Eternalie wrote:
Hidon mod~
I remenber that map :3 tested it some times ago ayy yey im remembered~~~dadonkey=1/2/3/4
00:50:583 (50583|2) - how about move to 4 ? the pitch change isnt too much for that to be at 4
01:00:024 (60024|1) - move to 4 imho okay
02:04:260 (124260|3) - like I suggested in the hardest diff, how about making thoose 1/4 LNs for a funny effect ? i dont think so, the synths end at the LN's ends
02:16:282 (136282|2,136326|3) - this is a 1/8 snap and the note start on the white line it should be correct the way it is as i've tested it
02:40:789 (160789|1) - move to 4 to avoid thoose tree notes on the 2nd collumn in a row okay
02:46:613 (166613|1) - move to 4 ^ ^
04:09:223 (249223|2,249267|3) - same as earlier should start on the white line and 1/8 snap same as above
waiii , Good Luck/ thanks
Eternalie wrote:
Hidon mod~
I remenber that map :3 tested it some times ago ayydadonkey=1/2/3/4
[Alisha's Teleportation]
01:19:083 - yuuuuus good job this has a nice kind of teleport SV XD
00:26:672 (26672|3,26848|1) - Ctrl+J cause : 00:26:319 (26319|1,26672|3) - thoose are same pitch
00:28:966 (28966|2) - add note to 3 , according to : 00:30:377 (30377|2) - , 00:31:789 (31789|2) -
01:41:672 (101672|0,101848|1,102024|2,102201|3,102377|1,102554|3,102730|0,102730|2,102730|1) - <3
02:04:260 (124260|3) - how about making all the LNs of this section 1/4 , short time LN could be fun since it feels like a single but you just have to hold it a little (and it match the sounds here imho)
02:31:436 (151436|3,151436|1,151524|2) - I think your notes got changed by a chord cause of a snap change, refer to Flying diff for the correct snap
02:32:672 (152672|2) - move to 2 same pitch as : 02:32:142 (152142|1) -
03:02:495 (182495|0,182672|3,182672|1) - your second section of that same rythm is different , look here : 00:58:260 (58260|0,58260|3,58436|1,58436|2) - they should be concistent imo
02:16:260 (136260|1) - the snap here is 1/8 and not 1/4
00:50:583 (50583|2) - how about move to 4 ?
01:00:024 (60024|1) - move to 4 imho
02:04:260 (124260|3) - like I suggested in the hardest diff, how about making thoose 1/4 LNs for a funny effect ?
02:16:282 (136282|2,136326|3) - this is a 1/8 snap and the note start on the white line
02:40:789 (160789|1) - move to 4 to avoid thoose tree notes on the 2nd collumn in a row
02:46:613 (166613|1) - move to 4 ^
04:09:223 (249223|2,249267|3) - same as earlier should start on the white line and 1/8 snap
waiii , Good Luck/
LastExceed wrote:
Columns: 0|1|2|3flying00:45:377 (45377|1,45554|2) - maybe col0 and col3 instead of 1 and 2? rearranged
00:50:142 (50142|3,50319|2) - switch lanes ok
01:10:613 (70613|0) - move to col2 dont really see the need for this
01:12:377 (72377|0) - ^ ok
01:16:260 - since this is by far the hardest part of the beatmap, make it mashable i dont think a mashable stream is what im looking for here
01:21:730 (81730|3) - move to col0 ok
01:27:377 (87377|3) - move to col2 ^
01:33:024 (93024|2,93024|3) - move one of them to col1 ^
01:41:671 - consider reworking this part, i see no reason to map inverts in here. also, inverts are way too hard for 3* its intended so no change
02:02:671 - again, make it mashable same as above
02:05:671 (125671|2) - move to col3 trying to mix up a little bit of the LNs so that they arent the same
02:09:907 (129907|2) - ^
02:10:613 (130613|2) - move to col0 rearranged slightly
02:49:613 (169613|1,169789|2) - move 1col to the right ok
02:52:260 (172260|1) - move to col2 or 3 ^
02:59:318 (179318|1) - move to col2 ^
03:32:848 - you're really overdoing the sliders, they don't even make sense to me im mapping for the synths here
04:07:171 (247171|2,247260|0,247348|1,247436|0,247436|3,247524|1,247612|3,247701|2) - make these a little friendlier, maybe stairs rearranged
More to come depending on your mods on space battle i accidentally lost my mod so i need to redo ;-;
Ilham wrote:
hello mod done owo
the hitsounding method seems complicated x3 well I just come to check pattern, mostly check the consistency anyway /w\
1/2/3/4Terbangwill mod start from here 00:45:201 since already did an irc lol, ok the intro seems fine
00:45:730 (45730|1,47142|0,48554|0,49966|0,51377|0,52789|0,54201|0) - make these 2 notes please, to follow the synth rearranged somehow
00:55:083 (55083|0,55083|1,55613|1) - same sound but different amount of notes (?) ^
01:08:495 (68495|3) - from here better 1 note for that kick, since low volume, 2 notes for represent this kind of sound 01:07:789 (67789|0,67789|3,67789|1,68319|1,69201|0,69201|2,69730|1,70613|3,70613|1,70613|0,71142|2,72024|0,72024|2,72554|1) - it’s better all double ^
01:14:760 (74760|1) - you can add to 2 since you also add here 01:16:171 (76171|1) - okay i guess
01:19:083 (79083|0,79083|2,79436|2,79436|1,79436|3) - I know you put 2 for kick, 3 for snare. But you’ll troubled here 01:20:671 (80671|1,80848|0,80848|3) - make it consistent with 2 notes for all of them?
do selfmod, make 2 notes for every kick and snare until 01:40:260 (100260|0,100260|1,100260|2) - nah, it can be triple much as i want to, i have to keep to my mapping style of doubles for kicks, triples for snares and quads for crashes
01:43:083 (103083|1,103083|0,103083|2,103083|3) - aaa why 4, 2 is enough, I dont mind here corrected 01:42:730 (102730|2,102730|0,102730|3,102730|1) - but that kick must be 2
from that also make 2 notes for kick and snare there is a crash here and there won't be any changes to the kick and snare note styles, same reason as above
01:46:171 (106171|2) - add a note, like you do before that would ruin the mapping style of 3 notes at once for snare
01:57:466 (117466|1) - ^ ^
02:00:289 (120289|3) - suggest remove focus on kick, snare and the synth deleted the note
02:01:789 (121789|0,121789|1,121789|3) - start from here you can use 3 for snare reason ^
okay repetition, since you’ve already mark every part so you can make it same as the part before 1st kiai, make sure the amount of notes are same, I see this part 03:12:024 until 2nd kiai is different with before /w\
woow the 2nd kiai is LN huh xD I cant totally agree or disagree with it, but seems fine for me, little suggestion
03:44:495 (224495|0,224495|1,224848|0,224848|3,225201|2,225201|0) - make this usual note altered
03:47:318 (227318|1,227318|2,227318|0) - wooo you put 4 on the first kiai and 3 here... whether I suggest 2 x3 changed to 3 notes at the first kiai
04:19:789 (259789|0,259789|3) - why not LN? I prefer LN, the reason is there’s a time to confirm if I had 200/100/50/miss or not. lol just kidding, usual note is fine, the choice is yours chose to keep at notes
mod done o/
good luck for ranking >w< thanks
oh and one thing, RC said "A difficulty's name must indicate its level of difficulty, with the exception of the hardest level of difficulty in a set."
so that should have Easy/Normal/Hard or EZ/NM/HD on the diff's name. in a way the difficulty names are fine, since they are stages of "evolution" if you know what i mean cmiiw
20:57 ByeForNow: okk lets see now
20:57 ByeForNow: :0
20:57 cikra: Flying > Teleportation >
20:58 cikra: Running > Walking > Crawling
20:58 cikra: i think u might wanna update
21:03 ByeForNow: its not bad
21:03 cikra: i noticed ur pressing pretty early
21:03 ByeForNow: im playing with 15 scroll speed lol
21:03 cikra: why?! D:
21:03 ByeForNow: i just play easy maps this way :C
21:03 cikra: i noticed a huge mistake
21:04 ByeForNow: 00:22:436 (22436|3,22613|0,22613|2) - 1, 34? hand balance
21:04 cikra: 03:12:024 -
21:04 cikra: i forgot to apply my mods from here on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21:05 ByeForNow: rip
21:05 cikra: applied
21:05 ByeForNow: 00:24:730 - 00:26:848 - empty 4 column is empty lol
21:05 cikra: D:
21:05 ByeForNow: hmm
21:06 cikra: 00:25:789 (25789|2) - moved to 4
21:06 ByeForNow: works
21:07 ByeForNow: 00:35:848 (35848|2,35848|1,36024|0) - ctrl+H and shift 1 column to left, hand balance
21:08 cikra: okay
21:10 ByeForNow: 00:37:789 - spreaded better, both jump was on left hand lol
21:11 cikra: mhm
21:11 cikra: seems good
21:11 ByeForNow: 00:41:848 (41848|3,42024|2) - Ctrl+G, feels odd to have same jump pattern 13 3 times, take note of your HS
21:12 cikra: haiz
21:12 cikra: my ctrl + # stuf
21:12 cikra: keep messing up my hitsounded keys
21:12 ByeForNow: you use frenzy's hs manager?
21:13 cikra: no
21:13 ByeForNow: o
21:14 ByeForNow: 00:54:907 - a little bias to your right hand to have continious trill there lol
21:15 cikra: then theres the focus on 2 3
21:15 ByeForNow: o
21:15 ByeForNow: it actually turns into a repeated pattern of 00:52:260 (52260|3,52260|2,52436|1,52613|2,52789|3,52789|1,52966|2,53142|3,53319|2,53495|1) - i just realised lol
21:16 ByeForNow: asdf
21:16 cikra:
21:16 cikra: i rearranged it like this
21:16 cikra: oshet
21:17 cikra: doesnt matter
21:17 cikra: #blamethetrack
21:19 ByeForNow: 00:57:907 - :V?
21:19 ByeForNow: idk if its my mapping style but i enjoy it like this better lol
21:19 cikra: omg
21:19 cikra: its so
21:19 cikra: small
21:19 cikra: D:::::
21:19 cikra: well
21:19 cikra: im keeping to PR here
21:19 ByeForNow: ok
21:19 cikra: so i think its fine the way it is
21:20 ByeForNow: 01:01:436 (61436|2) - move to 4? apparently the sound there is much louder than 01:01:083 - so i think it should be at 4 instead lol
21:21 cikra: okay
21:21 cikra: applied
21:21 cikra: okay
21:21 cikra: applied
21:22 ByeForNow: 01:05:495 (65495|1) - move to 4, each column will have 3 notes each yay
21:22 ByeForNow: pssh, actually hand balance
21:22 ByeForNow: lol
21:22 cikra: then it'll be the same as the previous double
21:23 ByeForNow: mmm
21:23 ByeForNow: well it should be fine there
21:23 ByeForNow: cause they have the same sound for each jump
21:23 cikra: yea
21:23 cikra: i guess
21:23 ByeForNow: 14 2,3, 14 actually feels comfortable to play too
21:24 ByeForNow: 01:06:907 (66907|1) - move to 4? hand balance
21:24 ByeForNow: i came to realised your notes are pretty much gathered in 2 or 3
21:24 ByeForNow: lol
21:24 cikra: yea
21:24 ByeForNow: 1 still moderate
21:24 ByeForNow: 4 is kinda uh
21:24 cikra: #blamethetrack
21:24 cikra: applied
21:24 cikra: 01:07:436 (67436|0) -
21:24 cikra: moved to 1
21:25 cikra: 01:07:613 (67613|2,67789|1) -
21:25 cikra: then these 2
21:25 cikra: moved to 2 4
21:26 ByeForNow: 01:40:789 (100789|2) - move to 4
21:26 ByeForNow: nothing much to say about the kiai part fyi
21:26 cikra: applied
21:26 cikra: btw
21:26 ByeForNow: i dig the LNs
21:26 ByeForNow: :^)
21:27 cikra: evening edited my bg ;d
21:27 ByeForNow: yay
21:27 cikra:
21:27 cikra: the 3rd sentence
21:27 cikra: feels a little too low
21:28 ByeForNow: imo it looks fine
21:28 ByeForNow: like a rising sun or something
21:28 ByeForNow: lol
21:28 cikra: well
21:28 cikra: okay then
21:28 cikra: 3
21:28 cikra: 3:0 votes
21:28 cikra: TIME TO BRING IT IN
21:29 ByeForNow: 02:05:318 (125318|2,125495|1) - all these notes
21:29 ByeForNow: make them like LN and end on blue line? lol
21:30 cikra: they sound too short to be an LN
21:30 ByeForNow: oo ok
21:30 ByeForNow: 02:16:282 (136282|2,136326|3) - is this snapping error or
21:30 ByeForNow: ?_?
21:30 cikra: no
21:30 cikra: its intended
21:30 cikra: check on 25
21:30 ByeForNow: oo
21:30 cikra: most accurate i could find
21:30 ByeForNow: well im not so sure
21:31 ByeForNow: so if youre planning on ranking this, tell the bn to check this part lol.
21:31 cikra: mm
21:31 ByeForNow: klawjdlkwajdklwajkldwakdjawlk
21:31 cikra: mebe i could ask evening
21:31 ByeForNow: it bothers me so much the guitar isn't layered, #blame4K
21:31 cikra: i tried to map the guitar
21:32 cikra: but i got numerous complaints
21:32 cikra: that it overlapped each other too much
21:32 ByeForNow: yup
21:32 ByeForNow: xD
21:32 cikra: so i had to stick to piano
21:32 ByeForNow: rip 4K
21:32 cikra: if i mapped guitar in as well
21:32 cikra: there would be unnecessary jacks and doubles
21:32 ByeForNow: 02:49:436 - strangely this part, your 4th column isn't lonely anymore
21:32 ByeForNow: xD
21:33 ByeForNow: 03:04:965 - nvm i jinxed it
21:33 ByeForNow: kladjlkwajdlkwaj
21:33 cikra: lel
21:33 ByeForNow: 03:05:671 (185671|2,186024|2) - move to 4? :V
21:34 cikra: did so alrdy
21:34 cikra: xd
21:34 ByeForNow: 03:08:495 (188495|2) - this
21:34 cikra: done too
21:34 ByeForNow: dont shoot me for being lazy to explain
21:34 ByeForNow: its the same reason lol
21:34 ByeForNow: 03:08:495 (188495|2) - i dig this LN so much
21:34 cikra: why would i shoot u D:
21:34 ByeForNow: <3
21:34 cikra: dig? D:
21:35 cikra: wat ish dig
21:35 ByeForNow: love it i mean
21:35 ByeForNow: lol
21:35 cikra: theres no LN there
21:35 cikra: did u ctrl c the wrong one? o-o
21:35 ByeForNow: o.o
21:35 ByeForNow: i think so
21:35 cikra: lel
21:35 ByeForNow: basically your kiai rocks
21:35 cikra: i was like
21:35 ByeForNow: *_*
21:35 cikra: yay
21:35 ByeForNow: that's all
21:35 ByeForNow: rest is fine
21:35 cikra: finally
21:36 cikra: someone complimented my kiai styles :D
21:36 ByeForNow: <- loves LN so
21:36 cikra: i still dont know why
21:36 cikra: there are notes in the LNs though
21:36 ByeForNow: idk
21:36 ByeForNow: youre to mapper
21:36 ByeForNow: why are you asking me
21:36 ByeForNow: lol
21:36 ByeForNow: the mapper*
21:37 ByeForNow: there's beats
21:37 ByeForNow: ye
21:37 cikra: :/
21:37 cikra: i forgot the reason
21:37 cikra: LOL
21:37 ByeForNow: u probably were like
21:37 ByeForNow: sexy LNs confirmed
21:37 cikra: omfg
21:37 cikra: 03:25:613 -
21:37 cikra: MISSING NOTE
21:37 ByeForNow: hmm looks empty..
21:37 ByeForNow: 'adds random notes'
21:38 cikra: though
21:38 cikra: i might wanna request
21:38 ByeForNow: :d?
21:38 cikra: for a throughout, detailed FULL check on the 2nd kiai LNs though
21:38 cikra: i feel that
21:38 cikra: there are errors
21:38 cikra: or
21:38 cikra: extra notes
21:38 cikra: or missing notes
21:38 cikra: etc
21:38 ByeForNow: okok
21:39 cikra: tanks :d
21:39 ByeForNow: oh
21:39 ByeForNow: hahahahaha
21:39 ByeForNow: 03:25:613 -
21:39 ByeForNow: yup
21:39 ByeForNow: there was missing note
21:39 ByeForNow: xD
21:40 cikra: D:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
21:40 cikra: ok
Thanks for modding~AsrielDr33murr wrote:
Flying00:01:260 (1260|1) - Move the start of this LN to 00:01:436, and add a short note to 00:01:260 the long synth starts correctly so i wont be applying this
00:04:083 (4083|1) - Do the same thing as above with this LN ^
01:16:083 (76083|2,76171|1,76260|0,76260|3,76348|1,76436|2,76436|3,76524|0,76613|1,76613|2,76701|3,76789|0,76789|1,76877|2,76966|1,76966|3,77054|0,77142|2,77142|3,77230|1,77319|2,77319|0,77407|3,77495|1,77495|2,77583|0,77671|2,77671|3) - I think removing the double tap notes from this section would make the map play a lot smoother. Furthermore, if you're going for something around HD/NM+ in terms of difficulty, I think the double taps are a bit much. i've removed some doubles and i've tried to make this as hard as i can
01:41:848 (101848|1) - This slider shouldn't last as long as it does, it makes the pattern very confusing and/or hard to play (though that's more on the subjective side) thats my intended pattern so nothing will change here
01:51:730 (111730|2,111730|3,111907|1,111907|2,112083|3,112083|1,112083|0,112260|3,112260|2,112436|1,112436|0,112613|3,112613|2,112613|1,112789|2,112789|3) - This pattern could use an LN or two, it feels a bit bland to me added some LNs
02:03:554 (123554|3) - remove this i dont see a reason for this to be removed, since im keeping to having triples as snares
02:16:348 - 02:16:613 - Put an LN here what for? i dont hear anything here
03:24:730 (204730|0,205083|2,205436|1,205436|3) - I think the short notes in this section should be removed these are there to signify the shorter synths
03:27:554 (207554|3,208260|2) - ^ ^
That's all I got, also, you might wanna up the background resolution a bit, i'm seeing minor pixelation on my monitor. the resolution of the bg is 1366x768, and i dont think i can put any higher than that, much less find a higher resolution version
NPcikra wrote:
Thanks for modding~AsrielDr33murr wrote:
Flying00:01:260 (1260|1) - Move the start of this LN to 00:01:436, and add a short note to 00:01:260 the long synth starts correctly so i wont be applying this
00:04:083 (4083|1) - Do the same thing as above with this LN ^
01:16:083 (76083|2,76171|1,76260|0,76260|3,76348|1,76436|2,76436|3,76524|0,76613|1,76613|2,76701|3,76789|0,76789|1,76877|2,76966|1,76966|3,77054|0,77142|2,77142|3,77230|1,77319|2,77319|0,77407|3,77495|1,77495|2,77583|0,77671|2,77671|3) - I think removing the double tap notes from this section would make the map play a lot smoother. Furthermore, if you're going for something around HD/NM+ in terms of difficulty, I think the double taps are a bit much. i've removed some doubles and i've tried to make this as hard as i can
01:41:848 (101848|1) - This slider shouldn't last as long as it does, it makes the pattern very confusing and/or hard to play (though that's more on the subjective side) thats my intended pattern so nothing will change here
01:51:730 (111730|2,111730|3,111907|1,111907|2,112083|3,112083|1,112083|0,112260|3,112260|2,112436|1,112436|0,112613|3,112613|2,112613|1,112789|2,112789|3) - This pattern could use an LN or two, it feels a bit bland to me added some LNs
02:03:554 (123554|3) - remove this i dont see a reason for this to be removed, since im keeping to having triples as snares
02:16:348 - 02:16:613 - Put an LN here what for? i dont hear anything here
03:24:730 (204730|0,205083|2,205436|1,205436|3) - I think the short notes in this section should be removed these are there to signify the shorter synths
03:27:554 (207554|3,208260|2) - ^ ^
That's all I got, also, you might wanna up the background resolution a bit, i'm seeing minor pixelation on my monitor. the resolution of the bg is 1366x768, and i dont think i can put any higher than that, much less find a higher resolution version
Cursetyl wrote:
Here's the mod you asked for, hopefully it's goodyey
Crawling02:05:384 02:06:796 02:08:208 - Lack of notes on these parts a bit odd it does feel a little odd, but its mapped for the synths so i dont think thats an issue
02:43:502 - Doubles here but not on these 02:44:561 feels inconsistent fixed
04:19:855 - Maybe end it with a double instead of a single but this doesn't really matteri think thats fine xd
Not much to say about this one, new players would enjoy it a lot thats up for them to judge c:Walking00:00:267 - The missing beat on these sections feels inconsistent with these sections 00:01:149 okay
00:45:267 - Keeps same patterns as the faster paced section before, maybe revert back to patterns similar to the ones at the start of the map okay
01:44:385 - Maybe make these doubles, as this and 01:44:208 standout in similar ways it may stand out in similar ways, but the first is a snare and the second is a kick, so no change here :s
02:05:384 - Feels awkward not having notes here in these parts same in crawling
03:20:561 - Maybe compliment this section with an LN no change as its to keep consistent with the one before first kiai
03:33:267 These LN sections may be a bit awkward for players who are in the 2 Star range, maybe nerf them a tad nerfed a little i guess
04:19:855 - Maybe end on a double for added conclusiveness not much emphasis here..
