off compare (bug when you copypaste ctrl+g sliders :I )
01:01:485 (3,4,5) - resembles what happens in the music more closely imo. Besides the low spacing on the 1/2 undersells this part a bit too much compared to this 00:56:253 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - lol
01:02:793 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - kinda bland object placement regarding how the pitch changes with each 1/4 slider :/ You could've done cooler things here :/
01:05:000 (14) - i dont see why this is necessary lol. A potential sliderbreak just to have an attempt at emphasising a 1/8th sound with a slider tail... I wouldnt take this deal :s
01:06:390 (1,1) - whistles missing ?
01:12:929 (1,2,3,4,1) - You could add a build-up in spacing aswell. It wouldn't hurt to add a few fitting gimmicks like this to differentiate between similar mapped parts in the map. A shitty freehand thing (01:05:409 - builds up are cool ).
01:17:834 (9,10) - why is this not like 01:16:526 (9,10) - ? On both occasions the vocals start on the same ticks but have different pitches. The synth sound at 01:17:997 - is just a bit more noticable. Do both the same lol (and it's super wierd to hold a repeat 01:17:997 (10) - this long all of a sudden)
01:26:335 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 01:27:643 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 01:28:951 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - You could add a spacing increase gimmick on these aswell, would make the bursts 01:26:743 (6,7,8) - a bit cooler to hit imo. (shitty freehand attempt
01:38:024 - the piano note is actually audiable. Muting it down to 10% should be fine
01:37:616 (3) - because this isnt really timed to the piano in the song it feels odd to even look at lol. Even if you can't follow the piano precisely you should try to represent it's intensity in some way. E.g. by increasing the rythm density/intensity accordingly

ye too lazy to mod the rest so i simply trust shiirns judgement :^)

Topic Starter

Smokeman wrote:

i saw you talk about this map so i decided to take a look myself.
Sorry if suggestions overlap cause Mun's post is too long and i didnt read it :<

Here are some nazi and not so nazi things on Soul:

00:33:365 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1) - The spacing/emphasis on this could be a bit more expressive/intense. 00:33:692 (1,2,3,4,1) - should be higher spaced like the rest of the kiai because like this there is nearly no stress put on 00:34:019 (1) - . The contrast between the yellow and red combo is miniscule it doesnt cut it imo. eventhough i dont agree 100% this has been pointed out the second time now so i increased the spacing on said combo
00:44:918 (3,5) - could move 5 a bit more to the righ to keep the visual spacing consistent. For some reason i noticed this the first time playing it but its a very minor concern :s sure
00:51:240 (1,1,1) - Straight vertical movement :nauseous:. Give it a slight turn so there is a visual momentum to leads into 00:51:676 (2) - (kinda like this 00:46:008 (1,1,1) - )
00:56:499 (2,3) - custom stacking these to look more symmetrical (tbh look around the map a bit and you'll find more of these if you feel like changing those lol) changed this one and will change other if i notice
01:01:321 (1,2,3) - stack looks kinda off compare (bug when you copypaste ctrl+g sliders :I ) fixed i think
01:01:485 (3,4,5) - resembles what happens in the music more closely imo. Besides the low spacing on the 1/2 undersells this part a bit too much compared to this 00:56:253 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - lol i dont hear the blue ticks. i increased the spacing on the fidget spinner to undersell it less
01:02:793 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - kinda bland object placement regarding how the pitch changes with each 1/4 slider :/ You could've done cooler things here :/ i think this represents the music nicely since it literally goes lower. idk.. maybe ill change it if you propose something i like better.
i dont think this is wrong

01:05:000 (14) - i dont see why this is necessary lol. A potential sliderbreak just to have an attempt at emphasising a 1/8th sound with a slider tail... I wouldnt take this deal :s its not that hard i think. also this represents the music more closely
01:06:390 (1,1) - whistles missing ? fixed. but hitsounds are being redone anyway
01:12:929 (1,2,3,4,1) - You could add a build-up in spacing aswell. It wouldn't hurt to add a few fitting gimmicks like this to differentiate between similar mapped parts in the map. A shitty freehand thing (01:05:409 - builds up are cool ). cant really find a cute way on 5 beat streams
01:17:834 (9,10) - why is this not like 01:16:526 (9,10) - ? On both occasions the vocals start on the same ticks but have different pitches. The synth sound at 01:17:997 - is just a bit more noticable. Do both the same lol (and it's super wierd to hold a repeat 01:17:997 (10) - this long all of a sudden) youre right. in both cases the vocals does the 1/2. i think holding the slider long should be fine since thats what the music suggests
01:26:335 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 01:27:643 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 01:28:951 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - You could add a spacing increase gimmick on these aswell, would make the bursts 01:26:743 (6,7,8) - a bit cooler to hit imo. (shitty freehand attempt kinda added
01:38:024 - the piano note is actually audiable. Muting it down to 10% should be fine yuh fixed. there used to be a spinner and i forgot to remove the mute
01:37:616 (3) - because this isnt really timed to the piano in the song it feels odd to even look at lol. Even if you can't follow the piano precisely you should try to represent it's intensity in some way. E.g. by increasing the rythm density/intensity accordingly i dont think the piano is intense enough for many clickable objects at all. i know that its not snapped perfectly to the piano but this would require way to many objects and clicking to the point where its unfittingly intense imo. i actually think its already to much movement and clicking

ye too lazy to mod the rest so i simply trust shiirns judgement :^)

thanks very much for the mod!! :)

00:11:785 (1,2,3) different range, move left slider 1
00:33:038 (4) move slightly down for better distance
00:43:174 (3,1) are close, do far end slider
00:48:406 (3,1) far, do are close
01:31:567 (1,2,3) different range, fix this

Check distance on this and next moments:00:32:384 (3,4) - 00:41:866 (1,2) - 00:47:098 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 01:07:371 (4,5,1,2) - 01:23:065 (5,6) - 01:25:027 (4,5,1,2) etc.
00:11:785 (1,1,1,3) fix stack?
00:26:172 (1) centre slider move right for better flow?
00:31:403 (1) add Finish sound?
00:41:866 (1) ^
00:54:292 (6,7) remove on end sliders Finish hitsounds to make it better
00:59:523 (2,3) ^
01:29:605 (3) add Finish sound?

