
Modding assistant [closed]

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Forget it, I forgot to update .net, looks awesome :D
'windows smartscreen has blocked an unrecognized application'

rip :(

nvm i got it. man this thing is amazing, is there a special window for HS checking or does it just tell u if there is a hitsound with delay?

check the image size of the background and sb elements (1366 by 768 for bg, etc)
display a warning for low hitsound volumes (below 20% or something) it might not be unrankable but it is definitely useful to know where those timing points are on the map so we can go check it ourselves without having to find it
also not sure if this is possible, but check the video dimensions since i believe the max is 720p for osu (and video offset if that isnt in there already)
inconsistent kiai/endpoints (ending time of difficulty that is)
spinner recovery time guideline thing (easy 4 beats normal 2 beats hard 1 beat, so on and so forth) (uh i think u can kinda scan the difficulty name and etc, or star rating. dunno how u can do this, maybe kinda hard to implement)
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It will be on warnings
uh, I guess I screwed with header text, must be "Wave hitsounds with possible delay > 5ms:" instead of "Hitsounds must have an acceptable range of delay under 5ms, unless there's a special purpose."

There are already checks for bg and sb elements size, video and stuff

Suggestions about hs volume level and spinner is nice, general names like "normal" "hard" etc wont be a problem to detect. This is already used in similar way to set maximum snapping check values for different difficulty levels, tho I'll remade them from names detect to star rating maybe. Also consistency for difficulty start\end time planned.

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate. :3
lower difs can also be detected with note density/snappings imo owo
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open beatmap web page button
difficulties sorting in list

from guidelines warnings on:
Difficulties end time consistency
Storyboarded hitsounds

and another cool feature - off-screen objects detection
very cool
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IamKwaN wrote:

very cool

forgot to merge few bug fixes /o\
Release updated
omg beta 6 is here dsfjbsdfkjshdf
omg double post because why not?

Here's a link of the elements which their "optimal" size while skinning the nature of the hitcircle, sliders, spinners.. etc click

It's missing that while skinning the hitcircle, Sliderborder must be skinned too. But as long as it's a value of the .osu there's no need to included as a png image. Just as well as it's supported by the RC here
The same will go to slider, mapper should modify the SliderTrackOverride if decided to skin the slider.

Hope this help. ;w;
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thank you~~

should be available. Just dropping this since this is on the first screen when starting the assistant.
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thanks Haskorion :3

Added spinner things, you can read in op. No skin sets check since there is no offical information. The google doc linked is a good start but i don't think that it can be the base for this atm.

So, rolled out release with this... whatever. Hope you guys will find some use with it..

Ohhh sugoi! \o.o ut I do think there's the official because most the elements provided there works also in the skinning page which reside here But rather to wait for confimation!

thank you very much Sieg!
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:3 yw
thanks for help
btw is it possible to show the beatmap creator in the search list, when u get situations like this, it would be much easier to identify by creator name xD
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that's nice idea, thanks
I'm selecting a map and then I'm pressing 'Open' button.Suddenly, the program is freezing and then it gets closed.There is a way to get this fixed? o.o
Same problem here with the latest version.
The version I used before (with the old ui) always worked fine
The only solution for me seems to be keeping the downloaded zip file and replacing all files, as soon as it breaks.
After that it works fine for some time but seems to break again after restarting my pc
Windows 7 btw, .Net stuff should be up-to-date
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try this and give me any errors shown
thanks for the feedback
We need some auto metadata /runs

Using this really gratefully. Thanks always.
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aha :3
well... skin sets for the next

What's new:


Snapshots, a bit enhanced? version of mod tracker from AIBat. Can be used to track beatmaps state or for creating backups. i.e. If you a BN and going to nominate beatmap you can track what changed since the last time you checked and so on.
You can create snapshot of the current beatmap state (osu files, osb file, other files hashes). There is also possibility to create full backup (all files in betmap directory)

After that at any point (as long as the beatmap directory name in osu!\songs not changed) you can select created snapshot to compare with the beatmap current state. There are options to open shapshot directory (may be useful with full backup to restore files) or delete snapshot.

What will be compared? Files changed (this is based on file hash), changes in difficulties.

It works for non osu!std modes? Yes, for now it works for standard, catch, taiko. Mania support will come next.

Storyboard changes? No, not for now. Storyboard changes track will come next along with mania support.


1. You can set automatically check for updates on startup.
2. You can select another way to display list of available beatmaps. Can be long to initialize if you have a lot of beatmaps.


Algorithm changed a bit. Now it's separate partial search.
woah! Sugoi! \>w</

Sigi wrote:

aha :3
well... skin sets for the next
I'll be waiting this!! Good job!!
The application still does not work properly.When I want to open a beatmap, there are appearing 2 messages

It is unable to proceed any beatmap honestly :C
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okay, we resolved this one, don't forget to extract application archive fully, not only *.exe file
I want to report an error

  1. When at Easy and Normal there's sliders and circles placed in blue tick, the assistant mark this as "unspanned" when is not
  2. When I use on a map "inputoverlay-key.png", the assistant mark this file as "unused" when is used really for key overlay
Not big but will be nice to see this fixed
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Underforest wrote:

When at Easy and Normal there's sliders and circles placed in blue tick, the assistant mark this as "unspanned" when is not

right, there is something needs to be clarified, thanks for the feedback


1. Select difficulty.
2. You can see snapping check values.
The first bar
is the maximum value to check snapping for 1/1 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 snapping beat divisor
The second bar
is the maximum value to check snapping for 1/1 1/3 1/6 1/12 snapping beat divisor.

i.e. with this
settings all notes snapped to 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/6 1/12 will be listed as unsnapped.