I feel it's a bit hard for players who are entering the 2 star level, with a bit of a difficulty nerf it would play better for those of that skill level yea i think so tooFlying02:07:502 (127502|1,128208|1,131737|1) - The repetition of having these notes in the 3rd column helps the map, but these three notes upset that repetition moved one of them to 3 to accomodate the previous LN
Yeah not much for this one, I felt it was very solid overall :DDDDDTachyon00:00:000 - Feels very uncomfortable to start the map off with an SV change like this im not sure how to fix this, i'll consult someone for help
00:15:443 (15443|1) - Letting go of this LN at the point it ends makes the pattern unnecessarily awkward i think thats fine
00:45:267 - Again, the SV change feels unnecessary and uncomfortable its not very significant so no change here
01:08:914 - Patterns in this section are very awkward and difficult to play in combination with the SV change, and even without the SV they are very uncomfortable its intended, but i've nerfed it a little to make it easier to play
01:16:326 - In this part, the speed up is nice, but the slowdown going to .8 rather than back to 1.0 makes it very awkward to handle its slowed a little more than 1.0 so its slightly more readable and to fit with the "emptier" background sound
01:18:796 - At this part, I feel rather than speeding up the scroll speed, bringing it to a near stop with something like .1 or .2 SV, and then ramping back up to 1.0, would suit the song better, as the music stops, and in the previous section, the SV increases with the intensity of the music, so making the SV increase with a dead stop in the music makes very little sense and feels unintuitive 0.1 or 0.2 is way too slow, i've changed it to 0.6 and its pretty nice imo
01:41:737 - Maybe make the SV gradually speed up from here, and then slow down alot at 01:42:796 to emphasize the ramping up of the music im not sure how to describe what i did here, but i did apply the first part and modified the second part a little
01:53:032 - The slowdown feels unnecessary here, it would feel better if it stayed at 1.0 or sped up made it speed up by 0.05 every 1/1 beat i guess
02:02:915 - In a section similar to this at the beginning (01:16:326) the song sped up rather than slowed down, the speed up is not only more appropriate, but it feels more intuitive and suits the music more than a slow down. for this part, the first stream section was a buildup, but this stream section is more like a "descending" sound so i wont make any changes here
02:04:326 - I feel like the SV going to .6 is unnecessary, I would put it back to 1.0 or make it something less drastic like .85 or .9 its arguably the quietest part of the track that has sounds so i think the SV should be okay
02:16:326 (136326|2,136370|3) - Considering the maps reliance on LN's, maybe make these into an LN no, these are mapped for the piano
02:19:855 (139855|2,139943|3,140032|2) - Same as the last one ^
02:31:458 (151458|2,151546|3,151634|2) - Same again ^
02:49:502 - No point in making this section this slow, change to 1.0, or if you really want it to be slower, .9 or something very close to 1.0 would feel better changed it to 0.8 since its still generally quiet
03:01:855 - The SV's that were used on notes like this are no longer present, you could make a less drastic version of the ones seen before (rather than the .7 slowdown, make it something less noticeable like .8 or .9 this time around) the SV of the section is already 0.75, so i made it as 0.65, should be fine
03:12:090 - Yeah, these sections all having lower than 1.0 SV makes the map very uncomfortable to play, for sections without heavy difference in the music, I would leave it at 1.0 left it at 0.9 since it feels most natural
03:17:737 - Once again, the SV not being at 1.0 makes it uneccessarily difficult to both read, acc, and play in general
03:21:973 - With the music at full stop, just like earlier I would make it a very slow SV rather than a very fast one fixed
03:23:384 - Having the scroll speed be faster than the normal 1.0 for an extended period of time is unnecessarily straining on reading, same as the slowdowns but even worse for those who play at high scroll speeds its intended as the difficulty name suggests high speed, but i've reduced it by 0.05 so its not as harsh
03:30:443 (210443|0,210443|3) - This section is normally just 03:30:443 (210443|3) by itself with no accompaniment, and when it has extra notes it is very difficult to play this kind of patterning is intended
03:33:090 (213090|1,213090|2) - The amount of notes used here is fine, just putting it here as an example for how the pattern at 03:30:443 should be ^
03:44:208 - No SV's here makes it feel inconsistent fixed
04:07:502 - Why is the SV slowing down at the apex of the song, it should either be speeding up or staying the same same reason as 2nd stream section
04:07:502 - Another thing here is that if you take my advice and switch the general speed from 1.1 to 1.0 on this whole section, turning this part into a 1.1 would be acceptable
04:09:311 - Why does the SV occur here and not prior to these two notes? Also .6 here feels a bit off to me, I think it would play better with .7 or .8, but .6 is acceptable, it just feels a tad to slow to me fixed
I feel this difficulty has the most to improve on, true but the general makeup of it is very enjoyable. :d Some of the SV's are either unnecessary, to drastic, or don't make much sense rhythmically, but with some fine tuning I feel like this dif could be very funi'll try to get more mods and opinions on the SVs so thanks for modding :dd
Song is really enjoyable, hopefully this mod was helpful! Good luckthanks :ddd
Syadow- wrote:
NM from Ly0 and Syadow's MANiA QUEUE
Feel Free To Reject, No Kudos if didn't help much u did help :dbayangansince this map's lenght 4 minutes, i'll mod 1 diff :([Flying]
00:00:443 (443|2) - move to col4 same like 00:00:973 (973|3) - made some changes
00:03:267 (3267|2) - ^ ^
00:06:090 (6090|2) - ^ ^
00:06:267 (6267|1,6443|0) - since the sound same, i suggest to make same pattern its for variation, so its not boring
00:11:738 (11738|2) - same above ^
00:14:561 (14561|2,14738|1,14914|2) - same above ^
00:17:561 (17561|1,17738|2) - move 1 col to left its slightly higher pitched so no change
00:20:032 (20032|2,20385|1,20561|2) - ^ its higher pitch here so no change
02:39:973 (159973|3,159973|2,160149|2,160149|3) - no same sound, 02:40:149 (160149|2,160149|3) - move to 23 ok
02:45:796 (165796|2,165796|0) - ^ , 02:45:796 (165796|2) - move to col 4 ^
03:56:120 - add note here ok
03:56:561 (236561|2,236561|1) - move to col 34 ok
03:57:267 - double why? no kick
04:06:090 - i suggest sure
04:07:678 - double what for? i dont see the need here
good luck~ >w<)b thanks :ddd
rearranged notes to apply fix. Thanks for modding!Cursetyl wrote:
Here's the mod you asked for, hopefully it's good
t skill level[/box]Crono's Running00:50:914 - This is the same beat as the other doubles, but the only one that's a different pattern
02:55:149 - Same beat other doubles, but a different pattern again, it does relieve the repetition but at the cost of consistency
Very solid difficulty
will send update soonCursetyl wrote:
Aliscea's Teleportation00:22:679 - The SV change here feels unnecessary, leaving it at 1.0 would be more intuitive and enjoyable
00:45:267 - Making it slower again feels weird, the patterns becoming less intense is enough of an indication that the song is slowing down, you don't need to make it scroll slower as well // for these I changed it into mild slowjams, since I want to retain my liking of putting slowjams in slowed sections
00:45:796 (45796|0) - The hitsounding makes this section feel weird, and makes you think there's an extra note you missed, it's fine but just food for thought // for the hitsounds and the rest of the hitsound modding, i'll read them, but will not reply because cikra forgot to update :<
00:56:561 - If you disregard what I said about changing the SV to 1.0 for the previous to sections, this one should be 1.0 regardless, as the song is ramping up at this point and there's no reason to have it be slower // it's more ramping up at 01:07:855 - so i think its okay
01:02:561 - Hitsounding here sounds very weird
01:03:620 - The hitsounding here makes sense, but making the sections prior to this one sound the same does not, as another instrument kicks in at this point making those hitsounds relevant.
01:07:855 - Once again, should be at 1.0 // I chose to increase
01:23:649 - Maybe make this a double, sounds odd with it being a single
01:32:649 - Sounds like a note is missing here due to the hitsounding, since this section is more intense it's fine to stack the difficulty on
01:47:649 - The hitsound plays here but the notes it's emphasizing are at 01:47:738
01:59:649 - Same problem here
02:16:326 - Maybe speed up to .9 or 1.0 here // to .85
02:38:649 - Sounds like note is missing here again // added
02:41:649 - Here as well
02:44:296 - Also here
02:47:296 - Last one of this type here, but in general there are a lot of missing notes throughout the map // i can't hear anything ;w;
03:20:561 - Since this section is prefaced with 03:20:385 (200385|2,200385|3) this kind of double, make the rest of the section follow suit rather than being 03:20:561 (200561|0,200561|3,200649|1,200649|2,200738|3,200738|0) - this pattern // i think it quite follows the follow, same as how 01:16:149 (76149|1,76238|0) - is placed.
This difficulty could use some work, there are hitsounds missing a partner note in a lot of places, making it feel weird to play in some parts. That being said, the hitsounds are interesting, and when you accompany the missing notes with them this dif could turn out to be really cool// thanks
will take note of that
Song is really enjoyable, hopefully this mod was helpful! Good luck
dont lose ur changes again >;cAlisceaSparku wrote:
will send update soonCursetyl wrote:
Aliscea's Teleportation00:22:679 - The SV change here feels unnecessary, leaving it at 1.0 would be more intuitive and enjoyable
00:45:267 - Making it slower again feels weird, the patterns becoming less intense is enough of an indication that the song is slowing down, you don't need to make it scroll slower as well // for these I changed it into mild slowjams, since I want to retain my liking of putting slowjams in slowed sections
00:45:796 (45796|0) - The hitsounding makes this section feel weird, and makes you think there's an extra note you missed, it's fine but just food for thought // for the hitsounds and the rest of the hitsound modding, i'll read them, but will not reply because cikra forgot to update :<
00:56:561 - If you disregard what I said about changing the SV to 1.0 for the previous to sections, this one should be 1.0 regardless, as the song is ramping up at this point and there's no reason to have it be slower // it's more ramping up at 01:07:855 - so i think its okay
01:02:561 - Hitsounding here sounds very weird
01:03:620 - The hitsounding here makes sense, but making the sections prior to this one sound the same does not, as another instrument kicks in at this point making those hitsounds relevant.
01:07:855 - Once again, should be at 1.0 // I chose to increase
01:23:649 - Maybe make this a double, sounds odd with it being a single
01:32:649 - Sounds like a note is missing here due to the hitsounding, since this section is more intense it's fine to stack the difficulty on
01:47:649 - The hitsound plays here but the notes it's emphasizing are at 01:47:738
01:59:649 - Same problem here
02:16:326 - Maybe speed up to .9 or 1.0 here // to .85
02:38:649 - Sounds like note is missing here again // added
02:41:649 - Here as well
02:44:296 - Also here
02:47:296 - Last one of this type here, but in general there are a lot of missing notes throughout the map // i can't hear anything ;w;
03:20:561 - Since this section is prefaced with 03:20:385 (200385|2,200385|3) this kind of double, make the rest of the section follow suit rather than being 03:20:561 (200561|0,200561|3,200649|1,200649|2,200738|3,200738|0) - this pattern // i think it quite follows the follow, same as how 01:16:149 (76149|1,76238|0) - is placed.
This difficulty could use some work, there are hitsounds missing a partner note in a lot of places, making it feel weird to play in some parts. That being said, the hitsounds are interesting, and when you accompany the missing notes with them this dif could turn out to be really cool// thanks
will take note of that
Song is really enjoyable, hopefully this mod was helpful! Good luck
>:-(riunosk wrote:
dont lose ur changes again >;c
Ranking Criteria wrote:
Overall Difficulty should be:
9-10 when using mainly notes and just a few amount of holds
7-8 when using a mix a balanced notes and holds
5-6 when using mostly holds
No_sync wrote:
From my NM/M4M queue.
Columns 4K 0|1|2|3GeneralMP3: MISSBG: PASS
- 128Kbps isn't a good bitrate for the mp3, try to increase the value to 192Kbps. i think the mp3 is fine as it is, not really sure if i want to increase the file size just for that
Video: PASS
- Looks great tho xD
BPM & Offset: FAIL
- Not needed!
Diff.Spread: PASS
- For start this long analysis (no joke about this...take time tbh.) The correct Offset is 110. im 100% sure the offset is 91 BPM is correct.
- Now, There is an error: "Uninherited timing points conflict with *x* diff", what means that the BPM and Offset are bad set in this difficulties:
- Crawling, Walking, Crono's Running, Flying, Tachyon. (More rare even: Aliscea diff don't have this issue)
- To fix it:
- Go to each difficulty with the error and uncheck the option "Move the notes when BPM/Offset changes" in Timing tab. okay
- Now in the window insert these BPM and Offset values in the Uninherited point: <- Offset is 110 here, try 91 if you like as well. those uninheried points contain SV changes, and most of it are definetly not encouraged to have in lower difficulties, so i dont think thats an issue
- Adjust notes, kiai and volume/SV changes.
Diff.Name: PASS
HP & OD: MISSHitsound: PASS
- "One Screenshot is better than 1000 words": In particular that difficulty have too much OD when it has SO many LongNotes.
- Now suggestions:
- Flying: OD=8.3 -> OD=8 | HP=8.3 -> HP=8 i think its fine as it is
- Tachyon: OD=8.7 -> OD=8.3/8 | HP=8.7 -> HP=8.5 the high hp and od is inspired by Evening's mapping style, which explains the large amounts of quads and generally hard difficulty of the chart so no change here
- Aliscea' Teleportation: OD=8.5 -> OD=8.5/8.7/9 | HP=8.2 -> HP=8.5/9
- Why?... It is the most likely reason (Guideline, no rule):
Ranking Criteria wrote:
Overall Difficulty should be:
9-10 when using mainly notes and just a few amount of holds
7-8 when using a mix a balanced notes and holds
5-6 when using mostly holds- Always can be exceptions for this...just saying. Is up to you after all.
Hitsound Volume: PASS
Kiai Time: PASS
Metadata: PASSWidescreen Support: MISS
- here? i did use the original track before, but i figured this current mp3 that im using is clearer in terms of melody and lesser focus on the bass, though not many people will notice the difference tho :c
Preview Point: MISS
- Uncheck Widescreen Support in Tachyon Diff. okay
- Preview Point in Crono's Running is on 03:23:318. In all diffs, the Preview point is on 03:23:340. Fix it.
AiMod Things: MISS
- AiMod says:
- Preview point in Crono's Running (above) ^
- Uninherited timing points conflict with *x* diff. (more above)
- Extra, Screenshot: Are you really using Storyboard? If not erase those. deleted
- Extra2, In Crono's Running also put the same volume value: because is an issue to have overlaps like these.
Mod![Crawling]00:03:267 (3267|1,3620|0) - I rather move these notes one column to right... too much left there. okay
00:09:620 (9620|3) - I would move this to |0| why? it makes no sense, since im following pitch
00:11:738 (11738|1,12090|2) - Ctrl+G okay
00:18:090 (18090|3) - Same as 00:09:620. ^
00:20:914 (20914|2) - I rather move this to |0| this note in particular would conflict the following notes in terms of pitch so i had to put it at 2 for the best possible pitch relevance
01:22:149 (82149|1) - to |0| okay
01:39:090 (99090|1) - to |3| rearranged this part, but didnt follow the suggestion for reasons above^
01:44:737 (104737|2) - to |1| okay
01:56:032 (116032|2) - to |0| same as 01:39:090 (99090|1) -
02:15:620 - Cymbal... Why nothing? its quite soft and its the easiest difficulty, so i dont think that would be an issue
02:43:149 (163149|0,163502|0,163855|0) - Don't like this, move 02:43:855 (163855|0) - to |3| moved to 2 instead
02:46:679 (166679|0) - to |3|? pitchhhhh :ccccc
03:19:855 (199855|3) - to |0| okay
03:21:973 - Nothing for this snare?? One note in |3| will be good. okay
03:52:326 (232326|2,232678|3,233031|2) - I have seen this pattern too much to be honest, left or right, still don't convince me... its an intended pattern so
03:58:326 (238326|3,238678|3) - ? Try to move 03:58:678 (238678|3) - to |0| rearranged
04:06:443 (246443|0) - to |2|. okay
Also, Check your hitsounds:
1:18:619 hat1.wav@70%
3:58:587 blank.mp3@70%
3:58:587 blank.mp3@70%
If isn't intended to put storyboard hitsounds, erase these. im not sure how to fix this, i'll ask someone for help
[Walking]01:23:737 (83737|3,85149|3) - Why so empty? Also: 01:20:208 (80208|3,81620|3), again 01:23:737 (83737|3,85149|3). rearranged some notes
Look if you are trying to do pitch patterns, Is good... but SO many? You are increasing the effort in those 3 fingers...
