
How to improve at osu!

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Xyrus wrote:

Sounds like your problem is that you haven't adjusted to AR9 yet. If you're fine with AR8, then move up to AR8.5, once you get used to that, it'll be easier to adjust to AR9.

If you're fine with bursts of 3, then all that's left is to practise more bursts of 5 until you can 300 each note 90% of the time (stick to AR8 or less for this since you can't handle AR9 yet).
I'll be sure to look at the AR levels and try more beatmaps with 5+ bursts. Thanks so much!
the game motto said everything
play more
It's look so detail :) but i can't understand all ! Need GG trans :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Hello! Well, i kind of have a problem with my progress in Osu! and im not sure what should i do about it.
It's like i have about 200-250 beatmaps collection that i constantly play with F2 button, sometimes sth new but usually nope, and every time i play the map, felt that combo was good, i just dont control myself click that retry and play a map too much. It does start to bother me because it happens much more often with every day. Simply, my mind really wants to, but i cannot break the 5.8-6 star maps wall, im too inconsistent in jumps etc. I've researched my progress in last half of a year (oh and i have a tablet for 9 months now because i was stuck on ~4.5star maps on mouse). About progress - accuracy grows nice from 96% in March-April on 5-5.5 maps there is 98-99% but! there is almost exactly (even slightly worse) situation with high bpm jumps, wide screen jumps, etc these harder jumps. I even found a replay when i am jumping better on godmode in January 2016 (2 weeks after that i got tablet!!). What does it seem? Im reading this and the answer that comes to me is that i reached my limits... Dunno what to do really.
Oh and when i was on the flow in January-March, getting that pp, good scores FC, because tablet helped me, i didnt even thnik about retrying maps 100 times. It comes to me when im stagnant. Stagnation doesnt come because of retrying. You get the algorytm.
Is simply "dont retry, just play random maps and dont retry them, play new maps" might work? It feels that im stagnant in my capability for around 2 years, just tablet pushed the border a little more far.

PS: Oh and i bought supporter, i will try to play 90% time multiplayer, maybe that will help. I will be forced to not-retrying and will be playing new maps often.

Looking for advice, thanks in advance :)

DarthSmith wrote:

Hello! Well, i kind of have a problem with my progress in Osu! and im not sure what should i do about it.
every time i play the map, felt that combo was good, i just dont control myself click that retry and play a map too much.
Remove "Retry" button graphic from your skin
Well i lured and lied there non-intentionally. I dont exactly click the retry button, i click the ESC to stop the map and ~ to reset, deleting graphic won't work. Got anything else on mind?
Close osu!
Go into your osu!folder.
Open the osu!.Username.cfg in the editor.
Press Ctrl+F.
Type quickretry
Change the key after it to a key that doesn't exist on your keyboard or at least you don't know where it is - F13 works for me (my keyboard doesn't have F13 or at least I don't know which key would trigger it).
Voila, you won't trigger retries by habitual keypressing anymore.
If you use a keycode that osu! doesn't like it will just revert to ~ so you might have to try a bit.
You can find a list of keycodes per key here: ... .keys.aspx
Thanks for that one more time.
And if i wanted to delete Retry button. Is it possible to do that? Not only graphic? Or i don't know placing it in so random place that i will not click it, like upper left corner of the screen

EDIT: OK i dealt with this problem. If someone would like to do the same thing, just change "pause-retry" buttons to 1x1 px square. U wont hit that :D
rage less play more
Tillerino :^)
Playing more is the best solve. ;)
tfw the more you retry a map the worser you are at it
Colorful Cat
Very helpfull. thanks :)
This is really useful. Thanks a lot <3
Thanks so much for posting this, I'm getting far better at streams now
This might help me get better at streams...

Wishy wrote:


<-- Living example. If you want accuracy do what lewa says.
I almost got heart attack..............
this is quite helpful for new players..
Don't play double time.

4773n0x wrote:

Don't play double time.
ill have to disagree

play double time, it helps with your aim and tapping speed, but not to the point where it gets cancerous yes.

EDIT: nah it cant get cancerous just dont brag about ur top kek double time passes cus people get triggered, other than that keep practicing and ul be the next vaxei

not even kidding, i know how much double time helped me
thanks .3.
Umm about streaming, see, I use a laptop keyboard and the area of it where the palm rests supposedly is hindering me in making my fingers hook, coz of distance (I place my wrists off the laptop btw). Should I just place my wrists on the laptop? Tried it and seems uncomfortable, maybe coz of first time and it's a sort of thing getting used to?
Quick tip for accuracy: Make sure your Universal Offset is set properly using the Offset Wizard created by peppy. I had horrible accuracy, but always felt that I was hitting notes on time, and after checking to see if it was set properly, and readjusting the offset, my accuracy improved immediately. It's a pretty basic tip, but some people might overlook it, and obviously your offset needs to be set properly in order to even start improving your accuracy.
Thanks for the help ^^
This looks like a very solid guide. Thank you for the effort!
thx :>
instructions unclear.
i didn't "improve"
i literally jumped from 19pp to 360pp
is this normal?
Just started osu! recently, and reading this guide helped me quite a lot :D
Ok so there are some points i want to adress. This is my opinion. Everyone has their opnions. Now let‘s get to the first point: Aim.

Aim is heavily reliant on your other skills in osu! You will be aiming better when you have the required speed, stamina and reading abilities for it.
Since you can comfortably click something you can focus more on the aiming part.

The other thing aim relies on is reading.
Reading, unlike, any other skill is difficult to define.
I guess you can say it‘s how well you can follow the rhythm and „understand“ and execute patterns.

For example noone can „understand“ AR0 on a sightread run.
Getting back to the point: Readig is also a lot about consistency and focus. If your reading is good, you will be able to hit jumps more consistently.

When i was around #5k i started this low AR reading practice that i saw on the internet.
A big misconception is that being able to read low AR will make your reading better.
While this may be true, it isn‘t in the way most people think.

When you see people telling you to look at every individual circle it just helps with you focusing on hitting that circle.
This is what lower ARs tend to help with. They require a high amount of consistency and focus.

This is what reading entails. The next part is splitting your reading in two parts.(This is my own opinion) What this means is that you are basically tapping to the rhythm but solely focusing on the aim part or vice-versa. Basically like playing Relax or Autopilot. This is really hard though and i have done it only once or twice as it requires absolute finger control.

As stated before stamina is the foundation of aim (imo). But not only is it the foundation of aim. It generally is the foundation of every other skill. If you don‘t have stamina you dont have !consistent! speed. If you can‘t tap something comfortably you will have to strain yourself and therefore lose focus on the aim or reading department. To improve one‘s stamina i agree with OP‘s advice.

By playing speedy stuff you will improve your stamina and general streaming abilities. Streaming is basically just mechanical strength. The easiest way to gain more „strength“ is by playing continuous straining burst streams.

If you were to play long streams, i.e. Long stream practice maps (really bad, don‘t recommend) you are giving yourself a bigger time window to mess up and cheese your way through the stream.

Playing shorter stuff will give you a lower chance of this happening.

