
[IMPORTANT] Denizen bad, click on thread

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TLDR: Denizen bad, due to the fact I cant make 2 threads in a day, I will release my own version of denizen tomorrow
The denizen system is one of the most recurring, most controversial conversation theme on OT. should x be denizen??? why am I not denizen??? why are they denizen??? is denizen bad??? but then what about the government????

let's go step by step, analyzing the denizenship, and how I got to the conclusion of making my own system the way it is

What is the denizen system even?
(there are no banners for a reason I will disclose later)

The denizen system, as all of you will know, it's a thread where, after certain requirements are met, a user in OT is given the title of "denizen", they will be added to a list of every denizen that ever existed on OT under a certain generation

The requirements have changed a lot over the years, however, the changes have never been retroactively applied, so, lookign at different generations, a lot of denizens where chosen under different criteria, a gen 1 denizen for example would probably not make the cut on gen 9, the current system asks you to be active for a long while, and then, submit a list of what do you think apported to OT in a way, like, what cool threads did you make for example

Historically, generations were set as way to refeer to different eras of OT, the way the generation shifted were never set in stone, but it has mainly been for a mayor event, like OT becoming separate from GD, lore reasons, or that everyone in the previous generation stopped talking, and now, the new people that joined, first only saw as the current gen as the old guard of ot

The denizen title itself doesn't have any meaning, however, some events may require that you use denizen, even if at the date of writting this thread, it's only used for choosing the government

what is the government?, it's yet another system, that allows OT to choose a president and other politicians, that would actively add policies to OT, mainly, that they have the power to change how the denizen system itself worked

If you've been astute reading this section, you may already know what i'm going to say for the rest of this thread, but, please, hear me out

Denizenship is a mess

We've stablished that a lot of things on the denizenship aren't set on stone and that stuff is never changed retroactively, I believe this is a problem

Starting by the most obvious, and the one I feel most people would agree, denizenship has meant a lot of different things over the times, however, this is never disclosed, so, if you were to open the legendary "ATTENTION Newfags, Midfags, Oldfags, and Otherfags!!!", and look at the list, then recieve an explanation on how denizens are chosen, you would believe that every denizenship was chosen under that rule

this is wrong, by modern standards, older denizen, aren't denizens, in fact, every time the system changed, it made a lot of the previous generations obsolete, meaning, the thread before like 8th gen is bascially useless in it's current form since it isn't tracking what we want it to track

last time that the "what is a denizen even" debate came along, one of the most common answers is "someone that has contributed greatly to OT, either by being there for a long time or making really high quality thread that a lot of people enjoyed", so, if this is the meaning of denizen we have chosen, shouldn't the denizen list reflect that?, why haven't we fixed the list?

we aren't keeping any historical record of what each denizen was chosen by either, if I look at gen 7, I have no clue what were the requirements for it, I dont have a guide that explained what denizen meant to gen 7

not only that, we have the more recent drama of generation 10, that felt like it was started for no reason at all, old people were still there, there were no events, abraker just decided to change it, so now, we cnt even rely that the generations even meant anything

The soul of denizen

however, there have been one or two things that have stayed the same since the start, and that is, a denizen is supposed to mean someone that has been on the forum for a while, the only common requirement since always is that there is a time requirement in order to become a denizen, even before denizen, people were called "oldfags", to refeer to the same thing

not only that, but there are generations, which are supposed to mean distinct eras on OT history, either by meta stuff, lore stuff, or different people, but different historical moments

that is the only thing we can rely for in denizenship

Can we be subjective about this?

The latest denizenship rework takes into consideration what stuff did you do in OT, for example, an user that has never made a thread in their life, would be less likely to become a denizen, that someone that did contribute constantly, not only that, but there isn't any set time when denizens are chosen, it depends on when corne or whoever decide to post the new denizen, so, a person could technically qualify for a long time without bening nominated as denizen

This is a problem, you could be in that nomation limbo for very long, specially if we're in a middle of a generation change, we're leaving the fate of what generation someone will belong to basically random chance

not only that, but the how much did a person contribute to OT is subjective, since quality itself is not subjective. That's why we have stuff like the OT!myths and other stuff, we have to vote to see what stuff do we consider to actually be quality, since we cant measure this, again, this can affect to when or if a certain person does become a denizen

in fact, one of the reasons why the denizenship became a mess, with generations making no sense, and older denizens meaning something different to new denizens is that, we're leaving those choices to whoever is in charge at the moment, and what they think of OT.