In this first kiai section are too much space in certain columns, Please try to spread the notes better. fixed, hopefully its better now :s
02:15:620 - Same as Crawling advice. same as in crawling
02:16:326 (136326|2,136370|3) - Is good, but index fingers are better for this i think, move one column to left. i dont think thats an issue, the player can just press 2 and 3 at once
02:20:208 (140208|2) - to |3| okay
02:25:502 (145502|2,145855|2) - For me sounds a bit different in the second one I rather move the second note to |3| they sound exactly the same so no issue
02:38:384 (158384|0) - I don't like this. Try to move to |2| moved to 3 instead to continue pattern
03:21:973 (201973|1,201973|2,201973|0) - <- so evade the 3 notes in Normal diff. i think this should be ok as it is
04:07:855 (247855|0,247855|1,248031|1,248031|0,248208|0,248208|1,248384|1,248384|0,248561|2,248561|3) - Arranged better... modified a little
04:09:267 (249267|2,249311|3) - Same as 02:16:326. ^
04:13:149 (253149|2) - Same as 02:20:208. ^
Is hard to test consistency in this diff, i've seen that First kiai has a lot of notes, but the second one (with the same melody tbh) has LongNotes... is confusing for me. the second kiai sounds "longer" in terms of synth duration and its intended as it follows the other difficulties (not including guest difficulties)
Also, i think you tried to do pitch pattern, but in certain parts like 02:19:855 (139855|3,139943|2,140032|1,140208|2,140561|1,140914|1) and 02:31:502 (151502|2,151590|1,151679|0,151855|3,152208|2) - don't have much sense. well, pitch.
Same thing as Crawling with Storyboard Hitsounds:
1:18:619 hat1.wav@70%
3:58:587 blank.mp3@70%
3:58:587 blank.mp3@70% same as crawling
[Flying]00:00:620 (620|0) - Move to |3| so at least are using the column once. i dont really see that as an issue considering Evening's PLANET//SHAPER's final part has no notes at 0
00:03:443 (3443|0) - ^ ^
00:06:443 (6443|0) - ^ ^
00:12:090 (12090|1) - ^ ^
00:14:914 (14914|1) - ^ ^
00:22:855 (22855|1) - to |0| for that LongNote. okay
00:56:032 (56032|2,56208|1,56385|2,56561|1,56561|2,56737|1,56914|2) - Ctrl+H i dont think thats an issue here, since i have nowhere else to put those notes and 00:57:090 (57090|1) - to |3|. sure
01:27:443 (87443|2,87443|1) - Move one column to right. ^
01:29:561 (89561|1) - Move to |0| it'll still make a 3 note anchor at 0 anyway so no change
01:38:914 (98914|2) - to |3| okay
01:42:620 (102620|2,102796|1,102796|2,102796|0,102796|3) - Well, its ok... :3
01:43:679 (103679|2) - to |0|. not really sure about this but i moved it to 1 instead
03:11:031 (191031|2) - to |3|. okay
03:52:149 (232149|1,232326|2) - Move one column to right. For all this kiai, there many notes in |1|... okay
04:00:620 (240620|1,240796|2) - Move one column to right. pitch relevancy here so no change
04:03:620 (243620|3) - to |1| okay
04:03:796 (243796|1) - to |2| okay
Check the Storyboard-HS:
1:18:619 hat1.wav@70%
3:58:587 blank.mp3@70%
3:58:587 blank.mp3@70% same as previous diffs
[Tachyon]01:08:385 (68385|0) - to |2|, so you evade that looong stack there... okay xD
01:11:914 (71914|2) - to |1|... okay
01:14:737 (74737|2) - to |1|. okay
01:18:267 (78267|1,78443|1,78620|1,78796|1) - so this 01:18:620 (78620|1) - to |3|. rearranged
01:20:032 (80032|1) - to |3| pitch relevancy here
01:21:443 (81443|0) - to |3| okay
01:23:914 (83914|2) - to |3| dont think thats an issue so no change
01:25:326 (85326|0) - to |3|... why 3? it doesnt make any sense, moved to 1 instead
01:26:737 (86737|2) - ^ ^ but no change
01:29:385 (89385|2,89385|3,89385|0,89385|1) - Why? all snares are quads in this difficulty with exceptions for playability
01:32:385 (92385|2) - to |3|. dont think its an issue
01:33:267 (93267|0) - to |3| okay
01:35:208 (95208|2) - ^ ^
01:36:620 (96620|1) - to |0| pitchpitchjpitchpitchptuchtc
01:38:032 (98032|2) - to |3| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
01:39:443 (99443|0) - ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
01:45:443 (105443|1) - ^ not really an issue here
01:47:914 (107914|0) - ^ moved to 1 instead
01:49:679 (109679|1) - to |2|. okay i guess
02:04:326 (124326|3) - to |0| pitch relevancy
02:05:032 (125032|0) - to |1| okay :d
02:05:561 (125561|1) - to |3| why? it doesnt make sense (no change)
02:41:914 (161914|1) - ^ okay
03:12:796 (192796|0) - to |2|, evade stacks. rearranged
03:29:561 (209561|2) - to |1| no issue here
03:41:561 (221561|0) - to |2| the doubles in this kiai section for this kind of positioning always follows the next double LN
03:59:561 (239561|1) - to |2| and 03:59:914 (239914|0,240090|1) - Move these notes one column to right. no issue here
04:03:796 (243796|1) - to |3| ;w;
Here too:
1:18:619 hat1.wav@70%
3:58:587 blank.mp3@70%
3:58:587 blank.mp3@70% same as previous difficulties
This map is difficult for his amount of stacks and LongNotes (+ that 8.7 OD). It's nothing surprising to be really hard. its intended >:3
Good Luck!thanks for modding and a super long one at that!
Thanks for moddingNo_sync wrote:
From my NM/M4M queue.
Columns 4K 0|1|2|3
[Crono's Running]
[notice]If you don't check general... Put the same volume value. No,Guest diffs can have their own hitsounding.
00:39:620 (39620|3,39973|3,40149|3,40502|3,40855|3) - Is really necessary? You have all the |0| column too much empty.Moved a note
00:41:032 (41032|2,41385|2,41561|2,41914|2,42267|2) - Many stacks... ^
01:08:649 (68649|1,68737|0) - Move two columns to right. No. It's balanced out the next beat
01:14:737 (74737|1,74826|1) - Is intended? If not try to move the first note to |0|. intended
01:17:296 (77296|2,77473|2,77737|2,77914|2,78267|2,78443|2) - Try to spread.
03:46:678 (226678|2,227031|2,227384|2,227561|2,227914|2,228267|2,228443|2) - To be honest through all the diff, the right hand index finger is really struggling. It's mostly pitch relevant. I made some changes
04:07:855 (247855|3,248031|3,248208|3,248384|3) - For evade this stack, follows pitch and audio location better as is
Also, erase these Storyboard Hitsounds:
3:58:587 blank.mp3@70%
3:58:587 blank.mp3@70% I can't find these :/
Inherited Points are for SV's and Volume Changes...(the green one). I talking about UNinherited point. (the red one) For some weird reason, the only way that i fix that is with those steps that i tell you in the mod.riunosk wrote:
those uninheried points contain SV changes, and most of it are definetly not encouraged to have in lower difficulties, so i dont think thats an issue
Erase Storyboard Hitsounds:riunosk wrote:
im not sure how to fix this, i'll ask someone for help
Is an Technical Issue. You can't put in the same time two inherited points with different volume!Crono wrote:
If you don't check general... Put the same volume value. No,Guest diffs can have their own hitsounding.
CommandoBlack wrote:
Mod from [CommandoBlack's [4k Mania] queue] - t/511195Crawling00:33:973 add a note for the drum theres no drum here lol
00:58:149 add note here ok
01:00:973 ^ ^
01:07:679 ^ ^
01:10:502 ^ ^
01:29:561 ^ (Song intensity increased so should notes to make "less boring") i think that density is a bit too high for an easy difficulty
01:29:914 ^ ^
01:30:443 ^ following the note placement pattern so no change
01:52:149 ^ same as above^^
01:52:502 ^ ^
01:55:855 add note or make 01:55:502 a double same as above^
02:01:502 add a note ^
02:02:032 ^ same as above^^^^
02:02:384 ^ ^
02:02:737 ^ i dont see the point of this in this difficulty
03:02:384 ^ okay
03:05:208 ^ ^
03:13:149 Where is the LN? new section, which means different pattern
03:15:973 ^ ^
03:56:031 (236031|2) - Remove why?TachyonRename it to [The 3rd]. Tachyon is a misleading difficulty name. why the 3rd? it makes virtually no sense and tachyon seems fine for me, since it fits the difficulty buildup names and the SVs that it contains
00:08:385 add a note okay
00:14:032 ^ ^
00:19:679 ^ ^
00:21:885 (21885|0) - Remove dont see any issues here, but rearranged for playbility
00:22:697 add LNs that stretch for a whole measure of 4/4 beats per measure to the low piano sounding thing. If this is applied 00:38:914 (38914|3) - Can be removed im not mapping for that sound so no change
01:14:032 add a note it'll conflict with other suggestions so no change
01:14:385 add a note it'll cause anchoring so no change
01:15:443 ^ okay
01:20:826 add a note okay
01:23:561 has the same sound but different mapping than the 01:20:826 area. Apply these same changes to similar sounds theres a double kick in the second section so no change
01:30:090 make a quad. once a similar sound had a quad not to long ago i mapped this difficulty to be as playable as possible so if i add this there'll be a jack so no change
01:40:590 add a note okay
01:44:561 add a note okay
02:02:384 ^ okay
02:04:326 at this section add an extra note to every slider end that is not connected to another slider sure
02:15:620 at this section please map the whole piano. or the guitar thing or whatever that is that you left out xD based on a suggestion made by someone whose name i've forgotten (sorry! :c), i've mapped this only for the piano
03:17:914 add a note - do the same with similar sounds sure
03:24:796 add a note at that blank space03:27:620 <- there too & others like it kicks are not triples/quads in this chart
03:24:090 this section above is ignoring many drum sounds. listen out for them okay
& please remove those SV's. They honestly look like they came from a convert from STD. Those don't work. please use 1x as a normalized rate thx. "normalized" the SV rates
(This mod may not be as good as the SV's made it unplayable to my FL) this wasn't meant to be played in FL but meh, thanks for modding
_Stan wrote:
Hey ello
|1|2|3|4|thanks :dddCrawlingyea i agree
- 00:33:973 - I suggest you add a note here, cuz I think you miss a sound okay
- 00:56:561 (56561|2) - I suggest you move this to col [4], it will make double hit here 00:56:561 (56561|2,56914|2) - sure
- 01:10:679 - ^ ^
- 01:16:326 - add a note at col [4] yep
- 01:19:502 - I suggest you add a note here, cuz you always catch downbeat at 4/2 at a prat ( bewteen 2 long white line) so here you should add a note okay
- 02:14:208 (134208|0) - this LN not start at here, it should start at 02:12:796 - and stop at 02:18:443 - okay
- 02:38:561 (158561|1) - Move to col [1] will match the music better
Tachyonsure thing
- 00:05:473 (5473|3,5561|2) - I suggest you move 00:05:473 (5473|3) - to [3], move 00:05:561 (5561|2) - to [4], cuz here is continuous drum and if 432432 is not match especially
I can not find any problems really, great map and GOOD LUCK
Thanks for modding_Stan wrote:
|1|2|3|4|Crono's Running
- 01:05:914 (65914|2,66002|1) - I think ctrl+h here will more comfortable Sorry this is pitch.
- 04:09:355 (249355|2) - this note's position is not same with other diff ( Crawling / Walking / Flying / Teleportation), it's 1/4 but other is 1/8 fixed
I can not find any problems really, great map and GOOD LUCK
Davin Fortune wrote:
Hello o/ hai
Col : 1-2-3-4walking00:22:502 (22502|1) - move to 4 why? the pitch goes downwards
00:26:914 (26914|0) - move to 3, i want make stair and thrill its for pitch relevancy
00:48:973 (48973|2,49149|1,49326|2) - change into 4 3 2 so that the pattern is stair not thrill ok
01:08:561 (68561|1,68561|2) - make it 1, since the volume doesn't loud as 2 note after and before it changed accordingly to below suggestions
01:07:855 - shouldn't this part still like beginning part? ^
01:09:267 - I think should be like this remapped the section
01:10:679 - to 01:12:090 - ^ ^
01:12:090 - to 01:13:502 - ^ ^
01:20:737 (80737|2,80914|1,80914|0) - should like 01:29:914 (89914|3,90002|2,90090|1,90090|0) - okay i guess
01:23:914 (83914|0) - delete this , easy diff don't need a note to connect each flow okay
01:24:267 (84267|2,84443|0,84443|3) - like 01:29:914 (89914|3,90002|2,90090|1,90090|0) - ^^
01:26:385 (86385|1,86561|0,86561|2) - ^ ^
01:32:032 (92032|2,92208|0,92208|3) - ^ ^
01:35:561 (95561|1,95737|2,95737|0) - ^ ^
01:46:149 (106149|2,106326|1,106326|0) - ^ ^
01:46:855 (106855|1,107032|2,107032|0) - ^ ^
01:51:885 - add a note here so that will connect 01:51:796 (111796|1,111973|0) - into a stair its already stairs why add another note?
01:54:620 (114620|2,114796|0,114796|1) - like 01:29:914 (89914|3,90002|2,90090|1,90090|0) - ^^
01:57:443 (117443|0,117620|2,117620|3) - ^ ^
(the rest like ^ should be u self mod by ur self x.x) okay :s
02:40:149 (160149|2) - should be move to other column since the pitch is higher than 02:39:973 (159973|2) - this was mapped for the double kick-snare thingy
02:43:061 - add note okay
02:43:414 - ^ ^
02:45:796 (165796|2) - like i say about pitch before ^^^
03:12:090 - until 03:17:737 - start at here just like i capture before okay
03:21:973 (201973|0,201973|2,201973|1) - make it 2 since from beginning song no 3 note okay
03:36:796 (216796|3) - delete or add like it at 03:33:973 - (just add it, u already make it many times) okay
03:47:031 (227031|1,227031|3,227031|0) - make it 2, no 3 note from beginning okay
04:02:737 (242737|3) - delete it, since other part u let it empty, ig u say there's sound cause it's ur hitsound that high synth isnt hitsound, its part of the track
Next time continue mod other diff okay tank for mod
17:07 riunosk: halo
17:07 riunosk: i c dat u made modding q
17:07 Abraxos: yeah
17:07 Abraxos: posted something?
17:07 riunosk: yep
17:07 Abraxos: mmmm
17:07 Abraxos: lemme see
17:07 riunosk: well
17:07 riunosk: to keep it short
17:07 *riunosk is listening to [ MitiS - Movements (feat. MaHi)]
17:07 riunosk: u might have played it before
17:07 riunosk: idk
17:08 riunosk: high chance
17:08 Abraxos: ive seen it before, yeah
17:08 riunosk: ah
17:08 Abraxos: anything you wanna say before i mod it or smth
17:08 riunosk: okay
17:08 riunosk: uh
17:08 riunosk: tachyon's SVs
17:08 riunosk: are inteded
17:08 riunosk: intended
17:08 Abraxos: aite
17:08 riunosk: unless its too
17:08 riunosk: unreadable
17:08 riunosk: then let me know
17:08 riunosk: other than that
17:08 Abraxos: mm, will do
17:08 riunosk: nth much
17:08 riunosk: okay tanks
17:09 Abraxos: just wait an hour or so, depends on the chart itself yeah
17:09 riunosk: mm
17:13 Abraxos: ignore the shit acc
17:13 riunosk: one thing i wanted to clarify tho
17:13 riunosk: np
17:13 Abraxos: chorus SVs give your chart a lot of substance, for one thing
17:14 riunosk: is that a good or bad thing
17:14 Abraxos: a lot of substances means it is to good effect, basically
17:14 riunosk: oh
17:14 Abraxos: substance*
17:14 riunosk: yay
17:14 Abraxos: just a couple of things to iron out it seems
17:14 Abraxos: whats the one thing you need to clarify?
17:14 riunosk: ah
17:15 *riunosk is editing [ MitiS - Movements (feat. MaHi) [Tachyon]]
17:15 riunosk: 02:31:458 (151458|2,151546|3,151634|2) -
17:15 riunosk: i've asked a lot of ppl
17:15 riunosk: on the snappings
17:15 Abraxos: uhuh
17:15 riunosk: i've tried and tried to find the perfect snap
17:15 riunosk: even with 25
17:15 riunosk: this was the closest i could get
17:15 Abraxos: hmmm
17:16 Abraxos: first note is on 1/12 here 02:31:473 -
17:16 Abraxos: second seems right
17:16 riunosk: 12? o _o
17:17 Abraxos: 1/12 beat snap divisor
17:17 riunosk: 2nd and 3rd is correct
17:17 riunosk: i've confirmed it over and over
17:17 riunosk: oh
17:17 Abraxos: mitis is a nice guy
17:17 riunosk: i love his tracks
17:17 riunosk: his tracks have one distinct feature
17:17 Abraxos: so as long as you double the bpm they all fall on 1/6
17:17 riunosk: no sharp sounds
17:17 Abraxos: mhm
17:17 Abraxos: makes for good dump charting tbh
17:17 riunosk: so i can blast music with no worrie
17:17 riunosk: huh.
17:17 riunosk: maybe
17:18 Abraxos: yeah it does
17:18 riunosk: u could dumpify this track :d
17:18 Abraxos: i mean i could but
17:18 Abraxos: "effort""
17:18 Abraxos: :C
17:18 riunosk: + laziness
17:18 riunosk: :D
17:18 Abraxos: yeah ikr
17:18 riunosk: join me and zen
17:18 riunosk: in the #lazyclan
17:18 Abraxos: sure
17:18 Abraxos: i never finish my mapsets lmao
17:18 riunosk: xd
17:18 riunosk: yay
17:18 riunosk: now theres 3!!!
17:18 riunosk: lucky number for me
17:19 Abraxos: !
17:19 riunosk: anyway
17:19 riunosk: i think
17:19 riunosk: 1/16
17:19 riunosk: one bar below the white
17:19 riunosk: is perfect
17:19 Abraxos: first note?