Last point: accuracy. I disagree with OP that you should look at approach circles if you have trouble reading as you will get more used to the timing of the AR than actually listening to the rhythm.
You won‘t be able to hit rhythm changes as consistently as you would if you actually listened.

So if you want to improve your accuracy, you should really just try to listen to the song and you will gradually improve over time as i believe a lot of the accuracy of a player stems from his muscle memory concerning the different BPMs.

A method to help improve your accuracy is playing something like AR8 with Hidden as this will teach you to listen to the song quite forcefully. Maybe even change some songs to AR8.x as you don‘t want to get used to the same AR‘s timing.

Tl;dr.: Practice stamina by playing fast burst stream maps. Aim comes naturally by playing aim heavy stuff. Reading accuracy: Just focus maybe try some lower AR as a method to teach you rhythm.

Not a native English speaker. Good night. 4am over here.
Pm me if you have any more questions and i might make a thread out of this.
Nice Guide :P
it actually helped sort of xd
ahh this helps so much ty !
I feel like this post is probably most relevant for new players (like me). That's why I would like to ask if anyone could provide the post with low difficulty training maps for every segment? It would be very much appreciated by me (and probably lots of other n00bs).
Thanks in advance!
Aiming for 3k-PP and this should help!
useful, thanks!
get good lol that's what u should do

1000 iq moments

jesse1412 wrote:

This thread is completely based on my own experience and the opinions of other players. These techniques will not work for everyone.

Additional thread containing mental tricks and tips can be found here.

First of all I might as well get this out the way; there is no way that this thread will make you suddenly better at playing osu! It may help you improve over time but do NOT expect everything to become easier for you right away. This thread is filled with advice based on OTHER PEOPLE'S experiences, it is not the osu! holy bible. Some of the advice may not work for you; use what you feel comfortable with not what other people tell you is correct. Do be aware that you will not feel comfortable with the majority of suggestions to begin with. The greatest advice which I can offer is practice. You will improve even if you don't notice it- just keep going and eventually you will be wondering what you were struggling with.

Short summary of what each section is (find out what you need to know more about here).
Threads - A list of already existing useful topics. Check to see if your topic is here before you start a thread!

Jumps - Large gaps between circles relative to the amount of time between two beats (hard to reach notes).

Streams - Fast beats stacked relatively closed together that (for most people) require two fingers to be used.

Accuracy - The amount of 300s vs the amount of 100s/50s/misses you obtain.

Fast singles - Spaced notes that could be considered the borderline speed between a jump and a stream with the spacing of a small jump.

Squares - Jump patterns in the shape of a square (the difficulty with these becomes apparent when you experience them).

Triples - A "stream", or set of streams that are only 3 notes long.



From the osu! wiki:

osu! wiki wrote:

A jump is an advanced mapping technique where the mapper places two hit objects farther apart than the standard distance snap multiplier would allow. This is usually done by either temporarily changing the distance snap multiplier or temporarily turning off distance snap.

So basically they are a set of two notes set further apart than you would normally expect. The problem with jumps is that some times they can be hard to read; too fast to hit, or too far to reach. Advice for tablet and mouse users universally is to decrease your sensitivity/increase your area size and turn off mouse acceleration. Although lowering your sensitivity may sound like it's a terrible thing for long distance jumps you will be surprised how much it can actually help as there is a larger amount of space that will be registered as a successful hit. Let me illustrate:

Choose your preferred settings and stick with them to allow your muscle memory to develop. Most of your jump ability is based on how good your muscle memory is so I would recommend that you don't switch sensitivity every other day.

Soly wrote:

I thought I'd offer advice on mouse since it's my specialty. Don't shy away from high dpi, in the end it helps your mouse movement a lot more allowing you to do some of the more insane jumpy songs/ar11. I use high dpi and also manage to do tiny hardrock maps as well with little problem other than a bit of adjusting for snapping. I know low is good and all, but you gain much more of an advantage in the long run if it's higher. Below 2000 is generally a good rule to go by.

Some mouse essentials:
- Windows acceleration set to 6/11
- Enhance pointer precision disabled
- osu x 1.0

ALSO Practicing hardrock to get better if you are a newer player is generally a bad idea due to it messing up your sight read.. you will gain permanent osu ADHD and only be able to play fast songs.. If you rush to get good generally your sight read and acc will get worse.. I am a living testament

- Taking breaks can sometimes improve your sight read and accuracy for some strange reason.
- The more you retry a song, the worse you will get at it DX

Others things to consider are how you hold the mouse/pen. If you chose to use a larger area with your tablet you may find that it's almost impossible to hit the far corners of the tablet; if this is the case then I would highly suggest changing to a grip which gives you more maneuverability (a typical grip used for writing is generally bad for large/full area players, you can find some images of other players grips here). As a tablet player I can't offer much first hand advice on mouse grips however from what I've read a claw grip apparently helps many players who use mouse/kb. People using mouse to click will find it very hard to click when holding the mouse like this.

When doing jumps you should try to relax your arm, tensing it will prevent you from keeping a consistent flow which (at least in my case) will make you far more shaky/rigid and much less consistent.

Tablet players should also consider checking out this thread

Basically: practice.

Here are a few maps to practice jumps. WARNING: some of these maps are incredibly hard and not for starting players.

List of jump beatmaps with additional information.

Yousei Teikoku - Wahrheit[Saten]
Team Nekokan - Can't Defeat Airman [Holy Shit! It's Airman!!]
StylipS - MIRACLE RUSH (TV Size) [Saten's Insane]
Tsukasa ft. 3L - Space Accelerator [Lunatic]
Evil Activities - Make a Wish [Insane]
Shihori - Day Breaker [Lunatic]
Yousei Teikoku - Senketsu no Chikai [Insanity]
Kozato - 45nen no Yukizakura [Another]
Meiko Nakamura - Dispel [Insane]
Noisestorm - Pulse [Another]
bibuko - Reizouko Mitara Pudding ga Nai [Jumpudding!]
Wotamin - Gigantic O.T.N [S.S]
Katakiri Rekka - Answer [Rejection]
Saiya - Remote Control [Insane]
Shin Hae Chul - Sticks and Stones [Madness]


This is the area which I can be of the most assistance in, quote from the wiki:

osu! wiki wrote:

A stream is a succession of hit circles at a quick, consistent pace from each other. When somebody refers to a "stream", they are usually referring to a stream of hit circles a fourth of a beat from each other. If a player wants to refer to a stream of hit objects half a beat apart from each other, they typically call it a "1/2 stream".

A stream is just a load of notes mashed together in rapid succession, simple! Streams are similar to stacks, the difference being that a stream moves around the map whilst a stack stays still. The difficulty of streams usually comes down to the fact that they require a lot of speed and stamina to perform, some maps however contain streams which are incredibly spaced, the notes are very far from each other making accurately hitting them extremely hard.

