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E m i
tfw can't fc first half of koigokoro and daidai genome

Mikakage wrote:


The thing about maps like Daidai Genome and Koigokoro are that their high difficulty rating come from difficulty spikes at certain parts of the map, you can play most of the map relaxing and just need to really focus for some specific parts. Compared to worldenddominator and Hero that have a constant difficulty through the whole map so you have to focus all the time to hit every single note, they are easier considering the amount of skill required but harder because you need to be at that skill level all the time.

It's the same for no mod and HR "farm" maps, they are relatively easy most of the time with some spikes of difficulty that are worth the difficulty of the map, Ame to Asphalt for example is just a 4.92 stars map if you remove the jumps from the last 10 seconds. It's not a matter of pattern complexity or anything, it's just that you play the whole map quite relaxed and focus for real in the last 10 seconds to be able to dish all the pp from the 6.03 stars that this end is worth (If you delete the rest of the map leaving only the end, it is still a 5.86 star map)

Making it short, the 'farm maps' aren't about pattern complexity (although this makes it harder) or length (although this helps with retry faster) but the difficulty spread through the map. It doesn't matter if the map have the strangest sliders followed by a full screen star if it's just six seconds section of the map, you can just retry until you hit it once and take all the pp home.

Side note here: Hero is just frustrating to play because tutuhaha maps are just derp to play with the same sliders and triples patterns, with or without mods.
Well yes. The star system only considers the hardest parts on maps, that sometimes are few seconds lenght. I've mentionated that case earlier in the 153'th page, you can look at it here and finding the post. I personally think that the star system needs ton consider both highest star level and average star level and pp being considered by the average one. But it's very known that these map with too many stars wth difficulty peaks are giving more pp than intended because the actual system calculates these map likely if the WHOLE MAP is as HARD as HARDEST parts are, even if only a really small fraction (several seconds on some case) of the map have that real difficulty.

But in the case showed in the earlier post of mine, we have a case of a consistent map that is being better rated againist an inconsistent one that is known from being badass. Shounen radio neu [gold] isn't completely consistent, but its peaks of difficulty aren't based in too small periods of time ... instead a considerable fraction of the map is as hard as most dificult parts. I can't really explain this well at all, it's not simple to me .-.

[Now to general topic]

And yes, I can't FC koikogokoro or Dai Dai genome DT's, but still too many people find these maps too easy because these patterns are clean and they are focused at only aiming and tapping clean patterns (no tricky pauses nor change of timming or radical changes at the osng) and I personally find unfair that a group of players that can't do these maps get a grave handicap in ranking just because not being capable to FC THREE maps (the 2 insanes of koigokoro and Daidai genome) that are known to give much pp. I just want that this game becomes "be free to rank anything you want" instead of seing the existance of many "THIS IS A MUST TO HAVE MAP"

Be noticed that it's true that there are people that ranks over 100 positions at 1200-2000th only with Genome FC... Why a single map has to be THAT important? please no q-q

ReynBolt wrote:

The star system only considers the hardest parts on maps
That's bullshit.
Especially for Koigokoro and Daidai it's very obvious that they have no serious difficulty spikes which enables players to fc them once they can play the map as they won't get stuck on a single hard pattern.
The more flat a map is in terms of difficulty the better for pp-farm.
The few maps that have only 1 outstanding pattern at the very beginning or the very end are mostly flat too and you can take some pp by just fc'ing the rest of the map. Once you have two or more of such patterns maybe without such a high peak the map will be noticeable harder to pp.

Endaris wrote:

ReynBolt wrote:

The star system only considers the hardest parts on maps
That's bullshit.
it's not 100% accurate, but it's not bullshit either

Endaris wrote:

Especially for Koigokoro and Daidai it's very obvious that they have no serious difficulty spikes which enables players to fc them once they can play the map as they won't get stuck on a single hard pattern.
daidai has that one fullscreen triangle pattern somewhere halfway through the map and the ending has a difficulty spike, other than that it's not that hard. koigokoro has about the same difficulty throughout the map i agree. it's just that the difficulty comes from something that most people dont actually find all that difficult.

Endaris wrote:

The more flat a map is in terms of difficulty the better for pp-farm.
no, if a map is 6 stars purely because of, say, 1 star pattern, while otherwise it's not even 4 stars, then all you have to do is get lucky on the star pattern to get the pp for a 6 star map. if the map is 6 stars throughout the whole thing you just can't do that.

Endaris wrote:

The few maps that have only 1 outstanding pattern at the very beginning or the very end are mostly flat too and you can take some pp by just fc'ing the rest of the map. Once you have two or more of such patterns maybe without such a high peak the map will be noticeable harder to pp.
you just argued against yourself here, you're telling the other person they are right. it's not about the flatness of a map, it's about how high it's peak is.
Because a map with a peak at the very beginning or the very end is still flat compared to a map with a peak in the middle.
It yields a psychological advantage if it's flat and you can also get more pp without even completing the pattern successfully.
Maybe the people who can't fc daidai or koigokoro deserve to be lagged in rank behind the people that can because, get this, they don't have the skill to fc those maps! Daidai is annoying though, the small patterns on the left and right side of the screen fucked me up more than the big jumps ever did.

I think it's the same pattern as in the beginning of seiken nante iranai in the lower right.
Vuelo Eluko

Kheldragar wrote:

Maybe the people who can't fc daidai or koigokoro deserve to be lagged in rank behind the people that can because, get this, they don't have the skill to fc those maps! Daidai is annoying though, the small patterns on the left and right side of the screen fucked me up more than the big jumps ever did.

I think it's the same pattern as in the beginning of seiken nante iranai in the lower right.

Or maybe they just don't want to FC them because they hate the maps. Although, doing this prevents them from being allowed to bitch about being ranked lower than people who they are better than. Not that they would anyway, since they wouldn't care about other peoples rank if they don't even care about their own.

Less-skilled players who actually CAN'T get the pp tend to be the ones that complain about pp maps the most.

