
ATTENTION Newfags, Midfags, Oldfags, and Otherfags!!!

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waiting for this subforum to become an antisemitic shithole :3
good thing i still post in art and music hall

Patatitta wrote:

I don't plan to wasteland the thread wtf
Mr "I don't plan to wasteland the thread wtf" Patatitta


B0ii wrote:

waiting for this subforum to become an antisemitic shithole :3
I'm pretty sure you can already hate on Semites

Patatitta wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

sametdze wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

Posting here one last time before everything burns to ashes.

wait what..??
You didn't hear the news? The guy sitting in the president chair has a personal vendetta against the denizens thing. Rumor is, he wants to burn this whole place to the ground. You and me are both in gen 10, I reckon. The gen that was always paired up with the 9th, remember? Been a long time since I recited these numbers… It's over now. None of this matters. All the friends, all the lovers, all the enemies, all the rivals we've made are now not even dwellers, but simple bystanders.
If this continues on, I will have no choice but to call for an open rebellion.

that is called propaganda

Kobold84 wrote:

sametdze wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

Posting here one last time before everything burns to ashes.

wait what..??
You didn't hear the news? The guy sitting in the president chair has a personal vendetta against the denizens thing. Rumor is, he wants to burn this whole place to the ground. You and me are both in gen 10, I reckon. The gen that was always paired up with the 9th, remember? Been a long time since I recited these numbers… It's over now. None of this matters. All the friends, all the lovers, all the enemies, all the rivals we've made are now not even dwellers, but simple bystanders.
If this continues on, I will have no choice but to call for an open rebellion.

I dont wanna believe this but thats the truth guys. We will be nothing more than bystanders and will see the history burn to ashes. There is nothing we can do
OT when the guy they freely elected themselves ends up doing exactly what he said he would do:


Ymir wrote:

OT when the guy they freely elected themselves ends up doing exactly what he said he would do:

A president doing anything at all would be a first, no one expects that.

Ymir wrote:

OT when the guy they freely elected themselves ends up doing exactly what he said he would do:


Ymir wrote:

OT when the guy they freely elected themselves ends up doing exactly what he said he would do:

It's true but like… not everyone voted for Pattita. If you combine every other vote not for him, it would be 14 vs 8. Maybe the second round had to happen.


Kobold84 wrote:

Ymir wrote:

OT when the guy they freely elected themselves ends up doing exactly what he said he would do:

It's true but like… not everyone voted for Pattita. If you combine every other vote not for him, it would be 14 vs 8. Maybe the second round had to happen.

tbh manishh had the same ideas I did, and even zain kinda agreed on some, so that 14 vs 8 stadistic isn't really true

Ymir wrote:

qwt wrote:

when i been here since the end of 6th gen and still not a denmark
You aren't active enough though.

qwt wrote:

Ymir wrote:

qwt wrote:

when i been here since the end of 6th gen and still not a denmark
You aren't active enough though.
you WERE active
but now you aren't anymore

B0ii wrote:

qwt wrote:

Ymir wrote:

qwt wrote:

when i been here since the end of 6th gen and still not a denmark
You aren't active enough though.
you WERE active
but now you aren't anymore
these fucking sped-ed americans man
dude ... he may treat you to OT! parliament now ... keep up the good service soilder!!

even if i WAS active i was regardless never considered active in the past either

dividing my join date (in days) by posts ... comes out to 0.6 posts per day OR at least one post every 2 days

qwt wrote:

Ymir wrote:

qwt wrote:

when i been here since the end of 6th gen and still not a denmark
You aren't active enough though.

you have less than 2 pages of activity in the last YEAR. You have 16 pages of posts but patatitta explicitly said you have to have activity within that year.

Blushing wrote:

qwt wrote:

Ymir wrote:

qwt wrote:

when i been here since the end of 6th gen and still not a denmark
You aren't active enough though.

you have less than 2 pages of activity in the last YEAR. You have 16 pages of posts but patatitta explicitly said you have to have activity within that year.
and the other 4 years and 3 generations i applied for anything ... erm REJECTED
i was rejected in 2020 2021 2022 and 2023 and 2024

also i am assuming by rough counting each osu! page has between 40 - 50 posts per page ... 40 to 50 multiplied by 2 comes to an outcome of 80 posts at the lowest in the last 119 days since 2024 started and 100 at most ... i have anywhere between 0.6 posts per day to 0.8 ... that is still a post every day or so
guys, we should revolt against the establishment
Asian Warlord

Penguin wrote:

guys, we should revolt against the establishment
yo penguin, help me and we'll take our land back

Blushing wrote:

qwt wrote:

