
From 1 to 10...?

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I can cook some basic dishes, the pasta I cook is usually great, I can also make pancakes and crepes, my rice is... decent, I can also make sauteed vegetables.

Other than that, nothing.

From 1 to 10 how easyly do you distract?
I am not sure if you mean how easily do I distract others or I easily I get distracted. I'll assume it's the latter.

I'd say 9/10. I am so easily disctractable that I actually work on not putting myself in a postition where I can be distracted rather than trying not to get distracted.

I get distracted a lot harder when I feel like I won't have time to finish whatever I need to do for a due date but I don't think that really counts.

From 1 to 10, what do you think of your country's public school system?
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2/10. I don't use to write this long lol.

Infrastructure is terrible in practically all primary and secondary schools, really, broken ceilings, dirty walls, non-functional restrooms, deficient electricity and water, empty libraries, broken chairs, frequent thefts, among other factprs common in most schools.

And about the system, there has been a transition that was made the worst way as possible. With several teachers not reaching a clear consensus on what is the curriculum that has to be taught, the sudden change of most subjects in middle and high school a few years ago was pretty controversial by the merging of Physics, Biology and Chemistry into one subject and the addition of a few other subjects that... I am still not clear what their purpose is. Unprepared and heavily underpaid teachers are another factor that makes it worse.

And the worst thing of all, YOU CANNOT, BY ANY MEANS, REPEAT THE YEAR; this has been heavily criticized as a measure that enforces mediocrity, I mean, if you got failing grades in more than two subjects, you can still get to the next year, that's as terrible as it sounds.

However, univeristy has remained untouched as most of the mentioned measures haven't reached them and we are one of the very few countries that still has free access to university and the quality of teaching is still good (except by the infrastructure and the underpayment), however, 70% leave because of not being capable to achieve decent grades.

There are two kind of public universities here, the autonomous and the ones owned by the government, the first one are only subsided by it, while they still can take most of their decisions, these are the ones I'm studying currently; the second one, the goverment takes decisions about them, honestly, I think they are more propaganda than actual universities.

Same question.
Zelzatter Zero
5/10, the system is like way 20 years old with little to no noticable changes.

How much do you consider at making music?
3/10, would love to try it, but I'd have to learn a lot of things in order to do it, so I might do it in the future. For now, I don't really see myself trying it.

From 1 to 10, how much do you consider migrating to another country if you have a chance?
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4/10. If I can continue my studies or work with my current portfolio might rise to a 7/10.

I'd surely miss my family though.

From 1 to 10 how good is your overall physical condition?
5/10 in reference to the average person. but then there's the large subsets of people much healthier than i am, as well as the large body of not-so-lucky souls burdened with illness and handicaps, and considering how poorly i take care of myself physically, i'm... eh. "i'm a thin sack of bones" is actually a roughly accurate statement for me, since that's pretty much all i have.

from 1 to 10, how deeply would you consider a job related to game development?
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7/10, I'd consider to be a beta tester as a work. (Yes, there is a job related to that.) Not the perfect nor my ideal job, but it is well-paid, considering it as an option if I manage to emmigrate. Other game development fields are quite interesting for me too, but I got little experience with coding or art.

Same question.
8/10. i'm pretty passionate about creating things, and depending on the game, i'm willing to be a part of the production team, whether it be art or music. so far, with the devteam i'm in now, i'm pretty happy. it's a lot of work though, and it's not necessarily something i expect much pay from, but it's something. a nice avenue for experience.

same question.
Zelzatter Zero
9.5/10. Learning how games work and breaking gaming barrier is flowing in my blood right now, and in the future.

Same question.
9/10 but...
I love developping game and other s*it for PC. My futur job is in PC, but no in gaming developpement because working conditions look like bad.

From 1 to 10, how evaluate your number of HP with your actual body if you are in a RPG game?
if it's only evaluated through 10 health points, as limited as it is, i guess i'd put myself at a 4.

otherwise, i would've said something like "76/100, but with psyche and physical debuffs as opposed to the average person's 133/150".

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A 5/10 maybe?

From 1 to 10 how fast do you speak?
on average, around a 5, but i can easily be a 4 or 7 if i feel like it.

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Usually at 7/10.
I come from an area in where we speak too fast for the average speaker.

Same question.
Tad Fibonacci
A 5 or a 6.
I tend to take my time before answering questions too.

Same question.
4 sometimes i can speak fast, but it may end up being gibberish out of my mouth.

From 1 to 10 how good are you at speaking other languages.
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8.5/10 Spanish. (Although native, I am not perfect)
6/10 English, 7 at best.
3/10 Japanese. I can speak about a few basic and essential things.
2/10 French and Portuguese. (The first case: I studied it and I can understand it when spoken in some cases or when it's written, but I am terrible in pronunciation. Second case: I have just started, not hard at all so far.)

Same question.
9/10 for English, although i can have trouble getting things right when i'm speaking on the spot. in terms of writing or text, i'm definitely fluent.

