
Stacking the Deck - (Game Over - Town Win)

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Konei has requested replacement
Mod: Can we request an extension when replacement arrives?
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NoHitter wrote:

Mod: Can we request an extension when replacement arrives?
Yes, i was planning on extending it when replacement arrives anyway.
Raging Bull
It would help if he posted before replacement :(
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Ok here's my decission, i'm going to extend the deadline right now by 24 hours, if before then a replacement is found then the deadline may be further extended by another 24-48 hours depending on how close it is to deadline to give the replacement some time to read over the thread, otherwise the day will end then. Countdowns and deadlines will be updated once i get home (at work atm)

Raging Bull wrote:

It would help if he posted before replacement :(
he was too busy posting in unfunny troll map threads and congratulating mappers for their ranked maps. no way could he write a simple "I am a PR/not a PR" here in the thread.

well, without konei's claim, we actually can't do all too much I guess.
Raging Bull
God, can we just lynch Konei so the game won't be extended?
er, no?

why would you want to end day 1 now? we have to wait for the replacement to claim at least before day 1 can find a satisfactory end.
Raging Bull
Because at the rate how mafia games are. It is rare to find a replacement.
We have still 4 days, RB, and the game has just begun, so it's not that hard to catch up what's happening, there's no point in ending the day in the actual situation, town will get greatly hurt if we finish the day like this . I was about to suggest a Konei policy lynch, but as he asked for replacement, I think we should wait a bit more, not mentioning that if he's a PR/Mason we're possibly done.

It's true we're stuck at this point, but I'm pretty sure we can still deal with this and think what can we do in case a replacement doesn't come.
Well to keep the ball rolling and the fact I don't think this will actually affect me/replacement all that much;

Roleclaim: Mason

I'm going to confirm Konei as my other Mason here.
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BRBP Replaces Konei, effective immediately.
BRBP, do you have another power role besides Mason?
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If the replacement requests it, deadline may be extended by up to 2 more days.

Vote Count 1.05

BRBP (1) - Raging Bull

Not Voting (11) - fartownik, Irreversible, JInxyjem, NoHitter, Tanzklaue, Haneii, rEdo, BRBP, Rantai, DakeDekaane, Hika

With 12 Alive it takes 7 to lynch.

Please let me know if you see any mistakes.
Raging Bull
Not PR

Raging Bull

All PRs should claim now. I suggest we do it in the order: fartownik -> Raging Bull -> Rantai or BRBP
The ones who claimed later on may have had time to think and "fake" their claim. Rantai and BRBP are Mason's though and are practically confirmed town.
Taking time to read this all later because life.

I think I unvoted, I hope.
Not PR

Raging Bull

Forgot to add rEdo to list of non-PR
Raging Bull
I guess scum chose 1 power ifi read right

Raging Bull wrote:

I guess scum chose 1 power ifi read right
2, if they didn't scew the numbers. which i highly doubt, because scewing numbers in that kind of situation isn't smart.
that whole masons thing is just confusing as hell x.x

the question is: how useful would be a fullclaim from the PRs? the probability of a skewed massclaim is low, and I think we shouldn't draw bigger (or to word it better: specific) targets on our PRs. I don't think we need more information about what our PRs are. they will work more efficiently if they are not widely known.
Raging Bull
At this rate, either fart or I will die N1 anyways since I don't think mafia needs to kill masons.
say thanks to nohitter, according to whom you're totally expandable.
Em, I think you guys forgot something. Sakura stated before that there's 2 Masons + 2 Additional PRs for Town (if I understood that correctly). The masons don't count as the 2 Additional PRs. This means that Mafia didn't pick anything for themselves (?), because if they did we'd have 1, 2 or 3 more additional PRs, unless one of the Masons is also a PR.