00:31:894 (3,4,5,1,2) maybe move this objects slightly left?
00:36:635 (1) maybe do this?
00:43:501 (4) end slider move left for better distance
00:45:790 (1,2) I think that this is a normal distance for objects which differ by 2 ticks, but not in a small number of ticks, so that might make a stream?
00:52:330 (1,2,3) slightly different range
01:40:722 (1,2,3) different range

[Light Insane]
00:11:785 (1) maybe mobe to x:172 y:216?
00:18:324 add Finish sound?
00:31:076 (6) can do ctrl+g
00:59:687 (4,6) maybe remove Finish sounds?

00:32:875 (1,2) i think it's slightly far
Topic Starter

CucumberCuc wrote:


00:11:785 (1,2,3) different range, move left slider 1 lol
00:33:038 (4) move slightly down for better distance literally 1 pixel
00:43:174 (3,1) are close, do far end slider adjusted slider end
00:48:406 (3,1) far, do are close adjusted
01:31:567 (1,2,3) different range, fix this wew

Check distance on this and next moments:00:32:384 (3,4) - 00:41:866 (1,2) - 00:47:098 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 01:07:371 (4,5,1,2) - 01:23:065 (5,6) - 01:25:027 (4,5,1,2) etc. sure why not
00:11:785 (1,1,1,3) fix stack? dunno what you mean
00:26:172 (1) centre slider move right for better flow? works fine
00:31:403 (1) add Finish sound?
00:41:866 (1) ^
00:54:292 (6,7) remove on end sliders Finish hitsounds to make it better
00:59:523 (2,3) ^
01:29:605 (3) add Finish sound?

hitsounds are translated from the top diff. i still looked at each proposal and didntfind any fitting

00:31:894 (3,4,5,1,2) maybe move this objects slightly left? why?
00:36:635 (1) maybe do this? slightly adjusted not a fan of your slider though
00:43:501 (4) end slider move left for better distance did something
00:45:790 (1,2) I think that this is a normal distance for objects which differ by 2 ticks, but not in a small number of ticks, so that might make a stream? slightly moved
00:52:330 (1,2,3) slightly different range
01:40:722 (1,2,3) different range dont see a problem

[Light Insane]
00:11:785 (1) maybe mobe to x:172 y:216?
00:18:324 add Finish sound?
00:31:076 (6) can do ctrl+g
00:59:687 (4,6) maybe remove Finish sounds?

dont find any of these appropriate
00:32:875 (1,2) i think it's slightly far its emphesis. also the 1/6 slider is very lenient so this plays fine
thanks for modding
hello NM~
well i guess i was a bit late
seeing that this is already pretty well-polished and is almost to the bubbling stage i'll try my best to point out things worth looking for

the hitsounds in the beginning to 00:11:785 is too loud in my opinion, consider decreasing to around 30%
00:21:594 (1,2,3,4): why decreasing in spacing instead tho
00:30:259 (1,2,3,4,5): nitpicking, but move it a bit downwards for a bit more consistent spacing with last stream
01:16:526 (9): probably worth a NC seeing how u often NC distinctive sounds, plus this is pretty significant cuz u got this very impactful chant (idk the word lo) in a relatively calm piano section
01:17:834 (9): same
01:19:142 (9): same for this and the rest later although these are less impactful so idk
01:31:567 (3): i really think this should be NCed
01:34:183 (3): same

neat diff

00:11:785 (1,2,3): subjective, but i think looks better if they are parallel / converging to a point
00:21:921 (1,2): could spice it a bit with a bit ds increase
00:27:807 (3): the slight gap after this honestly doesn feel good playing, maybe fill it with a slider or 2 circles?
01:10:640 (1): no sound here for repeated slider, same for 01:13:256 and others
01:16:526 (9): same thing with the soul diff, NC maybe (also for others..?) although u actually decided to NC 01:19:142 lol
01:26:008 (1): just because this sound is a bit longer doesn really mean its worthy of emphasis with NC + 0.5x sv, like there is nothing special with it
01:26:989 (2,3,4,5): NC this instead of the slider... this feels very weird
01:47:589 (2): extend this repeated slider cuz now its breaking the very continuous feel of the rhythm

00:15:708-00:17:016: subjective, but i will probably add something here to briefly reflect the increasing background sound
00:48:079 (4): nitpicking, the ds with previous slider is slightly off
01:05:082 (4): i cant feel the emphasis of this sound with this slider arranged parallel with (3), i suggest rotating or increase ds
01:05:409-01:10:640: Honestly dont think the sv here should be the same as the first kiai and nearly the same as the main rhythm at the end
01:42:357 (3): idk, NC maybe?
01:47:589 (2): same thing as the extra diff, maybe extend this repeated slider (although it feels slightly better here cuz this is insane where there are less cluster of notes but up to u)

for a 4.6* diff, this is a bit undermapped in my opinion. yeah its reasonable from the perspective of the intensity of the song to make a break at 01:10:640 but for a insane difficulty it feels empty to me instead cuz there are still many things going on during the break

didn really check consistencies cuz that takes a lot of time but im assuming at this stage its well-polished on that aspect already
good luck with ranking!
Topic Starter

