I first heard of Linux from my old CA teacher, who would often share titbits about Linux. At the time, however, I was quite young (11 iirc?) and wasn't obviously a programmer, so I didn't want to do anything with it. Well, that was until I got my first laptop.Windows had always been, to me, not the best eye candy of choice. It looked okay, but not great, and the option to customize, I felt, was squarely lacking. I had to go through hoops to customize the bare minimum. I disliked it. But the main reason I switched to Linux was one word: privacy.
Google had an option for you to download your data. On one curious occasion, I did exactly that. Unfortunately for my old self, I wasn't expecting to encounter voice recordings of me using Google Voice Assistant from years back. I spent the following hours trying to find a way to de-google my phone. And Windows was naturally the next. Granted, I didn't stick to my first Linux distribution for two days (it was mint), but so far Linux has treated me well.