4/10 for Spanish. i struggle to hold conversations, pero puedo pronuncio y leo palabras fácilmente, and i can understand the general idea of what people say pretty well. i normally don't speak it as i'll likely say something rather stupid, especialmente cuando hago errores gramaticales.

maybe a 2/10 for Japanese at best. i hardly know any words but i'm fascinated by it, and i can somewhat grasp the pronunciation, i just can't really say anything.

same question.
English: 9/10 still sometimes make some grammatical errors.
Tagalog: 7.5/10 i was raised speaking english so i had a hard time speaking Tagalog when I was a kid, now I can speak Tagalog a bit more proper.
Japenese: 0.1/10 ehhh, still studying Romaji Japanese ;~;

same question
Zelzatter Zero
Vietnamese: 9/10 (It's complicated you know)
English: 8/10 (yeah...)
German: 1/10 (I can somehow guess the word meaning and grammar through the similarity of English vocabulary and pronunciation, but I mostly rely to English translation)
Japanese: 0/10 (I don't even know half of the Hiragana alphabet ;-;)

Same question.
English: 2/10, my English sucks and i got 2.5/10 in oral comprehension
Español: -1/10, no sé habla español, y me gusto burritos (no uso Google Traduction)
Français: 9.8/10, j'habite en France et je joue à osu! en français (il était comme ça quand je l'ai lancé pour la 1re fois...)
Japanese : 1e-99/10, i know only the word "nani"...
Same question
English: 9/10 (Mother tongue, but I do get 'ei' and 'ie' confused in words!)
French: 4/10 (Haven't used it since I got out of school, so very rusty)

How would you consider your quality of sleep?
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Zelzatter Zero

It depends on wether or not I have school.

When there is school, 8/10, I manage to follow my curfew very well so that I am not tired for school.

When there is no school, 1/10, I always end up going to sleep super late and then waking up late as well but while still being sleepy.

From 1 to 10, how interesting do you find STEM field of study?
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I find chemistry pretty interesting, as well as robotics and nanotechnollogy.

Same question.
I guess 1, since im not into those subjects that much...

From 1 to 10 how bad is coronavirus in your country?
Zelzatter Zero
3/10 rn

How much do you consider yourself as rhythm game enthusiastic?
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Rhythm is underrated, and it can be implemented into lots of game genres.

haha i rolypoly
How good are you at minecraft.
0/10 i die a lot on easy mode ;(

jk, 7/10 though I haven't played much Minecraft recently, but I do know the basics and stuff.

4/10, I'm not really interested in the survival aspect of Minecraft, but I'm pretty good at building stuff.

From 1 to 10, how much do you prefer physical copies to digital ones?
Topic Starter
Books: 9/10
Videogames: 7/10
Music: 5/10
Movies: 3/10

Same question.
books: 7/10
video games: 4/10
music: 0/10
movies: 1/10

from 1 to 10, what do you rate each generation of consoles.
Classic consoles: 8/10
Modern consoles: 6/10
PC: 10/10

From 1 to 10 how would you rate rice?
Topic Starter
Varies greatly, but overall a 7/10.

Same question.
haha i rolypoly
10/10 rice is amazing
through 1/10 what is your probability of getting into a good college

Same question

What AR can you read?
9.8/10 comfortably.

On a scale of 1-10, how much would you buy if you were in an apocalyptic scenario? Like nuclear winter, alien (albeit near impossible but still possible) invasion, etc.
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9/10. Mostly long-lasting foods.

From 1 to 10 how good is your stamina?
Zelzatter Zero

how fast do you read?
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Aloud: 4/10
Silent: 5/10-8/10

From 1 to 10 how fast do you write?
2/10 mainly because I'm terrible at two things:
1) Focusing
2) Organising my thoughts and writing what I need to (especially when I (unintentionally) zone out while writing)
I'm also really slow when it comes to thinking. I'm not stupid, I'm simply a painfully slow thinker. That includes for what word I should write next.
I could never finish essays on time.

(I'm also the worst at writing while the teacher is talking or when the class has to make notes while watching videos.. I can't multitask with that at all and it's a surprise I've never been told off at school for it. I focus completely on what I must listen to or watch and don't write anything. If I try to write, I focus on the video/speech again after and get completely confused as to what happened. OR I try to focus on both the note-taking and the source at the same time and I end up constantly writing bits of what's currently being said and what I thought I should write. As I'm slow at writing, it comes as an utter word salad. Idk how to explain either situation. Thank College I have help with that now!)
I hate writing, but handwriting ironically interests me.

From 1 to 10, how optimistic are you (generally)?
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Same question
I'll answer my own question, I'm bored.

I'd say 5/10, but only because, at any given time I'm either 0/10 or 10/10.

It varies greatly, but I would say that most of the time, I am quite optimistic.

I'd say 7/10


From 1 to 10, how important is music in your life.

Same question
10/10 i like music
From 1 to 10 how would you rate modern romcom anime/manga
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