
Mutato Muzika - Dingodile's Theme

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, February 20, 2012 at 6:08:09 PM

Artist: Mutato Muzika
Title: Dingodile
Source: Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped
Tags: Naughty Dog SCEE Sony Computer Entertainment Europe PS Playstation
BPM: 199.75
Filesize: 3505kb
Play Time: 01:18
Difficulties Available:
  1. Crunch (2.27 stars, 67 notes)
  2. Dingodile (5 stars, 205 notes)
  3. Evil Crash (4.65 stars, 107 notes)
  4. Tiny Tiger (3.69 stars, 83 notes)
Download: Mutato Muzika - Dingodile
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Why do we not have more Crash Bandicoot music? :E
Anyways, Dingodile's theme from Crash 3/Warped

Edits 1-22: Irrelevent due to remapping
Edit 23: Louis Cyphre stuff
Edit 24: Remapped all diff's using Hushu's example
Edit 25: Edited using more stuff from Hushu
Edit 26: MDuh's mod
Edit 27: - Peaceful Melody -'s stuff
Edit 28: Thunderstorm mod power!
Edit 29: Magical Pokie's stuff :3
Edit 30: LunaticMara's sexy mod -3-
Edit 31: Lizzehb's stuff
Edit 32: Mok's advice
Edit 33: Applied Charles445's bpm and offset
Edit 34: Kytoxid's mod stuff
Edit 35: DragonSparta quick mod
Edit 36: theMikeAG's stuff

Thanks to 32bitwonder, akrolsmir, Soul-less, Magical Pokie, Kytoxid, Louis Cyphre, OzzyOzrock, - Peaceful Melody -, DragonSparta, MDuh, _Void_, LunaticMara, Lizzehb, Mok, Charles445, and Thunderstorm for their help and a special thanks to Jackubi and Hushu for all of the help they gave. :)

Any and all feedback is welcome
Make sure you do full submission, or else the mp3 won't get uploaded. x_x
Topic Starter

32bitwonder wrote:

Make sure you do full submission, or else the mp3 won't get uploaded. x_x
Ah, thanks for telling me, resubmitting! :)
Hey, went through the maps-

Generally, i think the beats feel a little off- try going through and working on timing a bit (especially the sliders)

Tiny Tiger-
There are a few spacing problems-
00:25:114 - 0:26:560, 00:26:303 - 00:26:822, 00:27:491 - 00:28:010 the spacing is a little confusing- clean it up a bit? :D

Evil Crash-
Not many problems at all :)
I'd go around and clean up the timing a bit, though.

the spinners at the end :o
The computer can barely do them- to avoid this, they have to be at least two beats long, that way a human can spin it too.
(ps. i get 340 rpm usually and i can barely do these with 100 points :? )
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32bitwonder wrote:

Hey, went through the maps-

Generally, i think the beats feel a little off- try going through and working on timing a bit (especially the sliders) I generally got what you mean, fixed unevenly spaced and off-timed beats.
Tiny Tiger-
There are a few spacing problems-
00:25:114 - 0:26:560, 00:26:303 - 00:26:822, 00:27:491 - 00:28:010 the spacing is a little confusing- clean it up a bit? :D Fixed
Evil Crash-
Not many problems at all :)
I'd go around and clean up the timing a bit, though. Done
the spinners at the end :o
The computer can barely do them- to avoid this, they have to be at least two beats long, that way a human can spin it too.
(ps. i get 340 rpm usually and i can barely do these with 100 points :? ) Fixed, wanted it to be hard, but guess that was too hard :?
Thanks for going through the maps! ;)
Just looked at it for a couple of seconds but there's already a few really important problems I saw:

1) Your BPM/Offset are wrong, you can ask for help on that here: viewtopic.php?f=60&t=13795
2) Don't use 1/8 Beat Snap, you won't need it and it just messed up your beat timing in quite a lot of places. 1/4 is easily sufficient ^^
3) You've got a TON of unsnapped beats - you definitely need to fix those if you ever want a chance of this getting ranked. Open AIMod to find the beats~ You'd also better recheck the snapping after changing to 1/4 Beat Snap to make sure everything was auto-snapped to the correct timing.
4) The spacing is way too close and - because of that - incredibly hard to read. If you hold Alt while placing beats, you can place them anywhere you want. Of course you need to pay attention to proper timing - spacing relations, but this is just awful to play =/
5) Your sliders look kinda awkward, try making more symmetrical shapes :)

Other than that, the few seconds I actually played had pretty reasonable beat flow, so if you root out these elementary mistakes you definitely have potential =)