Can anyone confirm this?
at least BRBP said that he has an additional PR (I believe? sorry if I misread that).

masons can also have additional PRs. so if rantai has an additional PR, then scum chose 2 advantages. probably 2 PRs, since daychat with 2 people isn't too useful (I don't know since I have no experience :/), and recruiting the traitor isn't a good enough trade for an additional PR in my opinion (since a goon doesn't have that many perks more than a traitor anyway).

so I would assume that we have a set up of 1-2 PR mafias with one traitor amongst us.
Vote: NoHitter

Tanzklaue wrote:

at least BRBP said that he has an additional PR (I believe? sorry if I misread that).

masons can also have additional PRs. so if rantai has an additional PR, then scum chose 2 advantages. probably 2 PRs, since daychat with 2 people isn't too useful (I don't know since I have no experience :/), and recruiting the traitor isn't a good enough trade for an additional PR in my opinion (since a goon doesn't have that many perks more than a traitor anyway).

so I would assume that we have a set up of 1-2 PR mafias with one traitor amongst us.
I understood it more like BRBP confirmed being Mason, but I can be wrong.

BRBP would you elaborate?
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Vote Count 1.06

NoHitter (1) - Irreversible

Not Voting (11) - fartownik, JInxyjem, NoHitter, Tanzklaue, Haneii, rEdo, BRBP, Rantai, DakeDekaane, Hika

With 12 Alive it takes 7 to lynch.

Please let me know if you see any mistakes.
Raging Bull
He said he is also a PR
It seems Irre likes to grab attention too much, why did you vote NH?

Well, it seems we only have to wait for all of PRs claim, either we could have a scum in the claimed PRs or all scum hidden in the VT, if it's the last I have to agree a bit with Tanzklaue, tho they may have daychat as it'd be useful as they could discuss in our back right now, but given the situation it's more likely to they could have 2 PR and Traitor is more likely to be in the crowd, that'd be the most difficult to find as a Cop can't find it, unless scum make a bad move and end up killing it.
Raging Bull
Waiting for fart to claim first :(

DakeDekaane wrote:

tho they may have daychat as it'd be useful as they could discuss in our back right now, but given the situation it's more likely to they could have 2 PR and Traitor is more likely to be in the crowd,
Just to let you know, DakeDekaane, the mafia could have 2 PR, daychat, and the traitor. The traitor would always be there (ie:mafia doesn't have to choose/ask for one) unless the mafia chose to recruit him/her into a Goon:

Sakura wrote:

This game will be using the "Stacking the Deck" setup, there will be 3 scum, one of them is a Traitor and they don't know who it is, yet, Mafia may choose up to 3 of the following powers that they want

NoHitter wrote:

Not PR

Raging Bull
Are we counting Rantai in PR list? Rantai do you have another role besides Mason?

Tanzklaue wrote:

how useful would be a fullclaim from the PRs?
If you're mafia and lie and then someone else claims to have the same role you're caught (or at least quite soon).
Kay, so if BRBP is a PR too then it gives us 3 PR for town, which means Mafia took 1 option from the list (unless someone from Town lied for some reason). Time for my claim I guess.

Claim: Watcher
Raging Bull
claim vigilante
I am a Mason only. No extra roles.

I still counted myself as PR because of mason alone (hence why I got confused before).
Raging Bull
If you guys want, I can just shoot no hitter instead. Perhaps lynch someone else.
I think its safe to say that Mafia is hiding amongst the non-PR claims.
It's only up to us to lynch them one by one.

Actually now that I think of it, BRBP, I don't think you have to claim PR anymore since Rantai confirmed you as Mason.

Vig and Watcher seems to fit well enough with the setup. BRBP is also confirmed town since Rantai and him are Masons.

That's 4 - 3 - 5 (confirmed town - scum - unconfirmed town).
Mason - Rantai
Mason + ??? - BRBP
Watcher - fartownik
Vigilante - Raging Bull

We should lynch one of the 8 unconfirmed now.

Next step is to give your reads on all of the above eight.

Tanz looks like a town read for me. The discussion regarding the entire massclaim strategy seems like a genuine town thing to do. Mafia would more likely keep silent.

Jinxy also looks town for giving what I think is townie advice re: the massclaim strategy.

Hika looks a bit suspicious to me. In the ISO, Hika states that "I still don't think it's okay for PR's to be revealing themselves.". But there was no mention of "I don't want PR's to reveal themselves" prior to that post. Parroting this early in the game?

rEdo also looks a bit suspicous due to the scumpainting in posts.

rEdo wrote:

keep in mind that the scum themselves could be suggesting this in order to receive information, and that whole "let's claim who has them PRs" thing could be just a bait for us to bite. I wouldn't share such information with everybody else while we've got threats in.

rEdo wrote:

not to mention that this whole claiming thing could be mafia's conspiration
The rest feel null to me at the moment.

