
Sonic Heroes (Jun Senoue) - Egg Fleet

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, March 21, 2009 at 2:32:13 AM

Artist: Jun Senoue
Title: Egg Fleet
Source: Sonic Heroes
BPM: 180
Filesize: 4499kb
Play Time: 02:43
Difficulties Available:
  1. Chaotix Medium (2.84 stars, 138 notes)
  2. Dark Insane (4.96 stars, 486 notes)
  3. Rose Easy (1.15 stars, 103 notes)
  4. Sonic Hard (4.64 stars, 296 notes)
Download: Jun Senoue - Egg Fleet
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Let's try this again. My first Beatmap, now in the process of being redone.

I've always loved airborne aircraft carriers (note that my other WIP beatmap is Meta Knight's Revenge), and thus Egg Fleet was an amazing level for me in an otherwise bland Sonic Heroes.

Dates are in GMT - 5:00

22 Oct 2008: Rose Easy complete.
30 Oct 2008: Chaotix Medium complete.
1 Nov 2008: Sonic Hard complete. Some sound effects changed.
2 Nov 2008: Dark Insane complete. Moved to Pending for review; I don't think it's going to get any harder than this.
3 Nov 2008: Dark Insane's ending moved to thirds of beats; does it work better here?
-- Modded 21 Nov 2008 (m980) --
22 Nov 2008: Mod stuff fixed, end of Dark Insane replaced with spinner. Letters don't look as defined as they used to, but hey, it's playable, and I'm thankful for m980 pointing that out.
-- Modded 9 December 2008 (chan) --
9 December 2008: Chaotix and Hero fixed accordingly, Easy pending more patience once exams are over, see my reply for the Insane ending.
10 December 2008: Slight Chaotix fix on the sliders. It's supposed to spell Chaotix, but there's no way to make the H easy enough. I think the T no longer being obscured by the O means that it's passable and easy to see, butI'll sleep on it.
11 December 2008: Tried my best to time the end section, but I'm still a bit shaky. Oh, and I suck at slider art, so that heart in Rose is about as good as I can make it at the moment. Any tips on either of these problems?
17 December 2008: Removed the end of Insane. Just period; I'm tired of trying to deal with it. Some sound samples switched around, as well. The Rose slider is fine by me for right now, but if anyone can help, that would be nice.
31 December 2008: Did a round in chat about the slider, it's better now.
1 January 2009: Shrunk the Chaotix circles a notch to be on-par with the new smaller Rose ones.
4 January 2009: Redid a slider in Chaotix so it didn't look as weird, did the same to a later cut-n-paste of it in the same difficulty.
8 January 2009: Made the ending of Insane have larger jumps.
12 January 2009: Reduced the Insane jumps to be more about direction change and less about distance.
22 January 2009: The voice artist for Squidward would be proud of me.
-- Modded 29 January 2009 (Mogsworth) --
29 January 2009: Responded to Mogsworth's modding.
30 January 2009: Fixed some things on Insane, such as changing some quick layered sliders back to same direction instead of opposite to be consistant. Added thumbnail.
12 February 2009: Fixed by happy30's list. I'm surprised I missed a lot of that stuff, thanks.
22 February 2009: A couple of hitsounds fixed for consistancy.
26 February 2009: Fixed according to Skyripper.
01 March 2009: Fixed according to Larto on chat, made a few adjustments to the start of Medium.
04 March 2009: Fixed according to awp, added the default applause.mp3 so custom skins don't mess with the act clear.
12 March 2009: Another week, another bump.
20 March 2009: Went through again to get the hitsounds worked out.
20 March 2009: Fixed by Zerostarry.
20 March 2009: Fixed by flyboy87.
21 March 2009: Fixed as per RemmyX25.
y u b stealinz my jun senoue songs?