I only checked Crunch difficulty, but I guess these problems affect all difficulties~
When you have corrected all of the above, tell me and I'll recheck
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1) kk, got correct stuff from selee
2) kk
3) AiMod makes me nauseous (yez, i suck) Done
4) Also dine
5) Will fix, delete Crunch, or let somebody else (if there is any intrest) make Crunch a guest difficulty. I find it hard to make easier difficulties, so I think I should make Tiny Tiger the easiest difficulty. Fixed
Crunch diff did suck, I put a lot more effort into the other diff's, mostly the harder two

Good job, you deserve kudosu! :)
BPM: 199.670
Offset: 1,078
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thx selee
Crunch: The sliders at 0:20:234, 0:22:538, 0:28:347, 0:42:170, the spinner at 0:51:561, the sliders at 1:05:308, 1:17:928, 1:19:205, 1:20:407 and 1:21:609 start and/or end on an off-beat when they shouldn't.
The notes at 1:13:421 and 1:13:721 don't exactly fit under each other. They're off by 3 pixels.
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Kidwii wrote:

Crunch: The sliders at 0:20:234, 0:22:538, 0:28:347, 0:42:170, the spinner at 0:51:561, the sliders at 1:05:308, 1:17:928, 1:19:205, 1:20:407 and 1:21:609 start and/or end on an off-beat when they shouldn't.
The notes at 1:13:421 and 1:13:721 don't exactly fit under each other. They're off by 3 pixels.
Wow, thanks for being to specific!
I think you should've used a I also noticed that there are a lot of other sliders and beats that are on a blue line instead of a white line in Tiny Tiger. Instead of me being specific again, just go and check for where some beats fall on a blue line instead of a white line. Also, the slider at 0:39:541 is nice except for right when it ends. I recommend changing the shape of the slider with the select tool instead of doing it over again, and if you do, there will only be four notes you have to adjust with the distance snap.

Between 1:03:581 and 1:08:464 you have soft notes, but it's Kiai time. Make up your mind!

On evil crash, you still have notes that fall on blue lines instead of white (or red)! Also, because of this, I noticed a few sliders should end and start at the same time if you were to fix this problem. Also, there are strings of hit notes, which in my opinion don't really go well with the difficulty, but you can keep if you want. Those were the only flaws with this beatmap.

Dingodile suffers from the same blue line problem, but other than that it's fine.
Also, one more thing:

Go to song setup, then storyboarding. Change the countdown offset to the following numbers for the following difficulties.

Crunch: 1
Tiny Tiger: 1
Evil Crash: 1
Dingodile: 0 (No change)

This will make the 3, 2, 1, Go! follow the song's measures correctly.
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Thanks again!
I'm sorry if I'm adding too many replies!

On Crunch difficulty, the timing change at 1:08:313 makes the song terribly off beat. Go to the timing set up panel and click the "inherit previous timing settings" box. Snapping or scaling the beats will both have some notes still off-beat; you're going to have to manually move them so the fit on a white or red line. In fact I think you have to do that with all the notes all your difficulties. To make this easier, change the beat snap divisor from 1/4 to 1/2 and increase the timeline zoom.
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Thanks for like the 50th time Jackubi :P
Here's a star!
you only give kudosu per person per every few days...

Stupid to give 4 kd to a person because he can't edit his posts or do a complete mod in one post.
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ziin wrote:

you only give kudosu per person per every few days...
srry, I was acting on instict of seeing mod = kudosu :cry:
Cool, video game BGM.

You seem to use a lot of points to make a slider; you shouldn't have to. Pretty sliders tend to be simpler.
You really don't need breaks for spaces of about 1-2 seconds.
Try and use Distance Snap whenever notes are closer than 2 whole beats.
Some timing problems, though I can't pin it down- maybe this require multiple timing sections.

Consider a slider tick rate of 2 instead of 1.

00:13:398 (1,2,3,1) - Maintain 0.8x spacing here, but first:
00:15:652 (1) - Move this backwards 1/2 beat.
00:26:620 (4) - Especially for easier diffs, I think you should try and keep things "clean" and not overlap confusingly, so move this away from under (1).
00:28:423 (1) - You can make this more circular.
00:34:883 (1) - Move 1/2beat back
00:37:437 (1,1,2,1) - Spacing
01:05:233 (6,1,2,1) - Spacing

Tiny Tiger:
00:10:994 (1,2) - Looks squished, perhaps make the two symmetric and complimentary. Also, spacing.
00:13:849 to the next break- spacing of .6x is too small (esp. since crunch used .8x), go to .8x at least.
00:15:802 (1,2) - Same as beginning
00:18:206 (1) - Move closer to 2
00:21:812 (2) - Closer to 1
00:25:117 (1) - Consider moving farther from previous note
00:27:521 (1,2) - Again, keep things clean?
00:28:422 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^. Also, .8x spacing.
00:35:034 (1,2) - See beginning
00:43:147 (4) - Asymmetric
00:50:359 (2,1) - Either move these away or stack these with the previous end.
00:57:571 (2) - ^
01:18:004 (1) - Spacing throughout this entire combo is too small.
01:21:986 (8) - Move forward 1/2 beat

Evil Crash:
Spacing is better here, good job.

