Fellow people of OT, many wars have been fought in the days of past, wars that caused great calamity. Yet the OT Civil War, The Padoru Invarion, the Demigod War, and the OT Political Party War all pale in comparison as to what lurks on the horizon. Unlike days of past, in days of present a powerful evil has risen that no ordinary denizen can hope challenge. The OT!Gov, which was made to oppose this threat, is found powerless against it. Not even a single lock wielding Lord can stand a chance against it.
In response to this evil, the fellow knights of the tri-table have gathered to form an alliance that together shall rival the likes of the evil Lock. Today I, Corne2Plum3, Kobold84, rise our own locks for the fellow denizens and dwellers, for #ThreadRights, and for the future of OT. Together we three shall oppose those who threaten to plunge OT into darkness.
In response to this evil, the fellow knights of the tri-table have gathered to form an alliance that together shall rival the likes of the evil Lock. Today I, Corne2Plum3, Kobold84, rise our own locks for the fellow denizens and dwellers, for #ThreadRights, and for the future of OT. Together we three shall oppose those who threaten to plunge OT into darkness.