I'll check this out later btw!~
lol i like the spell out of sonic in hard . heres a few things i caught
1:30:81 the slider is off move it back one.
!:48:06 the slider here sounds weird.. some one else should check it..
1:58:22 spacing
2:00:06 spacing
actualy there is alot of spacing issues around that area.
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How is it now?
I tried Chaotix Medium and I really liked it. I'm not going to be nitpicky, you've done a great job!
Awesome job, at least on Easy and Medium (I haven't tried the others yet because I'm lazy).

That said, the EBA countdown seems a little out of place, especially since you've already got so many Sonic sounds implemented. Also, maybe on Medium you should have letters spelling out Chaotix instead of Espio?

Download: Titan - Strength and Fury (adron zhero) [TheVileOne's Hard].osu
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I feel the countdown is necessary due to the first beat being the first beat of the song, and I'm rather a fan of EBA's countdown as opposed to the generic one. You can remove those files if you wish.

I thought maybe to spell out "Chaotix", but I think that would take too long. I also considered "Vector" since he's technically the leader, but then that would mean I'd have to spell out "Rouge" for Team Dark to be consistent (the leader is the character that speaks first on the Sonic Heroes Story Select screen).

I'll think it over. Maybe they'll just be special cases and I'll manage to get an X in there.

Oh, and just so you guys don't think I'm crazy, I can't pass Dark without at least the slowdown mod. I knew there were those out there with skills beyond mine, and I wanted to have that there for them. :D
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I can't beat map for crap, but at one part in easy, I found it was rather offbeat. I'm unsure if this was done on purpose or not but I figured some feedback was better then none at all.
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I'm assuming you're referring to the sliders at around 02:04:06? Since it's Easy mode, I had to have a few more moments open for beginning players to move from one to the next. I've never been really satisfied with that section, but I think it works fine for now... I'll look over it, however. Thanks.


For the offset I got 14,720. Eliminate the other timing section.
It seems perfectly salvageable. Just fix the horrendous spacing. :3

Dark Insane:
-I'm going to ask this: did you use distance spacing at all? A lot of the spacing pisses me off. Please use distance spacing.
Like, compare the distance on the grid to the distance on the timeline in both of these:

-02:41:14 (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 1, 1) - Highlight all of these on the timeline and move them over a tick in 1/4.
Here's what it should look like:

Sonic Hard:
-Same distance issues, like from early on:

...and here...

-02:41:30 (1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4) - Remember the offsync part in Insane? Yeah, here we go again.

Chaotix Medium:
-Distance problems. Like here:

...and here...

-Patterns like 01:29:39 (end of 2, 1, 2) kinda feels weird, just because you don't add in the beat between the end of 2 and 1.
-02:42:64 (1, 2, 1, 2, 1) - Here's what it should look like:

Rose Easy:
-Spacing problems, just like before. A main culprit:

-02:17:88 until the end: highlight everything and move it over to the right one tick in 1/4.

Essentially, remap this with better spacing. Sorry for going image-happy.

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I'll get right on those. I wasn't even aware there were multiple timing sections, either! I guess I forgot to delete one of my earlier tries.

And no, I admit I didn't use distance spacing, since it was rather hard for me to figure out. I'll keep trying, though.
Depending on the difficulty, you might what to change the distance spacing (hit alt and it should come up if you have Distance Snap selected).
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Just to clarify: you're saying the spacing is too tight? As in, I'm putting notes on the screen in places that would imply you're supposed to hit them earlier? So, in your Easy example, the two circle notes should be moved farther away?

If not, I archived the old version in the event that I mess everything up.
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Mogsworth wrote:


For the offset I got 14,720. Eliminate the other timing section.
Misread this at first, uploading new timing now.