00:25:117 (1) - Overlapping again, though not as bad
00:28:422 (1,1,1,1,1) - I don't think you need new combos for each of these.
00:49:157 (1) - Long streams seem out of place and somewhat difficult (given the BPM) for what is effectively a hard diff. Perhaps mix with sliders.
00:56:369 (1) - ^
01:06:886 (3) - ^

Timing problems are most apparent here; I end up with 60% accuracy because of all the 100's. Spacing is better, streams are more acceptable since it's insane.

My biggest issue would probably be the lack of coherence in patterns; most of the time I felt they were somewhat unorganized.
The positioning of notes in time was good relative to the music was good, though there were some problems in the easier diffs. You may want to get the timing rechecked, though, it feels off.

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Fixed everything I could (Don't know what .8x and .6x timing are, but I tried to make it better than it was before) and I'm not sure about the Dingodile difficulty, the timing seemed fine to me, but that's likely because I made it. Also, I got my BPM timing from the BPM help thread

Thanks for the Star!

silver327 wrote:

Fixed everything I could (Don't know what .8x and .6x timing are, but I tried to make it better than it was before) and I'm not sure about the Dingodile difficulty, the timing seemed fine to me, but that's likely because I made it. Also, I got my BPM timing from the BPM help thread

Thanks for the Star!
Does that mean you don't use the distance snap function? If you don't, it'd be highly recommended; it makes your beat placement make more intuitive sense, thanks to beat spacing:

Anyways, to adjust the spacing distance, hold down "alt" and notice the bar that appears at the top right. That shows you the multiplier for spacing distance. Drag and slide it to adjust ( or scroll with mouse wheel), all while alt is still held down. This means that any notes placed afterwards will obey time-space rules. (You can see this since the placement of the next beat is limited to a circle around the previous beat) This is where .8x spacing comes in- I think that is a good standard to use throughout the easier maps.

Oh, and when distance snap is turned on, you can fix previous placements by dragging a circle/slider around- distance snap should kick in and show you where it can go.

Hope this helps! (No kudos for this, btw)
Well, an old, old song... reminds me to my childhood.

I don't know how to correct if you have mistakes in the beatmaps... but there's my star!
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Anyways, to adjust the spacing distance, hold down "alt" and notice the bar that appears at the top right. That shows you the multiplier for spacing distance. Drag and slide it to adjust ( or scroll with mouse wheel), all while alt is still held down. This means that any notes placed afterwards will obey time-space rules. (You can see this since the placement of the next beat is limited to a circle around the previous beat) This is where .8x spacing comes in- I think that is a good standard to use throughout the easier maps.

Oh, and when distance snap is turned on, you can fix previous placements by dragging a circle/slider around- distance snap should kick in and show you where it can go.

Hope this helps! (No kudos for this, btw)
I see, so now I fixed all of the stuff, thanks for explaining more about distance snapping!
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AlvarO1396 wrote:

Well, an old, old song... reminds me to my childhood.

I don't know how to correct if you have mistakes in the beatmaps... but there's my star!
Thanks for the star!
As per request from mod queue~

- You might want to seek a second timing opinion on this map. Won't affect easier difficulty much due to lower Overall Difficulty(Thus not as strict on accuracy), but it's quite obvious in [Dingodile] where OD of lv9 which requires very accurate hit for 300, and I believe there's quite some modders who had noticed too. Personally I did much better on 1098 offset, but try ask for timing expert's help in #modhelp. I'd sure they'll be glad to help with new mappers. Remember to resnap all notes after you've changed your offset.

- [Evil Crash] and [Dingodile] is highly identical the way beats played out, except that due to much Higher OD and HP drain for Dingodile(And dying halfway due to 100s + HP drain). There's many other way to make a map harder to play such as different combo patterns, notes stacking, jumps(Larger than usual distance snap, normally used to emphasis beats), slider velocity(This not only affects your slider speed, it's also related to your distance snapping. And I've noticed you did the same slider velocity for all your difficulties.), different beats pattern(You mapped all same beats for [Evil Crash] and [Dingodile], except for 01:18:004 (1) onwards) . You might want to refer to how other people mapped their harder difficulties.