Why did you vote me?
Raging Bull
Should I even shoot in the beginning? Assuming they have JOAT only, that means there are 2 scum + 1 traitor.
Wait, are you a dayvig or nightvig?

Raging Bull wrote:

Should I even shoot in the beginning? Assuming they have JOAT only, that means there are 2 scum + 1 traitor.
Hmm it's up to you. If we mislynch that will leave us with 4 - 3 - 4. (3 scum - 4 unconfirmed town). Those are great odds for a vig.
BUT if you do hit a townie though, that will leave us at (3-3-3) which is the case where mafia have half the votes...

BUT if we lynch scum today, you should definitely shoot.
(Incidentally if you shoot someone and they DON'T get killed, you will essentially have confirmed a BP/JoAT.)

I just want to point out that Watcher doesn't necessarily fall under a "confirmed" PR role.
I misread what the post wrote: "Change a goon into a Ninja (If they submit the kill, they cannot be tracked)"

Mod: By "tracked" do you mean "watched"? i.e. Seen by a Watcher?
Raging Bull

What I meant was if I should shoot N1.

I don't think traitor would have been recruited judging by our PR roles.
Raging Bull
Although I suppose since there is watcher/tracker, it doesn't really mean that mafia has JOAT....So I don't know :(
Topic Starter

NoHitter wrote:

Mod: By "tracked" do you mean "watched"? i.e. Seen by a Watcher?
Both, when Ninja submits kill it's like they targeted no one, so watcher wont see anyone targetting their target, or tracker wont see the ninja targetting anyone.
My reads:

Irreversible: Totally null. Especially that random vote on NoHitter, he also used to post more in the previous games.
JInxyjem: Leaning Town, still - not as active as he should be. Supported NH's idea, yet went silent after that.
NoHitter: I'd say Town, but can't be confirmed yet. Done a lot for Town (not yet the results, but at least tried so far), basically the most active player in the game at the moment.
Tanzklaue: Probably Town (a newbie one). He seems pretty honest, and that's what most of the first-time Vanilla players do.
Hika: Null, null, null. Nothing but casual posts regarding unimportant things.
DakeDekaane: Null leaning Town. His motivations seem like Town-caring, yet he hasn't really done any scumhunting whatsoever (besides pushing Irre, but for obvious reasons).
Raging Bull: Probably Town. He seems pretty calm with his posts, nothing nonchalant. I'm also in for believing in his claim.
Haneii: Null leaning Town.
rEdo: Absolutely Null, done "something" by being skeptical about NH's tactic, but that's just not enough for anything.
BRBP: Town.
Rantai: Town.

A lot of nulls, some Towns and none scum. I'd dig in for the ones marked as Null.
We have 3 claimed PRs, which means that mafia has at least 1 PR, that I'm almost sure is hidden, implying all town cooperated with this.

I think the Ninja/bulletproof is the most likely they'd have, given our PR (Watcher/Vig). Also it's good that BRBP hasn't claimed, he shouldn't do it.

But well, that's only what I have in my mind, it's a bit hard for me to get solid thoughts in D1.

If we were to pick a lynch from non-PR, I'd go with any of the inactive/lurkers to look for their reactions, also:
@BRBP: can we know the reasons of your vote on NH?

fartownik wrote:

My reads:

Irreversible: Totally null. Especially that random vote on NoHitter, he also used to post more in the previous games.
you didn't even ask me for reasons, yaaaaay :D

maybe it wasn't a good idea to sign up for this mafia, since i have absolutely no time lol but think whatever you want :3

NoHitter wrote:

Why did you vote me?
i was sitting in school, and I was bored

and i just saw this question now, so nvm to this above
oh and @fart: stop making these non-sense conclusions again, only because i posted more in the previous games. what should I say about you? the first mafia game: you were pretty quiet
second mafia: that offensive, i have to say. but nvm to that, so stop comparing to other games, thanks

triple post, next time i think more before posting :X
@Irreversible, comparing to other games is a legit way to judge the change of behavior between games (it's called 'meta'). Some may act differently as scum and as town because of the circumstances. This was not a "non-sense" conclusion, it was just a conclusion.
hm okay then, i wanted to avoid to get conclusions with other games, i thought 1 game is something totally different, i was wrong then

DakeDekaane wrote:

@BRBP: can we know the reasons of your vote on NH?
Ask NH.