Also, am I allowed to respectfully disagree with you on the last notes of Medium? It's supposed to be following the bass, which is a quarter-note off the usual beat.
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I got a complete rip of the song, so I edited the MP3. This caused the offset to change to 14,783 (which was pretty damn close in Audacity, at least). I moved this back to the Help forum due to the change, and because the spacing needs to be re-redone (i.e., the spacing is consistant, but it doesn't match the difficulty and the speed of the sliders).
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Everything's redone. I'm somewhat satisfied, but please, if there's any problems, let me know! I'd rather spend another two weeks making a good map than just sitting on a semi-par one.

In particular, does anyone have any comment on the new timing section at the end of Insane? It feels pretty close to me, but I'm still unsure.
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After doing some other maps and gaining experience, I realized the spacing isn't in any shape to be played yet. It might take some time, so I asked for a temporary graveyard. I'll update again once I've gone over the spacing again; the map's will probably have to be done from the ground up.
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Beatmap revival to Help, please. I got the new Easy done, and I know it's at least a bit better than last time.
Revived & moved to Beatmap Help~
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I've uploaded the first three maps; I'm planning on at least one more (Dark Insane) and possibly one after that (Super Heroic). Before I get in too deep, does anyone have comments on the first three maps, the timing, or the placement of the beats?
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Okay, Modding GOOOOO!
I think about the timing, everything is alright. I'd prefer the Offset 14.790, though. (But I'm no pro in timing D:")

- 01:18:782 (1): I think beginners will be distracted by this slider, buuut I think you don't have to remove it. It's a little bit challenging but I think even beginners can understand it.

- The "h" in the Chaotix sliders once again is a bit distracting, but otherwise I think nothing wrong with it

- Nothing, I think.

- THIS IS SPARTA. NOT JUST HARD, IT'S SPARTA</caps> I don't know if this is okay the way it is, but I guess not. nerf the difficulty a bit, pleease :<
- I wouldn't map the part from 02:47:948 to the end. Except if you can find the right BPM, which will be really hard, but well, if you prefer that :P The BPM you have at the moment doesn't sound too right...

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I got the ending's BPM off of the analyzer, but maybe I out to double it so I can have better precision. Unless there's an outcry for an easier Insane, it's staying the way it is. If there IS an outcry, I'll just shift that to "Super Heroic" and add a slightly less hard Dark Insane.

Thanks for the comments!
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Well, until then, what you pointed out is redone. A couple of samples too, for consistancy.

I'm a bit adamant about there being that extra fake-out at the end of Dark Insane (an earlier version even took out the letterbox, but I decided against that), so does a spinner work? I don't mean it as a catch-all lazy move, but since there's only one other spinner on the map, I figured it would be a fitting end.

Thanks for the comments. 2 months through limbo, this is getting much easier.
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Let's try a post bump instead of a map bump.
Mostly good, just a few things

put some more work into the ♥ shaped slider, I don't think it looks nice atm

not really much of an issue but
00:46:78 (1,2) - make the end points of both sliders meet at the same point. if it helps, make the start of the slider snap to the end of the previous slider, then reverse the slider. There are several occurences of this.

01:17:44 (2,3) - probably the only thing that really needs reworking in this map. the overlap isn't good.
01:20:61 (3,4) - kinda the same as above

Also some of the shapes are kinda random. what is 01:54:28 (1) - supposed to be?

i suck at osu so this is a bit hard for me
02:03:61 (4) - only a suggestion, but maybe make this note the start of the new combo instead of 02:03:94 (1). I think it plays much easier

uh, too insane for me. only comment is that 02:47:94 (1) - is kinda redundant

good solid map that needs a little tweaking.
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I'd really like to get that last part actually mapped, as sort of a, "Ah ha! You thought the song was over, did you?" deal. I just can't get a good timing on it, so I subbed a spinner for the time being.

Maybe I'll be able to get some of this stuff fixed up by Friday, but even the last week of school comes before play... *sigh*
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Bippity-bumpity-boo. The last part of Insane is gone, you can all come back now.
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I think this is going to be the last bump. If this falls off into Graveyarded, I'm going to let it stay there. A star isn't bad for a first map, and I'm sure someone down the line will have the same affinity for Sonic music, regardless of the game it comes from, and enjoy the map, even if it isn't ranked.