- Slightly over-enthusiastic hitsounding in my opinion. Might be not as obvious in [Crunch] and [Tiny Tiger] but in denser notes of [Evil Crash] and [Dingodile], some part can become very noisy with hitsounds overriding the music(00:18:206 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this for example, hitsounds are overwhelming the music). Consider lowering your overall hitsound volume if you are not changing them.(I think I might go for 60%, but that's me)

- You can hitsound parts of the slider by clicking twice on the start or end of the slider(First click selects the whole slider - blue outline, second click selects the start/end only, highlighted by red outline). This slider hitsound way is encouraged as hitsounding the whole slider will affect your slider slide's(And in some cases, slider tick's ) sound effect(Look at normal whistle sliders for example), and you're not forced to hitsound the whole slider with the same sound effect. Only hitsound the whole slider if you've confirmed with the sound effect you want.

- Some straight arrangement that's not perfectly straight, for example 00:49:157 (1,2,3,4,5) where 00:49:758 (5) is slightly out of the line, and 00:57:571 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) where 00:58:322 (6) is slightly out of the line. A quick way to ensure you're arranging a straight line is to temporary disable grid snap by holding your Shift key while placing beats, you'll notice it'll snap it straight in either horizontal, vertical, or diagonal way to the previous beat. Quick and useful to ensure your patterns are straight.

- I noticed you've changed all difficulties' slider tick rate to 2 except for [Evil Crash], you might want to fix this.

- There's an extra .osb file named Crash Bandicoot 3 - Dingodile Boss Music (silver327) in your folder. Not a big deal since it's only a less then 200 bytes file, but if possible delete it from your song folder and do a full submit. Good habit to check your song folder incase you accidentally put in stuffs you won't be needing.

I apologize for my wall of text. This map is quite a solid start for your first, but there's definitely a lot more can be done to improve your mapset. Observe how other mappers manage their difficulties for ranked maps, try to learn and use some varieties of combo patterns. And sorry I afraid I won't be starring this seeing it's still a Work in Progress, but this is a solid map nontheless. Good luck and have fun mapping!
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Soul-less wrote:

As per request from mod queue~

- You might want to seek a second timing opinion on this map. Won't affect easier difficulty much due to lower Overall Difficulty(Thus not as strict on accuracy), but it's quite obvious in [Dingodile] where OD of lv9 which requires very accurate hit for 300, and I believe there's quite some modders who had noticed too. Personally I did much better on 1098 offset, but try ask for timing expert's help in #modhelp. I'd sure they'll be glad to help with new mappers. Remember to resnap all notes after you've changed your offset.

- [Evil Crash] and [Dingodile] is highly identical the way beats played out, except that due to much Higher OD and HP drain for Dingodile(And dying halfway due to 100s + HP drain). There's many other way to make a map harder to play such as different combo patterns, notes stacking, jumps(Larger than usual distance snap, normally used to emphasis beats), slider velocity(This not only affects your slider speed, it's also related to your distance snapping. And I've noticed you did the same slider velocity for all your difficulties.), different beats pattern(You mapped all same beats for [Evil Crash] and [Dingodile], except for 01:18:004 (1) onwards) . You might want to refer to how other people mapped their harder difficulties.

- Slightly over-enthusiastic hitsounding in my opinion. Might be not as obvious in [Crunch] and [Tiny Tiger] but in denser notes of [Evil Crash] and [Dingodile], some part can become very noisy with hitsounds overriding the music(00:18:206 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this for example, hitsounds are overwhelming the music). Consider lowering your overall hitsound volume if you are not changing them.(I think I might go for 60%, but that's me)

- You can hitsound parts of the slider by clicking twice on the start or end of the slider(First click selects the whole slider - blue outline, second click selects the start/end only, highlighted by red outline). This slider hitsound way is encouraged as hitsounding the whole slider will affect your slider slide's(And in some cases, slider tick's ) sound effect(Look at normal whistle sliders for example), and you're not forced to hitsound the whole slider with the same sound effect. Only hitsound the whole slider if you've confirmed with the sound effect you want.

- Some straight arrangement that's not perfectly straight, for example 00:49:157 (1,2,3,4,5) where 00:49:758 (5) is slightly out of the line, and 00:57:571 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) where 00:58:322 (6) is slightly out of the line. A quick way to ensure you're arranging a straight line is to temporary disable grid snap by holding your Shift key while placing beats, you'll notice it'll snap it straight in either horizontal, vertical, or diagonal way to the previous beat. Quick and useful to ensure your patterns are straight.

- I noticed you've changed all difficulties' slider tick rate to 2 except for [Evil Crash], you might want to fix this.