First of all let's get started on your preferred peripherals for streams. You can use keyboard, mouse, tablet or a combination of mouse/tablet + keyboard. Of these peripherals I would recommend keyboard or tablet/mouse+keyboard due to the increased amount of stamina and speed available when using them especially when using keyboard in addition to another device. Despite the positives, using combined input devices makes keeping a high accuracy harder as well as making it harder to keep your cursor on a stream and due to this reason. I prefer to used keyboard only because it's a great all round choice.

Using keyboard + another device is done by using your x key and your preferred input device, alternating between the two. For tablet users you will essentially be vibrating your pen at high speeds while tapping your x key to keep a rhythm going. Mouse+keyboard is similar, the only difference being it is harder to obtain the speed/stamina of tapping with a tablet while it is far easier to maintain a slower, constant speed as you have more control over your speed.

The rest of this section will be for keyboards only. Many people may think that all keyboards are the same however you will find that there are two distinctive types used by osu! players, mechanical and dome. The majority of players who use a mechanical (not all however) will tell you that it is far superior to a membrane keyboard for clicking fast; here is some information about the two types:


A mechanical keyboard has switches beneath the individual keys that recreate the experience of typing on a typewriter. Although there are different types of switches used in mechanical keyboards, they all have the same result: more accurate typing.


wikipedia wrote:

Dome-switch keyboards are a hybrid of flat-panel membrane and mechanical keyboards. They bring two circuit board traces together under a rubber or silicone keypad using either metal "dome" switches or polyester formed domes. The metal dome switches are formed pieces of stainless steel that, when compressed, give the user a crisp, positive tactile feedback. These metal types of dome switches are very common, are usually reliable to over 5 million cycles, and can be plated in either nickel, silver or gold. The rubber dome switches, most commonly referred to as polydomes, are formed polyester domes where the inside bubble is coated in graphite. While polydomes are typically cheaper than metal domes, they lack the crisp snap of the metal domes, and usually have a lower life specification. Polydomes are considered very quiet, but purists tend to find them "mushy" because the collapsing dome does not provide as much positive response as metal domes. For either metal or polydomes, when a key is pressed, it collapses the dome, which connects the two circuit traces and completes the connection to enter the character. The pattern on the PC board is often gold-plated.

Mechanical keyboards also have sub categories. The most commonly found are red, black, and blue keys; each with it's own advantages and disadvantages. Commonly, players will recommend red switch keyboards because they are a lighter version of blacks (lighter presses means you can make more presses with less strain). As I've only truly experienced black switches I can't confidently talk about red/blue switch keybaords however from general feedback it would appear that they are all fine for osu! I would personally recommend black switches after trying both red and black. I found that black switches allowed me to click faster and stamina could be built up faster using them.

Here is a more in depth guide for mechanical keyboards explaining the difference between switch types in more detail.

Down to actually streaming. I like to split streams into two categories, long and fast. A long stream for me is anywhere from 20 to 200 notes while a fast stream is any stream which you would consider hard to click from the start of the stream to the end. It helps to be able to recognize the two streams as it will allow you to approach them in different ways (I certainly do this).

Fast streams are generally the area you should practice to improve your general streaming ability, you can't stream for a long time if you can't stream for a short time. Personally I find that to clear streams of this speed I unconsciously tense my arm whilst lifting my fingers only as far as they need to go. To achieve speed you must practice speeds that are above your comfort level (but not to the point where you miss every single note), I would recommend using the doubletime mod to improve your streams. Another piece of advice that I have given to people (and the swear by it) is to hook your fingers when you stream fast. An easy way to get your hands into the "hook" position is to imagine that you're hanging from a ledge using those 2 fingers, the fingers will be tense and curved. Please note that it is critical that you maintain as much of the tension in your fingers as possible until you eventually learn where the comfortable area that yields the best results for you. When hook my fingers my hand looks like this:

When my hand is in the position that I stream in I move my pinky and ring finger back however that shouldn't matter as long as you have the claw shape in place, what happens to your other fingers is up to you. My hand looks like this when I stream:

On the opposite side of the spectrum, longer, slower streams require a very different approach for me; rather than tensing heavily you should be relaxing your hand to get comfortable with the speed of the map, if you aren't relaxed you will burn out a lot faster.

Don't forget to practice!

Here are a few maps to practice streaming. WARNING: some of these maps are incredibly hard and not for starting players.

List of short stream beatmaps with additional information.

List of long steam beatmaps with additional information.

07th Expansion - Eiji Kuinbii [Collapse]
DJ Swan - Beautiful Angel [Another]
SHIKI - Pure Ruby [Another]
KIEN - La Grand Bleu [SHD]
Niko - Night of Fire [Insane]
Chata - Yuujou Pop [Ai]
xi - FREEDOM DiVE [Another]
kors k - Wuv U [dksslqj Style]
dj TAKA - AA [Another]
Toshiyuki O'mori - Justice [Divine]
dj TAKA with NAOKI - Kakumei [Another]
SHK - Identity Part 4 [Another]
Ryu* - Rondo Alla Turca (Ryu* Remix) [Challenging]
Makou - Fermion [Maximum]
Memme - Extreme Fantasy [Hard]
Mizuki Nana - Massive Wonders [Beyond]
Kitsune^2 - Rainbow Tylenol [lol201]
SHK - Weep Irish [Another]
Tatsh feat. Kanako Hoshino - Gekkou [Another]
07th Expansion - lixAxil [Another]
Last Note. - Setsuna Trip (Short Ver.) [Chew 'N Sane]
ChomuP - Gate of Steiner [Insane]
07th Expansion - rog-unlimitation [AngelHoney]
07th Expansion - Rougoku [Insane]
IOSYS - Kitto Mou Hatarakanai [Lunatic]
Camille Saint-saens & FIRST AID - D2 [Maximum]
SYNC.ART'S - Garasu no Kairou [Nightmare]
Comp - Kyoai [Insane]
xi - Parousia [Another]
Rche - Todestrieb [Another]
PokeRemixStudio - Primal Dialga Remix [Vs. Primal Dialga]
ZUN & Ryu* - Second Darkside [Lunatic]
Shounen Radio - neu [Platinum]
Memme - Extreme Fantasy [Insane]
Amane - Midsummer Festival [Lunatteke]



thelewa wrote:

If you have really bad accuracy then just try to really look at the approach circles and really try to get acc that is above 97%, increase this minimum accuracy once you get better at it, capping out at 99%. Going for SS is useless for your general accuracy if you use a billion tries for it, so it's not worth the effort. Eventually something will click into place and accuracy will get easier.

darkmiz wrote:

First, please use hit-sounds. This is a rhythm game, and like taiko you need to match every beat or else it will sound bad. I strongly recommend everyone play some taiko (with hit-sounds, of course) to improve accuracy.

Second, practice slow streams. Playing too many fast streams will get you into bad habits (like mashing through slider-streams or fast parts you can't read) which is bad for accuracy. The only way to improve is to play these same streams/parts in a slower speed and read them perfectly and get 100% accuracy. You can use the edit-mode and pratice reading these streams/parts with slower speed. When you get comfortable you will read them at a faster speed. That is the real way to improve accuracy.

Basically, practice.

Here are a few maps to practice accuracy. WARNING: some of these maps are incredibly hard and not for starting players.

