
What maps are 300,000 rank player playing?

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Molly Sandera wrote:

Frontierr wrote:

I saw this post when I was 400k, 356k now so I'm qualified, I think.

My comfortable range is low/mid 4* to low/mid 5*, currently have 14 6* pass (high 60s at worst, mid 80s at best) and one 7* but, it's Immortal Flame so I like to think I haven't passed 7* yet.

I'm not sure about my comfortable FC range since I usually play maps uncomfortably or a bit out of my abilities, don't worry, I enjoy playing the game this way.

Accuracy? What's that? Never heard of it.

My current proudest play is Monochrome Butterfly Mysterious difficulty, despite the poor acc (69.99%, no NF), Highscore 500~ combo, and Alternator Compilation.

My current goal is passing JUSTadICE Extreme with Flashlight because it's fun and, get more comfortable with Tap Alt. I still just tap for jumps, stream normally, and Tap Alt for everything else. I will keep streaming normally though, I don't really see a point in Tap Alt streaming, the trade for speed with accuracy and finger control is not worth it here.
What is tap alt?
Alternating between tapping with tablet pen and Key 2

Editing this in afterward, I made a mistake. It's TapX Alt, not Tab Alt
Yurei Shonen
I'm rank 334,162 and I have a few 4* FC's (with 96-98% acc) and mostly play 4* maps nowadays but I'm not good at them.I'm decent on 3.6* maps tho.
Sometimes I play 2* maps 2mod or 3* maps with HD but not well.
who cares? just play what feels right but dont go full-ham and only play 7* or sum
At rank 300k i was playing 4* to try to FC them (very few successes) and 5* just to pass with very shit acc. In hindsight should have stuck with 3*. Do whatever you feel comfortable with, regardless of pp.
for me
i could fc 4* - 4.4*
and couldnt psas 5* :smileW:
4 star and 4.5 star was what I was playing.
who cares lol

just play whatever you want
i was 300k like last week and by then i was able to pass around 1/3rd of 5 star maps and a couple 6 stars
i was able to ss nearly any 3 star and some 4 stars
i started like a month or so ago

confetti wrote:

i was 300k like last week and by then i was able to pass around 1/3rd of 5 star maps and a couple 6 stars
i was able to ss nearly any 3 star and some 4 stars
i started like a month or so ago
That's actually incredible for your rank.
I'm rank 345k and I only fc all maps, currently playing 4* maps but get longer to finish since I want to fc it. All of my maps are S rank with accuracy of 97% above
im rank 590000 currently playing 4.25-5.25* maps
vishal Ajisai
playing 2-3* maps , with 3 mods

MusicRitman wrote:

300k playing 2-3 stars with rank B or A
im 300k and i can fc 4* and pass some 5*

No Face wrote:

MusicRitman wrote:

300k playing 2-3 stars with rank B or A
im 300k and i can fc 4* and pass some 5*
My god why are you flexing to people from 15 months ago please stop necroposting
I’m like give or take ~230k.
I can pass some 6*
I currently main 4* maps, with multiple FCs, some 100.00%
I’m slowly transitioning into 5* with 85-95% accuracy
I can’t tell if I’m at the rank I’m supposed to be at lol, I’m good at super fast maps but I’m just highly inconsistent, I usually break combo under pressure
390k 230h and I only play 4* and sometimes 5* but I'm bad at both 4 and 5*
Molly Sandera
I'm 350k now, i play 3* and 4*, i cannot reliably fc anything mostly because of my mouse. But my speed also sucks so honestly i don't really know what kind of maps i can play the best, well maybe flow aim but these days even that is hard for me to do reliably
I've just recently made it to around 280k. My highest ranking was around 90k in 2017. Me and my friend drez1234 think Peppy should consider adding a "peak rank" stat. Considering all the other details in the profile, it would just make sense and give heightened insight. The same friend is currently around rank 33k, but was as low as 9k in 2017.
This game has and will continue to see booming growth, so ranks decline way more rapidly than they used to. I think the ranking/pp system is incredibly fair and balanced. But, it would be nice to be able to know the more nitty gritty of why a player has fallen off.
However, there is a concern of it going to players' heads and causing them to not "fight" to improve because they already "peaked". I think that's very valid, and likely the reason peak ranks haven't been implemented.

Anyway, currently,

- I S-SS most 4.1* and below maps, minus some technical stuff like what pishifat and SapphireGhost have made

- I A or S most 4.2-4.8* maps

- I B or A most 4.9-5.3* maps

- I C or B most 5.4-6* maps

- I D or C anything above 6*

nyckreima wrote:

Anyway, currently,

- I S-SS most 4.1* and below maps

- I A or S most 4.2-4.8* maps

- I B or A most 4.9-5.3* maps

- I C or B most 5.4-6* maps

- I D or C anything above 6*
That's pretty much what i'm doing and i'm 120k, thanks to bonus-pp...