Faygor wrote:

hello NM~
well i guess i was a bit late
seeing that this is already pretty well-polished and is almost to the bubbling stage i'll try my best to point out things worth looking for

the hitsounds in the beginning to 00:11:785 is too loud in my opinion, consider decreasing to around 30% its down to 50% now. should be fine
00:21:594 (1,2,3,4): why decreasing in spacing instead tho made it a build up. red ticks still weaker than white ticks
00:30:259 (1,2,3,4,5): nitpicking, but move it a bit downwards for a bit more consistent spacing with last stream slightly adjusted
01:16:526 (9): probably worth a NC seeing how u often NC distinctive sounds, plus this is pretty significant cuz u got this very impactful chant (idk the word lo) in a relatively calm piano section id rather remove more ncs
01:17:834 (9): same
01:19:142 (9): same for this and the rest later although these are less impactful so idk
01:31:567 (3): i really think this should be NCed
01:34:183 (3): same changed nc system

neat diff

00:11:785 (1,2,3): subjective, but i think looks better if they are parallel / converging to a point yea no
00:21:921 (1,2): could spice it a bit with a bit ds increase slightly increased
00:27:807 (3): the slight gap after this honestly doesn feel good playing, maybe fill it with a slider or 2 circles? tried that before, but this plays like a 1/1 gaps which seems more fitting the music
01:10:640 (1): no sound here for repeated slider, same for 01:13:256 and others its barely audible because of the louder piano track
01:16:526 (9): same thing with the soul diff, NC maybe (also for others..?) although u actually decided to NC 01:19:142 lol
01:26:008 (1): just because this sound is a bit longer doesn really mean its worthy of emphasis with NC + 0.5x sv, like there is nothing special with it i think this fits
01:26:989 (2,3,4,5): NC this instead of the slider... this feels very weird agree
01:47:589 (2): extend this repeated slider cuz now its breaking the very continuous feel of the rhythm fixed

00:15:708-00:17:016: subjective, but i will probably add something here to briefly reflect the increasing background sound thats why i spaced them out
00:48:079 (4): nitpicking, the ds with previous slider is slightly off wow. nitpicking that in an insane diff but sure
01:05:082 (4): i cant feel the emphasis of this sound with this slider arranged parallel with (3), i suggest rotating or increase ds swapped 2 and 3
01:05:409-01:10:640: Honestly dont think the sv here should be the same as the first kiai and nearly the same as the main rhythm at the end the music isnt loud but definetly intense
01:42:357 (3): idk, NC maybe? dont think its needed
01:47:589 (2): same thing as the extra diff, maybe extend this repeated slider (although it feels slightly better here cuz this is insane where there are less cluster of notes but up to u) sure

for a 4.6* diff, this is a bit undermapped in my opinion. yeah its reasonable from the perspective of the intensity of the song to make a break at 01:10:640 but for a insane difficulty it feels empty to me instead cuz there are still many things going on during the break

didn really check consistencies cuz that takes a lot of time but im assuming at this stage its well-polished on that aspect already
good luck with ranking!
thanks for modding
Cherry Blossom
Hello, someone told me to mod this map.


  1. 00:46:035 - There is nothing on this blue tick, the piano notes are snapped on 1/6 and not 1/4, this blue tick must not be followed if your intention is to follow the piano. Same for 00:51:267 - 00:46:035 (2) - . So there's no reason to follow 1/4s in other diffs than Extra.
  2. 01:37:616 - to 01:38:106 - another offbeat piano, this is not really 1/4, see with a QAT or a BN if 1/4 works.


  1. 00:32:384 (2,3,4,5) - This shape could be improved visually for aesthetics and gameplay too (the flow with these objects), it would be better if you make something more airy, more voluminous without making you move everything after this pattern. Like this


  1. 00:32:384 (3,4,5,6) - i find this a little difficult to play for a beginner/normal diff player because this pattern might be too dense especially playing 00:32:875 (4,5) - between two objects with a 1/2 gap. This could be really simplified like this
  2. 00:43:174 (4,5) - it's sounds more correct if you swap these objects (so you make the 1/1 slider played first and then the circle with a 1/2 gap) because 00:43:338 - is not stronger than 00:43:665 - which is played by the sliderend, and it's rather the other way round, and skipping 00:43:338 - is better to make 00:43:665 - emphasized better, without adding more density to this pattern.
  3. 01:35:654 (5,6) - if i refer to the previous pattern, there is no reason to make them stacked.


  1. 00:28:133 (4,5) - It's pretty weird that you made them overlapped because it looks a little ugly. It looks like you ran out of space to make something like 00:20:940 (1,2) - , try to not make them overlapped like this, even if you have to re-arrange the next objects.
  2. 00:42:193 (2) - the flow with the previous and next objects could be improved. If i refer to this slider 00:41:866 (1) - and especially its curve, then 00:42:193 (2) - should be on its right and not the left (as it is currently).

Light Insane

  1. 01:36:471 (1) - You should not really make the strongest beat 01:36:798 - played with a sliderend, because even if the part becomes less intense, the sound on this tick is still strong and should be played with a circle instead of a sliderend.


  1. 00:33:038 (3,1) - this antijump is really weird and counter intuitive because of the very long jump you put before between 00:32:875 (2,3) - which makes the distance between 00:33:038 (3,1) - get read as 1/4 instead of 1/2. You should really increase the distance between 00:33:038 (3,1) - because it's visually the same as 00:33:365 (1,2) - when the gap in timeline is different.


  1. 00:33:038 (2,3) - this could be really more comfortable to play if the distance between these circles were higher, because the low distance between them is kinda slowdown and not really comfortable to handle for this case, due to the high distance between 00:32:875 (1,2) - .
  2. 01:44:646 (1,2) - the same idea as ^ goes for this too. This is the only low distance between a slider and a circle on this section which is really powerful and which contains a lot of spaced objects like the sliderjump before these objects. So it could be better to increase the distance between 01:44:646 (1,2) - .


  1. 00:20:777 (7) - here you can use a reversed 1/8 instead of this 1/4 slider.
  2. 00:35:654 (1,1,1) - avoid this NC spam, it's not really necessary, same case for others.