What about the government?

The only changes that the government have made in recent times are to the denizenship system, but, they have not retroactively applied the changes, just making the problem a lot whole worse

could a president completely change the denizenship fixing all of these issues?, yeah, probably, but, I just dont think that this is something that is going to happen, since there has never been a denizen rework as big as the one needed to fix it in OT history, and with presidents each time doing less and less, I dont think anything is going to change

and that is, if we exlude the moral problem of only letting people who were already accepted by the system, to change the system, the only way to change how denizen works, is to be a denizen, so, hypothetically, a president could make denizen selective, and then only allow people they like to the government in the future and to the denizen system as a whole, esentially turning the OT government into a OT dictatorship, and there is nothing to prevent this from happening

is that likely to happen? probably not, but we should at least have something to prevent it

This points have already been criticized before, a lot of times, by me, and one of the most common responses is "well at least they make for fun RP", however, there is almost no RP in OT currently, we cant let a system with such incredible faults and bad track record just exist without changes just for a RP that doesn't even fucking exist at the moment

Proposals doesn't work

I'm not the only person to claim that the denizenship system needs a change, so, a lot of people in the past have made proposals, however, these are almost never implemented, a lot of people just make proposals when there is drama, which almost always happen when a denizen is elected, then, people talk about the proposal, and then it just stays there, never acted on

so, the only way that apparently works to change the system is, to either take the government, and then make a radical change to denizenship, something that would be hard to pull and very polemic, or, to just force the change yourself, make a new system that you believe it's better, and not even propose it first, just, doing it. This is what I have done

of course, not me or anyone else have the power to actually reform the denizen thread, so we're forced to make a different system, with a different name, and just pray that your idea and thread will outlast the original denizenship. This is what I aim to do

Introducing: OT!Eras

so, here it is, this is the way I aim to fix the denizenship problem, I dont expect for everyone to agree on it, but whatever the popular opinion is, I will maintain and keep pushing this thread, the one that will come out tomorrow

OT!Eras stand as a system that tries to determine what user was active on every era on OT, nothing more nothing else, no bullshit on if the user actually did contribute meaninfully or not. The time when new people are added to eras, what constitutes as an era, and how to be considered into the system are all set in stone, no subjectivity involved

-----------Underline rules of OT eras-----------

-If a change is ever made to OT!eras, it must be applied to every past and current eras,

-If I ever go inanactive in OT, and I haven't yet given on the thread, a GMT can take control of the thread, a regular user can also take control of the thread, just copy and paste the original thread in your own, doing the changes you want to see

-OT Government does not have any authority over this thread, they're considered regular users
-----------How OT!Eras work-----------

-Starting from the origin of OT, Eras are divided into 1 year periods, so, every year a new era is made

-At the end of each year, there is an update to the thread, this is the only update that is ever made to the thread in the whole year, no one is added to an era before or after that, unless there was human error and someone wasn't added mistakengly.

-In order to become a member of an era, you must have at least 5 pages of posts/threads, spread over 4 months of activity on OT, so, a user that has constantly posted for at least 4 months of a year, would be part of an era. The post count does not take into consideration Forum games or Mafia, only main offtopic posts counts

-Each year, everyone starts from square one, that means, if you're active in 2023, but then stop posting in OT for 2024, you would be added as a OT!Era member for 2023, but not for 2024

Criticism of OT!Eras

what if someone just starts posting november 2023 and stop posting march of 2024?, they were active for more than 4 months, but they're not in the system.

Yes, this could be considered as a problem, however, from what i've seen, in order for that to happen you must either quit OT and return to OT constantly over a few years, or, just be active in ot for less than 6 months in total, every system has some problems, and this is one i'm fine to live with, from what i've seen from making the thread, this scenario is not common at all, only has happened once or twice, so I wouldn't pose it as a big problem

Why 4 months/5 pages?, is this too much/too little?