- There's an extra .osb file named Crash Bandicoot 3 - Dingodile Boss Music (silver327) in your folder. Not a big deal since it's only a less then 200 bytes file, but if possible delete it from your song folder and do a full submit. Good habit to check your song folder incase you accidentally put in stuffs you won't be needing.
Fixed everything exept that I only made minor adjustments to Evil Crash from before to make it slightly easier and more different from Dingodile. I was kinda using the EBA hard rock style to make Evil Crash from Dingodile. Also put in 1098 offset and things do sound slightly more on time.
Louis Cyphre
General issues.
- Title and Artist are wrong.Should be: Mutato Muzika - Dingodile
- add to source "Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped"
- remove "Crash Bandicoot 3" and "Dingodile" from tags.
- add to tags: "Naughty Dog SCEE Sony Computer Entertainment Europe PS Playstation"
- I don't understand logic of difficulty names. This is Dingodile's boss theme but you put there Crunch, Tiny Tiger, Evil Crash for what? Use standart difficulty names: Easy Normal Hard Insane. If you are going to fix that, don't forget to set same background image as in hardest difficulty on all difficulties.
- All BG's have wrong resolution. Must be 800 x 600 ~ 1024 x 768. Or between them but 4:3.
- osb file is useless.

I just have no idea how to mod this, for me all difficulties are wrong.

First of all read this viewtopic.php?f=56&t=37194, then take a look at some mapping technics viewforum.php?f=61 . Take a look at some ranked maps, look through all difficulties and try to remap all your difficulties, add some patterns, some jumps on insane/hard difficulties, logical break points. At the moment map is absolutely bad and ugly, don't offense.

Anyway feel free to ignore this. But General is important and must be fixed.

My appologize, but this map needs a great amount of modding or just should be remapped. No Star for now.
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Louis Cyphre wrote:

General issues.
- Title and Artist are wrong.Should be: Mutato Muzika - Dingodile (k)
- add to source "Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped" (k)
- remove "Crash Bandicoot 3" and "Dingodile" from tags. (k)
- add to tags: "Naughty Dog SCEE Sony Computer Entertainment Europe PS Playstation" (k)
- I don't understand logic of difficulty names. This is Dingodile's boss theme but you put there Crunch, Tiny Tiger, Evil Crash for what? Use standart difficulty names: Easy Normal Hard Insane. If you are going to fix that, don't forget to set same background image as in hardest difficulty on all difficulties. (the names relate to the series, other have used similar ideas such as: )
- All BG's have wrong resolution. Must be 800 x 600 ~ 1024 x 768. Or between them but 4:3. (k)
- osb file is useless. (k)

I just have no idea how to mod this, for me all difficulties are wrong. (k)

First of all read this viewtopic.php?f=56&t=37194, then take a look at some mapping technics viewforum.php?f=61 . Take a look at some ranked maps, look through all difficulties and try to remap all your difficulties, add some patterns, some jumps on insane/hard difficulties, logical break points. At the moment map is absolutely bad and ugly, don't offense. (k, i just suck at make symmertrical sliders and use distance snapping to prevent giant jumps. also, there are patterns, especialy in Dingodile difficulty)

Anyway feel free to ignore this. But General is important and must be fixed. (k)

My appologize, but this map needs a great amount of modding or just should be remapped. No Star for now. (lolwut? u gave star O.O)
I kind of agree with the fact that this beatmap isn't a good one. At the same time, the hardest songs to map are the simple ones because it is just about impossible to make a osu! tune to it. For me osu! notes are like an instrument. Most of the ranked beatmaps had an unique setting which did not go for example with the piano in the song, but pretty much added a new instrument to the piece, and that is what you should be aiming for. I attached a difficulty which might be helpful to you~ If it is, try analysing it?

Download: Mutato Muzika - Dingodile (silver327) [Example].osu
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Hushu wrote:

For me osu! notes are like an instrument. Most of the ranked beatmaps had an unique setting which did not go for example with the piano in the song, but pretty much added a new instrument to the piece, and that is what you should be aiming for. I attached a difficulty which might be helpful to you~ If it is, try analysing it?
I see, you mean to kinda make a remix of it? 'cause the example sounded like one (which was pretty good btw)
I worked on this a for a while, is it on the right track?

Download: Mutato Muzika - Dingodile (silver327) [Example Continued].osu
Oh no it can't be...
[Tiny Tiger]
Ok maybe it isn't.
[Evil Crash]
Probably isn't.
Ok serious time

If anything, the easy needs the most work, as it all looks clumped together and you can't really read the spacing. Try to fix that.

This really seems like a map where you haven't practiced mapping enough yet, so I'll give it time orz
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OzzyOzrock wrote:

Oh no it can't be...
[Tiny Tiger]
Ok maybe it isn't.
[Evil Crash]
Probably isn't.
Ok serious time

If anything, the easy needs the most work, as it all looks clumped together and you can't really read the spacing. Try to fix that.