Demetori - Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion [Atomic]
Demetori - Emotional Skyscraper ~ World's End [Extra Stage]
Demetori - Wind God Girl[Extra]
AU - Infinite of Nuclear Fusion [Regou's Extra]
Bring Me The Horizon - Anthem[Lucifer]
Amuro vs Killer - Mei[Another]
Blackhole - Lagomorphic[Lagamorph]
Memme - Plasma Gun[eXtra]
Comp - Gensou no Satellite[Extra]
ONE OK ROCK - Re:make[Remake]
Ikareru Kin no Shishi - G59[Another]


Fast Singles.
Singles are the counterpart of streams which can either be jumps or spaced normally. It is advised to only use your fingers for slow singles (singles that are about half as fast as your comfortable streaming speed) and to tense up your hand and use your whole arm for faster singles. That way one can easily exceed ones BPM limits in terms of streams.

The most efficient method of playing singles with your arm that I found is to
  1. Tense up your finger
  2. Lift your wrist from the table a bit
  3. Move your elbow up and your hand down at the same time
  4. Move your elbow down and your hand up at the same time
  5. Repeat last 2 steps. This essentially is rotating your forearm around the point between your elbow and hand back and forth.

It can be very tiring and hurtful for your arm in the beginning if you are not used to it. But don't worry, it will stop after a few days.
Here is an example video:

Here are a few maps to practice single tapping. WARNING: ALL of these maps are incredibly hard and not for starting players.

List of single tap beatmaps with additional information.

LEAF XCEED Music Division - YuYu Metal[Doko]
Wotamin - Rubik's Cube[Puzzle]
Hatsune Miku - Kusaregedou to Chocolate[Insane]
Hatsune Miku - No,39[0108 style]
Hatsune Miku - With a Dance Number[0108 style]
Hazel - I Love Poland (Extended Dirty Mix)[Almost 0108]
HujuniseikouyuuP - Talent Shredder[0108 style]
HujuniseikouyuuP - Talent Shredder[Lesjuh style]
Lily - Scarlet Rose[0108 Style]
Megpoid GUMI - Carnival[Carnival0108]
Megpoid GUMI - Cosmos[Cosmos]
paraoka - boot[Shoe]
Yousei Teikoku - Asgard[Valhalla]
Chata - Remind[Overdrive!!]
utsuP - Adult's Toy[Desecration]


Squares are some of the hardest patterns you can find in osu!. Nearly every player has problems with properly doing them.

They can appear in any kind of spacing and rotation.
Some mappers even go a step further and map multiple squares in a row in the form of tornado jumps.

There are several methods that helped me succeed certain square patterns. The most important thing that all of those methods have in common is:
Don't look at the pattern as a whole. Ever.

However this can be quite hard. What really helps is trying to see the square as 2 lines instead of a square or alternatively 1 HitCircle, 1 line and another HitCircle. Another method is to sacrifice accuracy and hit the first 2 HitCircles of the square too early on purpose, this is not recommended unless you absolutely need to fc the pattern.

Here is some additional advice from kriers.

A technique I find to be extremely useful is analyze pieces of a beatmap I don't quite understand and split them up to make sense of them.

Usually when something is hard due to reading issues, it's because we're leaving too much of the reading to our subconsciousness. Consequently, if one is inexperienced, they might process the information wrongly, looking on the wrong circles at the wrong times, causing them to blank out and skip notes etc without understanding why. If you take some time to play any beatmap on Easy Mode, you will be encountering this issue constantly and you'll also see that the only way to solve your problem is to change the way you read maps depending on their approach rates. Try to be aware of- and analyze how you read and where you're looking as you play. Comprehending why you can do something makes your success rate higher.

Back on topic: In this case with these kinds of jumpy AR9 maps (that honestly could well be AR10), the trick is to make maximum use of hitsounds. Count the hits and keep track of your playing. Basically, you see a triangle, and you know this will make 3 x 1/2 hits which you will project how they will sound making you able to predict when the pattern is over and when you can start focusing on the next pattern. You can do this with pretty much any pattern or set of notes, but I recommend splitting patterns into 1, 2 or 3 notes at most. The rest is repetition and practice. You can learn to fully comprehend how to solve clusters by focusing on each set of notes at a time and eventually this processing becomes much easier. It's also the key to solving low approach rate issues for HR players. If you play a lot of AR10, looking at the next note is very comfortable since there's really nothing else to be looking at unlike with lower AR. Arguably by modern standards of "reading", AR10 is one of the easiest approach rates when mastered.

A little guideline on patterns I find helpful:
2 notes = 1 line. 1 line is 2 x 1/2 = 1/1. Kind of just think "one-two, one-two, one-two" for each line.

Example of ways to solve triangles:
Every triangle consists of 1 line and 1 note. I find this order of reading the easiest when preparing for several triangular patterns or other patterns following up. Count them as "one-two, one" and it's piss easy, seriously.

Squares: line + line ( second line is always going in the opposite direction. Pay NO attention to the transition between the 2nd and 3rd note in any triangle. The trick is to hit the first note of each line.

Stars are more like "one-two, one-two, one" due to the difficulty in counting three notes when they cut so rapidly + it's hard to differentiate patterns if they cover too much of the play field.

5-notes and pentagons: I have tried and failed so many times trying to solve how to deal with certain pentagons. The most efficient way seems to count the first 3 notes and then consider the last 2 to be a line, as in "one-two-three, one-two"
Example of 5-note pattern:


Triples are simply a set of three notes typically 1/4 beat apart. They can either be places as a stack or a very short three note stream.

There are a few ways to hit triples, each one again with advantages and disadvantages. The first way which is far more appropriate for a user who alternates each beat is the zxz xzx pattern, switching the key used to start each triple allowing for increased speed. Doing triples this way will benefit you in the long run albeit a little harder to learn than the zxz zxz technique. Using zxz xzx allows you to continue ploughing through triples for longer than you could hold a stream at that speed due the break each finger receives between each set of triples.

The other patten used is the zxz zxz pattern. Players who use this pattern may have an easier time in the short run however multiple consecutive triples may be hard to perform due to the fact that it is the equivalent of streaming constantly for your lead finger while the other receives rests between each set. Although this may sound worse in every feasible way, most people generally find it easier to keep a rhythm using this method as performing the pattern requires the same keyboard clicks as a stream would.

In generals triples should run far more naturally on your fingers than a stream would once you learn to read them. The patterns mentioned should also work for tap/mouse + keyboard or mouse only players.

Or maybe you could just... practice.

I found this map recently which is amazing for practicing triples however it's incredibly difficult (the level 1 difficulty).


~Thanks tom69 for squares and singles.
~Thanks RaneFire for the beatmap lists.

tbh really the only thing anyone can do is play more, the more practice you get, the better you get.
Also try togo a bit out of your comfort zone in terms of difficulty when you play
Thank you for the maps for different skills needed ^^
Thanks for this :D
Oh...That’s what I was looking for
I'm trash

jesse1412 wrote:

This thread is completely based on my own experience and the opinions of other players. These techniques will not work for everyone.

