The difference between OT and GD is that the first can be used for non-serious things, thing that you can't do in GD.
However, I can hardly tell what is exactly GD and how to difference it from G&R.
Possibly GD was intended to be some sort of serious Off-topic for things not related to osu! "Post anything non-osu! as long it's quality content", but people seem to use it to talk about osu! things not directly related to gameplay for what have we seen, just like JAB said. As there is no clear consensus about what is exactly GD now, most people won't be able to tell the difference between them easily.
The only thing I am sure is that shitposts and anything minimally intended to be fun definitely goes in OT.
As this thread seems to not be exactly about osu!, but more like a meta thread, and it is not intended to be fun, I think this rather belongs to GD.