This is what it felt right, that number could be readjusted infinitely, but, this number is just what felt right, just to be clear, no one of the last two denizen generations were excluded in OT!Eras, so I think most people would be fine with that

OT!Eras doesn't do enough

Yes, the only thing that this aims for is to see what user were active as each time, it does not meassure quality or impact, this system does not have a government for RP, so it doesn't do everything that the denizen system currently aims for, this is because I cant remove denizenship or change it myself, so, I just decided to focus on what I considered to be the soul of denizenship and to nail that

If anyone wants to make a better government/else, basing itself on eras, or just their standalone system, I actually encourage making that

Isn't the thread kinda ugly?

If you're reading this the day it was posted, you have yet to see the actual OT!Eras therad, but, it's just mainly plain text, not big presentation, that is because I kinda got demotivated to actually push for this system, this has been in the works since june, but I stopped working on it, and now I just want to get out what it had, it was meant to be prettier and have a bit more information, but I just want this out, I'm going copy paste a complain I made on the neos discord explaining this a little bit more

"so, around the start of july I started working on a complete rework to the denizen system, the old corne2plum3 denizen map, the government, the elections, etc, I have everything planned out, and I started working on it

I got currently around 60% done with it, but, after a while I kinda lost motivation for it, I still have all the docs and stuff where I can finish it in any moment, but, i'm just not motivated enough to finish it

and honestly, i've kinda realized why I lost the motivation for it recently, and that is, I realized that you guys dont actually care

OT in general always claims that it wants high quality threads, but, no one makes them, and when they are made, they flop, everyone says that the denizen system is important, but when a flaw of the system comes to light, and the people have the ability to change it and fix it, you dont

People complained about the last president not doing anything, and where are we now? on the exact same spot

I critiziced the government for being useless for this very reason, but people justified with "it's good for lore", go to the front page right now, and look at the last 5 pages of posts, were is any lore?, honestly, no one even knows the lore of OT at this point, no one really knows who came before them, no one has actually read the ot!chronicles, a thread that is very incomplete and no one has pointed it out in the past year

you guys dont actually about anything like that, you guys just like saying it, people complain that gen 10 is boring, when gen 9 was the exact same, I mean, the exact same fucking people, and they reason for the complain is for a problem that has existed since the origin of OT

I'm just very annoyed at OT in general, for just acting like they care or they really respect what is going on, for then, it the moment where those ideals are actually tested, to just drop them and not do anything, there is no honesty in OT currently, and this aint changing, I just cant get myself the motivation to finish a project like the one I started because I know you guys dont actually care about denizen or any of the problems of OT

rant over"

This is all from me for today, so see you tomorrow, when the thread is made
A lot of words
ok can you just make me denizen then please
Yeah I think this system would be great and can be a requirement for OT events like 2025 election only allow people who are in OT!eras 2025.

If you need anyhelp, hit me on DM
does Rhthym32 qualify for ot!era
honestly im fully with this, making this a dedication to how long you were here by a strict amount + a certain strict amount of posts seems a lot better than not knowing if you will get denizen or not in 8 months with very arbitrary rules that make it super confusing, especially when some previous denizens only had to be here for like 2 or 3 months but with higher quality posts required (or maybe they just like you that much who knows to their own bias)

Patatitta wrote:

Proposals doesn't work

I'm not the only person to claim that the denizenship system needs a change, so, a lot of people in the past have made proposals, however, these are almost never implemented, a lot of people just make proposals when there is drama, which almost always happen when a denizen is elected, then, people talk about the proposal, and then it just stays there, never acted on

so, the only way that apparently works to change the system is, to either take the government, and then make a radical change to denizenship, something that would be hard to pull and very polemic, or, to just force the change yourself, make a new system that you believe it's better, and not even propose it first, just, doing it. This is what I have done

of course, not me or anyone else have the power to actually reform the denizen thread, so we're forced to make a different system, with a different name, and just pray that your idea and thread will outlast the original denizenship.
This and anything else could work, but yes, you have to be in charge of the change yourself, if you're able to maintain it properly, then people would (probably) switch. Or not, and OT gets a denizen schism.
The most difficult thing as it happens isn't making people accept the change, but initiating it yourself.