There shouldn't be a select few maps you should have play to compete rank-wise if you don't want to be underranked, you should be able to play whatever you enjoy and have your 'skill' gauged accurately by pp, but it isn't so.
Riince is right.
I can't FC daidai or Koigokoro but I don't care because I can call people who have them on their top ranks overranked trash
Vuelo Eluko

Mahoganytooth wrote:

I can't FC daidai or Koigokoro but I don't care because I can call people who have them on their top ranks overranked trash
yes it's their fault the maps are overweighted, flawless logic.
no, its their fault they're overranked
wait, I thought that was sarcasm
It was

But I was also slightly serious

Sometimes I don't even know
I'm not sure, but I'm seing hungreds of players that their only goal is playing for pp, not about becoming as good at many possible maps nor playing these songs that they like. What about playing harder or tricky maps and doing them FC or just playing to see general improvement on any kind of map and not just on pp ones?

And it's not a coinsidence that maps that are overrated at pp are played the most frequent and the least pp efficent the most avoided maps. It's a fact, good players on the #50's are being beaten by weaker but higher ranked players just because these are more interested at extracting each possible pp, not because they're really better at all.

What really bothers me? that I spend lots of efforts FCing an hard map to then play later an easier map with less effort but gaining more pp... I just complain because I don't like how things are going (whatever IS THAT REASSON, please it's just a personal tought). I have profs of some pp's system inefficency, I'm not lying but maybe I'm focusing these proofs for personal interest and not acting for general interest like I did in earlier posts.

Endaris wrote:

Especially for Koigokoro and Daidai it's very obvious that they have no serious difficulty spikes which enables players to fc them once they can play the map as they won't get stuck on a single hard pattern.
Lots of players have Daidai Genome as one of their top performances worth around 270 pp with an A rank because of the last seconds of the map, specially the three triples followed by some weird angled jumps. the start of the choruses are also significantly harder than the others parts in the map, but not even close to the final pattern. Koigokoro is constant.

Endaris wrote:

The more flat a map is in terms of difficulty the better for pp-farm.
The few maps that have only 1 outstanding pattern at the very beginning or the very end are mostly flat too and you can take some pp by just fc'ing the rest of the map. Once you have two or more of such patterns maybe without such a high peak the map will be noticeable harder to pp.
I think I get what you're saying here. A map being constant is better considering it only has very sparse spikes, if it gets lots of spikes the map becomes significantly harder.

But if you're talking about not having any spikes at all, nah. It's harder.

Kheldragar wrote:

Maybe the people who can't fc daidai or koigokoro deserve to be lagged in rank behind the people that can because, get this, they don't have the skill to fc those maps! Daidai is annoying though, the small patterns on the left and right side of the screen fucked me up more than the big jumps ever did.

Riince wrote:

Or maybe they just don't want to FC them because they hate the maps. Although, doing this prevents them from being allowed to bitch about being ranked lower than people who they are better than. Not that they would anyway, since they wouldn't care about other peoples rank if they don't even care about their own.
If the map pool from where you can farm isn't limited this is what will happen, it's the best pick optimal maps if they want to increase rank. One should also assume that everyone will go to these maps instead of bitching about honor or some other bullshit and refusing to play these.

But of course, each player should play their strong points. Daidai Genome is an aim map, you will farm in it if this is your best aspect. Speed players should go to maps like Midnight Siege, and Accuracy players can play long maps with constant but easy difficulty as M@sterpiece (or for no mod, some of the one many DnB maps around 5.5 stars with OD 9).

Riince wrote:

There shouldn't be a select few maps you should have play to compete rank-wise if you don't want to be underranked, you should be able to play whatever you enjoy and have your 'skill' gauged accurately by pp, but it isn't so.
The problem is that the system gauges three different skills: Aim, Speed and Accuracy. We cannot see how much of it each player have like the old tp site.

A player might be worse than an player bellow him in two aspects but still have a higher ranking because his one best aspect is rated higher than the other two from the second player.

Here, the problem is with the map pool size (hundreds of thousands of maps) and the dominating mapping style.

Endaris wrote:

ReynBolt wrote:

The star system only considers the hardest parts on maps
That's bullshit.
Especially for Koigokoro and Daidai it's very obvious that they have no serious difficulty spikes which enables players to fc them once they can play the map as they won't get stuck on a single hard pattern.
The more flat a map is in terms of difficulty the better for pp-farm.
The few maps that have only 1 outstanding pattern at the very beginning or the very end are mostly flat too and you can take some pp by just fc'ing the rest of the map. Once you have two or more of such patterns maybe without such a high peak the map will be noticeable harder to pp.
I'd like to mention that best friendS long ver is exaxtly what you described in the last sentence. It's a map with 3 ( or was it 4?) Difficulty spikes and a much easier map for the rest of the song. Also maps with spikes tend to be farm maps though. 7 - seven, remote control, jojo, best friendS etc...

uberpancake wrote:

I'd like to mention that best friendS long ver is exaxtly what you described in the last sentence. It's a map with 3 ( or was it 4?) Difficulty spikes and a much easier map for the rest of the song. Also maps with spikes tend to be farm maps though. 7 - seven, remote control, jojo, best friendS etc...
Would like to clarify that the shorter the spikes are, the more farmable is. I find that some maps with their peaks are rightly judged likely hvick225 Sagara Kokoro - Hoshizora no Ima [S.S] because the peak stands enough time to require constancy on skill and not about pure luck on a random play ... meanwhile I find FLOWxGRANRODEO - 7 -seven- -TV SIZE - a way too overrated because the peaks stands too low time and seems very tryhardable and sucess ratio seems to be too high for a 500 pp play map.

About remote control... well... it's a weird case of OD10.33 DT play. If OD10 is too strong at really high values of accuracy then OD10.33 should be even stronger. I don't find that map broken on pp at all because the spacing that it has on its peaks is enough to make it not a mere "free accuracy map" likely we see on many other DT maps, but because it has 3-4 pikes of too low length seems that if you're somehow lucky you can obtain good pp from a good random play even at not being consistent on all the plays.

peaks of difficulty = tryhardable
Retrying for a lucky rank = worth on pp
^ this can be aplied at both cases FC or high accuracy.
The more peaks the less tryhardable/farmable is
My only (admittedly pretty big) qualm with the difficulty system right now is that IMO it should NEVER be possible for replacing your score to DECREASE your PP.