Good luck ~
Topic Starter

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Hello, someone told me to mod this map.


  1. 00:46:035 - There is nothing on this blue tick, the piano notes are snapped on 1/6 and not 1/4, this blue tick must not be followed if your intention is to follow the piano. Same for 00:51:267 - 00:46:035 (2) - . So there's no reason to follow 1/4s in other diffs than Extra. fixed
  2. 01:37:616 - to 01:38:106 - another offbeat piano, this is not really 1/4, see with a QAT or a BN if 1/4 works.for 01:37:616 - i would love to snap it as accurate as possible without having too much motion and clicking for such a calm part of the song.


  1. 00:32:384 (2,3,4,5) - This shape could be improved visually for aesthetics and gameplay too (the flow with these objects), it would be better if you make something more airy, more voluminous without making you move everything after this pattern. Like this


  1. 00:32:384 (3,4,5,6) - i find this a little difficult to play for a beginner/normal diff player because this pattern might be too dense especially playing 00:32:875 (4,5) - between two objects with a 1/2 gap. This could be really simplified like this done
  2. 00:43:174 (4,5) - it's sounds more correct if you swap these objects (so you make the 1/1 slider played first and then the circle with a 1/2 gap) because 00:43:338 - is not stronger than 00:43:665 - which is played by the sliderend, and it's rather the other way round, and skipping 00:43:338 - is better to make 00:43:665 - emphasized better, without adding more density to this pattern. done
  3. 01:35:654 (5,6) - if i refer to the previous pattern, there is no reason to make them stacked. fixed


  1. 00:28:133 (4,5) - It's pretty weird that you made them overlapped because it looks a little ugly. It looks like you ran out of space to make something like 00:20:940 (1,2) - , try to not make them overlapped like this, even if you have to re-arrange the next objects. i actually really like these kinds of overlap but i changed it for consistency within the diff
  2. 00:42:193 (2) - the flow with the previous and next objects could be improved. If i refer to this slider 00:41:866 (1) - and especially its curve, then 00:42:193 (2) - should be on its right and not the left (as it is currently). fixed

Light Insane

  1. 01:36:471 (1) - You should not really make the strongest beat 01:36:798 - played with a sliderend, because even if the part becomes less intense, the sound on this tick is still strong and should be played with a circle instead of a sliderend. fixed


  1. 00:33:038 (3,1) - this antijump is really weird and counter intuitive because of the very long jump you put before between 00:32:875 (2,3) - which makes the distance between 00:33:038 (3,1) - get read as 1/4 instead of 1/2. You should really increase the distance between 00:33:038 (3,1) - because it's visually the same as 00:33:365 (1,2) - when the gap in timeline is different. done


  1. 00:33:038 (2,3) - this could be really more comfortable to play if the distance between these circles were higher, because the low distance between them is kinda slowdown and not really comfortable to handle for this case, due to the high distance between 00:32:875 (1,2) - . buffed
  2. 01:44:646 (1,2) - the same idea as ^ goes for this too. This is the only low distance between a slider and a circle on this section which is really powerful and which contains a lot of spaced objects like the sliderjump before these objects. So it could be better to increase the distance between 01:44:646 (1,2) - .
done, and i hope noticably enough. i dont want to go overboard obviously since the music get really calm here


  1. 00:20:777 (7) - here you can use a reversed 1/8 instead of this 1/4 slider. done
  2. 00:35:654 (1,1,1) - avoid this NC spam, it's not really necessary, same case for others.

Good luck ~
thanks very much!!

- 00:39:251 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Looks weird? Would be nicer if just flipped one imo.
- 00:43:828 - Pretty strong note idk about skipping that. o.o
- 00:47:098 (1,2,3) - Density drop is a bit weird, would recommend using sliders here. // 00:52:330 (1,2,3) -
- 00:48:406 (3) - Would probably recommend skipping the red and going for the white since there's drum there and not on the red - makes it easier for nubs to follow.
- 01:28:951 (1) - Would still make 01:29:605 - clickable since it's kinda the same rhythm as 01:26:335 (1,2,3,4) - up to you.
- 01:32:221 - I feel like this should definitely be covered somehow. A reverse could fit but skipping over it completely sounds very lacking especially when you have 01:32:548 - landing on barely anything.
- 01:32:875 (3,4) - Much better imo. 01:34:183 (1) - Is kinda same strength so having all circles makes sense to me.

- 00:53:474 (4,5) - Why not stack this though?
- 00:57:888 (7,8) - Stuff like this might be worth putting just a circle on 7 to differentiate it from 00:57:234 (5) - as well as the fact that it's actually 1/3 not 1/2. // 01:00:504 (5,6) -
- 00:57:561 (6) - I think you forgot to NC here and the rest of the NCs are all screwed up after xD
- 00:58:215 (8,1) - This is so close to overlapping ;w;
- 01:04:591 (2,3) - Don't get why unstack this but stack 01:07:861 (5,1,2,3) - which these are arguably stronger.
- 01:31:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Most of the strong sounds land on slider ends. 01:32:221 - 01:32:875 - 01:34:836 - 01:35:490 - 01:36:144 - I would highly recommend making these clickable or at least on reverses (tho idk how you'd do that) but as it is feels very weird not to click these.

- 00:32:384 (4,5,1,2) - Mh, I think you can probably do something with a reverse here. It would make the stronger sounds your hitsounding emphasizes all clickable.
- 00:41:376 (4,5,6) - The more noticeable triple is on the slider, I think it might be worth making it a 1/4 reverse?
- 00:48:978 - Triple might be cool here.
- 01:07:698 (4,5,2) - Dunno why you'd make the first clickable and skip the others 01:08:515 - ?