BRBP wrote:

DakeDekaane wrote:

@BRBP: can we know the reasons of your vote on NH?
Ask NH.
No idea why he's voting for me.

Also from my previous posts:
Vote: rEdo
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Vote Count 1.07

NoHitter (2) - Irreversible, BRBP
rEdo (1) - NoHitter

Not Voting (9) - fartownik, Jinxy, anzklaue, Haneii, rEdo, Rantai, DakeDekaane, Hika

With 12 Alive it takes 7 to lynch.

Please let me know if you see any mistakes.

BRBP wrote:

@NH Just wondering since you asked Irre why he voted for you, but didn't ask me.

@Dake I voted because I don't like the "two style" nor that he basically stated "We're playing like this whether you like it or not. *Okay I go first, not a pr*" immediately after the game started.

Oh well... looking at this right now is actually weird. He proposed this and also claimed right in the same post.

I still wouldn't go for him though, at least not yet. It might've been just a slip, or maybe he was too sure his tactic will end up successful.

Reads from others would be appreciated here.
i didn't read properly again :c if i have time i give you my reads o3o

maybe some questions

brbp: why did you think nohitter knows why you voted him?
nohitter: are you worried about the 2 votes you have right now?
dake: instead of telling us smth about you you always ask 'why did you vote him, why did you vote that'.. are you worried about nohitter's live? :c
ignore this random brbp at the end, thanks
Raging Bull
I'm gonna go on a whim and say Irre is town. He always tries to hard to question which gets him lynched inadvertently. Plus I think he would have learned it by now and if he does it as mafia, he knows he would die .

BRBP wrote:

I cry every time you post.
that's what i'm here for <3
Raging Bull
Don't get lynched again.
I bet if Irre was Jester, he'd survive until the end.

Irreversible wrote:

dake: instead of telling us smth about you you always ask 'why did you vote him, why did you vote that'.. are you worried about nohitter's live? :c
I've said a few things, as I said before, it's a bit hard for me to get something solid in D1 most of the time, and maybe by asking the why of the votes I think we can read better each one of us. I can understand why someone would vote NH, but I prefer reading it from their words.

And fartownik, my reads:
Rantai (Mason), BRBP (Mason + PR), RB (PR), fartownik (PR).
Masons are confirmed, given we have 3 PR known, that's our 2 default PR + 1 given by whatever scum picked in N0, I really doubt they'd go with no PR, so I want to trust everyone here.

Likely town
Haneii, Tanzklaue. Constantly posting and giving their opinions.

Leaning town
NH, Irreversible.
NH put in the table a massclaim for easier finding scum, but I can't deny this may be scum manipulation, but we can lynch scum by PoE thanks to this, and Irre, well, he's always like this and ends up being town when lynched, so I think he's town this time again.

rEdo, Jinxy, Hika, rarely posts and I get nothing from their ISO, tho Jinxy may be leaning town.

I'd want to read something from rEdo now :I
No one is giving off any actual scum reads for me, but I'll post who I feel suspicious of.

I felt Haneii was doing a little flip-flopping. She first agrees with Tanz that the massclaim idea would benefit scum more, then switches over to the other side, supporting the massclaim. Might also be seen as she understood every thing NH replied to, but it still feels a little sudden since she didn't give an exact "ok, I agree with you now", but a "thanks for answering my questions", which is too neutral to justify her switch.

Hika... hasn't been posting anything helpful, in contrast to her DOTA ISO. In fact, I would say her D1 posts in High School Mafia are quite similar to her current posts, but that miiight be over reliance on meta, not really sure myself.

Town reads are NH and Tanz. NH for starting the massclaim and giving a plan to lynch scum, and Tanz for debating about it, which is a valid concern since this does look like it gives scum a lot of information at first. I was personally unsure of the massclaim at first too, but then I ran the numbers and saw the town gains.