17:19 riunosk: yea
17:19 Abraxos: so as long as youre not on OD10 then you can kinda approximate, no issue
17:20 Abraxos: yeah it seems alright
17:20 riunosk: ah
17:20 riunosk: okay
17:20 riunosk: then i'll apply it on all the diffs
17:20 riunosk: that have this pattern
17:20 Abraxos: mmm, alright
17:20 riunosk: idk why
17:20 riunosk: but
17:20 riunosk: if osu had 1/32 snap
17:20 riunosk: this note would be 101% perfect
17:20 riunosk: i cri
17:20 Abraxos: you technically can have 1/32
17:20 Abraxos: just double the BPM
17:21 riunosk: hm
17:21 riunosk: good idea
17:21 riunosk: but it'll ruin the map lol
17:21 Abraxos: yeah, better dont
17:21 Abraxos: just approximate, think itll fly by the BNs just fine
17:22 Abraxos: so as long as theyre not stuck up to shit
17:22 riunosk: hm
17:22 riunosk: 1/16 down
17:22 riunosk: sounds nice too
17:22 riunosk: the 3rd note
17:22 Abraxos: hmm
17:23 Abraxos: yeah actually
17:23 riunosk: magical mitis
17:23 riunosk: and his magical snaps
17:23 Abraxos: liked blu a lot
17:23 Abraxos: the chart for it was cool too
17:24 Abraxos: will post irc as preliminary mod stuff in the mod yeah
17:24 Abraxos: just give me an hour or two
17:25 riunosk: well
17:25 riunosk: i've updated it
17:25 riunosk: fixed all the snappings and shet
17:25 Abraxos: nice
17:25 riunosk: when ur done just pm me
17:25 Abraxos: mm, will do
17:25 riunosk: i'll prolly still be online
17:25 riunosk: if not i'll check later
17:25 riunosk: tanks in advance :d
17:26 Abraxos: np
Davin Fortune wrote:
Okay continue my mod yesterday
i don't even expect u reply that mod so fast
Col : 1-2-3-4flying00:02:914 (2914|0,3090|1,3267|2,3443|0,3620|1,3796|2,3973|1,4149|0) - ctrl H them, just for variety rearranged some, but ctrl H is too drastic
00:08:561 (8561|0,8738|1,8914|3,9090|0,9267|1,9443|3,9620|2) - ^ ^
00:14:208 (14208|0,14385|1,14561|2,14738|0,14914|1,15090|2,15267|1,15443|0) - ^ ^
00:52:326 - add a note, kick sound like other my mapping style is such that if its a kick-like sound or w/e, i'll put a maximum of 2 notes at once, no more than that so no change
00:57:620 - make it 2 since it's only have higher pitch than 00:57:443 (57443|1,57443|0) - and not so much different the doubles are for synths, and this doesnt have it so no change
01:00:443 - ^ ^
01:08:914 (68914|3) - make like here 01:00:443 - hmm, i think LN fits better for the longer synth
01:11:737 (71737|3) - ^ ^
01:21:267 - How like this? since the middle u miss it and i think it's strange to just add it, so maybe arrange like my ss theres no extra sound or kick inbetween so no change
01:26:385 (86385|1,86561|2,86561|0) - like ^ ss, but this one shouldn't be arrange like above ss, just look like not 100% ^
02:37:326 - add a note at column 2, just feel more better with thrill this doesnt make sense at all lol
03:04:679 - make it 2 just like i already say about this before ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
03:01:855 - ^ ^
03:13:149 (193149|3) - LN that i say last time too, about change it into 2 note like ^ ^
03:15:973 (195973|3) - ^ ^
Modding done tanks for mod
tank for mod and ur 4+1 starrAbraxos wrote:
preliminary irc17:07 riunosk: halo
17:07 riunosk: i c dat u made modding q
17:07 Abraxos: yeah
17:07 Abraxos: posted something?
17:07 riunosk: yep
17:07 Abraxos: mmmm
17:07 Abraxos: lemme see
17:07 riunosk: well
17:07 riunosk: to keep it short
17:07 *riunosk is listening to [ MitiS - Movements (feat. MaHi)]
17:07 riunosk: u might have played it before
17:07 riunosk: idk
17:08 riunosk: high chance
17:08 Abraxos: ive seen it before, yeah
17:08 riunosk: ah
17:08 Abraxos: anything you wanna say before i mod it or smth
17:08 riunosk: okay
17:08 riunosk: uh
17:08 riunosk: tachyon's SVs
17:08 riunosk: are inteded
17:08 riunosk: intended
17:08 Abraxos: aite
17:08 riunosk: unless its too
17:08 riunosk: unreadable
17:08 riunosk: then let me know
17:08 riunosk: other than that
17:08 Abraxos: mm, will do
17:08 riunosk: nth much
17:08 riunosk: okay tanks
17:09 Abraxos: just wait an hour or so, depends on the chart itself yeah
17:09 riunosk: mm
17:13 Abraxos: ignore the shit acc
17:13 riunosk: one thing i wanted to clarify tho
17:13 riunosk: np
17:13 Abraxos: chorus SVs give your chart a lot of substance, for one thing
17:14 riunosk: is that a good or bad thing
17:14 Abraxos: a lot of substances means it is to good effect, basically
17:14 riunosk: oh
17:14 Abraxos: substance*
17:14 riunosk: yay
17:14 Abraxos: just a couple of things to iron out it seems
17:14 Abraxos: whats the one thing you need to clarify?
17:14 riunosk: ah
17:15 *riunosk is editing [ MitiS - Movements (feat. MaHi) [Tachyon]]
17:15 riunosk: 02:31:458 (151458|2,151546|3,151634|2) -
17:15 riunosk: i've asked a lot of ppl
17:15 riunosk: on the snappings
17:15 Abraxos: uhuh
17:15 riunosk: i've tried and tried to find the perfect snap
17:15 riunosk: even with 25
17:15 riunosk: this was the closest i could get
17:15 Abraxos: hmmm
17:16 Abraxos: first note is on 1/12 here 02:31:473 -
17:16 Abraxos: second seems right
17:16 riunosk: 12? o _o
17:17 Abraxos: 1/12 beat snap divisor
17:17 riunosk: 2nd and 3rd is correct
17:17 riunosk: i've confirmed it over and over
17:17 riunosk: oh
17:17 Abraxos: mitis is a nice guy
17:17 riunosk: i love his tracks
17:17 riunosk: his tracks have one distinct feature
17:17 Abraxos: so as long as you double the bpm they all fall on 1/6
17:17 riunosk: no sharp sounds
17:17 Abraxos: mhm
17:17 Abraxos: makes for good dump charting tbh
17:17 riunosk: so i can blast music with no worrie
17:17 riunosk: huh.
17:17 riunosk: maybe
17:18 Abraxos: yeah it does
17:18 riunosk: u could dumpify this track :d
17:18 Abraxos: i mean i could but
17:18 Abraxos: "effort""
17:18 Abraxos: :C
17:18 riunosk: + laziness
17:18 riunosk: :D
17:18 Abraxos: yeah ikr
17:18 riunosk: join me and zen
17:18 riunosk: in the #lazyclan
17:18 Abraxos: sure
17:18 Abraxos: i never finish my mapsets lmao
17:18 riunosk: xd
17:18 riunosk: yay
17:18 riunosk: now theres 3!!!
17:18 riunosk: lucky number for me
17:19 Abraxos: !
17:19 riunosk: anyway
17:19 riunosk: i think
17:19 riunosk: 1/16
17:19 riunosk: one bar below the white
17:19 riunosk: is perfect
17:19 Abraxos: first note?
17:19 riunosk: yea
17:19 Abraxos: so as long as youre not on OD10 then you can kinda approximate, no issue
17:20 Abraxos: yeah it seems alright
17:20 riunosk: ah
17:20 riunosk: okay
17:20 riunosk: then i'll apply it on all the diffs
17:20 riunosk: that have this pattern
17:20 Abraxos: mmm, alright
17:20 riunosk: idk why
17:20 riunosk: but
17:20 riunosk: if osu had 1/32 snap
17:20 riunosk: this note would be 101% perfect
17:20 riunosk: i cri
17:20 Abraxos: you technically can have 1/32
17:20 Abraxos: just double the BPM
17:21 riunosk: hm
17:21 riunosk: good idea
17:21 riunosk: but it'll ruin the map lol
17:21 Abraxos: yeah, better dont
17:21 Abraxos: just approximate, think itll fly by the BNs just fine
17:22 Abraxos: so as long as theyre not stuck up to shit
17:22 riunosk: hm
17:22 riunosk: 1/16 down
17:22 riunosk: sounds nice too
17:22 riunosk: the 3rd note
17:22 Abraxos: hmm
17:23 Abraxos: yeah actually
17:23 riunosk: magical mitis
17:23 riunosk: and his magical snaps
17:23 Abraxos: liked blu a lot
17:23 Abraxos: the chart for it was cool too
17:24 Abraxos: will post irc as preliminary mod stuff in the mod yeah
17:24 Abraxos: just give me an hour or two
17:25 riunosk: well
17:25 riunosk: i've updated it
17:25 riunosk: fixed all the snappings and shet
17:25 Abraxos: nice
17:25 riunosk: when ur done just pm me
17:25 Abraxos: mm, will do
17:25 riunosk: i'll prolly still be online
17:25 riunosk: if not i'll check later
17:25 riunosk: tanks in advance :d
17:26 Abraxos: nptachyon
not a big fan of slowjams; think you can increase the slowjam SV by about .1 - .05? okeh
00:05:208 (5208|3,5296|2,5385|1,5473|2,5561|3,5649|2) - 00:16:502 (16502|1,16590|2,16679|3,16767|2,16855|1,16943|2) - think you can better express the light snares as a trillimgpattern also complements the 3 note stream before looks good, applied
00:21:885 (21885|2) - delete okeh
00:25:502 (25502|1) (edit: linked the wrong thing)- synth is deeper than 00:25:326 (25326|0) - wat headphones do u have?! applied 00:24:796 (24796|1,25149|1,25502|1) - better not to have such a stack to keep the streams flowing smoothly - both things can be resolved, wont push for a suggestion though since you can do these yourself shouldnt be an issue since its pr
00:26:561 (26561|0,26738|1,26914|0) - not sure why there is a trill here fixed
00:27:620 (27620|3,27796|2,27973|3,28149|2) - better if you had a 2424 or 2323 trill or any similar variant well, pr
00:57:620 - make the slowdown even more apparent - first time i played this chart i thought the sudden slowdown was due to the fps drop lmao - you can decrease the SV by .1 if you wish. same applies for all similar sections its intended so no change
01:03:090 (63090|2,63179|0,63267|3) - 01:05:914 - 03:07:326 (187326|2,187414|0,187502|3) - 03:10:149 (190149|2,190237|0,190326|3) - make the transference of the synth more apparent here ok- 01:03:090 (63090|2,63179|0) - switch the positions of these two notes. ok
01:07:855 - back to the slowjam thing - i do believe that such a section would benefit from being a x1 since you have patterns like 01:09:267 (69267|0,69267|2,69355|3,69443|2,69443|1,69532|3,69620|0,69620|2,69708|1) - these that almagate together into a lifeless blob of notes if you set the SV too low uh huh
01:16:326 - 03:20:561 - increase to 1.3 is too ghastly - i know that cool and hip peanut//shovel map did this and all but it shouldnt be an excuse to execute it on such a level. even then pluto//shaver only went up to a maximum of 1.25 and did it at a much lower gradient (albeit at a faster rate of increase of gradient) than yours. id suggest increments of .05 at most here between spaces, and make the increase much more gradual (i.e. a change every 1/4 step rather than 1/2 step which is what you have now) and capping everything off at 1.25. what i do highly encourage though is the complete removal of these SVs, but ultimately that is at your discretion .05 increase seems good
01:17:914 - jumps are alright here, just the last one is really way too mean (x1.5 to x0.6, come on). would suggest a nerf like this: (remember to delete the svs at 01:17:737 - 01:17:914 - 01:18:090 - 01:18:267 - 01:18:443 - 01:18:620 - 01:18:796 - before applying these, not sure what would happen if you didnt) okaytiming points, copy and paste into your .osu fileyou can increase/decrease them by .05 at most, but thats just my limit. not applied sadly77737,-105.263157894737,4,2,1,30,0,0
01:20:208 - dont have to make the slowdown more apparent here, problem with the above mentioned one is that its a 0.7 going in a 0.8 lane so the difference is almost marginal - over here its a 0.7 going in a 1 lane so thats more obvious to pick up on for the player. i do think that you couldve made a gradual increase from 0.7 to 1 for the interval between 01:20:208 - 01:20:561 - and all similar sections in the chorus since well the song is pretty much alive and moving at this point and youd want to emphasize that. pretty sure you know this, but not a lot of people seem to use it. scroll to "creating flowing (which is what we want) slowdowns..." and youll see what to do there. i had a lot of fun raping that :d
01:40:855 - 01:41:208 -01:52:502 -03:56:031 - 03:56:737 -04:01:678 - 04:04:502 - might want to double these, youve been having bass beats like these end with jumps (see 01:37:679 - 01:35:561 - ) my mapping style is such that if its a kick, it'll be a maximum of 2 notes at once and same for others with exceptions in special cases
02:02:914 -04:07:502 - slowdown is too much, it bunches up the dense handstreams making it way too hard to read - have something like what ive suggested above, just a decreasing type. tried my best
02:43:326 - note here, if you dont like the one handed trill you can 02:43:149 (163149|3,163326|2,163502|3,163679|2) - re-arrange these LNs like ive suggested above to something like a 2323 thing so that the trill isnt one handed either i think its fine
a lot of the things ive said above apply similarly, will try my best to hyperlink the appropriate portions but i might miss out
03:24:443 - why is this on 0.8 SV? whoops
03:33:443 (213443|0) - supposed to be an 1/4 LN thing like 03:30:620 - whatever you did here i dont hear any sound needing that kind of pattern
04:07:855 - handstreams are ehhhh, they play _alright but you can do much better
its fine if you have to break away from the triples, so as long as you represent the snares in a different manner - i did this by ensuring 3 note stacks occur every 1/1 measure (in this case more than 1 occurred but it should convey the same thing) i'll keep this in mind, but i'll make no changes for now
piano sequence is nice btw tank very machending notes
some SV stuff i didnt mention, and just a few layering stuff here and there mhm
mod should iron out most of them, the chorus section definitely holds a lot of effect though, gj yay
if anything you can just ask me in game heh
hope my mod helped
good luck with rankos
Thanks for modding!!!S e R i wrote:
m4m from t/518171
[Crono's Running]01:14:737(74737|1) - hmm.. jacking is not bad. but, in same part 03:18:973, you didn't maintain jacking pattern. why? consistency is important. fixed
02:21:620(141620|2,141973|3) - do Ctrl + H for considering pitch. hand balance is more important here. Moved the previous note instead and this note to 3.
tank very mach et brokoBlocko wrote:
IRC2016-12-05 18:50 riunosk: ACTION is listening to [ MitiS - Movements (feat. MaHi)]
2016-12-05 18:50 riunosk: tachyon diff
2016-12-05 18:50 Blocko: tachyon!??!?!
2016-12-05 18:50 riunosk: i've had some feedback regarding the SVs tho
2016-12-05 18:51 riunosk: xd
2016-12-05 18:51 riunosk: dw
2016-12-05 18:51 riunosk: its for rank
2016-12-05 18:51 riunosk: very much playable
2016-12-05 18:51 riunosk: totally not stolen from dan series
2016-12-05 18:52 riunosk: most say the chart is fun, i do agree
2016-12-05 18:52 riunosk: but i think the SVs can be altered in a way to improve it
2016-12-05 18:53 Blocko: alright uhh hold on
2016-12-05 18:53 Blocko: watching a friend play a map
2016-12-05 18:53 riunosk: np
2016-12-05 18:53 riunosk: no rush
2016-12-05 18:53 riunosk: take ur time
2016-12-05 18:56 Blocko: hm
2016-12-05 18:56 Blocko: 719 notes
2016-12-05 18:56 Blocko: is this unfinished?
2016-12-05 18:56 Blocko: wait wrong diff
2016-12-05 18:56 Blocko: oops
2016-12-05 18:56 riunosk: wat?
2016-12-05 18:56 riunosk: uh ok
2016-12-05 18:56 Blocko: ACTION is playing [ MitiS - Movements (feat. MaHi) [Tachyon]] <osu!mania> |4K|
2016-12-05 18:57 riunosk: o _o scroll speed
2016-12-05 19:01 Blocko: sorry i was uhh
2016-12-05 19:01 Blocko: half asleep
2016-12-05 19:01 riunosk: no worries
2016-12-05 19:01 riunosk: how was it?
2016-12-05 19:01 Blocko: waking up early can take a lot from you '_>'
2016-12-05 19:01 Blocko: hmm
2016-12-05 19:02 riunosk: :s
2016-12-05 19:02 Blocko: it was alright, i can sorta predict what the next SVs are gonna do
2016-12-05 19:02 riunosk: :d
2016-12-05 19:03 Blocko: lotsa lns though, pretty unusual for a 4k map
2016-12-05 19:03 Blocko: but that's fine too
2016-12-05 19:03 riunosk: yea
2016-12-05 19:03 riunosk: its basically 4 mapping styles into one
2016-12-05 19:03 Blocko: ahh
2016-12-05 19:03 riunosk: Aliscea's
2016-12-05 19:03 riunosk: for LN galore
2016-12-05 19:04 riunosk: crono for hihat mapping
2016-12-05 19:04 riunosk: before the kiai
2016-12-05 19:04 riunosk: and start
2016-12-05 19:04 riunosk: my style from Flying difficultyh
2016-12-05 19:04 riunosk: and secret person
2016-12-05 19:04 riunosk: xd
2016-12-05 19:05 Blocko: secret person?
2016-12-05 19:05 riunosk: ye
2016-12-05 19:09 Blocko: you should probably credit them if you're ranking it
2016-12-05 19:09 riunosk: yea
2016-12-05 19:09 riunosk: its probably not even close to his mapping style
2016-12-05 19:09 riunosk: but i took a very very small portion of it
2016-12-05 19:10 riunosk: which is snares as quads
2016-12-05 19:10 riunosk: but triples at certain times for playability
2016-12-05 19:12 Blocko: hmm
2016-12-05 19:12 riunosk: would that count tho
2016-12-05 19:12 Blocko: not really
2016-12-05 19:12 Blocko: a small portion can be replicated by pretty much anybody '_>'
2016-12-05 19:12 Blocko: there's not much room for a lot of patterns in 4k soooo
2016-12-05 19:12 riunosk: i guess i should change it to 3 tho
2016-12-05 19:14 Blocko: snares as quads but triples at certain times...
2016-12-05 19:15 Blocko: is that evening
2016-12-05 19:15 riunosk: yes
2016-12-05 19:15 riunosk: xd
2016-12-05 19:15 Blocko: oh lol
2016-12-05 19:16 Blocko: as long as you're basing it off of a style rather than taking a part of it
2016-12-05 19:16 Blocko: you should be fine
2016-12-05 19:16 riunosk: so
2016-12-05 19:17 riunosk: does it count as adding a mapping style
2016-12-05 19:18 Blocko: that sounds more like adding another type of pattern in a map
2016-12-05 19:18 riunosk: ahhh
2016-12-05 19:18 riunosk: im confusedddd
2016-12-05 19:18 riunosk: so wat do i put
2016-12-05 19:18 riunosk: retain it as it is now?
2016-12-05 19:20 Blocko: hmmmmm
2016-12-05 19:20 Blocko: i'd say keep it
2016-12-05 19:20 riunosk: million dollar question xd
2016-12-05 19:20 Blocko: i'm just gonna say you have 'ln style' and 'handstream style' or something style '_>'
2016-12-05 19:20 riunosk: maybe
2016-12-05 19:20 riunosk: ln style
2016-12-05 19:20 riunosk: hs style
2016-12-05 19:20 riunosk: quad snare style
2016-12-05 19:20 riunosk: playbility style
2016-12-05 19:20 riunosk: some other style
2016-12-05 19:21 Blocko: i guesssssss
2016-12-05 19:21 Blocko: yeah
2016-12-05 19:21 riunosk: but theres one thing
2016-12-05 19:21 riunosk: i wanna clarify
2016-12-05 19:21 Blocko: and what's that?