[Light Insane]
- 00:22:248 (1,2) - Maybe stack these so the vocals on 00:22:902 (3,4) - get more emphasis?
- 00:23:556 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This is really cool, I like this. :D
- 01:36:471 (7,1,2) - Potentially confusing spacing?

- 00:55:272 (2,3,4,5) - Not sure about this when all the other 1/3 that was there and clearly stronger. This is the only big issue I can see really.

- 00:13:093 (1,2,3) - Kinda confused why these are overlapping but none of the other similar patterns are? Looks like an inconsistency. Would recommend doing something similar to 00:18:324 (1,2,3) - ?
- 00:24:864 (1,2) - Not sure why this stands out from 00:23:556 (1,2,3,4,5) - since to me they all sound relatively the same (or part of the same musical phrasing)
- 00:28:787 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - NCing here gets weird compared to 00:23:556 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) -
- 00:33:038 (2,3) - I think 3 could use less emphasis? It's a fairly weak sound in comparison to 00:32:875 (1,2) -
- 00:55:599 (5) - Offscreen.
- 00:56:172 - Having a note here would be nice for the piano, but fairly minor. // 00:56:499 - 00:58:787 - similar places you can add notes for extra stuff
- 01:16:526 (9) - 01:17:834 (9,10) - Not really understanding the difference between these two? They sound the same to me x.x so the rhythm probably also should be?
- 01:22:084 (5,1) - Overlap distance ;w;
- 01:23:392 (7,8) - I feel like this could also be a 1/4 slider so the drums on 01:23:555 (9,10,1) - get more contrast.
- 01:26:008 (1) - I don't get this, the thing in the back 01:26:172 - is being ignored when you mapped it pretty consistently for 01:25:027 (1,2,3,4,5) - and so on.
- 01:31:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - ok_hand
- 01:49:550 (1,2,3,4,1) - Stream spacing super high here but what happened to 01:50:204 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - ? You could space them according to the individual sounds' intensity if you wanted but atm it seems kinda unbalanced.

Idk why you mapped the intro for only this diff and none of the others lmao.

- 00:01:322 - Red point uses custom normal and the green uses soft - conflicting settings.
- 00:18:978 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Could differentiate the piano coming in with more of a spacing difference, try something like this? Could do something similar for 00:43:501 (3,4,5,6,1) - if you wanted.
- 00:44:809 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - sex
- 00:48:406 (1,2,3,4,5) - Wouldn't 1/4 this much cuz there was more 1/4 piano audible at 00:47:098 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - so maybe making a reverse slider or 1/4 sliders would fit a bit better the intensity.
- 00:55:489 (4,1) - Spacing is too high compared to what spacing you used for 00:50:041 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I would suggest ctrl+g the reverse slider to make it more fair imo, you can do it for the rest of them too 00:58:093 (4,1) - etc.
- 01:21:757 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - You have so much 1/4 here I think it would be a bit more fitting to turn these into reverses or something cuz for a calm part it's very straining on the left hand. :?
- 01:23:229 (6,7,8) - See comment about this in the Extra diff.
- 01:29:605 (1) - Remove NC cuz 01:28:297 (8) -
- 01:35:817 (3,4,5,6,1) - I think you can nerf the spacing to about a solid 1.4x cuz as it stands it's quite a massive difference whereas for 1.4x it will still be noticeably higher but not such a spike in DS.
- 01:50:858 (1,2,3,4) - What do you think about lower spacing for this so it's different from the higher pitch on 01:50:204 (1,2,3,4,5) - ?

I feel like there's so much 1/4 streams in this diff. Idk I feel like you could have more variety in rhythm. :?

Good luck!!
Topic Starter

Mir wrote:


- 00:39:251 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Looks weird? Would be nicer if just flipped one imo. think it works fine with the pitches
- 00:43:828 - Pretty strong note idk about skipping that. o.o added beat
- 00:47:098 (1,2,3) - Density drop is a bit weird, would recommend using sliders here. // 00:52:330 (1,2,3) - changed
- 00:48:406 (3) - Would probably recommend skipping the red and going for the white since there's drum there and not on the red - makes it easier for nubs to follow. trying to follow the piano and the length of the slider makes up for it
- 01:28:951 (1) - Would still make 01:29:605 - clickable since it's kinda the same rhythm as 01:26:335 (1,2,3,4) - up to you. sure
- 01:32:221 - I feel like this should definitely be covered somehow. A reverse could fit but skipping over it completely sounds very lacking especially when you have 01:32:548 - landing on barely anything. fixed
- 01:32:875 (3,4) - Much better imo. 01:34:183 (1) - Is kinda same strength so having all circles makes sense to me.

- 00:53:474 (4,5) - Why not stack this though? rising intensity
- 00:57:888 (7,8) - Stuff like this might be worth putting just a circle on 7 to differentiate it from 00:57:234 (5) - as well as the fact that it's actually 1/3 not 1/2. // 01:00:504 (5,6) - yes
- 00:57:561 (6) - I think you forgot to NC here and the rest of the NCs are all screwed up after xD lol
- 00:58:215 (8,1) - This is so close to overlapping ;w; aesthetics in low diffs lol
- 01:04:591 (2,3) - Don't get why unstack this but stack 01:07:861 (5,1,2,3) - which these are arguably stronger. i dont think they are stronger
- 01:31:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Most of the strong sounds land on slider ends. 01:32:221 - 01:32:875 - 01:34:836 - 01:35:490 - 01:36:144 - I would highly recommend making these clickable or at least on reverses (tho idk how you'd do that) but as it is feels very weird not to click these. changed rhythm

- 00:32:384 (4,5,1,2) - Mh, I think you can probably do something with a reverse here. It would make the stronger sounds your hitsounding emphasizes all clickable. yes
- 00:41:376 (4,5,6) - The more noticeable triple is on the slider, I think it might be worth making it a 1/4 reverse? yes
- 00:48:978 - Triple might be cool here. yes
- 01:07:698 (4,5,2) - Dunno why you'd make the first clickable and skip the others 01:08:515 - ? 01:07:698 (4,5,2) - fixed

