
How well do people in your area speak English?

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We are all from different and varied backgrounds around the world, in where English could be more or less spoken by general population.

This question is quite open because there could be many particular cases in where despite English is not spoken natively by a majority of people as a native language, it is used generally in the media or education, leading people to have at least a decent knowledge of English (like Malaysia or Philippines). There are also cases in where a country is deemed as anglophone yet there are areas in where practically nobody uses English (for example, in several US cities bordering with Mexico).

In my personal case, I live in an area in where English usage is rare, in where Spanish is mandatory for literally everything. Most people here don't understand English, and most of them that do, have emmigrated; thus this place having less people proficent in English than before. At best, I estimate 2% of people on my area can hold a conversation in English, I have met a few with varying degrees of fluency, from barely knowing how to speak in present to people that have impressed me with their skill.

So, I'd be quite glad to see your answers ;3
barely anyone in indonesia talks in english (to one another). though i once heard a conversation between an indonesian and a foreigner, and they talked completely fine and smoothly in english. also there is a segment on indonesian tv where they deliver the news segment in english. those are the only instances i remembered where indonesian spoke in english.
I live in America, so it's probably no surprise that most people here are able to speak a decent amount of English. -But, in the area I'm from, it's a lot of peoples' second language. We have many immigrants from China, Japan, and South Korea from study abroad programs at our community college, and some students decide to come back and stay here. It's a nice, quiet town with pretty good architecture and a lot to do. Easy access to our state's big cities from here. Most of them tend to stick with their own little in-groups, but they're actually quite friendly if you talk to them.

There's also a decent amount of first generation immigrants from Mexico here. They're pretty cool, and a lot of them are doing quite well for themselves.

Technically, there's no requirement in America to speak English. Almost all government documents come in various languages, and you can usually request them in your first language. There's also many immigrants, especially in the coastal areas like here, so you're bound to find people of similar backgrounds to connect and speak with. English is extremely helpful, though. You'd very likely miss out on some things if you didn't speak it much.
In my country: people sucks at English...
Filipinos are known to be one of the best in Asia in English-speaking, probably behind India.
where I live everyone is either native english or has english as their second language, only really old people would be unable to speak english. alot of people are actually native speakers of two languages, usually spanish and english.
i live in america, so while it's no surprise people around me speak english relatively well, i do live in texas, so it is a lot of spanish/mexican folks second language! most people i run into can speak it fluently or at least enough to where you can understand the point they're trying to get across!
Some of the younger generations can speak English but most of them have bad pronounciations. It hurts to figure out what they're saying.
Zelzatter Zero
tfw barely anyone other than you can even read simple English words properly
english is not the official language here but people still act racist if you speak other languages =w=

inglés no es la el idioma oficial aquí pero muchas personas aquí se ponen racistas si hablas en otrás otrós idiomas =w=
im in america but people in my part speak the language very well except for some and thats okay. im in a part with loads of spanish speakers in which i myself do speak spanish as well.
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[-Vixnmis-] wrote:

im in america but people in my part speak the language very well except for some and thats okay. im in a part with loads of spanish speakers in which i myself do speak spanish as well.
Oh, en serio? owo

eblf2013 wrote:

[-Vixnmis-] wrote:

im in america but people in my part speak the language very well except for some and thats okay. im in a part with loads of spanish speakers in which i myself do speak spanish as well.
Oh, en serio? owo
si si gdjsl;gs
Honestly, I don't know. I have a hard time picking the right tense for verbs sometimes. I have a hard time with more unused English words. my pronunciation is also hit and miss. I think I'm more competent than others but that's it. I've seen people around my age here speak 0 English, which is kinda sad to be honest.
Very well
well people speak do i in area here..... Y E S
Jacques Chirac
In France, people are like... meh. Some people can't even speak their own language properly so how da fuck do you want them to speak another language ?
No everybody speaks High Valyrian
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