This really seems like a map where you haven't practiced mapping enough yet, so I'll give it time orz
yeah, just finished remapping bassed on Hushu's example.

00:28:743 (1) - Add 1 more repeat (end at 00:29:945)
00:41:063 (5) - Revise, Not sure if possible in easy
00:51:581 (3,4,5,6) - Urgh, Sudden Slowdowns, Please Revise
01:17:574 (4,1) - I'm not sure if its rankable. but please revise, kinda confusing when spinner appears and your not yet finish w/ the combo
01:04:803 (3) - Put whistle at the starting circle, and apply whistle on the whole slider
01:07:207 (3) - ^

Tiny Tiger

00:11:014 (1) - End at 00:11:164, check spacing after
00:12:516 (4) - Spacing
00:16:723 (2,3) - ^
00:18:226 (1,2,3) - 2.0x spacing :o
00:21:531 (2) - Spacing
00:36:256 (2) - Shorten to 00:36:857, check spacing after
00:38:209 (4) - Bad Hitsound
00:51:581 (1) - Finish
00:52:783 (1) - ^
01:14:719 (3) - Extend to 01:14:869, Check spacing after
01:17:123 (3) - Shorten to 01:17:423
01:17:574 - Add a repeating slider 1/2 beat apart ending at 01:17:874
01:17:874 (4) - 1/2 beat later

Evil Crash
00:15:822 (1) - shorten to 00:15:521, check spacing after
00:36:857 (3) - Spacing
00:40:763 (3,4) - Too Far :o
00:50:379 (1) - ^ :o
00:51:581 (1) - Finish
00:52:783 (1) - ^
00:57:591 (1) - Too far
01:08:108(7) - Move to 01:08:258
01:07:507 (6) - Add 1 more repeat and end to 01:08:108 (01:07:507: Clap; Repeating arrows: Whistle, 01:08:108: Clap)
01:08:258 (7) - Remove whistle, Finish at the end

I really don't get your spacing


Can't mod properly, still can't mod fast hitsounds changes, sorry

All Suggestions, except for spacing infrigments :o
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MDuh wrote:


00:28:743 (1) - Add 1 more repeat (end at 00:29:945)
00:41:063 (5) - Revise, Not sure if possible in easy
00:51:581 (3,4,5,6) - Urgh, Sudden Slowdowns, Please Revise
01:17:574 (4,1) - I'm not sure if its rankable. but please revise, kinda confusing when spinner appears and your not yet finish w/ the combo
01:04:803 (3) - Put whistle at the starting circle, and apply whistle on the whole slider
01:07:207 (3) - ^

Tiny Tiger

00:11:014 (1) - End at 00:11:164, check spacing after (What?)
00:12:516 (4) - Spacing
00:16:723 (2,3) - ^
00:18:226 (1,2,3) - 2.0x spacing :o
00:21:531 (2) - Spacing
00:36:256 (2) - Shorten to 00:36:857, check spacing after
00:38:209 (4) - Bad Hitsound
00:51:581 (1) - Finish
00:52:783 (1) - ^
01:14:719 (3) - Extend to 01:14:869, Check spacing after (What?)
01:17:123 (3) - Shorten to 01:17:423
01:17:574 - Add a repeating slider 1/2 beat apart ending at 01:17:874
01:17:874 (4) - 1/2 beat later

Evil Crash
00:15:822 (1) - shorten to 00:15:521, check spacing after (What?)
00:36:857 (3) - Spacing
00:40:763 (3,4) - Too Far :o
00:50:379 (1) - ^ :o
00:51:581 (1) - Finish
00:52:783 (1) - ^
00:57:591 (1) - Too far
01:08:108(7) - Move to 01:08:258
01:07:507 (6) - Add 1 more repeat and end to 01:08:108 (01:07:507: Clap; Repeating arrows: Whistle, 01:08:108: Clap)
01:08:258 (7) - Remove whistle, Finish at the end

I really don't get your spacing


Can't mod properly, still can't mod fast hitsounds changes, sorry

All Suggestions, except for spacing infrigments :o

Edited in everything except what I wrote up there and for Dingodile, it's fine.
Hi ! Here Is My Mod !

00:28:743 (1) - Change Finish To Whistle ?
00:29:344 (1) - ^ ?
00:29:945 (1) - ^ ?
00:38:659 (4) - Add Clap ?
01:18:024 (1) - Move To 01:18:175 ? And Make The End Finish At 01:22:832

Tiny Tiger
00:20:930 (1) - Add Clap ?
00:25:438 (1) - ^ ?
00:44:369 (4) - Change Clap To Finish ?
00:51:581 (1) - Make This Spinner Longer To 00:53:684 And Delete The 00:52:783 ? It's Bit Difficult
01:22:832 (1) - Add Finish ?

