
Pierce The Veil - May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, September 01, 2014 at 7:32:51 PM

Artist: Pierce The Veil
Title: May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep Tonight
Tags: post-hardcore alternative collide with the sky
BPM: 130
Filesize: 4276kb
Play Time: 01:49
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2.77 stars, 211 notes)
  2. Insane (3.99 stars, 317 notes)
  3. Normal (1.67 stars, 148 notes)
Download: Pierce The Veil - May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep Tonight
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I like the title of the song; it speaks to me on a personal level.
Topic Starter

Ringating wrote:

I like the title of the song; it speaks to me on a personal level.
so deep bro
hihi! the m4m that i predict will happen here

  1. tags? no?
  1. nothing i could find
  1. 00:22:860 (1,2) - this could be curved better to be a better circle. they should be similar :o for better flow and its more aesthetically pleasing
  2. 00:37:630 (1,2) - ^
  3. 00:58:168 (2) - during this whole section, the reverse sliders have had 3 reverses. i dont see a reason to change it. 5 drum beats can be heard and it may cause confusion to have a bunch of kick sliders differing in length. change into a 3 reverse slider and remove 00:58:630 (3) - imo
  4. 01:03:014 - this is a stronger beat and should be more emphasized than 01:02:553 - . try this rhythm? maybe have some weird looking slider at 01:03:014 and increase SV
  5. 01:07:630 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - some buildup would be nice. sliders have a bigger impact than hitcircles in this situation. maybe go from 3 hitcircles into 3 sliders? cuz hype goes down at 01:09:014 -
  1. 00:26:322 - add note? for better parallelism with the note at 00:24:476 - since theyre the same
  2. 00:35:322 (4) - this is a bit random in the design of the section. if you were making it opposite of 00:34:399 (2), you should remake by copy and pasting (2) and ctrl-g it. if not, maybe do something like the example below? it would also transition to the next pretty nicely too
  3. 00:36:707 (7,1) - i get that youre trying to catch the vocals but i feel like there should really be a pause somewhere here. the constant flow of play doesnt fit the musis too well since it goes from soft to intense back to soft. that flow doesnt represent it going back to soft very well. i would turn 00:37:630 (1) into a hitcircle at 00:37:630 - and leave 00:38:091 - empty.
  4. 00:45:245 (2) - move to (108,132) for better stream blanketing
  5. 00:57:245 (6,7) - you should really stack these. having them unstacked can be very misleading and misrepresented. i thought that was a rhythm like 01:01:630 (1,2) and 00:52:399 (1,2) because these are the same type of.. things.. you know what i mean? like theyre both unstacked hitcircles all alone in the timeline. so its hard to differentiate.
  6. 00:59:207 - up until now, youve been following drums and guitar. theres a pretty big guitar and drum hit right here. you can sort of catch it and still follow the vocals as you are now if you add a hitcircle at 00:59:207, which would be parallel with what you did at 01:03:015 (9,1). it also matches the jumps you have in that combo to have 1/4 spacing in the timeline
  7. 01:11:207 (2,3) - same with these as stated before. but instead, based on the music, i would separate them far away instead of stacking them
  8. 01:11:668 (4,5) - same^
  9. 01:26:668 (5,6) - same ^
  10. 01:29:668 (2,3,4,5) - AHHHH^^^^^^
  11. 01:49:860 (4) - i would make this different from the rest since a different set of drum sounds are used here but it's not important or necessary
  12. why does this partially feel like the same style i mapped the insane song this m4m is for.. lol
mm i didnt find much in hard or normal anyways. oh well :o good luck~
Topic Starter

Kihhou wrote:

hihi! the m4m that i predict will happen here

  1. tags? no? haven't thought of anything relevant. will be added eventually
  1. nothing i could find woo
  1. 00:22:860 (1,2) - this could be curved better to be a better circle. they should be similar :o for better flow and its more aesthetically pleasing done
  2. 00:37:630 (1,2) - ^ ^
  3. 00:58:168 (2) - during this whole section, the reverse sliders have had 3 reverses. i dont see a reason to change it. 5 drum beats can be heard and it may cause confusion to have a bunch of kick sliders differing in length. change into a 3 reverse slider and remove 00:58:630 (3) - imo was supposed to have 3 emphasizing the guitar line, but confusion prevention should be priority. change
  4. 01:03:014 - this is a stronger beat and should be more emphasized than 01:02:553 - . try this rhythm? maybe have some weird looking slider at 01:03:014 and increase SV changed, but not to your example :P
  5. 01:07:630 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - some buildup would be nice. sliders have a bigger impact than hitcircles in this situation. maybe go from 3 hitcircles into 3 sliders? cuz hype goes down at 01:09:014 - i think this is fine currently. with the way you suggested there would be a slider tail on the downbeat and i don't want that :P
  1. 00:26:322 - add note? for better parallelism with the note at 00:24:476 - since theyre the same i think you have the wrong timestamps... but i noticed something about parallelism a few seconds later in the song so i changed that
  2. 00:35:322 (4) - this is a bit random in the design of the section. if you were making it opposite of 00:34:399 (2), you should remake by copy and pasting (2) and ctrl-g it. if not, maybe do something like the example below? it would also transition to the next pretty nicely too wasn't meant to be a reflection of 2 anyway, but i went with the 2nd option angled a bit more anyway :3
  3. 00:36:707 (7,1) - i get that youre trying to catch the vocals but i feel like there should really be a pause somewhere here. the constant flow of play doesnt fit the musis too well since it goes from soft to intense back to soft. that flow doesnt represent it going back to soft very well. i would turn 00:37:630 (1) into a hitcircle at 00:37:630 - and leave 00:38:091 - empty. if i were to make that part empty, i'd have to do the same a little later in that combo to keep consistency and it sounds way too empty. so not doing that
  4. 00:45:245 (2) - move to (108,132) for better stream blanketing does look better
  5. 00:57:245 (6,7) - you should really stack these. having them unstacked can be very misleading and misrepresented. i thought that was a rhythm like 01:01:630 (1,2) and 00:52:399 (1,2) because these are the same type of.. things.. you know what i mean? like theyre both unstacked hitcircles all alone in the timeline. so its hard to differentiate. changed
  6. 00:59:207 - up until now, youve been following drums and guitar. theres a pretty big guitar and drum hit right here. you can sort of catch it and still follow the vocals as you are now if you add a hitcircle at 00:59:207, which would be parallel with what you did at 01:03:015 (9,1). it also matches the jumps you have in that combo to have 1/4 spacing in the timeline i think that was a 3/4 slider at one point, but i made it shorter and didn't notice it became 1/2 :P
  7. 01:11:207 (2,3) - same with these as stated before. but instead, based on the music, i would separate them far away instead of stacking them changed
  8. 01:11:668 (4,5) - same^ changed
  9. 01:26:668 (5,6) - same ^ changed
  10. 01:29:668 (2,3,4,5) - AHHHH^^^^^^ CHANGED ;-;
  11. 01:49:860 (4) - i would make this different from the rest since a different set of drum sounds are used here but it's not important or necessary just a slightly lower pitch drum sound on the end of the last slider not really special worth changing :P
  12. why does this partially feel like the same style i mapped the insane song this m4m is for.. lol
mm i didnt find much in hard or normal anyways. oh well :o good luck~ thanks :3
Here is my contribution for your map, hope it helps you out:

you might want to tag this song 16/18+ due to mild swearing

00:35:783 (3,4,5) - triangulate these, similar to 00:24:707 (3,4,5) -
01:49:629 (6) - rotate the slider like the picture and extend it a little

00:10:860 (5,6) - this should probably be a slider, the same as 00:09:476 (4) - but without the bounce.
00:50:553 (1) - This slider seems a bit anti-climatic, perhaps make it longer
01:22:514 (2) - Moved this one tick forward to 01:22:630 (2) (I'm a little partial with these changes)
01:48:245 (1,2,3) - offset these so it looks similar to 01:49:168 (5,6,7) -

chatlogs where the mods were discussed:

2014-05-18 16:33 pishifat: tell me one thing at a time
2014-05-18 16:33 pishifat: and i reply saying whhat i think about it
2014-05-18 16:33 Justify: okay
2014-05-18 16:33 Justify: hard first
2014-05-18 16:33 pishifat: if you wanna be professional
2014-05-18 16:33 pishifat: do the /np thing
2014-05-18 16:33 pishifat: while you're editing hard
2014-05-18 16:33 Justify: eh
2014-05-18 16:33 Justify: ACTION is editing [ Pierce The Veil - May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep Tonight [Normal]]
2014-05-18 16:33 Justify: fffff
2014-05-18 16:33 pishifat: wrong diff :|||||||
2014-05-18 16:33 Justify: seems like we're doing normal first
2014-05-18 16:33 pishifat: lul k
2014-05-18 16:34 pishifat: just fyu
2014-05-18 16:34 Justify: 2 things
2014-05-18 16:34 Justify: first
2014-05-18 16:34 pishifat: fyi if i don't change anything you get no kudosu
2014-05-18 16:34 Justify: ok
2014-05-18 16:34 Justify: first thing
2014-05-18 16:34 Justify: 00:35:783 (3,4,5) - triangulate these, similar to 00:24:707 (3,4,5) -
2014-05-18 16:34 pishifat: from what i've seen first time modders who have never evne had their own maps modded don't get kudosu often :P
2014-05-18 16:35 pishifat: you are getting kudosu today
2014-05-18 16:35 pishifat: congrats
2014-05-18 16:36 Justify: yay
2014-05-18 16:36 Justify: second thing
2014-05-18 16:36 Justify: 01:49:629 (6) - rotate the slider like the picture and extend it a little
2014-05-18 16:37 pishifat: i see what you mean
2014-05-18 16:37 Justify: it keeps the flow towards the end, the slider before made it a little anticlimatic
2014-05-18 16:37 pishifat: i changed it
2014-05-18 16:37 pishifat: but not to exactly that
2014-05-18 16:37 Justify: fair enough
2014-05-18 16:38 pishifat:
2014-05-18 16:38 pishifat: just the opposite directoin
2014-05-18 16:38 pishifat: since ive got a zig zag thing going from 01:47:322 (2) - to the end
2014-05-18 16:38 Justify: i would have made it the same length as 00:35:783 (3,4) - but i dont know how to edit slider time
2014-05-18 16:38 pishifat: well it's a 3/4 slider
2014-05-18 16:38 pishifat: so it wouldn't be the same length as a 4/4 slider
2014-05-18 16:38 Justify: okay the zig zag works
2014-05-18 16:39 pishifat: i think i will change that though
2014-05-18 16:39 pishifat: cuz it looks pretty weird being a different length
2014-05-18 16:39 Justify: yea thats what i mean :P
2014-05-18 16:40 pishifat: [ beauty achieved]
2014-05-18 16:40 Justify: its a nice slider
2014-05-18 16:40 Justify: ACTION is editing [ Pierce The Veil - May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep Tonight [Hard]]
2014-05-18 16:40 pishifat: lesgo
2014-05-18 16:40 Justify: 00:10:860 (5) - 00:11:322 (6) - this should probably be a slider, the same as 00:09:476 (4) - but without the bounce.
2014-05-18 16:41 pishifat: btw you can select mroe than one note at a time
2014-05-18 16:41 pishifat: like 00:10:860 (5,6) -
2014-05-18 16:41 pishifat: so you don't have to do both separately
2014-05-18 16:41 Justify: yea i know
2014-05-18 16:42 Justify: i learnt that after i modded that little part, couldnt be bothered changing it
2014-05-18 16:42 pishifat: and slider looks like crap
2014-05-18 16:42 pishifat: since it's between 2 other sliders
2014-05-18 16:42 pishifat: and i've got that sort of blanket thing with the curve in 4
2014-05-18 16:42 Justify: it just doesnt seem to work well with 2 circles
2014-05-18 16:42 pishifat: why's that
2014-05-18 16:43 Justify: the song goes down in key
2014-05-18 16:43 Justify: at that particular section anyway
2014-05-18 16:44 pishifat: don't see what a slider would do for that though...
2014-05-18 16:45 Justify: 00:50:553 (1) - This slider seems a bit anti-climatic, perhaps make it longer
2014-05-18 16:45 Justify: it just seems like after that, theres just a space with no notes in it
2014-05-18 16:46 pishifat: intention was to prepare people for new spacing
2014-05-18 16:46 pishifat: since spacing increases a bit at that point as you already know
2014-05-18 16:47 Justify: the thing with this mod
2014-05-18 16:47 Justify: or note
2014-05-18 16:47 Justify: it seems very weird
2014-05-18 16:47 Justify: 01:22:514 (2) - Moved this one tick forward to 01:22:630 (2) - OR 01:22:572 (2) - (I'm a little partial with these changes)
2014-05-18 16:47 Justify: seems out of place
2014-05-18 16:48 pishifat: what is the second option there
2014-05-18 16:48 pishifat: on 1/8
2014-05-18 16:48 pishifat: wut
2014-05-18 16:48 Justify: just experimenting with timings
2014-05-18 16:48 pishifat: it comes directly on the 1/4 so no way i'm putting it there :P
2014-05-18 16:49 Justify: alright
2014-05-18 16:49 pishifat: and there's no note in the music on that first option either
2014-05-18 16:49 Justify: 01:23:207 (4) - This seems a little weird, so instead I removed it and replaced it with 01:23:207 (4) - 01:23:322 (5) - like this:
2014-05-18 16:49 pishifat: that 4 and 5
2014-05-18 16:49 pishifat: is that a double
2014-05-18 16:50 Justify: no
2014-05-18 16:50 pishifat: i dunno where notes are landing since you didn't screencap the timeline :/
2014-05-18 16:50 Justify: same points as the start of the slider and the end point
2014-05-18 16:50 pishifat: so it's a double
2014-05-18 16:51 pishifat: two notes on consecutive 1/4 beats = double
2014-05-18 16:51 Justify: o
2014-05-18 16:51 Justify: i guess so, yes
2014-05-18 16:51 pishifat: and are also frowned upon in hard difficulties for being too difficult :P
2014-05-18 16:51 Justify: -_-
2014-05-18 16:51 Justify: 01:48:245 (1,2,3) - offset these so it looks similar to 01:49:168 (5,6,7) -
2014-05-18 16:51 pishifat: if you've seen them in a hard i may consider though
2014-05-18 16:52 Justify: i havent ever payed this much attention to a beatmap before
2014-05-18 16:52 pishifat: lol makes sense
2014-05-18 16:52 Justify: so i couldnt give you an example
2014-05-18 16:52 pishifat: also i dunno if you k now how stacking works
2014-05-18 16:52 pishifat: but those 3 notes on top of each otehr look different ingame
2014-05-18 16:52 Justify: i dont
2014-05-18 16:53 Justify: i just say this because when I play HD i usually miss notes that are stacked like that
2014-05-18 16:53 pishifat: when you put notes on top of each otehr
2014-05-18 16:53 Justify: especially after sliders
2014-05-18 16:53 pishifat: they look like this ingame
2014-05-18 16:53 Justify: ah
2014-05-18 16:53 pishifat: after sliders they don't stack very well
2014-05-18 16:53 pishifat: which is why i don't do that :P
2014-05-18 16:53 Justify: good
2014-05-18 16:54 Justify: and im done
2014-05-18 16:54 Justify: first mod woo yay]
Topic Starter
might as well reply here too. low-post-modders are sketchy af

Justify wrote:

Here is my contribution for your map, hope it helps you out:

you might want to tag this song 16/18+ due to mild swearing yeah need to do that

00:35:783 (3,4,5) - triangulate these, similar to 00:24:707 (3,4,5) - changed
01:49:629 (6) - rotate the slider like the picture and extend it a little changed. didn't notice i broke the zig zag pattern the old way

00:10:860 (5,6) - this should probably be a slider, the same as 00:09:476 (4) - but without the bounce. doesn't really fit very well so i kept it the same
00:50:553 (1) - This slider seems a bit anti-climatic, perhaps make it longer supposed to prepare player for DS change. modified location a bit, but keeping the same length
01:22:514 (2) - Moved this one tick forward to 01:22:630 (2) (I'm a little partial with these changes) yeah not changing that :3 blue tick crap is bad
01:48:245 (1,2,3) - offset these so it looks similar to 01:49:168 (5,6,7) - you are now educated on how stacks work so this is irrelevant :3

chatlogs where the mods were discussed:

2014-05-18 16:33 pishifat: tell me one thing at a time
2014-05-18 16:33 pishifat: and i reply saying whhat i think about it
2014-05-18 16:33 Justify: okay
2014-05-18 16:33 Justify: hard first
2014-05-18 16:33 pishifat: if you wanna be professional
2014-05-18 16:33 pishifat: do the /np thing
2014-05-18 16:33 pishifat: while you're editing hard
2014-05-18 16:33 Justify: eh
2014-05-18 16:33 Justify: ACTION is editing [ Pierce The Veil - May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep Tonight [Normal]]
2014-05-18 16:33 Justify: fffff
2014-05-18 16:33 pishifat: wrong diff :|||||||
2014-05-18 16:33 Justify: seems like we're doing normal first
2014-05-18 16:33 pishifat: lul k
2014-05-18 16:34 pishifat: just fyu
2014-05-18 16:34 Justify: 2 things
2014-05-18 16:34 Justify: first
2014-05-18 16:34 pishifat: fyi if i don't change anything you get no kudosu
2014-05-18 16:34 Justify: ok
2014-05-18 16:34 Justify: first thing
2014-05-18 16:34 Justify: 00:35:783 (3,4,5) - triangulate these, similar to 00:24:707 (3,4,5) -
2014-05-18 16:34 pishifat: from what i've seen first time modders who have never evne had their own maps modded don't get kudosu often :P
2014-05-18 16:35 pishifat: you are getting kudosu today
2014-05-18 16:35 pishifat: congrats
2014-05-18 16:36 Justify: yay
2014-05-18 16:36 Justify: second thing
2014-05-18 16:36 Justify: 01:49:629 (6) - rotate the slider like the picture and extend it a little
2014-05-18 16:37 pishifat: i see what you mean
2014-05-18 16:37 Justify: it keeps the flow towards the end, the slider before made it a little anticlimatic
2014-05-18 16:37 pishifat: i changed it
2014-05-18 16:37 pishifat: but not to exactly that
2014-05-18 16:37 Justify: fair enough
2014-05-18 16:38 pishifat:
2014-05-18 16:38 pishifat: just the opposite directoin
2014-05-18 16:38 pishifat: since ive got a zig zag thing going from 01:47:322 (2) - to the end
2014-05-18 16:38 Justify: i would have made it the same length as 00:35:783 (3,4) - but i dont know how to edit slider time
2014-05-18 16:38 pishifat: well it's a 3/4 slider
2014-05-18 16:38 pishifat: so it wouldn't be the same length as a 4/4 slider
2014-05-18 16:38 Justify: okay the zig zag works
2014-05-18 16:39 pishifat: i think i will change that though
2014-05-18 16:39 pishifat: cuz it looks pretty weird being a different length
2014-05-18 16:39 Justify: yea thats what i mean :P
2014-05-18 16:40 pishifat: [ beauty achieved]
2014-05-18 16:40 Justify: its a nice slider
2014-05-18 16:40 Justify: ACTION is editing [ Pierce The Veil - May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep Tonight [Hard]]
2014-05-18 16:40 pishifat: lesgo
2014-05-18 16:40 Justify: 00:10:860 (5) - 00:11:322 (6) - this should probably be a slider, the same as 00:09:476 (4) - but without the bounce.
2014-05-18 16:41 pishifat: btw you can select mroe than one note at a time
2014-05-18 16:41 pishifat: like 00:10:860 (5,6) -
2014-05-18 16:41 pishifat: so you don't have to do both separately
2014-05-18 16:41 Justify: yea i know
2014-05-18 16:42 Justify: i learnt that after i modded that little part, couldnt be bothered changing it
2014-05-18 16:42 pishifat: and slider looks like crap
2014-05-18 16:42 pishifat: since it's between 2 other sliders
2014-05-18 16:42 pishifat: and i've got that sort of blanket thing with the curve in 4
2014-05-18 16:42 Justify: it just doesnt seem to work well with 2 circles
2014-05-18 16:42 pishifat: why's that
2014-05-18 16:43 Justify: the song goes down in key
2014-05-18 16:43 Justify: at that particular section anyway
2014-05-18 16:44 pishifat: don't see what a slider would do for that though...
2014-05-18 16:45 Justify: 00:50:553 (1) - This slider seems a bit anti-climatic, perhaps make it longer
2014-05-18 16:45 Justify: it just seems like after that, theres just a space with no notes in it
2014-05-18 16:46 pishifat: intention was to prepare people for new spacing
2014-05-18 16:46 pishifat: since spacing increases a bit at that point as you already know
2014-05-18 16:47 Justify: the thing with this mod
2014-05-18 16:47 Justify: or note
2014-05-18 16:47 Justify: it seems very weird
2014-05-18 16:47 Justify: 01:22:514 (2) - Moved this one tick forward to 01:22:630 (2) - OR 01:22:572 (2) - (I'm a little partial with these changes)
2014-05-18 16:47 Justify: seems out of place
2014-05-18 16:48 pishifat: what is the second option there
2014-05-18 16:48 pishifat: on 1/8
2014-05-18 16:48 pishifat: wut
2014-05-18 16:48 Justify: just experimenting with timings
2014-05-18 16:48 pishifat: it comes directly on the 1/4 so no way i'm putting it there :P
2014-05-18 16:49 Justify: alright
2014-05-18 16:49 pishifat: and there's no note in the music on that first option either
2014-05-18 16:49 Justify: 01:23:207 (4) - This seems a little weird, so instead I removed it and replaced it with 01:23:207 (4) - 01:23:322 (5) - like this:
2014-05-18 16:49 pishifat: that 4 and 5
2014-05-18 16:49 pishifat: is that a double
2014-05-18 16:50 Justify: no
2014-05-18 16:50 pishifat: i dunno where notes are landing since you didn't screencap the timeline :/
2014-05-18 16:50 Justify: same points as the start of the slider and the end point
2014-05-18 16:50 pishifat: so it's a double
2014-05-18 16:51 pishifat: two notes on consecutive 1/4 beats = double
2014-05-18 16:51 Justify: o
2014-05-18 16:51 Justify: i guess so, yes
2014-05-18 16:51 pishifat: and are also frowned upon in hard difficulties for being too difficult :P
2014-05-18 16:51 Justify: -_-
2014-05-18 16:51 Justify: 01:48:245 (1,2,3) - offset these so it looks similar to 01:49:168 (5,6,7) -
2014-05-18 16:51 pishifat: if you've seen them in a hard i may consider though
2014-05-18 16:52 Justify: i havent ever payed this much attention to a beatmap before
2014-05-18 16:52 pishifat: lol makes sense
2014-05-18 16:52 Justify: so i couldnt give you an example
2014-05-18 16:52 pishifat: also i dunno if you k now how stacking works
2014-05-18 16:52 pishifat: but those 3 notes on top of each otehr look different ingame
2014-05-18 16:52 Justify: i dont
2014-05-18 16:53 Justify: i just say this because when I play HD i usually miss notes that are stacked like that
2014-05-18 16:53 pishifat: when you put notes on top of each otehr
2014-05-18 16:53 Justify: especially after sliders
2014-05-18 16:53 pishifat: they look like this ingame
2014-05-18 16:53 Justify: ah
2014-05-18 16:53 pishifat: after sliders they don't stack very well
2014-05-18 16:53 pishifat: which is why i don't do that :P
2014-05-18 16:53 Justify: good
2014-05-18 16:54 Justify: and im done
2014-05-18 16:54 Justify: first mod woo yay]
no kudosu
2014-05-23 21:02 Winek: hihiiiii
2014-05-23 21:03 pishifat: yo
2014-05-23 21:05 Winek: would you mind if we mod your map via IRC? ^^
2014-05-23 21:05 pishifat: would be fine
2014-05-23 21:05 pishifat: i've got maybe an hour
2014-05-23 21:05 Winek: ok /np your map
2014-05-23 21:05 pishifat: ACTION is listening to [ Pierce The Veil - May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep Tonight]
2014-05-23 21:06 Winek:
2014-05-23 21:06 Winek: y u do tiz
2014-05-23 21:07 pishifat: firetrucks
2014-05-23 21:07 Winek: xD
2014-05-23 21:07 Winek: btw just a lil thing on your mod on my map
2014-05-23 21:07 Winek: Lunatic is meant to be Insane for touhou maps
2014-05-23 21:08 Winek: wow wait are u sure you want to m4m with that map? drain time is much lower than mine's.
2014-05-23 21:08 pishifat: a lot of touhou maps have both lunatic and insane from what i've seen
2014-05-23 21:08 pishifat: and lunatic >
2014-05-23 21:08 pishifat: i didn't mod too much on yours :P
2014-05-23 21:08 Winek: yeah it's because it feel bad to have "Lunatic" "X's Lunatic" "Poop's Lunatic"
2014-05-23 21:08 Winek: sometime they just add insane
2014-05-23 21:09 Winek: ok lets start with normal
2014-05-23 21:09 pishifat: kay
2014-05-23 21:09 Winek: ok, wait for your offset
2014-05-23 21:10 Winek: 00:08:091 - should be here but
2014-05-23 21:10 Winek: i guess its ok
2014-05-23 21:10 Winek: since there's a note before
2014-05-23 21:10 pishifat: i had it there, just moved it back for the spinner
2014-05-23 21:10 Winek: ye
2014-05-23 21:12 Winek: hmm
2014-05-23 21:13 pishifat: ...yes? :3
2014-05-23 21:13 Winek: wait wait
2014-05-23 21:15 Winek: ACTION examinating the map
2014-05-23 21:15 pishifat: lul
2014-05-23 21:15 pishifat: while you do that
2014-05-23 21:15 pishifat: i'll go to the restroom :3
2014-05-23 21:15 Winek: nope
2014-05-23 21:15 Winek: 00:04:399 (1) -
2014-05-23 21:16 Winek: the first spinner should end at 00:08:091 -
2014-05-23 21:16 Winek: removing 00:08:091 (1) -
2014-05-23 21:16 pishifat: so... a passive spinner
2014-05-23 21:16 pishifat: doesn't sound like a good idea
2014-05-23 21:16 Winek: well half-cuted sounds bad
2014-05-23 21:17 Winek: since you're ignoring all the sound around 00:07:630 -
2014-05-23 21:17 Winek: but not inside the spinner
2014-05-23 21:17 pishifat: 00:07:630
2014-05-23 21:17 pishifat: i could move it to end there
2014-05-23 21:18 pishifat: since there's some sort of emphasis thing on that note
2014-05-23 21:18 pishifat: i dunno if you can hear it
2014-05-23 21:18 Winek: yeah
2014-05-23 21:18 pishifat: having the first strong sound on a map be the end of a spinner is not something i'm going to do though :P
2014-05-23 21:19 Winek: well the spinner is creating problem tho
2014-05-23 21:19 Winek: so if it was me i'd rather delete it
2014-05-23 21:20 Winek: but yeah do like you want
2014-05-23 21:20 Winek: anyway, 00:08:091 (1) - I just don't see where you get that shape www
2014-05-23 21:20 pishifat: i'll think about it. i've got spinners like that one on all 3 diffs
2014-05-23 21:21 pishifat: hmm... well i just made it like it is so that it's not too far away from the spinner and it's pointing upwards
2014-05-23 21:22 pishifat: the usual long single-curve didn't look too good when i first put it in
2014-05-23 21:23 Winek:
2014-05-23 21:24 pishifat: kay i've done something si milar
2014-05-23 21:25 pishifat: except having hte end of 1 be in the center of the grid
2014-05-23 21:25 Winek: yeah
2014-05-23 21:27 Winek: ok wot next
2014-05-23 21:28 pishifat: you're supposed to tell me that lol
2014-05-23 21:28 Winek: >3<
2014-05-23 21:32 Winek: 01:03:476 (1,2) -
2014-05-23 21:33 Winek: a bad polarity issue and very hard to dinstinguis wheter starting on 1/1 or 1/2
2014-05-23 21:33 pishifat: so put a note on the white tick before?
2014-05-23 21:33 Winek: yeah i guess
2014-05-23 21:34 pishifat: done then
2014-05-23 21:34 Winek: ok
2014-05-23 21:39 Winek: brb just 10 min
2014-05-23 21:39 pishifat: mkay
2014-05-23 21:49 Winek: ok im bacxk sorry for waitin
2014-05-23 21:49 pishifat: np
2014-05-23 21:49 pishifat: i got to use the bathroom
2014-05-23 21:50 Winek: okok
2014-05-23 21:52 Winek: 00:20:091 (1,2,3) -
2014-05-23 21:52 Winek: its your opinion about the hitsounds, but i'd rather remove it
2014-05-23 21:52 Winek: 00:45:014 (1,2,3,4,5) - likely it feels good here
2014-05-23 21:52 pishifat: sounds a lot better in the insane diff
2014-05-23 21:54 pishifat: yeah i'm keeping it how it is to emphasize the 1/2 beat stuff more
2014-05-23 21:54 pishifat: feels wrong with soft
2014-05-23 21:54 Winek: ok
2014-05-23 21:54 pishifat: sounds wrong, not feels
2014-05-23 21:54 Winek: yeah lol
2014-05-23 21:54 Winek: blame my frenchiness
2014-05-23 21:55 Winek: 00:55:399 (6) -
2014-05-23 21:55 pishifat: i thoguht it was right too for a minute :P
2014-05-23 21:55 pishifat: i took 3 years of french in high school so i also think in fractured french sometimes -.-
2014-05-23 21:55 Winek: i learned how to read at 2 years old
2014-05-23 21:56 Winek: ACTION runs
2014-05-23 21:56 Winek: blame asperger
2014-05-23 21:56 pishifat: lul
2014-05-23 21:56 pishifat: so what abotu this 6
2014-05-23 21:57 Winek: hlafing the slider and adding a circle afterwhat would sounds better
2014-05-23 21:57 Winek:
2014-05-23 21:58 pishifat: would that not be too hard with that many notes next to each other?
2014-05-23 21:59 Winek: hmm
2014-05-23 21:59 Winek: or maybe a reverse arrow?
2014-05-23 22:00 pishifat: i do like that more
2014-05-23 22:01 Winek: yeah
2014-05-23 22:04 Winek: aack
2014-05-23 22:04 Winek: im a bit busy, brb again ><
2014-05-23 22:10 Winek: OK BACK
2014-05-23 22:10 Winek: soz its my mom
2014-05-23 22:11 pishifat: it's k :P
2014-05-23 22:11 Winek: 00:58:630 (7) - you're ignoring a sound here, you could add a note?
2014-05-23 22:12 pishifat: where
2014-05-23 22:12 pishifat: there is a note there o.o
2014-05-23 22:12 Winek: 00:58:630
2014-05-23 22:12 pishifat: oh asdf
2014-05-23 22:12 Winek: 00:58:630 -
2014-05-23 22:12 Winek: lel i added a note
2014-05-23 22:12 pishifat: yeah osu selected 00:58:860 (7) - for me
2014-05-23 22:13 pishifat: so i assumed thats' wehre you were talking about
2014-05-23 22:13 Winek: lol
2014-05-23 22:13 pishifat: yeah note added
2014-05-23 22:13 pishifat: well slider end added
2014-05-23 22:17 Winek: im so slow ><
2014-05-23 22:18 pishifat: good thing osu is windowed so i can do other stuff while waiting :3
2014-05-23 22:18 Winek: 01:18:245 (1,2) - polarity issue
2014-05-23 22:19 pishifat: how would you say to fix that
2014-05-23 22:19 pishifat: since there's no real noise at the white tick prior
2014-05-23 22:19 pishifat: adding a note there would be bad
2014-05-23 22:20 Winek: hmm
2014-05-23 22:20 Winek: 01:18:245 (1) -
2014-05-23 22:20 Winek: try making it like this slider 01:21:014 (5) -
2014-05-23 22:21 Winek: should fix polarity issue
2014-05-23 22:24 pishifat: kay, got it
2014-05-23 22:24 Winek: 01:26:091 (2) - pls this slider shape
2014-05-23 22:26 pishifat: :|
2014-05-23 22:26 pishifat: i didn't think it was too bad, but changed
2014-05-23 22:26 Winek: lel
2014-05-23 22:42 Winek: >>>><<<<<
2014-05-23 22:42 pishifat: wat
2014-05-23 22:43 Winek: nufing
2014-05-23 22:43 Winek: rest looks fine
2014-05-23 22:43 Winek: lets go to hard :>
2014-05-23 22:43 pishifat: k
2014-05-23 22:45 Winek: ok ill start with slider shape/placement/shits
2014-05-23 22:46 Winek: 00:36:707 (6) - the shape is okay, but what the hell did you intend to do here? o.o
2014-05-23 22:46 pishifat: the vocalist is screaming
2014-05-23 22:47 pishifat: emphasizing that
2014-05-23 22:47 Winek: ok i see
2014-05-23 22:47 Winek: 00:42:245 (2) -
2014-05-23 22:47 Winek:
2014-05-23 22:47 Winek: maybe the pattern will be slighty better? :D
2014-05-23 22:48 Winek: and btw to be honest 00:51:476 (2) - looks a bit weirddd
2014-05-23 22:48 pishifat: changed
2014-05-23 22:48 pishifat: it's supposed to look weird :3
2014-05-23 22:49 pishifat:
2014-05-23 22:49 pishifat: would that be better?
2014-05-23 22:50 Winek: hmm
2014-05-23 22:50 Winek: a bit more to the right
2014-05-23 22:50 Winek: and it should be perfect
2014-05-23 22:50 Winek: coz right now it looks all overlapped
2014-05-23 22:50 pishifat: kay
2014-05-23 22:57 Winek: 01:21:014 (3) -
2014-05-23 22:57 Winek: dunno if it's rankable btw since it wriggles
2014-05-23 22:57 pishifat: what's so bad about that
2014-05-23 22:57 pishifat: well, what makes it unrankable is a better question
2014-05-23 22:58 Winek: there are new rules about this
2014-05-23 22:58 Winek: like changing speed of slider with alot of double anchor to make it slow down
2014-05-23 22:59 Winek: you''ll ask a BAT
2014-05-23 22:59 Winek: now onward
2014-05-23 22:59 Winek: 01:23:207 (4,5) -
2014-05-23 22:59 pishifat: i think that would apply to sdomething more like
2014-05-23 22:59 Winek: the distance bth pls
2014-05-23 23:00 pishifat: oops
2014-05-23 23:00 pishifat: fixed
2014-05-23 23:00 Winek: lel
2014-05-23 23:01 Winek: is it just me or like most of your note start on 1/4
2014-05-23 23:01 pishifat: the song is like that
2014-05-23 23:01 Winek: well if you want so
2014-05-23 23:01 pishifat: the downbeats are in sync, but in the middle it has guitar stuff on 1/4
2014-05-23 23:02 Winek: kk
2014-05-23 23:02 Winek: 01:33:014 (1) -
2014-05-23 23:02 Winek: try rotate 45' selection center clockwise
2014-05-23 23:02 Winek: create a nice pattern with 01:33:014 (1,2,3) -
2014-05-23 23:04 pishifat: to make a triangle thing
2014-05-23 23:04 pishifat: got it
2014-05-23 23:04 Winek: 01:48:245 (1,2,3) -
2014-05-23 23:04 Winek: make as similar as 01:49:168 (5,6,7) - ?
2014-05-23 23:05 Winek: wojuld have mroe contanthingy
2014-05-23 23:05 pishifat: it's going into that stack from 01:48:014 (6) -
2014-05-23 23:05 pishifat: then going into the other stack at another angle
2014-05-23 23:05 pishifat: that's why they're different
2014-05-23 23:05 Winek: k
2014-05-23 23:06 Winek: oh lemme ask about the hentai slider shape at a BAT
2014-05-23 23:06 pishifat: lolk
2014-05-23 23:09 Winek:
2014-05-23 23:09 pishifat: :(
2014-05-23 23:09 pishifat: will change then
2014-05-23 23:10 Winek: xD
2014-05-23 23:11 pishifat: changed 00:51:476 (2) - to have less of the wiggle thing also
2014-05-23 23:11 Winek: good boi
2014-05-23 23:13 Winek: lets be frendzzz
2014-05-23 23:13 pishifat: uh.. sure? :P
2014-05-23 23:13 Winek: :D
2014-05-23 23:15 pishifat: you find some mod stuff, i'll brb in like 10 mintues
2014-05-23 23:16 Winek: ok ill go to insan
2014-05-23 23:16 pishifat: gl :3
2014-05-23 23:26 pishifat: aaaaaaaaand back
2014-05-23 23:26 pishifat: exactly 10 minutes woo
2014-05-23 23:26 Winek: lol
2014-05-23 23:27 pishifat: so what did you find?
2014-05-23 23:27 pishifat: (hopefully nothing)
2014-05-23 23:27 Winek: lol
2014-05-23 23:28 Winek: i found...
2014-05-23 23:28 Winek: ok let me test the diff once before.
2014-05-23 23:29 Winek: 00:58:861 (8) - btw
2014-05-23 23:29 Winek: I SUCK
2014-05-23 23:30 pishifat: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
2014-05-23 23:30 Winek: hue
2014-05-23 23:30 Winek: 00:11:784 (1,2) -
2014-05-23 23:31 Winek: you could try makking them both perfectly identical
2014-05-23 23:31 pishifat: sure
2014-05-23 23:33 Winek: 00:29:322 (7) - same goes for this one who could be slighty more curved to fit in better with the previous note
2014-05-23 23:33 pishifat: k
2014-05-23 23:41 Winek: im so slow finding stuff >>>>
2014-05-23 23:41 Winek: 00:33:015 (7) -
2014-05-23 23:42 Winek: you could try making a prettier curve
2014-05-23 23:42 pishifat: i'll just copy 00:32:092 (6) -
2014-05-23 23:42 Winek: yeah y not
2014-05-23 23:53 Winek: i should finish soonnn
2014-05-23 23:53 Winek: or can we finish insane another day, since i need to sleep soon
2014-05-23 23:53 pishifat: whatever you want
2014-05-23 23:53 pishifat: i was playing other maps and forgot my map was even being modded lol
2014-05-23 23:54 Winek: loel
2014-05-23 23:54 Winek: ok gnight
2014-05-23 23:54 pishifat: enjoy sleep things
2014-05-23 23:55 Winek: "sleep things"
2014-05-23 23:55 Winek: hmm
2014-05-23 23:55 Winek: my mind went perverted when hearing this all of a sudden.. hmm
2014-05-26 22:12 pishifat: yoooo are you ever gonna finish that mod? :P
2014-05-26 22:12 pishifat: or post it at least
2014-05-26 22:13 Winek: lol yah i forgot
2014-05-26 22:13 Winek: can we finish it now? ^^
2014-05-26 22:13 Winek: i hate thread mod its too boring and i get easily distracted
2014-05-26 22:13 pishifat: now is good :3
2014-05-26 22:14 Winek: ok np map coz im lazy to searchh
2014-05-26 22:14 pishifat: ACTION is listening to [ Pierce The Veil - May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep Tonight]
2014-05-26 22:14 pishifat: i updated since last time
2014-05-26 22:14 pishifat: so there shouldn't be any repeats
2014-05-26 22:14 Winek: t2m
2014-05-26 22:15 pishifat: is that time2mod
2014-05-26 22:15 pishifat: do people say that... lol
2014-05-26 22:15 Winek: lolyes
2014-05-26 22:16 pishifat: i'll keep that in mind
2014-05-26 22:16 pishifat: but never say it
2014-05-26 22:16 Winek: ok first obvious thing that i see..
2014-05-26 22:16 Winek: 00:21:015 (6,7,8) -
2014-05-26 22:16 Winek: why does distance change only for this note?
2014-05-26 22:16 pishifat: insane right
2014-05-26 22:16 Winek: yes
2014-05-26 22:17 Winek: 00:17:322 (4,1) -
2014-05-26 22:17 pishifat: moving distances from slider ends = easier
2014-05-26 22:17 pishifat: so spacing is more
2014-05-26 22:17 Winek: so spacing is more what
2014-05-26 22:18 pishifat: it's more natural moving that distance when it's a slider end compared to circles
2014-05-26 22:18 pishifat: cuz you've got that area that you can move while sliding you know
2014-05-26 22:18 Winek: well yeah if you want
2014-05-26 22:19 pishifat: it's hard to explain but it makes sense in my mind :|
2014-05-26 22:19 pishifat: [ the grey circle is like distance spacing from previous note]
2014-05-26 22:19 Winek: yes i understand
2014-05-26 22:20 pishifat: k cool :P
2014-05-26 22:20 pishifat: also i fixed that wtf slider
2014-05-26 22:20 Winek: yes that wtf slider
2014-05-26 22:21 Winek: 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) -
2014-05-26 22:21 pishifat: o.o
2014-05-26 22:21 Winek: 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) -
2014-05-26 22:21 Winek: :)
2014-05-26 22:22 pishifat: it's a shame those aren't rankable
2014-05-26 22:22 Winek: yep
2014-05-26 22:22 pishifat: cuz they are so much better than just a normal looking slider
2014-05-26 22:23 Winek: bblame that guy who said that
2014-05-26 22:24 Winek: 00:38:553 (2) - maybe you could have a shape like 00:37:630 (1) , since currently it looks a bit unconsistent..
2014-05-26 22:24 Winek: 00:38:553 (2) - maybe you could have a shape like 00:37:630 (1) - , since currently it looks a bit unconsistent..
2014-05-26 22:26 pishifat: was thinking it was supposed to bring out that vocalist screamed a word
2014-05-26 22:26 pishifat: but i'll change it anyway
2014-05-26 22:26 Winek: 00:40:168 (5) - do you hear something here?
2014-05-26 22:26 Winek: i dont anyway
2014-05-26 22:27 pishifat: umm
2014-05-26 22:27 pishifat: the guy says something there
2014-05-26 22:27 Winek: 00:39:707 -
2014-05-26 22:27 Winek: then add a note here as well
2014-05-26 22:28 pishifat: screw you and your logic
2014-05-26 22:28 pishifat: changing ;-;
2014-05-26 22:29 Winek: :DDD
2014-05-26 22:32 Winek: hmm
2014-05-26 22:33 Winek: 00:58:168 (2,3,4,5,6) -
2014-05-26 22:33 Winek: 1/8 stream wow
2014-05-26 22:33 pishifat: wutaboutit
2014-05-26 22:33 pishifat: 1/8 isn't that fast at this bpm if that's what you're worried about :P
2014-05-26 22:34 Winek: 130 pls
2014-05-26 22:34 Winek: 01:15:361 (4) - maybe you could improcve the shape a bit, since the double anchor completely overmap the slider itself
2014-05-26 22:34 Winek: fuk grammar
2014-05-26 22:35 pishifat: an overmapped slider wat
2014-05-26 22:35 Winek: waiiiit
2014-05-26 22:36 Winek: retardedd puush
2014-05-26 22:37 Winek: y u no work
2014-05-26 22:37 Winek:
2014-05-26 22:37 Winek: i mean the tail of the slider overlap the slider body
2014-05-26 22:37 Winek: 01:21:014 (3) - obviously you are very creative
2014-05-26 22:37 Winek: i like the shape
2014-05-26 22:38 pishifat: if you're telling me that's unrankable i will ragequit right now ;-;
2014-05-26 22:39 Winek: lol its not sarcasm
2014-05-26 22:39 Winek: i like it for real
2014-05-26 22:39 Winek: BUT ITS UNRANKABLEEEE
2014-05-26 22:39 pishifat: also i've seen 01:15:361 (4) - in a lot of recently ranked maps so i don't see the problem :/
2014-05-26 22:39 Winek: iits just my personal opinion
2014-05-26 22:39 Winek: 01:15:361 (4) -
2014-05-26 22:39 Winek: its not unrankable
2014-05-26 22:39 pishifat: mkay
2014-05-26 22:40 pishifat: well i'm keeping it since it's the best way to make a quick upward turn without a stupid slider :P
2014-05-26 22:40 Winek: k
2014-05-26 22:40 Winek: 01:21:014 (3) - unrankable redo everything restart the map graveyard
2014-05-26 22:41 pishifat: k
2014-05-26 22:41 pishifat: mission accomplished
2014-05-26 22:41 Winek: lllll ragequit
2014-05-26 22:45 Winek: brb a sec
2014-05-26 22:45 pishifat: k
2014-05-26 22:56 pishifat: [ from a map that got ranked 2 days ago -.-]
2014-05-26 22:56 Winek: wadeheckk
2014-05-26 22:56 Winek: its not me
2014-05-26 22:56 Winek: they bgroke the rulesszz
2014-05-26 22:56 Winek: lazy BATs
2014-05-26 23:00 Winek: ok lets finish fast i need to pla eosd
2014-05-26 23:01 Winek: 01:36:014 (4) - you shouldnt ignore the 2 beat around this note
2014-05-26 23:02 Winek: like look at 01:36:245 (5,6,7,8) -
2014-05-26 23:03 pishifat: lazy bats
2014-05-26 23:03 pishifat: a bat made this map :|||||||||
2014-05-26 23:05 pishifat: i think it's fine as it is there
2014-05-26 23:05 Winek: there, where?
2014-05-26 23:06 Winek: anyway a BAT himself told me its not rankable
2014-05-26 23:06 pishifat: 01:36:014 (4) -
2014-05-26 23:06 pishifat: this thing i mean
2014-05-26 23:06 pishifat: i thought that was fine as is with the space around it
2014-05-26 23:06 Winek: but then its unconsistent at 01:36:706 (7,8) -
2014-05-26 23:07 pishifat: there was just a stream with a bunch of cirlce spam so i don't want to continue the circle spam once it gets less intense
2014-05-26 23:07 Winek: and consistenciiii
2014-05-26 23:08 pishifat: but but but
2014-05-26 23:10 Winek: about than this everything looks fine
2014-05-26 23:10 Winek: no kds since my mod is shit kthxbei
2014-05-26 23:10 pishifat: k fine i will change things :|
2014-05-26 23:10 Winek: :)
2014-05-26 23:10 pishifat: you don't deserve any anyway ;-;
2014-05-26 23:11 Winek: wow r00d
2014-05-26 23:11 pishifat: tr00th
2014-05-26 23:11 pishifat: now post logs
2014-05-26 23:11 Winek: but i dont deserve kds
2014-05-26 23:12 pishifat: bats can break rules so can i
2014-05-26 23:12 Winek: lel
Topic Starter

Winek wrote:

no kudosu
2014-05-23 21:02 Winek: hihiiiii
2014-05-23 21:03 pishifat: yo
2014-05-23 21:05 Winek: would you mind if we mod your map via IRC? ^^
2014-05-23 21:05 pishifat: would be fine
2014-05-23 21:05 pishifat: i've got maybe an hour
2014-05-23 21:05 Winek: ok /np your map
2014-05-23 21:05 pishifat: ACTION is listening to [ Pierce The Veil - May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep Tonight]
2014-05-23 21:06 Winek:
2014-05-23 21:06 Winek: y u do tiz
2014-05-23 21:07 pishifat: firetrucks
2014-05-23 21:07 Winek: xD
2014-05-23 21:07 Winek: btw just a lil thing on your mod on my map
2014-05-23 21:07 Winek: Lunatic is meant to be Insane for touhou maps
2014-05-23 21:08 Winek: wow wait are u sure you want to m4m with that map? drain time is much lower than mine's.
2014-05-23 21:08 pishifat: a lot of touhou maps have both lunatic and insane from what i've seen
2014-05-23 21:08 pishifat: and lunatic >
2014-05-23 21:08 pishifat: i didn't mod too much on yours :P
2014-05-23 21:08 Winek: yeah it's because it feel bad to have "Lunatic" "X's Lunatic" "Poop's Lunatic"
2014-05-23 21:08 Winek: sometime they just add insane
2014-05-23 21:09 Winek: ok lets start with normal
2014-05-23 21:09 pishifat: kay
2014-05-23 21:09 Winek: ok, wait for your offset
2014-05-23 21:10 Winek: 00:08:091 - should be here but
2014-05-23 21:10 Winek: i guess its ok
2014-05-23 21:10 Winek: since there's a note before
2014-05-23 21:10 pishifat: i had it there, just moved it back for the spinner
2014-05-23 21:10 Winek: ye
2014-05-23 21:12 Winek: hmm
2014-05-23 21:13 pishifat: ...yes? :3
2014-05-23 21:13 Winek: wait wait
2014-05-23 21:15 Winek: ACTION examinating the map
2014-05-23 21:15 pishifat: lul
2014-05-23 21:15 pishifat: while you do that
2014-05-23 21:15 pishifat: i'll go to the restroom :3
2014-05-23 21:15 Winek: nope
2014-05-23 21:15 Winek: 00:04:399 (1) -
2014-05-23 21:16 Winek: the first spinner should end at 00:08:091 -
2014-05-23 21:16 Winek: removing 00:08:091 (1) -
2014-05-23 21:16 pishifat: so... a passive spinner
2014-05-23 21:16 pishifat: doesn't sound like a good idea
2014-05-23 21:16 Winek: well half-cuted sounds bad
2014-05-23 21:17 Winek: since you're ignoring all the sound around 00:07:630 -
2014-05-23 21:17 Winek: but not inside the spinner
2014-05-23 21:17 pishifat: 00:07:630
2014-05-23 21:17 pishifat: i could move it to end there
2014-05-23 21:18 pishifat: since there's some sort of emphasis thing on that note
2014-05-23 21:18 pishifat: i dunno if you can hear it
2014-05-23 21:18 Winek: yeah
2014-05-23 21:18 pishifat: having the first strong sound on a map be the end of a spinner is not something i'm going to do though :P
2014-05-23 21:19 Winek: well the spinner is creating problem tho
2014-05-23 21:19 Winek: so if it was me i'd rather delete it
2014-05-23 21:20 Winek: but yeah do like you want
2014-05-23 21:20 Winek: anyway, 00:08:091 (1) - I just don't see where you get that shape www
2014-05-23 21:20 pishifat: i'll think about it. i've got spinners like that one on all 3 diffs
2014-05-23 21:21 pishifat: hmm... well i just made it like it is so that it's not too far away from the spinner and it's pointing upwards
2014-05-23 21:22 pishifat: the usual long single-curve didn't look too good when i first put it in
2014-05-23 21:23 Winek:
2014-05-23 21:24 pishifat: kay i've done something si milar
2014-05-23 21:25 pishifat: except having hte end of 1 be in the center of the grid
2014-05-23 21:25 Winek: yeah
2014-05-23 21:27 Winek: ok wot next
2014-05-23 21:28 pishifat: you're supposed to tell me that lol
2014-05-23 21:28 Winek: >3<
2014-05-23 21:32 Winek: 01:03:476 (1,2) -
2014-05-23 21:33 Winek: a bad polarity issue and very hard to dinstinguis wheter starting on 1/1 or 1/2
2014-05-23 21:33 pishifat: so put a note on the white tick before?
2014-05-23 21:33 Winek: yeah i guess
2014-05-23 21:34 pishifat: done then
2014-05-23 21:34 Winek: ok
2014-05-23 21:39 Winek: brb just 10 min
2014-05-23 21:39 pishifat: mkay
2014-05-23 21:49 Winek: ok im bacxk sorry for waitin
2014-05-23 21:49 pishifat: np
2014-05-23 21:49 pishifat: i got to use the bathroom
2014-05-23 21:50 Winek: okok
2014-05-23 21:52 Winek: 00:20:091 (1,2,3) -
2014-05-23 21:52 Winek: its your opinion about the hitsounds, but i'd rather remove it
2014-05-23 21:52 Winek: 00:45:014 (1,2,3,4,5) - likely it feels good here
2014-05-23 21:52 pishifat: sounds a lot better in the insane diff
2014-05-23 21:54 pishifat: yeah i'm keeping it how it is to emphasize the 1/2 beat stuff more
2014-05-23 21:54 pishifat: feels wrong with soft
2014-05-23 21:54 Winek: ok
2014-05-23 21:54 pishifat: sounds wrong, not feels
2014-05-23 21:54 Winek: yeah lol
2014-05-23 21:54 Winek: blame my frenchiness
2014-05-23 21:55 Winek: 00:55:399 (6) -
2014-05-23 21:55 pishifat: i thoguht it was right too for a minute :P
2014-05-23 21:55 pishifat: i took 3 years of french in high school so i also think in fractured french sometimes -.-
2014-05-23 21:55 Winek: i learned how to read at 2 years old
2014-05-23 21:56 Winek: ACTION runs
2014-05-23 21:56 Winek: blame asperger
2014-05-23 21:56 pishifat: lul
2014-05-23 21:56 pishifat: so what abotu this 6
2014-05-23 21:57 Winek: hlafing the slider and adding a circle afterwhat would sounds better
2014-05-23 21:57 Winek:
2014-05-23 21:58 pishifat: would that not be too hard with that many notes next to each other?
2014-05-23 21:59 Winek: hmm
2014-05-23 21:59 Winek: or maybe a reverse arrow?
2014-05-23 22:00 pishifat: i do like that more
2014-05-23 22:01 Winek: yeah
2014-05-23 22:04 Winek: aack
2014-05-23 22:04 Winek: im a bit busy, brb again ><
2014-05-23 22:10 Winek: OK BACK
2014-05-23 22:10 Winek: soz its my mom
2014-05-23 22:11 pishifat: it's k :P
2014-05-23 22:11 Winek: 00:58:630 (7) - you're ignoring a sound here, you could add a note?
2014-05-23 22:12 pishifat: where
2014-05-23 22:12 pishifat: there is a note there o.o
2014-05-23 22:12 Winek: 00:58:630
2014-05-23 22:12 pishifat: oh asdf
2014-05-23 22:12 Winek: 00:58:630 -
2014-05-23 22:12 Winek: lel i added a note
2014-05-23 22:12 pishifat: yeah osu selected 00:58:860 (7) - for me
2014-05-23 22:13 pishifat: so i assumed thats' wehre you were talking about
2014-05-23 22:13 Winek: lol
2014-05-23 22:13 pishifat: yeah note added
2014-05-23 22:13 pishifat: well slider end added
2014-05-23 22:17 Winek: im so slow ><
2014-05-23 22:18 pishifat: good thing osu is windowed so i can do other stuff while waiting :3
2014-05-23 22:18 Winek: 01:18:245 (1,2) - polarity issue
2014-05-23 22:19 pishifat: how would you say to fix that
2014-05-23 22:19 pishifat: since there's no real noise at the white tick prior
2014-05-23 22:19 pishifat: adding a note there would be bad
2014-05-23 22:20 Winek: hmm
2014-05-23 22:20 Winek: 01:18:245 (1) -
2014-05-23 22:20 Winek: try making it like this slider 01:21:014 (5) -
2014-05-23 22:21 Winek: should fix polarity issue
2014-05-23 22:24 pishifat: kay, got it
2014-05-23 22:24 Winek: 01:26:091 (2) - pls this slider shape
2014-05-23 22:26 pishifat: :|
2014-05-23 22:26 pishifat: i didn't think it was too bad, but changed
2014-05-23 22:26 Winek: lel
2014-05-23 22:42 Winek: >>>><<<<<
2014-05-23 22:42 pishifat: wat
2014-05-23 22:43 Winek: nufing
2014-05-23 22:43 Winek: rest looks fine
2014-05-23 22:43 Winek: lets go to hard :>
2014-05-23 22:43 pishifat: k
2014-05-23 22:45 Winek: ok ill start with slider shape/placement/shits
2014-05-23 22:46 Winek: 00:36:707 (6) - the shape is okay, but what the hell did you intend to do here? o.o
2014-05-23 22:46 pishifat: the vocalist is screaming
2014-05-23 22:47 pishifat: emphasizing that
2014-05-23 22:47 Winek: ok i see
2014-05-23 22:47 Winek: 00:42:245 (2) -
2014-05-23 22:47 Winek:
2014-05-23 22:47 Winek: maybe the pattern will be slighty better? :D
2014-05-23 22:48 Winek: and btw to be honest 00:51:476 (2) - looks a bit weirddd
2014-05-23 22:48 pishifat: changed
2014-05-23 22:48 pishifat: it's supposed to look weird :3
2014-05-23 22:49 pishifat:
2014-05-23 22:49 pishifat: would that be better?
2014-05-23 22:50 Winek: hmm
2014-05-23 22:50 Winek: a bit more to the right
2014-05-23 22:50 Winek: and it should be perfect
2014-05-23 22:50 Winek: coz right now it looks all overlapped
2014-05-23 22:50 pishifat: kay
2014-05-23 22:57 Winek: 01:21:014 (3) -
2014-05-23 22:57 Winek: dunno if it's rankable btw since it wriggles
2014-05-23 22:57 pishifat: what's so bad about that
2014-05-23 22:57 pishifat: well, what makes it unrankable is a better question
2014-05-23 22:58 Winek: there are new rules about this
2014-05-23 22:58 Winek: like changing speed of slider with alot of double anchor to make it slow down
2014-05-23 22:59 Winek: you''ll ask a BAT
2014-05-23 22:59 Winek: now onward
2014-05-23 22:59 Winek: 01:23:207 (4,5) -
2014-05-23 22:59 pishifat: i think that would apply to sdomething more like
2014-05-23 22:59 Winek: the distance bth pls
2014-05-23 23:00 pishifat: oops
2014-05-23 23:00 pishifat: fixed
2014-05-23 23:00 Winek: lel
2014-05-23 23:01 Winek: is it just me or like most of your note start on 1/4
2014-05-23 23:01 pishifat: the song is like that
2014-05-23 23:01 Winek: well if you want so
2014-05-23 23:01 pishifat: the downbeats are in sync, but in the middle it has guitar stuff on 1/4
2014-05-23 23:02 Winek: kk
2014-05-23 23:02 Winek: 01:33:014 (1) -
2014-05-23 23:02 Winek: try rotate 45' selection center clockwise
2014-05-23 23:02 Winek: create a nice pattern with 01:33:014 (1,2,3) -
2014-05-23 23:04 pishifat: to make a triangle thing
2014-05-23 23:04 pishifat: got it
2014-05-23 23:04 Winek: 01:48:245 (1,2,3) -
2014-05-23 23:04 Winek: make as similar as 01:49:168 (5,6,7) - ?
2014-05-23 23:05 Winek: wojuld have mroe contanthingy
2014-05-23 23:05 pishifat: it's going into that stack from 01:48:014 (6) -
2014-05-23 23:05 pishifat: then going into the other stack at another angle
2014-05-23 23:05 pishifat: that's why they're different
2014-05-23 23:05 Winek: k
2014-05-23 23:06 Winek: oh lemme ask about the hentai slider shape at a BAT
2014-05-23 23:06 pishifat: lolk
2014-05-23 23:09 Winek:
2014-05-23 23:09 pishifat: :(
2014-05-23 23:09 pishifat: will change then
2014-05-23 23:10 Winek: xD
2014-05-23 23:11 pishifat: changed 00:51:476 (2) - to have less of the wiggle thing also
2014-05-23 23:11 Winek: good boi
2014-05-23 23:13 Winek: lets be frendzzz
2014-05-23 23:13 pishifat: uh.. sure? :P
2014-05-23 23:13 Winek: :D
2014-05-23 23:15 pishifat: you find some mod stuff, i'll brb in like 10 mintues
2014-05-23 23:16 Winek: ok ill go to insan
2014-05-23 23:16 pishifat: gl :3
2014-05-23 23:26 pishifat: aaaaaaaaand back
2014-05-23 23:26 pishifat: exactly 10 minutes woo
2014-05-23 23:26 Winek: lol
2014-05-23 23:27 pishifat: so what did you find?
2014-05-23 23:27 pishifat: (hopefully nothing)
2014-05-23 23:27 Winek: lol
2014-05-23 23:28 Winek: i found...
2014-05-23 23:28 Winek: ok let me test the diff once before.
2014-05-23 23:29 Winek: 00:58:861 (8) - btw
2014-05-23 23:29 Winek: I SUCK
2014-05-23 23:30 pishifat: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
2014-05-23 23:30 Winek: hue
2014-05-23 23:30 Winek: 00:11:784 (1,2) -
2014-05-23 23:31 Winek: you could try makking them both perfectly identical
2014-05-23 23:31 pishifat: sure
2014-05-23 23:33 Winek: 00:29:322 (7) - same goes for this one who could be slighty more curved to fit in better with the previous note
2014-05-23 23:33 pishifat: k
2014-05-23 23:41 Winek: im so slow finding stuff >>>>
2014-05-23 23:41 Winek: 00:33:015 (7) -
2014-05-23 23:42 Winek: you could try making a prettier curve
2014-05-23 23:42 pishifat: i'll just copy 00:32:092 (6) -
2014-05-23 23:42 Winek: yeah y not
2014-05-23 23:53 Winek: i should finish soonnn
2014-05-23 23:53 Winek: or can we finish insane another day, since i need to sleep soon
2014-05-23 23:53 pishifat: whatever you want
2014-05-23 23:53 pishifat: i was playing other maps and forgot my map was even being modded lol
2014-05-23 23:54 Winek: loel
2014-05-23 23:54 Winek: ok gnight
2014-05-23 23:54 pishifat: enjoy sleep things
2014-05-23 23:55 Winek: "sleep things"
2014-05-23 23:55 Winek: hmm
2014-05-23 23:55 Winek: my mind went perverted when hearing this all of a sudden.. hmm
2014-05-26 22:12 pishifat: yoooo are you ever gonna finish that mod? :P
2014-05-26 22:12 pishifat: or post it at least
2014-05-26 22:13 Winek: lol yah i forgot
2014-05-26 22:13 Winek: can we finish it now? ^^
2014-05-26 22:13 Winek: i hate thread mod its too boring and i get easily distracted
2014-05-26 22:13 pishifat: now is good :3
2014-05-26 22:14 Winek: ok np map coz im lazy to searchh
2014-05-26 22:14 pishifat: ACTION is listening to [ Pierce The Veil - May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep Tonight]
2014-05-26 22:14 pishifat: i updated since last time
2014-05-26 22:14 pishifat: so there shouldn't be any repeats
2014-05-26 22:14 Winek: t2m
2014-05-26 22:15 pishifat: is that time2mod
2014-05-26 22:15 pishifat: do people say that... lol
2014-05-26 22:15 Winek: lolyes
2014-05-26 22:16 pishifat: i'll keep that in mind
2014-05-26 22:16 pishifat: but never say it
2014-05-26 22:16 Winek: ok first obvious thing that i see..
2014-05-26 22:16 Winek: 00:21:015 (6,7,8) -
2014-05-26 22:16 Winek: why does distance change only for this note?
2014-05-26 22:16 pishifat: insane right
2014-05-26 22:16 Winek: yes
2014-05-26 22:17 Winek: 00:17:322 (4,1) -
2014-05-26 22:17 pishifat: moving distances from slider ends = easier
2014-05-26 22:17 pishifat: so spacing is more
2014-05-26 22:17 Winek: so spacing is more what
2014-05-26 22:18 pishifat: it's more natural moving that distance when it's a slider end compared to circles
2014-05-26 22:18 pishifat: cuz you've got that area that you can move while sliding you know
2014-05-26 22:18 Winek: well yeah if you want
2014-05-26 22:19 pishifat: it's hard to explain but it makes sense in my mind :|
2014-05-26 22:19 pishifat: [ the grey circle is like distance spacing from previous note]
2014-05-26 22:19 Winek: yes i understand
2014-05-26 22:20 pishifat: k cool :P
2014-05-26 22:20 pishifat: also i fixed that wtf slider
2014-05-26 22:20 Winek: yes that wtf slider
2014-05-26 22:21 Winek: 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) -
2014-05-26 22:21 pishifat: o.o
2014-05-26 22:21 Winek: 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) - 00:36:707 (7) -
2014-05-26 22:21 Winek: :)
2014-05-26 22:22 pishifat: it's a shame those aren't rankable
2014-05-26 22:22 Winek: yep
2014-05-26 22:22 pishifat: cuz they are so much better than just a normal looking slider
2014-05-26 22:23 Winek: bblame that guy who said that
2014-05-26 22:24 Winek: 00:38:553 (2) - maybe you could have a shape like 00:37:630 (1) , since currently it looks a bit unconsistent..
2014-05-26 22:24 Winek: 00:38:553 (2) - maybe you could have a shape like 00:37:630 (1) - , since currently it looks a bit unconsistent..
2014-05-26 22:26 pishifat: was thinking it was supposed to bring out that vocalist screamed a word
2014-05-26 22:26 pishifat: but i'll change it anyway
2014-05-26 22:26 Winek: 00:40:168 (5) - do you hear something here?
2014-05-26 22:26 Winek: i dont anyway
2014-05-26 22:27 pishifat: umm
2014-05-26 22:27 pishifat: the guy says something there
2014-05-26 22:27 Winek: 00:39:707 -
2014-05-26 22:27 Winek: then add a note here as well
2014-05-26 22:28 pishifat: screw you and your logic
2014-05-26 22:28 pishifat: changing ;-;
2014-05-26 22:29 Winek: :DDD
2014-05-26 22:32 Winek: hmm
2014-05-26 22:33 Winek: 00:58:168 (2,3,4,5,6) -
2014-05-26 22:33 Winek: 1/8 stream wow
2014-05-26 22:33 pishifat: wutaboutit
2014-05-26 22:33 pishifat: 1/8 isn't that fast at this bpm if that's what you're worried about :P
2014-05-26 22:34 Winek: 130 pls
2014-05-26 22:34 Winek: 01:15:361 (4) - maybe you could improcve the shape a bit, since the double anchor completely overmap the slider itself
2014-05-26 22:34 Winek: fuk grammar
2014-05-26 22:35 pishifat: an overmapped slider wat
2014-05-26 22:35 Winek: waiiiit
2014-05-26 22:36 Winek: retardedd puush
2014-05-26 22:37 Winek: y u no work
2014-05-26 22:37 Winek:
2014-05-26 22:37 Winek: i mean the tail of the slider overlap the slider body
2014-05-26 22:37 Winek: 01:21:014 (3) - obviously you are very creative
2014-05-26 22:37 Winek: i like the shape
2014-05-26 22:38 pishifat: if you're telling me that's unrankable i will ragequit right now ;-;
2014-05-26 22:39 Winek: lol its not sarcasm
2014-05-26 22:39 Winek: i like it for real
2014-05-26 22:39 Winek: BUT ITS UNRANKABLEEEE
2014-05-26 22:39 pishifat: also i've seen 01:15:361 (4) - in a lot of recently ranked maps so i don't see the problem :/
2014-05-26 22:39 Winek: iits just my personal opinion
2014-05-26 22:39 Winek: 01:15:361 (4) -
2014-05-26 22:39 Winek: its not unrankable
2014-05-26 22:39 pishifat: mkay
2014-05-26 22:40 pishifat: well i'm keeping it since it's the best way to make a quick upward turn without a stupid slider :P
2014-05-26 22:40 Winek: k
2014-05-26 22:40 Winek: 01:21:014 (3) - unrankable redo everything restart the map graveyard
2014-05-26 22:41 pishifat: k
2014-05-26 22:41 pishifat: mission accomplished
2014-05-26 22:41 Winek: lllll ragequit
2014-05-26 22:45 Winek: brb a sec
2014-05-26 22:45 pishifat: k
2014-05-26 22:56 pishifat: [ from a map that got ranked 2 days ago -.-]
2014-05-26 22:56 Winek: wadeheckk
2014-05-26 22:56 Winek: its not me
2014-05-26 22:56 Winek: they bgroke the rulesszz
2014-05-26 22:56 Winek: lazy BATs
2014-05-26 23:00 Winek: ok lets finish fast i need to pla eosd
2014-05-26 23:01 Winek: 01:36:014 (4) - you shouldnt ignore the 2 beat around this note
2014-05-26 23:02 Winek: like look at 01:36:245 (5,6,7,8) -
2014-05-26 23:03 pishifat: lazy bats
2014-05-26 23:03 pishifat: a bat made this map :|||||||||
2014-05-26 23:05 pishifat: i think it's fine as it is there
2014-05-26 23:05 Winek: there, where?
2014-05-26 23:06 Winek: anyway a BAT himself told me its not rankable
2014-05-26 23:06 pishifat: 01:36:014 (4) -
2014-05-26 23:06 pishifat: this thing i mean
2014-05-26 23:06 pishifat: i thought that was fine as is with the space around it
2014-05-26 23:06 Winek: but then its unconsistent at 01:36:706 (7,8) -
2014-05-26 23:07 pishifat: there was just a stream with a bunch of cirlce spam so i don't want to continue the circle spam once it gets less intense
2014-05-26 23:07 Winek: and consistenciiii
2014-05-26 23:08 pishifat: but but but
2014-05-26 23:10 Winek: about than this everything looks fine
2014-05-26 23:10 Winek: no kds since my mod is shit kthxbei
2014-05-26 23:10 pishifat: k fine i will change things :|
2014-05-26 23:10 Winek: :)
2014-05-26 23:10 pishifat: you don't deserve any anyway ;-;
2014-05-26 23:11 Winek: wow r00d
2014-05-26 23:11 pishifat: tr00th
2014-05-26 23:11 pishifat: now post logs
2014-05-26 23:11 Winek: but i dont deserve kds
2014-05-26 23:12 pishifat: bats can break rules so can i
2014-05-26 23:12 Winek: lel
my mouse moved on its own i swear