Ymir wrote:

qwt wrote:

when i been here since the end of 6th gen and still not a denmark
You aren't active enough though.

you have less than 2 pages of activity in the last YEAR. You have 16 pages of posts but patatitta explicitly said you have to have activity within that year.
Not only this but he has 12 Pages of posts in OT, the minimum to be considered even partially active has been 20 for a while.
why the fuck do you want to be in the parliment if you don't even talk in ot, that is one of the reasons why the gov has been failing as of recent
where tf is this going

Patatitta wrote:

why the fuck do you want to be in the parliment if you don't even talk in ot, that is one of the reasons why the gov has been failing as of recent

Ymir wrote:

Blushing wrote:

qwt wrote:

Ymir wrote:

qwt wrote:

when i been here since the end of 6th gen and still not a denmark
You aren't active enough though.

you have less than 2 pages of activity in the last YEAR. You have 16 pages of posts but patatitta explicitly said you have to have activity within that year.
Not only this but he has 12 Pages of posts in OT, the minimum to be considered even partially active has been 20 for a while.
bruh I have 22 pages of OT posts and not denizen yet despite more than a year being active here

Anaxii 3 wrote:

Ymir wrote:

Blushing wrote:

qwt wrote:

Ymir wrote:

qwt wrote:

when i been here since the end of 6th gen and still not a denmark
You aren't active enough though.

you have less than 2 pages of activity in the last YEAR. You have 16 pages of posts but patatitta explicitly said you have to have activity within that year.
Not only this but he has 12 Pages of posts in OT, the minimum to be considered even partially active has been 20 for a while.
bruh I have 22 pages of OT posts and not denizen yet despite more than a year being active here
dont worry lmao, there are people who met the requirement but still had to wait 4-5months, I also count as one if i am not wrong. That is what we are trying to fix here. Decreasing the waiting period. what is waiting period? In my definition its the period where you have completed the requirement and you are waiting for them to announce your denizen ship.

Anaxii 3 wrote:

Ymir wrote:

Blushing wrote:

qwt wrote:

Ymir wrote:

qwt wrote:

when i been here since the end of 6th gen and still not a denmark
You aren't active enough though.

you have less than 2 pages of activity in the last YEAR. You have 16 pages of posts but patatitta explicitly said you have to have activity within that year.
Not only this but he has 12 Pages of posts in OT, the minimum to be considered even partially active has been 20 for a while.
bruh I have 22 pages of OT posts and not denizen yet despite more than a year being active here
I mean this with utmost respect, you also need to be memorable. Whilst 20 pages is the base requirement, you need to have a character here, whether that be through a few good threads or through sheer personality. The latter is quite hard to achieve.
These requirements have applied to pretty much everyone under Denizen rule, and unless Pata wants to take a fat stinky shit on the role (he might), it'll stay like that.

Personally, all I remember you as is "Anaxii's friend". I'm not saying this to insult, I encourage you instead to post more and allow yourself to be creative so we can get to know you a bit better as an individual in OT.

Also, there's no 'Denizen waiting period' anymore, because there isn't really any eligible candidates that I know of.

Ymir wrote:

Anaxii 3 wrote:

Ymir wrote:

Blushing wrote:

qwt wrote:

Ymir wrote:

qwt wrote:

when i been here since the end of 6th gen and still not a denmark
You aren't active enough though.

you have less than 2 pages of activity in the last YEAR. You have 16 pages of posts but patatitta explicitly said you have to have activity within that year.
Not only this but he has 12 Pages of posts in OT, the minimum to be considered even partially active has been 20 for a while.
bruh I have 22 pages of OT posts and not denizen yet despite more than a year being active here
I mean this with utmost respect, you also need to be memorable. Whilst 20 pages is the base requirement, you need to have a character here, whether that be through a few good threads or through sheer personality. The latter is quite hard to achieve.
These requirements have applied to pretty much everyone under Denizen rule, and unless Pata wants to take a fat stinky shit on the role (he might), it'll stay like that.

Personally, all I remember you as is "Anaxii's friend". I'm not saying this to insult, I encourage you instead to post more and allow yourself to be creative so we can get to know you a bit better as an individual in OT.

Also, there's no 'Denizen waiting period' anymore, because there isn't really any eligible candidates that I know of.
yeah I think I should, even I'm being treated as an NPC because of how inactive I am due to school stress

btw you're not insulting me, I'm fine being called "Anaxii's friend".
Oh if it's school then it's completely understable. A lot of people become inactive during this time.