Evil Crash
00:29:945 - Add A Note Here ? And Use Finish On It ?
00:35:054 (1) - Add Finish On Start And Clap At End ?
00:44:369 (8) - Add Finish ?
00:44:369 (7) - Add Finish ?

Fine !

LOL Wanna Play Crash Series Again
Topic Starter

- Peaceful Melody - wrote:

Hi ! Here Is My Mod !

00:28:743 (1) - Change Finish To Whistle ?
00:29:344 (1) - ^ ?
00:29:945 (1) - ^ ?
00:38:659 (4) - Add Clap ?
01:18:024 (1) - Move To 01:18:175 ? And Make The End Finish At 01:22:832

Tiny Tiger
00:20:930 (1) - Add Clap ?
00:25:438 (1) - ^ ?
00:44:369 (4) - Change Clap To Finish ?
00:51:581 (1) - Make This Spinner Longer To 00:53:684 And Delete The 00:52:783 ? It's Bit Difficult
01:22:832 (1) - Add Finish ?

Evil Crash
00:29:945 - Add A Note Here ? And Use Finish On It ?
00:35:054 (1) - Add Finish On Start And Clap At End ?
00:44:369 (8) - Add Finish ?
00:44:369 (7) - Add Finish ?

Fine !

LOL Wanna Play Crash Series Again
Fixed everything, the original Crash was so awsome :P

ThunderMod go

Some suggestions


00:18:226 (1) - remove new combo
00:20:329 (2) - new combo
00:28:743 (1) - remove new combo?

[Tiny tiger]

A lot of minor spacing issues through the map. Recheck spacing here
00:26:640 (3) - align whit 2?

[Evil Crash]
00:15:822 (1) - increase 1/8
01:14:268 (2, 3, 4) - spacing
01:16:672 (2, 3, 4, 5) - ^

00:44:369 (7) - silence endpoint

Rest seems fine
Topic Starter

Thunderstorm wrote:


ThunderMod go

Some suggestions


00:18:226 (1) - remove new combo
00:20:329 (2) - new combo
00:28:743 (1) - remove new combo?

[Tiny tiger]

A lot of minor spacing issues through the map. Recheck spacing here
00:26:640 (3) - align whit 2?

[Evil Crash]
00:15:822 (1) - increase 1/8
01:14:268 (2, 3, 4) - spacing
01:16:672 (2, 3, 4, 5) - ^

00:44:369 (7) - silence endpoint

Rest seems fine
Fixed everything
Magical Pokie
很好的歌,自己打的節奏很好……so Mod:
00:18:226 (3) - 這個slider太糾結了

00:50:379 (2,3) - 別疊(die)在一起

01:03:601 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - kiai沒什麼好用的


Tiny Tiger
Topic Starter

Magical Pokie wrote:

Good song, the rhythm of their playing well ... ... so Mod:
00:18:226 (3) - This slider is too tangled up

00:50:379 (2,3) - do not stack (die) together

01:03:601 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - kiai no useful

Remove the last line of a green ... ...

Tiny Tiger
Above, the Green Line more
And this difficulty as KanaRin (Wulian
Do not forget to Kudo
thank god for google translate,
fixed everything according to whate google translate gave me, thx! :)
Amazing shit, I like this melody since I've been playing CB3.
Topic Starter

TicClick wrote:

Amazing shit, I like this melody since I've been playing CB3.
Thanks for the support ^-^
Hello, so I heard you need some help from Tuuba Master. It seems you got this shit already and your mapping style is beautiful. The thing what is wondering me that this is N,N,I,I mapset. This may sound a little hard, but try to get it look like E,N,H,I. You'll get difficulties lower by deleting some notes and changing your difficulty settings. Try difficulty settings first though.

You may want to cut that part of .mp3 you are not going to map. What I am pointing is the end of the .mp3.
Delete .OSB and full submit, if you are not going to make a storyboard.

01:14:868 (3) - This sounds wrong to my ears.
01:17:272 (3) - ^

[Tiny Tiger]
00:20:930 (1) - 2 grids up, so you'll make this more clean looking.
00:56:389 (1) - You should try to stack this slider with that previous slider.

[Evil Crash]
01:20:427 (x) - I don't think you need two spinners, one long should be fine.

00:44:369 (7) - I think you should end this combo with one hitcircle instead. Slider makes it sounds a little bit wrong.
00:57:289 (1) - Doesn't need a new combo.
00:58:491 (1) - ^
01:22:830 (x) - Maybe you should end this map with interesting finish note!