I like the idea of eras being tied to years, some fringe cases could be solved on case-by-case basis. The system itself works as an alternative modification to generations, as generations are almost always span over multiple years anyway and an "era" doesn't cancel out generations.
"Babe wake up, there's a revolution in the ot"

You could hmu too if you need help with things like writing or something
Topic Starter

roufou wrote:

does Rhthym32 qualify for ot!era
currently, I only checked for the ones that were granted denizenship in the past, but I will see to check if rhythm32 would qualify or not, if you or anyone else know of non-denizens that may deserve to be part of eras, please tell me so I can add them
When you just checked off topic after a very long time and the issue is still about the denizenshit thing

Meah wrote:

When you just checked off topic after a very long time and the issue is still about the denizenshit thing

Meah wrote:

When you just checked off topic after a very long time and the issue is still about the denizenshit thing
just people's obsession with trying to stand out from the rest and wanting to be remembered

Serraionga wrote:

Meah wrote:

When you just checked off topic after a very long time and the issue is still about the denizenshit thing

Scyla wrote:

Meah wrote:

When you just checked off topic after a very long time and the issue is still about the denizenshit thing
just people's obsession with trying to stand out from the rest and wanting to be remembered
That's so sad

Meah wrote:

When you just checked off topic after a very long time and the issue is still about the denizenshit thing
Oh you're back
- Marco -
I just need to grind the forums more

Meah wrote:

Scyla wrote:

Meah wrote:

When you just checked off topic after a very long time and the issue is still about the denizenshit thing
just people's obsession with trying to stand out from the rest and wanting to be remembered
That's so sad
kinda cause people start throwing tantrums when things don't go their way
Is there a tl;dr?

I thought denizenship was something decidedly retroactively on baraker's whim.
Topic Starter

Endaris wrote:

Is there a tl;dr?

I thought denizenship was something decidedly retroactively on baraker's whim.
read the first sentence

Endaris wrote:

Is there a tl;dr?

I thought denizenship was something decidedly retroactively on baraker's whim.
tldr, The denizen system is kind of broken and a bit too subjective with the generation stuff, so let's have OT!Eras instead with actual guidelines for denizenship

or in Lamens term, let's have a system to try and make people rememberable instead of it being a funny goof
TL;DR denizen bad, this good

Bottom Text

Patatitta wrote:

-In order to become a member of an era, you must have at least 5 pages of posts/threads, spread over 4 months of activity on OT, so, a user that has constantly posted for at least 4 months of a year, would be part of an era. The post count does not take into consideration Forum games or Mafia, only main offtopic posts counts
5 pages (250 posts!) seemed like a lot at first but even though I'm not as active as I used to and was completely offline for 2 weeks I have 5 pages over the last 2 months, there doesn't seem to be any 4 months stretch where I didn't reach it
It roughly equates to making 2 posts/day which seems like a lot when there's nothing interesting happening but any interesting thread can easily get you to post 5+ times over a few days

Patatitta wrote:

If anyone wants to make a better government/else, basing itself on eras, or just their standalone system, I actually encourage making that
I can easily see something replacing denizenship with highlighting the most important people of an era, kind of like a Hall of Fame
How to implement it could be decided by looking at what worked and what didn't with previous threads with similar ideas (denizens lol)
The main issue with any thread based on this system will be if you (or threads OP) become inactive and no one keeps it up to date, just like what's happening with basically everything abraker did, but at least it would have existed for a time

Patatitta wrote:

no one has actually read the ot!chronicles, a thread that is very incomplete and no one has pointed it out in the past year
I have :(
It's actually really interesting to see how the place evolved over time, and it makes people who say it was better before sound silly (some post and even entire threads from back then are abhorrent and would probably get you silenced/banned today)
It's sad that no one keeps it up to date though but the more time passes the more work it would require to fix it
Still it's worth reading it, especially if you're out of ideas for a thread, there are good things highlighted there

Patatitta wrote:

Endaris wrote:

Is there a tl;dr?

I thought denizenship was something decidedly retroactively on baraker's whim.
read the first sentence
I read like half the post and then I was like " there going to be a point?"
But whatever I read, it wasn't what was in the tl;dr
Topic Starter
I dont know if I clarified it correctly, you dont need to do the 5 pages on the 4 month timespan, if you only post 3 pages on the first 4 months, but then you stay in OT more time and post another 2 pages, even if it took you longer, that would count and you would be included into eras

about maintaining the thread, I think I will keep playing osu and browsing OT for at least a couple more years, I dont see myself quitting soon, so yeah, I think I might be able to maintain it for at least a couple years
[ Sebastian ]
I've only read a little bit of it and it sounds good. I'll read more of it later and give my full opinion.