It's been a learning experience. 2 week timer - Go!
Rose Easy:
-Hitsounds all throughout the map, please, not just at the end.
-00:44:782, 00:45:116, 00:45:449 - Beats go here. Make 00:44:782 and 00:45:116 clicked beats and 00:45:449 a slider 1 beat in length, but repeated so it covers a span of 4 beats.
-Reinput the break after that last point.
-00:54:78 (1) - Straighten this out; make each side symmetrical.
-01:02:78 (1) - ^
-01:13:44 (1) - ^ (it is possible to keep the letter shape even after doing so)
-01:16:11 (1) - ^
-01:38:44 (2) - This is a no-go, given that you haven't prepped for anything like that earlier in the map.
-01:52:78 (1) - Repeat twice more.
-02:39:78 (2) - New Combo mark goes here.

Chaotix Medium:
-Hitsounds all throughout the map, please, not just at the end.
-00:44:94 (1) - Remove this, extend the break.
-00:47:44 (2) - Place the endpoint exactly on 1's endpoint.
-00:52:78 (2) - ^
-01:56:78 (2) - ^
-01:59:44 (2) - ^
-02:07:44 (2) - ^
-02:08:78 (4) - ^, except replace 1 with 3.
-02:21:44 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-02:22:78 (2) - New Combo mark goes here.

Sonic Hard:
-Hitsounds all throughout the map, please, not just at the end.
-00:18:11 (3,4,5) - This looks awkward, given the part just like it rhythmically before.
-00:23:78 (2) - New Combo mark. Don't care if you're going for that sorta theme, it's wrong.
-00:24:11 (3) - ^
-00:29:44 (7) - Make the endpoint match up with 8's starting point.
-00:50:78 (5) - Line up the starting point with 4.
-00:57:44 (3) - Make this symmetrical, it just looks random in its current design.
-01:08:11 (1) - This looks too angular, not smooth enough.
-01:14:44 (6) - Make this symmetrical.
-01:20:11 (5) - ^
-01:31:28 (2,1,2) - Line up with 1.
-01:33:11 (2) - New Combo mark. At least make this make some sense, normal-map-wise. In this case, phrases are not made up of 3 notes.
-01:33:44 (3) - New Combo mark.
-02:24:11 (7) - ^
-02:33:11 (2) - ^
-02:33:44 (3) - ^
-02:39:78 (2) - ^

Gimmicky map ideas are alright as long as they fit.

Dark Insane:
-Hitsound shpeal again.
-Stacking is okay. Stacking is okay. Stacking. Is. Okay. You don't need to seperate the beats like you did due to stacking being on.
-00:23:78 (2) - New Combo mark.
-00:24:11 (3) - ^ and match it up with the height of 2 and 4.
-01:01:44 (11) - New Combo mark.
-01:09:94 (2) - Remember the alignment thing? Yeah.
-01:11:11 (3) - ^
-01:14:78 (7) - ^

Other mods can see if the ending fits their qualifications, though.
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Rose Easy

00:23:44 (1,2) - 1 grid to the right
00:53:78 (3) - 2 grids up, 1 to the right
01:58:28 (2) - 1/2 beat later
02:39:78 (1) - 1 grid to the left

Chaotix Medium

01:00:11 (1) - 3 grid right and 1 up
01:01:44 (3) - 1 grid up
01:33:44 (1) - 1 grid to the left
01:54:28 (1) - I dont like this slider, should start 1 note later IMO

Sonic Hard

00:17:78 (2) - 1 grid down, 2 to the right
00:18:11 (3) - 1 grid left
00:54:44 (7) - 1/2 beat later
02:34:61 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Remove the overlappings, make the spacing equal to eachother