Anaxii 3 wrote:

Ymir wrote:

Blushing wrote:

qwt wrote:

Ymir wrote:

qwt wrote:

when i been here since the end of 6th gen and still not a denmark
You aren't active enough though.

you have less than 2 pages of activity in the last YEAR. You have 16 pages of posts but patatitta explicitly said you have to have activity within that year.
Not only this but he has 12 Pages of posts in OT, the minimum to be considered even partially active has been 20 for a while.
bruh I have 22 pages of OT posts and not denizen yet despite more than a year being active here
bro has 15000 posts just give him denizen atp😭💀

no sorry its only for if your friends with the them

Ymir wrote:

Oh if it's school then it's completely understable. A lot of people become inactive during this time.
except reffty, he's neither middle schooler nor middle schooler rn and still has a lot of potential. but others like me are seeming to be more semi active during this time around.

qwt wrote:

Anaxii 3 wrote:

Ymir wrote:

Blushing wrote:

qwt wrote:

Ymir wrote:

qwt wrote:

when i been here since the end of 6th gen and still not a denmark
You aren't active enough though.

you have less than 2 pages of activity in the last YEAR. You have 16 pages of posts but patatitta explicitly said you have to have activity within that year.
Not only this but he has 12 Pages of posts in OT, the minimum to be considered even partially active has been 20 for a while.
bruh I have 22 pages of OT posts and not denizen yet despite more than a year being active here
bro has 15000 posts just give him denizen atp😭💀

no sorry its only for if your friends with the them
Why not with Rezq Gokou? Corne might have a plan to put me and Rezq altogether in the denizenship announcement. Rezq has done more in this subforum, but I was more in the Thread Necromancy thread even though I rarely post there.

Anaxii 3 wrote:

Ymir wrote:

Oh if it's school then it's completely understable. A lot of people become inactive during this time.
except reffty, he's neither middle schooler nor middle schooler rn and still has a lot of potential. but others like me are seeming to be more semi active during this time around.

qwt wrote:

Anaxii 3 wrote:

Ymir wrote:

Blushing wrote:

qwt wrote:

Ymir wrote:

qwt wrote:

when i been here since the end of 6th gen and still not a denmark
You aren't active enough though.

you have less than 2 pages of activity in the last YEAR. You have 16 pages of posts but patatitta explicitly said you have to have activity within that year.
Not only this but he has 12 Pages of posts in OT, the minimum to be considered even partially active has been 20 for a while.
bruh I have 22 pages of OT posts and not denizen yet despite more than a year being active here
bro has 15000 posts just give him denizen atp😭💀

no sorry its only for if your friends with the them
Why not with Rezq Gokou? Corne might have a plan to put me and Rezq altogether in the denizenship announcement. Rezq has done more in this subforum, but I was more in the Thread Necromancy thread even though I rarely post there.
It’s not corne who plans. It’s remi
you guys realize that denizenship is on pause and i'm going to do a complete rework of the system right

Patatitta wrote:

you guys realize that denizenship is on pause and i'm going to do a complete rework of the system right
is this a revolution?

Anaxii 3 wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

you guys realize that denizenship is on pause and i'm going to do a complete rework of the system right
is this a revolution?
He’s the president.
I am pretty sure the more people for this work is better lol. 600+ threads with thousands of post ain't a joke xD.
It's been 4 generations?? Wow

TeeArctic1 wrote:

It's been 4 generations?? Wow
tbh two of them should merge, whenever the parliament elections are done in 4 days I will rework this

Patatitta wrote:

TeeArctic1 wrote:

It's been 4 generations?? Wow
tbh two of them should merge, whenever the parliament elections are done in 4 days I will rework this
We're in the middle of parliament elections, too? Do we still use my Constitution? Has it gotten modified over the years?

Patatitta wrote:

TeeArctic1 wrote:

It's been 4 generations?? Wow
tbh two of them should merge, whenever the parliament elections are done in 4 days I will rework this
gen 9 and 10 should merge to 9

TeeArctic1 wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

TeeArctic1 wrote:

It's been 4 generations?? Wow
tbh two of them should merge, whenever the parliament elections are done in 4 days I will rework this
We're in the middle of parliament elections, too? Do we still use my Constitution? Has it gotten modified over the years?
we dont, right now we want to get away from the sleepy government image that was made in the past years, and actually try to do something

we basically hit reset button and dont know much where to go (giving full power to the president to change everything he wants in OT)

Polyspora wrote:

TeeArctic1 wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

TeeArctic1 wrote:

It's been 4 generations?? Wow
tbh two of them should merge, whenever the parliament elections are done in 4 days I will rework this
We're in the middle of parliament elections, too? Do we still use my Constitution? Has it gotten modified over the years?
we dont, right now we want to get away from the sleepy government image that was made in the past years, and actually try to do something

we basically hit reset button and dont know much where to go (giving full power to the president to change everything he wants in OT)
Oh wow, full coup d'etat dictatorship then. Interesting to see what that'll lead to. Nowhere in history has this ever gone wrong

