
Question: learning how to stream with Wooting

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So, I have a Wooting 60HE but I finally started practicing streams.
Now im wondering… I noticed that when I switched back to my regular mechanical kb I got way better accuracy than when using the Wooting…

So now that I want to get better at streams and building good technique I really don’t know what kb I should use to build good technique.

Should I learn to stream with my mech kb or with the Wooting?

If; with Wooting, does anyone have good settings that I can try out?
(Belongs to G&R)
I personally have a Sayo Device o3c, which is kinda the same than wooting, and yes, at the beginning it was hard, as playing with such keyboard isn't the same than mechanical keyboard. So what I can suggest you is playing a few hours with wooting, and you should reach your normal level
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Corne2Plum3 wrote:

(Belongs to G&R)
I personally have a Sayo Device o3c, which is kinda the same than wooting, and yes, at the beginning it was hard, as playing with such keyboard isn't the same than mechanical keyboard. So what I can suggest you is playing a few hours with wooting, and you should reach your normal level
yeah that is kind of the problem.. I've been using the wooting for about 2 months now give or take, and I just noticed that my acc was getting worse, so I switches back to my old kb and my acc is way better now and I've been setting multiple 100pp plays since I switched back...

So I'm not sure if it's just about using a mechanical kb or I had my wooting settings wrong or something?
in my case when I used rapid trigger I was always behind on my tapping for some reason, got too annoying and I switched back to my keyboard
Stick with wooting. I'm better at every bpm in the game than I was before wooting.
I just recently got my sayopad and its hard to acc. Just keep trying to get used to it and it should get better.
You can also try adjusting the settings to make it easier or turn it on or off depending on the map.

Rapid trigger is busted I 1 sliderbreak choked image material with it.
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Naiad wrote:

Stick with wooting. I'm better at every bpm in the game than I was before wooting.
Yeah, for high bpm it's better indeed...
The thing is, I haven't build good stream technique yet, that's why I made this post...

BlueChinchompa wrote:

I just recently got my sayopad and its hard to acc. Just keep trying to get used to it and it should get better.
You can also try adjusting the settings to make it easier or turn it on or off depending on the map.

Rapid trigger is busted I 1 sliderbreak choked image material with it.
yeah indeed, that's why I was hoping for some good settings I could try out...
So far I've been using 0.5-1mm actuation and 1mm felt best for me, it's just the RT that I can't really find a sweet spot for D:
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