Patatitta wrote:

I dont know if I clarified it correctly, you dont need to do the 5 pages on the 4 month timespan, if you only post 3 pages on the first 4 months, but then you stay in OT more time and post another 2 pages, even if it took you longer, that would count and you would be included into eras

about maintaining the thread, I think I will keep playing osu and browsing OT for at least a couple more years, I dont see myself quitting soon, so yeah, I think I might be able to maintain it for at least a couple years
Yeah I wasn't sure about that but anyway 5 pages seems reasonable to me

You probably wouldn't make this thread if you planned on quitting soon :D but you won't stay here forever
Topic Starter

Karmine wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

I dont know if I clarified it correctly, you dont need to do the 5 pages on the 4 month timespan, if you only post 3 pages on the first 4 months, but then you stay in OT more time and post another 2 pages, even if it took you longer, that would count and you would be included into eras

about maintaining the thread, I think I will keep playing osu and browsing OT for at least a couple more years, I dont see myself quitting soon, so yeah, I think I might be able to maintain it for at least a couple years
Yeah I wasn't sure about that but anyway 5 pages seems reasonable to me

You probably wouldn't make this thread if you planned on quitting soon :D but you won't stay here forever
wont stay forever, but I think it will be enough time for when I quit, someone else will start maintaining it

Patatitta wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

I dont know if I clarified it correctly, you dont need to do the 5 pages on the 4 month timespan, if you only post 3 pages on the first 4 months, but then you stay in OT more time and post another 2 pages, even if it took you longer, that would count and you would be included into eras

about maintaining the thread, I think I will keep playing osu and browsing OT for at least a couple more years, I dont see myself quitting soon, so yeah, I think I might be able to maintain it for at least a couple years
Yeah I wasn't sure about that but anyway 5 pages seems reasonable to me

You probably wouldn't make this thread if you planned on quitting soon :D but you won't stay here forever

wont stay forever, but I think it will be enough time for when I quit, someone else will start maintaining it
Hope it's true, but high effort threads have a history of not lasting long or dying when their creator stops
Well, cool idea actually, I dislike the current system as well but I have no idea how to get rid of it lmao.

Rezq Gokou
Thanks for reminding me denizenship exist
OK, time to farm 2 more pages of post lol.
too long; don't read.

Jangsoodlor wrote:

too long; don't read.
basically its denizenship but you qualify when you meet the requirements of at least 5 pages of posts on off topic and has been active for 4 months or more, each era ends every year the thread gets edited to include all users that qualify, however the year you start is the era you will be placed in

this thread feels unnecessarily long for the simple but more straightforward fix
im just here to greet Meah
I think 4months are way too low, should be 6 months
Honestly I was skeptical at first, but now I support this.

Also, omg, Meah!
Topic Starter

Kaaruumii wrote:

Jangsoodlor wrote:

too long; don't read.
basically its denizenship but you qualify when you meet the requirements of at least 5 pages of posts on off topic and has been active for 4 months or more, each era ends every year the thread gets edited to include all users that qualify, however the year you start is the era you will be placed in

this thread feels unnecessarily long for the simple but more straightforward fix
it's long because I have to explain why the currenty denizen system fails, in order to be able to justify mine
The worst part of me eventually fading into OT's history is that I have no hope that denizens would record threads like these into some chronicle equivalent compilation of OT's history. Effectively Eras after me would be come as ??? as the Valhalla era given enough time.

abraker wrote:

The worst part of me eventually fading into OT's history is that I have no hope that denizens would record threads like these into some chronicle equivalent compilation of OT's history. Effectively Eras after me would be come as ??? as the Valhalla era given enough time.
Was there someone working on archiving OT before you? Not like there can't be another recordkeeper in the future.

Kobold84 wrote:

abraker wrote:

The worst part of me eventually fading into OT's history is that I have no hope that denizens would record threads like these into some chronicle equivalent compilation of OT's history. Effectively Eras after me would be come as ??? as the Valhalla era given enough time.
Was there someone working on archiving OT before you? Not like there can't be another recordkeeper in the future.
Nope, I am the first archiver and spend many hours going through pages attempting to reconstructing the history. There still remains a good 50 pages or so between 2013 - 2010 I have yet to browse through.
sorry i cant read
It's very important
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