pishifat wrote:

my mouse moved on its own i swear
pro lier
Hi pishifat o3o/

Mod from queue n3n


I feel it lacks many hitsounds D:<


00:53:553 (3) - This slider could end in 00:54:014 (3) -
00:57:245 (4) - This slider could end in 00:57:707 (4) -
01:00:937 (3) - This slider could end in 01:01:399 (3) -
01:03:476 (1) - You could move x:272 and y:242
01:04:630 (3) - This slider could end in 01:05:091 (3) -
01:06:707 (6) - I think that slider would be better if it were straight.
01:10:860 (1,2,3,4) - I think you could do something more entertaining here.
01:26:091 (2) - Changes the layout of the slider.


00:57:245 (3) - A slider with reverse look better.
01:00:937 (3) - ^
01:04:630 (4) - ^
01:11:783 (2) - Does something like 01:10:860 (1) -
01:12:707 (1,2) - Personally I did not like these delizadores, you could switch to another design but as you prefer >.<
01:35:322 (1) - I think a slider would be better there ._.
01:36:245 (3) - ^
01:39:014 (1) - ^
01:39:937 (3) - ^


00:53:322 (6,7) - This jump would be better in 00:53:553 (7,8) -
00:57:015 (5,6,7) - ^
01:00:938 (3,4) - JUMP D: if you want uwu
01:04:630 (6,7) - ^

I know it's not a big mod D: I'm still learning, I hope you serve something my little mod uwu

Good luck with your map. BTW I love this song XD
Topic Starter

Manuxz Sixx wrote:

Hi pishifat o3o/

Mod from queue n3n


I feel it lacks many hitsounds D:< beginning section is pretty quiet and i mostly use soft whistles, so they may blend in :P other parts have a decent amount though, so dunno what you're referring to exactly


00:53:553 (3) - This slider could end in 00:54:014 (3) - seems weird to start the slider on guitar and end it on drums and ignoring the guitar in the middle of the slider :/
00:57:245 (4) - This slider could end in 00:57:707 (4) - ^
01:00:937 (3) - This slider could end in 01:01:399 (3) - ^
01:03:476 (1) - You could move x:272 and y:242
01:04:630 (3) - This slider could end in 01:05:091 (3) - same as earlier^
01:06:707 (6) - I think that slider would be better if it were straight. yeah, probably would be
01:10:860 (1,2,3,4) - I think you could do something more entertaining here. changed
01:26:091 (2) - Changes the layout of the slider. changed


00:57:245 (3) - A slider with reverse look better. doesn't fit with the music
01:00:937 (3) - ^ ^
01:04:630 (4) - ^ ^
01:11:783 (2) - Does something like 01:10:860 (1) -
01:12:707 (1,2) - Personally I did not like these delizadores, you could switch to another design but as you prefer >.< no idea what a "delizadore" is, but if that's referring to slider design, i think it's fine
01:35:322 (1) - I think a slider would be better there ._. following the bass guitar line. otherwise it would be 1/2 notes the entire time
01:36:245 (3) - ^ ^
01:39:014 (1) - ^ ^
01:39:937 (3) - ^ ^


00:53:322 (6,7) - This jump would be better in 00:53:553 (7,8) - makes mroe sense to have the stack on the two soudns that are the same than a stack on two sounds that are different
00:57:015 (5,6,7) - ^ ^
01:00:938 (3,4) - JUMP D: if you want uwu there is a jump already o.o
01:04:630 (6,7) - ^ same reason as 1st suggestion

I know it's not a big mod D: I'm still learning, I hope you serve something my little mod uwu i fixed some stuff, thanks :3

Good luck with your map. BTW I love this song XD
Hi there, coming from your request in my Modding Q

  1. There are still some tags missing like "Post-Hardcore" for example, as taken from their Wikipedia page
  2. The first combo colour feels off, it should be more brownish imo

  1. 00:11:322 (4) - let this one overlap with 00:08:091 (1) - , you'd have to rearrange 00:09:937 (3) - to do that though
  2. 00:15:476 (1) - maybe change this shape so that it's turning at 00:15:937 (2) - (basically where the tick is) to support the music even more. While you're at this, blanket 00:16:860 (2) -
  3. 00:22:860 (1) - wrong overlap, correct position would be 398/241
  4. 00:25:168 (4,5) - if you'd change the combo after that, ctrl+g those 2 for a better flow (less zigzag) like you have it here 00:35:783 (3,4,5) -
  5. 00:44:091 (4) - wrong overlap, move to 325/141
  6. 00:56:553 (2) - there's no actual beat here. the beat happens at 00:56:437 (2) - and 00:56:668 (2) - You might be able to fix this with a slider, but I honestly dont know how to handle blue ticks in Normals
  7. 00:58:283 (6) - ^
  8. 01:00:707 (2,3,4,5) - Try to curve these a little, maybe to the right and then to the left with 01:01:630 (4,5) - to have a better flow into 01:02:553 (6) - . Straight down is kinda lame
  9. 01:19:399 (1) - I'd NC here
  10. 01:27:937 (4) - Eventually change this foem a little bit to avoid that almost-touch with 01:26:091 (2) - (you can ignore that though, I usually care too much about stuff like this D:) Also, same thing as above with a similar slider, try to have the hard tick in the middle of it for a better support
  11. 01:42:245 (6) - I think a slider would work here as well, since you do the same here 01:34:860 (5) -


  • Blankets that can be improved
    00:09:476 (4,5) -
    00:15:476 (1,3) -
    00:27:476 (2,3) - that bounce thing on 2 is too far outside for it to be an awesome blanket
    00:52:630 (2,3) - 2's end is too curved
    00:55:399 (4,1) -
  1. 00:17:322 (4) - Same thing with these sliders as in Normalz
  2. 00:32:091 (4) - Have this one blanket 00:30:245 (1) - ?
  3. 00:35:553 (4) - add circle or change the combo so that you have 2 1/2 sliders. Its a strong beat so I'd map this out
  4. 00:56:091 (1) - end on 00:56:437 (2) - and add a short slider on 00:56:668 (2) -
  5. 01:09:014 (1) - NC this. Most of your combos would have a NC here (they are ~4-6 hits long, this would would have 9)
  6. 01:12:476 (3) - for some reason I feel a circle here. feel free to ignore
  7. 01:28:745 (4) - overlap with 01:27:245 (5) - ?
  8. 01:39:014 (1) - adjust this one slightly down for a better flow (imagine the picture you made for my mod)

  1. 01:05:322 (1) - I think this one should fit in with 01:04:630 (7,8) -
  2. 01:13:053 (3,4,5,6) - I think these ones would look better if you'd curve them slightly (inward)
  3. 01:25:976 (4) - eventually let the tail end where the next combo after 01:25:168 (6) - 's head would be (as you do with all the other combos)
  4. 01:40:168 (5) - circle here?
  5. 01:44:090 (3) - 's tail is off. it should be at 312/112
  6. 01:45:937 (4,5,6,7) - move these one so that they dont touch 01:45:244 (6) - 's tail
  7. 01:49:168 (1) - move this one (and the combo) so that there's a better flow from 01:49:053 (8) -

Nicely done, have a kd :3
Topic Starter

Yauxo wrote:

Hi there, coming from your request in my Modding Q

  1. There are still some tags missing like "Post-Hardcore" for example, as taken from their Wikipedia page added
  2. The first combo colour feels off, it should be more brownish imo sludged

  1. 00:11:322 (4) - let this one overlap with 00:08:091 (1) - , you'd have to rearrange 00:09:937 (3) - to do that though changed
  2. 00:15:476 (1) - maybe change this shape so that it's turning at 00:15:937 (2) - (basically where the tick is) to support the music even more. While you're at this, blanket 00:16:860 (2) - changed
  3. 00:22:860 (1) - wrong overlap, correct position would be 398/241 changed. off by one pixel -.-
  4. 00:25:168 (4,5) - if you'd change the combo after that, ctrl+g those 2 for a better flow (less zigzag) like you have it here 00:35:783 (3,4,5) - changed
  5. 00:44:091 (4) - wrong overlap, move to 325/141 changed
  6. 00:56:553 (2) - there's no actual beat here. the beat happens at 00:56:437 (2) - and 00:56:668 (2) - You might be able to fix this with a slider, but I honestly dont know how to handle blue ticks in Normals there's some symbol crash on the downbeats there, so i'd rather use that as an excuse not to screw with blue ticks :3
  7. 00:58:283 (6) - ^ similar to^
  8. 01:00:707 (2,3,4,5) - Try to curve these a little, maybe to the right and then to the left with 01:01:630 (4,5) - to have a better flow into 01:02:553 (6) - . Straight down is kinda lame changed
  9. 01:19:399 (1) - I'd NC here i swear that was a nc before... -.-
  10. 01:27:937 (4) - Eventually change this foem a little bit to avoid that almost-touch with 01:26:091 (2) - (you can ignore that though, I usually care too much about stuff like this D:) Also, same thing as above with a similar slider, try to have the hard tick in the middle of it for a better support i've changed that slider around with every mod so far. also for the tick thing, i'm keeping it as it is to better "support" the blue tick beats that are more emphasized in this section. i can't map them on a normal diff though since it would be too confusing :/
  11. 01:42:245 (6) - I think a slider would work here as well, since you do the same here 01:34:860 (5) - trying to give emphasis to the drum roll/declining bass line here, so doing the same thing as earlier would be the opposite of intentions :P

  1. 00:17:322 (4) - Same thing with these sliders as in Normalz changed
  2. 00:32:091 (4) - Have this one blanket 00:30:245 (1) - ? changed
  3. 00:35:553 (4) - add circle or change the combo so that you have 2 1/2 sliders. Its a strong beat so I'd map this out circled
  4. 00:56:091 (1) - end on 00:56:437 (2) - and add a short slider on 00:56:668 (2) -
  5. 01:09:014 (1) - NC this. Most of your combos would have a NC here (they are ~4-6 hits long, this would would have 9) this was a nc before gasiodfjsiadfjsdio
  6. 01:12:476 (3) - for some reason I feel a circle here. feel free to ignore i like your feelings
  7. 01:28:745 (4) - overlap with 01:27:245 (5) - ? changed
  8. 01:39:014 (1) - adjust this one slightly down for a better flow (imagine the picture you made for my mod) changed

  1. 01:05:322 (1) - I think this one should fit in with 01:04:630 (7,8) - made this more linear if that's what you meant. if you meant to stack, i didn't do that :P
  2. 01:13:053 (3,4,5,6) - I think these ones would look better if you'd curve them slightly (inward) did that on 8 too
  3. 01:25:976 (4) - eventually let the tail end where the next combo after 01:25:168 (6) - 's head would be (as you do with all the other combos)
  4. 01:40:168 (5) - circle here?
  5. 01:44:090 (3) - 's tail is off. it should be at 312/112
  6. 01:45:937 (4,5,6,7) - move these one so that they dont touch 01:45:244 (6) - 's tail keeping that. it screws with positions previous/next stuff too much. it also stacks the same way as the stream :3
  7. 01:49:168 (1) - move this one (and the combo) so that there's a better flow from 01:49:053 (8) - changed

Nicely done, have a kd :3 :3

thanks :3
This song is so niceee ~ great choice!!
-coughuhmmod from queuecough-
keep in mind this is just my opinion, feel free to disagree!

  1. background looks fine, but combo colours don't really match with it that well (imo)
    try to find better ones? (replace green with some dark orange eg or use some white colour, it goes well with the landscape!)
mostly visual stuff, diff looks okay so far :3 -
  1. 00:11:783 (1) - use rotated version of 00:09:937 (3) - maybe? it does look a bit out of place
  2. 00:11:783 (1,2,3,4) - a non-zigzag pattern would match the song here better, imo
    cause the part is still rather calm and relaxing, so it'd work better if it flows nicelythat way 3 doesn't overlap with 00:15:476 (1) - too!
  3. 00:40:399 (5,2) - hmh, this overlap is meh, as well. >< (just doesn't look good to me, sorry!)
    try to move one of them so they don't overlap?
  4. 00:44:091 (4) - you can improve the flow here a lot if you create a circle with 00:43:168 (3) - and 00:45:014 (1) - (try to follow the way the previous slider indicate. this pattern for example looks great, but the actual movement feels unnatural. it'd feel more natural if you use the circle pattern from above or let the sliders move like this - c: )
  5. 01:02:553 (6,1) - I know you just blanketed this, but I'd prefer if you move the circle somewhere else, so it doesn't overlap that much (144|232?)
    it's totally okay, but cause this is the easiest difficulty you should try to make it a tiny little bit easier than the average Normal diff, to make sure that even beginner players don't fail that hard. >: (beginners wanna play your map too..!)
    and overlaps are really hard to read for them. s:
  6. 01:10:860 (1,2,3,4) - make this a perfect square? move 2 to 144|240 and 3 to 232|244 :3
overall it looks okay. :3 I don't particulary like the flow, but that's most likely just my taste. ~ xD
anyway, on another note, take a look here -
It's a screen of most objects in this difficulty (some aren't displayes in the beginning but if you select all and scroll through the whole song the picture doesn't change much), and you should notice that all of them are more or less centered around the center of the playfield. you only use 2/3 of the space you have, which is something you can improve! it gets a bit boring to play if the playfield is larger than the space you use, so try to place more objects on the sides and in the corners! (:

the same I said above about the placing applies here as well! consider changing some parts so you use more of the playfield!
  1. 00:19:630 - I miss an object here, preferably a slider like 00:20:091 (1) -
  2. 00:25:630 (5) - you can emphasize the downbeat on the slidertail better if you split this slider up
  3. 01:12:707 (1,2) - I noticed before and I think there are more slider like this afterwards, too. - they might look better if you snap the red anchor to the blue tick. sliders usually look more "balanced" that way, but that's totally up to you, ofc! :3
  4. 01:19:399 (2,3,4) - I'm not entirely sure of these anti-jumps fit here. they don't match the beat or the vocals.. so meh. not sure, ask some more people about this, please. c:
I can't play this. orz only thing that I can say sth about:
  1. AR looks a bit high to me.. :\ hmh, not sure. ask for more opinions here..
  2. 00:36:707 (7) - replace this slider with more objects, maybe? so it follows the beats better
  3. 00:51:476 (1) - wow. now this is really confusing. maybe too confusing, buuut keep it for now. <:
  4. 00:59:322 (9,10) - copy-paste one shape, please! don't use two different ones! :3
can't say much more. hope I was of some help. '_'
If you have any questions regarding the mod catch me ingame or send a pm!
Topic Starter
squirrel re:

Squirrel wrote:

This song is so niceee ~ great choice!! :3
-coughuhmmod from queuecough-
keep in mind this is just my opinion, feel free to disagree!

  1. background looks fine, but combo colours don't really match with it that well (imo)
    try to find better ones? (replace green with some dark orange eg or use some white colour, it goes well with the landscape!)will do
mostly visual stuff, diff looks okay so far :3 -
  1. 00:11:783 (1) - use rotated version of 00:09:937 (3) - maybe? it does look a bit out of place changed
  2. 00:11:783 (1,2,3,4) - a non-zigzag pattern would match the song here better, imo
    cause the part is still rather calm and relaxing, so it'd work better if it flows nicely i like this more the current way :/that way 3 doesn't overlap with 00:15:476 (1) - too!
  3. 00:40:399 (5,2) - hmh, this overlap is meh, as well. >< (just doesn't look good to me, sorry!)
    try to move one of them so they don't overlap? changed
  4. 00:44:091 (4) - you can improve the flow here a lot if you create a circle with 00:43:168 (3) - and 00:45:014 (1) - (try to follow the way the previous slider indicate. this pattern for example looks great, but the actual movement feels unnatural. it'd feel more natural if you use the circle pattern from above or let the sliders move like this - c: ) don't really know what you mean. both of those screenshots are broken :(
  5. 01:02:553 (6,1) - I know you just blanketed this, but I'd prefer if you move the circle somewhere else, so it doesn't overlap that much (144|232?)
    it's totally okay, but cause this is the easiest difficulty you should try to make it a tiny little bit easier than the average Normal diff, to make sure that even beginner players don't fail that hard. >: (beginners wanna play your map too..!)
    and overlaps are really hard to read for them. s: changed. i tried to make it easier than most normals but i failed ;-;
  6. 01:10:860 (1,2,3,4) - make this a perfect square? move 2 to 144|240 and 3 to 232|244 :3 changed (and rotated a bit too :3)
overall it looks okay. :3 I don't particulary like the flow, but that's most likely just my taste. ~ xD
anyway, on another note, take a look here -
It's a screen of most objects in this difficulty (some aren't displayes in the beginning but if you select all and scroll through the whole song the picture doesn't change much), and you should notice that all of them are more or less centered around the center of the playfield. you only use 2/3 of the space you have, which is something you can improve! it gets a bit boring to play if the playfield is larger than the space you use, so try to place more objects on the sides and in the corners! (: well then... didn't even notice that. i know that i miss a lot of notes that are in the top right corner, so i think that's why that one is empty on pretty much all difficulties :P with future mods i'll definitely expand though. if this were mentioned first i might have changed stuff with that in mind but oh well :/

the same I said above about the placing applies here as well! consider changing some parts so you use more of the playfield!
  1. 00:19:630 - I miss an object here, preferably a slider like 00:20:091 (1) - changed
  2. 00:25:630 (5) - you can emphasize the downbeat on the slidertail better if you split this slider up
  3. 01:12:707 (1,2) - I noticed before and I think there are more slider like this afterwards, too. - they might look better if you snap the red anchor to the blue tick. sliders usually look more "balanced" that way, but that's totally up to you, ofc! :3 i kept those ones there intentionally, but there were a few later that i did fix. i also snapped the mentioned ones to 1/8 so they're a bit more proportional :3
  4. 01:19:399 (2,3,4) - I'm not entirely sure of these anti-jumps fit here. they don't match the beat or the vocals.. so meh. not sure, ask some more people about this, please. c: i thought they fit pretty well for a building up part, but if others say it should be changed, i'll definitely change it
I can't play this. orz only thing that I can say sth about:
  1. AR looks a bit high to me.. :\ hmh, not sure. ask for more opinions here.. the slow stuff is easier with ar8, but the fast stuff is a lot harder to read :/ i need ar 8.5
  2. 00:36:707 (7) - replace this slider with more objects, maybe? so it follows the beats better seems bad to follow the backbeat and not emphasize the guy screaming :P
  3. 00:51:476 (1) - wow. now this is really confusing. maybe too confusing, buuut keep it for now. <: #buildup
  4. 00:59:322 (9,10) - copy-paste one shape, please! don't use two different ones! :3 got it
can't say much more. hope I was of some help. '_'
If you have any questions regarding the mod catch me ingame or send a pm! if you read this before i contact you, check the third screenshot on the normal diff :3

thanks for the mod :3
Hey! From M4M. Sorry late!

The offset seems a little off... [insert timing advice later]

00:04:399 (1) - Perhaps make the spinner start one measure earlier
00:40:399 (5,2) - Maybe change this overlap? It doesn't feel that nice...
01:02:553 (6) - Change it to this, I feel like this is too hard
01:06:707 (11,1) - Make both of these sliders into one slider.
01:20:091 (3,4,5) - Up the hitsounds a bit please
01:34:860 (5) - Make this into one note to make it easier

Sliders with multiple repeats feel weird in a hard+. Perhaps make a 1 repeat and a stack of 2?
00:13:630 (4,5) - Blanket
01:09:014 (1,2,3) - I feel like you are omitting too many song pieces here
01:15:476 (3,4) - ^
01:23:207 (4) - Stack of 2
01:25:053 (3) - ^
01:33:937 (1) - Remove NC

Try AR8.5? Feel like the AR is a bit too high but AR8 is too slow. Long live peppy's updates! Also, fix your spacing. 00:23:784 (3,4,5) - Feels VERY weird to play, and it's easy to avoid. Maybe map something a little harder, I feel like this one is too easy for the song in this mapset as a hardest difficulty.
00:51:476 (1) - Don't stack this on (5), the changing sliderspeed doesn't really have a cue and feels confusing
01:07:168 (1,2) - Perhaps stack three notes under what is now (3)?
01:10:861 (1,2,3,4) -
01:42:706 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - The difficulty of this feels unfitting with the rest of the map, make it easier
Topic Starter

Don wrote:

Hey! From M4M. Sorry late! np :3

The offset seems a little off... [insert timing advice later] :|

00:04:399 (1) - Perhaps make the spinner start one measure earlier would be inconsistent wtih the other difficulties. makes more sense to start it on a large white tick anyway :P
00:40:399 (5,2) - Maybe change this overlap? It doesn't feel that nice... changed
01:02:553 (6) - Change it to this, I feel like this is too hard and create a passive slider? rather not :P
01:06:707 (11,1) - Make both of these sliders into one slider. doesn't make much sense to go through a barline with a slider, especially when there's a phrase change
01:20:091 (3,4,5) - Up the hitsounds a bit please changed
01:34:860 (5) - Make this into one note to make it easier wouldn't make sense to have a circle when comparing to the rest of the combo

Sliders with multiple repeats feel weird in a hard+. Perhaps make a 1 repeat and a stack of 2? # of reverses changes depending on the section it's in. stacks would make things harder
00:13:630 (4,5) - Blanket changed
01:09:014 (1,2,3) - I feel like you are omitting too many song pieces here changed
01:15:476 (3,4) - ^ changed
01:23:207 (4) - Stack of 2 that would make things a lot more difficult, and considering you already said it was too hard... yeah
01:25:053 (3) - ^ ^
01:33:937 (1) - Remove NC NC is to indicate change in reverse #

Try AR8.5? Feel like the AR is a bit too high but AR8 is too slow. Long live peppy's updates! my wish has come true. changed
Also, fix your spacing. 00:23:784 (3,4,5) - Feels VERY weird to play, and it's easy to avoid. changed Maybe map something a little harder, I feel like this one is too easy for the song in this mapset as a hardest difficulty. yet you say it gets too hard later on :P i think it's just the difference in the song between slow/fast sections. mapping to the music makes that happen
00:51:476 (1) - Don't stack this on (5), the changing sliderspeed doesn't really have a cue and feels confusing NC is the cue
01:07:168 (1,2) - Perhaps stack three notes under what is now (3)? doesn't really work
01:10:861 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:42:706 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - The difficulty of this feels unfitting with the rest of the map, make it easier because it's the most intense part of the song probably :P

The positions and shapes just seems weird at times, like as if there will never be a match in shapes ever in the map. I don't have much to comment about rhythm


00:55:976 - feels empty here, continue the beat here instead of a gap?
01:18:130 - ^
01:23:207 (4,5) - the beat that starts at 01:23:322 feels hollow if there's a gap between that and 01:23:553 - having a slider there would be nicer
01:25:053 (3,4) - ^
01:26:899 (4,5) - ^
etc. ^
01:33:937 (1) - replace this with the similar rhythm of 01:33:014 (1,2) - the guitar repeats at 01:34:399 - 01:34:630


00:40:399 (5) - ctrl-j direction has better flow
how about a triplet to lead to the slider, at 01:06:476 and 01:06:591
01:21:014 (3) - the whistle on the end of the slider sounds weird, what sounds better is removing the whistle on the end of slider, have whistle on only the body of the slider, so no whistle on start and end of slider, but body
01:37:168 (1) - end slider at 01:37:514 and have another note at 01:37:629

Good luck
Topic Starter

neonat wrote:


The positions and shapes just seems weird at times, like as if there will never be a match in shapes ever in the map. I don't have much to comment about rhythm copy pasting stuff everywhere would be more boring imo :P


00:55:976 - feels empty here, continue the beat here instead of a gap? changed
01:18:130 - ^ changed
01:23:207 (4,5) - the beat that starts at 01:23:322 feels hollow if there's a gap between that and 01:23:553 - having a slider there would be nicer
01:25:053 (3,4) - ^ changed
01:26:899 (4,5) - ^ changed
etc. ^ changed
01:33:937 (1) - replace this with the similar rhythm of 01:33:014 (1,2) - the guitar repeats at 01:34:399 - 01:34:630 changed


00:40:399 (5) - ctrl-j direction has better flow changed (not the way you intended probably but meh)
how about a triplet to lead to the slider, at 01:06:476 and 01:06:591 rather keep that how it is
01:21:014 (3) - the whistle on the end of the slider sounds weird, what sounds better is removing the whistle on the end of slider, have whistle on only the body of the slider, so no whistle on start and end of slider, but body the whistle is there to be weird :P that's why it's the only place in the whole map that it's used. whistle on the body is painful to listen to also so i'll keep it how it is
01:37:168 (1) - end slider at 01:37:514 and have another note at 01:37:629 changed

Good luck thanks for the mod :3
m4m from my queue.