TeeArctic1 wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

TeeArctic1 wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

TeeArctic1 wrote:

It's been 4 generations?? Wow
tbh two of them should merge, whenever the parliament elections are done in 4 days I will rework this
We're in the middle of parliament elections, too? Do we still use my Constitution? Has it gotten modified over the years?
we dont, right now we want to get away from the sleepy government image that was made in the past years, and actually try to do something

we basically hit reset button and dont know much where to go (giving full power to the president to change everything he wants in OT)
Oh wow, full coup d'etat dictatorship then. Interesting to see what that'll lead to. Nowhere in history has this ever gone wrong
I mean, people still vote for the president, so I guess they get what they wished for you know

patatitta just froze the denizenship program so far
listen til you learn that my denizenship got REVOKED

Blushing wrote:

listen til you learn that my denizenship got REVOKED
Damn immigration law policies got to OT, too. Revoking denizenships and stuff

TeeArctic1 wrote:

Blushing wrote:

listen til you learn that my denizenship got REVOKED
Damn immigration law policies got to OT, too. Revoking denizenships and stuff
for context they got added by mistake

Patatitta wrote:

TeeArctic1 wrote:

Blushing wrote:

listen til you learn that my denizenship got REVOKED
Damn immigration law policies got to OT, too. Revoking denizenships and stuff
for context they got added by mistake
nuh uh
how desperate are you for denizen

Blushing wrote:

listen til you learn that my denizenship got REVOKED
how absurd!

Patatitta wrote:

how desperate are you for denizen
put out your changes so that i can argue them

Blushing wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

how desperate are you for denizen
put out your changes so that i can argue them
waiting for the elections to finish
its so fucking joever
necro sorry
but where's beani? i thought he was denizen bc of where he's in the hall of shame thread

lostsilver wrote:

necro sorry
but where's beani? i thought he was denizen bc of where he's in the hall of shame thread
Why do you think a fake denizenship thread would mean anything? That guy barely talks here, not many people know him well enough. I could say this for most new denizens in that Hall of Shame thread.

Ymir wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

necro sorry
but where's beani? i thought he was denizen bc of where he's in the hall of shame thread
Why do you think a fake denizenship thread would mean anything? That guy barely talks here, not many people know him well enough. I could say this for most new denizens in that Hall of Shame thread.
oh.. oki

lostsilver wrote:

Ymir wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

necro sorry
but where's beani? i thought he was denizen bc of where he's in the hall of shame thread
Why do you think a fake denizenship thread would mean anything? That guy barely talks here, not many people know him well enough. I could say this for most new denizens in that Hall of Shame thread.
oh.. oki
nah, beaniecraft DOES meet the requirement for the original denizen thread, it's just that this thread is dead
>meets requirement but barely talks
The requirement should be much higher.

Patatitta wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

Ymir wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

necro sorry
but where's beani? i thought he was denizen bc of where he's in the hall of shame thread
Why do you think a fake denizenship thread would mean anything? That guy barely talks here, not many people know him well enough. I could say this for most new denizens in that Hall of Shame thread.
oh.. oki
nah, beaniecraft DOES meet the requirement for the original denizen thread, it's just that this thread is dead
you're literally the rensponsible for the death of this thread lol, and you know you wanted that

Polyspora wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

Ymir wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

necro sorry
but where's beani? i thought he was denizen bc of where he's in the hall of shame thread
Why do you think a fake denizenship thread would mean anything? That guy barely talks here, not many people know him well enough. I could say this for most new denizens in that Hall of Shame thread.
oh.. oki
nah, beaniecraft DOES meet the requirement for the original denizen thread, it's just that this thread is dead
you're literally the rensponsible for the death of this thread lol, and you know you wanted that
i'm not saying this thread shouldn't have died, I mean that beanicraft did meet the requirements for this thread before I even became president but the parliament just chose to ignore it
Meeting the base requirements was never meant to guarantee denizenship in the first place. They're the 'base' requirements for a reason.

Ymir wrote:

Meeting the base requirements was never meant to guarantee denizenship in the first place. They're the 'base' requirements for a reason.
It was until you usurped the parliament.

Karmine wrote:

Ymir wrote:

Meeting the base requirements was never meant to guarantee denizenship in the first place. They're the 'base' requirements for a reason.
It was until you usurped the parliament.
yeah the parliament was much better off with no one on the seat, or maybe even better, people who just are there to be there, like the other governments (or reyalp right now)

we literally changed what would be another sleepy government by "usurping" [even though eblf accepted us (no changes were made without his consent)] our place there lol

Karmine wrote:

Ymir wrote:

Meeting the base requirements was never meant to guarantee denizenship in the first place. They're the 'base' requirements for a reason.
It was until you usurped the parliament.
I wish that was true; I waited quite a while to get my denizenship, and the reason is quite literally stated on my description.