I understand why this is currently the case (only one score can be scored, and it prioritizes score over PP value understandably), but it should not be that hard to adjust the unique constraint from (player, map) to something like (player, map, pp_score) where pp_score is a boolean/tinyint that is true if the score has a lower score but higher pp value than your previous best.

Either that or find some way to merge score and PP together by adjusting the PP system or by adjusting the score system, or some combination of both.

Tysonzero wrote:

My only (admittedly pretty big) qualm with the difficulty system right now is that IMO it should NEVER be possible for replacing your score to DECREASE your PP.
Don't worry man, I heard this is going to be fixed in some big update down the line.
E m i

Tysonzero wrote:

My only (admittedly pretty big) qualm with the difficulty system right now is that IMO it should NEVER be possible for replacing your score to DECREASE your PP.
Tom's not going to do that, he's only going to make it so you can't get a higher score with a different mod combo overwrite higher pp plays.

Khelly wrote:

Tom's not going to do that, he's only going to make it so you can't get a higher score with a different mod combo overwrite higher pp plays.
Pretty sure he's gonna do both? You're gonna be able to submit a hr score and dt score to the same map but that's separate from the plan to remove pp reducing score submission.

jesus1412 wrote:

Khelly wrote:

Tom's not going to do that, he's only going to make it so you can't get a higher score with a different mod combo overwrite higher pp plays.
Pretty sure he's gonna do both? You're gonna be able to submit a hr score and dt score to the same map but that's separate from the plan to remove pp reducing score submission.
I think I asked him on his ask fm a few months ago and he said something about not doing both because only keeping the highest pp score requires more storage of scores or something.
actually he said only keeping the highest pp score wont happen because if something changes about pp it might not be the highest pp score anymore.
Vuelo Eluko

silmarilen wrote:

actually he said only keeping the highest pp score wont happen because if something changes about pp it might not be the highest pp score anymore.
that would be a much rarer scenario than losing pp, which is an everyday thing to some people and something most people always take into consideration before playing a map with different mods, but it doesn't have to be..
i agree with that actually. i also agree with that highest pp should be saved and not highest score, but those are tom's words.
I think the mod 'Spun Out' should only cost you pp when the map actually has a spinner. :o

[Lucky] wrote:

I think the mod 'Spun Out' should only cost you pp when the map actually has a spinner. :o
I think being an idiot should legitimately cost you pp.

Endaris wrote:

[Lucky] wrote:

I think the mod 'Spun Out' should only cost you pp when the map actually has a spinner. :o
I think being an idiot should legitimately cost you pp.
I don't think he was an idiot, SO is worth as 95% pp but only uses half of score, meaning you can improve it easly later on when playing better.
It's as dumb as saying NF should only cost you pp if you fail the map.

Khelly wrote:

It's as dumb as saying NF should only cost you pp if you fail the map.
More importantly, why does anyone care about pp if they're using nofail? Or Spun out? Using those mods is like saying hey, this map is too hard for me to play well. If you can't play it well then why are you worried about pp. There is no way in hell it will be better than your top plays.
Vuelo Eluko

otoed1 wrote:

There is no way in hell it will be better than your top plays.
depends heavily on the player..

otoed1 wrote:

Khelly wrote:

It's as dumb as saying NF should only cost you pp if you fail the map.
If you can't play it well then why are you worried about pp. There is no way in hell it will be better than your top plays.
My top ranks would like a word.
I thought you were Riince, stop it.

Your 97% key to my heart is nice though. Fuck the ending.

jesus1412 wrote:

My top ranks would like a word.
Nah, they don't want to talk they're too ashamed of their acc and too proud of the rest of their phat skillz. Srsly tho, how do you get as good as you with such bad acc?
-Makishima S-
how do you get as good as you with such bad acc?
I might assume that actual "throw stream here, throw stream there" fast/superfast bpm stream everywhere maps (it's can be called a meta already since more and more what i see - map without stream doesn't exist) and not everyone have consistency to play this.

Jesus is still godlike player so sush :3

otoed1 wrote:

jesus1412 wrote:

My top ranks would like a word.
Nah, they don't want to talk they're too ashamed of their acc and too proud of the rest of their phat skillz. Srsly tho, how do you get as good as you with such bad acc?
Nobody becomes good without good accuracy

When you're trying to FC a map full of 280 BPM deathstreams, it's easy to give absolutely 0 fucks about accuracy. Kind of like Cookiezi's first score on remote control which was 92% or so.

Purple wrote:

Nobody becomes good without good accuracy
How so?

Khelly wrote:

Purple wrote:

Nobody becomes good without good accuracy
How so?
His accuracy is good, just not the best at these extremely fast maps. A 98.98% Muteki no Soldier or his 91.91% at FREEDMAN plays aren't something to laugh at.
So when a normal player gets 92% then its a shitpass with shitty accuracy but when a pro gets 92% then thats good accuracy? Please make up your mind.

Mikakage wrote:

His accuracy is good, just not the best at these extremely fast maps. A 98.98% Muteki no Soldier or his 91.91% at FREEDMAN plays aren't something to laugh at.
Perhaps he's like me and gets gud accuracy on things that are relatively easier and then just gets 92-95% fcs on the harder things because we're not that great at acc in actuality?

Mikakage wrote:

Khelly wrote:

How so?
His accuracy is good, just not the best at these extremely fast maps. A 98.98% Muteki no Soldier or his 91.91% at FREEDMAN plays aren't something to laugh at.
for someone of his skill level,that accuracy on muteki is shit. i got fewer 100s back in 2013
Vuelo Eluko

HK_ wrote:

So when a normal player gets 92% then its a shitpass with shitty accuracy but when a pro gets 92% then thats good accuracy? Please make up your mind.
only when its something noone else can fc with high acc


or a lot of jesse's top ranks
I suggest that the star difficulty cannot understand these kind of sliders so make it understand them :

selected circle is 3

Here is my map as an example : Flux Pavillion - I Can't Stop - 01:18:813 (1,2,3) - thats the objects in the screenshots.

So it is 4.22 star but i named it extra because i used some big spaces on these kind of sliders. Just testplay it and think about it "Is it really 4.22 star map or its acctualy harder?"