  1. Have the timing offset start at the same point as your first object, 00:02:553
  1. This looks more like an easy...the spacing is too close and sliders are too slow. It gets hard to read when everything is so close to each other so you should increase the spacing and slider speed.
  2. 00:41:783 (2,3) - drag the end point of (3) out to blanket better
  1. 00:29:322 (4,1) - blanket these
  2. 00:36:707 (7) - no need for so many slider points; they make it look ugly
  3. 00:54:245 (1) - 00:58:860 (3) - ^
  4. 01:05:322 (1,2,3) - the drum is still going on the ticks that are empty. make both the sliders repeat once more and move them closer.
  5. 01:40:860 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  6. 01:48:245 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
  7. 01:19:399 (2) - new combo this because it's so far away
  8. 01:20:091 (1,3) - if you want to blanket this properly, drag the middle point out and the red point closer
  9. 01:48:245 (1,2,3,5,6,7) - the first set is completely stacked and the second is spaced apart, make em consistent
  1. 00:45:938 (4) - get rid of the red slider point, this slider doesn't need it for anything
  2. 00:47:783 (7) - same here. you don't need fancy sliders here. they're not long enough and your other sliders aren't twisted like these two.
  3. 00:52:399 (1,2,3) - this spacing is for 1/2 circles in the first half. the speed of the song just barely changed here, so spacing 1/4 circles like that might still make them look like 1/2 circles. put them closer for the first few seconds and then space them out in a later part once the player is used to them.
  4. 00:55:860 (8,1) - this is too far for a circle to be right after a 1/4 slider
  5. 00:58:168 (2,3,4,5,6) - a 1/8 stream at 130 bpm is a 260 bpm stream, which is too fast and not conventional. people don't do streams of hit circles at 1/8 beat apart if the song is much more than 100 bpm. replace with a 1/8 repeating slider.
  6. 00:58:861 (8) - this slider can look nicer. i don't think you need more than 3 slider points, just a simple curve is enough.
  7. 00:59:553 (10,1) - circle is also way too far for a 1/4 beat
  8. 01:10:861 (1,2) - ^
  9. 01:14:553 (1,2) - ^
  10. 01:18:015 (8,1) - ^
  11. 01:19:399 (2) - new combo to help with the hp drain
  12. 01:21:014 (3,1) - give at least 1/2 beat before a stream
  13. 01:24:592 (4,6) - you can blanket this or at least make sure they don't overlap
  14. 01:44:321 (4,1) - 01:44:782 (3,4) - 01:45:244 (6,1) - 01:45:706 (3,4) - ^
  15. you're a rank <10k player so you made a lot of parts hard but overall this difficulty is gonna be played by 20k-40k players and they don't see stuff like hit circles so far from 1/4 sliders
good luck!
Topic Starter

xxdeathx wrote:

m4m from my queue.

  1. Have the timing offset start at the same point as your first object, 00:02:553 doesn't really matter but k
  1. This looks more like an easy...the spacing is too close and sliders are too slow. It gets hard to read when everything is so close to each other so you should increase the spacing and slider speed. increased (was a pain)
  2. 00:41:783 (2,3) - drag the end point of (3) out to blanket better blanketted
  1. 00:29:322 (4,1) - blanket these did
  2. 00:36:707 (7) - no need for so many slider points; they make it look ugly changed
  3. 00:54:245 (1) - 00:58:860 (3) - ^ that one's to emphasize something i couldn't map on a 1/4 tick.
  4. 01:05:322 (1,2,3) - the drum is still going on the ticks that are empty. make both the sliders repeat once more and move them closer. changed
  5. 01:40:860 (1,2,3,4) - ^ ^
  6. 01:48:245 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^ keeping this one to avoid having streams
  7. 01:19:399 (2) - new combo this because it's so far away nothign really wrong with that :P keeping it
  8. 01:20:091 (1,3) - if you want to blanket this properly, drag the middle point out and the red point closer changed
  9. 01:48:245 (1,2,3,5,6,7) - the first set is completely stacked and the second is spaced apart, make em consistent ctrl+h'd this section earlier and forgot about the custom stack -.- changed
  1. 00:45:938 (4) - get rid of the red slider point, this slider doesn't need it for anything rip sliders
  2. 00:47:783 (7) - same here. you don't need fancy sliders here. they're not long enough and your other sliders aren't twisted like these two.
  3. 00:52:399 (1,2,3) - this spacing is for 1/2 circles in the first half. the speed of the song just barely changed here, so spacing 1/4 circles like that might still make them look like 1/2 circles. put them closer for the first few seconds and then space them out in a later part once the player is used to them. moved a bit
  4. 00:55:860 (8,1) - this is too far for a circle to be right after a 1/4 slider i think that's fine
  5. 00:58:168 (2,3,4,5,6) - a 1/8 stream at 130 bpm is a 260 bpm stream, which is too fast and not conventional. people don't do streams of hit circles at 1/8 beat apart if the song is much more than 100 bpm. replace with a 1/8 repeating slider changed it for the sake of DTers, but there's a few maps that have 260+ streams in them with lower bpms :P like
  6. 00:58:861 (8) - this slider can look nicer. i don't think you need more than 3 slider points, just a simple curve is enough. keeping that one. the extra slider points are just to maintain a curve after the red anchor
  7. 00:59:553 (10,1) - circle is also way too far for a 1/4 beat circles after 1/4 sliders are pretty easy to hit. any objects i hit when testplaying aren't these :P
  8. 01:10:861 (1,2) - ^
  9. 01:14:553 (1,2) - ^
  10. 01:18:015 (8,1) - ^
  11. 01:19:399 (2) - new combo to help with the hp drain hp goes down like 5% not too necessary
  12. 01:21:014 (3,1) - give at least 1/2 beat before a stream not that necessary
  13. 01:24:592 (4,6) - you can blanket this or at least make sure they don't overlap changed
  14. 01:44:321 (4,1) - 01:44:782 (3,4) - 01:45:244 (6,1) - 01:45:706 (3,4) - ^ uh.. these don't overlap o.o
  15. you're a rank <10k player so you made a lot of parts hard but overall this difficulty is gonna be played by 20k-40k players and they don't see stuff like hit circles so far from 1/4 sliders i made it a month ago when i was 15k actually :P and considering it's the hardest difficulty in the map, it should be... well... hard :3
good luck! ty :3


  1. hoi here's the thing i told you about irc
  2. Idk if albums are allowed to go in sources now but this does it
  3. I like this song.
  4. could use some more tags, idk
  5. CRTL+SHIFT+A pls.


  1. Expected one diff to be kind of "double" bpm style was disappointed in that regard
  2. first things first 00:50:553 (5,1,1) - with your current stack leniency these stack ingame and i don't really think they have to do there's plenty of time to read these. if you nerf it from currently 7 to 6 or 5 (doesn't really matter i think) this is avoided.
  3. 00:19:168 (1) - i don't really understand this slider's red anchor as the sound is not really different to the others
  4. 00:19:860 - i kind of expected you to have an object here because of the way you mapped the same sounds in 00:33:938 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - with an circle and 1/2 sliders. I also think an additional circle would be nice for the build up here.
  5. 00:24:476 (4,5,6) - this should be at least trying to have the same distance to the previous object imo (my only problem with this is that 00:23:784 (3) - has to be held down for quite some time and thus you could be mistakenly thinking that 00:24:476 (4) - was some kind of other rhythm)
  6. 00:39:245 - all you could think about adding here would be a circle anyway because the following downbeat kind of demands a circle - just adding this here
  7. 01:08:553 (6) - , 01:12:245 (7) - i don't really like how you simplify that rhythm with these 2 sliders and keep it closer to what really is there in 01:10:284 (5,6,7) - , 01:13:976 (7,8,9) - , 01:15:822 (5,6,7) - , 01:17:668 (6,7,8) - , i'd welcome it if you used something similar to that in these 2 cases because the sound landing on the red ticks there is so dominant compared to the rest
  8. 01:21:014 (3) - i like this slider this is a damn fine slider
  9. 01:27:015 (7) - if you look at all the other sliders in your map you will notice how this one appears to be out of place, should maybe change its shape a bit
  10. 01:34:745 - you skip the loudest sound in that whole stream combo...???
  11. 01:36:245 (5,6) - you pointed that out to me and do it yourself gg


  1. not that good at hards
  2. 00:17:322 (4) - it would probably be pretty easy to hitsound that slidertick if you want to do that
  3. 00:19:860 - i already told you that i don't really like that, didn't i
  4. 00:27:476 (2,3) - is this a blanket? it could very well be one
  5. 00:39:476 (3,4,5,6,1) - would set the Beat Snap Divisor to 1/1 and go to Compose -> create Polygon circles in order to make this absolutely even (i suspect that you placed them manually, i'm not 100% sure though)
  6. 00:42:245 (2,3) - the same slider rotated by a bit could be cooler here
  7. 00:52:630 (2,3) - how2blanket
  8. 01:03:360 - what
  9. 01:06:707 (4,1) - i do think that this blanket could be a bit better also unnecessary green lines all over this
  10. 01:20:091 (1,2) - whyy are these not the same kind of slider?
  11. 01:33:476 (2,2) - + 01:33:014 (1,1) - would be cool if you could avoid these overlaps
  12. 01:42:706 (1,2,3,4) - are all of these different sliders lol
  13. 01:48:245 (1,2,3,5,6,7) - i see no reason for these not to use the same idea


  1. ehrm any reason for other combo colours in the normal?
  2. 00:08:091 (1,2) - how2blanket
  3. 00:22:860 (1,2) - asdf
  4. 00:46:860 (5) - does this anchor leave the grid, also this could possibly touch the hp bar in the standard skin
  5. 01:26:091 (2) - maybe try to have the red anchor in the slidertick to represent 01:26:553 - a bit better through a turn in the slider like you did in 00:30:245 (1) -
  6. 01:31:168 (2) - this red anchor makes no sense it should be on the slidertick in 01:32:091 - to have it turn correctly

hope this makes sense, remove unnecessary green lines from the lower diffs while you're at this
Topic Starter

Okoratu wrote:


  1. hoi here's the thing i told you about irc hoi
  2. Idk if albums are allowed to go in sources now but this does it i'll ask a batperson about it then
  3. I like this song. music is cool
  4. could use some more tags, idk idk any either ;-;
  5. CRTL+SHIFT+A pls. oops -.-


  1. Expected one diff to be kind of "double" bpm style was disappointed in that regard wouldn't fit with the diff spread very well unfortunately :/ i'm bad at mapping those anyway
  2. first things first 00:50:553 (5,1,1) - with your current stack leniency these stack ingame and i don't really think they have to do there's plenty of time to read these. if you nerf it from currently 7 to 6 or 5 (doesn't really matter i think) this is avoided. doned
  3. 00:19:168 (1) - i don't really understand this slider's red anchor as the sound is not really different to the others i think i had it there because it's in the same combo as the drum sampleset stuff. changed tho
  4. 00:19:860 - i kind of expected you to have an object here because of the way you mapped the same sounds in 00:33:938 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - with an circle and 1/2 sliders. I also think an additional circle would be nice for the build up here. changed
  5. 00:24:476 (4,5,6) - this should be at least trying to have the same distance to the previous object imo (my only problem with this is that 00:23:784 (3) - has to be held down for quite some time and thus you could be mistakenly thinking that 00:24:476 (4) - was some kind of other rhythm) made them closer (along with the same sort of thing a few seconds later)
  6. 00:39:245 - all you could think about adding here would be a circle anyway because the following downbeat kind of demands a circle - just adding this here. if i tried to follow vocals here, i'd have to follow them the whole bar, and that doesn't work very well when he talks on the offbeats so much :/ i had vocals more mapped before, but it sounds really awkward
  7. 01:08:553 (6) - , 01:12:245 (7) - i don't really like how you simplify that rhythm with these 2 sliders and keep it closer to what really is there in 01:10:284 (5,6,7) - , 01:13:976 (7,8,9) - , 01:15:822 (5,6,7) - , 01:17:668 (6,7,8) - , i'd welcome it if you used something similar to that in these 2 cases because the sound landing on the red ticks there is so dominant compared to the rest changed
  8. 01:21:014 (3) - i like this slider this is a damn fine slider daaaaaaaamn fiiiiiine
  9. 01:27:015 (7) - if you look at all the other sliders in your map you will notice how this one appears to be out of place, should maybe change its shape a bit i hate that slider
  10. 01:34:745 - you skip the loudest sound in that whole stream combo...??? but.. jump.. and.. ;-; (changed to something super fancy now tho so i like)
  11. 01:36:245 (5,6) - you pointed that out to me and do it yourself gg yeahdfasdf


  1. not that good at hards
  2. 00:17:322 (4) - it would probably be pretty easy to hitsound that slidertick if you want to do that tbh i like the default one :P
  3. 00:19:860 - i already told you that i don't really like that, didn't i ur a bully ;-;
  4. 00:27:476 (2,3) - is this a blanket? it could very well be one it is now
  5. 00:39:476 (3,4,5,6,1) - would set the Beat Snap Divisor to 1/1 and go to Compose -> create Polygon circles in order to make this absolutely even (i suspect that you placed them manually, i'm not 100% sure though) doned
  6. 00:42:245 (2,3) - the same slider rotated by a bit could be cooler here i did something
  7. 00:52:630 (2,3) - how2blanket i don't know how i did that but i did
  8. 01:03:360 - what ticks are stupid
  9. 01:06:707 (4,1) - i do think that this blanket could be a bit better also unnecessary green lines all over this yes and one of those is a yellow line calm down
  10. 01:20:091 (1,2) - whyy are these not the same kind of slider? my control, c, and v buttons are broken
  11. 01:33:476 (2,2) - + 01:33:014 (1,1) - would be cool if you could avoid these overlaps that would be cool
  12. 01:42:706 (1,2,3,4) - are all of these different sliders lol what is a slider
  13. 01:48:245 (1,2,3,5,6,7) - i see no reason for these not to use the same idea 123 coming from the right, so custom stack, and 567 coming from the left, so regular stack :/


  1. ehrm any reason for other combo colours in the normal? let me tell you a story about how i forgot to enable custom combo colors -.-
  2. 00:08:091 (1,2) - how2blanket was before i changed SV
  3. 00:22:860 (1,2) - asdf fvvvvvvv
  4. 00:46:860 (5) - does this anchor leave the grid, also this could possibly touch the hp bar in the standard skin by 1 pixel on both -.-
  5. 01:26:091 (2) - maybe try to have the red anchor in the slidertick to represent 01:26:553 - a bit better through a turn in the slider like you did in 00:30:245 (1) - the red anchor is on the blue tick stuff that i can't map on a normal difficulty
  6. 01:31:168 (2) - this red anchor makes no sense it should be on the slidertick in 01:32:091 - to have it turn correctly you're a red anchor you still are

hope this makes sense, remove unnecessary green lines from the lower diffs while you're at this didded
Request from my queue


00:09:937 (3) - Blanket slightly off

00:17:322 (3) - Kind of a weird wave, try

00:30:245 (1) - Blanket around two is slightly off, move the end down a bit

00:43:168 (3) - Blanket's off too

01:29:322 (1,2) - Probably personal but I don't think these fit to be honest

Nice diff


00:09:476 (4) - A normal curved slider will do here

00:27:476 (2) - ^

00:39:476 (3,4,5,6,1) - This circle is kinda off, CTRL+Shift+D is your friend

00:47:783 (5) - A normal curved slider will do here too

00:50:553 (1) - A straight slider would fit better :L

01:02:553 (3,4) - ^

01:21:014 (3) - Blanket around 1 is slightly off

01:36:245 (3) - x:312 y:220

01:45:245 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - I'd make these a circle with CTRL+Shift+D too (and then rotate the thing by 45° so it ends up like


00:11:322 (5) - Place this somewhere so that the previous and next object are at the same distance snap, x:192 y:180 for example

00:17:322 (4) - Curve this a bit more (maybe)

00:25:630 (7) - Parallel slider to 6 going down would be neater

00:54:707 (4) - The red point is really unnecessary :L

01:07:168 (1) - This part is... eh. In my honest opinion you shouldn't depend so much in sliderjumps in streams but rather stick to normal distance snap and cirlce streams. I currently do not see something in this build up suggesting any jumps while streaming.

01:21:014 (3) - A 1/1 repeat slider would do tbh

01:23:322 (8) - Blanket is slightly off

01:31:976 (5) - ^

01:33:015 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Read up on RJ's delicious slider thread, make a loop slider, and convert it to a stream (via Compose menu), will look much neater!

01:39:937 (4) - Blanket's off

Ye that's about it

Oh and album belongs in tags
Topic Starter

Timorisu wrote:

Request from my queue


00:09:937 (3) - Blanket slightly off so slightly :/

00:17:322 (3) - Kind of a weird wave, try did; rotated

00:30:245 (1) - Blanket around two is slightly off, move the end down a bit fixed ;-;

00:43:168 (3) - Blanket's off too blankets are overrated

01:29:322 (1,2) - Probably personal but I don't think these fit to be honest if someone else suggests something, i'll change it. i'm butchering the melody on 1/4 ticks already so mapping there hurts

Nice diff aww


00:09:476 (4) - A normal curved slider will do here don't ask how that got there

00:27:476 (2) - ^ changed...somewhat. no more red anchor

00:39:476 (3,4,5,6,1) - This circle is kinda off, CTRL+Shift+D is your friend uh... that's how it was made... o.o

00:47:783 (5) - A normal curved slider will do here too changed in same way as the other one

00:50:553 (1) - A straight slider would fit better :L prefer to keep this how it is. slightly weird slider for SV/spacing change

01:02:553 (3,4) - ^ ^

01:21:014 (3) - Blanket around 1 is slightly off is it? is it really? k yes it is -.-

01:36:245 (3) - x:312 y:220 breaks distance snap, but i did changed to do something similar to get the flow that had

01:45:245 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - I'd make these a circle with CTRL+Shift+D too (and then rotate the thing by 45° so it ends up like; fancy af


00:11:322 (5) - Place this somewhere so that the previous and next object are at the same distance snap, x:192 y:180 for example

00:17:322 (4) - Curve this a bit more (maybe) it's copy/paste of 00:15:476 (1) - :/

00:25:630 (7) - Parallel slider to 6 going down would be neater neato

00:54:707 (4) - The red point is really unnecessary :L best way i could find to indicate next object being at such an angle :/

01:07:168 (1) - This part is... eh. In my honest opinion you shouldn't depend so much in sliderjumps in streams but rather stick to normal distance snap and cirlce streams. I currently do not see something in this build up suggesting any jumps while streaming. there's only one sort of stream in this section and it's four objects, so i really don't know what this is talking about o.o

01:21:014 (3) - A 1/1 repeat slider would do tbh but would it be rising?

01:23:322 (8) - Blanket is slightly off yes. yes it is.

01:31:976 (5) - ^ asdfasdf

01:33:015 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Read up on RJ's delicious slider thread, make a loop slider, and convert it to a stream (via Compose menu), will look much neater! delicious

01:39:937 (4) - Blanket's off fgdgsfgfgsdfg

Ye that's about it

Oh and album belongs in tags kay ty :3
Well, from your phantom request on my modding queue :D. I'm not sure if I can do a so good mod like your but pdjfspdfjp let's go !
Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why to improve my futur mods.
If you've any question, ask me in-game.

- Insane :
  1. 00:25:168 (6,7)- Blanket them looks bad like this.
  2. 01:13:976 (7,8,9)- This overlap looks bad and not really fun to play. Would more see something like this :
  3. 01:39:706 (3,4)- Improve this blanket.
  4. 01:25:053 (5,6,7)- Flow looks weird here. Maybe try this ?
- hard :
  1. 00:09:476 (4,5)- Blanket ?
  2. 00:44:091 (4,5)- Would CTRL+G to improve flow.
  3. 01:48:245 (1,2,3)- Here you use a DS like 01:18:707 (2,3,4)- but with 1/4. That's quite strange you don't agree ? Myabe stack them like (5,6,7) just after.
- Normal :
  1. 00:28:399 (4,5,1)- Blanket them.
  2. 01:27:937 (4,1)- I know you what you do here, but like this you break a little flow between them. It's maybe not so important but prefer point it.

A mapset far beyond my poor modding ability. Can't find many mistake or bad thing (i'm sorry ;w;).
Well just hope it'll help you, and good luck.
Topic Starter

Nozhomi wrote:

Well, from your phantom request on my modding queue :D. I'm not sure if I can do a so good mod like your but pdjfspdfjp let's go !
Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why to improve my futur mods. of course :3
If you've any question, ask me in-game.

- Insane :
  1. 00:25:168 (6,7)- Blanket them looks bad like this. got rid of the curve entirely
  2. 01:13:976 (7,8,9)- This overlap looks bad and not really fun to play. Would more see something like this : got rid of the overlap. didn't do what's in the puush tho
  3. 01:39:706 (3,4)- Improve this blanket. did
  4. 01:25:053 (5,6,7)- Flow looks weird here. Maybe try this ? changed
- hard :
  1. 00:09:476 (4,5)- Blanket ? why am i so bad at this
  2. 00:44:091 (4,5)- Would CTRL+G to improve flow. i've got 4 higher up cuz there's some weird change in pitch in the music there, so keeping it
  3. 01:48:245 (1,2,3)- Here you use a DS like 01:18:707 (2,3,4)- but with 1/4. That's quite strange you don't agree ? Myabe stack them like (5,6,7) just after. changed the thing at 01:18:707 (2,3,4)- instead (which was supposed to be on 01:19:399 (2,3,4) - o.o)
- Normal :
  1. 00:28:399 (4,5,1)- Blanket them. asdf
  2. 01:27:937 (4,1)- I know you what you do here, but like this you break a little flow between them. It's maybe not so important but prefer point it. fixed with rotationythings

A mapset far beyond my poor modding ability. Can't find many mistake or bad thing (i'm sorry ;w;). that's teh goal so i'm not too sad :3
Well just hope it'll help you, and good luck. ty :3
Modding this for kinshara

  1. Tickrate 4 fits better for this song i think. but at least i know it definitely should not be tickrate 1
  2. Combo color inconsistency
  1. 00:37:630 - whistle?
  2. 00:52:515 (2) - overmapped? you don't have a note here 00:52:515 (2) -
  3. 01:07:630 - you REALLY shouldn't miss these sounds... they're pretty strong and they give the base beat. if you're missing them, you don't give players the sense of the base beat.
    01:08:091 -
    01:09:476 -
  4. actually.. the main rhythm is playing on the red and white ticks... why are you mapping in the blue ticks?? why is there so many objects mapped on the off beats?!?!
  5. 00:58:860 - just a bit of a suggestion, how bout slow the sv here :P i think it fits well
  6. 01:06:707 (6,3) - overlap looks a bit messy.
  7. 01:33:475 (5,5) - consider NC here too to express the base sound
  1. 01:33:476 (2,2) - space these out a bit
  2. 00:57:245 (3,2) - ^
  3. 00:37:168 - there needs to be something here
  4. 01:21:707 - i don't really think the normal whistle fits well. sounds a bit... out of place?
  1. btw for all your diffs 00:20:091 - i don't really get why you're suddenly using drum sampleset when there arent actually any drums playing in the music...
  2. 00:26:091 - add something. anything
  3. 00:37:168 - ^
  4. 00:51:476 (1) - maybe nc just for the sake of readability (newbier people often find it hard to read when you stack stuff like this)
  5. 01:21:707 - same as in hard but ur choice
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:

Modding this for kinshara wasn't even expecting a mod anymore, that's cool :D

  1. Tickrate 4 fits better for this song i think. but at least i know it definitely should not be tickrate 1 changed to 2. if i did 4... this happens in the beginning
  2. Combo color inconsistencyfixed
  1. 00:37:630 - whistle? oops
  2. 00:52:515 (2) - overmapped? you don't have a note here 00:52:515 (2) - removed
  3. 01:07:630 - you REALLY shouldn't miss these sounds... they're pretty strong and they give the base beat. if you're missing them, you don't give players the sense of the base beat.
    01:08:091 -
    01:09:476 -
  4. actually.. the main rhythm is playing on the red and white ticks... why are you mapping in the blue ticks?? why is there so many objects mapped on the off beats?!?! mapping the guitar, which is more rhythmically variable, seems like a better idea than mapping the bass, which is just pounding on every white tick. i'd rather not just spam 1/4 to fit in both the guitar and bass, so i chose guitar. test players haven't had too much trouble, but i'd be willing to change later if others had a problem with it
  5. 00:58:860 - just a bit of a suggestion, how bout slow the sv here :P i think it fits well sure, why not
  6. 01:06:707 (6,3) - overlap looks a bit messy. changed
  7. 01:33:475 (5,5) - consider NC here too to express the base sound sure
  1. 01:33:476 (2,2) - space these out a bit done
  2. 00:57:245 (3,2) - ^ ^
  3. 00:37:168 - there needs to be something here wasn't anything here on insane either. i think it's fine since the slider there ends at the end of the guitar phrase
  4. 01:21:707 - i don't really think the normal whistle fits well. sounds a bit... out of place? i'd take any different sound suggestions there. i just wanted something that was loud and different from the rest of the percussion hitsounds. (so out of place was the intention i guess :P)
  1. btw for all your diffs 00:20:091 - i don't really get why you're suddenly using drum sampleset when there arent actually any drums playing in the music... change in sampleset to show that this part is different than the rest of it. if there's any htisounds that would fit better, i'd change
  2. 00:26:091 - add something. anything i liked the space, but multiple people pointed it out, so changed :/
  3. 00:37:168 - ^ ^
  4. 00:51:476 (1) - maybe nc just for the sake of readability (newbier people often find it hard to read when you stack stuff like this) did
  5. 01:21:707 - same as in hard but ur choice asdf
lolgs (lol + logs, get it...?)
23:34 pishifat: hey, i'm later than expected, but here :3
23:34 Yuzu-: Uh
23:34 Yuzu-: ye sure we can do it now
23:34 pishifat: wasn't home for a while after i messaged you the first time
23:34 pishifat: cool
23:34 pishifat: i don't even have a mouse now
23:34 pishifat: so this will be challenging
23:34 Yuzu-: im kinda tired but I guess now's fine
23:35 Yuzu-: Whenever we can start
23:35 pishifat: don't even have the map on this computer lol..
23:36 pishifat: k
23:36 pishifat: ready
23:36 Yuzu-: Well first
23:37 Yuzu-: first timing point should be around 00:04:399 (just because there's a spinner here, and it's fine, else it'd be at 00:08:091)
23:38 pishifat: uhm
23:38 pishifat: is there a reason to have it there
23:38 pishifat: seems like it would make sense to have it before the first object...
23:38 Yuzu-: just to be clear
23:38 Yuzu-: we're on normal
23:38 Yuzu-: first
23:38 pishifat: i've got a spinner on all difficulties there anyway :P
23:38 Yuzu-: k
23:39 pishifat: but yeah, i can do that, don't relaly see what the point is tho
23:39 Yuzu-: A timing point is supposed to map a beat
23:39 Yuzu-: So the first beat isn't at 00:04:399 (1) , but it's fine to stay there since you have your first object there
23:40 pishifat: alright
23:40 pishifat: i'll move it there last
23:40 pishifat: since i've got that on all difficulties to do
23:40 Yuzu-: also, note that you do have a beat on your timing point
23:40 Yuzu-: but it's low, so just put it there
23:40 Yuzu-: It's not needed but it helps clean up
23:41 pishifat: k
23:41 Yuzu-: 00:08:091 (1,2,3) -
23:41 Yuzu-: pretty sure you've heard something about that 3 up there
23:41 Yuzu-: right?
23:42 pishifat: what you mean
23:42 Yuzu-: It's hidden in the timeline
23:42 Yuzu-: and in game it's way up there
23:42 pishifat: it's not blocked by the health bar or anything tho :/
23:42 Yuzu-: Yeah
23:42 pishifat: i'd be fine moving it down
23:43 Yuzu-: it's fine as it is, but you could make it better
23:43 Yuzu-: Just try rotating counter clockwise and repositioning
23:43 Yuzu-: and create linear flow between 00:09:937 (3,4) -
23:43 Yuzu-: Should look fine
23:43 pishifat: was thinking of that yeah
23:44 Yuzu-:
23:44 pishifat: i'd rather have 4 line up with the curve of 3
23:44 pishifat: but yeah it'll be moved around tehre
23:45 Yuzu-: 00:20:091 - 00:22:860 If the purpose of the drums here is to reinforce the guitar
23:45 Yuzu-: or whatever it's called
23:46 Yuzu-: You could just increase volume and add some whistles
23:46 Yuzu-: drums don't really make sense here
23:46 pishifat: someone else commented on that too
23:46 pishifat: i'm probably gonna just make lower pitch versions of the soft sampleset and use them there
23:47 Yuzu-: I'd say just increase volume and whistles, that'd be fine
23:47 pishifat: if lower pitch stuff doesn't sound good i'll do that
23:50 Yuzu-: 00:33:014 (3) - This reverse slider isn't bad, but I'd prefer to place a circle here to really impose the NC
23:51 pishifat: impose the NC
23:51 pishifat: what you mean
23:51 Yuzu-: Well, it's the big white tick
23:51 Yuzu-: the song kind of changes there
23:52 Yuzu-: so it's a strong beat
23:52 Yuzu-: you should map it with a circle
23:52 pishifat: well i'd agree if there were a strong beat in the music there :P
23:52 pishifat: the change in music comes at 00:34:399 (1) - cuz that's where the guitar appears
23:52 Yuzu-: The fact that the song changes a bit makes it an important beat
23:53 Yuzu-: and note that it changes there and actually allows for the guitar to fade in
23:54 pishifat: i'll see how it sounds then
23:54 Yuzu-: 00:34:399 - 00:37:630 - same thing with drums
23:55 pishifat: yeah already marked that
23:55 Yuzu-: Tell me when I can proceed
23:55 pishifat: any time
23:55 Yuzu-: 00:45:014 (1,2,3,4) - these
23:56 Yuzu-: let's say 1 has a certain volume
23:56 Yuzu-: 2 has less volume, and 3 and four have more
23:56 Yuzu-: This is an awful line of thought ;w;
23:57 Yuzu-: anyway, since 2 has less volume, and is less noticeable, I believe that you could instead create a slider replacing 00:45:014 (1,2) - and leave 00:45:937 (3,4) -
23:57 pishifat: um
23:57 pishifat: wat o.o
23:57 pishifat: i'd really rather leave those as is
23:57 pishifat: i see
23:57 pishifat: since this part is where it's building up more
23:58 pishifat: so making it the same style as the previous section would break that
23:58 Yuzu-: cuz it's like the volume decreases from 1 to 2
23:58 Yuzu-: so you could make a slider to describe that change, and then go with the 2 circles to suddenly change that
23:59 pishifat: trying it now
23:59 pishifat: don't like it as much as the way it was before, sorry :P
23:59 Yuzu-: Well sure c:
00:02 Yuzu-: 01:02:553 (6) - I see what you tried here, but if you listen closely there's no beat on red tick, and the beat you want to map is definitely on the previous white tick
00:03 Yuzu-: Also, I don't find the slider to very appealing, you might want to consider another shape IF you're keeping it
00:03 pishifat: i'd really rather not leave the space between those empty though
00:03 pishifat: i'll silence the slider end though as to not confuse with the song's rhythm
00:03 Yuzu-: that will do just fine
00:04 Yuzu-: consider a shape change then
00:04 pishifat: making the flat part curved upward seems to do pretty well
00:05 Yuzu-: 01:29:322 (1,2) - Ah, these two
00:05 pishifat: so yeah changed
00:05 Yuzu-: They're... very long.
00:05 pishifat: yes... yes they are
00:06 Yuzu-: If you're not going to change, I'd at least recommend reducing 01:31:168 (2) - 's duration by 1/2
00:07 Yuzu-: the white tick is significantly stronger than red tick
00:08 pishifat: i think with a previous mod i made it too long
00:08 pishifat: and didn't notice
00:08 pishifat: so changed :P
00:08 Yuzu-: finally
00:08 Yuzu-: 01:48:245 (3,4,5,6) -
00:08 Yuzu-: 01:49:629 (6) - ending in a blue tick isn't really a problem, but just to keep people off your back for some reason
00:08 Yuzu-: you could remake 01:48:245 (3,4,5,6) - into a spinner
00:09 pishifat: i don't really think it's a big deal. you won't even be able to tell since there's no notes after to screw with polarity
00:09 pishifat: and spinners wouldn't really fit in that kind of place imo
00:09 Yuzu-: True
00:10 Yuzu-: Well, keep that in mind for next mods
00:10 pishifat: you're the first to mention it :P but if more people do i'll consider
00:11 Yuzu-: On to hard
00:11 pishifat: k
00:13 Yuzu-: 00:09:937 - This tick shouldn't end up on the tail of a slider, it's kind of strong
00:13 Yuzu-: now, you can't just place a circle, so best would be placing a slider
00:14 pishifat: i see what you mean
00:14 pishifat: and can do
00:14 Yuzu-: and to not mess with the shape of your starting notes, you could simply remove the reverse, move the slider 1/1 farther and place a circle on the empty spot
00:14 Yuzu-: Stacking it
00:15 pishifat: i'll probably rotate the starting notes
00:15 pishifat: to avoid the stack
00:15 Yuzu-: if you can make it work then do c:
00:16 Yuzu-: 00:10:860 (6,7,1) - this is a tricky thing
00:16 Yuzu-: because it kind of zig zags a bit
00:16 Yuzu-: but in the end looks bad to me, because isn't symmetrical to 00:09:937 (5) -
00:16 pishifat: uh... i think that's fine
00:17 pishifat: really not that hard lol
00:17 Yuzu-: it isn't
00:17 pishifat: and it emphasizes the pitch drop by having 1 below it instead of flowing perfectly
00:17 pishifat: i'll move over 1 to make it a perfect triangle
00:17 pishifat: if that's what you mean
00:18 Yuzu-: no, it's a net of bad triangles there
00:18 Yuzu-: in my opinion just the circles there mark the pitch drop
00:19 Yuzu-: hmm
00:19 pishifat: a net of bad triangles
00:19 pishifat: dunno what you're referring to :|
00:19 Yuzu-: looking at all of the possible triangles there they're not all perfect
00:21 Yuzu-: without losing too much time with this
00:22 Yuzu-: I'd say that you should forget that blanket from 00:09:937 (5) - and place the two circles in a way that they're equally distant to both slider
00:22 pishifat: not sure what your perfect triangle is, but i'd probably change that first one you mentioend to look like 00:15:476 (1,2,3) -
00:22 pishifat: since that is much closer to a proper triangle
00:22 Yuzu-: and also making both sliders the same, but symmetrical helps
00:23 pishifat: i'd do that if they weren't part of different phrases in the music :/
00:23 pishifat: making them symmetrical would make them appear to be part of the same section when they're not as indicated by the comboing
00:23 Yuzu-: Well, okay
00:24 Yuzu-: you can leave it I guess, just my opinion
00:24 pishifat: i'll change it to be like the other triangle, so not completely leaving it
00:24 Yuzu-: okay c:
00:25 Yuzu-: 00:17:322 (4) - This is also huge, and takes the big white tick in the end
00:25 Yuzu-: problem isn't being huge, it looks good
00:26 Yuzu-: but that being clickable would be good because of the change
00:26 pishifat: based on teh way i've got it i'm putting more emphasis on 00:20:091 (1) -
00:26 pishifat: which is why i started the combo there
00:26 pishifat: so changing wouldn't be very benefitcial
00:27 Yuzu-: still, NC problem remains
00:27 Yuzu-: 00:19:630 (5) - nc should be here for the same reasons as in normal
00:27 Yuzu-: The guitar fades in here, and 00:19:630 (5) - is the start
00:28 pishifat: i think we're listening to different sounds
00:28 pishifat: cuz guitar is pretty clear on 00:20:091 (1) -
00:29 Yuzu-: Yes it does, but the truth is that the song changes in the big white tick
00:29 Yuzu-: the pitch goes down in preparation for the guitar
00:29 Yuzu-: and since you won't place an object to NC there 00:19:630 (5) - should carry it
00:30 Yuzu-: it is in part to keep your NC'ing consistent as well
00:30 pishifat: yeah..yeahokay i'll do it :3
00:31 pishifat: noticed that i had the same thing later
00:31 pishifat: but NC on where 5 is
00:31 Yuzu-: 00:23:783 (2) - This one, the tail is significantly stronger than the tail, which means that replacing this with two circles would be the best
00:31 Yuzu-: tail > head
00:31 Yuzu-: my bad xD
00:32 pishifat: it's higher pitch
00:32 pishifat: not really significantly stronger
00:32 pishifat: i've got the same thing on all 3 difficulties there i think and it's fine how it is :P
00:32 Yuzu-: Well, okay
00:33 pishifat: would ruin the emphasis i have with circles on 00:24:707 (3,4) - too, so that's why not changing
00:33 Yuzu-: 00:43:168 (3) - It's not really bad
00:34 Yuzu-: but personally I like when sliders just lead into other objects perfectly/almost perfectly
00:34 Yuzu-: it's kind of sending the cursor under 00:44:091 (4) -
00:34 pishifat: did that since 4 is a really high pitch noise
00:35 pishifat: i'll change it tho, it doesn't look too good
00:36 Yuzu-: 01:15:476 (3,4,5,6) - This curve feels a bit weird
00:37 pishifat: yes it does
00:37 pishifat: gonna move things
00:37 Yuzu-: moving 01:15:014 (2) - down is perfect to help
00:41 Yuzu-: kiai rhythm could be changed
00:42 Yuzu-: all those blue tick circles could feel better
00:42 Yuzu-: let me get something
00:42 pishifat: something
00:42 pishifat: k
00:49 Yuzu-: I honestly don't know how to go over this one
00:49 Yuzu-: This is the best I got for me, idk how you want to do it but
00:49 Yuzu-: that 2 slider on a blue tick after 1 feels extremely well to me
00:50 pishifat: having doubles like that
00:50 pishifat: doesn't feel right at all :/
00:50 Yuzu-: your rhythm is fine
00:50 Yuzu-: it's more simple
00:50 Yuzu-: I just had to throw in the suggestion c:
00:50 pishifat: lol
00:50 Yuzu-: hehe
00:51 Yuzu-: rest looks fine
00:51 pishifat: :D
00:52 Yuzu-: Well, it's getting late for me
00:52 Yuzu-: Do you mind if I finish insane on forum?
00:52 pishifat: go for it
00:52 Yuzu-: ok, let me post the chat logs then
00:52 pishifat: you don't have to do insane if you don't want to
00:53 pishifat: irc mods take longer than forum mods it seems lol
00:53 Yuzu-: xD
00:53 Yuzu-: No, I'll do it
00:53 Yuzu-: I don't like leaving things mid way
00:53 Yuzu-: first thing tomorrow


  1. 00:24:476 (4), 00:24:707 (5,6) - the red ticks that you mapped here have no sound attached to them. Just use a 1/1 slider from 00:24:706 to 00:25:168 and delete 00:24:476 (4)
  2. 00:31:168 (4,5) - ^
  3. 01:11:207 (2,3,4,5) - I found this to be confusing to myself, I'd CTRL + G 3 and 4
S-Sugoi! owo

byezies, gl <3
Topic Starter

Yuzu- wrote:

lolgs (lol + logs, get it...?)
23:34 pishifat: hey, i'm later than expected, but here :3
23:34 Yuzu-: Uh
23:34 Yuzu-: ye sure we can do it now
23:34 pishifat: wasn't home for a while after i messaged you the first time
23:34 pishifat: cool
23:34 pishifat: i don't even have a mouse now
23:34 pishifat: so this will be challenging
23:34 Yuzu-: im kinda tired but I guess now's fine
23:35 Yuzu-: Whenever we can start
23:35 pishifat: don't even have the map on this computer lol..
23:36 pishifat: k
23:36 pishifat: ready
23:36 Yuzu-: Well first
23:37 Yuzu-: first timing point should be around 00:04:399 (just because there's a spinner here, and it's fine, else it'd be at 00:08:091)
23:38 pishifat: uhm
23:38 pishifat: is there a reason to have it there
23:38 pishifat: seems like it would make sense to have it before the first object...
23:38 Yuzu-: just to be clear
23:38 Yuzu-: we're on normal
23:38 Yuzu-: first
23:38 pishifat: i've got a spinner on all difficulties there anyway :P
23:38 Yuzu-: k
23:39 pishifat: but yeah, i can do that, don't relaly see what the point is tho
23:39 Yuzu-: A timing point is supposed to map a beat
23:39 Yuzu-: So the first beat isn't at 00:04:399 (1) , but it's fine to stay there since you have your first object there
23:40 pishifat: alright
23:40 pishifat: i'll move it there last
23:40 pishifat: since i've got that on all difficulties to do
23:40 Yuzu-: also, note that you do have a beat on your timing point
23:40 Yuzu-: but it's low, so just put it there
23:40 Yuzu-: It's not needed but it helps clean up
23:41 pishifat: k
23:41 Yuzu-: 00:08:091 (1,2,3) -
23:41 Yuzu-: pretty sure you've heard something about that 3 up there
23:41 Yuzu-: right?
23:42 pishifat: what you mean
23:42 Yuzu-: It's hidden in the timeline
23:42 Yuzu-: and in game it's way up there
23:42 pishifat: it's not blocked by the health bar or anything tho :/
23:42 Yuzu-: Yeah
23:42 pishifat: i'd be fine moving it down
23:43 Yuzu-: it's fine as it is, but you could make it better
23:43 Yuzu-: Just try rotating counter clockwise and repositioning
23:43 Yuzu-: and create linear flow between 00:09:937 (3,4) -
23:43 Yuzu-: Should look fine
23:43 pishifat: was thinking of that yeah
23:44 Yuzu-:
23:44 pishifat: i'd rather have 4 line up with the curve of 3
23:44 pishifat: but yeah it'll be moved around tehre
23:45 Yuzu-: 00:20:091 - 00:22:860 If the purpose of the drums here is to reinforce the guitar
23:45 Yuzu-: or whatever it's called
23:46 Yuzu-: You could just increase volume and add some whistles
23:46 Yuzu-: drums don't really make sense here
23:46 pishifat: someone else commented on that too
23:46 pishifat: i'm probably gonna just make lower pitch versions of the soft sampleset and use them there
23:47 Yuzu-: I'd say just increase volume and whistles, that'd be fine
23:47 pishifat: if lower pitch stuff doesn't sound good i'll do that
23:50 Yuzu-: 00:33:014 (3) - This reverse slider isn't bad, but I'd prefer to place a circle here to really impose the NC
23:51 pishifat: impose the NC
23:51 pishifat: what you mean
23:51 Yuzu-: Well, it's the big white tick
23:51 Yuzu-: the song kind of changes there
23:52 Yuzu-: so it's a strong beat
23:52 Yuzu-: you should map it with a circle
23:52 pishifat: well i'd agree if there were a strong beat in the music there :P
23:52 pishifat: the change in music comes at 00:34:399 (1) - cuz that's where the guitar appears
23:52 Yuzu-: The fact that the song changes a bit makes it an important beat
23:53 Yuzu-: and note that it changes there and actually allows for the guitar to fade in
23:54 pishifat: i'll see how it sounds then
23:54 Yuzu-: 00:34:399 - 00:37:630 - same thing with drums
23:55 pishifat: yeah already marked that
23:55 Yuzu-: Tell me when I can proceed
23:55 pishifat: any time
23:55 Yuzu-: 00:45:014 (1,2,3,4) - these
23:56 Yuzu-: let's say 1 has a certain volume
23:56 Yuzu-: 2 has less volume, and 3 and four have more
23:56 Yuzu-: This is an awful line of thought ;w;
23:57 Yuzu-: anyway, since 2 has less volume, and is less noticeable, I believe that you could instead create a slider replacing 00:45:014 (1,2) - and leave 00:45:937 (3,4) -
23:57 pishifat: um
23:57 pishifat: wat o.o
23:57 pishifat: i'd really rather leave those as is
23:57 pishifat: i see
23:57 pishifat: since this part is where it's building up more
23:58 pishifat: so making it the same style as the previous section would break that
23:58 Yuzu-: cuz it's like the volume decreases from 1 to 2
23:58 Yuzu-: so you could make a slider to describe that change, and then go with the 2 circles to suddenly change that
23:59 pishifat: trying it now
23:59 pishifat: don't like it as much as the way it was before, sorry :P
23:59 Yuzu-: Well sure c:
00:02 Yuzu-: 01:02:553 (6) - I see what you tried here, but if you listen closely there's no beat on red tick, and the beat you want to map is definitely on the previous white tick
00:03 Yuzu-: Also, I don't find the slider to very appealing, you might want to consider another shape IF you're keeping it
00:03 pishifat: i'd really rather not leave the space between those empty though
00:03 pishifat: i'll silence the slider end though as to not confuse with the song's rhythm
00:03 Yuzu-: that will do just fine
00:04 Yuzu-: consider a shape change then
00:04 pishifat: making the flat part curved upward seems to do pretty well
00:05 Yuzu-: 01:29:322 (1,2) - Ah, these two
00:05 pishifat: so yeah changed
00:05 Yuzu-: They're... very long.
00:05 pishifat: yes... yes they are
00:06 Yuzu-: If you're not going to change, I'd at least recommend reducing 01:31:168 (2) - 's duration by 1/2
00:07 Yuzu-: the white tick is significantly stronger than red tick
00:08 pishifat: i think with a previous mod i made it too long
00:08 pishifat: and didn't notice
00:08 pishifat: so changed :P
00:08 Yuzu-: finally
00:08 Yuzu-: 01:48:245 (3,4,5,6) -
00:08 Yuzu-: 01:49:629 (6) - ending in a blue tick isn't really a problem, but just to keep people off your back for some reason
00:08 Yuzu-: you could remake 01:48:245 (3,4,5,6) - into a spinner
00:09 pishifat: i don't really think it's a big deal. you won't even be able to tell since there's no notes after to screw with polarity
00:09 pishifat: and spinners wouldn't really fit in that kind of place imo
00:09 Yuzu-: True
00:10 Yuzu-: Well, keep that in mind for next mods
00:10 pishifat: you're the first to mention it :P but if more people do i'll consider
00:11 Yuzu-: On to hard
00:11 pishifat: k
00:13 Yuzu-: 00:09:937 - This tick shouldn't end up on the tail of a slider, it's kind of strong
00:13 Yuzu-: now, you can't just place a circle, so best would be placing a slider
00:14 pishifat: i see what you mean
00:14 pishifat: and can do
00:14 Yuzu-: and to not mess with the shape of your starting notes, you could simply remove the reverse, move the slider 1/1 farther and place a circle on the empty spot
00:14 Yuzu-: Stacking it
00:15 pishifat: i'll probably rotate the starting notes
00:15 pishifat: to avoid the stack
00:15 Yuzu-: if you can make it work then do c:
00:16 Yuzu-: 00:10:860 (6,7,1) - this is a tricky thing
00:16 Yuzu-: because it kind of zig zags a bit
00:16 Yuzu-: but in the end looks bad to me, because isn't symmetrical to 00:09:937 (5) -
00:16 pishifat: uh... i think that's fine
00:17 pishifat: really not that hard lol
00:17 Yuzu-: it isn't
00:17 pishifat: and it emphasizes the pitch drop by having 1 below it instead of flowing perfectly
00:17 pishifat: i'll move over 1 to make it a perfect triangle
00:17 pishifat: if that's what you mean
00:18 Yuzu-: no, it's a net of bad triangles there
00:18 Yuzu-: in my opinion just the circles there mark the pitch drop
00:19 Yuzu-: hmm
00:19 pishifat: a net of bad triangles
00:19 pishifat: dunno what you're referring to :|
00:19 Yuzu-: looking at all of the possible triangles there they're not all perfect
00:21 Yuzu-: without losing too much time with this
00:22 Yuzu-: I'd say that you should forget that blanket from 00:09:937 (5) - and place the two circles in a way that they're equally distant to both slider
00:22 pishifat: not sure what your perfect triangle is, but i'd probably change that first one you mentioend to look like 00:15:476 (1,2,3) -
00:22 pishifat: since that is much closer to a proper triangle
00:22 Yuzu-: and also making both sliders the same, but symmetrical helps
00:23 pishifat: i'd do that if they weren't part of different phrases in the music :/
00:23 pishifat: making them symmetrical would make them appear to be part of the same section when they're not as indicated by the comboing
00:23 Yuzu-: Well, okay
00:24 Yuzu-: you can leave it I guess, just my opinion
00:24 pishifat: i'll change it to be like the other triangle, so not completely leaving it
00:24 Yuzu-: okay c:
00:25 Yuzu-: 00:17:322 (4) - This is also huge, and takes the big white tick in the end
00:25 Yuzu-: problem isn't being huge, it looks good
00:26 Yuzu-: but that being clickable would be good because of the change
00:26 pishifat: based on teh way i've got it i'm putting more emphasis on 00:20:091 (1) -
00:26 pishifat: which is why i started the combo there
00:26 pishifat: so changing wouldn't be very benefitcial
00:27 Yuzu-: still, NC problem remains
00:27 Yuzu-: 00:19:630 (5) - nc should be here for the same reasons as in normal
00:27 Yuzu-: The guitar fades in here, and 00:19:630 (5) - is the start
00:28 pishifat: i think we're listening to different sounds
00:28 pishifat: cuz guitar is pretty clear on 00:20:091 (1) -
00:29 Yuzu-: Yes it does, but the truth is that the song changes in the big white tick
00:29 Yuzu-: the pitch goes down in preparation for the guitar
00:29 Yuzu-: and since you won't place an object to NC there 00:19:630 (5) - should carry it
00:30 Yuzu-: it is in part to keep your NC'ing consistent as well
00:30 pishifat: yeah..yeahokay i'll do it :3
00:31 pishifat: noticed that i had the same thing later
00:31 pishifat: but NC on where 5 is
00:31 Yuzu-: 00:23:783 (2) - This one, the tail is significantly stronger than the tail, which means that replacing this with two circles would be the best
00:31 Yuzu-: tail > head
00:31 Yuzu-: my bad xD
00:32 pishifat: it's higher pitch
00:32 pishifat: not really significantly stronger
00:32 pishifat: i've got the same thing on all 3 difficulties there i think and it's fine how it is :P
00:32 Yuzu-: Well, okay
00:33 pishifat: would ruin the emphasis i have with circles on 00:24:707 (3,4) - too, so that's why not changing
00:33 Yuzu-: 00:43:168 (3) - It's not really bad
00:34 Yuzu-: but personally I like when sliders just lead into other objects perfectly/almost perfectly
00:34 Yuzu-: it's kind of sending the cursor under 00:44:091 (4) -
00:34 pishifat: did that since 4 is a really high pitch noise
00:35 pishifat: i'll change it tho, it doesn't look too good
00:36 Yuzu-: 01:15:476 (3,4,5,6) - This curve feels a bit weird
00:37 pishifat: yes it does
00:37 pishifat: gonna move things
00:37 Yuzu-: moving 01:15:014 (2) - down is perfect to help
00:41 Yuzu-: kiai rhythm could be changed
00:42 Yuzu-: all those blue tick circles could feel better
00:42 Yuzu-: let me get something
00:42 pishifat: something
00:42 pishifat: k
00:49 Yuzu-: I honestly don't know how to go over this one
00:49 Yuzu-: This is the best I got for me, idk how you want to do it but
00:49 Yuzu-: that 2 slider on a blue tick after 1 feels extremely well to me
00:50 pishifat: having doubles like that
00:50 pishifat: doesn't feel right at all :/
00:50 Yuzu-: your rhythm is fine
00:50 Yuzu-: it's more simple
00:50 Yuzu-: I just had to throw in the suggestion c:
00:50 pishifat: lol
00:50 Yuzu-: hehe
00:51 Yuzu-: rest looks fine
00:51 pishifat: :D
00:52 Yuzu-: Well, it's getting late for me
00:52 Yuzu-: Do you mind if I finish insane on forum?
00:52 pishifat: go for it
00:52 Yuzu-: ok, let me post the chat logs then
00:52 pishifat: you don't have to do insane if you don't want to
00:53 pishifat: irc mods take longer than forum mods it seems lol
00:53 Yuzu-: xD
00:53 Yuzu-: No, I'll do it
00:53 Yuzu-: I don't like leaving things mid way
00:53 Yuzu-: first thing tomorrow


  1. 00:24:476 (4), 00:24:707 (5,6) - the red ticks that you mapped here have no sound attached to them. Just use a 1/1 slider from 00:24:706 to 00:25:168 and delete 00:24:476 (4) made the ends of sliders quieter so it sounds more natural. didnt want to get rid of them completely
  2. 00:31:168 (4,5) - ^
  3. 01:11:207 (2,3,4,5) - I found this to be confusing to myself, I'd CTRL + G 3 and 4 nobody likes antijumps ;-; changed this to something else
S-Sugoi! owo

byezies, gl <3 thanks babe <3
I know I probably shouldn't say this, but :roll:
Topic Starter

Ringating wrote:

I know I probably shouldn't say this, but :roll:
that's really not cool. you shouldn't say something so offensive about considering how much he got hurt after that one time when he . seriously not cool. die pls
non mawd

steamy logs
15:57 - 『Ringating』: 00:58:861 (5,6,7,1) -
15:57 - 『Ringating』: seems like it should follow guitar
15:57 - 『Ringating』: yet doesn't
15:57 - pishizor.: is this legit
15:57 - 『Ringating』: yes
15:57 - pishizor.: what diff
15:57 - 『Ringating』: ionsane
15:57 - 『Ringating』: -o
15:58 - 『Ringating』: not 1 btw
15:58 - 『Ringating』: just highlighted too much
15:58 - pishizor.: i see
15:58 - pishizor.: it is like
15:58 - pishizor.: on blue tick
15:59 - pishizor.: must delete SV change first
15:59 - 『Ringating』: end of 5 should be beginning of 6
15:59 - pishizor.: i think ur high
15:59 - pishizor.:
15:59 - pishizor.: that's guitar
16:00 - 『Ringating』:
16:00 - pishizor.: with each note change on start of tick
16:00 - pishizor.: yes
16:00 - pishizor.: except keeping 1
16:00 - 『Ringating』: 6 starts on end of old 5
16:00 - pishizor.: hmm
16:00 - pishizor.: i misinterpreted originally
16:00 - pishizor.: as make 5
16:01 - pishizor.: go to where 6 started before
16:01 - 『Ringating』: i see
16:01 - 『Ringating』: u were right about the high part tho #420blazedtoshit
16:02 - pishizor.: le changed
also on the hard diff 01:33:014 (1,2,1,2) - seems like it should be similar to 01:40:860 (1,2,3,4) - (including the lack of middle NC)
Topic Starter

Ringating wrote:

non mawd

steamy logs
15:57 - 『Ringating』: 00:58:861 (5,6,7,1) -
15:57 - 『Ringating』: seems like it should follow guitar
15:57 - 『Ringating』: yet doesn't
15:57 - pishizor.: is this legit
15:57 - 『Ringating』: yes
15:57 - pishizor.: what diff
15:57 - 『Ringating』: ionsane
15:57 - 『Ringating』: -o
15:58 - 『Ringating』: not 1 btw
15:58 - 『Ringating』: just highlighted too much
15:58 - pishizor.: i see
15:58 - pishizor.: it is like
15:58 - pishizor.: on blue tick
15:59 - pishizor.: must delete SV change first
15:59 - 『Ringating』: end of 5 should be beginning of 6
15:59 - pishizor.: i think ur high
15:59 - pishizor.:
15:59 - pishizor.: that's guitar
16:00 - 『Ringating』:
16:00 - pishizor.: with each note change on start of tick
16:00 - pishizor.: yes
16:00 - pishizor.: except keeping 1
16:00 - 『Ringating』: 6 starts on end of old 5
16:00 - pishizor.: hmm
16:00 - pishizor.: i misinterpreted originally
16:00 - pishizor.: as make 5
16:01 - pishizor.: go to where 6 started before
16:01 - 『Ringating』: i see
16:01 - 『Ringating』: u were right about the high part tho #420blazedtoshit
16:02 - pishizor.: le changed
also on the hard diff 01:33:014 (1,2,1,2) - seems like it should be similar to 01:40:860 (1,2,3,4) - (including the lack of middle NC)
best mod yet. two changes that took stupidly long to actually implement
Hi from my queue
Not exactly my type of music but I did promise that I'd mod it so here goes..

Suggenstion at around 00:45:014 - since the music gets louder here why not crescendo your hitsounds ? maybe by like 3% each time or something?
derp nice sb though I didn't notice the bg changed color till I finished modding

Check ur DS with AIMod
00:17:322 (3) - best if it reflects 00:15:476 (1) -
00:20:091 (1) - hitsounds a bit loud
00:34:399 (1) - ^
00:45:014 (1) - ^ and change to top one?
00:50:553 (3,1,1) - center these
Not much to say here, quite nicely done

00:36:707 (6,1) - blanket
00:52:399 (1) - not enough emphasis on this note
01:34:860 (1,1) - blanket

01:39:937 (4) - Ctrl +G
meh good job [:

Map wise you've done a nice job, I don't see any problems with the rhythms either.. so sry for a short ass mod lmao
Hitsounds tho I think there's room for improvement. I guess just listen to cinema/auto and hear for urself? (I'm pretty bad at it too tho)
anyways im out pce
Topic Starter

Gaia wrote:

Hi from my queue
Not exactly my type of music but I did promise that I'd mod it so here goes.. woo

Suggenstion at around 00:45:014 - since the music gets louder here why not crescendo your hitsounds ? maybe by like 3% each time or something? did something like that. should be better now with a change to the first volume
derp nice sb though I didn't notice the bg changed color till I finished modding lol

Check ur DS with AIMod don't know how that moved over like 5 pixels -.-
00:17:322 (3) - best if it reflects 00:15:476 (1) - changed this to something different since old way was gross
00:20:091 (1) - hitsounds a bit loud haven't gotten around to changing those yet. was planning to already
00:34:399 (1) - ^
00:45:014 (1) - ^ and change to top one? this was supposed to be at 30% :/
00:50:553 (3,1,1) - center these did
Not much to say here, quite nicely done awwshucks:3

00:36:707 (6,1) - blanket not supposed to be a blanket :P would destroy the distance snap
00:52:399 (1) - not enough emphasis on this note can't do much with this. best way i've found to emphasize would be a stack (like in normal/insane), but then the new SV/DS would be unreadable :/ i'll definitely change it if i can find something that works though
01:34:860 (1,1) - blanket same as other one. 3/4 slider to circle wouldn't play very nicely with that spacing :P

01:39:937 (4) - Ctrl +G breaks the kind of flow i was going for, so rather not :/
meh good job [:

Map wise you've done a nice job, I don't see any problems with the rhythms either.. so sry for a short ass mod lmao
Hitsounds tho I think there's room for improvement. I guess just listen to cinema/auto and hear for urself? (I'm pretty bad at it too tho) already had plans for hitsound changes. i know i'm bad with them lol
anyways im out pce
Yo, from my Modding Queue

Consider lowering the approach rate a tiny bit

00:17:322 (3) - Excellent slider and use of the slider tick btw :D

00:33:014 (3,1) - Blanket this slider a bit better
(move first point to x:256 y:156
second point to x:296 y:188
final point to x:360 y:188
seems to do it quite nicely however if you find it looks better elsewhere then do that instead).

Other than that it seems pretty good!

00:17:322 (4) - Again I want to start off by saying this is a really cool use of the slider tick :)

00:22:168 (8) - Change this into a single note at 00:22:168 and a slider from 00:22:399 to 00:22:629

00:47:783 (5) - make this start hitsound the same as 00:49:630 (2)

01:04:399 (3) - Move close to the repeating slider

01:19:399 (2,3,4) - Spread these apart a little?

01:23:207 (4,5) - Make these closer together
01:25:053 (3,4) - ^
01:26:899 (4,5) - ^
01:30:591 (4,5) - ^
01:32:437 (4,5) - ^
01:34:860 (1,1) - ^

00:50:553 (5) - Consider moving this to the right a bit so it's not 100% overlapping this 00:51:476 (1)

01:01:630 (1,2) - Make these more of a stacked double rather than being so far apart
01:02:092 (3,4) - ^
01:04:630 (7,8) - Because having these two like this makes it feel odd

01:19:399 (2,3,4) - I thought this was a stream on my first play

01:21:014 (3) - This slider looks strange but it fits so you could change it's shape if you wanted to

01:22:745 (5) - Move this so it's on the red tick and also make it closer to this 01:22:284 (4) It feels strange where it is at the moment

Generally a lot of your notes go out of the playing field, you could bring them in a smidge to please the BATs but I think it's fine how it is.

Nice first map to kick off my modding queue, not my type of music but the map was still fun to play :)
Good Luck!
Topic Starter

sullyjhf wrote:

Yo, from my Modding Queue yo

Consider lowering the approach rate a tiny bit used to be a 9,7,5 spread, but i changed insane to 8.5 so lowered this to 4.5

00:17:322 (3) - Excellent slider and use of the slider tick btw :D :3

00:33:014 (3,1) - Blanket this slider a bit better didn't use your coordinates since they break distance snap a little, but yeah i fixed it
(move first point to x:256 y:156
second point to x:296 y:188
final point to x:360 y:188
seems to do it quite nicely however if you find it looks better elsewhere then do that instead).