Null reads are Dake, Irre and rEdo.

I would like to also use this time to request a Prod: rEdo
We only have a day left?

Vote Hika

You're acting apathetic. When you post you rarely, if ever, have anything to contribute or at least something to give me an idea about what you're thinking/your opinion. It's anti-town and could hurt us even more if you're left to continue like this.

Redo, you're just a step below Hika on my list, but you did elaborate on your thoughts on the mass claim and you actually haven't been active on forums (compared to Hika who has been posting frequently all week). For that you get some points.

@Jinxy: I see where you're coming from. Well I wanted him to answer all those questions to hopefully get a better read on him. In the end I was more interested in why he suggested the plan and how quickly and thorough he could explain it than the actual content, which is why I prob came off as neutral then.

Besides the masons and two I listed above, everyone is null
After re-reading my post I can see how that my vote could be misinterpreted. To clarify I'm not trying to punish a bad townie. I do think she's mafia and because we have such little reads on others atm I worry mafia might bus her and add to the uncertainty.

I hope I'm making sense, it's 5am and I just got up and still tired. I thought I should post before leaving to work though.
Raging Bull
Kinda suspicious of you Haneii. Seems like the second post is more a way to reassure us that your vote is to look town like instead.

Everyone fine if I shoot rEdo? If he flips scum, it's possible Haneii can be scum too. Seems like she defended him a bit.

Haneii wrote:

We only have a day left?

Vote Hika

You're acting apathetic. When you post you rarely, if ever, have anything to contribute or at least something to give me an idea about what you're thinking/your opinion. It's anti-town and could hurt us even more if you're left to continue like this.

Oh believe me, I'm not being anti-town, I'm just busy not being here actively.
I called in for a replacement so I won't be joining any mafia games until late August or September. GL town :P

BRBP wrote:

@NH Just wondering since you asked Irre why he voted for you, but didn't ask me.
Didn't notice that you did until Dake pointed it out.

BRBP wrote:

@Dake I voted because I don't like the "two style" nor that he basically stated "We're playing like this whether you like it or not. *Okay I go first, not a pr*" immediately after the game started.
Because that's what Two always does xD
(On a more serious note, let me just parrot what fartownik said:)

fartownik wrote:

I still wouldn't go for him though, at least not yet. It might've been just a slip, or maybe he was too sure his tactic will end up successful.
Though I'm curious farto, how was that a "slip"?

[quote"Irreversible"]nohitter: are you worried about the 2 votes you have right now?[/quote]
Yes. That's why I asked why I was voted.

Raging Bull wrote:

Everyone fine if I shoot rEdo? If he flips scum, it's possible Haneii can be scum too. Seems like she defended him a bit.
I'm fine with that, but you should consider changing your target depending on the flip today.

Vote: Hika for earlier reasons.

As for Haneii's flip-flopping, now that you guys mention it, it does seem a bit suspicious. I'm sticking to my earlier reads for now though.
Ninja'd by Hika.

My vote still stays on her though.
Raging Bull
Depending if I can actually post when we hammer. (dusk?) like after someone gets hammered, we are allowed to post sicne it's not night.

I don't want to change targets because I want to make sure if I die the next night, you guys will know my target. If my target is alive, he's probably bulletproof/mafia
hm, I will throw in my reads:

fartownik and Raging Bull: most likely town, as I don't think that the numbers are skewed by scum.
BRBP and Rantai: Town, because masons.
Haneii: null, she first supported me in my argumentation against the massclaim, only to just stop suddenly.
Jinxy: null, with light suspicions, the imediate support of the massclaim hit me the wrong way, but aside from that there is not much more to read into.
DakeDekaane: null leaning town, he asked some questions, and is active.
Irreversible: null leaning town, kind of inactive at first, and aggressively responded to fart, but I don't really get scummy vibes from him.
rEdo: null, he doesn't post much, opposed the massclaim, didn't do much else.
Hika: null, called for replacement, knew she was busy beforehand, why would you even join a mafiagame if you know that you are busy? x.x
NoHitter: scummy, since I really think that the massclaim, and more importantly its execution, are antitown.

so, yea, most are null reads for me, simply because not enough stuff happened yet.