2016-12-05 19:21 riunosk: ACTION is editing [ MitiS - Movements (feat. MaHi) [Tachyon]]
2016-12-05 19:21 riunosk: 02:31:480 (151480|2,151546|3,151612|2) -
2016-12-05 19:21 riunosk: i need to confirm the snappings for these
2016-12-05 19:22 riunosk: cos they are quite odd
2016-12-05 19:22 riunosk: when i snapped them to 1/4
2016-12-05 19:22 riunosk: i was like
2016-12-05 19:22 riunosk: why cant i hit 320s for these
2016-12-05 19:23 riunosk: #pianosnappings
2016-12-05 19:23 riunosk:
2016-12-05 19:23 Blocko: alright i have a million dollar question for you
2016-12-05 19:24 riunosk: uh oh
2016-12-05 19:24 Blocko: do you want that snapped as accurately as possible (using 1/16 and 1/12) or as simple as possible (only using one type of snap)?
2016-12-05 19:24 riunosk: accurately
2016-12-05 19:24 riunosk: i wanna maintain accuracy
2016-12-05 19:24 Blocko: alright
2016-12-05 19:24 riunosk: while keeping it enjoyable
2016-12-05 19:25 Blocko: ooookay
2016-12-05 19:25 Blocko: 02:31:480 (151480|2) - this one's fine
2016-12-05 19:25 riunosk:
2016-12-05 19:25 riunosk: 1st note clear then
2016-12-05 19:25 Blocko: 02:31:546 (151546|3) - this one should be on 02:31:561 - in 1/12
2016-12-05 19:25 Blocko: 02:31:612 (151612|2) - this one should be on 02:31:634 - in 1/8
2016-12-05 19:26 riunosk: wait a sec
2016-12-05 19:26 riunosk: the first note
2016-12-05 19:26 riunosk: sounds more accurate on 1/12 snap
2016-12-05 19:26 riunosk: 02:31:473 -
2016-12-05 19:26 riunosk: here
2016-12-05 19:26 Blocko: yeah you're right
2016-12-05 19:26 Blocko: honestly this is some weird snap
2016-12-05 19:26 Blocko: '_>'
2016-12-05 19:26 riunosk: yea
2016-12-05 19:26 riunosk: weird piano
2016-12-05 19:27 riunosk: i wonder what mitis was up to
2016-12-05 19:27 riunosk: when he made this
2016-12-05 19:27 Blocko: lol idk
2016-12-05 19:27 riunosk: for now what i have
2016-12-05 19:27 riunosk: the first 2 notes
2016-12-05 19:27 riunosk: are on 1/12 snap
2016-12-05 19:27 Blocko: same here
2016-12-05 19:28 riunosk: im not so sure about the 3rd tho
2016-12-05 19:28 riunosk: it sounds correct
2016-12-05 19:28 riunosk: but i think it could be more accurate
2016-12-05 19:28 Blocko: it's as close as you can be with the editor sadly
2016-12-05 19:28 riunosk: if only osu had 1/32
2016-12-05 19:30 Blocko: lmao
2016-12-05 19:30 Blocko: anything else i can help you with?
2016-12-05 19:30 riunosk: uhh
2016-12-05 19:31 riunosk: help me check the neccessity of this ln
2016-12-05 19:31 riunosk: 00:10:502 (10502|1) -
2016-12-05 19:31 riunosk: i myself think
2016-12-05 19:31 Blocko: necessity?
2016-12-05 19:31 riunosk: it shouldnt be there
2016-12-05 19:31 riunosk: like
2016-12-05 19:31 riunosk: whether it should be there
2016-12-05 19:31 riunosk: or not
2016-12-05 19:31 Blocko: sounds like it ends way earlier than it should be
2016-12-05 19:32 riunosk: its for playability i guess
2016-12-05 19:32 riunosk: but i could rearrange it
2016-12-05 19:33 riunosk: is there any pattern i can use
2016-12-05 19:33 riunosk: to map the synths
2016-12-05 19:33 riunosk: yet still map the hihats
2016-12-05 19:34 Blocko: [ uhh you can do this]
2016-12-05 19:34 Blocko: lns that trail behind the hihats
2016-12-05 19:34 Blocko: or something
2016-12-05 19:35 riunosk: something like a shield?
2016-12-05 19:35 Blocko: yeah
2016-12-05 19:35 riunosk: o
2016-12-05 19:36 riunosk: ur ss tho
2016-12-05 19:36 riunosk: it looks like
2016-12-05 19:36 riunosk: it has missing snap bars
2016-12-05 19:36 Blocko: yeah i have a small resolution for oss
2016-12-05 19:36 Blocko: hehe
2016-12-05 19:36 riunosk: oh
2016-12-05 19:36 riunosk: uh
2016-12-05 19:36 riunosk: okay
2016-12-05 19:37 riunosk: that section is really disturbing me tho
2016-12-05 19:37 riunosk: like
2016-12-05 19:37 riunosk: halfway
2016-12-05 19:37 Blocko: hm
2016-12-05 19:37 riunosk: it just stopped mapping for the hihats
2016-12-05 19:37 riunosk: but it continues on later
2016-12-05 19:37 riunosk: its gonna be problematic with BNs
2016-12-05 19:37 riunosk: my biggest issue so far ;w;
2016-12-05 19:38 riunosk: arghahharghargh
2016-12-05 19:38 riunosk: #mappingproblems
2016-12-05 19:39 Blocko: just gonna throw some ideas
2016-12-05 19:39 riunosk: i see what ur doing
2016-12-05 19:39 riunosk: but
2016-12-05 19:39 riunosk: 00:10:502 (10502|1) -
2016-12-05 19:39 riunosk: this ln ends here 00:10:855 -
2016-12-05 19:41 Blocko: hhmmm
2016-12-05 19:41 riunosk: i kinda
2016-12-05 19:41 riunosk: tried
2016-12-05 19:42 riunosk: i exchanged the softer synths for hihats
2016-12-05 19:42 riunosk: thats the best i could do for now
2016-12-05 19:42 riunosk: 4k has so many limitations arghh
2016-12-05 19:42 Blocko: that looks good
Helped a little with sleepy playtests, snapping and patterns.
Nice map o/
tank for modAscension_H wrote:
hi M4M modding que |1|2|3|4|insane00:08:385 (8385|1) - move to 1 done already via self mod
00:12:973 (12973|0) - move to 2 ^
00:15:796 (15796|1) - move to 4 why? pitch relevancy
00:26:032 - add a note for drum sound i dont hear anything here..
00:27:443 - add a note for guitar sound im not mapping for guitar
00:33:090 - add a note for continue sound ^
00:34:679 - add a note or intended? the doubles are for the short synths nothing else so no change
02:26:914 (146914|1) - i think this note move to 4 you might not have updated since what i see here on my side is [34], so i cant do anything about this
02:59:561 (179561|1,179738|0) - ctrl + j not updated
03:02:561 (182561|1) - move to 4 okay
03:26:738 - i suggest this section the LNs in this section are only for the longer synths so no change
03:58:326 (238326|1) - move to 3 not updated as wellteleport00:09:796 (9796|0) - this LN end 00:10:502 my thinking it actually ends 00:11:385 - but i cant do that since its mapped for playability
00:38:738 - my suggestion okay
00:44:385 - ^
00:52:326 - add a note for drum sound not exactly drum sound but sure
nice song! i like mitis i love mitis too!!!
02:15 Nivrad00: ye
02:15 riunosk: somewhat more readable
02:15 riunosk: i see your point
02:15 riunosk: but
02:15 riunosk: well
02:15 riunosk: as said earlier
02:15 riunosk: it just doesnt feel right
02:15 Nivrad00: oh yeah of course
02:15 riunosk: :(
02:15 Nivrad00: i didn't know if it would feel right or not
02:15 Nivrad00: i just asked if you'd considered it
02:15 Nivrad00: now you've considered it
02:15 Nivrad00: lel
02:15 riunosk: yea xd
02:15 Nivrad00: i like your idea of pushing it back by 1/4
02:16 Nivrad00: maybe you should do that
02:16 riunosk: lemme do that agn
02:16 Nivrad00: waiT WAIT IWAT
02:16 Nivrad00: ok i just tried it out for the first time
02:16 Nivrad00: (my suggestions)
02:16 Nivrad00: and i agree with what you said about it feeling constant
02:16 Nivrad00: BUT NOW i have another suggestion
02:16 Nivrad00: to make it less constant
02:16 Nivrad00: whoo
02:17 riunosk: oo
02:17 riunosk: the opposition!
02:17 Nivrad00: during each break time
02:17 Nivrad00: (in my old suggestion)
02:17 Nivrad00: you have 1.0x and then another speed to balance it
02:17 Nivrad00: so what if you use .8x or .5x instead of 1.0x
02:17 riunosk: uh huh
02:17 Nivrad00: and then use a higher balancing speed
02:17 Nivrad00: so it's still consistent and not distorted, but not as constant
02:18 riunosk: not sure if i get u
02:18 Nivrad00: ok ok uh
02:18 riunosk: maybe timestamping the suggested 0.8/0.5x?
02:19 Nivrad00: sure but it would take a while
02:19 Nivrad00: i should just explain to you the concept
02:19 Nivrad00: it's not difficult, it's just confusing here because you also have it speeding up
02:19 Nivrad00: think of this SV you have right now as two different effects at once
02:19 Nivrad00: 1. acceleration
02:19 Nivrad00: 2. slowdowns
02:19 riunosk: mhm
02:19 Nivrad00: the acceleration is going 1.0 -> 1.1 -> 1.2 -> 1.3 -> 1.4
02:19 Nivrad00: while the slowdowns is putting 1.0 in all the break times
02:19 Nivrad00: now my suggestion was to use bumps instead of slowdowns
02:19 Nivrad00: that is, to put 1.0 AND a balancing speed in all the break times
02:20 Nivrad00: you follow me this far, right
02:20 riunosk: i followed you until the 1.0x break time part
02:20 Nivrad00: oh
02:20 riunosk: i didnt get balancing speed
02:20 Nivrad00: remember how i told you to put 1.4x in that one place
02:21 Nivrad00: ebcause the average of 1.0x and 1.4x is 1.2x
02:21 riunosk: yep
02:21 riunosk: oh
02:21 Nivrad00: 1.4x is the balancing speed
02:21 riunosk: thats the balancing speed
02:21 Nivrad00: ye
02:21 riunosk: so basically
02:21 riunosk: the
02:21 riunosk: "averager"
02:21 riunosk: something like that
02:21 Nivrad00: sure
02:21 riunosk: xd
02:21 Nivrad00: the combination of slowdown + averager is called a bump
02:21 Nivrad00: actually a reverse bump
02:21 Nivrad00: the terms aren't important though LOL
02:21 Nivrad00: no one uses these terms
02:22 riunosk: bump bump
02:22 Nivrad00: but you get the concept right
02:22 riunosk: i need time to digest that xD
02:22 Nivrad00: ok lol
02:22 riunosk: but u can go on
02:25 riunosk: i still dont get it
02:25 riunosk: dammit
02:25 Nivrad00: oh sorry i didn't see "but u can go on"
02:25 riunosk: aw
02:25 Nivrad00: why dont i just tell you which numbers go where and you can see for yourself
02:26 riunosk: yea
02:26 riunosk: thats what i meant by timestamping
02:26 riunosk: xD
02:26 Nivrad00: oh right ;n;
02:26 riunosk: xd
02:26 riunosk: i tink we do have some sort of miscommunication
02:26 riunosk: mixing up words and stuff
02:26 Nivrad00: well i undestood when you said timestamping
02:26 Nivrad00: i just thought it would be more valuable if i explained the concept
02:26 Nivrad00: so you could do it again in the future
02:27 riunosk: turns out
02:27 riunosk: im horrible at words
02:27 riunosk: better practical
02:27 Nivrad00: nah you're pretty well-spoken
02:27 Nivrad00: i'll use .6 as an example but that might be too strong or too weak idk
02:27 Nivrad00: 01:17:737 - 0.6x
02:27 riunosk: its rather simple english i guess
02:27 Nivrad00: 01:17:826 - 1.4x
02:27 Nivrad00: 01:17:914 - 1.1x
02:28 Nivrad00: 01:18:090 - 0.6x
02:28 Nivrad00: 01:18:179 - 1.6x
02:28 Nivrad00: 01:18:267 - 1.2x
02:28 Nivrad00: 01:18:443 -0.6x
02:28 Nivrad00: 01:18:532 - 1.8x
02:28 Nivrad00: 01:18:620 - 1.3x
02:28 riunosk: oh my
02:28 riunosk: dem stamps
02:28 Nivrad00: 01:18:796 - and you dont have to change anything from here on
02:29 Nivrad00: now i'm gonna apply that and see what it looks like lao
02:29 riunosk: i hope it doesnt look weird
02:30 riunosk: ok
02:30 riunosk: it looks horrible
02:30 riunosk: LOL
02:30 Nivrad00: :/ ok
02:30 riunosk: the gap is too big
02:30 riunosk: and the sv change is too large
02:30 riunosk: as wlel
02:30 riunosk: well
02:30 Nivrad00: not on my screen o-o
02:30 Nivrad00: did i give you the correct numbers
02:31 riunosk: idk
02:31 riunosk: i just
02:31 riunosk: put what i got
02:31 Nivrad00: yeah i used what i wrote to you
02:31 Nivrad00: and the gaps are the correct size on my screen
02:31 riunosk: thats weird
02:32 riunosk: cos
02:32 riunosk: it looked like
02:32 riunosk: i lagged inbetween
02:32 riunosk: and i retried lke
02:32 riunosk: 5 times
02:32 riunosk: to make sure i wasnt
02:32 Nivrad00: can you check your input?
02:32 riunosk: lemme try redoing them
02:32 Nivrad00: it does look like lagging
02:33 Nivrad00: that's kind of what the effect is supposed to be
02:33 Nivrad00: it slows down and then catches up
02:33 Nivrad00: which combines your slowing down effect with some additional movement
02:33 riunosk: i'll just call it lag sv from now
02:33 Nivrad00: this intensity of bumps is actually pretty common in mania i think, but maybe you don't like it as a personal preference
02:33 riunosk: bump sounds weird
02:33 Nivrad00: which is fine :P
02:33 Nivrad00: sure
02:33 riunosk: probably not
02:34 riunosk: yea
02:34 riunosk: i dont really like it
02:34 riunosk: it just
02:35 riunosk: asdaowidjlaksdjlawkdja
02:35 Nivrad00: okay :P
02:35 Nivrad00: no that's normal
02:35 riunosk: :(
02:35 Nivrad00: dont feel bad about it :/
02:35 Nivrad00: believe me
02:35 Nivrad00: i have really weird opinions too
02:35 riunosk: LOL
02:35 riunosk: ok
02:35 Nivrad00: some general values of the mania community really dont sit well with me
02:35 Nivrad00: so maybe the SVs that i'm showing you aren't your style
02:35 Nivrad00: dats alright
02:36 Nivrad00: well i'm out of suggestions anyway LOL
02:36 Nivrad00: other than just plain nerfing
02:36 riunosk: ell
02:36 riunosk: well
02:36 riunosk: u can go on for the nerfing part
02:36 Nivrad00: well ok
02:36 Nivrad00: instead of using 1.0x each time
02:36 Nivrad00: you could use a slowdown speed that's a bit closer to the reading speed
02:37 riunosk: maybe
02:37 riunosk: like
02:37 Nivrad00: you have 0.9 -> 1.1 -> 1.0 -> 1.2 -> 1.0 -> 1.3 right
02:37 Nivrad00: i'm just going on memory rn
02:37 riunosk: 0.9 > 1 > 1.1 > 1.2
02:37 Nivrad00: isn't that what you alrady have o-o
02:37 riunosk: -0.1 from the SV
02:37 Nivrad00: oh, i see
02:37 riunosk: yea
02:37 Nivrad00: i dont think you need to nerf the acceleration, just the slowdowns
02:37 riunosk: i have 1x on most
02:38 riunosk: lemme try doing -0.1x
02:38 Nivrad00: sure
02:38 riunosk: no difference
02:38 riunosk: >:(
02:38 riunosk: but i'll put it there
02:38 riunosk: for the sake of patterning
02:39 Nivrad00: welp
02:39 Nivrad00: i dont think it's possible to retain your original intent for this SV while still making it sightreadable
02:39 Nivrad00: just because the pattern is so fast and, like i said at the beginning of this conversation, the slowdown SV is really hard to implement
02:40 Nivrad00: or if there is a way to do it, i dont know how
02:40 *Nivrad00 shrug
02:40 riunosk: lets just keep the story short
02:40 riunosk: and let me say:
02:40 riunosk: "i wanna trip people"
02:40 riunosk: ez
02:40 Nivrad00: alright :P
Nice map and Please don't forget to mod my map
Good luck to your map.
Shiro-neechan wrote:
Mod of Mod Request
[General]4k P A T T E R N - | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
- Offset: OK
- AiMod: OK
- Audio: OK
- Background: OK
- Preview Point: OK
- I have some suggestions in pattern/moving notes.
- 00:23:738 (23738|2,23914|1) - Ctrl + G its according to pitch so no change here
- 00:24:267 (24267|1) - move to column 4. ^
- 00:24:267 (24267|1,29385|2,29561|1) - Ctrl + G ^ try to check your timestamps, was confused for a little
- 00:29:914 (29914|1) - move to column 4 ^
- 01:18:002 (78002|1,78090|2) - Ctrl + G ^ its still pitch
- 02:20:384 - i think you should add one note here since this area follows the "ting ting" sound (i don't know if I really called that sound XD) thats the guitar sound and im not mapping for that so no change here
- In the first 7 seconds, i have notice that you don't have notes in column 4. i have suggested notes to move in column 4.
- Here's the following: 00:00:443 (443|2) - this one is fine 00:03:267 (3267|2) - its fine too since the pitch isnt too high 00:06:620 (6620|2) - slightly higher pitched so okay
- Some suggestions in pattern/moving notes.
- 00:23:738 (23738|2,23914|1) - Ctrl + G its pitch so no change here
- 00:24:796 (24796|1) - move to column 1 okay
- 01:20:737 (80737|1) - move to column 4 i dont see any reason for it to go there
- 01:49:679 (109679|1) - move to column 3 okay
- 01:54:620 (114620|0) - move to column 4 moving it to 4 would leave column 1 more empty than it already is so no change
- 01:54:620 (114620|0) - as i suggested in Normal Map what? can you check your timestamp?