Other than that it seems pretty good! woo

00:17:322 (4) - Again I want to start off by saying this is a really cool use of the slider tick :) :3

00:22:168 (8) - Change this into a single note at 00:22:168 and a slider from 00:22:399 to 00:22:629 rather keep the reverse slider in there since there's a triplet sort of thing with pitches (like an a->b->a pattern), but i noticed i actually had the reverse in the wrong place, so it was inconsistent with insane. long story short i changed something lol

00:47:783 (5) - make this start hitsound the same as 00:49:630 (2) changed

01:04:399 (3) - Move close to the repeating slider that's where it is with every other repeating slider. 1.2x spacing just like everything else o.o

01:19:399 (2,3,4) - Spread these apart a little? antijumps work pretty well tehre for emphasis from waht i've seen. testplayers haven't misread it and i like it so i'm keeping it :P

01:23:207 (4,5) - Make these closer together these are distance snapped so it would be kind of weird to have different spacing for each one. the map's only 130bpm and there's not a gap between them really so it shouldn't be a big issue :P
01:25:053 (3,4) - ^
01:26:899 (4,5) - ^
01:30:591 (4,5) - ^
01:32:437 (4,5) - ^
01:34:860 (1,1) - ^

00:50:553 (5) - Consider moving this to the right a bit so it's not 100% overlapping this 00:51:476 (1) that's the point of it though :P emphasizes the build up a lot more like that

01:01:630 (1,2) - Make these more of a stacked double rather than being so far apart would contradict with the other anti-jump type stacks i've got. if i were to make those into jumps, they would have to be really large and bad for readibility :/
01:02:092 (3,4) - ^
01:04:630 (7,8) - Because having these two like this makes it feel odd

01:19:399 (2,3,4) - I thought this was a stream on my first play same as hard

01:21:014 (3) - This slider looks strange but it fits so you could change it's shape if you wanted to best slider 2014

01:22:745 (5) - Move this so it's on the red tick and also make it closer to this 01:22:284 (4) It feels strange where it is at the moment guitar stuff is on offbeats, just like the last section. i changed the location of htis though since it may have been hard to read at that distance

Generally a lot of your notes go out of the playing field, you could bring them in a smidge to please the BATs but I think it's fine how it is. did that for normal and hard. for insane, i assume if you can play it that kind of stuff isn't a problem :P

Nice first map to kick off my modding queue, not my type of music but the map was still fun to play :) nobody likes this music on osu ;-; thanks for the mod though :3
Good Luck!
hi, from V&V's modding queue

  • 00:25:630 (5) - smooth like the next slider for good flowing.
    00:27:476 (2,5) - overlap
    01:15:476 (2,4) - stack slider's tail
  • 00:13:630 (4,1) - stack to avoid overlap like this
    01:11:553 (2,3) - make blanket here, if no, sharpen the slider.
    01:31:168 (1) - this slider is too sharp for this flow, smooth like the slider on 01:29:322 (1) -
sorry if my mod is small or helpless, too perfect for a newbie modder..... good luck~
Topic Starter

VeeLaHee104 wrote:

hi, from V&V's modding queue

  • 00:25:630 (5) - smooth like the next slider for good flowing. moved 1 down and to the left so it does that
    00:27:476 (2,5) - overlap not really significant since you can't see it ingame :P
    01:15:476 (2,4) - stack slider's tail oops. fixed
  • 00:13:630 (4,1) - stack to avoid overlap like this moved 1,2,3 lower
    01:11:553 (2,3) - make blanket here, if no, sharpen the slider. blanketted
    01:31:168 (1) - this slider is too sharp for this flow, smooth like the slider on 01:29:322 (1) - yeah, changed
sorry if my mod is small or helpless, too perfect for a newbie modder..... good luck~ fixed most things, so was useful :P
Hi, from queue :3
dat title

mostly shitty suggestions. and pardon my bad english


  • 00:23:784 (3) - not a problem though, but i thought this was a straight slider. only suggestion, but maybe you can make this slider flow upward like this :

    and it also makes the flow more challenging idk
    00:36:707 (7) - the song makes me want to click on something. only suggestion, but why not make it into a series of circles? i think it's kinda fun for insane
    00:48:707 (1) - add finish? kinda suits the hitsound pattern at 00:46:861 (5,6) -
    00:52:514 - the hitsound is barely audible for me :cry: and at this part the song goes really loud and it makes me want to hear louder hitsounds. i suggest to make the hitsound louder 60%-70%
    01:00:706 - to 01:06:706 - ^
    01:02:553 (5) - fits the song better if you switch finish with whistle
    01:03:707 (2) - add whistle at slider's tail?
    01:35:552 (3) - ^
    01:37:629 (2) - add whistle?
    01:46:398 (1,2) - add whistle at slider's tail?
    01:48:245 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - it feels much cooler if you add whistles

    hella this is a fun insane. you might want to improve the aesthetics a bit. but since that area is really biased, so i choose not to focus on that. as long as the map plays well

  • 00:48:707 (1) - only suggestion, add finish at slider's head? kinda fits these two 00:46:860 (3,4) -
    00:51:476 (1) - why would you nc this? idk since it's hard diff, i think people will notice the change in sv even without nc
    00:52:514 - same like insane. why's the hitsound so quite :cry:
    00:53:322 (3) - add whistle? same hitsound pattern like insane diff
    00:56:783 - add a circle?
    00:57:014 (2) - add whistle?
    01:00:707 (2) - ^
    01:04:399 (3) - ^
    01:05:322 (1,2,3) - ^
    01:11:783 (3) - only suggestion for slider's shape idk maybe you want to re-arrange the next pattern if you follow
    01:35:783 (2) - add whistle at slider's head?
    01:36:706 (4) - add whistle?
    01:38:552 (3) - add whistle at slider's head? idk it kinda fits the song more, and i see that you already add whistles at every 1st and 3rd white line. but it feels kinda weird when you don't add whistle at 2nd and 4th white line especially when the song clearly indicates the strong hitsound at those points, so yeah
    01:39:475 (2) - ^
    01:40:398 (4) - ^
    01:43:168 (2) - ^
    01:44:091 (4) - ^
    01:44:091 (4,1) - small spacing issue
    01:45:014 (3,7) - add whistle?
    01:46:860 (2,5) - ^

    ok idk if my hitsound suggestions would help, but yeah

  • 00:33:014 (3) - only suggestion. you might have to adjust the next pattern if you follow

    copypaste 00:32:091 (2) - ->ctrl+H -> rotate by 45 degree anti-clockwise -> ctrl+G
    00:46:860 (5) - why not make the hitsound pattern the same like hard and insane? i like it better. add finish at 00:46:860 - 00:47:322 - and whistle at 00:47:783 -
    00:52:514 - same like hard and insane about the hitsound volume :cry:
    00:52:860 (2) - add whistle at slider's tail?
    00:55:168 (5) - add whistle?
    00:57:014 (3) - ^
    01:00:707 (2) - ^
    01:04:399 (2) - ^
    01:35:322 - to 01:48:245 - it really feels weird when you don't add whistle at 2nd and 4th white line :cry: same reason like hard. i strongly suggest you to remove whistle from 1st and 3rd white line and add them at 2nd and 4th white line. also apply for hard and insane
good mapset :3 might be better if you improved the pattern structure. especially in insane, everything is really abstract. but well, it's up to you
Topic Starter

AlpacaCokelat wrote:

Hi, from queue :3 :3
dat title title length world record right here

mostly shitty suggestions. and pardon my bad english


  • 00:23:784 (3) - not a problem though, but i thought this was a straight slider. only suggestion, but maybe you can make this slider flow upward like this : sure. fits well

    and it also makes the flow more challenging idk
    00:36:707 (7) - the song makes me want to click on something. only suggestion, but why not make it into a series of circles? i think it's kinda fun for insane i am a fan
    00:48:707 (1) - add finish? kinda suits the hitsound pattern at 00:46:861 (5,6) - was sounding kind of empty
    00:52:514 - the hitsound is barely audible for me :cry: and at this part the song goes really loud and it makes me want to hear louder hitsounds. i suggest to make the hitsound louder 60%-70% increased most stuff past the beginning by like 10%
    01:00:706 - to 01:06:706 - ^
    01:02:553 (5) - fits the song better if you switch finish with whistle correct
    01:03:707 (2) - add whistle at slider's tail? you're too good at this
    01:35:552 (3) - ^ asdf
    01:37:629 (2) - add whistle? asdf
    01:46:398 (1,2) - add whistle at slider's tail? asdf
    01:48:245 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - it feels much cooler if you add whistles did it on the 1,2,3,4 slider stuffs. the stream already has it on the white ticks so yeah

    hella this is a fun insane. you might want to improve the aesthetics a bit. but since that area is really biased, so i choose not to focus on that. as long as the map plays well don't really know how i would improve visuals since i like how it is. if someone else mentions stuff to help that though i'd definitely change
i applied all hitsound things so i'm not gonna comment on every single one :P
  • 00:48:707 (1) - only suggestion, add finish at slider's head? kinda fits these two 00:46:860 (3,4) -
    00:51:476 (1) - why would you nc this? idk since it's hard diff, i think people will notice the change in sv even without nc i dont even know
    00:52:514 - same like insane. why's the hitsound so quite :cry:
    00:53:322 (3) - add whistle? same hitsound pattern like insane diff ]
    00:56:783 - add a circle? added
    00:57:014 (2) - add whistle?
    01:00:707 (2) - ^
    01:04:399 (3) - ^
    01:05:322 (1,2,3) - ^
    01:11:783 (3) - only suggestion for slider's shape idk maybe you want to re-arrange the next pattern if you follow wasn't liking the old angle too much anyway.
    01:35:783 (2) - add whistle at slider's head?
    01:36:706 (4) - add whistle?
    01:38:552 (3) - add whistle at slider's head? idk it kinda fits the song more, and i see that you already add whistles at every 1st and 3rd white line. but it feels kinda weird when you don't add whistle at 2nd and 4th white line especially when the song clearly indicates the strong hitsound at those points, so yeah
    01:39:475 (2) - ^
    01:40:398 (4) - ^
    01:43:168 (2) - ^
    01:44:091 (4) - ^
    01:44:091 (4,1) - small spacing issue scumbag distance snap
    01:45:014 (3,7) - add whistle?
    01:46:860 (2,5) - ^

    ok idk if my hitsound suggestions would help, but yeah very yeah
same thing about hitsound stuffs as hard
  • 00:33:014 (3) - only suggestion. you might have to adjust the next pattern if you follow i like

    copypaste 00:32:091 (2) - ->ctrl+H -> rotate by 45 degree anti-clockwise -> ctrl+G
    00:46:860 (5) - why not make the hitsound pattern the same like hard and insane? i like it better. add finish at 00:46:860 - 00:47:322 - and whistle at 00:47:783 -
    00:52:514 - same like hard and insane about the hitsound volume :cry:
    00:52:860 (2) - add whistle at slider's tail?
    00:55:168 (5) - add whistle?
    00:57:014 (3) - ^
    01:00:707 (2) - ^
    01:04:399 (2) - ^
    01:35:322 - to 01:48:245 - it really feels weird when you don't add whistle at 2nd and 4th white line :cry: same reason like hard. i strongly suggest you to remove whistle from 1st and 3rd white line and add them at 2nd and 4th white line. also apply for hard and insane all hitsounds are now consistent yay
good mapset :3 might be better if you improved the pattern structure. especially in insane, everything is really abstract. but well, it's up to you
goodluck~ ty for the fantastic mod
From my moe queue
Not my type of song..
Topic Starter

[-Sophie-] wrote:

From my moe queue
Not my type of song..

well... thanks for checking at least. i can't give kudosu for just showing me a screenshot of aimod though :/ especially since there's nothing wrong hard having those DS breaks
Mod request from my modding queue :)


- Remove Widescreen Support: you don't have a SB for your Beatmap ;)

The diffs were fine for me :)
Let me suggest few things: How do you think about adding crescent volume for the first spinner? And what about some "sliderslide" hitsounds for Normal's long sliders?

Well, that's all :)
Good Luck ;)
Topic Starter

[-MrSergio-] wrote:

Mod request from my modding queue :)


- Remove Widescreen Support: you don't have a SB for your Beatmap ;) uh... there is a storyboard o.o

The diffs were fine for me :)
Let me suggest few things: How do you think about adding crescent volume for the first spinner? sure, why not And what about some "sliderslide" hitsounds for Normal's long sliders? if i were to follow the hitsound pattern there, there wouldn't be hitsounds on the ticks anyway, so not too necessary
Well, that's all :)
Good Luck ;)

  • General
  1. 01:33:014 - It's not a must-fix, but I would definitely end the kiai here already. What follows seems like a less emphasized transition from the kiai-part to the following one, that doesn't have the beat fromt the kiai.
  2. 01:35:322 - Umm, I might not get it, but what purpose has this uninherited timing section? The BPM / Offset doesn't change, neither does the metre.
  3. When I look at this (awesome) storyboard, the most obvious idea comes in my mind: You could have used different combo colours in different sections of the map, for example two or three tones of blue until 00:52:399 and from there on more brown / red combo colours. If you are bored and don't know what to do then try this out, it will look amazing :)

  • Normal
  1. I'm a bit worried about your density in some sections of this diff. In the calm sections at the beginning, you mapped to white ticks only, which is very good. Then, starting here 00:52:399 you were mapping to red ticks a lot more. 01:07:168 - Here you went back to white-tick mapping, because it's a rather basic transition-section leading to the chorus. What bothers me is the chorus itself: You've only mapped to white ticks in that section, although it is definitely the most emphasized and aggressive section in the song. To me, it feels like you wanted to keep the white-tick mapping throughout the whole song but just didn't know how to do it in this section 00:52:399, because some red-tick beats were too strong to ignore them. Now there are two methods that could fix this problem:
    1. First one would be to reduce the density of notes in this part 00:52:399, to make the whole diff rely on white-tick mapping very much. The advantage would be that it would make this diff easier, which wouldn't hurt since it's the easiest diff of the mapset. The disadvantages would be that this section would have rather weird rhythm then and it's just not cool :)
    2. Or the second solution: Add notes in the kiai to make the density higher and just make the map more balanced. Disadvantage is obviously that the diff would get pretty hard, especially for an easiest diff of the mapset. But since this is 130 BPM, some more red-tick mapping in the kiai shouldn't be too difficult to handle for the newbies. Advantage would be that it would make the diff much more interesting and balanced.
    I hope you decided for solution #2. Now, how to do this: Following the drums wouldn't make much sense, since there is an emphasized drum beat at every red tick. But, you could notice that the main instrument has an emphasized beat always at the red tick before the big white line, for example here 01:23:553 + 01:25:399 + 01:27:245. If you would add circles at these spots, it would sound super-nice! You don't have to do it on every of these beats, but every second one or something like that would also work.
  2. 00:32:091 (2,3) - I really like how you used curved sliders and smooth flow in the calm sections, and red-anchor-sliders with drop-offs in the aggressive parts. This transition here breaks your smooth flow a bit though, so you might want to change it. For example:
  3. 00:58:860 (7) - Minor, but if you rotate this slider a bit to the left, the transition to the following objects will improve imo.
  4. 01:02:553 (6) - This rhythm could be improved. 01:03:014 seems to be a rather emphasized guitar beat, while there isn't really anything important at 01:03:245, so a 1/1-slider would do the job.
  5. 01:48:245 (3) - The end really sounds different from the section before, so this could use a NC.

  • Hard
  1. 00:13:630 (4,5) - Minor, but currently these look like they are supposed to be copy-pasted and flipped versions of each other, which they aren't. It makes them look a bit untidy.
  2. 00:36:707 (6) - Uhh, in my opinion this slidershape doesn't represent the scream very well (and looks a bit sloppy made in general). I know those multiple-white-anchorpoint sliders are getting common again, but something like this would look better and fit the song more.
  3. 00:50:553 (1) - Hmm, I don't think this rhythm fits here. Since you follow the vocals, and they clearly end at 00:51:014, the slider should go on until this point.
  4. 01:01:630 (1,2,3) - Minor, but the placement of these looks a bit random. The 1/4-sliders clearly belong together, so it would be nice if you created a sort of pattern with them, for example - It would also improve the movement here a bit.
  5. 01:06:707 (4) - In the Hard diff I wouldn't simplify the rhythm like this. A 3/4-slider, silenced like in the Insane, sounds much better here. You also did that at 01:34:860, so changing it here would make it more consistent.
  6. 01:10:860 (1,2,3) - Those sound a bit too empty compared to the measures before (01:07:168 (1,2,3,4,5) + 01:09:014 (1,2,3,4,5) + the rest of the section) although it is basically the same rhythm, so I'd recommend you to map on all 1/2 beats here for consistency.
  7. 01:21:014 (3) - This slider looks a bit random, especially for what it represents in the music. The sound effect would be better represented if most of this slidershape would be a curve, like this
  8. 01:45:014 (3,4) - Is the lower spacing intentional? It looks rather random if you ask me.
  9. 01:48:245 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Simplifying constant 1/4-beats, where every beat sounds the same, to triplets seems weird and unlogical. Either do it all with 1/4-repeatsliders or decide for something like this to emphasize the end more or something similiar that covers all beats.

  • Insane
  1. I'd definitely go with HP8. It would make playing this diff twice as awesome as before. First of all, you also chose pretty high HP-drain settings for the Normal & Hard diff. Secondly, and more important, this is a very aggressive song, so HP8 feels much more appropriate. You might worry about the calm section until the middle of the map, but there is nothing to worry about. You won't fail even when you miss two objects in a row, and you would expect players of this difficulty level not to miss more objects in such a calm section. It just has an awesome effect seeing the HP-bar going down so far and then jumping back up, especially in the calm section.
  2. Second and probably more personal setting would be AR9. I know that I'm the only one who said this yet, but I want you to view this from a different point of view: In this section 01:21:937 the density of notes is very high. Also, the slider velocity is really high (2 x 1,4 = 2,8), which makes the sliders feel way to fast for AR8,5. Imagine how you would map a 260BPM song; It would probably be like this section. It would have a similiar slider velocity, it would have similiar spacing and similiar rhythm. You might worry now about the calm section again, but in my opinion higher AR doesn't make a calm section less playable ; Instead, it adds much to the atmosphere this section provides. When hearing it, you are getting prepared for the fast part of the song, you sort of really expect it to happen. To summarise it: When I first played this map, I did tons of sliderbreaks in the kiai-section because I didn't expect them to be so fast. When I tested it with AR9, it played all fine.
  3. 00:13:630 (3,4) - It would be nice to have 1,7x spacing between these as well, it would give this pattern 00:13:629 (3,4,5,6,1) more structure.
  4. 00:19:168 (1) - If seems strange that you ignored this beat 00:19:629, because that's where the guitar starts to play the constant 1/2-beats. This rhythm would sound better:
  5. 00:21:015 (6) - A combo of 10 seems a bit much for a calm section like this. Adding an NC here would be a good solution, especially since your pattern changes here as well (since the head of 00:21:015 (6) breaks the perfect curve 00:20:092 (2,3,4,5))
  6. 00:35:783 (5) - I'd add a NC for the same reason as 00:21:015
  7. 01:01:629 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - It might be personal preference, but having these doubles with a relatively high 1/4-spacing in connection with jumps in between them plays a bit less smoothly than your other patterns, if you understand what I mean. To make your diff more accessible for the generic players, you might change these to 1/4-sliders.
  8. 01:03:015 (7) - SV-changes are likely to be misread when they are not NCd, atleast it's common to NC those. Therefore you should probably NC this object.
  9. 01:06:707 (6) - Same.
  10. 01:07:976 (4) - This would definitely play better if you use Ctrl+G, since it would create a more oval movement which works well together with big spacing like this. Also (!minor!) this slidershape could be a bit less regular, since you always used more special slidershapes for these sliders (for example 01:09:822 (3) + 01:15:361 (4)), and something like this would just complement the other sliders better.
  11. 01:08:438 (5,6,7) - Nice idea I suppose, but the angle from (5) to (6) feels a bit overdone if you ask me, so something like this would improve the flow:
  12. 01:21:014 (3) - The whistle at the end sounds really random and doesn't seem to have a purpose.

I explained some things in a little wall of text to make it really clear and show all advantages / disadvantages. I hope you don't mind reading through that. If you have any further question about that, ask ingame.
I can't describe how much I love this song and the map tho! Good luck :)
Topic Starter

Desperate-kun wrote:

  • General
  1. 01:33:014 - It's not a must-fix, but I would definitely end the kiai here already. What follows seems like a less emphasized transition from the kiai-part to the following one, that doesn't have the beat fromt the kiai. gonna have to decline because musically, it doesn't make much sense. the sort of "sections" are divided into 8 bars (marked by bookmarks here), so if i were to cut this one short and make it 6 bars, it would be leaving 2 bars off of the end of the phrase. they would then be grouped with the next 8 bar phrase, which is yaknow not good.
  2. 01:35:322 - Umm, I might not get it, but what purpose has this uninherited timing section? The BPM / Offset doesn't change, neither does the metre. for whatever reason, there's a 1/1 bar stuck right in the middle of the song, so the downbeat was off by a white tick after that point without the new timing tick. i've decided to add a new section that just changes the metre to 1/1 for that bar then switches back to 4/4 since it's actually right and it may clear up confusion (or cause more -.-)
  3. When I look at this (awesome) storyboard, the most obvious idea comes in my mind: You could have used different combo colours in different sections of the map, for example two or three tones of blue until 00:52:399 and from there on more brown / red combo colours. If you are bored and don't know what to do then try this out, it will look amazing :) i always edit with combo colors off so i never even thought about that. will do

  • Normal
  1. I'm a bit worried about your density in some sections of this diff. In the calm sections at the beginning, you mapped to white ticks only, which is very good. Then, starting here 00:52:399 you were mapping to red ticks a lot more. 01:07:168 - Here you went back to white-tick mapping, because it's a rather basic transition-section leading to the chorus. What bothers me is the chorus itself: You've only mapped to white ticks in that section, although it is definitely the most emphasized and aggressive section in the song. To me, it feels like you wanted to keep the white-tick mapping throughout the whole song but just didn't know how to do it in this section 00:52:399, because some red-tick beats were too strong to ignore them. Now there are two methods that could fix this problem:
    1. First one would be to reduce the density of notes in this part 00:52:399, to make the whole diff rely on white-tick mapping very much. The advantage would be that it would make this diff easier, which wouldn't hurt since it's the easiest diff of the mapset. The disadvantages would be that this section would have rather weird rhythm then and it's just not cool :)
    2. Or the second solution: Add notes in the kiai to make the density higher and just make the map more balanced. Disadvantage is obviously that the diff would get pretty hard, especially for an easiest diff of the mapset. But since this is 130 BPM, some more red-tick mapping in the kiai shouldn't be too difficult to handle for the newbies. Advantage would be that it would make the diff much more interesting and balanced.
    I hope you decided for solution #2. Now, how to do this: Following the drums wouldn't make much sense, since there is an emphasized drum beat at every red tick. But, you could notice that the main instrument has an emphasized beat always at the red tick before the big white line, for example here 01:23:553 + 01:25:399 + 01:27:245. If you would add circles at these spots, it would sound super-nice! You don't have to do it on every of these beats, but every second one or something like that would also work. went with option 2. the reason why i put everything on whtie ticks here was that the main melody is on blue ticks most of the time, which are pretty much forbidden in a normal
  2. 00:32:091 (2,3) - I really like how you used curved sliders and smooth flow in the calm sections, and red-anchor-sliders with drop-offs in the aggressive parts. This transition here breaks your smooth flow a bit though, so you might want to change it. For example: rip blanket
  3. 00:58:860 (7) - Minor, but if you rotate this slider a bit to the left, the transition to the following objects will improve imo. looks good.
  4. 01:02:553 (6) - This rhythm could be improved. 01:03:014 seems to be a rather emphasized guitar beat, while there isn't really anything important at 01:03:245, so a 1/1-slider would do the job. gonna have to deny here. in most instances it maeks sense to have an object on that kind of a beat, but here, having a slider end would just make it emphasized less since the player still isn't clicking on the beat. the sharp turn makes it so that the player has to do something on the emphasized part though, which i think is more suitable. having two 1/2 sliders also just makes for object congestion, which isn't great
  5. 01:48:245 (3) - The end really sounds different from the section before, so this could use a NC. true

  • Hard
  1. 00:13:630 (4,5) - Minor, but currently these look like they are supposed to be copy-pasted and flipped versions of each other, which they aren't. It makes them look a bit untidy. should be better now
  2. 00:36:707 (6) - Uhh, in my opinion this slidershape doesn't represent the scream very well (and looks a bit sloppy made in general). I know those multiple-white-anchorpoint sliders are getting common again, but something like this would look better and fit the song more. same slider i had in insane actually. i don't know why i made them different like that
  3. 00:50:553 (1) - Hmm, I don't think this rhythm fits here. Since you follow the vocals, and they clearly end at 00:51:014, the slider should go on until this point. this will probably make the transition between slow/fast sections easier too
  4. 01:01:630 (1,2,3) - Minor, but the placement of these looks a bit random. The 1/4-sliders clearly belong together, so it would be nice if you created a sort of pattern with them, for example - It would also improve the movement here a bit. didn't even notice how stupid those angles were
  5. 01:06:707 (4) - In the Hard diff I wouldn't simplify the rhythm like this. A 3/4-slider, silenced like in the Insane, sounds much better here. You also did that at 01:34:860, so changing it here would make it more consistent. yeah. i added that 3/4 slider there somewhat recently, so i wasn't thinking about consistency with that earlier part
  6. 01:10:860 (1,2,3) - Those sound a bit too empty compared to the measures before (01:07:168 (1,2,3,4,5) + 01:09:014 (1,2,3,4,5) + the rest of the section) although it is basically the same rhythm, so I'd recommend you to map on all 1/2 beats here for consistency. yus
  7. 01:21:014 (3) - This slider looks a bit random, especially for what it represents in the music. The sound effect would be better represented if most of this slidershape would be a curve, like this changed and rotated slightly. the straight-upness doesn't look very good imo
  8. 01:45:014 (3,4) - Is the lower spacing intentional? It looks rather random if you ask me. don't know how that got there. i used the create polygon thing for those o.o
  9. 01:48:245 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Simplifying constant 1/4-beats, where every beat sounds the same, to triplets seems weird and unlogical. Either do it all with 1/4-repeatsliders or decide for something like this to emphasize the end more or something similiar that covers all beats. did the second one.

  • Insane
  1. I'd definitely go with HP8. It would make playing this diff twice as awesome as before. First of all, you also chose pretty high HP-drain settings for the Normal & Hard diff. Secondly, and more important, this is a very aggressive song, so HP8 feels much more appropriate. You might worry about the calm section until the middle of the map, but there is nothing to worry about. You won't fail even when you miss two objects in a row, and you would expect players of this difficulty level not to miss more objects in such a calm section. It just has an awesome effect seeing the HP-bar going down so far and then jumping back up, especially in the calm section. did
  2. Second and probably more personal setting would be AR9. I know that I'm the only one who said this yet, but I want you to view this from a different point of view: In this section 01:21:937 the density of notes is very high. Also, the slider velocity is really high (2 x 1,4 = 2,8), which makes the sliders feel way to fast for AR8,5. Imagine how you would map a 260BPM song; It would probably be like this section. It would have a similiar slider velocity, it would have similiar spacing and similiar rhythm. You might worry now about the calm section again, but in my opinion higher AR doesn't make a calm section less playable ; Instead, it adds much to the atmosphere this section provides. When hearing it, you are getting prepared for the fast part of the song, you sort of really expect it to happen. To summarise it: When I first played this map, I did tons of sliderbreaks in the kiai-section because I didn't expect them to be so fast. When I tested it with AR9, it played all fine. changed to 8.8. the beginning section seems a little too fast at 9 (and i know 8.8 isn't much different but i like it more :3)
  3. 00:13:630 (3,4) - It would be nice to have 1,7x spacing between these as well, it would give this pattern 00:13:629 (3,4,5,6,1) more structure. yes. yes it would
  4. 00:19:168 (1) - If seems strange that you ignored this beat 00:19:629, because that's where the guitar starts to play the constant 1/2-beats. This rhythm would sound better: i must have terrible hearing. the beat is no longer ignored, but i didn't do anything like your screenshot
  5. 00:21:015 (6) - A combo of 10 seems a bit much for a calm section like this. Adding an NC here would be a good solution, especially since your pattern changes here as well (since the head of 00:21:015 (6) breaks the perfect curve 00:20:092 (2,3,4,5)) did these here and the other spot it happens
  6. 00:35:783 (5) - I'd add a NC for the same reason as 00:21:015
  7. 01:01:629 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - It might be personal preference, but having these doubles with a relatively high 1/4-spacing in connection with jumps in between them plays a bit less smoothly than your other patterns, if you understand what I mean. To make your diff more accessible for the generic players, you might change these to 1/4-sliders. would get confusing with the previous rhythm using 1/4 sliders. i've got it so that all 1/4 sliders are 1/4 distance from the next note, so using doubles here works best. distance spacing between the two patterns was the same so i was hoping it would be easy enough to read
  8. 01:03:015 (7) - SV-changes are likely to be misread when they are not NCd, atleast it's common to NC those. Therefore you should probably NC this object.
  9. 01:06:707 (6) - Same. i thought they were fine, but adding NCs on those doesn't hurt so why not
  10. 01:07:976 (4) - This would definitely play better if you use Ctrl+G, since it would create a more oval movement which works well together with big spacing like this. Also (!minor!) this slidershape could be a bit less regular, since you always used more special slidershapes for these sliders (for example 01:09:822 (3) + 01:15:361 (4)), and something like this would just complement the other sliders better. did something completely different here. ctrl+g-ing makes spacing screwed up because flow is... umm... too smooth? i dunno how i would explain it. makes the next suggestion irrelevant tho
  11. 01:08:438 (5,6,7) - Nice idea I suppose, but the angle from (5) to (6) feels a bit overdone if you ask me, so something like this would improve the flow:
  12. 01:21:014 (3) - The whistle at the end sounds really random and doesn't seem to have a purpose. nobody likes the whistle ;-; it's really there just to be loud and cover up the crappy cut in the song i have there. you could say cut it better, but... there are reasons why that's not possible (there's other cuts in teh song that you probably can't notice, but without the whistle, this one is obvious). anyway i'll get a better hitsound sample to replace it with.