Here is an good example check the star difficulty of lan's extra and play it do you still think it is 4.93 stars? :
Yeah, but that's kind of obvious cause stardiff measures how easy it is to SS.
As sliders have a huge timewindow to get a 300 on(250ms window on OD7.2), large jumps to sliders aren't worth as much cause it will think you have more time to jump, like 100ms more than for a jump to a circle.
Yes, we know the star difficulty algorithm messes up sliders. In a lot of maps you can replace sliders with circles located at their heads and have the star rating increase which makes 0 sense. Above post is wrong though afaik - if you change the OD on a map, its star difficulty doesn't change at all. Algorithm just treats sliders badly.

iirc it approximates the minimum distance you can use to complete the slider and considers it to all be part of the next jump or something like that

which is all sorts of bad if true

but don't trust me on it being true because i'm not sure if it is

GhostFrog wrote:

if you change the OD on a map, its star difficulty doesn't change at all.
Maybe because the increase in time you get is proportional to the increase you get of a circle?
Cause if it's proportional it can be measured by length and point of time without looking into OD while still giving sliders a disadvantage in rating.

Endaris wrote:

GhostFrog wrote:

if you change the OD on a map, its star difficulty doesn't change at all.
Maybe because the increase in time you get is proportional to the increase you get of a circle?
Cause if it's proportional it can be measured by length and point of time without looking into OD while still giving sliders a disadvantage in rating.
Huh? If sliders were really underrated because of what you said, the difficulty of a map should go up when you increase OD. Difficulty algorithm just assume you're hitting everything at exactly the correct time.
idk, I thought star rating was a measurement of how hard it is to SS a map.
I couldn't find an actual definition of what it does precisely.
This thread is WAY to long for me to read trough everything, so I will just straight forward ask my question.

Is there a way to check pp value of a particular play?
I would love it if we could see every score's pp value, or at least demand
to see the value of a particular play for a score that does not appear in the Top Ranks
on my profile page..

UltraRik wrote:

This thread is WAY to long for me to read trough everything, so I will just straight forward ask my question.

Is there a way to check pp value of a particular play?
I would love it if we could see every score's pp value, or at least demand
to see the value of a particular play for a score that does not appear in the Top Ranks
on my profile page..
If it's not on your profile page then no, you can't. Tillerino CAN give you an estimate for an fc.
Yeah, only if it's an FC, and then use !acc and input the acc you or they got. I don't know of any way to check for pp worth of non FC scores.

Khelly wrote:

If it's not on your profile page then no, you can't. Tillerino CAN give you an estimate for an fc.
WOW that was a quick reply, thanks!

That's really sad, I wish peppy would implement a way for us to do that.. because I'm not sure
if tryharding with certain mods will be worth anything or a waste of time lol.

ALSO I strongly feel that DT scores are blown out of proportions in the pp system,
DT needs nerfing in terms of pp value. Farming DT is way too easy imo
If you're playing hards with DT, you're doing it wrong.

UltraRik wrote:

Khelly wrote:

If it's not on your profile page then no, you can't. Tillerino CAN give you an estimate for an fc.
WOW that was a quick reply, thanks!

That's really sad, I wish peppy would implement a way for us to do that.. because I'm not sure
if tryharding with certain mods will be worth anything or a waste of time lol.

ALSO I strongly feel that DT scores are blown out of proportions in the pp system,
DT needs nerfing in terms of pp value. Farming DT is way too easy imo
DT is by far the most commonly underrated mod in the game at a high level. I don't think it needs more nerfs right now. It's worth noting that you have almost no DT scores in your top performance, how do you know that it's "easy" to farm pp when next to none of your pp comes from DT. I think you should experiment more with mods and then come back to report.

jesus1412 wrote:

DT is by far the most commonly underrated mod in the game at a high level. I don't think it needs more nerfs right now. It's worth noting that you have almost no DT scores in your top performance, how do you know that it's "easy" to farm pp when next to none of your pp comes from DT. I think you should experiment more with mods and then come back to report.
Yeah, no, I never play DT since my FPS makes AR higher than 10 basically invisible.
But I have a lot of friends who say that DT is easy to do, also A LOT of people have
DT / HDDT scores for their Top Ranks.
Jesse, what do you call "a high level"? 6.00*+? Top 100 player DT plays for 400+ pp?
DT gives way too much pp thats true but DT way too easy? Please...
DT a 4.5*+ map and you will understand.

jesus1412 wrote:

It's worth noting that you have almost no DT scores in your top performance, how do you know that it's "easy" to farm pp when next to none of your pp comes from DT.
Also this. Theres so many people judging mods/play styles/ whatever and calling them bad without even trying them out, seriously wtf people???

jesus1412 wrote:

DT is by far the most commonly underrated mod in the game at a high level
Most people don't play at a high level, though and I think it's safe to say that at a medium level of play, DT is overrated.

jesus1412 wrote:

how do you know that it's "easy" to farm pp when next to none of your pp comes from DT
Personally, I have 8 200+pp scores

I worked very hard for every single one of them

Except for the DT play, which was a random play that I put very little effort into and got on like the 3rd try

The same trend continues for what few DT plays I have in my top plays

I'm just doing theory work here, but DT at lower levels is (IMHO) overrated because of the OD increase. Meanwhile, at high levels, you're going to be playing HR or DT to gain PP, so the OD is high regardless of which mod you're playing, so it balances out, and DT stops being overrated because the alternative is on equal ground. I don't have any personal experience of playing at a high level like that, but I haven't found many people to disagree with my theory.
Jesus doesn't refer to DT maps as maps like Setting Sail or Daidai Genome, they play the same as HR maps with high resolution, slightly slower AR, and 2ms more leniency. A real DT specialty player does not benefit highly from playing maps like these. If someone can play these maps accurately, they can get pp from HR with just a little more practice, no doubt. The biggest advantage with DT is that it's not as black and white as with HR, where OD7 turns into OD9.8, because DT keeps the flow of the original mapping perfectly and only speeds it up. Playing slow maps accurately with DT is just a stepping stone into HR, it won't help you get faster for higher level DT. Basically, DT is only overrated at noob level play because HR has such a big jump on AR and OD for anything with decent aim or speed pp at it's base that they can't play it well, unlike DT which can hit that middle ground between the two. Only higher level players can feel benefits from HR, and for them, pretty much most things they can no mod can be played with HR as well. The real flaw is in the nature of the HR mod itself upon it's creation based on the way map stats are set now. I feel like I'm starting to talk aimlessly in circles so I'll stop, this isn't even pp feedback.
Vuelo Eluko
basically the stuff bad players do is easy for good players

thanks you for this revelation NixXSkate

xxjesus1412fanx wrote:

basically the stuff bad players do is easy for good players

thanks you for this revelation NixXSkate

UltraRik wrote:

jesus1412 wrote:

DT is by far the most commonly underrated mod in the game at a high level. I don't think it needs more nerfs right now. It's worth noting that you have almost no DT scores in your top performance, how do you know that it's "easy" to farm pp when next to none of your pp comes from DT. I think you should experiment more with mods and then come back to report.
Yeah, no, I never play DT since my FPS makes AR higher than 10 basically invisible.
But I have a lot of friends who say that DT is easy to do, also A LOT of people have
DT / HDDT scores for their Top Ranks.
AR>10 is a very high level of play that's usually not recommended for people around your rank, try ar8 DT maps and see how it goes. I'm not trying to attack you for not playing DT, I'm just saying that you should try it first and then report on it rather than "he said she said". There are maps that are very easy to gain pp from for every mod, just because more people can play DT does not mean that DT is overweighted. If you can find a way to nerf "pp" maps without nerfing the already underweighted maps then I would agree with it.

Khelly wrote:

Jesse, what do you call "a high level"? 6.00*+? Top 100 player DT plays for 400+ pp?
200+pp scores.

Mahogany wrote:

jesus1412 wrote:

DT is by far the most commonly underrated mod in the game at a high level
Most people don't play at a high level, though and I think it's safe to say that at a medium level of play, DT is overrated.

jesus1412 wrote:

how do you know that it's "easy" to farm pp when next to none of your pp comes from DT
Personally, I have 8 200+pp scores

I worked very hard for every single one of them

Except for the DT play, which was a random play that I put very little effort into and got on like the 3rd try

The same trend continues for what few DT plays I have in my top plays

I'm just doing theory work here, but DT at lower levels is (IMHO) overrated because of the OD increase. Meanwhile, at high levels, you're going to be playing HR or DT to gain PP, so the OD is high regardless of which mod you're playing, so it balances out, and DT stops being overrated because the alternative is on equal ground. I don't have any personal experience of playing at a high level like that, but I haven't found many people to disagree with my theory.
This is a very reasonable answer however one overweighted map does not represent the entirety of DT. I'm glad that you're trying to point out specific things other than "DT is overweighted, nerf it". Specifics are what we need here. OD is a strange topic at the moment, a lot of people think it has too big of an influence, specifically in regard to the pp gain/loss from high/low acc FCs on the same map.

NixXSkate wrote:

Jesus doesn't refer to DT maps as maps like Setting Sail or Daidai Genome, they play the same as HR maps with high resolution, slightly slower AR, and 2ms more leniency. A real DT specialty player does not benefit highly from playing maps like these. If someone can play these maps accurately, they can get pp from HR with just a little more practice, no doubt. The biggest advantage with DT is that it's not as black and white as with HR, where OD7 turns into OD9.8, because DT keeps the flow of the original mapping perfectly and only speeds it up. Playing slow maps accurately with DT is just a stepping stone into HR, it won't help you get faster for higher level DT. Basically, DT is only overrated at noob level play because HR has such a big jump on AR and OD for anything with decent aim or speed pp at it's base that they can't play it well, unlike DT which can hit that middle ground between the two. Only higher level players can feel benefits from HR, and for them, pretty much most things they can no mod can be played with HR as well. The real flaw is in the nature of the HR mod itself upon it's creation based on the way map stats are set now. I feel like I'm starting to talk aimlessly in circles so I'll stop, this isn't even pp feedback.
This is MASSIVELY the issue, HR is DIFFERENT to nomod (which people are used to) while DT has a similar feel to nomod (essentially if you build your core skills, you're building your DT skills [aside from possibly your speed]).

Also final note, the reason I called the initial post out about this is that "nerf DT" doesn't help at all. The post literally said just to nerf all of DT which makes me want to throw rank 1 millions into a fire.

On a different topic, can we change how acc is handled. You shouldn't be punished for setting low acc scores, the system is based around not punishing you. Look at my acc over the last year:


jesus1412 wrote:

This is a very reasonable answer however one overweighted map does not represent the entirety of DT
Oh, Setting Sail is hardly the only map. I don't keep up-to-date with DT farm maps, but isn't this a similar situation with many other maps? I'm thinking this PP overweight applies to any AR8 OD8 map, and that's why maps such as several of Ztrot's pony maps are also considered good DT farm maps, along with Daidai genome (Though the difficulty spike at the end probably contributes a lot)

...then again, you also have Koigokoro, and both of the insanes are only OD7, but it still manages to be one of the most popular DT farm maps.

I think it's safe to say, though, that the OD increase is one of the major contributing factors to DT overweight.

At a medium level, HR is a lot harder to play as well as DT is. If you're playing HR it's a lot harder to get a full combo on maps with an equivalent star rating with DT (IMHO), because of the higher AR, and (often) very low note density, compared to DT-ing the map, as well as the smaller CS.
OD is also a factor and I believe OD9.67 is far easier to get good acc on compared to OD10.

Technically, HR is still more valuable than DT at a mid level. Look at my top scores. I have a 201pp HDHR SS score on a 4.38* map, compared to the ~5* 99.66% 207PP score that my DT Setting Sail gave. The problem is that the HDHR score is all acc PP, and that score was worth like 150pp for 99%, which would be completely worthless to me, whereas a DT score would still be valuable at less-than-perfect accuracy. So unless you're playing HR perfectly, which the majority of people cannot do until they start being very high ranked, the PP gain potential is simply incomparable and you're better off playing nomod rather than HR for PP.

I don't know, I'm too focused on the OD increase, because that's the only thing that really stands out to me, personally...I don't know what else it could be. In my experience, I've always found high OD to be OP, but at the same time I've always been an accuracy whore.