[Light Insane]
- 00:22:248 (1,2) - Maybe stack these so the vocals on 00:22:902 (3,4) - get more emphasis? yes
- 00:23:556 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This is really cool, I like this. :D owo
- 01:36:471 (7,1,2) - Potentially confusing spacing? stacked 1

- 00:55:272 (2,3,4,5) - Not sure about this when all the other 1/3 that was there and clearly stronger. This is the only big issue I can see really. intruduced 1/3s

- 00:13:093 (1,2,3) - Kinda confused why these are overlapping but none of the other similar patterns are? Looks like an inconsistency. Would recommend doing something similar to 00:18:324 (1,2,3) - ? stacked them
- 00:24:864 (1,2) - Not sure why this stands out from 00:23:556 (1,2,3,4,5) - since to me they all sound relatively the same (or part of the same musical phrasing) the pitch shifts differently here i feel
- 00:28:787 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - NCing here gets weird compared to 00:23:556 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - changed to downbeat nc

- 00:33:038 (2,3) - I think 3 could use less emphasis? It's a fairly weak sound in comparison to 00:32:875 (1,2) - did something
- 00:55:599 (5) - Offscreen. wew
- 00:56:172 - Having a note here would be nice for the piano, but fairly minor. // 00:56:499 - 00:58:787 - similar places you can add notes for extra stuff wew
- 01:16:526 (9) - 01:17:834 (9,10) - Not really understanding the difference between these two? They sound the same to me x.x so the rhythm probably also should be? changed
- 01:22:084 (5,1) - Overlap distance ;w; :w:
- 01:23:392 (7,8) - I feel like this could also be a 1/4 slider so the drums on 01:23:555 (9,10,1) - get more contrast. the piano kicks in on the 7 so i think a kickslider would feel inappropriatly similar to the previous kicks
- 01:26:008 (1) - I don't get this, the thing in the back 01:26:172 - is being ignored when you mapped it pretty consistently for 01:25:027 (1,2,3,4,5) - and so on. the sound this is mapped to stands out to me so idk :p
- 01:31:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - ok_hand denkend
- 01:49:550 (1,2,3,4,1) - Stream spacing super high here but what happened to 01:50:204 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - ? You could space them according to the individual sounds' intensity if you wanted but atm it seems kinda unbalanced. the reason the ending quints are spaced so low is that the overall song intesity drops after the spaced stream. i feel spacing them out would be inappropriate

Idk why you mapped the intro for only this diff and none of the others lmao.

- 00:01:322 - Red point uses custom normal and the green uses soft - conflicting settings. lol
- 00:18:978 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Could differentiate the piano coming in with more of a spacing difference, try something like this? Could do something similar for 00:43:501 (3,4,5,6,1) - if you wanted. sure
- 00:44:809 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - sex owo
- 00:48:406 (1,2,3,4,5) - Wouldn't 1/4 this much cuz there was more 1/4 piano audible at 00:47:098 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - so maybe making a reverse slider or 1/4 sliders would fit a bit better the intensity. hmm ok
- 00:55:489 (4,1) - Spacing is too high compared to what spacing you used for 00:50:041 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I would suggest ctrl+g the reverse slider to make it more fair imo, you can do it for the rest of them too 00:58:093 (4,1) - etc. nerfed
- 01:21:757 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - You have so much 1/4 here I think it would be a bit more fitting to turn these into reverses or something cuz for a calm part it's very straining on the left hand. :? hmm iguess
- 01:23:229 (6,7,8) - See comment about this in the Extra diff. same thing. prioritsing piano over drums
- 01:29:605 (1) - Remove NC cuz 01:28:297 (8) - fixed
- 01:35:817 (3,4,5,6,1) - I think you can nerf the spacing to about a solid 1.4x cuz as it stands it's quite a massive difference whereas for 1.4x it will still be noticeably higher but not such a spike in DS. done
- 01:50:858 (1,2,3,4) - What do you think about lower spacing for this so it's different from the higher pitch on 01:50:204 (1,2,3,4,5) - ? sure

I feel like there's so much 1/4 streams in this diff. Idk I feel like you could have more variety in rhythm. :? idk i feel it follows the song well.
rhythm isnt the only factor either

