
Akiyama Uni - Kaoru Juyouka

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Hollow Wings
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2018年10月27日 at 7:14:51

Artist: Akiyama Uni
Title: Kaoru Juyouka
Source: 東方Project
Tags: Touhou th10.5 th12.3 fxt fxtz Twilight Frontier Tasofro 黄昏フロンティア zun 東方緋想天 ~ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody 東方非想天則 ~ 超弩級ギニョルの謎を追え jun Fragrant Plants 霧雨 魔理沙 きりさめ まりさ Kirisame Marisa hw
BPM: 138
Filesize: 4531kb
Play Time: 01:24
Difficulties Available:
  1. Extra (5.35 stars, 606 notes)
  2. Hard (3.07 stars, 236 notes)
  3. Insane (3.79 stars, 348 notes)
  4. Lunatic (4.32 stars, 453 notes)
  5. Musk Sprout (5.79 stars, 587 notes)
  6. Normal (1.78 stars, 173 notes)
Download: Akiyama Uni - Kaoru Juyouka
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
th105 bgm 香る樹葉花

bg by me

this is another arrangement of "odoru mizushibuki" which's made by akiyama uni in th105 game, thou they are totally different songs even in music room of game's setting.
tried different style of that version as well in that case.

Rapthorn wrote:

Lily Bread

combo color会不会跟BG太相近了

just passing by, since i like playing this map xd

Musk Sprout
01:22:311 (1,2,1,2,3) - 01:08:398 (1,2,1,2,3) - the same case about the NC, since i don't quite get what u're trying to emphasize here with that NC, since the rhythms are the same. shouldn't it be 01:08:832 (3) - that should be NC? (applied to the other one there too)

no need for kds ww
might want to change title to Kaoru Juyouka since the ctb mapset got dq'd for having this title and the correct romanization was Kaoru Juyouka

Halfslashed wrote:

Same, I'm also interested in pushing this

Source : "東方緋想天 ~ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody"
Tags : add "u2" and remove "Scarlet Weather Rhapsody" in tags
never stop mapping

[Musk Sprout]
00:08:398 (3,4) - 这有点挤
00:14:920 (1,2,3) - 这三个的间距变化大概可以学一下00:07:963 (1,2,3) - 突出第三个音
00:35:789 - 00:49:702 - 这段你基本全用1/4之间的间距变化突出了00:36:659 (8) - 这种音(好像不是吉他是什么),00:41:225 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 而这就突然换了个思路,用起了遮挡梗。节奏确实是类似00:48:182 (4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - 而这一整段只有前面那里是那么遮的
00:53:615 (1) - 00:54:485 (1) - 我觉得可以在这两个音上用不同间距突出一下
01:09:484 (3) - 有点明显没叠好
01:13:181 (9,10,11,12,13) - 略歪
01:23:181 (1,2,3) - 这里如果向上凸的话可以比较突出01:23:288 (2) -

00:51:332 (16,1,2,3,4) - 这个比top diff难,这种锯齿+完全变距分开+ar9就是这样
00:53:181 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 大概可以变动一下
00:54:920 (1,2,3,4,5) - 类似,这个更严重,因为他还带遮挡,和最高难度比难了不是一点
00:56:876 (2,3,4) - Kiai滥用这种完全复制的东西就 没什么意思了 大概之间可以变动一下

00:37:746 (2,3,4,5) - 我感觉这个有点歪 不像弧
00:44:702 (2,3,4,5) - ^

干脆ar7吧 我觉得打着读起来完全ok 正好hard到ex ar6789 就很爽

00:12:094 (2,4) - 这种挨着就很难受
00:36:441 (3,1) - ^
00:37:963 (2,3) - ^
00:48:616 (3,6) -


  1. 臥槽,你的normal-hitwhistle應該直接換成三角鈴的聲音啊,明明都在跟三角鈴
  2. 如果我沒聽錯的話kiai的部分貌似都漏了非常多的soft-hitwhistle建議檢查下
[Musk Sprout]
  1. 00:22:528 (4,5,1) - 這個真的巨殺媽建議順時針旋轉30度
  2. 00:22:528 (4,5,1) - 00:23:398 (4,5,1) - 不弄成等邊三角形么?
  3. 00:36:549 (7,8) - 00:37:420 (2,3) - 00:38:289 (7,8) - etc其實可以拉開一點,這麼小的間距並沒有怎麼影響到遊玩體驗.....
  4. 00:53:181 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 這太水了吧,一直跟的三角鈴聲,這個部分三角鈴聲有著非常多的變化偏偏在這裡用上了黏貼複製的排列...而且也不好打
  1. 00:23:398 (4,5,1) - 應該跟前面00:09:485 (4,5,1) - 00:16:442 (4,5,1) - 保持差不多的角度吧?
  2. 00:27:963 (1,2,3,4) - 這個跳有點莫名吧,一整段小間距突然跑出個全屏跳
  3. 00:27:963 (1) - 這裡clap,前面也下了00:14:050 (1) -
  4. 00:34:485 (9,10) - clap的位置換一下,和前面要保持一致00:20:572 (9,10) -
  5. 00:54:701 (7,8,1,2,3) - 純鼠立即去世.jpg
  6. 01:12:312 (1,2,3,4,5) - 弧形放歪了吧看著就很難受
  1. 01:23:615 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - 按你上兩個難度的套路的話這裡的間距應該要小一點吧,現在幾乎和前面的連打一樣
  1. 00:13:181 (1,2,3) - 間距歪了點
  2. 00:41:659 (2,3,4,5,6) - 弧形歪了
  3. 00:48:616 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^
00:29:267 (3) - 我觉得ctrl+g可能会比较好?现在好像有点卡手的柑橘