It'll be good to get others' inputs on this, but I've thought about this for a long time and this is my personal conclusion.

Also, I would agree with changing how acc is handled. I feel that PP is too weighted towards 99%+ scores, personally. I'd like there to be a more even spread between 97%-100%

Mahogany wrote:

Oh, Setting Sail is hardly the only map. I don't keep up-to-date with DT farm maps, but isn't this a similar situation with many other maps? I'm thinking this PP overweight applies to any AR8 OD8 map, and that's why maps such as several of Ztrot's pony maps are also considered good DT farm maps, along with Daidai genome (Though the difficulty spike at the end probably contributes a lot)
As there are many HR farm maps out there, basically almost all MIIRO TV Size Insane and Extra difficulties are good HR farm maps. There are way more short maps with huge jumps, few triples and easy streams (like Daisy, Univer Page, Artcore Jinja, Diamond...) to farm with HR than there are with DT.

Mahogany wrote:

...then again, you also have Koigokoro, and both of the insanes are only OD7, but it still manages to be one of the most popular DT farm maps.

I think it's safe to say, though, that the OD increase is one of the major contributing factors to DT overweight.
Same with HR assuming you can get good acc. And Koigokoro is a map that is worth quite a bit and you're not so harshly penalized for getting a so-so accuracy, different from Daidai Genome because OD8 becomes very close to OD10 with DT.

Mahogany wrote:

At a medium level, HR is a lot harder to play as well as DT is. If you're playing HR it's a lot harder to get a full combo on maps with an equivalent star rating with DT (IMHO), because of the higher AR, and (often) very low note density, compared to DT-ing the map, as well as the smaller CS.
OD is also a factor and I believe OD9.67 is far easier to get good acc on compared to OD10.
Like you said. In your opinion, probably because of your skillset. Using the example bellow:

Mahogany wrote:

Technically, HR is still more valuable than DT at a mid level. Look at my top scores. I have a 201pp HDHR SS score on a 4.38* map, compared to the ~5* 99.66% 207PP score that my DT Setting Sail gave. The problem is that the HDHR score is all acc PP, and that score was worth like 150pp for 99%, which would be completely worthless to me, whereas a DT score would still be valuable at less-than-perfect accuracy. So unless you're playing HR perfectly, which the majority of people cannot do until they start being very high ranked, the PP gain potential is simply incomparable and you're better off playing nomod rather than HR for PP.
First, with HR it becomes a 4.68 star map.

Notice something you're saying in this. DT is still valuable even without less than perfect accuracy because it is harder to play assuming you can read both maps properly, it got harder patterns and jumps than Fjarlaegur, BPM is irrelevant in both. It's just that HR is harder for most players because they aren't used to play the circle size and AR10. It's fair that Fjarlaegur can only be compared to it because of the accuracy boost, actually, it is overrated if you look directly at the heart of the matter because you can make a map considerably easier worth almost as much when both maps have only a 0.5 ms timing window difference.

It is still hilarious that a single one hundred is worth 12 pp in this and 8 pp in Setting Sail. A 0.5 ms timing window difference = 4 pp difference in a longer map. Whatever... this just shows how much OD is broken.

In all these we are talking about simple maps, like most farm maps, that are relatively easy to play and don't actually have what makes both mods harder at the highest levels: streams. In DT it's high BPM streams and in HR is keeping accuracy on long streams. And keeping accuracy in a <200 BPM stream is much easier than playing 240+ BPM in general.

Mahogany wrote:

I don't know, I'm too focused on the OD increase, because that's the only thing that really stands out to me, personally...I don't know what else it could be. In my experience, I've always found high OD to be OP, but at the same time I've always been an accuracy whore.

It'll be good to get others' inputs on this, but I've thought about this for a long time and this is my personal conclusion.

Also, I would agree with changing how acc is handled. I feel that PP is too weighted towards 99%+ scores, personally. I'd like there to be a more even spread between 97%-100%
Like Jesse said, many (including myself) aren't very satisfied with how accuracy is handled. The way it scales at higher ODs is just ridiculous to the point that getting a 98.5% score feels like crap when looking at something just 1% above, the difference is huge even when there is a mere 0.5 ms difference in the timing window.

This and the balance between maps with simple difficulty spikes vs constant difficulty or high BPM streams, specially OD8 jump maps. For firetruck sake, Daidai Genome is worth almost as much as Magica with around two thirds the object count, and way more than Netoge Haijin Sprechchor. Just a glance at the leaderboards tells us which ones are harder.

PS - I'm not saying all streams are underrated, we all know spaced streams are all the rage when making good farm maps, they don't even need to be all that spaced to be worth lots compared to more condensed but way faster streams.
Good post, man.

Mikakage wrote:

Same with HR assuming you can get good acc.
Personally, I believe that it's a lot harder to get good acc with HR than with DT.

Mikakage wrote:

probably because of your skillset
That's very true, I'm not looking at this very objectively TBH, purely speaking from my experiences.

Mikakage wrote:

HR is harder for most players because they aren't used to play the circle size and AR10
I agree with this.

At a medium level of play, DT is just...playing a normal fast map. With less complicated patterns and it's somewhat harder to get good acc. Playing HR at that level is a world of difference due to several fundamental changes.

Mikakage wrote:

It is still hilarious that a single one hundred is worth 12 pp in this and 8 pp in Setting Sail. A 0.5 ms timing window difference = 4 pp difference in a longer map. Whatever... this just shows how much OD is broken.

Mikakage wrote:

Like Jesse said, many (including myself) aren't very satisfied with how accuracy is handled. The way it scales at higher ODs is just ridiculous to the point that getting a 98.5% score feels like crap when looking at something just 1% above, the difference is huge even when there is a mere 0.5 ms difference in the timing window.
I completely agree.

