
[resolved] Not making progress and losing motivation

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I've been playing osu!mania for a while now and finally got to 5 digits, but after that I've been struggling on the same maps and haven't made much progress and I'm losing motivation over it and my accuracy is also slowly decreasing too. Can someone give me ideas on ways to improve or gain the motivation back to continue?

*edit - so i found out the problem was me not warming up properly :') thanks for ur help tho
(moved from Help as this question isn't related to technical issues with the game)
Could be mindblock I get angry when I keep playing the same maps the best solution could be to play some new maps and only revisit the old maps once every few sessions

I advise you do some hand stretches and practice patterns you can literally do it anywhere and it's easy too but if that doesn't work try learning another k such as 7k or 6k it makes maps feel easier to read once you revisit 4k if you can't do that you could always up your sessions if you go from say 1 hour a day to 1 hour 30 minutes you'll improve
Keep up mental health PLAY OTHER VSRGS SUCH AS ETTERNA OR QUAVER and stop taking it so seriously that playing bad makes you sad be humble and stuff
If your losing motivation there isn't much you can do just try to enjoy the game and think of how cool it would be to eventually play those impossible parts you never thought you could take pride in your progress it's like the white powder when you see yourself improve so play more and over the course of maybe a few weeks maybe a few months maybe even a few years and eventually you'll notice your getting ever slightly better hitting just a few more notes every week or so and getting better and better
1. Identify a batch of maps you would like to get better at (Ranked maps for pp or specific maps you like).

2. Try to go 1-2 weeks without playing any of those maps and focus on practising specific skillsets.

3. Go back to replay the selected batch of maps on a good day, you will be surprised by how easily you surpass your old scores.

4. Congrats you made progress so repeat the process.
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pizzaboy wrote:

Could be mindblock I get angry when I keep playing the same maps the best solution could be to play some new maps and only revisit the old maps once every few sessions

I advise you do some hand stretches and practice patterns you can literally do it anywhere and it's easy too but if that doesn't work try learning another k such as 7k or 6k it makes maps feel easier to read once you revisit 4k if you can't do that you could always up your sessions if you go from say 1 hour a day to 1 hour 30 minutes you'll improve
Keep up mental health PLAY OTHER VSRGS SUCH AS ETTERNA OR QUAVER and stop taking it so seriously that playing bad makes you sad be humble and stuff
If your losing motivation there isn't much you can do just try to enjoy the game and think of how cool it would be to eventually play those impossible parts you never thought you could take pride in your progress it's like the white powder when you see yourself improve so play more and over the course of maybe a few weeks maybe a few months maybe even a few years and eventually you'll notice your getting ever slightly better hitting just a few more notes every week or so and getting better and better

Exarian wrote:

1. Identify a batch of maps you would like to get better at (Ranked maps for pp or specific maps you like).

2. Try to go 1-2 weeks without playing any of those maps and focus on practising specific skillsets.

3. Go back to replay the selected batch of maps on a good day, you will be surprised by how easily you surpass your old scores.

4. Congrats you made progress so repeat the process.
thats gonna be hard but Ill try
My Angel Marisa
general rule of thumb
pls enjoy game
I think me too last year

Only came back intermittently to attempt a few mapping projects
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My Angel Marisa wrote:

general rule of thumb
pls enjoy game
im trying but it gets hard when the songs u could fc with 99% become 96% and 15 misses
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