Ymir wrote:

Meeting the base requirements was never meant to guarantee denizenship in the first place. They're the 'base' requirements for a reason.
That was retconned. There were never requirements for denizenship in the actual first place.
I understand for the REALLY old generations there wasn't any, but there had to be a system in place for the newer generations to get denizenship without being nobodies who would do nothing. And that system was quite clear:

ShinRun wrote:

Hello -Remi, my name is ShinRun and I am part of the OT!Parliament as well as a denizen. You have received this message because you have met the 8+ month requirement to be considered for denizenship. If you wish to receive denizenship, please reply with some if not all of your achievement/contribution on OT. These can be anything from events, threads, lore, etc.
for the first generations I believe abraker just got people who were active in the early 2000's, since this thread was created after they went awol
where the update at

BluePyTheWDeer_ wrote:

where the update at
buying densen for 1 dolla
I somehow forgot about this thread.

Patatitta wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

Ymir wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

necro sorry
but where's beani? i thought he was denizen bc of where he's in the hall of shame thread
Why do you think a fake denizenship thread would mean anything? That guy barely talks here, not many people know him well enough. I could say this for most new denizens in that Hall of Shame thread.
oh.. oki
nah, beaniecraft DOES meet the requirement for the original denizen thread, it's just that this thread is dead
you're literally the rensponsible for the death of this thread lol, and you know you wanted that
i'm not saying this thread shouldn't have died, I mean that beanicraft did meet the requirements for this thread before I even became president but the parliament just chose to ignore it
i see
Hall Of Shame… Patattita, do you deny the very purpose of OT existence? The purpose of this thread?
A thread deprived of its function is no longer a thread. It is rejected.
I understand.
I shall keep watch over you from the shadows, Patattita… no, President.
But one day, one day you will reach the end of the road. You will no longer be able to deny the OT purpose. President, you will be forced to accept our fate. And when the time comes…
is abraker still dead

-Kori wrote:

is abraker still dead
unfortunately yes

Kobold84 wrote:

Hall Of Shame… Patattita, do you deny the very purpose of OT existence? The purpose of this thread?
A thread deprived of its function is no longer a thread. It is rejected.
I understand.
I shall keep watch over you from the shadows, Patattita… no, President.
But one day, one day you will reach the end of the road. You will no longer be able to deny the OT purpose. President, you will be forced to accept our fate. And when the time comes…
come on OT was created to purge our stupidity from the rest of osu, OT is a hall of shame by itself
Kobold shonen protagonist phase?

Kobold84 wrote:

the OT purpose

dont betray our ideals kobold senpai

Patatitta wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

Hall Of Shame… Patattita, do you deny the very purpose of OT existence? The purpose of this thread?
A thread deprived of its function is no longer a thread. It is rejected.
I understand.
I shall keep watch over you from the shadows, Patattita… no, President.
But one day, one day you will reach the end of the road. You will no longer be able to deny the OT purpose. President, you will be forced to accept our fate. And when the time comes…
come on OT was created to purge our stupidity from the rest of osu, OT is a hall of shame by itself
I think OT turns you stupid to be honest

Polyspora wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

Hall Of Shame… Patattita, do you deny the very purpose of OT existence? The purpose of this thread?
A thread deprived of its function is no longer a thread. It is rejected.
I understand.
I shall keep watch over you from the shadows, Patattita… no, President.
But one day, one day you will reach the end of the road. You will no longer be able to deny the OT purpose. President, you will be forced to accept our fate. And when the time comes…
come on OT was created to purge our stupidity from the rest of osu, OT is a hall of shame by itself
I think OT turns you stupid to be honest
Nah, you gotta be big dumdum to go on OT in the first place.

Karmine wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

Hall Of Shame… Patattita, do you deny the very purpose of OT existence? The purpose of this thread?
A thread deprived of its function is no longer a thread. It is rejected.
I understand.
I shall keep watch over you from the shadows, Patattita… no, President.
But one day, one day you will reach the end of the road. You will no longer be able to deny the OT purpose. President, you will be forced to accept our fate. And when the time comes…
come on OT was created to purge our stupidity from the rest of osu, OT is a hall of shame by itself
I think OT turns you stupid to be honest
Nah, you gotta be big dumdum to go on OT in the first place.
the dumber you are the stronger your personality is probably