Dark Insane

00:16:28 (6,7) - snap the notes to the grid, they will be stacked like that automatically in play mode
00:19:28 (8) - 3 grids to the right, and 1 up
00:21:44 (5,6) - 1 grid up and 1 grid right
00:25:94 (2,3,5) - Snap it to the grid please, overlap (2) and (4)
00:28:44 (8,9,10,11) - Grid snap
00:31:11 (2,3,4,5) - ^
00:41:78 (2,3,4,5) - ^
00:45:11 (14) - 1 grid down
00:47:11 (3,6) - use grid snap
00:49:78 (3,6) - ^
00:52:11 (1,2,4,5) - Use grid snap
00:53:44 (7,8) - ^
01:59:11 (13,16) - ^
02:03:94 (1) - more space here please

I don't like the overal spacing patterns, I suggest you to make it more interesting.
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Happy half-birthday, Egg Fleet! Your destination is still uncertain...
Great spinner sound and miss sound!

[Normal] -
00:33:78 (5) - I'd like to see this moved down a grid level to line up with the 4
01:01:78 (4) - Extend this one more time. Sounds a bit more natural going into the break
01:12:44 (2) - cool sounding slider with the drums 8-)
cool ending

[Hard] -
02:34:78 (1) - The stream starting here. It's not bad or anything, I just don't think it's consistent with the rest of the song per say. This is just imo, so you don't have to change it or anything. I just think adding a few sliders to make it more similar to the stream starting here: 01:00:28 (1) would be more consistent.
AND I'm only pointing ^ that out because there is nothing wrong with this difficulty ^_^. Good job.

This is doable and spacing is pretty consistent along with consistent patterns throughout. I think combo colors could be a little more consistent. But, that's not really important and I only saw maybe two places where they were conflicting.

This is great work, you shouldn't have any trouble getting this ranked. (Get more people to star this)

P.S. Your Meta-Knight Storyboard blew my mind. AWESOME job.

Meh, it's not the prettiest beatmap on the world, but it's pretty cool and fine so let's bubble?

Oh I forgot:

This song is AWESOME! Keep up the good work!
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
it would be better to give Chaotix the insane difficulty because its the hardest team to complete the game with
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That might be true, but I like the difficulties as they stand. Dark has a higher multiplayer rating than Chaotix, in any event.

Incidentally, the reason why it's called "Chaotix Medium" instead of "Chaotix Normal" is because the Chaotix certainly aren't normal.
I love this :) and you should now why. plus the map is excellent no probs that i can see i only played sonic hard tho.
here comes the star
00:33:79 (2) - 2 hitcircles work better, imo
01:41:13 (1) - ^
01:51:79 (1) - ^
Fix those short 1/2 sliders in medium, too, i wont be mentioning them

There really isnt anything wrong in the other difficulties.
My goodness... what an awesome beatmap. .____. It made me feel so inferior.


[Chaotic Medium]
23:466 (1,2) - Going for the triangle shape? Copy (1) from 22:800 and go to edit. After that, choose flip horizontally. Ctrl + C that note placement and return (1) from 22:800 back to what it was previously. Go to 23:466 and paste your new (1,2) there. Now you have a neat triangle!
30:800 (1) - Move this 1 grid to the left

I'm afraid that's all I could spot. If you spot any off looking shapes in your map, you can follow the concept I just explained in 23:466.

That's all from me.

Oh, and have a nice star, too. You deserve it.
Bubble Pop.

Team Dark:
01:31:63 (4) - Slider is too short IMO
01:33:96 (3) - Could be better aligned

Those are my only concerns. If you insist on keeping that slider, have another BAT look at it then. If he says its ok, then I'll take back my comment :3

All fixed! Have your bubble back. (if you had a bubble... i dont remember...)

Niiiiiiiiice custom sounds though <3
I'd say that this is finally good enough to rank.
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Please wait as I go celebrate in an annoying fashion in chat.

Thank you everyone who helped make this possible!
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