- 03:20:737 (200737|2,200826|3) - Ctrl + G okay
Nice map and Please don't forget to mod my maptanks and okay
Good luck to your map.tanks
Shinzo- wrote:
[Teleportation]00:38:738 (38738|0,38738|1) - suggest to change one of these to LN just like you do at 00:38:208 - 00:43:855 - oh yeah 00:44:385 - this one too, it's confusing since the sound is exactly the same lol made all of them notes since i couldnt hear any synthsGood Luck ! tank very much
00:50:032 (50032|0,50120|3,50208|0,50385|1,50473|0,50826|3,50914|2) - kinda surprised when you suddenly layer this sound when you ignore it on 00:47:385 - 00:48:796 - 00:51:620 - 00:51:973 - etc. fixed
01:06:708 - you didn't layer this sound ? ok im only mapping that sound in the next section so its not too sudden
01:08:649 - add note ? up to you for this and ^ i've mapped all the sounds for this section only
01:16:149 (76149|1,76149|0) - i'm not suggesting a 2 note for that kick sound since 01:16:149 - not worth enough to be 3 note seriously. and just like you do on 01:14:737 - only 1 note fixed
01:55:679 - ok so you didn't layer the snare ? okay (refrence: 01:27:443 - ) sometimes it sounds like a kick only to me sometimes it sounds like a snare to me, but i'll map it like a snare
02:16:193 - i can hear a piano here ? this one is guitar maybe you ignore it bcs of confusing snap ? it's ok i can understand but wth is 02:31:473 (151473|2,151561|3,151634|2) - this its snapped such that its as accurate as possible
02:43:326 - inconsistent with 02:42:973 - .. oh also 02:48:620 - and 02:48:973 - not much i can do about it since the LNs follow the pitch
02:54:267 (174267|3,174355|1,174443|3,174620|1,174708|0,175061|3,175149|2) - already pointed out before fixed
03:12:884 - hmmm add note ? mhm
03:13:590 (193590|1) - just wtf is this when you didn't layer this sound on 03:12:884 - 03:15:531 - 03:15:708 - dude chill lol; applied
03:20:384 (200384|0,200384|1) - same :v as before fixed
03:28:855 - ignoring the kick ? okok but why you didn't ignore it on 03:30:973 - here too? couldnt hear before, fixed
03:45:796 - good, you didn't layer the kick again haha im still deaf
03:48:443 - ok so the snare should be 3 note, or just 03:47:737 - 2 note, or even just 03:48:620 - 1 note ? i'm sorry i'm just confused.. really fixed; all snares are QUADS in this chart and since i cant always use the same amount of notes due to patterning, these kind of stuff happen
04:09:134 - hmmm idk geeeetarrrrr
04:18:796 (258796|2) - i actually hear nothing here... maybe you trying to layer 04:18:708 - this sound ? are you very very very very very very very very very very sure you hear nothing here? im 100000000000% positive i hear an echo here
thanks shin~Shinzo- wrote:
[Aliscea's Insane]00:09:973 (9973|3) - move to 2 for consistency pattern&pitch (00:09:267 (9267|1,9443|3,9620|2) - ) just like you do on 00:18:443 (18443|2,18620|0,18796|1) - // moved
00:56:914 - 1 note ? but 03:01:149 - 2 note // added for consistency
01:16:326 - even harder than Teleportation diff. just sayin' // seems similar to mejust different note structure
01:20:826 - eh... nothing ? what about 01:23:649 - why you put a note here ? // added
01:26:473 - 01:32:120 - again idk.// added, and some other parts that are the same also
01:40:855 - idk it's too hard while the sound is'nt that clear // keep for now, since it's kinda a good windup for the incoming LN part
01:55:679 - inconsistent with 01:55:502 - // i think its like the sound like in 01:33:090 - so i make it double only
02:16:193 - idk, everyone ignore this piano // idk its kinda audible for me. i think there's a sound similar like this in 02:16:546 - .
02:31:458 (151458|1,151546|3,151635|2) - incocnsistent snap with Teleportation diff // fixed
03:11:473 - since when you layer this sound ? lol (refrence: 03:08:649 - ) // lol removed
03:34:238 - pretty confusing, but nvm // found a way to add
03:44:649 (224649|2) - ghost note // removed
04:09:135 - yeah idk // :<
04:17:032 - hm ?
Good Luck !
tanks for modding, will mod on your map soonToehoe wrote:
- |1|2|3|4|
- Some AiMod problems not really any issues here
- 00:00:091 (91|0,267|1,443|2,620|0,796|1,973|2,1149|1,1326|0) - Beginning pattern seems repeated too much, I think you should move around some dont think its an issue since the following sections have different arrangements
- 01:20:208 (80208|3,80561|2) - Your LN placement means that 01:20:914 isn't 3 note chord when the sound usually is, consider removing them and save LNs for LN sections like here 01:40:326 (100326|2) where you can focus on their sound only (this is advice for the whole Kiai time) discussed in irc, no changes applied :<
- 02:12:796 (132796|0) - Slightly misleading, 2 sounds but 1 LN. Add a note or another LN perhaps added LN
- 02:14:208 - LN should end here and then another one should start to end at 02:15:620 the LN ends where it should be if you can hear it closely
- 02:17:032 - Then consider mapping guitar as LN with piano being single notes for the whole section im not mapping for guitar
- 02:22:679 (142679|0) - I see you go for pitch mapping here so move this note to |2| then 02:23:737 (143737|2) to |1| okay
- 04:09:973 - Consider mapping guitar here too same as above
Fresh Chicken wrote:
Here I am, sorry for late. its okay :d
This map is so long so I needed some time
Aliscea's Insane needs to check AI mod.
01:52:149 - I think snare should be here, what do you think, fixed it, but it means that 01:52:679 - will also need to be a snare, which seems like a difficulty spike, what do you think?
02:31:502 - should be same snapping with other difficulties.its hard to apply this since other difficulty's arrangement arent 1/4s, and keeping it simple for beginners, i'll keep it as it isfixed after discussion with protasty
04:09:267 - It don't have to be 2 notes man okay
04:09:267 (249267|2,249311|3) - I don't know this is acceptable in Normal, seems this is very fast snapping on this difficulty. putting it as doubles seem too simple and 1/4 seem too far apart, so i ended up with this, will need more opinions on this
Just fix inconsistency snapping in other difficulties first too.
riunosk wrote:
Fresh Chicken wrote:
04:09:267 (249267|2,249311|3) - I don't know this is acceptable in Normal, seems this is very fast snapping on this difficulty. putting it as doubles seem too simple and 1/4 seem too far apart, so i ended up with this, will need more opinions on this
I understand what you are saying about LNs but try to understand that many players are quite reserved against LNs. Apparently LNs are hard but really these peeps just need to play more LNs. This also includes some Beatmap Nominators who looked at maps as unrankable because of apparently too many LNs. With this in mind I have applied some suggestions. Some LNs sounds are too short for LN notes. I also wanted to avoid monotony as some of your suggestions lean em towards that monotony. Some of it also affects the star rating and as it is now is balanced and we would like to keep it so.tailsdk wrote:
Crono's Hard00:00:091 (91|0,267|1,443|2,620|0,796|3,973|1,1149|2,1326|0) - would make these notes LN's
00:02:914 (2914|0,3090|1,3267|2,3443|0,3620|1,3796|3,3973|2,4149|0) - ^
00:05:738 (5738|0,5914|1,6090|3,6267|2,6443|1,6620|3,6796|0,6973|1) - ^
00:08:561 (8561|0,8738|1,8914|3,9090|2,9267|1,9443|3,9620|1,9796|0) - ^ intro, and it's only hard. This needs to stand out as it's own section so sounds are separated by hitsounding instead of LNs
00:09:443 (9443|3,9620|1,9796|0) - also would make this a double LN since the sound is higher then the others ^
00:11:385 (11385|0,11561|1,11738|3,11914|2,12090|0,12267|1,12443|2,12620|1) - again would make thease LN's
and so on ^
00:22:855 (22855|2,23032|3,23208|1,23385|0,23561|3,23738|2,23914|1,24090|0,24267|1,24443|3,24620|0,24796|1,24973|2,25149|3,25326|1,25502|0,25679|3,25855|2,26032|1,26208|0,26385|2,26561|0,26738|2,26914|1,27090|3,27267|1,27443|3,27443|0,27620|2,27796|1,27973|0,28149|3,28326|0,28502|1,28679|2,28855|0,29032|1,29208|3,29385|2,29561|1,29738|0,29914|2,30090|3,30267|0,30443|3,30620|2,30796|1,30973|0,31149|2,31149|3,31326|0,31502|1,31679|2,31855|0,32032|2,32208|0,32385|1,32561|2,32561|0,32738|3,32914|2,33090|1,33267|3,33443|1,33620|2,33796|3,33973|1,33973|2,34149|3) - i dont understandt in this part how you determine what is a LN and what is not I personally think it is quite obvious. It's the significant sounds in each section.
these should be doubles 01:29:914 (89914|0,90002|1) - 1/4 doubles is not recommended on Hard
this one aswell 01:30:443 (90443|2) -
01:33:443 (93443|2) - ^
01:35:561 (95561|3,95649|2) - ^
01:38:914 (98914|1) - ^
01:51:620 (111620|1,111620|3) - should be triple
01:52:149 (112149|1,112149|3) - ^
01:52:679 (112679|1,112679|3,112855|3,112855|0) - ^These triples anchor so no.After reading wamster2's mod I made some adjustments.
01:58:149 (118149|0,118237|1) - should be doubles
i really understandt what sound is a LN here and what is not because some sounds that have been single notes before are now LN in this part i think its huge flaw be sure to check through and don't just place LN all over the place there is note placement to music, then there is note placement to balanced gameplay. I prefer not to have non-essential spikes in dificulty. And again, LNs where the sounds are significant for it are placed here.
02:04:326 - i think this slow part should be an SV 0,85x because there really isnt a lot of notes here so it wouldnt hurt it and would fit the song quite nicely
you overuse this pattern here 02:50:384 (170384|3,170561|2,170737|1,170914|3,170914|0) - try to mix it up gets boring It's pitch
03:06:620 (186620|3) - should be an LN???
again i think the end should be slowed down from here 04:08:561 -
I didnt point out every detail in this mod but i said all the problems listen to the sounds at 25% it is very important that the sounds are correct and figure out what sounds are LN and what are normal notes it gets confusing. Honestly I don't see how it's confusing at all. It is however just my opinion.
Thanks for modding Toehoe!Toehoe wrote:
- |1|2|3|4|
- 00:34:502 (34502|0,34502|1,34679|2) - I suggest ctrl+h to make more comfortable
- 01:52:855 (112855|0,112855|3) - I think |1| should move to |2| since same sound as 01:52:679 (112679|1,112679|3) then move 01:53:032 (113032|1) to |1| ok
- 02:15:620 (135620|3) - I think LN would be better instead because such a different sound and it hangs while I do agree with your statement it would seem out of place imo where there is no focus on this particular set of sounds.
- 02:17:032 - 02:18:443 - And map it here too and on all white ticks sorry no, focused on a singular set of sounds here (piano)
- 03:09:796 - Add another note to suit your chord patternok
- 03:11:208 (191208|2,191561|2) - Because of chord pattern I think these should be notes instead, I don't hear LN sound I do but fixed for consistency
- 03:12:090 - And another note here for chords ok
- 03:12:620 (192620|0) - between here and 03:17:208 - check for same thing please
- 04:09:973 - With this section I think guitar should be mapped like mentioned beforeas mentioned before, no
Fresh Chicken wrote:
Here I am, sorry for late.
[Crono's Hard]mod00:38:561 (38561|1) - 3 is surely comfortable
01:53:914 (113914|3) - ^1
02:16:326 (136326|1,136414|2) - inconsistency snapping with other difficulties, better to refer Teleportation.
02:31:480 (151480|3,151546|2,151612|1) - ^
Just fix inconsistency snapping in other difficulties first too.
All applied, thank you Fresh Chicken
Your mod is ok. You will improve if you keep it up so no worries.wamster2 wrote:
Hello! Im a newbie so it might be not useful, XDmodCrono's Hard
01:30:090 (90090|3,90090|2,90267|0,90267|1) - I think you should add 1 note to emphasize the snare sound
01:35:737 (95737|1,95737|0) - Same here
01:38:914 (98914|1) - Here also, for the bass soundnot mapping bass sound
01:51:885 - Im not sure if you missed a note on this part on purpose or not I did
02:16:370 - I think you should add a note here? why?
02:39:090 - Here also to emphasize the bass sound? ok
03:45:796 - Here also not following this sound
03:56:031 (236031|2,236208|1,236561|1,236737|2) - Here also ^
04:14:561 (254561|1) - Move to col 4 ok
04:19:149 (259149|3,259326|2,259502|1) - Control H? sound audio location feels like it should be as is to me.
Sorry for poor mod, but i hope i helped you, also sorry for late post, since i requested in your queue. Thanks and goodluck with your map!
aight i should be getting around another mod or 2Fresh Chicken wrote:
Tell me when you stop to take mod, it will give confusing with my mods
Litharrale wrote:
mod from my queue
If you're trying to rank this then I doubt this diff will pass it. There's just too much SV change. (also be careful about SV going faster than normal scroll speed)
It's quite possible actually. number of SV does not make a map unrankable. It's how the SV are executed. I totally agree about the constant faster then normal scroll speed in part of it tho. Also note that it is made purely for challenge if I remember right
i agree with crono and yes its pretty much made for challenge that somehow was decided for rankCrono wrote:
Litharrale wrote:
mod from my queue
If you're trying to rank this then I doubt this diff will pass it. There's just too much SV change. (also be careful about SV going faster than normal scroll speed)
It's quite possible actually. number of SV does not make a map unrankable. It's how the SV are executed. I totally agree about the constant faster then normal scroll speed in part of it tho. Also note that it is made purely for challenge if I remember right
such a fast modLitharrale wrote:
00:17:914 (17914|0,18090|1) - Stay consistent. Make these normal notes. normal notes? o _o nothing is highlighted for me though
01:02:385 (62385|1,62561|3,62561|2,62737|0,62737|1) - ctrl-h applied
01:02:914 (62914|2) - col 3 its for pitch so no change
01:42:443 (102443|1,102620|3) - This pattern feels very out of place for a sub 4* i think its fine as it is
01:53:737 (113737|2) - ^ ^
01:43:414 (103414|2) - add a note why? i'll end up with jacks, and this entire chart is mapped for maximum playability
01:49:061 (109061|2) - ^ ^
02:11:384 (131384|1,131737|3,132090|2) - This note and others in this section are mistimed. Use 25% and listen close. wow you have really sharp ears :clap: gonna apply these to other diffs as well
02:32:561 (152561|2,152737|3) - ctrl-j pitched correctly
02:33:973 (153973|0) - col 1 isnt this already at 1?
02:35:384 (155384|2) - col 3 02:36:796 (156796|2) - is higher pitched so its situated at 2
Litharrale wrote:
mod from my queue
If you're trying to rank this then I doubt this diff will pass it. There's just too much SV change. (also be careful about SV going faster than normal scroll speed)
00:17:914 (17914|0,18090|1) - Stay consistent. Make these normal notes.
01:02:385 (62385|1,62561|3,62561|2,62737|0,62737|1) - ctrl-h
01:02:914 (62914|2) - col 3
01:42:443 (102443|1,102620|3) - This pattern feels very out of place for a sub 4*
01:53:737 (113737|2) - ^
01:43:414 (103414|2) - add a note
01:49:061 (109061|2) - ^
02:11:384 (131384|1,131737|3,132090|2) - This note and others in this section are mistimed. Use 25% and listen close.
02:32:561 (152561|2,152737|3) - ctrl-j
02:33:973 (153973|0) - col 1
02:35:384 (155384|2) - col 3
magically helped my diff anyway so kds well earned!Litharrale wrote:
Litharrale wrote:
mod from my queue
If you're trying to rank this then I doubt this diff will pass it. There's just too much SV change. (also be careful about SV going faster than normal scroll speed)
00:17:914 (17914|0,18090|1) - Stay consistent. Make these normal notes.
01:02:385 (62385|1,62561|3,62561|2,62737|0,62737|1) - ctrl-h
01:02:914 (62914|2) - col 3
01:42:443 (102443|1,102620|3) - This pattern feels very out of place for a sub 4*
01:53:737 (113737|2) - ^
01:43:414 (103414|2) - add a note
01:49:061 (109061|2) - ^
02:11:384 (131384|1,131737|3,132090|2) - This note and others in this section are mistimed. Use 25% and listen close.
02:32:561 (152561|2,152737|3) - ctrl-j
02:33:973 (153973|0) - col 1
02:35:384 (155384|2) - col 3
WHOOPS this mod was meant for Aliscea's insane, not the normal insane. My bad! >_<
thanks for mod!Litharrale wrote:
00:17:914 (17914|0,18090|1) - Stay consistent. Make these normal notes. // uh it's already normal notes?
01:02:385 (62385|1,62561|3,62561|2,62737|0,62737|1) - ctrl-h // what?? the closest one that i currently have is 01:02:385 (62385|2) -
01:02:914 (62914|2) - col 3 // not sure for what particular reason, but I find it more straining for the right hand
01:42:443 (102443|1,102620|3) - This pattern feels very out of place for a sub 4* // it's my style of mapping the song and it should be okay
01:53:737 (113737|2) - ^ // same reason
01:43:414 (103414|2) - add a note // added
01:49:061 (109061|2) - ^ // added
02:11:384 (131384|1,131737|3,132090|2) - This note and others in this section are mistimed. Use 25% and listen close. // i quite hear it clearly but I believe a new timing point is the solution here. Will wait for chicken's mod
02:32:561 (152561|2,152737|3) - ctrl-j // i understand the purpose for PR but i prefer jacking 02:32:737 (152737|2,153973|2) - to emphasize the pitch at 02:34:502 (154502|3) -
02:33:973 (153973|0) - col 1 // i like my current pattern better
02:35:384 (155384|2) - col 3 // same reason as above
tank very mach frozen chikenFresh Chicken wrote:
ok my mod messed up due to other mods so I MUST start it at first
00:00:091 - I think should have one more note for emphasis first start and it has definitely strong sound. i think its fine as it is
00:33:443 (33443|1) - It should end at 00:33:620 - here. okidoki
01:38:561 - 01:44:208 - 01:49:855 - 01:52:679 - 4 chord is not good for your consistency, you used 3 notes on snare on below but those parts don't have any point for emphasizing and have suddenly loud HS. If you have any intention of this, please let me know hmm i guess i'll make everything triples then
02:07:480 (127480|1,127657|3) - and 02:08:032 - ~ 02:14:208 - wtf is this lol its snapped to be as accurate as possible to be consistent with 02:31:473 (151473|2,151561|3,151634|2) - if thats an issue let me know
aw9e-01 copying hitsound never works in GDsFresh Chicken wrote:
[Aliscea's Insane]
01:38:737 - HS missing and it's snare so should better to use 3 note // chose not to emphasize this, so that parts like 01:41:561 - would be emphasized more
01:47:737 - HS missing
01:55:679 - ^
01:59:737 - ^
02:07:502 (127502|1,127679|3) - Make consistency snapping with Teleportation. // fixed
02:08:208 - ~ 02:14:208 - ^
02:38:737 - HS
02:41:737 - ^
02:44:384 - 02:47:384 - 02:53:737 - 02:59:384 - 03:02:737 -
okay I WON'T do HS mod for this difficulty, take a look yourself one more time.
Fresh Chicken wrote:
[Crono's Hard]
02:07:502 - ~ 02:14:208 - Go refer Teleportation's snapping
Other things should be better to go on IRC
top 10 anime promise that's hard to keepProtastic101 wrote:
feel free to poke me in game or forum pm me.
\o/Garalulu wrote:
Take my star owo)/~☆☆☆☆☆
Protastic101 wrote:
[Aliscea's Insane]00:05:208 (5208|0,5296|2) - I might consider moving these to 3 and 2 respectively to get a stair pattern to better connect the notes together. // i don't intend to make it a stair pattern because i intend to emphasize the distinguishable sound at 00:05:385 - .
00:09:973 (9973|1,10149|3) - Might switch the columns here so that the LN is in 2 and the short note in 4 since I think it'll be easier to hit since there's less notes on the right hand // kinda want to keep the PR here so instead I rearranged it a bit, moved the short note in 3 instead and the two sliders before the long one was moved.