there is a lot of curious characters here

Karmine wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

Hall Of Shame… Patattita, do you deny the very purpose of OT existence? The purpose of this thread?
A thread deprived of its function is no longer a thread. It is rejected.
I understand.
I shall keep watch over you from the shadows, Patattita… no, President.
But one day, one day you will reach the end of the road. You will no longer be able to deny the OT purpose. President, you will be forced to accept our fate. And when the time comes…
come on OT was created to purge our stupidity from the rest of osu, OT is a hall of shame by itself
I think OT turns you stupid to be honest
Nah, you gotta be big dumdum to go on OT in the first place.
thats probably why i like it so much
bc im a dumdum

lostsilver wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

Hall Of Shame… Patattita, do you deny the very purpose of OT existence? The purpose of this thread?
A thread deprived of its function is no longer a thread. It is rejected.
I understand.
I shall keep watch over you from the shadows, Patattita… no, President.
But one day, one day you will reach the end of the road. You will no longer be able to deny the OT purpose. President, you will be forced to accept our fate. And when the time comes…
come on OT was created to purge our stupidity from the rest of osu, OT is a hall of shame by itself
I think OT turns you stupid to be honest
Nah, you gotta be big dumdum to go on OT in the first place.
thats probably why i like it so much
bc im a dumdum
and you have a strong personality (multiple, possibly)

Polyspora wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

Hall Of Shame… Patattita, do you deny the very purpose of OT existence? The purpose of this thread?
A thread deprived of its function is no longer a thread. It is rejected.
I understand.
I shall keep watch over you from the shadows, Patattita… no, President.
But one day, one day you will reach the end of the road. You will no longer be able to deny the OT purpose. President, you will be forced to accept our fate. And when the time comes…
come on OT was created to purge our stupidity from the rest of osu, OT is a hall of shame by itself
I think OT turns you stupid to be honest
Nah, you gotta be big dumdum to go on OT in the first place.
the dumber you are the stronger your personality is probably

there is a lot of curious characters here
⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⢸⣿⢰⣿⡆⠀⣾⣿⡆⠀⣾⣷ ⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⣿⣿⡇⠀

Polyspora wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

Hall Of Shame… Patattita, do you deny the very purpose of OT existence? The purpose of this thread?
A thread deprived of its function is no longer a thread. It is rejected.
I understand.
I shall keep watch over you from the shadows, Patattita… no, President.
But one day, one day you will reach the end of the road. You will no longer be able to deny the OT purpose. President, you will be forced to accept our fate. And when the time comes…
come on OT was created to purge our stupidity from the rest of osu, OT is a hall of shame by itself
I think OT turns you stupid to be honest
Nah, you gotta be big dumdum to go on OT in the first place.
the dumber you are the stronger your personality is probably

there is a lot of curious characters here
It's like a circus.

Karmine wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

Hall Of Shame… Patattita, do you deny the very purpose of OT existence? The purpose of this thread?
A thread deprived of its function is no longer a thread. It is rejected.
I understand.
I shall keep watch over you from the shadows, Patattita… no, President.
But one day, one day you will reach the end of the road. You will no longer be able to deny the OT purpose. President, you will be forced to accept our fate. And when the time comes…
come on OT was created to purge our stupidity from the rest of osu, OT is a hall of shame by itself
I think OT turns you stupid to be honest
Nah, you gotta be big dumdum to go on OT in the first place.
the dumber you are the stronger your personality is probably

there is a lot of curious characters here
It's like a circus.

Polyspora wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

Hall Of Shame… Patattita, do you deny the very purpose of OT existence? The purpose of this thread?
A thread deprived of its function is no longer a thread. It is rejected.
I understand.
I shall keep watch over you from the shadows, Patattita… no, President.
But one day, one day you will reach the end of the road. You will no longer be able to deny the OT purpose. President, you will be forced to accept our fate. And when the time comes…
come on OT was created to purge our stupidity from the rest of osu, OT is a hall of shame by itself
I think OT turns you stupid to be honest
Nah, you gotta be big dumdum to go on OT in the first place.
thats probably why i like it so much
bc im a dumdum
and you have a strong personality (multiple, possibly)

lostsilver wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

Hall Of Shame… Patattita, do you deny the very purpose of OT existence? The purpose of this thread?
A thread deprived of its function is no longer a thread. It is rejected.
I understand.
I shall keep watch over you from the shadows, Patattita… no, President.
But one day, one day you will reach the end of the road. You will no longer be able to deny the OT purpose. President, you will be forced to accept our fate. And when the time comes…
come on OT was created to purge our stupidity from the rest of osu, OT is a hall of shame by itself
I think OT turns you stupid to be honest
Nah, you gotta be big dumdum to go on OT in the first place.
thats probably why i like it so much
bc im a dumdum
and you have a strong personality (multiple, possibly)
I didn't mean cute dumb, I meant like dumb dumb. In tonal indicator a /neg dumb, maybe even a stupid dumb but not a funny stupid dumb that's a different type of dumb
Like retard dumb!