I explained some things in a little wall of text to make it really clear and show all advantages / disadvantages. I hope you don't mind reading through that. of course not :3 If you have any further question about that, ask ingame.
I can't describe how much I love this song and the map tho! Good luck :) ty for the megamod :3

pishifat wrote:

  1. 01:35:322 - Umm, I might not get it, but what purpose has this uninherited timing section? The BPM / Offset doesn't change, neither does the metre. for whatever reason, there's a 1/1 bar stuck right in the middle of the song, so the downbeat was off by a white tick after that point without the new timing tick. i've decided to add a new section that just changes the metre to 1/1 for that bar then switches back to 4/4 since it's actually right and it may clear up confusion (or cause more -.-) OMG It's so embarassing that I didn't notice that. I've been looking at this thing for ages, asking myself why it exists. Duh
  2. 01:21:014 (3) - The whistle at the end sounds really random and doesn't seem to have a purpose. nobody likes the whistle ;-; it's really there just to be loud and cover up the crappy cut in the song i have there. you could say cut it better, but... there are reasons why that's not possible (there's other cuts in teh song that you probably can't notice, but without the whistle, this one is obvious). anyway i'll get a better hitsound sample to replace it with. The cut isn't obvious if you don't know it exists. I don't even hear it when just listening to the song without hitobjects
Thanks for the detailed reply :)
Topic Starter

Desperate-kun wrote:

The cut isn't obvious if you don't know it exists. I don't even hear it when just listening to the song without hitobjects
i did a good job of faking it then :3 even so, i'd like to have a hitsound there that stands out to transition into the kiai... just don't know what yet :/

also where i said 1/1 i meant 1/4 -.-
Cerulean Veyron
Hi, From my Modding Form. Oh, you modded my formuu :333

[> Normal <]
  1. 00:25:629 (5) - Curve this slider for symmetry with the next curved slider, and a bit of Blanket on the circle (3).
  2. 00:27:476 (2,5) - Bad overlap, or on purpose?
  3. 00:34:860 (2) - Unsharpen this slider, since it's between some soften/curved sliders.
  4. 00:46:860 (5) - This slider is almost under the healthbar. Try moving it somewhere else(not talking about a jump, okay?)
  5. 00:50:553 (3,1,1) - I think stacking like this is sometimes boring, make a triangle formation here.
  6. 00:51:476 (1) - Remove NC, The song track is still the same.
  7. 01:05:322 (4,1) - Same as 00:27:476 (2,5) -
  8. 01:09:937 (4) - , 01:12:706 (5) - Stack?
  9. - Great diff anyway! no suggestions.
[> Hard <]
  1. 00:56:091 (1,2,3,4) - Make a square or diamond formation, also, Curve the slider (4).
  2. 00:58:860 (3) - I suggest to keep this slider curve instead of sharp-curved slider for blanket.
  3. 01:07:399 (2) - Move this circle to x:396|y:304, it's kinda close from the current one, but this will flow a triangle formation.
  4. 01:08:553 (5,5) - Stack?
  5. 01:10:860 (1,2,3,4) - Weird flow here, just move the slider (4) down, for a zig-zag flow.
  6. 01:21:014 (3,2) - A little overlap there.
  7. 01:34:860 (1) - Remove NC, The song track is likely the same.
  8. 01:44:552 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Nice pattern, but such pure hits like this might tire players. Remove some circles and add at least one or two sliders.
  9. 01:49:629 (4,5,6,7) - Make this as a 1/4 slider, You never did this on the other parts.
  10. - Another great diff! no suggestions..
[> Insane <]
  1. 00:09:015 (2,3) - A jump on start of track? you've made a diamond here, but just make a square instead.
  2. 00:15:015 (6,1,2) - Weird spacing here.
  3. 00:51:476 (1) - Same reason on the previous diff. Remove NC 'cause it's still the same track.
  4. 01:06:707 (1) - ^
  5. 01:07:515 (3,5,6) - Overlap, Make a triangle here like what you did on other parts.
  6. 01:13:976 (7,8) - Likely and overlap, move them away for blanket, and a bit of jump.
  7. - Again~ no suggestion.

I was wondering in this song track's chorus on 01:21:937 -, The Track's BPM changed here, around 260BPM. You can keep the current BPM if you want. This is just my suggestion.
Good Luck!
Topic Starter

Gray Veyron wrote:

Hi, From my Modding Form. Oh, you modded my formuu :333 :3

[> Normal <]
  1. 00:25:629 (5) - Curve this slider for symmetry with the next curved slider, and a bit of Blanket on the circle (3). was supposed to be parallel... but i did something else that fit better :3
  2. 00:27:476 (2,5) - Bad overlap, or on purpose? dsf
  3. 00:34:860 (2) - Unsharpen this slider, since it's between some soften/curved sliders. 00:36:707 (5) - was supposed to be sharp actually
  4. 00:46:860 (5) - This slider is almost under the healthbar. Try moving it somewhere else(not talking about a jump, okay?) moved a little lower
  5. 00:50:553 (3,1,1) - I think stacking like this is sometimes boring, make a triangle formation here. stacking is the best way for emphasis, otherwise it would be the same as the rest of the early section :/
  6. 00:51:476 (1) - Remove NC, The song track is still the same.
  7. 01:05:322 (4,1) - Same as 00:27:476 (2,5) - changed slightly. still a bit of an overlap, but it was supposed to be there :P
  8. 01:09:937 (4) - , 01:12:706 (5) - Stack? uhkay
  9. - Great diff anyway! no suggestions.
[> Hard <]
  1. 00:56:091 (1,2,3,4) - Make a square or diamond formation, also, Curve the slider (4). shape is fine as is imo, but i realized that the previous slider that's a reflection of 4 was curved, so i uncurved it. it's meant to be straight :P
  2. 00:58:860 (3) - I suggest to keep this slider curve instead of sharp-curved slider for blanket. eh
  3. 01:07:399 (2) - Move this circle to x:396|y:304, it's kinda close from the current one, but this will flow a triangle formation. fine imo. not meant to be a triangle really
  4. 01:08:553 (5,5) - Stack? such a large gap that it's not really necessary
  5. 01:10:860 (1,2,3,4) - Weird flow here, just move the slider (4) down, for a zig-zag flow. i thought it was fine, but did that anyway
  6. 01:21:014 (3,2) - A little overlap there. can't exactly do anything about that :P
  7. 01:34:860 (1) - Remove NC, The song track is likely the same. SV change
  8. 01:44:552 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Nice pattern, but such pure hits like this might tire players. Remove some circles and add at least one or two sliders. supposed to be the exact opposite of 01:42:706 (1,2,3,4) -
  9. 01:49:629 (4,5,6,7) - Make this as a 1/4 slider, You never did this on the other parts. asdf
  10. - Another great diff! no suggestions..
[> Insane <]
  1. 00:09:015 (2,3) - A jump on start of track? you've made a diamond here, but just make a square instead. did...something
  2. 00:15:015 (6,1,2) - Weird spacing here. made 1 further away
  3. 00:51:476 (1) - Same reason on the previous diff. Remove NC 'cause it's still the same track. on an sv change like that? o.o
  4. 01:06:707 (1) - ^ ^
  5. 01:07:515 (3,5,6) - Overlap, Make a triangle here like what you did on other parts. not really that significant. you'll never see it ingame since you're looking more towards 4, which is on the other side of the screen
  6. 01:13:976 (7,8) - Likely and overlap, move them away for blanket, and a bit of jump. wut. they're 1/4 away from each other, so a blanket would be really weird
  7. - Again~ no suggestion.

I was wondering in this song track's chorus on 01:21:937 -, The Track's BPM changed here, around 260BPM. You can keep the current BPM if you want. This is just my suggestion. pretty sure it's teh same bpm. the guitar thing i'm following hasn't changed from the previous section (except that it's louder), so doubling bpm wouldn't make much sense
Good Luck! ty :3
Sorry for the Late Reply From . . xLoupGarou's Modding Queue

Mod Starts Here

*Mp3 --> File Link

What I did?
-Audio Boost by 150%
-Changed your audio bitrate from 160 to 192 kbps
-Improved your frequency to 48 kHz

*BG --> Clear

01:48:245 (1,2,3,4) - Suggestion

00:14:553 (5) - Move ( x:368 y:84 )
00:15:476 (1) - Move ( x:208 y:132 )
00:15:937 (2) - Move ( x:112 y:156 )
00:30:245 (1) - Move ( x:256 y:192 )
00:31:630 (3) - Move ( x:352 y:240 )
00:32:091 (4) - Move ( x:220 y:276 )
00:33:014 (5) - Move ( x:156 y:96 )
00:40:399 (5) - Move ( x:410 y:254 )
00:40:860 (6) - Move ( x:316 y:296 )
01:20:553 (2) - Re-Shape . .

Good Luck~
Topic Starter

xLoupGarou wrote:

Sorry for the Late Reply From . . xLoupGarou's Modding Queue

Mod Starts Here

*Mp3 --> File Link

What I did?
-Audio Boost by 150%
-Changed your audio bitrate from 160 to 192 kbps
-Improved your frequency to 48 kHz pretty sure the volume of this is fine. if i did use this file, i'd have to adjust hitsounds by 1.5x as well, which would mean some items go above 100% (so it's impossible)

*BG --> Clear

01:48:245 (1,2,3,4) - Suggestion uh... not really sure why. 2,1 and 2,3 are supposed to be parallel to 4, which this breaks

00:14:553 (5) - Move ( x:368 y:84 ) is this supposed to make the blanket... worse?
00:15:476 (1) - Move ( x:208 y:132 ) did this one. should probably give hte right coordinates for a stack tho :/
00:15:937 (2) - Move ( x:112 y:156 ) distance snap -.-
00:30:245 (1) - Move ( x:256 y:192 ) uh..blanket
00:31:630 (3) - Move ( x:352 y:240 ) it's directly across from the straight slider why move it there
00:32:091 (4) - Move ( x:220 y:276 ) wat
00:33:014 (5) - Move ( x:156 y:96 ) watwatwat
00:40:399 (5) - Move ( x:410 y:254 ) made using the compose polygon circles tool :/
00:40:860 (6) - Move ( x:316 y:296 ) ^
01:20:553 (2) - Re-Shape . . that... is the exact same shape that's here

Good Luck~
As per your request.
Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me in-game. :)

  • Why is normal-hitwhistle a .ogg file ? Should be .wav.
  1. 00:52:399 - methinks this is where you should introduce the coloured background, with a kind of abrupt and eye-catching to mark the transition between hitsounds better, and emphasize the change in the song from calm melody to heavy metal kind of thing.
  2. Offset is 2561. Single red line at 01:35:330 - is enough to fix the downbeat.
  1. 00:08:091 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I'm not sure why these rhythms are different when the song is basically the same. In the second combo, the 2/1 slider should first starting at 00:11:783 - then a repeat slider for 00:13:630 (4) -
  2. 00:17:322 (3) - I'm not sure what the hitsounds are following in the beginning until this slider. I think it'd be better to have one whistle on every new measure to emphasize the main beat and structure of the song up until that point. It'd also give more impact to the hitsounding you start doing after 00:20:091 (1) - :3
  3. 00:17:322 (3) - Also, this slider ruins the comboing. The new combo should be on its end, but the repeat makes it impossible. Remove the repeat, at a circle at 00:19:168 - with a new combo, and remove the new combo on 00:20:091 (1) - .
  4. 00:25:168 (4) - This whistle feels weird. It doesn't follow anything and breaks your pattern. You should remove it to keep the hitsounding consistent.
  5. 00:30:245 (1) - The blanket here is completely off. Also, don't introduce such massive gaps in the rhythm (3/1 gap, when everything was 1/1 before this), it feels empty. You could follow the song more easily be replacing this by a circle and a 2/1 slider. A repeat slider would be better to avoid missing a whistle hitsound at 00:31:168 -
  6. 00:33:014 (3) - Another slider that ruins the comboing.
  7. 00:35:783 (3,4,5) - This could be made into a perfect triangle, it'd look visually better.
  8. 00:41:783 (2) - This slider causes you to miss a whistle hitsound at 00:42:245 -
  9. 00:45:014 (1) - This change in hitsounding is absolutely random. There is no change whatsoever in the song and you're introducing the drum hitsounds, which should have been kept for the "faster" part of the song for better emphasis. Remove these samples and keep using soft-whistles, which work great. This obviously goes true for all difficulties.
  10. 00:51:476 (1) - Remove that new combo for consistency.
  11. 00:48:245 - There should be a circle here (stacked with 00:45:937 (3) - ), this gap ruins the effect you tried to go for with 00:50:553 (3,4,1) - by introducing a hole in the rhythm before it actually affects the map.
  12. 00:52:399 (1) - This is where you should have introduced the drums !
  13. 00:52:514 - I suggest you raise the hitsound volume at this point, it's hard to hear them under the drums of the song.
  14. 00:54:706 - There needs to be an object at this point. This part of the song is a lot denser than the part before, so the map itself shouldn't have such gaps in the rhythm that weren't even present before.
  15. 00:58:168 (6) - Turn this into a repeat slider so as not to miss the very heavy drums at this point.
  16. 01:02:553 (6) - Don't. Silence. Sliderends. In. A. Normal. I would actually suggest to shorten this slider by 1/2 and add a circle at 01:03:245 - to follow the song better, get rid of the weird 3/2 slider, and make this more intuitive to play.
  17. 01:21:937 - you really need to raise the hitsound volume at this point, it's hard if possible at all to hear the hitsounds.
  18. 01:48:245 (1) - Remove new combo to keep your comboing consistent.
  1. 00:08:091 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - This is exactly the same as Normal (and you made the same mistake twice), please do something different for this. Try adding some 1/2 to introduce your higher density after 00:19:630 (1) -
  2. 00:25:630 (5) - This slider is breaking the comboing. There's no reason why you should go over 00:26:091 - too, it's a beat in the song as strong as the rest.
  3. 00:33:014 (5) - This slider is breaking the comboing.
  4. 00:36:707 (6) - I'd advice to make this slider 1/1 and add a circle at 00:37:399 - to follow the song more closely and make this a bit more entertaining to play, especially after the high density part, but that's up to you.
  5. 00:50:553 (1,1) - Remove new combos to keep your comboing consistent.
  6. 00:52:399 (1) - Fix your comboing after this. It becomes inconsistent. Keep the one new combo every two measures patterns, like in Normal, it'd be the best. You could halve the comboing too, but beware of HP drain =P
  7. 01:06:707 (4) - 01:34:860 (1) - Extended sliders are meh. Also DO NOT SILENCE THE END OF A SLIDER IN ANYTHING OTHER THAN INSANE. This is just horribly confusing and plays terrible.
  8. 01:15:937 (5,6,1) - Make these three a perfect triangle so it's visually more appealing.
  9. 01:19:399 (2,3,4) - Anti-jumps are a problem in a Hard diff. I'd recommend to either stack or keep using normal spacing, maybe just make a line or something, but this is confusing.
  1. AR8 is enough. AR 8,8 is plain stupid and doesn't make sense. Who the fuck implemented decimal ARs ? Jeez. Just use 8.
  2. HP8 is overkill. The map isn't very dense and the BPM is low, you should use lower HP drain.
  3. 00:19:637 (2,3) - This kind of spacing is really weird to read and play, especially in this part that's really calm, no one expects this kind of spacing shenanigan. Try to keep the spacing consistent, at least until the drums kick in. Especially that kind of thing: 00:27:484 (4,5,6) - it doesn't make sense and it's a pain to play.
  4. 00:32:100 (6) - hugging hp bar aaaa
  5. 00:53:100 (4,5,6,7) - This is confusing. (6,7) appears too close to the rest of the pattern and looks like it's 1/4 apart. You need to move the stack away to make this more readable. Same for 00:56:792 (5,6,7,8) - and (7,8).
  6. 00:58:868 (5,6,7,1) - That was really hard to read because of all the self-overlapping and stuff. Space this out more to make the 1/2 more apparent. Also don't silence the ends of the slider, it's confusing as all hell.
  7. 01:00:715 (2,3,4) - This is confusing as well. The spacing is almost the same but the time difference is not, and it's too sudden to be read properly.
  8. 01:01:753 (2,4) - I think it'd be better to replace these with 1/1 sliders, it will make this play a bit better and bit less empty. The gaps starting on blue ticks feel really weird. You could add jumps at the end of slider (between the end of the slider and the next object) if you see fit.
  9. 01:03:023 (1) - 01:06:715 (1) - Don't silence the end of sliders. Every beat counts here, and removing some arbitrarily is just making this unneededly confusing.
  10. 01:03:484 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This plays harshly, which contradicts what you did before with the stream and the slider. Reverse (2,3), maybe, to have a back-and-forth movement that leads naturally into 01:04:061 (4,5,6,7) - .
  11. 01:06:715 (1,3) - This is not visually appealing, and also really confusing. You have a whole playfield to toy with, try to do something that looks better and plays less confusingly.
  12. 01:09:369 (2,3) - These two sliders should be the same to keep your pattern consistent.
  13. 01:12:484 (8,4) - (4) is entirely hidden under (8).
  14. 01:13:061 (3,4,5,6) - You should turn this into a more snappy movement, maybe back and forth like 01:10:407 (5,6) -
  15. 01:14:561 (1,2,3) - You never did this before, especially not for this part, and it comes out as extremely confusing. Reduce the spacing between (1) and (2) to make it less confusing.
  16. 01:19:407 (2,3,4) - Move these downwards so that they make a stack with 01:20:099 (1) - to make the pattern more consistent. Otherwise, the jumps i very sudden and ruins the effect introduced by the anti-jumps.
Topic Starter

Shiro wrote:

As per your request.
Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me in-game. :)

  • Why is normal-hitwhistle a .ogg file ? Should be .wav. uhkay
  1. 00:52:399 - methinks this is where you should introduce the coloured background, with a kind of abrupt and eye-catching to mark the transition between hitsounds better, and emphasize the change in the song from calm melody to heavy metal kind of thing. rtydfgh fghdfgh
  2. Offset is 2561. Single red line at 01:35:330 - is enough to fix the downbeat. bothdone
  1. 00:08:091 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I'm not sure why these rhythms are different when the song is basically the same. In the second combo, the 2/1 slider should first starting at 00:11:783 - then a repeat slider for 00:13:630 (4) - did
  2. 00:17:322 (3) - I'm not sure what the hitsounds are following in the beginning until this slider. I think it'd be better to have one whistle on every new measure to emphasize the main beat and structure of the song up until that point. It'd also give more impact to the hitsounding you start doing after 00:20:091 (1) - :3 what is logic
  3. 00:17:322 (3) - Also, this slider ruins the comboing. The new combo should be on its end, but the repeat makes it impossible. Remove the repeat, at a circle at 00:19:168 - with a new combo, and remove the new combo on 00:20:091 (1) - . combo consistency overrides music k then
  4. 00:25:168 (4) - This whistle feels weird. It doesn't follow anything and breaks your pattern. You should remove it to keep the hitsounding consistent. you even said on the stream you knew it was following vocals lol (and removed)
  5. 00:30:245 (1) - The blanket here is completely off. Also, don't introduce such massive gaps in the rhythm (3/1 gap, when everything was 1/1 before this), it feels empty. You could follow the song more easily be replacing this by a circle and a 2/1 slider. A repeat slider would be better to avoid missing a whistle hitsound at 00:31:168 - did a different rhythm. somehow you didn't catch it, but it was 1.2x spacing instead of the usual 1x (which was why the blanket was off completely). no idea how that happened but it's gone anyway
  6. 00:33:014 (3) - Another slider that ruins the comboing. but there was a reason ;-;
  7. 00:35:783 (3,4,5) - This could be made into a perfect triangle, it'd look visually better. what is a triangle
  8. 00:41:783 (2) - This slider causes you to miss a whistle hitsound at 00:42:245 - re-worked rhythm to avoid that
  9. 00:45:014 (1) - This change in hitsounding is absolutely random. There is no change whatsoever in the song and you're introducing the drum hitsounds, which should have been kept for the "faster" part of the song for better emphasis. Remove these samples and keep using soft-whistles, which work great. This obviously goes true for all difficulties. "no change whatsoever in the song" - lol it does tho. a snare drum roll starts there. i've changed this anyway.
  10. 00:51:476 (1) - Remove that new combo for consistency. why kibbleru why
  11. 00:48:245 - There should be a circle here (stacked with 00:45:937 (3) - ), this gap ruins the effect you tried to go for with 00:50:553 (3,4,1) - by introducing a hole in the rhythm before it actually affects the map. yaya
  12. 00:52:399 (1) - This is where you should have introduced the drums ! you're a drum
  13. 00:52:514 - I suggest you raise the hitsound volume at this point, it's hard to hear them under the drums of the song. +10%'d to the end
  14. 00:54:706 - There needs to be an object at this point. This part of the song is a lot denser than the part before, so the map itself shouldn't have such gaps in the rhythm that weren't even present before. this instance yes. other instances no for reasons you said in stream
  15. 00:58:168 (6) - Turn this into a repeat slider so as not to miss the very heavy drums at this point. ouuuuukay
  16. 01:02:553 (6) - Don't. Silence. Sliderends. In. A. Normal. I would actually suggest to shorten this slider by 1/2 and add a circle at 01:03:245 - to follow the song better, get rid of the weird 3/2 slider, and make this more intuitive to play. i was like "this slider is awesome" and you're like "this isn't even a slider" and now im sad
  17. 01:21:937 - you really need to raise the hitsound volume at this point, it's hard if possible at all to hear the hitsounds.
  18. 01:48:245 (1) - Remove new combo to keep your comboing consistent. why desperate-kun why
  1. 00:08:091 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - This is exactly the same as Normal (and you made the same mistake twice) mistake that i didn't know was a mistake ;-;, please do something different for this. Try adding some 1/2 to introduce your higher density after 00:19:630 (1) - i only know what you're talking about because you explained it on the stream tbh. what you wrote here makes no sense lol (so ya fixed stuff)
  2. 00:25:630 (5) - This slider is breaking the comboing. There's no reason why you should go over 00:26:091 - too, it's a beat in the song as strong as the rest. green
  3. 00:33:014 (5) - This slider is breaking the comboing. c-c-c-combo breaker
  4. 00:36:707 (6) - I'd advice to make this slider 1/1 and add a circle at 00:37:399 - to follow the song more closely and make this a bit more entertaining to play, especially after the high density part, but that's up to you. keeping this as it is. follows the vocal thing as 00:35:791 (5,6) - did and acts as a cool-down into the slower section
  5. 00:50:553 (1,1) - Remove new combos to keep your comboing consistent. sneaky SV changes
  6. 00:52:399 (1) - Fix your comboing after this. It becomes inconsistent. Keep the one new combo every two measures patterns, like in Normal, it'd be the best. You could halve the comboing too, but beware of HP drain =P uh... there's a new combo every measure. no variation ever. then you say i should half the combos, which would result in 12+ combos so no, then you say beware of halfing the combos and i really just wat o.o your sentence consistency needs more work than my combo consistency k
  7. 01:06:707 (4) - 01:34:860 (1) - Extended sliders are meh. Also DO NOT SILENCE THE END OF A SLIDER IN ANYTHING OTHER THAN INSANE. This is just horribly confusing and plays terrible. OKAY THEY ARE NOW LOUD LIKE THIS
  8. 01:15:937 (5,6,1) - Make these three a perfect triangle so it's visually more appealing. i TRIed. get it i know its funny
  9. 01:19:399 (2,3,4) - Anti-jumps are a problem in a Hard diff. I'd recommend to either stack or keep using normal spacing, maybe just make a line or something, but this is confusing. consistnecedpsciangi
  1. AR8 is enough. AR 8,8 is plain stupid and doesn't make sense. Who the fuck implemented decimal ARs ? Jeez. Just use 8. i'm going with 8.5. this song is far too variable to stick with just 8. you said yourself that the part near the kiai turned into a double bpm thing, which plays really poorly with that note density and ar8. 8.5 is the best i can find for a mix between the slow early section and fast later section. also the way you decided to change the approach rate then testplay was completely stupid. a testplay should be testing how it plays before changes occur and you know that
  2. HP8 is overkill. The map isn't very dense and the BPM is low, you should use lower HP drain. ffs i change hp drain with like every mod. everyone has their own opinions about it because they either care about hp in the slow section or fast section -.- either way lowered it and if someone else tells me to change it again i will mmmmmmmmm death will happen in one way or another
  3. 00:19:637 (2,3) - This kind of spacing is really weird to read and play, especially in this part that's really calm, no one expects this kind of spacing shenanigan. Try to keep the spacing consistent, at least until the drums kick in. Especially that kind of thing: 00:27:484 (4,5,6) - it doesn't make sense and it's a pain to play. while watching the stream i completely disagreed, then once i changed it i changed my mind
  4. 00:32:100 (6) - hugging hp bar aaaa got completely changed when spacing stuffhappend
  5. 00:53:100 (4,5,6,7) - This is confusing. (6,7) appears too close to the rest of the pattern and looks like it's 1/4 apart. You need to move the stack away to make this more readable. Same for 00:56:792 (5,6,7,8) - and (7,8). i thought it was compeltely readable tbh. did some distance snap magic tho
  6. 00:58:868 (5,6,7,1) - That was really hard to read because of all the self-overlapping and stuff. Space this out more to make the 1/2 more apparent. Also don't silence the ends of the slider, it's confusing as all hell. dunno how ends of sliders being silenced makes things confusing but yeahokay
  7. 01:00:715 (2,3,4) - This is confusing as well. The spacing is almost the same but the time difference is not, and it's too sudden to be read properly. the distance. it has been snapped
  8. 01:01:753 (2,4) - I think it'd be better to replace these with 1/1 sliders, it will make this play a bit better and bit less empty. The gaps starting on blue ticks feel really weird. You could add jumps at the end of slider (between the end of the slider and the next object) if you see fit. really... no. this makes no sense. i've been following the main guitar/drum stuff the whole time, which you've already seen has gaps (you didn't comment them in those places), but now you're saying to fill the gap with a slider even though it's the same as the other places where there's gaps watwatwat. doubles are easy enough to play
  9. 01:03:023 (1) - 01:06:715 (1) - Don't silence the end of sliders. Every beat counts here, and removing some arbitrarily is just making this unneededly confusing. no idea why this is confusing and i don't even care
  10. 01:03:484 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This plays harshly, which contradicts what you did before with the stream and the slider. Reverse (2,3), maybe, to have a back-and-forth movement that leads naturally into 01:04:061 (4,5,6,7) - . did a something with distance and snapping and k. really tho: "what you did before with the stream and the slider" is the most generic thing i've ever read lol
  11. 01:06:715 (1,3) - This is not visually appealing, and also really confusing. You have a whole playfield to toy with, try to do something that looks better and plays less confusingly. your taste in sliders is puke. i changed it because it didn't play very well but it was beautiful and you know it
  12. 01:09:369 (2,3) - These two sliders should be the same to keep your pattern consistent. ugh my sliders ugh
  13. 01:12:484 (8,4) - (4) is entirely hidden under (8). (4) doesn't even exist anymore
  14. 01:13:061 (3,4,5,6) - You should turn this into a more snappy movement, maybe back and forth like 01:10:407 (5,6) - completely remapped this cuz it was crap. it was already "snappy" tho so reasoning kind of not sense
  15. 01:14:561 (1,2,3) - You never did this before, especially not for this part, and it comes out as extremely confusing. Reduce the spacing between (1) and (2) to make it less confusing. i did it before but i guess you didn't notice (and it was for the exact same part...). changed it in both parts because reasons
  16. 01:19:407 (2,3,4) - Move these downwards so that they make a stack with 01:20:099 (1) - to make the pattern more consistent. Otherwise, the jumps i very sudden and ruins the effect introduced by the anti-jumps. ddsfdf

Hello :3

  1. Everything seems ok!
  1. 00:58:868 - How about a NC here? here's a strong note and I would put one for give emphasis in the guitar. Also remove NC here 00:59:791 (4) - if you use this point.
  2. 01:28:291 (3) - I think this slider looks better in this way, imo Good diff.
  1. 00:09:022 (2) - Put this note in the middle
Nothing else to say, I hope this get ranked soon :3 gl
Topic Starter

Cloudchaser wrote:

Hello :3 unexpected mod o.o i thought you ignored this since i requested like 3 weeks ago lol

  1. Everything seems ok! woo
  1. 00:58:868 - How about a NC here? here's a strong note and I would put one for give emphasis in the guitar. Also remove NC here 00:59:791 (4) - if you use this point. starting combos on the downbeats of every measure so would rather not break that here :/
  2. 01:28:291 (3) - I think this slider looks better in this way, imo definitelyGood diff.
  1. 00:09:022 (2) - Put this note in the middle uhsure
Nothing else to say, I hope this get ranked soon :3 gl ty :3
Hello; modding here!

*Bolded = Unrankable or very, very strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems. Also note that hitsound suggestions on a diff may apply on similar parts of the song and the other diffs of the mapset.

  1. 01:33:022 - What about ending the kiai time here instead? I feel that the song gets noticeably weaker here, and thus, keeping the kiai time is just unfitting. Try adding a kiai flash at 01:35:330 - 01:35:445 if you want.
  1. 00:08:099 (1,2,3) - The flow here is unnatural due to (1)'s curve and the straight movement from (1)'s tail to (2) and then to (3)'s head which conflicts with the curve of (1). Try something like this?
  2. 00:20:561 - Try adding a whistle? I think the instrument sound supports it quite well here.
  3. 00:45:945 (3) - ^
  4. 00:46:868 - ^ (I know these two ticks already have finishes on them. However, I think these are not enough to emphasize the notes here, and coupling them with whistles would work better.)
  5. 01:00:253 - Any reason of leaving this unmapped? There is a clear cymbal sound here, and I also see no reason why should you leave this out in the stronger part of the song.
  6. 01:03:945 - ^
  7. 01:49:983 - I'm sure a drum clap would fit more than a finish since the clap definitely resembles the instrument's sound more than the finish here.
  1. 00:25:637 (5) - Rotate 25 degrees clockwise (with Selection Centre) for a better flow from 00:25:176 (4)?
  2. 00:55:176 (3) - Move to (354,223)? Again, creates a better flow (and more natural cursor movement, which in turn means a more comfortable play), and it also looks neater.
  3. 01:02:099 (2) - Consider moving this to 01:01:984 and add a circle at 01:02:330. This rhythm fits the music nicely, and is easier to follow by players.
  4. 01:35:330 (1) - Try using a 1/2 slider? It'll create a better transition from 01:35:330 (1), and I think 01:35:560 should be mapped because it just... feels more natural I guess, and it'll also create a sense of consistency since you mapped 01:36:022 (the tick that has basically the same sound as 01:35:560).
  1. 00:50:561 (5) - Make it a 1/1 slider to follow the vocal? Usign a 1/2 slider doesn't really work since it's ambiguous about what the slider is trying to follow.
  2. 00:53:561 (6,7) - Try spacing them normally, but place them in the same x-axis value so they'll be in line horizontally? I know what are you trying to do with this anti-jump, but it can be uncomfortable since the instrument is quite strong and constant. Also, making them horizontally parallel would make sure these notes fit the music nicely. (Applies to similar anti-jumps.)
  3. 00:59:561 (7) - Is there any need of using a 1/4 slider? There is nothing at 00:59:676, and I personally can't see any reason why should you overmap this. Try changing this slider to a circle instead?
  4. 01:01:984 (3,4) - Similar to what I've said on the same spot in Hard, but with a difference: Add two circles at 01:02:214 - 01:02:330 after moving 01:01:984 (3,4) to create a small stream.
And uh, yeah, that's pretty much it. This mapset is already quite polished (and there are also many skilled modders giving their suggestions and stuff already), so there's not a lot to complain about.

Good luck on the way 8-)
Topic Starter

Hinsvar wrote:

Hello; modding here!