00:26:032 - I'd add a note here to keep the 1/2 stream going as it's a bit flow breaking to suddenly have a 1/1 long pause between notes imo. Also cause you have a note here at 00:23:208 (23208|1) - and they're both musically similar // added
00:27:443 - Same as the above. There's a slight emphasis on the 3/2 notes which is why it's recommendable to have a note there // added
00:33:090 - ^ // added
00:33:355 (33355|2) - Would consider moving this to 1 to avoid a short note + LN on the same hand // applied
00:34:679 - This is the only place you don't have a note throughout this entire intro section for the 1/2, so I'd recommend adding one in 3. // found this one a bit awkward too lol added
00:50:473 (50473|2) - I might remove this since it's really only part of the delay from 00:50:032 (50032|1,50032|0,50120|2,50208|3,50208|0) - and way quieter so it's harder to notice while playing // removed and rearranged the part a bit
01:11:914 (71914|1,72002|0) - I would consider control J here so as to make the direction different from 01:11:737 (71737|2) - since it could look a little like it's part of a 1/4 triplet when it isn't. // i dont quite get this one but i mapped it to a different direction from 01:11:473 (71473|0,71561|1) - so it doesn't look like it will be repeated
01:12:090 (72090|3,72179|1,72267|2,72355|0) - For this, I would recommend a more connected roll as it's a bit difficult to lead into the steady 1/4 rolls at 01:12:708 - with it. Maybe this would work? // there are things that would conflict with what I want like how I want 01:12:090 (72090|3) - to be emphasized by putting an empty column between, so instead i rearranged it for it to be more comfortable.
01:24:267 (84267|0,84267|3,84355|1,84355|2) - This is my own opinion, but I think you could try making this a 3 note jack instead for readability, and also so that the hand movement is more or less the same for these notes, making it easier to play imo. So like this // selfish reason: i kinda dont like this pattern so yea
01:32:120 (92120|2) - Don't understand why you don't make this a double when 01:35:649 (95649|1,95649|0) - is the same kick sound, but mapped using a jump // i hear this part more softly than the other one, might consider this but its really what i hear ;w;
01:40:855 (100855|0,100943|1,101032|0,101120|1,101208|0) - I'd try to avoid a trill like this. Maybe move 01:41:208 (101208|0,101296|2,101385|1) - to 3, 2, and 3 respectively // removed the streams inbetween those time instead and rearranged, since i don't want it to *look* too heavy on one side
01:50:032 - Why not make this a stacked triple with 01:49:855 (109855|0,109855|3,109855|2) - since they're the same sound? // i mapped this part to be very fluid and comfortable in flow and it might be too sudden so keep
02:07:502 (127502|1,127679|3,128208|2,128362|0,128561|3,128715|1,128892|2,129068|0,129245|1,129421|3,129598|2,129774|0,129951|3,130304|1,130657|0,131009|2,131186|0,131362|1,131715|3,132068|2,132421|0,132598|2,132752|3,133105|2,133458|0,133811|1,133987|2,134164|0) - I'm still confused as to why these are on the 1/8 Q_Q // consistency to teleportation diff lol
02:31:855 (151855|0,152208|1) - Assuming you're following pitch relevancy, these two notes should switch columns as the note currently in 1 is higher pitched than the note currently in 2 // rearranged other notes around it as well, and i considered how strong the sound is so its intended
02:43:061 (163061|2,163061|3,163414|1,163414|0) - Idk, since this is a calmer section of the song, I think it'd be ok to reduce these to single notes to avoid the jack, and save the minijack for the kiai instead // good idea! applied
02:58:149 (178149|3,178326|2,178679|3) - Think it'd be easier to switch the columns here as I've missed multiple times already trying this lol. Probably due to the short note at 02:58:679 (178679|3) - being on the outside of an LN on the same hand // seems fine for me LOL will consider
03:30:973 (210973|0,211149|3,211149|0) - I would switch the columns here as it's rather hard to hit notes when they're caged by LNs at 03:30:443 (210443|0,210796|1) - , so like this might work // i believe this is okay. will keep but if this really remains as an issue then i might consider
03:49:855 (229855|1,229855|0,230208|0,230384|1,230561|1) - Would recommend switching the columns here again, like so // seems fine for me as well
03:55:149 (235149|1,235326|0,235502|0) - Similar to the above, I would switch columns as the 1/2 stack is kind of hard to hit on the same hand as an LN // seems fine for me also. imo it just feels not comfortable since it's something rare but hey it's a good challenge ;D[/notice][/box]
aaaaaaaaaa thanks
will PM update
nvm here is update c:
much tank veryProtastic101 wrote:
Alright, was talking to riunosk about the hitsounds and general stuff, and I decided that the set needs a bit of improvement before being pushed forward.*boop*General
- What's the point of snare(100%).wav when LR_Snare+Soft+Fast.wav is basically the same sample but louder? I'd suggest you remove the snare(100%).wav and replace it with LR_Snare+Soft+Fast.wav but in a lower volume (like maybe 30% works). Just open the .osu, go to Edit -> Replace and it'll look like this ok i guess
- Due to the high amount of LNs in Teleportation, I would consider reducing the HP to 8.5 and lowering OD to 7.7 or so since it's a close 1:1 ratio of short notes to LNs HP is reduced to 8.6 instead and
OD changed to 7.8retained at 8, i wanna try to retain a bit of the difficulty- Imo, I'd just use the soft sample set throughout the entire song as the default normal-hitnormal in the calm section from 00:00:091 - 00:56:561 - is pretty noisy and distracting from the actual music. this is dependant on your own skin so thats subjective // not applied since already discussed with fc
- For the snares at 01:19:502 - , I'd try using this instead i dont think that sound fits imo so not applied
00:33:973 - This is my opinion, but I don't think the kicks here make that much sense with the music since there's no percussion here and the accent comes from the guitar chord kind of sound. I think it'd be better to replace the kicks here with drum-hitnormal2 since it's a quieter sound. the kick sounds seem to fit well so no chance
00:38:914 (38914|3) - This should be at 70% volume since you've been using double hitsounds at 35% in this section, which adds up to 70% total hitsound vol. I also don't really hear an accent on this note, so are you sure this is meant to be here as none of the other diffs have it. fixed, removed hs
00:43:855 (43855|2) - Import at 70% to make up for the single hitsound, or add another kick.wav on 00:43:855 (43855|0) - at 35% vol applied
00:44:561 (44561|2) - Same as the above, either use a double hitsound with each sample being 35% or import this one at 70% ^
00:44:914 (44914|2) - ^ . What I would recommend for this section is to just add hitsounds every 3/2 beat, like at 00:39:620 - 00:40:149 - 00:40:679 - for example, and stick to that the whole way through. that hs pattern doesnt seem to fit so no change
00:52:326 (52326|1,52326|0,52326|3) - Triple hitsound here, remove a hitsound from one of the notes (resetting the sample makes the note completely silent, so just remove 00:52:326 (52326|3) - and readd it as a short note) fixed
00:56:561 (56561|3) - Since this is the start of a new section, I would recommend adding a finish here. You can use the soft sampleset's finish for this as it fits nicely with the music. Note that you can't have an editor whistle/clap/finish on a sample imported note, so remove 00:56:561 (56561|3) - and readd it to get rid of the hitsound and add a soft-hitfinish on it. i think its fine as it is already so no change
01:08:208 (68208|0,68208|1) - These are pretty much inaudible, they're so quiet, even with a total vol of 100%. I'd just do here what I mentioned in teh general and remove the snare(100%).wav completely and just use LR_Snare+Soft+Fast.wav, albeit at a slightly lower volume like 25% (per note, for a total of 50% vol). already changed to lrsnaresoftfastwgawiuehaslkjd
01:08:737 (68737|3) - Add kick at 35% vol here oki
01:09:620 (69620|0) - Try to be consistent with your sample volumes here. What I notice is that you tend to hitsound two notes with the same sample and just split the volume which is fine, so here you should do the same and add a snare at 01:09:620 (69620|0,69620|2) - on 50% for both uhh timestamp? will clarify with you soon
01:10:149 (70149|1) - Missing kick(35%) fixed
01:12:443 (72443|2,72443|1) - Similar to what I mentioned two lines above, split the hitsound volume and add snares to both notes at 50% snare hs vol is fixed at 30 so im not making both to 50
01:13:502 (73502|1,73502|2,73502|0) - Triple hitsound, remove the hitsounds from one of the notes fixed
01:13:855 (73855|2,73855|1,73855|3) - ^ ^
01:14:032 (74032|0,74032|1) - Single hitsound, add another on the LN at 35% ^
01:14:208 (74208|3,74208|2,74208|0) - triple hitsound, remove one ^
01:13:502 (73502|1,73502|2,73502|0) - tbh, now that I listen to it more closely, wouldn't a snare be more appropriate for these sounds? The snare comes in every 1/1 it sounds like, so I'd replace the kicks at places like 01:13:502 - 01:13:855 - 01:14:208 - 01:14:561 - with snares instead. changed all 1/1 kicks to snares in that section
01:14:737 (74737|1,74826|0) - set these to 70% volume since there's only one hitsounded note fixed
01:15:620 (75620|3,75620|2,75620|0) - Triple hitsound, remove one hitsound from the pair. replaced with snares
01:16:149 (76149|0,76237|1) - Set these as 70% volume to make the total volume consistent with this entire burst. Again though, I think using LR_Snare+Soft+Fast.wav is better than using kicks as the sound more closely resembles a snare. i only changed the single notes to 70% and lrsnaresoftfastiwjdasikj dont really sound fitting to me at least
01:16:414 (76414|1,76590|2,76767|2,76943|3,77120|3,77296|1,77473|1,77649|0) - Set these all to 70% since they're only single hitsounds and you generally use 70% vol for your samples ^
01:16:679 (76679|1,76679|3,76679|0,77032|2,77032|0,77032|1,77385|3,77385|0,77385|2,77737|1,77737|2,77737|3) - Remove one hitsound from all of these triples as the total volume becomes 105% when you use three of the same samples at 35% vol fixed
01:18:796 (78796|2,78796|1,78796|0) - This has a combined volume of 150%. I'd just readd them at 33% volume instead so that it gets close to 100% total vol ok
01:19:149 (79149|1) - I'd consider removing the hitsound on this note and instead adding a Finish here for the crash and section start. If you do, don't forget to readd 01:19:149 (79149|0) - kick at 70% vol looks fine as it is, no change
01:19:502 (79502|0,79502|1,79502|3) - I'd use that snare I mentioned in General right here, maybe at 35% volume on two notes for a total of 70% vol aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
01:20:208 (80208|3,80208|1,80208|2) - ^
01:20:914 (80914|2,80914|0,80914|1) - ^ and so on
01:20:826 (80826|3) - readd at 70% volume for consistency fixed
01:23:649 (83649|1) - ^
01:24:355 (84355|3) - ^
01:30:002 (90002|1) - ^ and so on from 01:19:502 i changed all the snares to 35 35, leaving one note empty and not exceeding 70
01:42:796 (102796|1,102796|0,102796|3) - Would just suggest readding the clap at 33% vol again to avoid going over 100% total vol fixed
02:02:914 (122914|3) - I'd consider replacing this with a kick at 70% vol. changed to snare
02:03:267 (123267|0,123620|0,123973|1) - Assuming you did the above, I would do the same here as the kick is heard even when the snare plays i added a 70% kick with the empty notes inbetween the 35 35 snares
02:15:620 (135620|1) - I'd consider adding a finish here even though it's a little quiet since this is like the start of the calm section dont think finishes are needed here since it transitions well on its own
02:15:620 (135620|1,136326|2,136370|3,137032|3,137561|2,139855|2,139943|3,140032|2,140208|1,140561|0,140914|0,141267|1,141443|2,141620|3,141973|2,142679|1,143208|3,143737|0,145149|0,145326|1,145502|2,145855|2,146208|0,146384|1,146561|2) - Might consider adding drum-hitnormal2 at 40% vol for these notes to help accent the piano. doesnt seem that way for me
02:26:914 - ^ And so on with the rest of this section ^
03:00:796 (180796|3) - Would recommend adding a soft-hitfinish here for the section start same as above
Anyways, the rest of the chart basically repeats the same problems I've pointed out. So to summarize, find a suitable volume you wanna use (such as 70%), and take however many notes you plan on hitsounding using the same samples (like you have two notes you want to add kick.wav to) and divide your total volume by the # of notes you plan on hitsounding to get your total vol. Additionally, you could use the default soft-hitnormal at the beginning and ends of sections to help emphasize it. For the piano, I'd recommend using the drum-hitnormal2 as it's a pretty sound and goes well with the section imo i feel tired just by reading that :c but ok
[notice]Chart [Teleportation]
00:10:502 (10502|1) - I think it'd be better to extend this LN to 00:11:208 - instead as that's where it actually ends. I'd try an arrangement like this applied but last note moved to 3 instead
00:15:620 - The synth here is similar to the above in that it's a delay. Might try this to represent it applied with slight change
00:31:149 (31149|3,32561|0,32738|2,32914|1,33090|2,33267|1,33355|2,33443|1,33620|2,33796|1) - I honestly think it's easier to play this if you isolate the different parts onto separate hands so that the player doesn't have to coordinate two moving parts across both hands. Like this maybe its intended since its mapped similarly for a challenge and unless theres a major issue it will not be changed
00:44:208 (44208|2,44385|1) - I think it'd be easier to play if you switched columns here so the LN is in 2 and the short notes in 3 seems good
00:50:032 (50032|0,50032|1,50208|0) - LNs on the strong fingers and short notes on the weaker fingers of the same hand are ass to hit generally since your middle finger depends on the index finger for strength when playing, so it'd be better to switch the columns here, like this same reason as ^
00:50:385 (50385|1,50473|0,50561|1,50649|2,50738|1,50826|3) - I'd try a more linear roll like this instead ^
01:16:326 - In my opinion, this entire burst feels a bit difficult to hit. I might try using more two handed trills so that it's more balanced and less trilly on single hands ^
01:37:767 (97767|0,97855|2,97855|1) - Would try using a trill instead like this ^ + pr
01:43:326 (103326|2,103326|1,103414|0,103502|2,103502|1) - I'd consider stacking notes in [12] for better playability, like this ^
01:49:855 (109855|0,110032|0,110208|0,110561|0,110737|0) - Feels a bit heavy in column 1. I'd try to rearrange it a little like this rearranged by myself, rip ss
02:02:561 (122561|3,122561|2,122737|3,122914|3) - Definitely switch the columns here due the reason I mentioned above a while ago about weaker fingers depending on stronger fingers for strength. Maybe try this (I also rearranged the top for better playability imo) same as above
02:07:480 (127480|1,127657|3,127855|0,128032|2,128186|1,128362|0,128539|3,128715|1,128892|2,129068|0,129245|1,129421|3,129598|2,129774|1,129951|3,130127|0,130304|2,130480|1,130657|0,130833|3,131009|2,131186|0,131362|3,131539|2,131715|1,131892|3,132068|0,132245|1,132421|2,132598|1,132752|3,132752|0,132929|1,133105|2,133282|3,133458|1,133634|3,133811|2,133987|1) - Is there any reason why these are all on the 1/8 before the downbeat/upbeat? snapped for accuracy
02:12:752 (132752|0) - I'd consider ending this at 02:15:620 - where the piano comes in as the sound quickly fades away afterwards, and this is a nice place to end it off. i've thought a lot about this and i'll re-apply this ln from before a previous mod suggested this
02:42:796 (162796|2,162973|1,163061|2,163149|1) - Would consider control H here so that the hand holding the LN doesn't have as many short notes to deal with as the LNless right hand okay
02:54:620 (174620|1,174708|0,174796|1,174884|2,174973|1,175061|3,175149|2) - Would consider arranging this to be more like a linear roll,. like so same as above
03:25:326 - Shouldn't there be another note here for the kick? 1 would probably work best fixed
03:35:914 (215914|3) - I'd try to keep notes from being stuck on the outside of LNs simply cause it's harder to hit notes like that as opposed to if they were in the inner column its intended as the kick notes are supposed to follow the initial LNs right after them
03:44:914 (224914|1,225002|0,225090|1,225090|2) - Would consider something more connected like this fully applied
03:59:737 (239737|0,239737|1,239737|3,239737|2) - Why are you using a quad for a snare? From what I've noticed in this section, you've just been using triples for all the snares, and only use quads for the the ending snares like at 03:23:031 (203031|1,203031|0,203031|3,203031|2) - fixed during re-hs
04:01:855 (241855|3,241855|2,241855|0,241855|1) - ^ ^
04:04:678 (244678|0,244678|1) - Shouldn't this be a triple for the snare? Maybe moving 04:04:502 (244502|3) - to 2 and adding the note in 4 would work best ^
04:07:149 - I'd try to reduce the amount of trills while you can before you get to 04:07:855 - , like this same as way up
04:19:149 (259149|1,259149|0,259326|1,259326|2,259502|3,259502|2) - Rather than a stair, I'd try stacking 3 of the notes in 1 and making the others move outward, like this changed toinstead, let me know if thats an issue
You can apply most of the stuff I mentioned about the hitsounds to the other diffs. time to spend another hour re-hitsounding I haven't looked at the lower diffs since I ran out of time, but I think you kind of get the point. yep If you need any clarification or stuff, feel free to poke me in game or forum pm me. beware the spam
tanks for modRivals_7 wrote:
Preservedvalkyriapost. will edit this
MitiS official(?) soundcloud write the title with (Original Mix) so i think you should too ranked standard version is the same as this so shouldnt have any issue
00:09:267 (9267|2,9620|3) - would move this to 1|3 as the current pattern looks kinda not too flowy due to - 00:08:914 (8914|3,9267|2,9620|3) - is being hitted in the same hand aight
00:17:738 (17738|2,18090|3) - wait again? moved first note to 2 for slight variation between the sections
00:34:502 (34502|2,35032|2) - why is this the only one being stacked? cant remember the reason why, but fixed
01:54:443 (114443|3) - i believe the pitch is different with - 01:54:090 (114090|3) - so move that to 1. okay
02:02:208 (122208|0) - similar^ moved to 3
02:15:620 - emm idk. add note? there's some noise thoimo the release of the ln itself should be sufficient but if this is still an issue let me knowadded
02:17:032 (137032|3,137561|2) - move left one step. I believe the pitch is different with 02:16:326 (136326|3) - yep ok
02:38:914 (158914|2,159267|2) - why stack? you didnt do stack for the others similar sound moved second note to 2
03:17:561 (197561|1) - delete this one. refer the same rythm at - 01:13:326 hmm alright
04:09:973 (249973|3,250502|2) - move left. pmuch same reason okidoki
00:10:149 (10149|3,10326|2,10502|1) - I suppose you can delete this since its just an echo from the previous noise. also you didnt do this at - 00:21:443i dont think they should be deleted even if they are echos since they are quite audiblemaybe i should
01:54:443 - add note at 1? the current pattern doesnt seem so flowy for me okay
01:58:149 (118149|1) - move to 4? seems more convenient for this tier level sort of repetitive but sure
02:15:620 - well... add?