Ymir wrote:

Like retard dumb!
nah slur dumb isn't the type of dumb I was refeering however saying retard dumb is part of the dumb dumb or /neg dumb I meant to
this is cancer stop using /neg ´p´lease

Patatitta wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

Hall Of Shame… Patattita, do you deny the very purpose of OT existence? The purpose of this thread?
A thread deprived of its function is no longer a thread. It is rejected.
I understand.
I shall keep watch over you from the shadows, Patattita… no, President.
But one day, one day you will reach the end of the road. You will no longer be able to deny the OT purpose. President, you will be forced to accept our fate. And when the time comes…
come on OT was created to purge our stupidity from the rest of osu, OT is a hall of shame by itself
I think OT turns you stupid to be honest
Nah, you gotta be big dumdum to go on OT in the first place.
thats probably why i like it so much
bc im a dumdum
and you have a strong personality (multiple, possibly)
I didn't mean cute dumb, I meant like dumb dumb. In tonal indicator a /neg dumb, maybe even a stupid dumb but not a funny stupid dumb that's a different type of dumb
i know what you meant

Polyspora wrote:

this is cancer stop using /neg ´p´lease
going to use that and others like it even more now just to spite you /j

Achromalia wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

this is cancer stop using /neg ´p´lease
going to use that and others like it even more now just to spite you /j
That's not nice. /s

Karmine wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

this is cancer stop using /neg ´p´lease
going to use that and others like it even more now just to spite you /j
That's not nice. /s
...i guess at least i can accurately denote what i mean in ways that tone might not always effectively imply, although in some cases it can be a little redundant when i've suggested i've been genuine-- at the same time, other users here can say they're being sincere while being entirely facetious for fun, so idrk... i don't mind them, i even kind of prefer them, but they're easily poisoned and consumed by others' sarcastic irony so it doesn't really allow for that certainty of sincerity from people who love this kind of humor /srs

Achromalia wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

this is cancer stop using /neg ´p´lease
going to use that and others like it even more now just to spite you /j
That's not nice. /s
...i guess at least i can accurately denote what i mean in ways that tone might not always effectively imply, although in some cases it can be a little redundant when i've suggested i've been genuine-- at the same time, other users here can say they're being sincere while being entirely facetious for fun, so idrk... i don't mind them, i even kind of prefer them, but they're easily poisoned and consumed by others' sarcastic irony so it doesn't really allow for that certainty of sincerity from people who love this kind of humor /srs
idk, tonal indicators for me are weird, I don't mind anyone that does use it, however, it's not something I would use myself unless it's ironic as I just did. When i'm talking IRL and I say something ironic or sarcastic, I don't really alter my tone of voice or really give any clues that i'm joking, the people around me understand the joke via how absurd the thing I said is or just the context of the conversation, and that is also how I understand how someone is joking or not. Also I think not changing the voice makes the joke funnier also it comes natural for me, so I feel that if you're not really getting a joke or whatever, tone isn't the problem
my thoughts about tone indicators: [insert ragebait here]

Patatitta wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

this is cancer stop using /neg ´p´lease
going to use that and others like it even more now just to spite you /j
That's not nice. /s
...i guess at least i can accurately denote what i mean in ways that tone might not always effectively imply, although in some cases it can be a little redundant when i've suggested i've been genuine-- at the same time, other users here can say they're being sincere while being entirely facetious for fun, so idrk... i don't mind them, i even kind of prefer them, but they're easily poisoned and consumed by others' sarcastic irony so it doesn't really allow for that certainty of sincerity from people who love this kind of humor /srs
idk, tonal indicators for me are weird, I don't mind anyone that does use it, however, it's not something I would use myself unless it's ironic as I just did. When i'm talking IRL and I say something ironic or sarcastic, I don't really alter my tone of voice or really give any clues that i'm joking, the people around me understand the joke via how absurd the thing I said is or just the context of the conversation, and that is also how I understand how someone is joking or not. Also I think not changing the voice makes the joke funnier also it comes natural for me, so I feel that if you're not really getting a joke or whatever, tone isn't the problem
probably. i suppose in my case i just have a hard time discerning that, i tend to think of myself as being mostly sincere and upfront, where even my more high-affect typing styles often are still entirely sincere. i understand that by context people can parse what the meaning of something is, but when i don't really know any of y'all well enough to get a consistent picture, that tonal indication does seem to be something that would appear helpful in theory