Acc PP is just too prone to be overrated overall, I think.
acc should be a function of map complexity, not just of map length and od. too bad there dont seem to be any ways to do that.
Keeping acc in <200 bpm streams is way harder than playing 240+ bpm wtf I'm ruined

I like how pp gains go up exponentially as you approach SS because it reflects how much harder it is to go from 98 to 99 than 95 to 98 etc. It is a lot easier to go from 20x100 to 10x100 than 10x to 5x, and I like how it reflects that
E m i

Khelly wrote:

Keeping acc in <200 bpm streams is way harder than playing 240+ bpm wtf I'm ruined

I like how pp gains go up exponentially as you approach SS because it reflects how much harder it is to go from 98 to 99 than 95 to 98 etc. It is a lot easier to go from 20x100 to 10x100 than 10x to 5x, and I like how it reflects that
Except on long maps, ayy those 160pp marathon SSes
What combo is long?
E m i

Khelly wrote:

What combo is long?
Long to any degree, 2.5k to 9k obviously ;)

Khelly wrote:

Keeping acc in <200 bpm streams is way harder than playing 240+ bpm wtf I'm ruined
Idk man I'm pretty sure most people get better acc on <200bpm streams than they do on mendes dt.

jesus1412 wrote:

Khelly wrote:

Keeping acc in <200 bpm streams is way harder than playing 240+ bpm wtf I'm ruined
Idk man I'm pretty sure most people get better acc on <200bpm streams than they do on mendes dt.
The second one is not specific enough about what type of 240+ bpm.

Khelly wrote:

Keeping acc in <200 bpm streams is way harder than playing 240+ bpm wtf I'm ruined

I like how pp gains go up exponentially as you approach SS because it reflects how much harder it is to go from 98 to 99 than 95 to 98 etc. It is a lot easier to go from 20x100 to 10x100 than 10x to 5x, and I like how it reflects that
Yeah, it's harder, but it isn't enough to justify the difference for a mere 0.5 ms timing window. Seriously, this is adding 0.25 ms of lenience for hitting a note earlier/later, yet the pp value difference is a huge disparity.

Khelly wrote:

The second one is not specific enough about what type of 240+ bpm.
I said streams, if you are considering only 11 notes or so bursts as the entirety of streams in the game, that's cute. But even these are hard to play for most of the game population and I believe this majority will have more success at keeping a good accuracy at an easy to aim 170~180 bpm stream with HR than at an AR9.6~10.3 DT over 240 BPM.
Actually, no, you said under 200 bpm stream and then 240+ in general which is encompassing everything; you should've said 240 bpm stream because you shofted the focus to playing dt in general.

Khelly wrote:

Actually, no, you said under 200 bpm stream and then 240+ in general which is encompassing everything; you should've said 240 bpm stream because you shofted the focus to playing dt in general.

Mikakage wrote:

In all these we are talking about simple maps, like most farm maps, that are relatively easy to play and don't actually have what makes both mods harder at the highest levels: streams. In DT it's high BPM streams and in HR is keeping accuracy on long streams. And keeping accuracy in a <200 BPM stream is much easier than playing 240+ BPM in general.
The meaning of your sentence changed when you added "in general" even if the previous sentence was about streams.

You should have either left it out or said "240+ bpm streams in general" and I wouldn't have misinterpreted you.
which bpm is easier to acc is too subjective
E m i

silmarilen wrote:

which bpm is easier to acc is too subjective
seems to be 170-210, really.

lowest ur 240+bpm play i have ever seen, yes three sliderbreaks.
Still confused by the pp-System. Just played hard/advanced map. First try full combo, map rank #153 and acc 97.5% and lost 70 global ranks?
I lose rank all the time I play hard maps full combo and 96+ acc. Why is this happening. (I play almost daily)

DahakaMVl wrote:

Still confused by the pp-System. Just played hard/advanced map. First try full combo, map rank #153 and acc 97.5% and lost 70 global ranks?
I lose rank all the time I play hard maps full combo and 96+ acc. Why is this happening. (I play almost daily)
I hope you're aware that if you're rank 50000 and you get -50 ranks you'll be 49950 after it.

Endaris wrote:

DahakaMVl wrote:

Still confused by the pp-System. Just played hard/advanced map. First try full combo, map rank #153 and acc 97.5% and lost 70 global ranks?
I lose rank all the time I play hard maps full combo and 96+ acc. Why is this happening. (I play almost daily)
I hope you're aware that if you're rank 50000 and you get -50 ranks you'll be 49950 after it.
I obviously meant I got ranked worse. ;)
other people play the game aswell, while you werent playing they passed you in rank but yours didnt get updated until you set a new score.

damn i should really make a macro for that response.

silmarilen wrote:

other people play the game aswell, while you werent playing they passed you in rank but yours didnt get updated until you set a new score.

damn i should really make a macro for that response.
Just like for oh so many others :^)
Just pay attention to your PP rather than your rank omg people pls

Mahogany wrote:

Just pay attention to your PP rather than your rank omg people pls
But pp is an arbitrary number with no meaning behind it

GoldenWolf wrote:

Mahogany wrote:

Just pay attention to your PP rather than your rank omg people pls
But pp is an arbitrary number with no meaning behind it
But the situation is someone thinking he's losing ranks for making new plays when infact his pp is increasing but not fast enough to offset the delay.

Tooth is telling him to pay attention to his pp so that the person can know that their play actually gained them something and was not worthless.

Please pay attention to the conversation rather than trying to promote your agenda.
*score worth less than 1 pp*

"i didnt gain any pp, is the system broken?"
That already happens though, but I just see the ranks complaint happen a lot more.
Why hello there everyone!

Yes I indeed came here to rant about how it's possbile to lose rank although I gained more acc/points on a map :D
After reading the latest comments, a lot of what I had in my mind has been answered so... thank you for that! :)

But... if it meanwhile is a common thing that players only happen to see their rank dropping after playing a map, wouldn't it be neat if we could see the gain of pp as welll when finishing a beatmap? -or lose of course if it's decreasing.


Kim wrote:

Why hello there everyone!

Yes I indeed came here to rant about how it's possbile to lose rank although I gained more acc/points on a map :D
After reading the latest comments, a lot of what I had in my mind has been answered so... thank you for that! :)

But... if it meanwhile is a common thing that players only happen to see their rank dropping after playing a map, wouldn't it be neat if we could see the gain of pp as welll when finishing a beatmap? -or lose of course if it's decreasing.

There was an approved feature request asking for this from a few years ago (iirc.)

- [ U z z I ] - wrote:

There was an approved feature request asking for this from a few years ago (iirc.)
Thanks for the answer!