Additional thread containing mental tricks and tips can be found here.

First of all I might as well get this out the way; there is no way that this thread will make you suddenly better at playing osu! It may help you improve over time but do NOT expect everything to become easier for you right away. This thread is filled with advice based on OTHER PEOPLE'S experiences, it is not the osu! holy bible. Some of the advice may not work for you; use what you feel comfortable with not what other people tell you is correct. Do be aware that you will not feel comfortable with the majority of suggestions to begin with. The greatest advice which I can offer is practice. You will improve even if you don't notice it- just keep going and eventually you will be wondering what you were struggling with.

Short summary of what each section is (find out what you need to know more about here).
Threads - A list of already existing useful topics. Check to see if your topic is here before you start a thread!

Jumps - Large gaps between circles relative to the amount of time between two beats (hard to reach notes).

Streams - Fast beats stacked relatively closed together that (for most people) require two fingers to be used.

Accuracy - The amount of 300s vs the amount of 100s/50s/misses you obtain.

Fast singles - Spaced notes that could be considered the borderline speed between a jump and a stream with the spacing of a small jump.

Squares - Jump patterns in the shape of a square (the difficulty with these becomes apparent when you experience them).

Triples - A "stream", or set of streams that are only 3 notes long.



From the osu! wiki:

osu! wiki wrote:

A jump is an advanced mapping technique where the mapper places two hit objects farther apart than the standard distance snap multiplier would allow. This is usually done by either temporarily changing the distance snap multiplier or temporarily turning off distance snap.

So basically they are a set of two notes set further apart than you would normally expect. The problem with jumps is that some times they can be hard to read; too fast to hit, or too far to reach. Advice for tablet and mouse users universally is to decrease your sensitivity/increase your area size and turn off mouse acceleration. Although lowering your sensitivity may sound like it's a terrible thing for long distance jumps you will be surprised how much it can actually help as there is a larger amount of space that will be registered as a successful hit. Let me illustrate:

Choose your preferred settings and stick with them to allow your muscle memory to develop. Most of your jump ability is based on how good your muscle memory is so I would recommend that you don't switch sensitivity every other day.

Soly wrote:

I thought I'd offer advice on mouse since it's my specialty. Don't shy away from high dpi, in the end it helps your mouse movement a lot more allowing you to do some of the more insane jumpy songs/ar11. I use high dpi and also manage to do tiny hardrock maps as well with little problem other than a bit of adjusting for snapping. I know low is good and all, but you gain much more of an advantage in the long run if it's higher. Below 2000 is generally a good rule to go by.

Some mouse essentials:
- Windows acceleration set to 6/11
- Enhance pointer precision disabled
- osu x 1.0

ALSO Practicing hardrock to get better if you are a newer player is generally a bad idea due to it messing up your sight read.. you will gain permanent osu ADHD and only be able to play fast songs.. If you rush to get good generally your sight read and acc will get worse.. I am a living testament

- Taking breaks can sometimes improve your sight read and accuracy for some strange reason.
- The more you retry a song, the worse you will get at it DX

Others things to consider are how you hold the mouse/pen. If you chose to use a larger area with your tablet you may find that it's almost impossible to hit the far corners of the tablet; if this is the case then I would highly suggest changing to a grip which gives you more maneuverability (a typical grip used for writing is generally bad for large/full area players, you can find some images of other players grips here). As a tablet player I can't offer much first hand advice on mouse grips however from what I've read a claw grip apparently helps many players who use mouse/kb. People using mouse to click will find it very hard to click when holding the mouse like this.

When doing jumps you should try to relax your arm, tensing it will prevent you from keeping a consistent flow which (at least in my case) will make you far more shaky/rigid and much less consistent.

Tablet players should also consider checking out this thread

Basically: practice.

Here are a few maps to practice jumps. WARNING: some of these maps are incredibly hard and not for starting players.

List of jump beatmaps with additional information.

Yousei Teikoku - Wahrheit[Saten]
Team Nekokan - Can't Defeat Airman [Holy Shit! It's Airman!!]
StylipS - MIRACLE RUSH (TV Size) [Saten's Insane]
Tsukasa ft. 3L - Space Accelerator [Lunatic]
Evil Activities - Make a Wish [Insane]
Shihori - Day Breaker [Lunatic]
Yousei Teikoku - Senketsu no Chikai [Insanity]
Kozato - 45nen no Yukizakura [Another]
Meiko Nakamura - Dispel [Insane]
Noisestorm - Pulse [Another]
bibuko - Reizouko Mitara Pudding ga Nai [Jumpudding!]
Wotamin - Gigantic O.T.N [S.S]
Katakiri Rekka - Answer [Rejection]
Saiya - Remote Control [Insane]
Shin Hae Chul - Sticks and Stones [Madness]


This is the area which I can be of the most assistance in, quote from the wiki:

osu! wiki wrote:

A stream is a succession of hit circles at a quick, consistent pace from each other. When somebody refers to a "stream", they are usually referring to a stream of hit circles a fourth of a beat from each other. If a player wants to refer to a stream of hit objects half a beat apart from each other, they typically call it a "1/2 stream".

A stream is just a load of notes mashed together in rapid succession, simple! Streams are similar to stacks, the difference being that a stream moves around the map whilst a stack stays still. The difficulty of streams usually comes down to the fact that they require a lot of speed and stamina to perform, some maps however contain streams which are incredibly spaced, the notes are very far from each other making accurately hitting them extremely hard.

First of all let's get started on your preferred peripherals for streams. You can use keyboard, mouse, tablet or a combination of mouse/tablet + keyboard. Of these peripherals I would recommend keyboard or tablet/mouse+keyboard due to the increased amount of stamina and speed available when using them especially when using keyboard in addition to another device. Despite the positives, using combined input devices makes keeping a high accuracy harder as well as making it harder to keep your cursor on a stream and due to this reason. I prefer to used keyboard only because it's a great all round choice.

Using keyboard + another device is done by using your x key and your preferred input device, alternating between the two. For tablet users you will essentially be vibrating your pen at high speeds while tapping your x key to keep a rhythm going. Mouse+keyboard is similar, the only difference being it is harder to obtain the speed/stamina of tapping with a tablet while it is far easier to maintain a slower, constant speed as you have more control over your speed.

The rest of this section will be for keyboards only. Many people may think that all keyboards are the same however you will find that there are two distinctive types used by osu! players, mechanical and dome. The majority of players who use a mechanical (not all however) will tell you that it is far superior to a membrane keyboard for clicking fast; here is some information about the two types:


A mechanical keyboard has switches beneath the individual keys that recreate the experience of typing on a typewriter. Although there are different types of switches used in mechanical keyboards, they all have the same result: more accurate typing.


wikipedia wrote:

Dome-switch keyboards are a hybrid of flat-panel membrane and mechanical keyboards. They bring two circuit board traces together under a rubber or silicone keypad using either metal "dome" switches or polyester formed domes. The metal dome switches are formed pieces of stainless steel that, when compressed, give the user a crisp, positive tactile feedback. These metal types of dome switches are very common, are usually reliable to over 5 million cycles, and can be plated in either nickel, silver or gold. The rubber dome switches, most commonly referred to as polydomes, are formed polyester domes where the inside bubble is coated in graphite. While polydomes are typically cheaper than metal domes, they lack the crisp snap of the metal domes, and usually have a lower life specification. Polydomes are considered very quiet, but purists tend to find them "mushy" because the collapsing dome does not provide as much positive response as metal domes. For either metal or polydomes, when a key is pressed, it collapses the dome, which connects the two circuit traces and completes the connection to enter the character. The pattern on the PC board is often gold-plated.