would it be something people are likely to think is normal when they're used to a high-context environment? it's not like my environments haven't been like that, i've known and befriended people who can be pretty heavily sarcastic/ironic but it's genuinely surprisingly common for me to still unintentionally take them seriously when i don't mean to

this could just be a sort of... socialization "skill issue" of sorts, so-to-speak, but it also often seems more intrinsic than i'd like, even if that might not really be the case

like, in absence of indicators i always just assume "/srs" until i've seen enough of a pattern in people where they're either purposefully "annoying" or something that could readily be seen as "anti-social" and callously sarcastic/ironic, and then i can start reading them as being more "/j" or "/s" oriented. but i heavily doubt anyone ever actually would care to use that, so i never really know

ot, to me and the many years i've spectated here, sounds like a highly sarcastic/ironic place at least in terms of its notoriety. but it's also strangely sincere at the same time. it gets mixed up for me on occasion because of that, and it's not as immediately/readily obvious to me

Achromalia wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

this is cancer stop using /neg ´p´lease
going to use that and others like it even more now just to spite you /j
That's not nice. /s
...i guess at least i can accurately denote what i mean in ways that tone might not always effectively imply, although in some cases it can be a little redundant when i've suggested i've been genuine-- at the same time, other users here can say they're being sincere while being entirely facetious for fun, so idrk... i don't mind them, i even kind of prefer them, but they're easily poisoned and consumed by others' sarcastic irony so it doesn't really allow for that certainty of sincerity from people who love this kind of humor /srs
idk, tonal indicators for me are weird, I don't mind anyone that does use it, however, it's not something I would use myself unless it's ironic as I just did. When i'm talking IRL and I say something ironic or sarcastic, I don't really alter my tone of voice or really give any clues that i'm joking, the people around me understand the joke via how absurd the thing I said is or just the context of the conversation, and that is also how I understand how someone is joking or not. Also I think not changing the voice makes the joke funnier also it comes natural for me, so I feel that if you're not really getting a joke or whatever, tone isn't the problem
probably. i suppose in my case i just have a hard time discerning that, i tend to think of myself as being mostly sincere and upfront, where even my more high-affect typing styles often are still entirely sincere. i understand that by context people can parse what the meaning of something is, but when i don't really know any of y'all well enough to get a consistent picture, that tonal indication does seem to be something that would appear helpful in theory

would it be something people are likely to think is normal when they're used to a high-context environment? it's not like my environments haven't been like that, i've known and befriended people who can be pretty heavily sarcastic/ironic but it's genuinely surprisingly common for me to still unintentionally take them seriously when i don't mean to

this could just be a sort of... socialization "skill issue" of sorts, so-to-speak, but it also often seems more intrinsic than i'd like, even if that might not really be the case

like, in absence of indicators i always just assume "/srs" until i've seen enough of a pattern in people where they're either purposefully "annoying" or something that could readily be seen as "anti-social" and callously sarcastic/ironic, and then i can start reading them as being more "/j" or "/s" oriented. but i heavily doubt anyone ever actually would care to use that, so i never really know

ot, to me and the many years i've spectated here, sounds like a highly sarcastic/ironic place at least in terms of its notoriety. but it's also strangely sincere at the same time. it gets mixed up for me on occasion because of that, and it's not as immediately/readily obvious to me
I don't think you necessarily have to know the person, it's just that if someone says something that is outrageous or whatever with a straight face, 90% chance they're being ironic, it's just, tone CAN be a way to identify a joke o the intention behind something, but it's neither the only or best way to determine it

-Kori wrote:

is abraker still dead
I assume the parliament kidnapped abraker and locked him up somewhere. Our opponent is the government.
The only option available to us is to rescue the chief officer abraker. With that we stop the Patatitta's conspiracy. The peace of OT depends on us. I'm technically only a denizen with months of training and denizens don't even exist anymore, but together we can do this. Operation Recapture Parliament, commence!
damn this thread title gave me whiplash, don't see that suffix too often anymore
mmyeah, i noticed that too... i imagine its obsolete status had been wearing in since maybe 2017-2019 when i arrived and settled here. through the establishment of some kind of "governing body" of this place, i guess "denizens" grew more preferable, and since then that new trend would continue on to become the strange ambiguous and maybe-arbitrary title of denizenship it's grown into now

im sure someone or another wouldnt be too discouraged by that though, but most people dont seem to actively take on or wave around the suffix anymore, with the population of ot having been almost thoroughly replaced by fresher faces and arguably kinder and more considerate people

not like there wasnt any then or prior, but i seem to think things are "better" in my own personal concept of off-topic, though it may also just be that i have aged and forgotten that things couldve just been fine enough at the time
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