You can recheck snapping with different values, just set what you need as maximum and press apply.

Why so complicated? To give you ability to check for a possible misplaced objects for lower difficulties, or get list for example for all 1/12 snapped objects in higher difficulties to check manually while modding if they appropriate. etc

There are default values taken from guidelines, for example for easy they will be 1/2 for x4 and 1/1 for x3 divisors. Thus if object listed as unsnapped you should check values if they work right with difficulty level\bpm and change them if necessary. And after that check if snapping is used correctly in the difficulty.
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Underforest wrote:

When I use on a map "inputoverlay-key.png", the assistant mark this file as "unused" when is used really for key overlay
uh, Input Overlay set with skin sets check will be fixed\implemented with the next update. Thanks for reporting. :3

btw this can be fixed manually at the moment by adding input overlay set into "modding assistant skins.ini "

Lasse wrote:

Same problem here with the latest version.
The version I used before (with the old ui) always worked fine
The only solution for me seems to be keeping the downloaded zip file and replacing all files, as soon as it breaks.
After that it works fine for some time but seems to break again after restarting my pc
Windows 7 btw, .Net stuff should be up-to-date
oh I found the source of it, nothing actually related to your tool
I always extracted the archive into my osu folder and apparently osu likes to delete those dll files, which is why it stopped working after restarting the game.
Works perfectly fine now after I moved it to a different folder

Also: It says "raitings" instead of "ratings" in the general tab :d
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cruel peppy >_<

thanks for reporting
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eh... I'm sorry guys but I don't have much free time this summer so :( slow on updates and features promised

small update here:

+difficulty strains for all game mods
+star rating for all game mods
+pp calculation for the std mode
+hyperdashes list for the ctb mode

*star rating calculations more accurate
*minor bug with osb filename fixed
*few ui fixes

omg you added the names and mod tracking

marry me plez
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sorry guys, gotta drop hotfix for the ctb snapshots processing :(


+approximate pp calculations for the ctb, taiko, mania
+link to this thread's OP in the settings tab for quick help on functions\overview

*ctb snapshots fix
Shohei Ohtani
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sorry for the inconveniences, thanks for the report


*bug fix with sometimes sliderslides being detected wrong (unused hitsounds)
my antivirus reports there's virus in 1.5.7 lol
it works fine with 1.5.6 though
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dunno, it's false-positive ... /analysis/

Qihoo-360 sometimes reacts strange ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Reports an error:

"<hitsound>.wav processing error: Unsupported sourceStream format"

when analysing mapsets with "low bitrate" hitsounds (71kbps in the mapset I just checked, the hitsound was a short kick drum sound which I have used before with no issues) - is this something to be concerned about?
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JBHyperion wrote:

Reports an error:

"<hitsound>.wav processing error: Unsupported sourceStream format"

when analysing mapsets with "low bitrate" hitsounds (71kbps in the mapset I just checked, the hitsound was a short kick drum sound which I have used before with no issues) - is this something to be concerned about?
this error means MA was unable to read wave from this file properly (may happen ?maybe? on 32-bit IEEE, I'll look in details on this).
Error will result in 100% inability to detect this wave file possible delay, and maybe (not sure, need to check all this types) in some cases this wave file length.

Thanks for reporting, I'll try to get a solution for this soon.
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boring day...

+Taiko difficulties preview, very simple but maybe somewhat helpful with some time economy while modding

holy SHIT
This is just... awesome.

Sieg can have my babies.
Time to mod some Taiko.
FINALLY, I approve *thumbs up*

Edit: Just a little design request. Would be great if kiai is shown as well and that's it. I'm sure many of us appreciate already what you have done for us. Let me thank you for that sincerely, Sieg.
woah, neat.
wow, nice! :)
I love you due this feature.
my fucking YES!!
cool :)
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wow, thanks guys but I don't really got all the hype here, it's not an editor or anything really related, it's not easy and handy to use either. Let's hope that osu!LAZER branch release "within the next month"(c) (I'm extremely excited about that) will bring something useful to the editor mode.
Just checking difficulty progression in spreads without much effort is very valuable in Taiko as it's a lot more continous than in std. You will often keep 80% of the lower diff intact and add stuff in the next diff instead of approaching the map anew with a different mindset.
Now you can evaluate the diffspread in like 1min when before you had to check all diffs individually and go in and out of diffs to compare stuff and I'm sure the competent Taiko modders can make even more use of that feature than I can think of spontaneously.
finale tacos salvation *L_*
Modding taiko maps is easier than before :)
ты классный
My pants are on fire because of this.

Well done!
nakanotsu nimi
Taiko difficulties preview zoom in is slow :c
this is minor but you spelt "ratings" incorrectly:

that aside though, good job on the tool! Being able to look over a map spread for taiko helps a lot in modding and mapping.
The same as Experimental in the spread-function (Experemental is what you wrote)
Does this mean the hitsound format is unrankable?
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thanks for the reports guys

@Regraz no, this happens on 32 Bit IEEE float format, there is no rules on rc regarding wave file formats. The only consequence is that MA will unable to detect possible delay for that hitsound.

Looks like the DL link is down these days. Here's a back-up
Would DL malware from Bakari's account anytime again.
Thanks for providing the link, currently not on my home PC and felt like needing this right now.
Sooo... download link doesn't work and Bakari's link gave me virus.

: ok_hand:
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oooooo wuuuuuuuuuooo
help ;w;

does anyone have a copy that doesn't give me a virus Lol

both sieg's and bakari's have trojans edjfhjasdklfhjkasdf
try this:

I didn't put any viruses in it.
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