~ singletapping ~ playing 1920x1080, fullscreen, 144hz monitor ~ once switched to tablet, but back to mouse + keyboard in the end ~ mechanical keyboard: brown cherry switches <3 ~ mouse: switched from 8$ mouse to a Benq mouse since start of 2019
~ I advise you to try the other modes too, they're fun and great practice. Mania is pure timing, because you have to time the end of sliders too. Taiko is perfect stream practice, because you have to stream during sliders. CtB is great for reaction time and noticing and correction of positional errors^^
Lan Wings ~ master of flow, I bow before you Frostmourne ~ omg, those jumps are so great=3 fanzhen0019 ~ his maps and guest diffs are so much fun to read <D Scorpiour ~ so good Hollow Wings ~ right there at the top with Lan, considering flow Beren ~ every storyboard is so pretty qinche ~ makes great guest diffs too Shinxyn ~ such confuse, much X val0108 ~ all the Vocaloid though, haha AngelHoney ~ oh god, those streams Satellite ~ you sure love senya, don't you? Forseen ~ all the superb guest diffs =D jonathanlfj ~ you are evil Nyquill ~ sometimes I wonder if you like torturing peoples' fingers HelloSCV ~ cosistent good mapping Delis ~ I am sad you don't have more maps Natsu ~ such fun maps^^ TicClick ~ The clicks always fit the rhythm perfectly <3 Quilt ~ map mooore ztrot ~ got a problem with that? cRyo[iceeicee] ~ you're so good at mapping =D RLC ~ there's a lot of energy to be felt while playing his maps Irreversible ~ high CS love <3 Fycho ~ I love the epic pauses in between jumps that go so well with the flow =D Zero__wind ~ maps have a nice feel^^ sjoy ~ so fast x.x Flower ~ the maps fit the rhythm^^