Good luck!!
dunno how big this mod will be w

  1. overall pretty decent, though it looks a bit cluttered imo because of the high density at some parts in combination with the sv that causes a small ds, but isnt bad enough to be "unrankable". for future maps u should try to use more 2/1 rhythms and gaps because 1/1 can be somewhat exhausting for newer players, especially if there are few to no breaks anywhere
  2. 00:48:406 (2) - should prob have a different rhythm because its super noticable that the strong beats aka drum + melody are on the white tick afterwards and i dont really think they are any weaker than the short piano roll
  3. 01:31:567 - rhythm is pretty questionable for the whole section as you are completely ignoring the melody and just map the 1/1 metronome which is even more confusing for a newer player if u make the first strong melody beat clickable while the others arent
  1. really noticable that most of the map is really center heavy, u dont have any objects in the corners and barely any objects on the edges, that alone can make a difficulty look really cluttered. not really extreme in this case, but something u should definitely avoid
  2. 00:28:787 (1) - imperfect blanket with the next slider :angery:
  1. overall pretty good actually
  2. 01:38:106 (1,2) - shouldnt be spaced like 1/4s, i guess
  1. 00:35:000 (6,1) - seems to be overspaced in comparison to the other 1/4 transitions; other ones were overlapped, this one isnt, personally i think 1/4 gaps with sliders like this one could be like this one so it would be much easier to read the 1/6 gaps, players of this level should easily be able to read larger 1/4 gaps. u should check out every 1/4 transition because its kinda inconsistent throughout the map
  2. 00:55:272 (2,3,4) - these 1/3 patterns should either get special NCs or completely different spacing as the spacing looks quite similar to the 1/4 bursts like 00:38:597 (3,4,5,6,7) - for example
  3. 01:42:357 (3,4,5,6) - whoa there cowboy, the density spike from the first half of the map to the sudden 1/4 spam in this kiai is really extreme already,
    even mapping the 1/3s here with circles is kinda overkill then
  1. one thing i already mentioned in discord is that the first kiai near the beginning needs A LOT higher density as its mostly 1/2s while soul is pretty much a deathstream. thats a really toxic spread that should be avoided, however, i havent tried to create something myself so im not sure if theres an issue doing that or not
  2. 01:13:092 (6,2) - 500ms gap, taking away the fade out which is like 200ms, theres barely any time to even react properly to this slider. circle hides the slider sort of and makes it look like a circle, having "covered" repeats is still unrankable iirc
  1. 00:25:354 (3,4,5,9,10,1) - shouldnt be overlapping when 00:30:422 (1,2,3,5,6,7) - isnt either (not sure if i copied the wrong objects) or vice versa, though i wouldnt recommend having them overlapped because the map isnt really built around heavy overlaps
  2. 00:35:654 (2) - could have an NC so the 1/6 burst is readable as its different from the 1/4 repeat slider, also goes for 00:46:008 (2,3,4) - etc
  3. 00:50:041 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - kinda unsure about these because they are a pretty big diff spike movement-wise as the other 1/3 patterns have pretty smooth and expectable movement, making them a bit more linear wouldnt hurt
i think the easy could be a lot more polished but else its good to go
Topic Starter

Stjpa wrote:

dunno how big this mod will be w

  1. overall pretty decent, though it looks a bit cluttered imo because of the high density at some parts in combination with the sv that causes a small ds, but isnt bad enough to be "unrankable". for future maps u should try to use more 2/1 rhythms and gaps because 1/1 can be somewhat exhausting for newer players, especially if there are few to no breaks anywhere undermapping is pretty hard with such a song :o
  2. 00:48:406 (2) - should prob have a different rhythm because its super noticable that the strong beats aka drum + melody are on the white tick afterwards and i dont really think they are any weaker than the short piano roll changed
  3. 01:31:567 - rhythm is pretty questionable for the whole section as you are completely ignoring the melody and just map the 1/1 metronome which is even more confusing for a newer player if u make the first strong melody beat clickable while the others arent changed rhythm
  1. really noticable that most of the map is really center heavy, u dont have any objects in the corners and barely any objects on the edges, that alone can make a difficulty look really cluttered. not really extreme in this case, but something u should definitely avoid something i usually look out for :?
  2. 00:28:787 (1) - imperfect blanket with the next slider :angery: :s
  1. overall pretty good actually
  2. 01:38:106 (1,2) - shouldnt be spaced like 1/4s, i guess true
  1. 00:35:000 (6,1) - seems to be overspaced in comparison to the other 1/4 transitions; other ones were overlapped, this one isnt, personally i think 1/4 gaps with sliders like this one could be like this one so it would be much easier to read the 1/6 gaps, players of this level should easily be able to read larger 1/4 gaps. u should check out every 1/4 transition because its kinda inconsistent throughout the map fixed
  2. 00:55:272 (2,3,4) - these 1/3 patterns should either get special NCs or completely different spacing as the spacing looks quite similar to the 1/4 bursts like 00:38:597 (3,4,5,6,7) - for example spaced them out more
  3. 01:42:357 (3,4,5,6) - whoa there cowboy, the density spike from the first half of the map to the sudden 1/4 spam in this kiai is really extreme already,
    even mapping the 1/3s here with circles is kinda overkill then this is the difficulty of map i usually play and as a player id say its fine. contrast is not such a bad thing. the 1/3s have been introduced before and its only 5 beat streams. its really not hard
  1. one thing i already mentioned in discord is that the first kiai near the beginning needs A LOT higher density as its mostly 1/2s while soul is pretty much a deathstream. thats a really toxic spread that should be avoided, however, i havent tried to create something myself so im not sure if theres an issue doing that or not the problem with this is that this diff and the soul diff focus on something different in the music. i dont think theres a reasonable middle ground since it would just make the setion inconsistent
  2. 01:13:092 (6,2) - 500ms gap, taking away the fade out which is like 200ms, theres barely any time to even react properly to this slider. circle hides the slider sort of and makes it look like a circle, having "covered" repeats is still unrankable iirc fixed
  1. 00:25:354 (3,4,5,9,10,1) - shouldnt be overlapping when 00:30:422 (1,2,3,5,6,7) - isnt either (not sure if i copied the wrong objects) or vice versa, though i wouldnt recommend having them overlapped because the map isnt really built around heavy overlaps it looks like an overlap in the editor but the objects are far enough away from each other on the timeline so that it doesnt matter
  2. 00:35:654 (2) - could have an NC so the 1/6 burst is readable as its different from the 1/4 repeat slider, also goes for 00:46:008 (2,3,4) - etc i had that done until multiple people told me not to. so idk
  3. 00:50:041 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - kinda unsure about these because they are a pretty big diff spike movement-wise as the other 1/3 patterns have pretty smooth and expectable movement, making them a bit more linear wouldnt hurt i just used movement emphesis instead of spacing emphesis.
    works fine i think
i think the easy could be a lot more polished but else its good to go
thanks very much for modding!
Alright, thanks guys for modding it. I believe I can restore the bubble now
00:56:499 (2) - stacking issue.