Mechanical keyboards also have sub categories. The most commonly found are red, black, and blue keys; each with it's own advantages and disadvantages. Commonly, players will recommend red switch keyboards because they are a lighter version of blacks (lighter presses means you can make more presses with less strain). As I've only truly experienced black switches I can't confidently talk about red/blue switch keybaords however from general feedback it would appear that they are all fine for osu! I would personally recommend black switches after trying both red and black. I found that black switches allowed me to click faster and stamina could be built up faster using them.

Here is a more in depth guide for mechanical keyboards explaining the difference between switch types in more detail.

Down to actually streaming. I like to split streams into two categories, long and fast. A long stream for me is anywhere from 20 to 200 notes while a fast stream is any stream which you would consider hard to click from the start of the stream to the end. It helps to be able to recognize the two streams as it will allow you to approach them in different ways (I certainly do this).

Fast streams are generally the area you should practice to improve your general streaming ability, you can't stream for a long time if you can't stream for a short time. Personally I find that to clear streams of this speed I unconsciously tense my arm whilst lifting my fingers only as far as they need to go. To achieve speed you must practice speeds that are above your comfort level (but not to the point where you miss every single note), I would recommend using the doubletime mod to improve your streams. Another piece of advice that I have given to people (and the swear by it) is to hook your fingers when you stream fast. An easy way to get your hands into the "hook" position is to imagine that you're hanging from a ledge using those 2 fingers, the fingers will be tense and curved. Please note that it is critical that you maintain as much of the tension in your fingers as possible until you eventually learn where the comfortable area that yields the best results for you. When hook my fingers my hand looks like this:

When my hand is in the position that I stream in I move my pinky and ring finger back however that shouldn't matter as long as you have the claw shape in place, what happens to your other fingers is up to you. My hand looks like this when I stream:

On the opposite side of the spectrum, longer, slower streams require a very different approach for me; rather than tensing heavily you should be relaxing your hand to get comfortable with the speed of the map, if you aren't relaxed you will burn out a lot faster.

Don't forget to practice!

Here are a few maps to practice streaming. WARNING: some of these maps are incredibly hard and not for starting players.

List of short stream beatmaps with additional information.

List of long steam beatmaps with additional information.

07th Expansion - Eiji Kuinbii [Collapse]
DJ Swan - Beautiful Angel [Another]
SHIKI - Pure Ruby [Another]
KIEN - La Grand Bleu [SHD]
Niko - Night of Fire [Insane]
Chata - Yuujou Pop [Ai]
xi - FREEDOM DiVE [Another]
kors k - Wuv U [dksslqj Style]
dj TAKA - AA [Another]
Toshiyuki O'mori - Justice [Divine]
dj TAKA with NAOKI - Kakumei [Another]
SHK - Identity Part 4 [Another]
Ryu* - Rondo Alla Turca (Ryu* Remix) [Challenging]
Makou - Fermion [Maximum]
Memme - Extreme Fantasy [Hard]
Mizuki Nana - Massive Wonders [Beyond]
Kitsune^2 - Rainbow Tylenol [lol201]
SHK - Weep Irish [Another]
Tatsh feat. Kanako Hoshino - Gekkou [Another]
07th Expansion - lixAxil [Another]
Last Note. - Setsuna Trip (Short Ver.) [Chew 'N Sane]
ChomuP - Gate of Steiner [Insane]
07th Expansion - rog-unlimitation [AngelHoney]
07th Expansion - Rougoku [Insane]
IOSYS - Kitto Mou Hatarakanai [Lunatic]
Camille Saint-saens & FIRST AID - D2 [Maximum]
SYNC.ART'S - Garasu no Kairou [Nightmare]
Comp - Kyoai [Insane]
xi - Parousia [Another]
Rche - Todestrieb [Another]
PokeRemixStudio - Primal Dialga Remix [Vs. Primal Dialga]
ZUN & Ryu* - Second Darkside [Lunatic]
Shounen Radio - neu [Platinum]
Memme - Extreme Fantasy [Insane]
Amane - Midsummer Festival [Lunatteke]



thelewa wrote:

If you have really bad accuracy then just try to really look at the approach circles and really try to get acc that is above 97%, increase this minimum accuracy once you get better at it, capping out at 99%. Going for SS is useless for your general accuracy if you use a billion tries for it, so it's not worth the effort. Eventually something will click into place and accuracy will get easier.

darkmiz wrote:

First, please use hit-sounds. This is a rhythm game, and like taiko you need to match every beat or else it will sound bad. I strongly recommend everyone play some taiko (with hit-sounds, of course) to improve accuracy.

Second, practice slow streams. Playing too many fast streams will get you into bad habits (like mashing through slider-streams or fast parts you can't read) which is bad for accuracy. The only way to improve is to play these same streams/parts in a slower speed and read them perfectly and get 100% accuracy. You can use the edit-mode and pratice reading these streams/parts with slower speed. When you get comfortable you will read them at a faster speed. That is the real way to improve accuracy.

Basically, practice.

Here are a few maps to practice accuracy. WARNING: some of these maps are incredibly hard and not for starting players.

Demetori - Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion [Atomic]
Demetori - Emotional Skyscraper ~ World's End [Extra Stage]
Demetori - Wind God Girl[Extra]
AU - Infinite of Nuclear Fusion [Regou's Extra]
Bring Me The Horizon - Anthem[Lucifer]
Amuro vs Killer - Mei[Another]
Blackhole - Lagomorphic[Lagamorph]
Memme - Plasma Gun[eXtra]
Comp - Gensou no Satellite[Extra]
ONE OK ROCK - Re:make[Remake]
Ikareru Kin no Shishi - G59[Another]


Fast Singles.
Singles are the counterpart of streams which can either be jumps or spaced normally. It is advised to only use your fingers for slow singles (singles that are about half as fast as your comfortable streaming speed) and to tense up your hand and use your whole arm for faster singles. That way one can easily exceed ones BPM limits in terms of streams.

The most efficient method of playing singles with your arm that I found is to
  1. Tense up your finger
  2. Lift your wrist from the table a bit
  3. Move your elbow up and your hand down at the same time
  4. Move your elbow down and your hand up at the same time
  5. Repeat last 2 steps. This essentially is rotating your forearm around the point between your elbow and hand back and forth.

It can be very tiring and hurtful for your arm in the beginning if you are not used to it. But don't worry, it will stop after a few days.
Here is an example video:

Here are a few maps to practice single tapping. WARNING: ALL of these maps are incredibly hard and not for starting players.