Juuuuuuuuul wrote:

nyckreima wrote:

Anyway, currently,

- I S-SS most 4.1* and below maps

- I A or S most 4.2-4.8* maps

- I B or A most 4.9-5.3* maps

- I C or B most 5.4-6* maps

- I D or C anything above 6*
That's pretty much what i'm doing and i'm 120k, thanks to bonus-pp...
Oh yeah? Interesting
488k here, I can mostly S-SS most 2-3* maps

Then you have 3-4* maps that I can FC comfortably with S/A ranks, around 90-95% accuracy

anything beyond that is basically either a B ranked near FC, a C/D rank pass, or completely out of my league

SapFireMC wrote:

No Face wrote:

MusicRitman wrote:

300k playing 2-3 stars with rank B or A
im 300k and i can fc 4* and pass some 5*
My god why are you flexing to people from 15 months ago please stop necroposting
Damn bro stop being a snowflake I was just saying haha sorry
I play around high 4 , most 5, some 6 stars

MusicRitman wrote:

300k playing 2-3 stars with rank B or A
I'm now 440k and fc ing 4* dude wtf (maybe its a B or A but doesn't matter its fc)
Sound Voltex
It's interesting to see that this many players have already passed a 5* at ~300k rank. Makes you think if it's even possible for time to lead us in a direction where most ~300k rank players can pass a 7*.

YameroSenpai wrote:

MusicRitman wrote:

300k playing 2-3 stars with rank B or A
I'm now 440k and fc ing 4* dude wtf (maybe its a B or A but doesn't matter its fc)
Acc matters dude. You have 2.5x my play count with the same playtime. Did you actually play 3* maps ? There are a lot of 3* maps that are harder than some 4*.

Sound Voltex wrote:

It's interesting to see that this many players have already passed a 5* at ~300k rank. Makes you think if it's even possible for time to lead us in a direction where most ~300k rank players can pass a 7*.
i thought it was standard for rank 200-300k to pass 6-7stars. especially when there's maps like airman and immortal flame
On 300K Rang i have pass Remote Control (80 % acc. ca.) (beatmapsets/351630#osu/774965)

And normally i have played 4,5-5,5 Stars. currently i have gone down to 4-5 stars to improve my acc.

This have help me al lot to get more pp and acc.
as a 300k player, i play only maps under 1min in length such as harumachi clover, cookie-butter-choco-cookie, and other fun sokrates maps.

yukic wrote:

as a 300k player, i play only maps under 1min in length such as harumachi clover, cookie-butter-choco-cookie, and other fun sokrates maps.
mostly 7* maps sometimes 6*
As a current 300kish player I mostly play 4* to 5*. Most of my playtime is built around improving my aim and reading abilities.

Lil Rowdy wrote:

Just curious about what people around my rank are hitting and if y'all are hitting mad jumps.

Edit: I only have a couple "pp farm" maps that I never play but i normaly just play to where I cant finished. Just wondering if people around me are playing lower star maps.
Im rank 300k and i just beat Image 7* idk if im pp farming or underranked

CelticIce wrote:

Im rank 300k and i just beat Image 7* idk if im pp farming or underranked
[Rant] You're probably not as good as you think you are

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

I'm 300k and I play :
  1. 3.5 - 4.1 stars NM and trying the FC
  2. 4.2 - 4.7 stars but only trying to pass it
  3. Die at 4.9+ stars maps
  4. 3.0 stars with DT/NC and get easy PP
same with you but actuallly i can FC until 4.9 stars and trying to pass 5.3 stars maps

mRNAa wrote:

YameroSenpai wrote:

MusicRitman wrote:

300k playing 2-3 stars with rank B or A
I'm now 440k and fc ing 4* dude wtf (maybe its a B or A but doesn't matter its fc)
Acc matters dude. You have 2.5x my play count with the same playtime. Did you actually play 3* maps ? There are a lot of 3* maps that are harder than some 4*.
nope and I'm now 370k and started to play dt 3,8-4* maps and hr 5* it's still wrong and I'm doing like %95 acc at 4* so it gives like extra 20pp you are right acc matters
7* with B ranks, or 8* with NF and C's

MusicRitman wrote:

300k playing 2-3 stars with rank B or A
WHAAAAT? I'm 360,000 and I'm fcing 5 stars sometimes. Takes me a couple tries, but I've even beat 7 stars. Tf are 300,00 ranks supposed to be playing 3 or 4 stars?? I'm not hating on you, Im just curious if im supposed to be a higher rank or something. Then again I lost like 30,000 rank today so. Loosing meaning good, like im progressing

AdamDillPickle wrote:

MusicRitman wrote:

300k playing 2-3 stars with rank B or A
WHAAAAT? I'm 360,000 and I'm fcing 5 stars sometimes. Takes me a couple tries, but I've even beat 7 stars. Tf are 300,00 ranks supposed to be playing 3 or 4 stars?? I'm not hating on you, Im just curious if im supposed to be a higher rank or something. Then again I lost like 30,000 rank today so. Loosing meaning good, like im progressing
First of all, that was 2 years ago. 2nd of all other people could just improve slower then you. Also you dont have a single 5 star fc in your top plays. All of them have multiple misses and bad acc. They are all jump farm pp inflated maps which are a lot harder then 4 star tech or fingercontrol maps. If you want to improve your accuracy and overall improve more at the game my advice would be to stop playing these pp maps and go back to work on lower star maps to get the fundamentals. But just do whatever is fun for you.
This thread is like ancient but I'll still post... I'm 300k and I usually play 3* maps, although I do have 4 and a 5* FC.

But yeah it's not really relevant because when this thread was made I was like 180k or something.
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