Do you know what had happened to the request?
I came with this crappy idea. idk if it's already suggested or not.

What if pp calculates the score instead of highest combo?
While a FC will remain the same the non FC will be less punishing
for example
The max combo is 1000 1000x is the max score (FC)
If you were to get 500x combo 2 times (combo broken in the middle of the map) the current system would only count the highest combo which is 500x
But with the score 500x combo 2 times would be worth more score and it might be equal to that of higher combo counts (like 700x or something Idk how to math) and you get 700x combo of pp

This way a choke in the middle of the map will be less depressing.
And I have no clue about this kind of this stuff so feel free to correct my stupidness.
If you calculate score then 100s near the end of a long combo will be more devastating than at the beginning.
I'm not sure, but I just have a kind of complaint from too imcomplete ranks with extremely high accuracy and high OD. I'm not right that pp from accuracy should be completely independant from maximun combo lenght. For an example, I know of someone that has Our Stolen Theory - United (L.A.O.S Remix) with 99.47% accuracy but only 1530's maximun combo.

Using tillerino I find that this rank is as worth as the 96.50% FC. And we can see this fact happening:
a) 1530/2275 combo at 99.47% accuracy +6 misses is worth as 270 pp
b) 2275/2275 combo at 96.50% accuracy is aswell worth as 270 pp

What I'm seing from there?
I have nothing againist high accuracy players, but come on, I would find rasonable if you reward these that can complete maps or are close to complete these maps. On an OWC match the 96.50% is worth as a lot more of score and more useful for your country than that 99.47% with several misses but 99.47% accuracy.

If you find that is an issue aswell, I think I have a rasonable solution for this:
a) guess that FC/FC has an accuracy value of 1.00 times the maximun pp from accuracy.
b) now imagine if by using square root of 1/2 of FC to give it a 0.7071... times the maximun pp from accuracy.
c) this would mean that his close to 2/3's of combo is wort h as 0.8160 times the total pp from accuracy, that's over 80% all pp from accuracy.

Because ... honestly... this only happens on OD8 maps or higher that have too many circles, that accuracy is the only mean of the rank, meanwhile FC is worthless compared to extreme accuracy tries with several misses.

ReynBolt wrote:

What I'm seing from there?
I have nothing againist high accuracy players, but come on, I would find rasonable if you reward these that can complete maps or are close to complete these maps. On an OWC match the 96.50% is worth as a lot more of score and more useful for your country than that 99.47% with several misses but 99.47% accuracy.
multiplayer looks at score, the whole reason why pp was implemented in the first place was because score was not a good measurement of skill. let's not go back in time.
owc looks at something completely different than what pp does, using what's happening there as any indication of how much pp a map should give is just not logical.
99.47% is on a whole different level of skill than 96.50%, i think it's more than reasonable that a non-fc 99.47% would give the same pp as an fc 96.50%.

combo should not be used for determining how much accuracy pp you get because the two things are unrelated. accuracy looks at how accurate you are by time, while combo looks at how accurate you are by position.
He got a lot of pp cause his combo was still decently high. Combo has a linear scaling iirc therefore he already got a decent amount of combo pp.
If he got 3 750 Combos your pp would be a lot lower. Misses are also detrimental for pp but with only 2 of them on such a long map it doesn't have a huge impact.
The question in terms of pp is also:
How likely is the 96,5% player to replicate the FC? He isn't cause he obviously show inconsistency on various spots that will probably cause him to miss on such a long map. The 99,47% player is highly consistent so he should have no problems to get a play of similar quality without much effort even though he might choke on a different spot than before. Therefore the pp awarded seem fair and square for me.
I don't think you can call 96.5% inconsistant - some people are just worse at acc.
There's no point trying to balance aim/speed/acc pp anymore. It's the best it's going to get for a while. When aim/speed/acc are split apart again we can begin to find (and fix) flaws.

Endaris wrote:

He got a lot of pp cause his combo was still decently high. Combo has a linear scaling iirc therefore he already got a decent amount of combo pp.
If he got 3 750 Combos your pp would be a lot lower. Misses are also detrimental for pp but with only 2 of them on such a long map it doesn't have a huge impact.
The question in terms of pp is also:
How likely is the 96,5% player to replicate the FC? He isn't cause he obviously show inconsistency on various spots that will probably cause him to miss on such a long map. The 99,47% player is highly consistent so he should have no problems to get a play of similar quality without much effort even though he might choke on a different spot than before. Therefore the pp awarded seem fair and square for me.

I know players that are very consistent in combo but not in accuracy. These oftenly shine on multiplayers more than these that have massive accuracy but at missing oftenly. You can't judge anyone's constancy just because of the accuracy he has got because there are 99% players that lose combo every 300 combo on a 5.25 stars maps but they're still doing them with 99% accuracy; apart there are lucky accuracy tries aswell; people can get lucky accuracy alike at combo and I think a good rank should be someting between good accuracy and good combo.

For an example, you can rush for FC on maps like Rungran - d.m.c (Band Ver.) [Insane] by just doing a 88.50% F ; this time the more accuracy you have on that map the more equilibrated is the rank in terms of pp.

Rungran - d.m.c (Band Ver.) [Insane] specifications:
bpm: 180 ; stars 5.39 ; AR9 CS4 OD7, 341 circles & 76 circles.

When you're 2000 pp rank player and then you do that FC you gain between 40 and 60 pp commonly with a 88-91% FC, but as you retry and retry again the map, you need to get likely +2-3% acc to get around 3-4 pp considering it's weighted at 100% because being your first rank. Compared to DT plays in which you can get up to 7-15 pp's for only 1% whole accuracy in comparation.

The fact is, there are maps that are OP from FC (mainly OD7 maps with too much stars) and others that scale too much from accuracy and these "free accuracy farm maps" in which the more accuracy you gain from there the more overrated the rank is (happens at OD9-OD9.67 DT's maps between 100-190 pp level ranks). And if you compare these from nomod or HR similar pp level play you will find these 2 are both harder than the DT one.

so this means:
case a) : the more accuracy you do on that map, the more equilibrated is in terms of pp and the less overrated is.
case b) : the more accurady you get from that map, the more overrated you make that rank.
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