If you need edits on my maps or you need LN maps for your tournament/ranked set feel free to shoot me a DM. If you are going to use any of my maps for a tournament try to tell me beforehand!
Hi people! My name is Juan (I bet you didnt know!) and I am a normal player just as anyone here, my main language is spanish but I can handle english, a bit of portuguese and almost nothing of italian. I might look really old because I am here since 2010 but I am a 192021 (fug) years old guy. Right now I am part of the GMT and I am one of the World Cups commentators (yeah, I am that guy that everyone blames because of my cursing ability ;D). If you have any kind of feedback about my commentary in particular I would love to hear it in order to try and improve it, I tend to be really pasionate with the stuff that I do and I enjoy a lot playing and being part of tournaments, I would love that everyone have the experience of playing in one. I enjoy playing all the gamemodes and talking with people about mapping, life and basicaly about anything. My main gamemode though is osu!mania 4K and I am mostly an "Accuracy/LN player". Feel free to talk to me if you want, I am usualy friendly with all the people and I enjoy talking with them! I also like to host tournaments and help in the creation process of those so in case that you need any kind of help with that feel free to poke me. Hope you enjoy your stay in my userpage!
Stuff that I did, I hope I am not missing anything:
08-09/2014 - MWC Argentina 4K captain (Ro16) 10-11/2014 - Became an Argentina STD-O!M Ambassador 12/2014 - Became 4k map selector of osu!mania Tournoi Francophone 2015 25/1/2015 - Made the THO as the organizer, map picker and commentator 28/02/2015 - Made the THO : CtB Edition 04-05/2015 - Made the THO: STD Edition 10/08/2015 - 4K MWC 2015 Argentina captain (Semi-Finals) 22/08/2015 - Became part of the 4K MWC 2015 as a commentator <3 29/08/2015 - Osu!talk hypee!! <3 16/09/2015 - August 2015 O!M Chart Selector (: 17/10/2015 - THO: Edicion especial 2015 ! 10/2015 - MIT2015 Argentina Captain (4K player) and commentator 19/10/2015 - osu!news spanish translator 7/11/2015 - OWC 2015 Commentator WOOOOOOOO <3 21/11/2015 - Today a new world starts... GMT Time ! <3333 3/1/2016 - MWC 7K Commentator! 11/2/2016 - Helping with organization, refeering and commentating for the SOFT (Spring osu!mania free for all tournament) (awesome time and tourney ;D) 11/3/2016 - TWC 2016 starts. Part of the commentary team as well. Well, I was considered as a core commentator of the world cups since like OWC but I think this was the IMPORTANT test. YAY! 14/7/2016 - Reached friend cap LOL 24/7/2016 - Champions of the "THM 4K" with Urusai 1/8/2016 - Commentator of the MWC 2016 4K. As well captain of the Argentinian team once again (Semi-Finals). 22/08/2016 - 1 year of official commentary. Thanks everyone 3/11/2016 - Joined the Beatmap Nominator Group. I think I am the first spanish speaker for mania 5/1/2017 - Now I help with Chart Creations for the mania gamemode 11/2/2017 - Hosting the Springtime osu!mania Free for All Tournament 2! 25/4/2017 - Map selector of the TIM '17: Iberoamericano de Mania alongside Guilhermeziat! 29/4/2017 - Map selector of the Mini4F: Mini French Frog Free-for-All tournament 9/7/2017 - Map selector of the osu!mania 4K World Cup 2017 alongside Pope Gadget and Blocko! 11/2017 - Top6 in Rhythm Rivals Tournament 1/12/2017 - Map selecting alongside Guilhermeziat once again for the ausu!mania tournament 4/12/2017 - Map selecting alongside Halogen-, Abraxos and snexe for the Leni's Double Tournament 6/1/2018 - Well I guess now I will be hosting the official World Cups of the game alongisde HappyStick and deadbeat. What a journey this will be!
#666 6/1/2015 ♥ 4040 ♥ MWC <3 Gracias Aiory <3 STAIAIN SENPAI NOTICE ME PLS Lim samaaaa !! Next level modding system LOL No leo un carajo, SKALIIIMMM !! Stratos senpai ! Soy re famoso vithe (? Grin <3 Euro pls <3 LOL Romina Ambassadors hype ! http://puu.sh/hBVi5/23df2134af.jpg Gabiii <3 xDD #TODOS SOMOS JUAN Ese momento en el que tenes que irte a dormir, te estas muriendo de sueño y nada impide que llegues a tu cama a dormir cuando... SHOCK POR QUE Euroe Math's for dayz LOS AMO A TODOS ♥♥♥