If you found my mod helpful, please reward me with some sexy kudosu. LunaticMara's out.
Topic Starter

LunaticMara wrote:

Hello, so I heard you need some help from Tuuba Master. It seems you got this shit already and your mapping style is beautiful. The thing what is wondering me that this is N,N,I,I mapset. This may sound a little hard, but try to get it look like E,N,H,I. You'll get difficulties lower by deleting some notes and changing your difficulty settings. Try difficulty settings first though.

You may want to cut that part of .mp3 you are not going to map. What I am pointing is the end of the .mp3.
Delete .OSB and full submit, if you are not going to make a storyboard.

01:14:868 (3) - This sounds wrong to my ears.
01:17:272 (3) - ^

[Tiny Tiger]
00:20:930 (1) - 2 grids up, so you'll make this more clean looking.
00:56:389 (1) - You should try to stack this slider with that previous slider.

[Evil Crash]
01:20:427 (x) - I don't think you need two spinners, one long should be fine.

00:44:369 (7) - I think you should end this combo with one hitcircle instead. Slider makes it sounds a little bit wrong.
00:57:289 (1) - Doesn't need a new combo.
00:58:491 (1) - ^
01:22:830 (x) - Maybe you should end this map with interesting finish note!

If you found my mod helpful, please reward me with some sexy kudosu. LunaticMara's out.
Fixed everything expect that last thing for Dingodile because I have no creativity :P
So I posted on my bf's account on accedent dammit and I have to type something ahhh.
Here we go, on the right account now, lol.


00:15:822 (1) - This slider is strange for an easy, I would suggest changing it.
00:18:226 (3) - This slider could be a beter shape.
00:24:236 (5) - (4) is overlapping this note.
00:56:389 (1,2) - To confusing for an easy, don't overlap these.
01:08:108 (4) - Remove finish.
01:08:408 (x) - Add note and put a finsih on it. (sounds better)

[Tiny Tiger]

-I would highly suggest to turn down the slider velocity.

01:14:719 (3) - Extend the slider to the next white tick. (Just a suggestion, it works eiether way.)
01:18:024 (5) - I'd put that note someplace else, might get confused with the slider.

[Evil Crash]

00:23:334 (5) - Try to make this slider look like this:
00:39:561 (1,2,3,4) - Arrange these differently, it's a mess.
00:42:265 (1,2,3,4) - I would place these sliders underneath eachother like this:


00:35:054 (1) - Same as the first comment in Evil Crash.
00:51:581 (1) - Pick beetween straight and curve, not a mixture of both.
00:52:783 (4) - Same here ^
00:56:389 (1) - ^
00:57:591 (1) - ^

Dingodile was your best one for SURE. I wanna see this ranked I love Crash games. <3
Topic Starter

Lizzehb wrote:

Here we go, on the right account now, lol.


00:15:822 (1) - This slider is strange for an easy, I would suggest changing it.
00:18:226 (3) - This slider could be a beter shape.
00:24:236 (5) - (4) is overlapping this note.
00:56:389 (1,2) - To confusing for an easy, don't overlap these.
01:08:108 (4) - Remove finish.
01:08:408 (x) - Add note and put a finsih on it. (sounds better)

[Tiny Tiger]

-I would highly suggest to turn down the slider velocity.

01:14:719 (3) - Extend the slider to the next white tick. (Just a suggestion, it works eiether way.)
01:18:024 (5) - I'd put that note someplace else, might get confused with the slider.

[Evil Crash]

00:23:334 (5) - Try to make this slider look like this:
00:39:561 (1,2,3,4) - Arrange these differently, it's a mess.
00:42:265 (1,2,3,4) - I would place these sliders underneath eachother like this:


00:35:054 (1) - Same as the first comment in Evil Crash.
00:51:581 (1) - Pick beetween straight and curve, not a mixture of both.
00:52:783 (4) - Same here ^
00:56:389 (1) - ^
00:57:591 (1) - ^

Dingodile was your best one for SURE. I wanna see this ranked I love Crash games. <3
All fixed most except for some that I think fit well. And about the symetrical slider probelm, I'm not joking when I say I tried for half an hour and STILL COULDN'T GET IT! Symertrical sliders seem to hate me because I had already tried a long time ago to fix it, but couldn't. :cry:
Try taking a look here: viewtopic.php?f=56&t=37194
Topic Starter

Lizzehb wrote:

Try taking a look here: viewtopic.php?f=56&t=37194
Seen it before, and I just can't seem to learn 'em
EDIT: Changed the one from Evil Crash and Fixed the one in Dingodile the best that I could
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