*Bolded = Unrankable or very, very strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems. Also note that hitsound suggestions on a diff may apply on similar parts of the song and the other diffs of the mapset.
  1. 01:33:022 - What about ending the kiai time here instead? I feel that the song gets noticeably weaker here, and thus, keeping the kiai time is just unfitting. Try adding a kiai flash at 01:35:330 - 01:35:445 if you want. i've reasons to keep it going through next 2 bars... but pretty much everyone mentions this now, so it's time to change. not gonna do the flash thing tho
  1. 00:08:099 (1,2,3) - The flow here is unnatural due to (1)'s curve and the straight movement from (1)'s tail to (2) and then to (3)'s head which conflicts with the curve of (1). Try something like this? changed this up. 1's on the right instead of left
  2. 00:20:561 - Try adding a whistle? I think the instrument sound supports it quite well here.
  3. 00:45:945 (3) - ^
  4. 00:46:868 - ^ (I know these two ticks already have finishes on them. However, I think these are not enough to emphasize the notes here, and coupling them with whistles would work better.) did whisltethings throughout all diffs
  5. 01:00:253 - Any reason of leaving this unmapped? There is a clear cymbal sound here, and I also see no reason why should you leave this out in the stronger part of the song. emphasizes the rhytmic difference between this section and the one at 01:07:176 (1) - . the first is disjointed, which is why there are spaces everywhere (which follow the wtfrhythm of guitar), while the latter is very clear, which is why pretty much every white tick is mapped
  6. 01:03:945 - ^
  7. 01:49:983 - I'm sure a drum clap would fit more than a finish since the clap definitely resembles the instrument's sound more than the finish here. was a custom finish actually, but did the clap anyway cuz it does fit better
  1. 00:25:637 (5) - Rotate 25 degrees clockwise (with Selection Centre) for a better flow from 00:25:176 (4)? 5 is now straight instead of a curve (with that same flow implemented)
  2. 00:55:176 (3) - Move to (354,223)? Again, creates a better flow (and more natural cursor movement, which in turn means a more comfortable play), and it also looks neater. do like. you forgot to change distance snap to 1.2 for the faster section tho, so your coordinates are broken :3
  3. 01:02:099 (2) - Consider moving this to 01:01:984 and add a circle at 01:02:330. This rhythm fits the music nicely, and is easier to follow by players. i'd really rather keep this as is. adding the circle would mean mapping something other than the guitar, which is what i'm trying to make clear by the repetition/parallel stuffs. same goes for insane
  4. 01:35:330 (1) - Try using a 1/2 slider? It'll create a better transition from 01:35:330 (1), and I think 01:35:560 should be mapped because it just... feels more natural I guess, and it'll also create a sense of consistency since you mapped 01:36:022 (the tick that has basically the same sound as 01:35:560). what is music
  1. 00:50:561 (5) - Make it a 1/1 slider to follow the vocal? Usign a 1/2 slider doesn't really work since it's ambiguous about what the slider is trying to follow. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaokay
  2. 00:53:561 (6,7) - Try spacing them normally, but place them in the same x-axis value so they'll be in line horizontally? I know what are you trying to do with this anti-jump, but it can be uncomfortable since the instrument is quite strong and constant. Also, making them horizontally parallel would make sure these notes fit the music nicely. (Applies to similar anti-jumps.) i get what you're saying, but i really don't like the look of horizontal/vertical... things. like they just seem really gross aesthetically imo, which is why i've gone with this sort of diagonal stack opposite stack thing
  3. 00:59:561 (7) - Is there any need of using a 1/4 slider? There is nothing at 00:59:676, and I personally can't see any reason why should you overmap this. Try changing this slider to a circle instead? using that logic, 00:58:868 (5,6) - would also be overmapped :/ it's a 1/4 slider to express the way the guitar note is held out. 5 and 6 are held out for 3/4 beats while 7 is held out for 1/2. using a circle means no length expressed which means me sad
  4. 01:01:984 (3,4) - Similar to what I've said on the same spot in Hard, but with a difference: Add two circles at 01:02:214 - 01:02:330 after moving 01:01:984 (3,4) to create a small stream.
And uh, yeah, that's pretty much it. This mapset is already quite polished (and there are also many skilled modders giving their suggestions and stuff already), so there's not a lot to complain about. thanks for modding music i know you don't like :3

Good luck on the way 8-)
Yo, as requested.

  1. Storyboard images must be at a reasonable size for their usage. For most uses (e.g. full-screen images). For widescreen mode (recommended) the maximum is 960x540 pixels for 16:9 aspect ratio images and 960x600 for 16:10 images. The editor is 640x480 at default, so there's really no need to use anything larger for full-screen purposes.
    Note: it means that you should resize your 1366x768 bluetree.jpg. Since the editor is 640x580, recommended size for fullscreen 16:9 picture would be 854x480. If you do so, you'll be able to disable scaling of the image which will slightly improve performance of the SB on low-end machines.
    Note2: it's one of your very first mapsets, so it might be hard for you to deal with the editor. In that case, just download the fixed version of your storyboard here. and don't forget to re-start osu if the SB seems glitchy!
  1. Could you try to increase volume of your mp3 in the beginning? Something like +30-40% of the volume will make it more audible since it sounds way too quite.
  2. I like the idea of 2 different sets of colours. Good job! ♥
  3. drum-hitwhistle4.wav is way too long. having a 6 seconds long hitsound is not a good idea. Try to pause the game while this hisound is playing and you get weird noises in pause-menu + it just doesn't match with the song.
  1. Please, reduce OD and HP by 0,5 or even by 1. This is the easiest diff and it should be a bit easier than an average Normal-diff.
  2. 00:52:753 - try to listen to this part with 25% playback rate. The pattern you have is too tricky and really consfuses me. I thnk that there's a 3/4 sound, since 00:52:868 (2) - feels off. You can solve the problem here if you replace (1) and (2) with a 3/4 slider. example
    Note: 00:56:099 (1,2,3) - sounds like you hould do the same here.
  3. 01:03:484 (1,2) - I see your point in using these 1/2s but I'm sure that 3/4 will match better with the music and make your patterns more understandable. example
    Note: there are afew more patterns like this, I think you will be able to find and fix them yourself if you agree with me. :)
  4. 01:15:484 (2,3) - minor - the transition between these two feels unnatural and a bit forced comparing with the rest of the patterns. Why don't you try to improve it a bit? Here's an example of what I have on my mind, see if you like it or not!
  5. 01:29:330 (1,2) - these sliders are too long and don't look really cute, in my opinion. You can map them just like you've mapped 01:25:637 (1,2,3,4,5) - it will give you more interesting and consistent rhythm.
  6. 01:38:099 (5) - minor - mind moving this slider down a bit? Changing curve of the slider to make it go lower would be fine, too. The reason to do this is the overlap we get with the default HP-Bar.
    Note: in case if you can't confirm it, try 1024x768 or any other 4:3 screen resolution .
  7. 01:44:560 (3) - minor - if you applied the suggestion for 01:15:484 (2,3) - you might want to do a similar thing here. Example
    Note: it's really easy to do them. Jut take one slider, copy it and rotate it 120 degrees. Then repeat it and you'll get a cute pattern like this one. :)

    Pretty nice diff. The 1/2s I've mentioned were weird, evrything else is quite good.
  1. 00:52:407 (1,2) - the same thing about 3/4s happens here. I think I've already explained how to fix that and you will be able to do so, if you accept the suggestion.
  2. 01:01:637 (1,2) - in order to make your rhythm match better with the rhythm of the song and to make the pattern more natural and intuitively playable add repeats to both sliders. You'll get something like this
    Note: so, how do 1/2s play better than 3/4s? Polarity explains it all.
  3. 01:12:714 (1,2) - minor - looks like (1) is overlapped with the HP Bar. Also the pattern can be slightly improved, so re-adjusting the pattern is a win-win idea. A rough example
  4. 01:21:945 - that was really a lot of fun, I had some doubts about this part at first, but meh, I liked how it plays! ♥

    Not much to say, just a couple of minor fixes and the tricky pattern. Great diff!
  1. Reduce HP by 0,5 or 1. Your patterns and rhythm make current HP a bit too agressive.
  2. 00:52:637 (2,3,4,5) - quite a similar thing, try to select them all and press Ctrl+G. It will make the stronger beats stressd, which will fit here quite cool.
  3. 00:57:253 (7,8) - minor - more like a matter of preference, but I'd really be happy to see jumps here. THe jumps would fit better, just in my opinion. Try to place them and see if you like them or not. :)
  4. 01:01:637 (1,2,3,4) - just like on the hard diff. Replacing them with repeated 1/4 sliders would fit here + polarity.
    Note: it's fine to use 3/4s here since it gives some challenge and sounds rather interesting, so you can leave it as it is, but having 3/4s on the [Hard] feels too complicated.

    Well, that's pretty much it. Just a couple of things you should consider. Good job! :P
All diffs are decent and there's not too much to say. The only thing that REALLY needs attention is your storyboard.


Best of luck!
Try decreasing the offset by at least -20, the parts from 00:51:464 (1) onward sound very late, it's less noticable at the end and start especially, but it sounds way better with -20 already, especially on reduced speed. I believe the right amount should be somewhere between 2530 and 2540 *when I make a typo, it's at an important part
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

Yo, as requested. yoooooooo

  1. Storyboard images must be at a reasonable size for their usage. For most uses (e.g. full-screen images). For widescreen mode (recommended) the maximum is 960x540 pixels for 16:9 aspect ratio images and 960x600 for 16:10 images. The editor is 640x480 at default, so there's really no need to use anything larger for full-screen purposes.
    Note: it means that you should resize your 1366x768 bluetree.jpg. Since the editor is 640x580, recommended size for fullscreen 16:9 picture would be 854x480. If you do so, you'll be able to disable scaling of the image which will slightly improve performance of the SB on low-end machines.
    Note2: it's one of your very first mapsets, so it might be hard for you to deal with the editor. In that case, just download the fixed version of your storyboard here. and don't forget to re-start osu if the SB seems glitchy!

    this really does not make much sense. there is definitely a noticeable difference between what i had originally and your resized version. i know in the storyboard i've got my image scaled by 0.625, but it still shows up as a 1366x768 image ingame, which is what i would want if it's supposed to blend in with the 1366x768 bg. about the performance on low-end machines -- if my 5 line storyboard lags someone's computer, they need a new one. sorry about rejecting the one thing you recommend, but SB images are noticably lower quality at the "recommended" resolution. if i'm missing something important, please tell
  1. Could you try to increase volume of your mp3 in the beginning? Something like +30-40% of the volume will make it more audible since it sounds way too quite. +'d
  2. I like the idea of 2 different sets of colours. Good job! ♥ <3
  3. drum-hitwhistle4.wav is way too long. having a 6 seconds long hitsound is not a good idea. Try to pause the game while this hisound is playing and you get weird noises in pause-menu + it just doesn't match with the song. meh i thought it was cool, gone now tho
  1. Please, reduce OD and HP by 0,5 or even by 1. This is the easiest diff and it should be a bit easier than an average Normal-diff. did
  2. 00:52:753 - try to listen to this part with 25% playback rate. The pattern you have is too tricky and really consfuses me. I thnk that there's a 3/4 sound, since 00:52:868 (2) - feels off. You can solve the problem here if you replace (1) and (2) with a 3/4 slider. example that works rhythmically, but just causes more confusion on the playfield with that many reverse sliders and overlapping object congestion stuff. currently looking into a way to fix this, but a 3/4 reverse won't do
    Note: 00:56:099 (1,2,3) - sounds like you hould do the same here.
  3. 01:03:484 (1,2) - I see your point in using these 1/2s but I'm sure that 3/4 will match better with the music and make your patterns more understandable. example
    Note: there are afew more patterns like this, I think you will be able to find and fix them yourself if you agree with me. :)
  4. 01:15:484 (2,3) - minor - the transition between these two feels unnatural and a bit forced comparing with the rest of the patterns. Why don't you try to improve it a bit? Here's an example of what I have on my mind, see if you like it or not! tried something else that i think worked well
  5. 01:29:330 (1,2) - these sliders are too long and don't look really cute, in my opinion. You can map them just like you've mapped 01:25:637 (1,2,3,4,5) - it will give you more interesting and consistent rhythm. this song is on a new level of cute, as expressed by those sliders made this the same rhythm as the first 2 measures of the kiai
  6. 01:38:099 (5) - minor - mind moving this slider down a bit? Changing curve of the slider to make it go lower would be fine, too. The reason to do this is the overlap we get with the default HP-Bar. got this out of the hp bar
    Note: in case if you can't confirm it, try 1024x768 or any other 4:3 screen resolution .
  7. 01:44:560 (3) - minor - if you applied the suggestion for 01:15:484 (2,3) - you might want to do a similar thing here. Example the thing i changed the previous one to was similar to this, since i think this works pretty well
    Note: it's really easy to do them. Jut take one slider, copy it and rotate it 120 degrees. Then repeat it and you'll get a cute pattern like this one. :)

    Pretty nice diff. The 1/2s I've mentioned were weird, evrything else is quite good.
  1. 00:52:407 (1,2) - the same thing about 3/4s happens here. I think I've already explained how to fix that and you will be able to do so, if you accept the suggestion.
  2. 01:01:637 (1,2) - in order to make your rhythm match better with the rhythm of the song and to make the pattern more natural and intuitively playable add repeats to both sliders. You'll get something like this most people mention this, but this has been the best fix so far i think, so i'm going with it
    Note: so, how do 1/2s play better than 3/4s? Polarity explains it all. i am familiar :P i thought it wasn't too weird to play tho since they were sliders with negligible tails that begin on white ticks.
  3. 01:12:714 (1,2) - minor - looks like (1) is overlapped with the HP Bar. Also the pattern can be slightly improved, so re-adjusting the pattern is a win-win idea. A rough example uhfixed
  4. 01:21:945 - that was really a lot of fun, I had some doubts about this part at first, but meh, I liked how it plays! ♥ <3

    Not much to say, just a couple of minor fixes and the tricky pattern. Great diff!
  1. Reduce HP by 0,5 or 1. Your patterns and rhythm make current HP a bit too agressive. oke
  2. 00:52:637 (2,3,4,5) - quite a similar thing, try to select them all and press Ctrl+G. It will make the stronger beats stressd, which will fit here quite cool. did that and re-arranged positions of stuff, fixed on the next time it happened too
  3. 00:57:253 (7,8) - minor - more like a matter of preference, but I'd really be happy to see jumps here. THe jumps would fit better, just in my opinion. Try to place them and see if you like them or not. :) tried it out, doesn't really fit too well imo. there's a bunch of other things with the same sound that i just used as stacks, like this, so i'd feel it's better to keep it as it is
  4. 01:01:637 (1,2,3,4) - just like on the hard diff. Replacing them with repeated 1/4 sliders would fit here + polarity. didn't think i'd like it, but i did
    Note: it's fine to use 3/4s here since it gives some challenge and sounds rather interesting, so you can leave it as it is, but having 3/4s on the [Hard] feels too complicated.

    Well, that's pretty much it. Just a couple of things you should consider. Good job! :P
All diffs are decent and there's not too much to say. The only thing that REALLY needs attention is your storyboard.


Best of luck! ty :3


Legxis wrote:

Try decreasing the offset by at least -20, the parts from 00:51:464 (1) onward sound very late, it's less noticable at the end and start especially, but it sounds way better with -20 already, especially on reduced speed. I believe the right amount should be somewhere between 2530 and 2540
i think Shiro told me to use the current timing, but looking closer it is definitely wrong. i would have never noticed since my universal offset is purposely off by 20 ms (don't question it). will implement once i'm done with bakari's mod
P o M u T a
  1. Why you usen't symbal hitsound. this song really much. you use custon hitsound. It's blast.
  1. what CS3.2... usually 3 better. i don't like use decimal point CS,HD,OD.
  2. 00:09:476 - (2) - add whistle. fit guitar sound. also this part really nothing hitsound. feel sad.
  3. 00:09:937 (3) - ^ slider end.
  4. 00:13:168 (2) - ^
  5. 00:13:629 (3) - slider end.
  6. 00:16:860 (2) - ^
  7. 00:17:322 (3) - ^ slider end.
  8. 00:20:091 (2) - add whistle slider head instead.
  9. 00:21:937 (4) - ^ but, slider end.
  10. 00:36:706 (3,4) - (3) red point remove better and same shape (3,4). so, this is slow song part. really not fit red slider.
  11. 00:41:783 (2,5) - should perfect stack. seems bad.
  12. 00:45:937 (3,6) - ^
  13. 01:14:553 (1,2,3,4) - all same slider shape better.
  14. 01:42:706 (1) - slider head is symbal part. you add symbal hitsound better.
  1. 00:09:476 (3) - add whistle. (other this part hitsound please compare Normal)
  2. 01:03:014 (4) - try add slider point and curve. guitar sound match.
  3. 01:33:014 (1,2,3,4) - all slider head want symbal sound.
  4. 01:40:860 (1,2,3,4) - distance different. same better.
  1. 00:25:168 (6,7) - (6) Ctrl+G. (7) Ctrl+G. more sounds fit and player fun.
  2. 01:38:091 (4) - if follow drum sound, syould 1/2 slider. i can't hear reverse beat.
    If follow guitar, should add note 01:38:437 x) - .
Topic Starter

P o M u T a wrote:

  1. Why you usen't symbal hitsound. this song really much. you use custon hitsound. It's blast. you mean the drum-whistle hitsound? i'd really rather use the current one over the default, since the default is pretty weak when it comes to emphasizing anything. something like the normal-finish hitsound is also really annoying imo, so i'd rather not use something like that. if you're talking about something else do tell
  1. what CS3.2... usually 3 better. i don't like use decimal point CS,HD,OD. i thought it looked better with slightly smaller circles. don't really see why people hate decimals :/
  2. 00:09:476 - (2) - add whistle. fit guitar sound. also this part really nothing hitsound. feel sad. well it's slow and quiet. i wanted there to be a change between here and when the vocals come in at 00:22:860 (1) - , but adding these whistles would destroy that
  3. 00:09:937 (3) - ^ slider end.
  4. 00:13:168 (2) - ^
  5. 00:13:629 (3) - slider end.
  6. 00:16:860 (2) - ^
  7. 00:17:322 (3) - ^ slider end.
  8. 00:20:091 (2) - add whistle slider head instead.
  9. 00:21:937 (4) - ^ but, slider end.
  10. 00:36:706 (3,4) - (3) red point remove better and same shape (3,4). so, this is slow song part. really not fit red slider. that's the one bar with 1/2 rhythms :/ was the same at 00:20:091 (2) -
  11. 00:41:783 (2,5) - should perfect stack. seems bad. lolyeah
  12. 00:45:937 (3,6) - ^ ^
  13. 01:14:553 (1,2,3,4) - all same slider shape better. 01:17:322 (4) - has a drum thing in the music, which is why it's a different shape
  14. 01:42:706 (1) - slider head is symbal part. you add symbal hitsound better.
  1. 00:09:476 (3) - add whistle. (other this part hitsound please compare Normal) ya
  2. 01:03:014 (4) - try add slider point and curve. guitar sound match. asdf
  3. 01:33:014 (1,2,3,4) - all slider head want symbal sound.
  4. 01:40:860 (1,2,3,4) - distance different. same better. pixel master
  1. 00:25:168 (6,7) - (6) Ctrl+G. (7) Ctrl+G. more sounds fit and player fun. not meant to flow like that.
  2. 01:38:091 (4) - if follow drum sound, syould 1/2 slider. i can't hear reverse beat.
    If follow guitar, should add note 01:38:437 x) - . did a something
hi~ from my queue

  1. 00:09:476 (2,3,4) - Make a perfect triangle
  2. 00:13:168 (2,1) - blanket could be a bit better
  3. 00:24:706 (3,5) - ^
  4. 00:29:322 (5) - Move it at x:292 y:228 for better blanket
  5. 00:31:168 (3,5) - Blanket
  6. 00:39:476 (4,5) - ^
  7. 01:25:629 (1,2) - ^
  8. 00:49:629 (2) - Move it at x:320 y:252 for better flow
  1. 00:29:322 (6,1) - Blanket
  2. 00:52:629 (2,3) - ^
  3. 01:29:322 (1,2) - ^
Sorry for the short mod, I really can't find anything here (nazi only)
So hardcore song, I like it <3
You can call a BAT btw
Topic Starter

AlexaBM wrote:

hi~ from my queue

  1. 00:09:476 (2,3,4) - Make a perfect triangle i
  2. 00:13:168 (2,1) - blanket could be a bit better think
  3. 00:24:706 (3,5) - ^ you
  4. 00:29:322 (5) - Move it at x:292 y:228 for better blanket have
  5. 00:31:168 (3,5) - Blanket a
  6. 00:39:476 (4,5) - ^ blanket
  7. 01:25:629 (1,2) - ^ fetish
  8. 00:49:629 (2) - Move it at x:320 y:252 for better flow blanketting (3) so wat
  1. 00:29:322 (6,1) - Blanket yeah
  2. 00:52:629 (2,3) - ^ you
  3. 01:29:322 (1,2) - ^ do
Sorry for the short mod, I really can't find anything here (nazi only)
So hardcore song, I like it <3
You can call a BAT btw

You can call a BAT btw

You can call a BAT btw
You can call a BAT btw

heh. hehehhe. hahhahahhhahhahhhahahhahhhhahhahhahahhahahahahahahhahhahhhahhahahhahhahhahha. hahhahhhahahhahhhhaahhhhahhahahahahahahahhahhahhhahhahahhahhahhahhhahhahhhahahhahhhhahhahhahahhahahahahahahhahhahhhahhahahhah

ur funny
Idk how to explain how much I understand you..

From my queue of Normal Mod

  1. Grey——Just some complaints.
  2. Black——My personal suggestions.
  3. Bold——Highly recommended.
  4. Red——(Maybe) Unrankable, you have to fix it.

  1. Enable the eplipsy warning because of the shining sb at 00:52:399 -

  1. 00:31:168 (3) - remove whistle on the head
  2. 00:46:399 (4) - whistle
  3. 01:00:706 (2,3) - stack them together?
  4. 01:21:937 (1) - I prefer to change this to a 1/2 slider, same as 01:23:783 (3) - and so on

  1. 00:55:399 (4) - that may be hard to read, I recommend to change it in this way:
  2. 00:58:168 (2) - ^
  3. 01:03:706 (2) - 01:13:860 (4) - 01:17:553 (4) - ^
  4. 01:10:399 (5) - add a reverse to fit the song

  1. 00:57:245 (7,8) - stack them because you have stacked 00:53:553 (6,7) - before
  2. 01:04:629 (8,9) - ^
  3. 01:22:629 - I think that you should add a note here to let the rhythm fit the song more, also same as 01:24:476 - and so on.
  4. 01:44:322 (4) - too close to 01:44:091 (3) - and quite far from 01:44:552 (1) - ,try make another blanket?

good luck
Insane diff is quite good but looks in a mess. That may be a big problem to deal with.
Topic Starter

Minakami Yuki wrote:

From my queue of Normal Mod

  1. Grey——Just some complaints.
  2. Black——My personal suggestions.
  3. Bold——Highly recommended.
  4. Red——(Maybe) Unrankable, you have to fix it.

  1. Enable the eplipsy warning because of the shining sb at 00:52:399 - OBEY OUR LEADER

  1. 00:31:168 (3) - remove whistle on the head uh... following the whistle on 1 and 3 pattern like everywhere else o.o
  2. 00:46:399 (4) - whistle ^
  3. 01:00:706 (2,3) - stack them together? rather not use stacks on something that's supposed to look linear for the sake of readability and aesthetics
  4. 01:21:937 (1) - I prefer to change this to a 1/2 slider, same as 01:23:783 (3) - and so on tried it out and there's a lot of object congestion with that many notes between each other on 1/2 ticks (and it reveals how much i'm butchering the rhythms during the kiai since they're on blue ticks lol)

  1. 00:55:399 (4) - that may be hard to read, I recommend to change it in this way: considering all of these reverse sliders are the same length, once you know the length of the first one, that knowledge carries over to the rest of them. it also doesn't make much sense to change the rhythm in the middle of the drum roll :/
  2. 00:58:168 (2) - ^
  3. 01:03:706 (2) - 01:13:860 (4) - 01:17:553 (4) - ^
  4. 01:10:399 (5) - add a reverse to fit the song yes, you're right

  1. 00:57:245 (7,8) - stack them because you have stacked 00:53:553 (6,7) - before these are custom stacked due to the direction the cursor is coming from. 00:53:553 (6,7) - is just a regular stack because the cursor is coming from the left, while 00:57:245 (7,8) - and 01:04:629 (8,9) - are coming from the right.
  2. 01:04:629 (8,9) - ^
  3. 01:22:629 - I think that you should add a note here to let the rhythm fit the song more, also same as 01:24:476 - and so on. so... add a note on every tick for the entire kiai... sounds kind of painful
  4. 01:44:322 (4) - too close to 01:44:091 (3) - and quite far from 01:44:552 (1) - ,try make another blanket? yeah made distances better

good luck
Insane diff is quite good but looks in a mess. a hot mess That may be a big problem to deal with.
m4m :)

uhm, combo6 don't fit in comparison with other colours, maybe darken c2 and c4, or lighten c6 :I

00:21:476 (2,3,4,5) - minor, but the flow is weird here.
00:23:783 (3) - make it regular 1/2 slider. i feel that 00:24:245 - is better suited to a hitcircle.
00:24:706 (5,6,7) - probably requested many times, but it would be cool to have these 3 in alternating directions, helps with flow! happens again in 00:31:168 (4,5,6) -
00:27:245 (3,4) - minor ugly overlap
00:35:322 (4) - this is off by a very small margin, if you are following the pattern observed in 00:34:399 (2,3). move it to (355,136).
00:38:553 (2) - this should be a copypaste of 00:37:629 (1), unless it already it and i am blind.
00:40:399 (5,1) - ^
00:42:245 (2,3) - ^ (nitpicking, but its really for neatness' sake. they do go in pairs :) )
00:45:245 (2,3) - you're gonna hate me for this, but blanket is ever so slightly off. left side has a smaller gap and right side 00:49:168 (3,4) - imperfect blanketing here as well.
00:53:206 (5,6) - this is too large a jump for a 4-star map, consider reducing
00:55:860 (8) - this is rotated too much. rotate it by selection centre -11.
00:56:322 (2,3) & 00:56:668 (4,5) - keep spacing for the doubles constant.
01:00:937 (3,4) - in accordance with the music, i feel that (4) should be shifted higher. something like: 01:04:860 (9,1) - confused me on my first play. maybe ctrl+g (1), and subsequent sliders.
01:49:168 (1,2,3,4) - to me it feels iffy when (4) ends facing up, it would really suit much better if it faced down.


00:36:706 (7) - weird unnecessary kink slider. double repeat slider could work, but may be confusing.
01:15:706 (4,5) - replace with 1/4 repeat slider.
01:23:783 (1,2,3,4) - i don't feel it, change
can't see much problems in normal. that is all! :) good luck!! ☆
Topic Starter
will apply the mod and get to your map tomorrow (hopefully)


handsome wrote:

m4m :)

uhm, combo6 don't fit in comparison with other colours, maybe darken c2 and c4, or lighten c6 :I need some contrast between 4 and 6, otherwise they blend into each other way too much

00:21:476 (2,3,4,5) - minor, but the flow is weird here. matches guitar pitches, so yeah. if there's something better, do tell
00:23:783 (3) - make it regular 1/2 slider. i feel that 00:24:245 - is better suited to a hitcircle. don't want to cut short of the vocal, which is on a blue tick in the middle of the slider. making it a 1/2 slider would be ignoring that
00:24:706 (5,6,7) - probably requested many times, but it would be cool to have these 3 in alternating directions, helps with flow! happens again in 00:31:168 (4,5,6) - exact opposite of intentional flow :P
00:27:245 (3,4) - minor ugly overlap didsomething
00:35:322 (4) - this is off by a very small margin, if you are following the pattern observed in 00:34:399 (2,3). move it to (355,136). lolk
00:38:553 (2) - this should be a copypaste of 00:37:629 (1), unless it already it and i am blind. pretty sure htey are lol
00:40:399 (5,1) - ^
00:42:245 (2,3) - ^ (nitpicking, but its really for neatness' sake. they do go in pairs :) )
00:45:245 (2,3) - you're gonna hate me for this, but blanket is ever so slightly off. left side has a smaller gap and right sidelolk 00:49:168 (3,4) - imperfect blanketing here as well. tried to improve? looks pretty exact already...
00:53:206 (5,6) - this is too large a jump for a 4-star map, consider reducing didslightly
00:55:860 (8) - this is rotated too much. rotate it by selection centre -11. -.-
00:56:322 (2,3) & 00:56:668 (4,5) - keep spacing for the doubles constant.thenazi is real
01:00:937 (3,4) - in accordance with the music, i feel that (4) should be shifted higher. something like: didsomething 01:04:860 (9,1) - confused me on my first play. maybe ctrl+g (1), and subsequent sliders. keeping this as it is. i haven't seen any of my testplayers mess it up :P
01:49:168 (1,2,3,4) - to me it feels iffy when (4) ends facing up, it would really suit much better if it faced down. i had 4 and 3 switched before, so 4 was facing down, but it plays a lot nicer when 4 is on the bottom of the pattern, even though it's facing up


00:36:706 (7) - weird unnecessary kink slider. double repeat slider could work, but may be confusing.
01:15:706 (4,5) - replace with 1/4 repeat slider. uh...wat why. nothing in the music says to do that
01:23:783 (1,2,3,4) - i don't feel it, change trying to avoid doubles spam everywhere. makes it uncomfortable to play
can't see much problems in normal. that is all! :) good luck!! ☆ <3


The following hitsound suggestions is mainly because in my opinion, it sounds better if it follows the cymbals
00:20:091 - Add whistle
00:20:553 (5) - Take out whistle
00:21:014 - Add whistle
00:21:937 - Add whistle

00:34:860 (3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - Same as above
00:45:014 - Add whistle?

01:00:245 - Add a filler note here with finish?


Same comments about hitsounds from insane

00:48:706 (1) - How about something like this?
00:52:860 - This beat shouldnt be skipped imo
01:07:168 - 01:18:245 - A very personal suggestion, I understand if you dont like it at all. Maybe add claps every white tick? This way the notes will give more focus to the percussions (and they actually do) and it plays more awesome this way imo.
01:37:168 (1) - Try this:


Same comments about hitsounds from insane

01:03:245 (7) - This is an easy, and if I were you, Id try to avoid using filler notes as much as possible. And yes, this is a filler note, as in it doesn't contribute anything to your map's rhythm

This is all, nice song ;)
Topic Starter

Xanandra wrote:



The following hitsound suggestions is mainly because in my opinion, it sounds better if it follows the cymbals did hitsound stuff on all diffs
00:20:091 - Add whistle
00:20:553 (5) - Take out whistle
00:21:014 - Add whistle
00:21:937 - Add whistle

00:34:860 (3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - Same as above
00:45:014 - Add whistle?

01:00:245 - Add a filler note here with finish? rather keep the gap here. the only instruments i've mapped are guitar/drums, of which neither make a sound between 00:59:783 (1,2) -


Same comments about hitsounds from insane

00:48:706 (1) - How about something like this? would rather keep this as is. makes it inconsistent with 00:45:014 (1) - , so i'd have to do it twice, then there's lots of object congestion, which i'd rather not have on a hard difficulty
00:52:860 - This beat shouldnt be skipped imo the beats are actually on the blue ticks, which is why i ignored them initially. but yeah did stuff now
01:07:168 - 01:18:245 - A very personal suggestion, I understand if you dont like it at all. Maybe add claps every white tick? This way the notes will give more focus to the percussions (and they actually do) and it plays more awesome this way imo. i think they're pretty much the same whether claps or finishes, but if someone likes claps more then why not
01:37:168 (1) - Try this: yesyesyes


Same comments about hitsounds from insane

01:03:245 (7) - This is an easy, and if I were you, Id try to avoid using filler notes as much as possible. And yes, this is a filler note, as in it doesn't contribute anything to your map's rhythm easy in disguise* removed it

This is all, nice song ;)
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