List of single tap beatmaps with additional information.

LEAF XCEED Music Division - YuYu Metal[Doko]
Wotamin - Rubik's Cube[Puzzle]
Hatsune Miku - Kusaregedou to Chocolate[Insane]
Hatsune Miku - No,39[0108 style]
Hatsune Miku - With a Dance Number[0108 style]
Hazel - I Love Poland (Extended Dirty Mix)[Almost 0108]
HujuniseikouyuuP - Talent Shredder[0108 style]
HujuniseikouyuuP - Talent Shredder[Lesjuh style]
Lily - Scarlet Rose[0108 Style]
Megpoid GUMI - Carnival[Carnival0108]
Megpoid GUMI - Cosmos[Cosmos]
paraoka - boot[Shoe]
Yousei Teikoku - Asgard[Valhalla]
Chata - Remind[Overdrive!!]
utsuP - Adult's Toy[Desecration]


Squares are some of the hardest patterns you can find in osu!. Nearly every player has problems with properly doing them.

They can appear in any kind of spacing and rotation.
Some mappers even go a step further and map multiple squares in a row in the form of tornado jumps.

There are several methods that helped me succeed certain square patterns. The most important thing that all of those methods have in common is:
Don't look at the pattern as a whole. Ever.

However this can be quite hard. What really helps is trying to see the square as 2 lines instead of a square or alternatively 1 HitCircle, 1 line and another HitCircle. Another method is to sacrifice accuracy and hit the first 2 HitCircles of the square too early on purpose, this is not recommended unless you absolutely need to fc the pattern.

Here is some additional advice from kriers.

A technique I find to be extremely useful is analyze pieces of a beatmap I don't quite understand and split them up to make sense of them.

Usually when something is hard due to reading issues, it's because we're leaving too much of the reading to our subconsciousness. Consequently, if one is inexperienced, they might process the information wrongly, looking on the wrong circles at the wrong times, causing them to blank out and skip notes etc without understanding why. If you take some time to play any beatmap on Easy Mode, you will be encountering this issue constantly and you'll also see that the only way to solve your problem is to change the way you read maps depending on their approach rates. Try to be aware of- and analyze how you read and where you're looking as you play. Comprehending why you can do something makes your success rate higher.

Back on topic: In this case with these kinds of jumpy AR9 maps (that honestly could well be AR10), the trick is to make maximum use of hitsounds. Count the hits and keep track of your playing. Basically, you see a triangle, and you know this will make 3 x 1/2 hits which you will project how they will sound making you able to predict when the pattern is over and when you can start focusing on the next pattern. You can do this with pretty much any pattern or set of notes, but I recommend splitting patterns into 1, 2 or 3 notes at most. The rest is repetition and practice. You can learn to fully comprehend how to solve clusters by focusing on each set of notes at a time and eventually this processing becomes much easier. It's also the key to solving low approach rate issues for HR players. If you play a lot of AR10, looking at the next note is very comfortable since there's really nothing else to be looking at unlike with lower AR. Arguably by modern standards of "reading", AR10 is one of the easiest approach rates when mastered.

A little guideline on patterns I find helpful:
2 notes = 1 line. 1 line is 2 x 1/2 = 1/1. Kind of just think "one-two, one-two, one-two" for each line.

Example of ways to solve triangles:
Every triangle consists of 1 line and 1 note. I find this order of reading the easiest when preparing for several triangular patterns or other patterns following up. Count them as "one-two, one" and it's piss easy, seriously.

Squares: line + line ( second line is always going in the opposite direction. Pay NO attention to the transition between the 2nd and 3rd note in any triangle. The trick is to hit the first note of each line.

Stars are more like "one-two, one-two, one" due to the difficulty in counting three notes when they cut so rapidly + it's hard to differentiate patterns if they cover too much of the play field.

5-notes and pentagons: I have tried and failed so many times trying to solve how to deal with certain pentagons. The most efficient way seems to count the first 3 notes and then consider the last 2 to be a line, as in "one-two-three, one-two"
Example of 5-note pattern:


Triples are simply a set of three notes typically 1/4 beat apart. They can either be places as a stack or a very short three note stream.

There are a few ways to hit triples, each one again with advantages and disadvantages. The first way which is far more appropriate for a user who alternates each beat is the zxz xzx pattern, switching the key used to start each triple allowing for increased speed. Doing triples this way will benefit you in the long run albeit a little harder to learn than the zxz zxz technique. Using zxz xzx allows you to continue ploughing through triples for longer than you could hold a stream at that speed due the break each finger receives between each set of triples.

The other patten used is the zxz zxz pattern. Players who use this pattern may have an easier time in the short run however multiple consecutive triples may be hard to perform due to the fact that it is the equivalent of streaming constantly for your lead finger while the other receives rests between each set. Although this may sound worse in every feasible way, most people generally find it easier to keep a rhythm using this method as performing the pattern requires the same keyboard clicks as a stream would.

In generals triples should run far more naturally on your fingers than a stream would once you learn to read them. The patterns mentioned should also work for tap/mouse + keyboard or mouse only players.

Or maybe you could just... practice.

I found this map recently which is amazing for practicing triples however it's incredibly difficult (the level 1 difficulty).


~Thanks tom69 for squares and singles.
~Thanks RaneFire for the beatmap lists.

hey yeah, i just got osu! recently and i was wondering if their are any easy to hard maps that anyone could recommend? right now i've kind just got one piece openings with a few other anime openings
To improve on osu, I bought hand exercising equipment and everyday, I practice jump and stream maps to improve. RWBY songs tend to help a lot.
I feel like this will really help some players out there that will see this post, but you should definitely expect some people that will still ask you or other people, still huge applaus for you hard work and effort on this compilation.
Everyone looking to get good? Play more. Practice smart, for example on streams go for a long stream map that you can play consistently. Then slowly move up to higher bpm. Its a tough and hard grind for most of us and make sure to stretch your fingers.
I cant play 1 star song

Can anyone help me?
how do people use mouse and get good? am i just bad? QWQ
Im using mouse and dont know how to improve to be better pls give tips,beside play more yes,also would appreciate if someone give me recommendation maps to be better in using mouse
I'm here to straight up learn like I'm back in School <3
I am doing the same as the guy on top of me
Hello people,

Here's a kind tip coming from myself. This game can be sometimes mental-based, meaning if you are in a frustrated/angry state- you won't be doing very well. Have a positive mindset when playing the game, and take breaks if you feel too heated after a map or two.

Practice makes perfect, and this shows per individual. You'll just have to wait until fate decides for it.
I actually used the Jumps section of this thread. Thanks for this! :)
Do you even need the mouse acceleration fix thing in 2020?
(Btw i just used it, i feel like my mouse is faster but theres no acceleration i think)
After downloading it, it didn't change that much, it added 3ms of delay and used my cpu a little bit, i desinstalled it
For improving, i do agree, this thread will not make you become God imidiatly, but i have some stuff to add.