Vote: NoHitter

NoHitter wrote:

fartownik wrote:

I still wouldn't go for him though, at least not yet. It might've been just a slip, or maybe he was too sure his tactic will end up successful.
Though I'm curious farto, how was that a "slip"?
I didn't mean 'scumslip' by this, I meant a mistake made not on purpose. Something that you might've forgotten about others and just gone right away with your plan.

Vote: Hika

I'm giving myself a greenlight for Hika right now. I find a lot of truth in Jinxy's arguments, that's how she used to play as mafia. She should've probably changed her playstyle already after that, but she might have not done that as well thus my vote. She asked for a replacement too, but we might not be able find one for her place so I guess this will be the safest end (not mentioning that she doesn't contribute at all).
Topic Starter
Vote Count 1.08

NoHitter (3) - Irreversible, BRBP, Tanzklaue
Hika (3) - Haneii, NoHitter, fartownik

Not Voting (6) - Jinxy, rEdo, Rantai, DakeDekaane, Hika, Raging Bull

With 12 Alive it takes 7 to lynch.

Moderator's Notes
Looking for a replacement for Hika
rEdo has been prodded

Please let me know if you see any mistakes
Topic Starter
Rantai has been prodded
sorry for my inactivity, wasn't really able and had no spare time to read the topic due to some stuff that recently happened.
Mod: Unprod me, please.

I don't want to make any conclusions right off the bat, since this is my first mafia game (and that's why I don't feel confident enough to post here haha), but hey, that's what this game is about. The thing is that NoHitter seems to write quite much. A lot, actually. He tries to come up with a lot of ideas, that he could seem as the one that's searching for the scum the most, and that's a common trick used by mafia itself; to integrate with the city in order to get their acceptation and trust. However, that massclaim thing indeed seems so scummy that I couldn't resist thinking of him as the guy who's in the mafia.

Vote: NoHitter
what is prod?? xD
Topic Starter

rEdo wrote:

Mod: Unprod me, please.
You don't need to ask for "unprod" as soon as you post you're fine.

Irreversible wrote:

what is prod?? xD
prod is like a poke to the person to remind them of the game, when you don't respond to your prod within X hours (varies with different games and mods) you're in danger of getting replaced or modkilled. Check the rules regarding activity for further info.
i feel so stupid all the time i ask things like that XD
this was useless as well, k
why don't you deactivate it?
Take a guess.

Irreversible wrote:

i feel so stupid all the time i ask things like that XD
you do know that there is a rules thread stickied? with a link to a very useful wiki?

I mean, wtf, I looked up stuff for 2 weeks and lurked o going games before I joined this game. it's common sense that you read the rules to a game before you start playing it.
Raging Bull
Honestly, I knew the general gameplay but not roles. I asked questions quite a bit in games. Nothing wrong with that really.

Also depending on what NoHitter flips. I'll shoot someone.

If NoHitter is town, I'll shoot rEdo
If NoHitter is scum, I'll shoot Hika
Actually, I was trying to save me some trouble (in case I was actually playing), by not letting anyone know that I was a power role. But in this case, I don't want my replacement to get lynched if they decide to take my place.
Claim: JK

There you have it, I am a power role, now do what you want to do.

Hika wrote:

Actually, I was trying to save me some trouble (in case I was actually playing), by not letting anyone know that I was a power role. But in this case, I don't want my replacement to get lynched if they decide to take my place.
Claim: JK

There you have it, I am a power role, now do what you want to do.
and another role that wasn't mentioned in the original set up \:D/

how can this thing get even more confusing now?
so should we just lynch hika for the sake of it? town skewing the massclaim is actually worse than scum skewing the massclaim.

if hika even is town. which is doubtful, I think. if she really is town, though, then we have to deal with 2 mafia PRs. which is an entirely different pair of shoes.
If you lynch me, it's town's loss. I have nothing further to say.
Raging Bull
K make this more confusing for me

BRBP wrote:

Actually one of my posts earlier took about 45 minutes to write only because I wasn't sure if I should say there might be a hidden PR or not.
I don't want to believe it's Hika though...
Yeah, I find it a bit difficult to believe mafia only chose 1 power :S

@ Hika: What was your plan when you decided to lie?
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