Regou wrote:

  1. 臥槽,你的normal-hitwhistle應該直接換成三角鈴的聲音啊,明明都在跟三角鈴

01:08:398 (1,2,1,2) - 我怎么柑橘这里很容易看不见 01:08:724 (2) - 啊,我觉得摆成这样 01:22:311 (1,2,1,2) - 可能也比较好
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

yf_bmp wrote:


[Musk Sprout]
00:08:398 (3,4) - 这有点挤 稍微动了点。
00:14:920 (1,2,3) - 这三个的间距变化大概可以学一下00:07:963 (1,2,3) - 突出第三个音 这里已经跳占主导了,不想搞太难毕竟cs7.
00:35:789 - 00:49:702 - 这段你基本全用1/4之间的间距变化突出了00:36:659 (8) - 这种音(好像不是吉他是什么),00:41:225 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 而这就突然换了个思路,用起了遮挡梗。节奏确实是类似00:48:182 (4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - 而这一整段只有前面那里是那么遮的 突出吉他音那个只是顺带,主要还是跟铃的轨,铃那个轨放梗就单纯只看这个轨了,遮挡那边并没存在遮挡什么的,后面的节奏也和前面不一样所以用不同梗。
00:53:615 (1) - 00:54:485 (1) - 我觉得可以在这两个音上用不同间距突出一下 沃日,虽然说得是有道理,但cs7哎而且这已经很难了好吧,我才没你那么鬼畜233
01:09:484 (3) - 有点明显没叠好 这种都是bug出现的。。。改了姑且
01:13:181 (9,10,11,12,13) - 略歪 没打算包。
01:23:181 (1,2,3) - 这里如果向上凸的话可以比较突出01:23:288 (2) - 在01:09:375 (2) - 我也用了比较柔和的轨迹,呃,毕竟3年前的图还是没打算做的太鬼畜,这里就这样好了。

00:51:332 (16,1,2,3,4) - 这个比top diff难,这种锯齿+完全变距分开+ar9就是这样 我知道,毕竟这是去年做的,和三年前不同。。。然而事实是这个diff和top diff并没有谁比谁难的说法,都是ex级的(高难度sr这种东西我是从来不看的)
00:53:181 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 大概可以变动一下 不这里就跟的是低轨的风琴不打算改了。
00:54:920 (1,2,3,4,5) - 类似,这个更严重,因为他还带遮挡,和最高难度比难了不是一点 真的是。。。哪天我做个最高难度并不是最难难度的图。。。
00:56:876 (2,3,4) - Kiai滥用这种完全复制的东西就 没什么意思了 大概之间可以变动一下 这图就是冲着打起来顺手做的,这种锐角1/4你说要变动的意思是换方向或者换间距?无论哪种都会让这个梗变得更加难打。

00:37:746 (2,3,4,5) - 我感觉这个有点歪 不像弧 爷爷,不要那么严格。
00:44:702 (2,3,4,5) - ^ ^

干脆ar7吧 我觉得打着读起来完全ok 正好hard到ex ar6789 就很爽 在我这lunatic和insane是平起平坐的所以不要。。。

00:12:094 (2,4) - 这种挨着就很难受 打死.jpg,这个改了。
00:36:441 (3,1) - ^ 这里ds就是这样没辙的。
00:37:963 (2,3) - ^ ^
00:48:616 (3,6) - ^



Regou wrote:


  1. 臥槽,你的normal-hitwhistle應該直接換成三角鈴的聲音啊,明明都在跟三角鈴 这个铃太轻了,用hs的话感觉打击感不足,太响更不好,所以还是用了现在这个。
  2. 如果我沒聽錯的話kiai的部分貌似都漏了非常多的soft-hitwhistle建議檢查下 为啥大家都对hs意见那么大噗。。。我感觉已经可以了啊233
[Musk Sprout]
  1. 00:22:528 (4,5,1) - 這個真的巨殺媽建議順時針旋轉30度 不不这个梗就是这么摆的。
  2. 00:22:528 (4,5,1) - 00:23:398 (4,5,1) - 不弄成等邊三角形么? ds占主导了所以就这样了。
  3. 00:36:549 (7,8) - 00:37:420 (2,3) - 00:38:289 (7,8) - etc其實可以拉開一點,這麼小的間距並沒有怎麼影響到遊玩體驗..... 噗,本来就没打算做成spaced stream,这里单纯拉开一点提示一下downbeat罢了,你想多。。。
  4. 00:53:181 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 這太水了吧,一直跟的三角鈴聲,這個部分三角鈴聲有著非常多的變化偏偏在這裡用上了黏貼複製的排列...而且也不好打 这里本来就是跟风琴为主的哎。。。我去,这里也被人吐槽爆了,有那么可怕的吗。。。
  1. 00:23:398 (4,5,1) - 應該跟前面00:09:485 (4,5,1) - 00:16:442 (4,5,1) - 保持差不多的角度吧? 我操,要扣那么细吗,救命啊。
  2. 00:27:963 (1,2,3,4) - 這個跳有點莫名吧,一整段小間距突然跑出個全屏跳 这里的话是因为第二段加入了一个轨所以所有的跳都变大了包括这个跳。
  3. 00:27:963 (1) - 這裡clap,前面也下了00:14:050 (1) - 我只能说这两段音乐的鼓点并不一样。
  4. 00:34:485 (9,10) - clap的位置換一下,和前面要保持一致00:20:572 (9,10) - ^
  5. 00:54:701 (7,8,1,2,3) - 純鼠立即去世.jpg 鼠标滞销,救救我们.jpg
  6. 01:12:312 (1,2,3,4,5) - 弧形放歪了吧看著就很難受 故意的,手摆,没辙。
  1. 01:23:615 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - 按你上兩個難度的套路的話這裡的間距應該要小一點吧,現在幾乎和前面的連打一樣 不不,这两段风琴的旋律也是不一样的。
  1. 00:13:181 (1,2,3) - 間距歪了點 这。。。无视了。。。
  2. 00:41:659 (2,3,4,5,6) - 弧形歪了 爷爷。。。
  3. 00:48:616 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^ ^

Suzuki_1112 wrote:

00:29:267 (3) - 我觉得ctrl+g可能会比较好?现在好像有点卡手的柑橘 改了柑橘不好。。。

Regou wrote:

  1. 臥槽,你的normal-hitwhistle應該直接換成三角鈴的聲音啊,明明都在跟三角鈴
我觉得热狗说得有道理.jpg 回摸看我上面写的.jpg

01:08:398 (1,2,1,2) - 我怎么柑橘这里很容易看不见 01:08:724 (2) - 啊,我觉得摆成这样 01:22:311 (1,2,1,2) - 可能也比较好
木有了 全是note的梗你看不见只能说明你读图不行。
thanks for modding!
  1. From 00:07:963 (1) - here till the end of map its fully mapped on 1/2 rhythms. Players of this level need some space to breath between objects. As RC states that "Avoid long chains of hit objects with 1/2 gaps. Too many consecutive hit objects overlapping can be confusing for new players." and sometimes there is more than 6 actively clicked 1/2 circles like : 00:18:833 (2,3,4,5,6,1). Density is almost as same as Hard. I think this difficulty it's not suitable to be the easiest difficulty of the mapset. Suggest you to add "Easy" difficulty plus nerfing your rhythms in non-kiai sections to for some diversity through map.
  1. Stack Leniency is too low. It is RC rule that Stack Leniency must be set high enough for 1/2 hit objects to stack. Stuff like these 00:28:180 (5,6) - supposed to be stacked.
  2. 00:36:659 (1,1) - seems like unncessary to add these NC's
  1. 00:03:941 (4,1) - would rather not stacked this as it is too cramped in that little area. why not do smth like this :
My main concern is that normal is too dense that diversity between normal and hard is too low. Nothing much to point out from my perspective.
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

zhu wrote:

  1. From 00:07:963 (1) - here till the end of map its fully mapped on 1/2 rhythms. Players of this level need some space to breath between objects. As RC states that "Avoid long chains of hit objects with 1/2 gaps. Too many consecutive hit objects overlapping can be confusing for new players." and sometimes there is more than 6 actively clicked 1/2 circles like : 00:18:833 (2,3,4,5,6,1). Density is almost as same as Hard. I think this difficulty it's not suitable to be the easiest difficulty of the mapset. Suggest you to add "Easy" difficulty plus nerfing your rhythms in non-kiai sections to for some diversity through map.
    however, the thing is that this is already a *Normal* level map which is not quite a phase for beginner/flesh-new level players. RC also admit that the lowest diff can be a normal with proper star ratings.
  1. Stack Leniency is too low. It is RC rule that Stack Leniency must be set high enough for 1/2 hit objects to stack. Stuff like these 00:28:180 (5,6) - supposed to be stacked. idk what are you talking about, all 1/2 stacked objs in this map, including the one you've pointed out, Do are stacked. so lc setting now is fine.
  2. 00:36:659 (1,1) - seems like unncessary to add these NC's you're right, changed.
  1. 00:03:941 (4,1) - would rather not stacked this as it is too cramped in that little area. why not do smth like this : again, nothing is stacked here, you'd better check where 00:04:485 (1) - 's position once more.
My main concern is that normal is too dense that diversity between normal and hard is too low. Nothing much to point out from my perspective.
thanks for your mod anyway.
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