03:15:973 (195973|3) - move to 3 i think. the pitch doesnt similar with - 03:16:326 (196326|3) - 03:15:267 (195267|2) - pitch here is slightly lower so no change
03:20:384 (200384|1) - delete i guess. its more convenient to start rushing from the downbeat rather from this okay
03:33:267 (213267|0,213973|3) - wait why are you separating the LNs? you didnt do it before -03:27:620 (207620|0) - the synths sound very different from the rest of the "synth sections" so i decided to implement a different ln structure for it
03:44:208 (224208|3) - move to 2 i think. so its more flowy okay
04:09:973 (249973|3,250502|2) - 02:17:032 (137032|3,137561|2) - move left? same reason sure thing
01:32:032 (92032|2,92385|1) - move to 1|4 looks more cool to hit imo seems nice, reduces focus on 3 as well
02:17:032 (137032|3,137561|2) - move left again? xd >:c
02:26:914 (146914|2) - move to 1 or 2. stacking it with - 02:26:561 (146561|2) - doesnt seem fit with the pitch moved to 2
02:39:090 (159090|3) - move to 1? most of the others double-triple-double structure doesnt have any triple stacks - 02:38:737 (158737|3,158914|3,159090|3) - on it okay
02:44:737 (164737|3) - ^ ^
no suggestion. all already plays cool yay
If you have everything settled and done, you may call FC to rebubble BUBBLEBBUBUBEUBUULBLLEBULBBLUBLEUBELUBEL
So what I got from that is anchoring is a no no to you on a hard diff...which is supposed to be a stepping stone towards insane... notedRivals_7 wrote:
[crono's Hard]
Not sure if you intendedly doing this
tho its recommended to snap it properly ( to white line. I think?) The hitsounding was still working for the notes as intended so I left it. fixed anyway
01:14:737 (74737|1,74826|1) - uhhh i guess this is not the suitable diff to have a minijack here. would just recommend to do a simple 1|2|3 roll as the players would hardly 300G this it's fine. it's not even hard to hit. and it's a HARDdiff. It fits just fine
01:17:385 (77385|3) - move to 2 I think. this is - 01:17:032 (77032|3,77208|3,77385|3) - unecessarily quite more dense than the rest of the stream part here
02:39:973 (159973|1,160149|2) - i guess this should be stacked? the kick sounds kinda same anyways. refer - 02:45:620 (165620|1,165796|1) - fixed... I think xD
03:21:267 (201267|0,201443|0,201620|0) - this got quite similar problem about being dense but idk what to move xd broken stairs balnces it. overall the streamy bit has almost the same note count per hand. a short anchoring in a stream is needed for that feel here imo
04:07:149 (247149|1,247326|1,247502|1) - 04:08:120 (248120|1,248296|1,248473|1) - there's even two points here xd. its recommended to change it somehow It's the end climax it's supposed to be a little hard. No matter how I change this part it is going to have some anchoring.![]()
T_T_T forgive me FC ;w; i'm sorryRivals_7 wrote:
Preservedvalkyriapost. will edit this
[Aliscea's Insane]
Surprisingly i didnt find anything worthy to change xd so yeah
but pls disable "use special style" and some stacked objects (check aimod)
Popping the bubble for this matter. since its obviously unrankable
2017-02-16 17:55 riunosk: helo
2017-02-16 17:56 Rivals_7: ow hi
2017-02-16 17:56 riunosk: thx for modding my map :d
2017-02-16 17:56 riunosk: sad bubble pop though :(
2017-02-16 17:56 riunosk: your mod was applied yesterday
2017-02-16 17:57 Rivals_7: well I had too since that overlap xd
2017-02-16 17:57 Rivals_7: is it rebubble yet?
2017-02-16 17:57 riunosk: fc is looking for ur confirmation for rebub
2017-02-16 17:57 riunosk: so yea
2017-02-16 17:57 riunosk: i need a recheck
2017-02-16 17:57 riunosk: just in case
2017-02-16 17:57 riunosk: in the rare case that i miss out a mod
2017-02-16 17:57 riunosk: happened once
2017-02-16 17:57 riunosk: so i dont want that to happen again ; w;
2017-02-16 17:58 Rivals_7: lemme checking out a bit
2017-02-16 17:59 riunosk: no rush
2017-02-16 17:59 riunosk: take your time
2017-02-16 18:02 Rivals_7: OD 8,3? sounds pretty harsh for a diff that has quite many LNs tho
2017-02-16 18:02 Rivals_7: ACTION is editing [ MitiS - Movements (feat. MaHi) [Insane]]
2017-02-16 18:03 Rivals_7: would just recommend 8 and HP 8 as well
2017-02-16 18:03 riunosk: hm
2017-02-16 18:03 riunosk: well
2017-02-16 18:03 riunosk: looking at ln count
2017-02-16 18:03 riunosk: i would say its fine compared to teleportation's
2017-02-16 18:04 Rivals_7: since teleport is LN based its fine I think
2017-02-16 18:04 riunosk: :/
2017-02-16 18:05 Rivals_7: aliscea got some krul LN too and its OD are 8,5 now lul. quite harsh as well
2017-02-16 18:05 Rivals_7: emm
2017-02-16 18:06 riunosk: hm
2017-02-16 18:06 riunosk: reduce the od?
2017-02-16 18:06 Rivals_7: so my idea is kinda like Insane HP OD 8 | Aliscea HP 8,3 OD 8 | Teleportation keep it
2017-02-16 18:07 Rivals_7: gradually increasing from crono which only had HP OD 7,5
2017-02-16 18:07 riunosk: hm
2017-02-16 18:07 riunosk: how about insane odhp 8.1 instead
2017-02-16 18:08 riunosk: 8 seems a liiiiiittle bit
2017-02-16 18:08 riunosk: too low for me
2017-02-16 18:08 riunosk: putting 8.05 has no point either
2017-02-16 18:08 Rivals_7: well its ok I think, not so much different
2017-02-16 18:08 riunosk: i'll take your suggestion for aliscea's odhp though
2017-02-16 18:08 riunosk: then its 8.1 then
2017-02-16 18:08 riunosk: oops i went to playmode
2017-02-16 18:09 Rivals_7: lel
2017-02-16 18:09 riunosk: aight odhp changed
2017-02-16 18:10 Rivals_7: that should be everything then. dont want to change too much xd its already cool
2017-02-16 18:10 riunosk: yay
2017-02-16 18:10 riunosk: okay
2017-02-16 18:10 riunosk: so i'll do update
2017-02-16 18:11 riunosk: and you do post
2017-02-16 18:11 riunosk: so fc can verify
2017-02-16 18:12 Rivals_7: maybe i'll just rebubble instead. I let FC qualified later
2017-02-16 18:12 riunosk: uh
2017-02-16 18:12 riunosk: hold on a sec
2017-02-16 18:12 riunosk: aliscea suggested hp 7.8
2017-02-16 18:12 riunosk: for her diff
2017-02-16 18:12 riunosk: no wait
2017-02-16 18:13 riunosk: od
2017-02-16 18:13 riunosk: sorry
2017-02-16 18:13 riunosk: typo
2017-02-16 18:13 riunosk: OD 7.8 HP 8.3
2017-02-16 18:13 Rivals_7: ah... fair enough I think. her LN is quite tricky for some people too
2017-02-16 18:14 riunosk: meh
2017-02-16 18:14 riunosk: okay
2017-02-16 18:14 riunosk: i think teleportation sr is underrated
2017-02-16 18:14 Rivals_7: shes the mapper after all. she know better xd
2017-02-16 18:14 riunosk: ; w;
2017-02-16 18:14 riunosk: ye
2017-02-16 18:14 Rivals_7: think so too but it should be no problemo
2017-02-16 18:14 riunosk: ok odhp updated for aliscea
2017-02-16 18:14 riunosk: can i ask something first
2017-02-16 18:15 Rivals_7: yes?
2017-02-16 18:15 riunosk: since FC is the first bubbler of this mapset
2017-02-16 18:15 riunosk: can that same bn do qualify?
2017-02-16 18:15 riunosk: after what this mapset has gone through
2017-02-16 18:15 Rivals_7: its popped by me so the bubble count reset to zero
2017-02-16 18:16 Rivals_7: how do i rephrase aaaa
2017-02-16 18:16 riunosk: :/
2017-02-16 18:17 riunosk: btw aliscea fixed something
2017-02-16 18:17 riunosk: changed to
2017-02-16 18:17 riunosk: unintended triple
2017-02-16 18:18 Rivals_7: its no matter whose the first bubbler, if its popped then it resets and it has to process into another bubble again, and it can be by the popper or the first bubbler.
2017-02-16 18:18 Rivals_7: i think thats a thing in a BN rules but kinda forget lel
2017-02-16 18:18 riunosk: oh
2017-02-16 18:18 Rivals_7: oki you change that?
2017-02-16 18:18 riunosk: so basically any bn can do qualify no matter who bubbled but bubble status needs to sort of
2017-02-16 18:18 riunosk: reset?
2017-02-16 18:18 riunosk: yea
2017-02-16 18:19 Rivals_7: true
2017-02-16 18:19 riunosk: o
2017-02-16 18:19 riunosk: okay
2017-02-16 18:20 Rivals_7: so its updated?
2017-02-16 18:20 riunosk: yea
2017-02-16 18:20 riunosk: triple fixed
2017-02-16 18:20 riunosk: od changed to 7.8
2017-02-16 18:21 Rivals_7: so i'll just rebub then. its okay rite?
2017-02-16 18:22 Rivals_7: (tho i want to qualify things at least once a month xD)
2017-02-16 18:22 Rivals_7: nah jk
2017-02-16 18:22 riunosk: xD
2017-02-16 18:22 riunosk: well
2017-02-16 18:22 riunosk: i'll do a self run through one more time
2017-02-16 18:22 riunosk: just in case
2017-02-16 18:22 Rivals_7: alrite
2017-02-16 18:22 riunosk: might take around 10 mins or so
2017-02-16 18:25 riunosk: wew found tiny hs error in easy
2017-02-16 18:25 riunosk: - w-
2017-02-16 18:27 Rivals_7: and I though the HS were already okay :v
2017-02-16 18:27 Rivals_7: t*
2017-02-16 18:27 riunosk: well
2017-02-16 18:27 riunosk: errors happen
2017-02-16 18:27 riunosk: i guess
2017-02-16 18:27 Rivals_7: Easy is 1,51* lel close
2017-02-16 18:27 riunosk: better safe than sorry xd
2017-02-16 18:28 riunosk: hue
2017-02-16 18:29 Rivals_7: I actually kinda lazy when i have to deal with Sample HS like this xd (Thx protastic)
2017-02-16 18:32 riunosk: hitsound is troublesome
2017-02-16 18:33 Rivals_7: kick 35% @35% wait wat
2017-02-16 18:33 Rivals_7: 35% in 35% ? xD
2017-02-16 18:33 riunosk: wut
2017-02-16 18:34 Rivals_7: why are you naming the sample like this xD
2017-02-16 18:34 riunosk: for convenience
2017-02-16 18:34 Rivals_7: ah i see
2017-02-16 18:38 riunosk: eurgh
2017-02-16 18:38 riunosk: parents being annoying
2017-02-16 18:38 riunosk: calling me to do simple stuff
2017-02-16 18:38 Rivals_7: hue ._.
2017-02-16 18:40 riunosk: fixed a teeny hs thing again in insane
2017-02-16 18:43 riunosk: okay should be fine now
2017-02-16 18:43 riunosk: updated
2017-02-16 18:43 riunosk: i guess you can bub now
2017-02-16 18:44 Rivals_7: alritey
2017-02-16 18:44 riunosk: yey
7:49 PM Singapore TimeRivals_7 wrote:
FC, pls dont forget the 24 Hour rules xD
tank for modKaito-kun wrote:
Hi, riunosk, just a random guy with a modbefore this get ranked (If I do finish before FC qualifies this). Well shit, it got qualified while I was modding, o well, here we go anyways:
Warning: I'm the blunt type of modder, if I say something that insults you in any way, please be wary that my intention here isn't to shit on you, but to potentially increase the quality of the beatmap.
[General]First of all, hitsounds are annoying as hell to play and hear. While I was testplaying, I had to mute hitsounds to be able to hear the map correctly. Same while I was modding. And even with putting Audio at 5% on the editor, I could hear it clearly, which annoyed me even more while I was modding It sounds like the default hitsounds, and I could swear at first that you were using default HS, but you are not, which is what puzzles me the most. Now, I'm not an expert at Hitsounding, so I can't help you with it. I'm only portraying what I felt regarding this from the point of view of a player. But I can clearly say that the Hitsounds can be a lot better than they currently are, by far. // i think the hitsounds are fine as they are
Also, I don't think having 2 difficulties named Insane is good. Aliscea's Insane difficulty should be named another way. Because this is the current problem: Your spread (naming-wise) is Easy->Normal->Hard->Insane->Insane->Teleportation. You seeing the problem, right? Keep in mind I'm not telling you to remove one of the Insane diffs or something like that, it's ok spread-wise (won't talk about their quality since I haven't checked them). What I'm saying is simply change the name of Aliscea's difficulty to something different, but that could be considered above Insane, for example, Extra.
Regarding this, please remember that difficulty names like Insane+ can bring you problems, so be wary of those when changing the name. // changed aliscea's diff to Extra
[SVs]Ok, so probably one of the main reason this map plays SO akward, it's the fact that literally half (if not more) of the map is one huge slowjam. And I'm not even joking here. You can take a look at it yourself. And that makes a bunch of patterns that should be easy to hit (saying this both playing-wise and also regarding the coherence with the map), both uncomfortable and akward to play.
Being honest, map would be far better without the slowjams, because of the reasons stated above. But also because most of the SVs you have on non-kiai are barely noticeable. Because you keep up on a constant slowjam, the bumps are not noticeable at all, which is useless if it's not even noticeable by the player (Being honest, I discovered you had a bump here 00:57:620 - after I finished testplaying and looked at it on the editor. That's how unnoticeable it is lol).
There's also the speedup at 01:16:326 - and other similar sections of the map. This is pretty uncomfortable to play, considering it's a sudden change in density, and adding such speedup is both uncomfortable to play and not really correct from my perspective. Let me explain: When the song reaches this point 01:16:326 -, it is at it's fastest point, in other words, it doesn't go faster than that after that part ends, but the opposite, it slows down a bit at 01:17:914 -. But with how you have the SVs there, you are making it look like it going faster and faster, when the whole SV section is just one constant speed. So it doesn't fit the section at all. Same thing happens with other similar sections throught the song discussed in irc, removed slowjams
[Teleportation]00:00:091 - Here, at the very start, there's a pretty strong sound that you tend to ignore. I can somewhat agree when you ignore sounds such as the ones heard here 00:00:796 - or here 00:01:149 -, but this starting crash is different. It's way too relevant and strong to simply leave out. It feels akward to simply ignore it while playing, as it sounds even more relevant than the other sounds. My suggestion here is adding a double along the LN on columns 3 and 4. Althought I would also agree if you only added a single note on the 4th column. added at 4
00:03:443 (3443|0,3620|1,3796|2) – Shouldn’t it play a lot better if you would have placed these notes the same way as 00:02:914 (2914|1,3090|0,3267|2) -, to accentuate the repetition of sounds there? then it'll be repetitive all the way so no change
00:09:796 – There’s definitely a missing LN here. It’s clearly hearable when you slow down the song a little bit. Heck, even while playing the map it felt like there was something missing there. If you ask yourself what sound I’m talking about, it’s the same type of sound like these three 00:09:973 (9973|2,10149|3,10326|2) – added at 4
00:11:385 (11385|0,11561|1,11738|2,11914|0,12090|1,12267|2,12443|1) – Why don’t you vary it a bit more? You already repeated this pattern 3 times (counting this one), and there are a lot of other ways you could put these LNs. For example, moving these 2 LNs 00:11:561 (11561|1,12090|1) – into the 4th column, to vary the pattern a bit more and also increase the use of that column, which you have barely used up to this point (regarding LNs). sort of rearranged
00:12:796 (12796|1,12973|2,13149|3,13326|2,13502|1,13679|3,13767|2,13855|1) – Ctrl+H and then Ctrl+LeftArrow (Simply put, mirroring what you did on those columns). This is because there’s no need to have something like this 00:12:443 (12443|1,12796|1) – when it could have been easily avoided by doing something like what I recommended. already fixed through ^
00:14:738 (14738|1,14914|2,15090|3) -Move all 3 LNs one column to the left, to emphasize the repetition of 00:14:208 (14208|0,14385|1,14561|2) - this sounds very very slightly different and higher pitched so no change
00:17:561 (17561|0) – Move this one column to the right to make a repetition emphasis with 00:17:032 (17032|1,17208|2,17385|3) – ^
00:20:385 (20385|1) - Move this to the 1st column, for the same repetition emphasis as I've explained before okay
00:22:679 - Starting here, things start playing even weirder than how the start already is. Notes like this one 00:24:090 (24090|0) - or this one 00:25:502 (25502|0) - are not very hearable while playing, and having them the same way as the ones clearly hearable make up for some akward feeling while playing the map. The best course of action for those not-so-hearable sounds would be to represent them as single notes instead of LNs. Like that, the hearable sounds are emphasized A LOT MORE, and there's no akward feeling, while also representing those sounds.
Also, after checking more throughly the map, such patterns are throught the whole map, which is probably one of the main reasons that makes this map so weird and akward to play overall. So give it some thought. they are audible for me so its probably on your side
00:33:267 (33267|1,33355|2) - With both LNs being held at columns 1 and 4, this isn't very comfortable, nor playing-wise, nor by looking at it from the editor. These 2 LNs would've been a lot more comfortable (and less accuracy-draining for lower ranked players) by being single notes instead of LNs. the way it is pressed is essentially the same whether it is LN or note so no change
Althought I can accept that you cut early these LNs 00:31:149 (31149|3,32561|0) - to make space for the next set of notes, there should be no reason to do the same with 00:33:796 (33796|1) -, as this one feels weird to have cut off. The 2 long LNs are ok because they are overextended sounds (won't say they are incorrect, because I agree with the idea, but not precisely with the execution, but I digress), but the short one isn't an overextended sound like them, so it shouldn't be treated the same way as them. So my reccomendation is simple to make the small LN (this one 00:33:796 (33796|1) - if you got lost) end where it should, in other words, here 00:33:973 -. okay
From here 01:08:032 - up to here 01:13:502 (73502|2) -. On the section starting here, bluntly put, it feels overmapped. Now, before you go and start saying it's not: Yes, it's not overmapped, each single note/double note represents a sound, so it's not overmapping. But even tho it isn't overmapped, doesn't mean it doesn't FEEL like it is. Most of the notes on that section are barely hearable. And while playing the map, all I could think of here was "WTF am I supposed to be following with this?". My main guess here is that there's too much emphasis on the LNs (which, being honest, start getting a bit repetitive by this point, and the map is 4 minutes long), and too few on the single notes. So varying a bit and making it more oriented on the single notes rather than the LNs would give the player a break from the already-repetitive LNs, and also make this section both more comfortable (o yes, this section feels pretty uncomfortable too) and less akward overall. these are all intended and the notes are following hihats
I'm going to leave it like this for now, since I'm pretty tired and I would've gotten even further, and this already makes 4 pages on Word lol. :(
Anyways, if you have any doubts with my mod, you can always PM me either in-game, on forums, or even on Discord (I noticed you were on the RRM Discord Server yesterday lmao), the latter being the easiest point of access. beware the spam