1.Playing around with sensitivities on mouse and changing tablet area when being a new player can be one of the most important things when it comes to improvement further on, because most of the time when you are set on a size/sensitivity, you are probably not going to change it for a while or ever again. Playing around and seeing what is most comfortable movement and speed wise can and will help out alot further on.

For ex. If you set your mouse sensitivity to low when you start because you think it will help with acuracy, it can become a problem when going to the higher stars, you will have a much greater path to travel and your arm will need a much bigger area to play on than when lets say the sensitivity is double what you originaly put it at.

I played with mouse till i was at 500K then i got a tablet, my sensitivity was 2400dpi and i was very comfortable with it because i didnt have to move a mile for a cross screen jump and acc wise i had full controll of my mouse all the time.

Ex 2. Lets say you put your tablet size to be a quarter of the tablets actuall size, that is a huge area and a lot of jumping that you need to do when you do a six star jump map with dt. My area on my Veikk s640 is close to 2cm by 5cm and honestly it is so nice having to only move a few cm eacg time a cross screen jump comes on, and once again, it feels like i always have full controll.

2.Always playing out of your comfort zone and not always going for that SS.

This is something that i feel i couyld have done diffrently. When i started playing i would do a map and always want to get 100% on it and then do the next map, this does help acuracy but it really slows down improvement since you just end up doing the same stuff over and over and if you have 200+ maps, its gonna take some really long time. As for the playing out of your comfort zone. If you can do any 4.6 star without problem, but is struggling with a 4.8, do the 4.8, after some time you will get better with that and then move on to the 5 star and get those high PP plays.

That is all i have to share rn. Thank you.
Thx this is very helpful
Wow this is amazing thanks. finally tried osu and got quickly sucked in.
Hollow Delta
I'm an all-rounder player. I have at least 500+ points in every skillset besides Memory on

^ This will never fully represent what you're capable of, but it at least gives you an idea of what a player is capable of.

When it comes to generally improving at osu! (And just life in general) you want to focus on your weak points while maintaining your skillset in other areas of osu. Osu is a complicated game, when it comes to just clicking circles: There's a lot of ways you could do that. It branches off into technical maps, streams, jumps, reading-patterns, memory, that's not even considering the mods that can be applied to make the game different. It has such a large learning curve because there's a lot that goes into that, that's what separates it from other rhythm games, though: It consistently pushes you to be better.

If I'm gonna give an example: A HR player's good with HR, but they're bad with DT. They decide they're focus specifically on DT from that point on until they're satisfied with where they're at. Well, the issue now is he's good at DT, but he hasn't been improving in HR: if anything, they've gotten worse with it. So they change their focus from purely DT, to maybe DT + cs5, ar8.5+DT (AR8.5 with DT is AR10, just like how HR makes most maps AR10) or they might play a HR map every other DT map they play so as to tell their brain "This is still an essential skillset, don't forget this"

Do you see the point, though? They're building off of the skillsets they have to get to where they wanna be. Rather than changing from one type of player to another, they simply gained: they became better.

Most players who start to play DT "switch over" rather than build off of what they had before. Because of that, they can somehow be better with DT than nomod, when nomod was what everybody on osu! started out with.

Those are just my bits on how you could improve, it's very broad because it can be applied to anything: streams, mods, tournaments, life, school, you name it.

Be creative with how you go about things, osu!'s a lot of fun because it offers you a consistent challenge.
I noticed that there is a big jump between 3 and 4 star (imo), it's kind of jarring since I feel I can't really keep up, are there any tips to help me improve?
I have osu improvement guide on my profile, I’m sure it will help with improving in the game!!
Diamond 7119
PLAY MORE, PLAY MORE, PLAY MORE. Thats how to get better
git gud
im not good at osu myself, but i think consistency is a large factor and also having a good keyboard can help you with accuracy. I also think playing different patterns on different beatmaps can help you when playing different maps.

overall, just play more.
Develop fundamentals first, then focus on a specific skillset you want to be good at.

ofc you got to have a good mindset and dedication. It pays off later on
Note: This is all opinionated based off of my own personal experience.

People talk about accuracy, but no one ever talks about precision aka unstable rate. You can be very accurate, but without good precision, you will be inconsistent. Work on precision before accuracy. Just think, if you hit all 100s on a map at the same moments per note, you only will need to adjust your latency. If you hit 300s and 100s and some 50s, your accuracy is more than likely not the problem. (Hypothetically) I rather tap to the beat and miss every note, instead of hitting all 300s and fc choke. And more importantly, don't stress yourself out if you feel stuck. GLHF :D

Chocolatemoloko wrote:

I noticed that there is a big jump between 3 and 4 star (imo), it's kind of jarring since I feel I can't really keep up, are there any tips to help me improve?
Start with low 4* then up. It's the same procedure for every star.

JudgementSider wrote:

Note: This is all opinionated based off of my own personal experience.

People talk about accuracy, but no one ever talks about precision aka unstable rate. You can be very accurate, but without good precision, you will be inconsistent. Work on precision before accuracy. Just think, if you hit all 100s on a map at the same moments per note, you only will need to adjust your latency. If you hit 300s and 100s and some 50s, your accuracy is more than likely not the problem. (Hypothetically) I rather tap to the beat and miss every note, instead of hitting all 300s and fc choke. And more importantly, don't stress yourself out if you feel stuck. GLHF :D
I’ve been thinking about this recently. I’m getting 97+ acc but sometimes not even getting half the combo and I think that’s why. This is worth paying attention to.
Play more lmao
Well idk if this is the place to ask this but steel series apex 5 or hyperx alloy origins?
huge gey
Idk what it is but whenever I tell myself to "not think" I suddenly play alot better.
- Virtu -

huge gey wrote:

Idk what it is but whenever I tell myself to "not think" I suddenly play alot better.
can relate
Play more
I already improved osu until hard maps. Not insane.
Human Sadness
Well shoot, that explains why I cant play any lower than 9 without mods
guys just play practice jump maps!!!
I would say, that you shouldn't play the same song too many times if you are practicing, ofc its alright if you try to achieve something on the song, but otherwise on my end, I have noticed that I get worse at that song the more I play it, its always good with some variety.

manishmathur wrote:

not really its just that you are demotivated

KrazyFF wrote:

I am doing the same as the guy on top of me
hahaha I never saw this lol Love ya Krazy xD
im a midly-on-his-way-using-a-tablet-that-can-do-no-more-that-3-stars player and i am not very sure

Paecraft wrote:

im a midly-on-his-way-using-a-tablet-that-can-do-no-more-that-3-stars player and i am not very sure
good luck!
saving this for later
play more xD
have fun
is it wierd at 780k i can nearly fc 5* maps with bad acc?
Pretty normal

itzAxtro999 wrote:

is it wierd at 780k i can nearly fc 5* maps with bad acc?
That was me when I used to play standard

Stomiks wrote:

itzAxtro999 wrote:

is it wierd at 780k i can nearly fc 5* maps with bad acc?
That was me when I used to play standard
Yesterday I saw a guy saying he could pass 6* maps but not 4*
That's what you get when you just get used to maps that are too hard for you
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