01:11:213 - why are you ignoring stuff like this?
01:13:747 - ^ they seem to be the piano you are indeed following and idk whenever I played it I wondered why this is being outright ignored idk

01:02:793 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - hs wise seems a bit quiet due to not adding the finish that are played in the song or carrying them over from before, and it being quiet doesn't fit as the intesity carried over I believe.
01:10:477 - this finish seems unnecessary since there isn't one in the music which you are mostly following and it doesn't fit with xi's beforehand used patterns since he never goes with finish at a 1/4 rate but sticks to 1/2, also it sounds way to overwhelming and just outright bad imo.

00:31:894 - add finish?
00:32:384 - ^

Wow, I see that Kin teached you the mapping in the good way :)
Very nice map!
Topic Starter

Yukiyo wrote:

00:56:499 (2) - stacking issue. moved intentionally for symmetry

01:11:213 - why are you ignoring stuff like this?
01:13:747 - ^ they seem to be the piano you are indeed following and idk whenever I played it I wondered why this is being outright ignored idk
the piano is on every 1/4 beat. i decided to only make the white ticks clickable for low intensity
01:02:793 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - hs wise seems a bit quiet due to not adding the finish that are played in the song or carrying them over from before, and it being quiet doesn't fit as the intesity carried over I believe. i decided to not put finished here because the pitch of the piano goes significantly lower 01:02:793 (1) - from this beat. putting finishes on them would be too loud imo.
01:10:477 - this finish seems unnecessary since there isn't one in the music which you are mostly following and it doesn't fit with xi's beforehand used patterns since he never goes with finish at a 1/4 rate but sticks to 1/2, also it sounds way to overwhelming and just outright bad imo. i think it works really well with the build up

00:31:894 - add finish?
00:32:384 - ^ i dont think they are nessecary here since i follow the sounds on them with the claps. the finishes are only on down beats.
its something to think about though

<3 uwu

Pachiru wrote:

Wow, I see that Kin teached you the mapping in the good way :)
Very nice map!
thanks! wouldve never been able to make a spread like this without his teaching :D
00:14:401 (2) - can you lot overlap the right overlay thing so much. it's fine to break ds a bit on such huge gaps anyways
00:17:016 (1,2) - movement is so forced, just don't blanket 2 lol something like is more intuitive
01:21:430 (2,3,4) - so cluttered and forced. there is a break before so why not
01:35:490 (1,2,3) - could be misleading for new players with 1 leading into 3, could ctrlg 01:36:144 (2,3) - or

00:34:346 (2,3) - such forced movement since newer players won't really utilize slider leniency. if you move the stuff before a bit you can make it more intuitive
00:52:820 (2,3,4,5) - alternating spaced and stacked 1/2 in the same pattern is a bit weird
00:59:850 - missing nc
01:25:027 (4) - tail overlap makes this needlessly weird to read
01:30:749 (5) - would delete this, gives the much stronger beat on the next tick more impact

00:26:989 (4,2,3) - gross autostack
01:01:485 (1,4,5) - ^

light insane
00:25:354 (8,10) - why not continue the overlap pattern

00:20:940 (1,3,4) - autostack tilt // 00:57:234 (4,5) -
00:35:000 (6) - should hide less of the verse, this just becomes lol
00:50:041 (2,3) - would replace with 1/3 repeat to introduce new rhythm better
01:37:125 (2,3) - what is this rhythm would make more sense with the sounds here

01:04:754 (9) - would be nice to have some emphasis on this, like a change in spacing/nc or whatever cause it stand out so much in the song
01:37:125 (1,2,3) - same as insane, don't really get your clicking choice

00:35:654 (2,3,4,5) - less spacing would help reading the snapping change a bit better
01:25:845 (6,7,8) - pretty hard to read reverse, just continue the overlap pattern or idk
01:37:125 (2,3,4) - same as lower diffs, starting to click on 01:37:452 - is much more intuitive

I'm fine with giving this a try
Topic Starter

Lasse wrote:

00:14:401 (2) - can you lot overlap the right overlay thing so much. it's fine to break ds a bit on such huge gaps anyways
00:17:016 (1,2) - movement is so forced, just don't blanket 2 lol something like is more intuitive
01:21:430 (2,3,4) - so cluttered and forced. there is a break before so why not
01:35:490 (1,2,3) - could be misleading for new players with 1 leading into 3, could ctrlg 01:36:144 (2,3) - or

all done

00:34:346 (2,3) - such forced movement since newer players won't really utilize slider leniency. if you move the stuff before a bit you can make it more intuitive done
00:52:820 (2,3,4,5) - alternating spaced and stacked 1/2 in the same pattern is a bit weird tried to represent the rising intensity. but i guess not confusing new players is more important. spaced everything
00:59:850 - missing nc fixed
01:25:027 (4) - tail overlap makes this needlessly weird to read adjusted
01:30:749 (5) - would delete this, gives the much stronger beat on the next tick more impact sure

00:26:989 (4,2,3) - gross autostack
01:01:485 (1,4,5) - ^
stacked manually

light insane
00:25:354 (8,10) - why not continue the overlap pattern cool idea

00:20:940 (1,3,4) - autostack tilt // 00:57:234 (4,5) - wew
00:35:000 (6) - should hide less of the verse, this just becomes lol fixed
00:50:041 (2,3) - would replace with 1/3 repeat to introduce new rhythm better it was introduced here 00:44:809 (2,3,4) - . i want to raise intensity
01:37:125 (2,3) - what is this rhythm would make more sense with the sounds here fixed

01:04:754 (9) - would be nice to have some emphasis on this, like a change in spacing/nc or whatever cause it stand out so much in the song changed
01:37:125 (1,2,3) - same as insane, don't really get your clicking choice yes

00:35:654 (2,3,4,5) - less spacing would help reading the snapping change a bit better wew third time im lowering this
01:25:845 (6,7,8) - pretty hard to read reverse, just continue the overlap pattern or idk done
01:37:125 (2,3,4) - same as lower diffs, starting to click on 01:37:452 - is much more intuitive done

I'm fine with giving this a try
sweet all done except that one point in insane!
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